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Distribution, composition, and movements of fish within the floodplain-riverbed complex of the Lower Irtysh are investigated. The principal working tools were hydroacoustic computerized complexes for the detection of fish aggregations and of their movements in the floodplain water course. Twenty-four-hour hydroacoustic observations revealed the predominantly crepuscular-nocturnal type of activity of most fish and the mass downstream migration of juveniles at the onset of the night. Seasonal traits of formation of fish aggregations on key biotopes of the Irtysh are revealed, and their biological harmony is shown. The necessity that fish distribution should be analyzed as a dynamic phenomenon is shown.  相似文献   

We report the results of investigation of fish distribution in water bodies of different types (open floodplain complex, closed lake, floodplain channels, and a riverbed depression) of the river system of the Lower Irtysh obtained by application of differently aimed hydroacoustic complexes and by traditional ichthyological methods. Distribution, composition, and abundance of fish aggregations and their diurnal movements are determined in different water areas. Periodicity, range, and direction of fish migrations, rhythm of downstream migrations of juveniles under various conditions are recorded. Distribution of fish is considered as a continual process controlling the biological integrity of the river system. Significant presence of nomadity (various migrations and local movements) is demonstrated in fish, reflecting multilevel lability of the environment in the floodplain-channel system of the Lower Irtysh. A set of notions is suggested defining application limits of principal terms characterizing fish movements of various scales: migrations, wanderings, and short-term movements.  相似文献   

We present the results of ichthyological studies in principal channel depressions of the Irtysh developing the notions on polyfunctional biological role of these formations. The study is made by means of a computerized hydroacoustic complex “Askor”. Quantitative estimation of the size composition, abundance, density, and spatial distribution of fish on water area of channel depressions in different seasons confirms the hypothesis of multifaceted biological significance of these formations. Universal traits in the organization of fish aggregations, specificity of distribution, composition, and seasonal dynamics of the fish population on the largest channel depressions of the Irtysh are revealed.  相似文献   

The species composition and dominating complexes of fish in catches are considered. The fraction of mass fish species in catches is shown (for small rivers and the channel zone). The structural (size and age) and functional (fertility) parameters of some nonmigratory and invader fish species are characterized. Main biological parameters are considered in the time-space aspect over the widespread and numerous fish species.  相似文献   

Fifty five Prussian carp Carassius auratus gibelio were radio‐tracked weekly along the course of the upper Elbe River, for 15 months. In addition, diurnal movements were observed in three different habitat types (main channel, navigation canal and floodplain areas). Fish species composition from 10 fish ladders was regularly analysed in 1996, 2000 and 2001, and patterns of juvenile (0+ year) fish distribution and abundance were collected in 2000 and 2001, to support telemetric data on longitudinal migrations, and habitat preference within the studied stretch. Downstream migrations dominated in all seasons, being most intensive in spring and reaching a maximum distance of 85 km. Migration stopped when specimens found a floodplain area, where they occupied larger home ranges compared to the main channel. Migrations upstream of up to 2 km were rare, and specimens did not enter fish ladders. Spontaneous reproduction only occurred on the floodplain and its success was very low. The results suggested that neither upstream migrations, nor spontaneous reproduction represented the key mechanism for the Prussian carp invasion into the Elbe catchment area of the Czech Republic. It can be assumed that escapes from aquaculture activities are primarily responsible for its expansion.  相似文献   

The movements of 24 hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts, with miniature acoustic transmitters (pingers) implanted surgically, were determined after release in the coastal waters of Passamaquoddy Bay (mean tide range 6 m), New Brunswick, Canada, to describe the first stages of seaward migration. Automated pinger detection at fixed sites, and pinger location and tracking by boat were used. Post-smolts left the release area rapidly, and the majority moved to open waters of the bay within several tidal cycles. Initially, post-smolts moved with a seaward orientation on ebb tides and held positions on flood tides. Their movements into open waters were diurnal, and the timing corresponded with the state of the tide during which they moved through a narrow channel. Post-smolts moved preferentially through this passageway with the aid of the tidal stream. Successful movements out through the channel occurred during ebb tides and any movements back in were during flood tides. Ground speed of fish moving through the channel was 4·2 body lengths s−1 and faster than the tidal stream velocities in the channel. The relative velocity of fish swimming through the channel was 2 body lengths s−1. Post-smolt movement was indicative of active, directed swimming with a reliance on ebb-tide transport for migration through a coastal area with strong tidal currents. Some post-smolts moved seaward directly with no apparent period of acclimation for the transfer to the marine environment, whereas others delayed their departure. These differences in behaviour were probably related to asynchrony in smolting when fish were released.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition of the fish population inhabiting the tributaries of the Novosibirsk reservoir are given in the article. The structure of fish communities and possible environmental factors determining it have been revealed. The relation between the heterogeneity of fish communities and the river depth and length, relief, current velocity, floodplain, and estuarial areas, presence of sand-pebble shallow waters and channel order, has been studied.  相似文献   

Biological traits (distribution, reproduction, age composition, body length and weight) of pikeperch Sander lucioperca from channel parts of the Akhtuba River, remote from the Volga Delta, are investigated. In the investigated stretch of the river, movements of most specimens of pikeperch are local and occur in the deep part (4?10 m) of the channel. Aggregations of fish are not confined to any definite points but move along the extensive stretch of broads. Pikeperch prefer near-bottom biotopes confined to the zone of stable hydrodynamic eddies in places of complicated bottom relief—transverse crests and longitudinal channel crests. For the first time, it is found that pikeperch in the under-ice period move to the shallow zone of submersed inshore shrubs. The age structure and body length and weight of pikeperch differ from those in the Volga Delta and correspond more to the populations from northern and northwestern parts of the species area. Pikeperch spawn only in temporary water bodies of the accessory system, within a short period at the temperature 11?17°С. The data on biology of pikeperch from the Akhtuba channel indicate the populational level of differences from the Volga Delta pikeperch.  相似文献   

Stream fish assemblages are structured by biogeographical, physical and biological factors acting on different spatial scales. We determined how physical factors, geomorphology and stream habitat, influenced fish species composition (presence–absence) in eastern Oklahoma, USA relative to the ecoregion and biogeographic effects previously reported. We sampled fish assemblages and surveyed geomorphology and habitat at 107 stream sites in the Boston Mountains, Ouachita Mountains, and Ozark Highlands ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma. Partial canonical correspondence analyses (pCCAs) and variance partitioning showed that patterns of endemism related to drainage basins and ecoregions explained important variation in fish species composition in all streams, but stream size and local channel morphology explained more variation overall. Stream size effects were most important in explaining variability in fish species composition in both northeastern and southeastern Oklahoma streams. Local channel morphology and substrate characteristics were secondarily important. Variables typically considered important as fish habitat (aquatic vegetation, etc.) had little effect on fish species composition.  相似文献   

In view of the known importance of anthropochore movements of fish in disseminating their parasites, it was hypothesized that local movements of fish between neighbouring water bodies for stocking and management purposes would similarly disseminate their parasites, resulting in a high degree of similarity in the parasite communities of fish in water bodies that have been linked by fish transfers. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the helminth parasite communities in brown trout, Salmo trutta Linnaeus and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in reservoirs in south west England. In one group of six reservoirs there is a recent history of transfers of rainbow trout, and in the second group of four there have been no transfers over the last decade. There was no difference in mean similarity, using Jaccard's Coefficient and a Percentage Similarity Index, between the helminth faunas of trout in the reservoirs linked by transfers and those not so linked, and the distribution of several individual species of helminths was not consistent with their having been disseminated in the course of fish stockings. The hypothesis is thus rejected and it is concluded that anthropochore transfers of trout between reservoirs have been of little or no significance in the dispersal of parasites throughout the reservoirs or in the transfer of helminths from one reservoir to another. The reasons for this unexpected conclusion are discussed in the light of indications that factors unrelated to fish transfers were important determinants of helminth community composition in individual reservoirs.  相似文献   

Methods for evaluating the motivational component of the fish rheoreaction (ratio of rheoreaction types) are developed and tested in a circular hydrodynamic tank for three fish species (Danio rerio, Poecilia reticulata, and Inpaichthys kerri). Three rheoreaction types of fish were distinguished: a positive type (fish movements against water current), a negative type (fish movements along with water current), and a compensatory type (fish maintaining their position in relation to immobile reference points). The main distinguishing features of these new methods are unrestricted distance for fish movements, continuous monitoring of individual fish movements (video recording), and evaluation of ratio between the types of rheoreaction in terms of duration of demonstration of these types by each. The minimum required observation time and water current velocities are determined. It is shown that these methods can be used for investigating the types of rheoreaction in different fish species. Every single individual repeatedly demonstrated all these three rheoreaction types during the test.  相似文献   

Recently spent adult dace Leuciscus leuciscus were captured from a known spawning site, radio-tagged and released. Post-release movements were monitored, and the habitat characteristics of the areas selected were recorded. Visual observations and electrofishing showed that all radio-tagged fish were associated with other, untagged, adult dace. After spawning, dace occupied slow-flowing shaded sites out of the main river channel. Within these areas, the fish were situated in the deepest and slowest-flowing positions available. Possible reasons for the observed postspawning behaviour and habitat selection are discussed. ? 1998 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

Restoration of fish populations is required in China with the use of fishways at dammed rivers, but scant biological data is available for their design and operation. The Changzhou fishway (CFW) on the Pearl River is the largest in China, providing a channel for multispecies upstream migrations. This preliminary study used a combination of fish traps and hydroacoustic detection to document the diurnal presence of fish in the CFW, with the purpose of providing essential data for a future, solid performance of this fishway. Eighteen species from a total of 1362 fish individuals were collected in the traps. Three species were dominant, namely, Squaliobarbus curriculus, Pseudobagrus vachellii and Cirrhinus molitorella, altogether sharing proportions of 74.70 and 76.26% in the daytime and nighttime, respectively. Balanced by the up‐/downward movements of each fish, they entered the fishway with net numbers of 339.9 ± 113.4 ind.h?1, and exited with net numbers of 234.54 ± 26.66 ind.h?1. In diel fishway use, no significant differences were observed in either species composition or individual size during a diurnal period. Fish presence at the monitored sites within the fishway was recorded primarily during the daytime, showing a particular trend towards crepuscular use at the entrance and an uninterrupted use at the exit. This initial study showed a significant fish presence in the CFW during the flood season; the outcome of the study will be the basis of future research aimed at evaluating the passage efficiency of the CFW and the use thereof in other seasons.  相似文献   

Reinterpretation of research on the electric sense in aquatic organisms with ampullary organs results in the following conclusions. The detection limit of limnic vertebrates with ampullary organs is 1 microV cm(-1), and of marine fish is 20 nV cm(-1). Angular movements are essential for stimulation of the ampullary system in uniform d.c. fields. Angular movements in the geomagnetic field also generate induction voltages, which exceed the 20 nV cm(-1) limit in marine fish. As a result, marine electrosensitive fish are sensitive to motion in the geomagnetic field, whereas limnic fish are not. Angular swimming movements generate a.c. stimuli, which act like the noise in a stochastic resonance system, and result in a detection threshold in marine organisms as low as 1 nV cm(-1). Fish in the benthic space are exposed to stronger electric stimuli than fish in the pelagic space. Benthic fish scan the orientation plane for the maximum potential difference with their raster of electroreceptor organs, in order to locate bioelectric prey. This behaviour explains why the detection threshold does not depend on fish size. Pelagic marine fish are mainly exposed to electric fields caused by movements in the geomagnetic field. The straight orientation courses found in certain shark species might indicate that the electric sense functions as a simple bisensor system. Symmetrical stimulation of the sensory raster would provide an easy way to keep a straight course with respect to a far-field stimulus. The same neural mechanism would be effective in the location of a bioelectric prey generating a near-field stimulus. The response criteria in conditioning experiments and in experiments with spontaneous reactions are discussed.  相似文献   

For one of the small Western Kamchatka rivers, according to the combination of several characteristics (watershed, channel slope, water abundance of the flow, pattern of bottom sediments), the classification of channel processes was performed, and on its basis, six biotopes successively replacing each other from the effluents to the mouth were separated. It was shown that against the background of relatively stable conditions of the summer-autumn period, an independent population of Salmonoidei, an assembly, is formed within each biotope. This is manifested in specific features of species composition, size and age structure, and the density of populating biotopes. The stability of the distribution of fish population is supported by constant species composition in particular biotopes over three years and by a comparatively high level of residence of the dominant salmon species.  相似文献   

Hydrokinetic turbines, targeting the kinetic energy of fast-flowing currents, are under development with some turbines already deployed at ocean sites around the world. It remains virtually unknown as to how these technologies affect fish, and rotor collisions have been postulated as a major concern. In this study the effects of a vertical axis hydrokinetic rotor with rotational speeds up to 70 rpm were tested on the swimming patterns of naturally occurring fish in a subtropical tidal channel. Fish movements were recorded with and without the rotor in place. Results showed that no fish collided with the rotor and only a few specimens passed through rotor blades. Overall, fish reduced their movements through the area when the rotor was present. This deterrent effect on fish increased with current speed. Fish that passed the rotor avoided the near-field, about 0.3 m from the rotor for benthic reef fish. Large predatory fish were particularly cautious of the rotor and never moved closer than 1.7 m in current speeds above 0.6 ms-1. The effects of the rotor differed among taxa and feeding guilds and it is suggested that fish boldness and body shape influenced responses. In conclusion, the tested hydrokinetic turbine rotor proved non-hazardous to fish during the investigated conditions. However, the results indicate that arrays comprising multiple turbines may restrict fish movements, particularly for large species, with possible effects on habitat connectivity if migration routes are exploited. Arrays of the investigated turbine type and comparable systems should therefore be designed with gaps of several metres width to allow large fish to pass through. In combination with further research the insights from this study can be used for guiding the design of hydrokinetic turbine arrays where needed, so preventing ecological impacts.  相似文献   

1. The composition and spatiotemporal dynamics of biological communities are influenced by biotic processes, such as predation and competition, but also by physical disturbances, such as floods in running waters. However, the interplay of disturbance with predation is still poorly understood, especially in frequently disturbed streams. Further, different predator species can affect prey communities in different ways depending on their feeding mode and efficiency. 2. We investigated the individual and combined effects of flood‐induced bed disturbance and fish predation on the benthos for 4 weeks in 18 streamside channels fed by a flood‐prone New Zealand river. Bed movements caused by floods were simulated by tumbling the substratum in half the channels. Six channels each were stocked with introduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) or native upland bully (Gobiomorphus breviceps) or had fish excluded. We studied algal biomass and both invertebrate density and daytime activity on surface stones on several dates after the disturbance, invertebrate community composition in the substrata of the entire channels on day 28 and leaf decomposition rates over the 28‐day period. 3. Disturbance affected algal biomass and density, richness and activity of surface stone invertebrates, and overall density and richness of channel invertebrates. Presence or absence of fish, by contrast, did not influence overall invertebrate standing stocks when subsurface substrata were included but did affect invertebrate densities on surface stones in 45% of all analysed cases and invertebrate activity on surface stones in all cases. Leaf decomposition rates were not influenced at all by the experimental manipulations. 4. Native upland bullies featured more often than exotic brown trout in causing invertebrate density changes and equally often in causing changes to grazer behaviour. Overall, our results imply that fish predation can have strong effects on the benthic invertebrate community in frequently disturbed streams, especially via behavioural changes.  相似文献   

Most parasites are disseminated by movements of infected hosts. The increasing extent and rapidity of anthropochore fish movements are causing increased concern related to awareness of their potential and known capacity for disseminating parasites. This paper puts these data in perspective by examining examples of actual and potential translocations of fish helminthes and crustaceans by anthropochore movements offish into and throughout the British Isles, and by distinguishing the processes of dissemination and invasiveness from those of colonization and establishment. An investigation of the British fish and helminth parasite fauna suggests that: (1) the range of many species is not well known, many are local in distribution and appearances beyond the range may reflect detection and patchiness, not translocation; (2) taxonomic problems in many groups hinder detection and determination of range; (3) most parasites possess the attributes of good colonizers so the natural expansion and contraction of ranges are often not noticed or recognized as such and the importance of parasite introductions by natural movements of fish or avian hosts is generally underestimated; (4) invasions are far commoner than colonizations, since conditions for establishment may be very restricted and transmission windows very narrow in time and space; (5) successful colonizations and translocations tend to be documented and attract attention whereas invasions resulting in failed colonizations are seldom observed and more seldom documented, thus biasing our perception. Given the extensive history of fish introductions to, and translocations within, the British Isles it is surprising how few fish helminths and crustaceans have invaded the country successfully (16 species: 11·4%) and how many still show restricted distributions. The majority (68·7%) of introduced helminths are associated with fish having ornamental varieties. Barriers of colonization are more effective than those to invasion and it is clear that most translocations and invasions fail. It is right to be concerned about the dangers, but it is also important to put anthropochore factors in perspective.  相似文献   

The Lancang-Mekong River basin contains a diverse assemblage of freshwater fish species; however, their populations are threatened by current and planned dam construction along the river. Fish assemblages are sensitive indicators of environmental degradation and can be used to assess aquatic ecosystem health. This research compared the fish fauna at the Xiaowan hydropower dam located on the middle reaches of the Lancang-Mekong River at three time periods: in 2008 (before impoundment), 2010 (water storage) and 2011 (full operation). A modified fish index of biological integrity (modified F-IBI) was developed and it synthesized information on the taxonomic composition, trophic guilds, and tolerance levels of the fish and habitat diversity to quantitatively assess the condition of fish populations before and after damming. This index also was used to assess the longitudinal diversity of the fish fauna along the river channel and could assess the barrier effect associated with the dam. Jaccard's index of similarity was used as a feasible tool to assess fish diversity loss and biotic homogenization. The analysis clearly showed a homogenization of the fish communities after damming, and the reservoir impoundment region showed much more serious homogenization than the downstream region. The Xiaowan dam had an immediate and profound effect on the fish fauna in this region of the Lancang-Mekong River. A total of eight cascading dams are planned for development in this region, and, unless conservation mitigation efforts are considered, the results could be devastating on the native fish populations of middle reaches of the Lancang-Mekong River basin.  相似文献   

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