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Kinetics of refolding and unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease and its six mutants, each carrying single or double amino acid substitutions, are studied by stopped-flow circular dichroism measurements. A transient kinetic intermediate formed within 10 ms after refolding starts possesses a substantial part of the N-domain core β-structure, whereas helices are formed at the later stages. The structure of the kinetic intermediate is less organized than the structure that is known to be formed by a nuclease 1-136 fragment. Only the refolding kinetics are affected by the mutations in all the mutants except two in which the mutations have changed the native structure. From this result and also from the locations of the mutation sites, the major N-terminal domain of the nuclease in the transition state of folding has a structure nearly identical to the native one. On the other hand, the minor C-terminal domain has previously been shown to be still disorganized in the transition state. The effects of the amino acid substitutions on the stability of the native and the transition states are in good agreement with the changes in the hydration free energy, expected for the corresponding amino acid replacements in the unfolded polypeptide. Since side chains of all the mutated residues are not accessible to solvent in the native structure, the result suggests that it is the unfolded state that is mainly affected by the mutations. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

L E Kay  D A Torchia  A Bax 《Biochemistry》1989,28(23):8972-8979
This paper describes the use of novel two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) pulse sequences to provide insight into protein dynamics. The sequences developed permit the measurement of the relaxation properties of individual nuclei in macromolecules, thereby providing a powerful experimental approach to the study of local protein mobility. For isotopically labeled macromolecules, the sequences enable measurements of heteronuclear nuclear Overhauser effects (NOE) and spin-lattice (T1) and spin-spin (T2) 15N or 13C relaxation times with a sensitivity similar to those of many homonuclear 1H experiments. Because T1 values and heteronuclear NOEs are sensitive to high-frequency motions (10(8)-10(12) s-1) while T2 values are also a function of much slower processes, it is possible to explore dynamic events occurring over a large time scale. We have applied these techniques to investigate the backbone dynamics of the protein staphylococcal nuclease (S. Nase) complexed with thymidine 3',5'-bisphosphate (pdTp) and Ca2+ and labeled uniformly with 15N. T1, T2, and NOE values were obtained for over 100 assigned backbone amide nitrogens in the protein. Values of the order parameter (S), characterizing the extent of rapid 1H-15N bond motions, have been determined. These results suggest that there is no correlation between these rapid small amplitude motions and secondary structure for S. Nase. In contrast, 15N line widths suggest a possible correlation between secondary structure and motions on the millisecond time scale. In particular, the loop region between residues 42 and 56 appears to be considerably more flexible on this slow time scale than the rest of the protein.  相似文献   

Arthur EJ  Yesselman JD  Brooks CL 《Proteins》2011,79(12):3276-3286
Accurate computational methods of determining protein and nucleic acid pK(a) values are vital to understanding pH-dependent processes in biological systems. In this article, we use the recently developed method constant pH molecular dynamics (CPHMD) to explore the calculation of highly perturbed pK(a) values in variants of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase). Simulations were performed using the replica exchange (REX) protocol for improved conformational sampling with eight temperature windows, and yielded converged proton populations in a total sampling time of 4 ns. Our REX-CPHMD simulations resulted in calculated pK(a) values with an average unsigned error (AUE) of 0.75 pK units for the acidic residues in Δ + PHS, a hyperstable variant of SNase. For highly pK(a)-perturbed SNase mutants with known crystal structures, our calculations yielded an AUE of 1.5 pK units and for those mutants based on modeled structures an AUE of 1.4 pK units was found. Although a systematic underestimate of pK shifts was observed in most of the cases for the highly perturbed pK mutants, correlations between conformational rearrangement and plasticity associated with the mutation and error in pK(a) prediction was not evident in the data. This study further extends the scope of electrostatic environments explored using the REX-CPHMD methodology and suggests that it is a reliable tool for rapidly characterizing ionizable amino acids within proteins even when modeled structures are employed.  相似文献   

T Sugawara  K Kuwajima  S Sugai 《Biochemistry》1991,30(10):2698-2706
The urea-induced unfolding of staphylococcal nuclease A has been studied by circular dichroism both at equilibrium and by the kinetics of unfolding and refolding (pH 7.0 and 4.5 degrees C), as a function of Ca2+ and thymidine 3',5'-diphosphate (pdTp) concentration. The results are as follows. (1) The unfolding transition is shifted to higher concentrations of urea by Ca2+ and pdTp, and the presence of both ligands further stabilizes the protein. (2) In the first stage of kinetic refolding, the peptide ellipticity changes rapidly within the dead time of stopped-flow measurement (15 ms), indicating accumulation of a transient intermediate. This intermediate is remarkably less stable than those of other globular proteins previously studied. (3) Dependence of the folding and unfolding rate constants on urea concentration indicates that the critical activated state of folding ("transition state") has considerable structural organization. The transition state does not, however, have the capacity to bind Ca2+ and pdTp, as indicated by the effects of these ligands on the unfolding rate constant. (4) There are at least four different phases in the refolding kinetics in native conditions below 1 M urea. In the absence of pdTp, there are two phases in unfolding, while in the presence of pdTp the unfolding kinetics show a single phase. Some characteristics of the transient intermediate and of the transition state for folding are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the pressure-induced folding/unfolding transition of staphylococcal nuclease (SN) over a pressure range of approximately 1-3 kilobars at 25 degrees C by small-angle neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations. We find that applying pressure leads to a twofold increase in the radius of gyration derived from the small-angle neutron scattering spectra, and P(r), the pair distance distribution function, broadens and shows a transition from a unimodal to a bimodal distribution as the protein unfolds. The results indicate that the globular structure of SN is retained across the folding/unfolding transition although this structure is less compact and elongated relative to the native structure. Pressure-induced unfolding is initiated in the molecular dynamics simulations by inserting water molecules into the protein interior and applying pressure. The P(r) calculated from these simulations likewise broadens and shows a similar unimodal-to-bimodal transition with increasing pressure. The simulations also reveal that the bimodal P(r) for the pressure-unfolded state arises as the protein expands and forms two subdomains that effectively diffuse apart during initial stages of unfolding. Hydrophobic contact maps derived from the simulations show that water insertions into the protein interior and the application of pressure together destabilize hydrophobic contacts between these two subdomains. The findings support a mechanism for the pressure-induced unfolding of SN in which water penetration into the hydrophobic core plays a central role.  相似文献   

To monitor the development of tertiary structural contacts during folding, a unique tryptophan residue was introduced at seven partially buried locations (residues 15, 27, 61, 76, 91, 102 and 121) of a tryptophan-free variant of staphylococcal nuclease (P47G/P117G/H124L/W140H). Thermal unfolding measurements by circular dichroism indicate that the variants are destabilized, but maintain the ability to fold into a native-like structure. For the variants with Trp at positions 15, 27 and 61, the intrinsic fluorescence is significantly quenched in the native state due to close contact with polar side-chains that act as intramolecular quenchers. All other variants exhibit enhanced fluorescence under native conditions consistent with burial of the tryptophan residues in an apolar environment. The kinetics of folding was observed by continuous and stopped-flow fluorescence measurements over refolding times ranging from 100 micros to 10 s. The folding kinetics of all variants is quantitatively described by a mechanism involving a major pathway with a series of intermediate states and a minor parallel channel. The engineered tryptophan residues in the beta-barrel and the N-terminal part of the alpha-helical domain become partially shielded from the solvent at an early stage (<1 ms), indicating that this region undergoes a rapid collapse. For some variants, a major increase in fluorescence coincides with the rate-limiting step of folding on the 100 ms time scale, indicating that these tryptophan residues are buried only during the late stages of folding. Other variants exhibit a transient increase in fluorescence during the 10 ms phase followed by a decrease during the rate-limiting phase. These observations are consistent with burial of these probes in a collapsed, but loosely packed intermediate, followed by the rate-limiting formation of the densely packed native core, which brings the tryptophan residues into close contact with intramolecular quenchers.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that amino acids Glu(73) and Asp(77) of staphylococcal nuclease cooperate unequally with Glu(75) to stabilize its structure located between the C-terminal helix and beta-barrel of the protein. Amino acid substitutions E73G and D77G cause losses of the catalytic efficiency of 24 and 16% and cause thermal stability losses of 22 and 26%, respectively, in comparison with the wild type (WT) protein. However, these changes do not significantly change global and local secondary structures, based on measurements of fluorescence and CD(222 nm). Furthermore, x-ray diffraction analysis of the E75G protein shows that the overall structure of mutant and WT proteins is similar. However, this mutation does cause a loss of essential hydrogen bonding and charge interactions between Glu(75) and Lys(9), Tyr(93), and His(121). In experiments using double point mutations, E73G/D77G, E73G/E75G, and E75G/D77G, significant changes are seen in all mutants in comparison with WT protein as measured by fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. The losses of thermal stability are 47, 59, and 58%, for E73G/D77G, E73G/E75G, and E75G/D77G, respectively. The triple mutant, E73G/E75G/D77G, results in fluorescence intensity and CD(222 nm) close to those of the denatured state and in a thermal stability loss of 65% relative to the WT protein. Based on these results, we propose a model in which significant electrostatic interactions result in the formation of a locally stable structure in staphylococcal nuclease.  相似文献   

Chen J  Stites WE 《Biochemistry》2001,40(46):14012-14019
Sixty-four triple and 32 quadruple mutants were constructed in the core of staphylococcal nuclease. This is the first time that a large number of multiple mutants with all possible variations and all possible lower-order mutants has been systematically constructed in any protein core. Stabilities were determined by solvent denaturation. The energetic effects of these multiple mutants have been analyzed in combination with the stability data from the component single and double mutants. It was found that most of the stability changes in triple and quadruple mutants cannot be correctly predicted from stability effects of component single mutants. However, if the interaction energy between pairs of side chains in the component double mutants is taken into account, correct stability prediction can be made for most triple and quadruple mutants. The data further show that while packing interactions unique to triple and quadruple mutations do occur, they are of much less energetic significance than interactions between pairs of residues. The results presented here show that the packing of a protein interior can be closely approximated in most cases as a series of short-range, nearest-neighbor interactions. This has profound implications for rational protein design and structure prediction.  相似文献   

The ionization properties of Lys and Glu residues buried in the hydrophobic core of staphylococcal nuclease (SN) suggest that the interior of this protein behaves as a highly polarizable medium with an apparent dielectric constant near 10. This has been rationalized previously in terms of localized conformational relaxation concomitant with the ionization of the internal residue, and with contributions by internal water molecules. Paradoxically, the crystal structure of the SN V66E variant shows internal water molecules and the structure of the V66K variant does not. To assess the structural and dynamical character of interior water molecules in SN, a series of 10-ns-long molecular dynamics (MD) simulations was performed with wild-type SN, and with the V66E and V66K variants with Glu66 and Lys66 in the neutral form. Internal water molecules were identified based on their coordination state and characterized in terms of their residence times, average location, dipole moment fluctuations, hydrogen bonding interactions, and interaction energies. The locations of the water molecules that have residence times of several nanoseconds and display small mean-square displacements agree well with the locations of crystallographically observed water molecules. Additional, relatively disordered water molecules that are not observed crystallographically were found in internal hydrophobic locations. All of the interior water molecules that were analyzed in detail displayed a distribution of interaction energies with higher mean value and narrower width than a bulk water molecule. This underscores the importance of protein dynamics for hydration of the protein interior. Further analysis of the MD trajectories revealed that the fluctuations in the protein structure (especially the loop elements) can strongly influence protein hydration by changing the patterns or strengths of hydrogen bonding interactions between water molecules and the protein. To investigate the dynamical response of the protein to burial of charged groups in the protein interior, MD simulations were performed with Glu66 and Lys66 in the charged state. Overall, the MD simulations suggest that a conformational change rather than internal water molecules is the dominant determinant of the high apparent polarizability of the protein interior.  相似文献   

Experiments were done to measure the ability of dioxygen to collisionally quench the phosphorescent and fluorescent tryptophans in alcohol dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase. In all cases, luminescence is quenched with rate constants close to 1 x 10(9) M-1 s-1. The rate of reaching the buried tryptophans is little affected by solvent viscosity due to added glycerol. Quenching by dioxygen is not due to a protein-opening reaction. It appears to be rate limited by internal protein diffusion rather than at the entry step. Dioxygen appears to enter the proteins directly, as in liquidlike diffusion, rather than through transiently forming channels that are only present a small fraction of the time. A high-pressure oxygen system is described that considerably facilitates fluorescence quenching experiments.  相似文献   

The interactions between loratadine and bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human serum albumin (HSA) were studied using tryptophan fluorescence quenching method. The fluorescence intensity of the two serum albumins could be quenched 70% at the molar ratio [loratadine]:[BSA (or HSA)]=10:1. In the linear range (0-50 micromol L(-1)) quenching constants were calculated using Stern-Volmer equation. Temperature in the range 298 K-310 K had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the two serum albumins through ANOVA analysis and t-test. Furthermore the conformation changes in the interactions were studied using FTIR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The interactions between loratadine and bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human serum albumin (HSA) were studied using tryptophan fluorescence quenching method. The fluorescence intensity of the two serum albumins could be quenched 70% at the molar ratio [loratadine]:[BSA (or HSA)] = 10:1. In the linear range (0–50 μmol L 1) quenching constants were calculated using Stern–Volmer equation. Temperature in the range 298 K–310 K had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the two serum albumins through ANOVA analysis and t-test. Furthermore the conformation changes in the interactions were studied using FTIR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

D J Weber  A K Meeker  A S Mildvan 《Biochemistry》1991,30(25):6103-6114
The mechanism of the phosphodiesterase reaction catalyzed by staphylococcal nuclease is believed to involve concerted general acid-base catalysis by Arg-87 and Glu-43. The mutual interactions of Arg-87 and Glu-43 were investigated by comparing kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the single mutant enzymes E43S (Glu-43 to Ser) and R87G (Arg-87 to Gly) with those of the double mutant, E43S + R87G, in which both the basic and acidic functions have been inactivated. Denaturation studies with guanidinium chloride, CD, and 600-MHz 1D and 2D proton NMR spectra, indicate all enzyme forms to be predominantly folded in absence of the denaturant and reveal small antagonistic effects of the E43S and R87G mutations on the stability and structure of the wild-type enzyme. The free energies of binding of the divalent cation activator Ca2+, the inhibitor Mn2+, and the substrate analogue 3',5'-pdTp show simple additive effects of the two mutations in the double mutant, indicating that Arg-87 and Glu-43 act independently to facilitate the binding of divalent cations and of 3',5'-pdTP by the wild-type enzyme. The free energies of binding of the substrate, 5'-pdTdA, both in binary E-S and in active ternary E-Ca(2+)-S complexes, show synergistic effects of the two mutations, suggesting that Arg-87 and Glu-43 interact anticooperatively in binding the substrate, possibly straining the substrate by 1.6 kcal/mol in the wild-type enzyme. The large free energy barriers to Vmax introduced by the R87G mutation (delta G1 = 6.5 kcal/mol) and by the E43S mutation (delta G2 = 5.0 kcal/mol) are partially additive in the double mutant (delta G1+2 = 8.1 kcal/mol). These partially additive effects on Vmax are most simply explained by a cooperative component to transition state binding by Arg-87 and Glu-43 of -3.4 kcal/mol. The combination of anticooperative, cooperative, and noncooperative effects of Arg-87 and Glu-43 together lower the kinetic barrier to catalysis by 8.1 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

The fluorescence properties of alpha-tocopherol in a range of solvents and in micelles and membrane vesicles have been measured. In solvents the fluorescence decay was fitted by a single exponential. In bilayer membranes of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine or egg phosphatidylcholine the fluorescence decay was more accurately fitted as a double exponential. This may indicate that alpha-tocopherol occupies two or more sites in such membranes. Depth-dependent quenching of alpha-tocopherol fluorescence by acrylamide and some doxyl stearates has also been studied. The results confirm that in gel-phase lipid the chromanol group has a transverse distribution close to the head-group region of the lipid. In fluid phase lipid in the presence of buffer the results indicate there is more penetration of the chromanol group into the bilayer.  相似文献   

Chen J  Toptygin D  Brand L  King J 《Biochemistry》2008,47(40):10705-10721
Human gammaD-crystallin (HgammaD-Crys) is a two-domain, beta-sheet eye lens protein found in the lens nucleus. Its long-term solubility and stability are important to maintain lens transparency throughout life. HgammaD-Crys has four highly conserved buried tryptophans (Trps), with two in each of the homologous beta-sheet domains. In situ, these Trps will be absorbing ambient UV radiation that reaches the lens. The dispersal of the excited-state energy to avoid covalent damage is likely to be physiologically relevant for the lens crystallins. Trp fluorescence is efficiently quenched in native HgammaD-Crys. Previous steady-state fluorescence measurements provide strong evidence for energy transfer from Trp42 to Trp68 in the N-terminal domain and from Trp130 to Trp156 in the C-terminal domain [Chen, J., et al. (2006) Biochemistry 45, 11552-11563]. Hybrid quantum mechanical-molecular mechanical (QM-MM) simulations indicated that the fluorescence of Trp68 and Trp156 is quenched by fast electron transfer to the amide backbone. Here we report additional information obtained using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. In the single-Trp-containing proteins (Trp42-only, Trp68-only, Trp130-only, and Trp156-only), the highly quenched Trp68 and Trp156 have very short lifetimes, tau approximately 0.1 ns, whereas the moderately fluorescent Trp42 and Trp130 have longer lifetimes, tau approximately 3 ns. In the presence of the energy acceptor (Trp68 or Trp156), the lifetime of the energy donor (Trp42 or Trp130) decreased from approximately 3 to approximately 1 ns. The intradomain energy transfer efficiency is 56% in the N-terminal domain and is 71% in the C-terminal domain. The experimental values of energy transfer efficiency are in good agreement with those calculated theoretically. The absence of a time-dependent red shift in the time-resolved emission spectra of Trp130 proves that its local environment is very rigid. Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements with the single-Trp-containing proteins, Trp42-only and Trp130-only, indicate that the protein rotates as a rigid body and no segmental motion is detected. A combination of energy transfer with electron transfer results in short excited-state lifetimes of all Trps, which, together with the high rigidity of the protein matrix around Trps, could protect HgammaD-Crys from excited-state reactions causing permanent covalent damage.  相似文献   

The dynamical fluorescence properties of the sole tryptophan residue (Trp-140) in Staphylococcus aureus nuclease (EC have been investigated in aqueous solution and reversed micelles composed of either sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate (AOT) in isooctane or cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) in isooctane/hexanol (12:1 by volume). The fluorescence decay of nuclease in the different environments can be described by a trimodal distribution of fluorescence lifetimes at approx. 0.5, 1.5 and 5.0 ns. The relative amplitudes depend on the environment. For pH 9.0 solutions the contribution of the two shortest lifetime components in the distribution is largest for AOT and smallest for CTAC reversed micelles. There is reasonable agreement between the average fluorescence lifetime and the fluorescence quantum efficiency confirming a significant fluorescence quenching in AOT reversed micelles. Fluorescence anisotropy decay revealed that the tryptophan environment in aqueous nuclease solutions is rigid on a nanosecond timescale. When nuclease was entrapped into reversed micelles the tryptophan gained some internal flexibility as judged from the distinct presence of a shorter correlation time. The longer correlation time reflected the rotational properties of the protein-micellar system. Modulation of the overall charge of nuclease (isoelectric point pH 9.6) by using buffer of pH 9.0 and pH 10.4, respectively, and of the size of empty micelles by selecting two values of the water to surfactant molar ratio, had only a minor effect on the rotational properties of nuclease in the positively charged reversed micelles. Encapsulation of nuclease in anionic reversed micelles resulted in the development of protein bound to aggregated structures which are immobilised on a nanosecond timescale. According to far UV vircular dichroism results the secondary structure of nuclease only followed the already published pH-dependent changes. Encapsulation had no major effect on the overall secondary structure.  相似文献   

The effect of the antitumour acridine derivative amsacrine [4'-(9-acridinylamino)methanesulphon-m-anisidide] on the fluorescence lifetime of DNA-bound ethidium has been investigated using a synchronously pumped cavity dumped dye laser producing picosecond pulses for sample excitation and a time-correlated single photon counting detection system. As the proportion of DNA-bound amsacrine on the synthetic DNA polymer poly[deoxyadenylic-thymidylic acid] is increased, the fluorescence decay curve of ethidium can be accurately resolved into two exponential components. The short lifetime component, whose proportion increases with increasing proportions of DNA-bound amsacrine, has a lifetime of between 3 and 4 ns, significantly longer than that of ethidium in aqueous solution (1.63 ns). The magnitude of the long lifetime component decreases from 25.4 to 14 ns with increasing proportions of bound amsacrine. It is concluded that a new fluorescence state of ethidium (lifetime 3-4 ns) is present, probably resulting from reversible electron transfer between ethidium and amsacrine. The ability of various 9-anilinoacridine derivatives to quench the fluorescence of DNA-bound ethidium appears to be related to the electron donor properties of the substituents on the anilino ring, as well as to experimental antitumour activity. The electron donor properties of DNA-bound amsacrine may therefore be relevant to its antitumour action.  相似文献   

A continuous-flow mixing device with a dead time of 100 micros coupled with intrinsic tryptophan and 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate (ANS) fluorescence was used to monitor structure formation during early stages of the folding of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase). A variant with a unique tryptophan fluorophore in the N-terminal beta-barrel domain (Trp76 SNase) was obtained by replacing the single Trp140 in wild-type SNase with His in combination with Trp substitution of Phe76. A common background of P47G, P117G and H124L mutations was chosen in order to stabilize the protein and prevent accumulation of cis proline isomers under native conditions. In contrast to WT(*) SNase, which shows no changes in tryptophan fluorescence prior to the rate-limiting folding step ( approximately 100 ms), the F76W/W140H variant shows additional changes (enhancement) during an early folding phase with a time constant of 75 micros. Both proteins exhibit a major increase in ANS fluorescence and identical rates for this early folding event. These findings are consistent with the rapid accumulation of an ensemble of states containing a loosely packed hydrophobic core involving primarily the beta-barrel domain while the specific interactions in the alpha-helical domain involving Trp140 are formed only during the final stages of folding. The fact that both variants exhibit the same number of kinetic phases with very similar rates confirms that the folding mechanism is not perturbed by the F76W/W140H mutations. However, the Trp at position 76 reports on the rapid formation of a hydrophobic cluster in the N-terminal beta-sheet region while the wild-type Trp140 is silent during this early stage of folding. Quantitative modeling of the (un)folding kinetics and thermodynamics of these two proteins versus urea concentration revealed that the F76W/W140H mutation selectively destabilizes the native state relative to WT(*) SNase while the stability of transient intermediates remains unchanged, leading to accumulation of intermediates under equilibrium conditions at moderate denaturant concentrations.  相似文献   

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