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Photoregulation of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL)(EC [EC] )was analyzed in wild type (WT) and mutants: phytochrome dencient-awrea(au), high pigment exhibiting exaggerated phytochrome response(hp) and the double mutant (au.hp) of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum(Mill.) cv. Ailsa Craig). Red light, acting via phytochrome,stimulates PAL activity in cotyledons and hypocotyls of tomatoseedlings. The time course of photoinduction of PAL in cotyledonsof the mutants (au and au.hp) and WT seedlings has a peak ofactivity at 4 h, after which the activity falls sharply, exceptin hp seedlings where activity is maintained at a high level.In hypocotyls, photoinduction of PAL also shows an initial rise,reaching a maximum at 3 h, followed by a sharp decline in themutants (au and au.hp) and WT seedlings. However in hp seedlingsphotoinduction of PAL is about 3 fold that in WT. The photoinductionof PAL appears to be dependent on de novo synthesis of proteinand nucleic acids. The use of a PAL specific inhibitor a-aminooxyß-phenylpropionic acid indicated that PAL is an essentialcomponent of the anthocyanin biosyn-thetic pathway in the tomatoseedlings. However, a comparison of anthocyanin biosynthesis[Adamse et al. (1989) Photochem. Photobiol. 50: 107] and PALphotoinduction data revealed that phytochrome mediated inductionof PAL and anthocyanin in the tomato seedlings are not correlated.While au and au.hp mutant seedlings show a similar increasein PAL level as in the WT, there is little formation of anthocyaninin these mutant seedlings. The results indicate that, in contrastto the photoregulation of anthocyanin synthesis which is dependenton the presence of the labile phytochrome (IP) pool in tomatoseedlings, the photoinduction of PAL is mediated via a smallpool of phytochrome in au mutant: stable phytochrome (sP) ora residual /P pool. (Received August 6, 1991; Accepted September 27, 1991)  相似文献   

Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase (PAL) gene which plays a key role in bio-synthesis of medicinally important compounds, Rutin/quercetin was sequence characterized for its efficient genomics application. These compounds possessing anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties and are predominantly produced by Fagopyrum spp. In the present study, PAL gene was sequenced from three Fagopyrum spp. (F. tataricum, F. esculentum and F. dibotrys) and showed the presence of three SNPs and four insertion/deletions at intra and inter specific level. Among them, the potential SNP (position 949th bp G>C) with Parsimony Informative Site was selected and successfully utilised to individuate the zygosity/allelic variation of 16 F. tataricum varieties. Insertion mutations were identified in coding region, which resulted the change of a stretch of 39 amino acids on the putative protein. Our Study revealed that autogamous species (F. tataricum) has lower frequency of observed SNPs as compared to allogamous species (F. dibotrys and F. esculentum). The identified SNPs in F. tataricum didn’t result to amino acid change, while in other two species it caused both conservative and non-conservative variations. Consistent pattern of SNPs across the species revealed their phylogenetic importance. We found two groups of F. tataricum and one of them was closely related with F. dibotrys. Sequence characterization information of PAL gene reported in present investigation can be utilized in genetic improvement of buckwheat in reference to its medicinal value.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity was measured in p-fluorophenylalanine (PFP)-sensitive and -resistant tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell lines which are known to oversynthesize phenylalanine. A correlation between phenolic levels and PAL activities was detected. The phenylalanine analog-resistant and -sensitive carrot cells showed no differences in the accumulation of phenolic compounds and PAL activities. The PFP-resistant tobacco cells, however, had 10 times higher levels of phenolics and also 10 to 20 times higher PAL activities than the PFP-sensitive line. The PAL activity in the resistant tobacco line increased dramatically after inoculation of the cells into fresh medium. Conditions affecting this increase were characterized.  相似文献   

A separable and highly-stable enzyme system was developed by adsorption of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) from Rhodotorula glutinis in amino-functionalized macroporous silica gel and subsequent enzyme crosslinking. This resulted in the formation of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (PAL-CLEAs) into macroporous silica gel (MSG-CLEAs). The effect of adsorptive conditions, type of aggregating agent, its concentration as well as that of cross-linking agent was studied. MSG-CLEAs production was most effective using ammonium sulfate (40%-saturation), followed by cross-linking for 1 h with 1.5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde. The resulting MSG-CLEAs extended the optimal temperature and pH range compared to free PAL and PAL-CLEAs. Moreover, MSG-CLEAs exhibited the excellent stability of the enzyme against various deactivating conditions such as temperature and denaturants, and showed higher storage stability compared to the free PAL and the conventional PAL-CLEAs. Such as, after 6 h incubation at 60°C, the MSG-CLEAs still retained more than 47% of the initial activity whereas PAL-CLEAs only retained 7% of the initial activity. Especially, the MSG-CLEAs exhibited good reusability due to its suitable size and active properties. These results indicated that PAL-CLEAs on MSG might be used as a feasible and efficient solution for improving properties of immobilized enzyme in industrial application.  相似文献   

Both phenylalanine ammonia lyase and tyrosine ammonia lyase were detected in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. Wisconsin 38) callus. The enzymes were separated from each other by Sephadex G-200 column chromatography. Increased activity of tyrosine ammonia lyase was observed during culture of tobacco callus under shoot-forming conditions, while activity of phenylalanine ammonia lyase increased during culture under non-organ-forming conditions. Confirmation of these findings was obtained by examining the incorporation of [14C]tyrosine and [14C]phenylalanine into p-coumarate and trans-cinnamate, respectively.  相似文献   

Maize is a well-known host for Meloidogyne incognita, and there is substantial variation in host status among maize genotypes. In previous work it was observed that nematode reproduction increased in the moderately susceptible maize inbred line B73 when the ZmLOX3 gene from oxylipid metabolism was knocked out. Additionally, in this mutant line, use of a nonspecific primer for phenyl alanine ammonialyase (PAL) genes indicated that expression of these genes was reduced in the mutant maize plants whereas expression of several other defense related genes was increased. In this study, we used more specific gene primers to examine the expression of six PAL genes in three maize genotypes that were good, moderate, and poor hosts for M. incognita, respectively. Of the six PAL genes interrogated, two (ZmPAL3 and ZmPAL6) were not expressed in either M. incognita–infected or noninfected roots. Three genes (ZmPAL1, ZmPAL2, and ZmPAL5) were strongly expressed in all three maize lines, in both nematode-infected and noninfected roots, between 2 and 16 d after inoculation (DAI). In contrast, ZmPAL4 was most strongly expressed in the most-resistant maize line W438, was not detected in the most-susceptible maize line CML, and was detected only at 8 DAI in the maize line B73 that supported intermediate levels of reproduction by M. incognita. These observations are consistent with at least one PAL gene playing a role in modulating host status of maize toward M. incognita and suggest a need for additional research to further elucidate this association.  相似文献   

Novel hybrid magnetic cross-linked enzyme aggregates of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (HM-PAL-CLEAs) were developed by co-aggregation of enzyme aggregates with magnetite nanoparticles and subsequent crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. The HM-PAL-CLEAs can be easily separated from the reaction mixture by using an external magnetic field. Analysis by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) indicated that PAL-CLEAs were inlayed in nanoparticle aggregates. The HM-PAL-CLEAs revealed a broader limit in optimal pH compared to free enzyme and PAL-CLEAs. Although there is no big difference in Km of enzyme in CLEAs and HM-PAL-CLEAs, Vmax of HM-PAL-CLEAs is about 1.75 times higher than that of CLEAs. Compared with free enzyme and PAL-CLEAs, the HM-PAL-CLEAs also exhibited the highest thermal stability, denaturant stability and storage stability. The HM-PAL-CLEAs retained 30% initial activity even after 11 cycles of reuse, whereas PAL-CLEAs retained 35% of its initial activity only after 7 cycles. These results indicated that hybrid magnetic CLEAs technology might be used as a feasible and efficient solution for improving properties of immobilized enzyme in industrial application.  相似文献   

Plants respond to bacterial pathogen attack by activating various defence responses, which are associated with the accumulation of several factors like defence-related enzymes and inhibitors which serve to prevent pathogen infection. The present study focused on the role of the defence-related enzymes phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in imparting resistance to tomato against bacterial wilt pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum . The temporal pattern of induction of these enzymes showed maximum activity at 12 h and 15 h for PAL and PPO, respectively, after the pathogen inoculation (hpi) in resistant cultivars. Twenty different tomato cultivars were analyzed for PAL, PPO and total phenol content following pathogen inoculation. The enzyme activities and total phenol content increased significantly (P < 0.05) in resistant cultivars upon pathogen inoculation. The increase in enzyme activities and total phenol content were not significant in susceptible and highly susceptible cultivars. The role of PAL and PPO in imparting resistance to tomato against bacterial wilt disease is discussed.  相似文献   

During heartwood formation, a kind of apoptosis in the inner parts of woody axes, phenolic substances are accumulated by in situ biosynthesis. In Robinia pseudoacacia L, these compounds are mainly flavonoids. In the present work, we performed a study to show if there is a correlation between measurable activities and detectable protein levels of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL; EC and chalcone synthase (CHS; EC, key enzymes of general phenylpropanoid metabolism and flavonoid biosynthesis, respectively. After separation of total protein extracts by one-dimensional micro-gel electrophoresis, newly emerging polypeptides were detectable within the sapwood-heartwood transition zone, pointing toward a transient activation of metabolism shortly before cell death occurs. Most prominent was a polypeptide around 46 kDa. By immunoblotting, this band was identified as a CHS subunit. Thus, the exclusive presence of both enzyme protein and extractable enzyme activity of CHS in the heartwood bordering tissue was shown. In contrast, levels of PAL protein were similar in all xylem tissues which contain living cells. PAL activity, however, was measurable only in the differentiating xylem and the sapwood-heartwood transition zone. From these results we conclude that during heartwood formation, CHS and PAL differ in their mode of regulation. It seems likely that CHS activity is regulated at the level of enzyme protein while PAL regulation is most probably post-translational.  相似文献   

目的:确定赤丸芜菁块根花青素积累与光照时间的相关关系,筛选并鉴定依光型和非依光型花青素合成相关基因。方法:以不同时间的恒定光照处理赤丸芜菁块根,利用紫外-可见分光光度计测定块根花青素含量;利用芯片杂交和Northern杂交筛选并鉴定津田芜菁和赤丸芜菁花青素合成相关基因。结果:赤丸芜菁块根皮花青素的积累与光照时间无明显相关性;芯片杂交试验中,共有25个基因的表达发生明显变化,其中赤丸芜菁中表达上调的基因有6个,津田芜菁中表达上调的基因有19个;Northern杂交验证显示,津田芜菁中恒定光可以诱导细胞色素P450单加氧酶和一种假定的转运蛋白的编码基因表达,这些基因的表达量与处理时间存在相关关系。结论:筛选了部分花青素合成相关基因,为阐述依光型和非依光型花青素生物合成机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity was studied in differentgenotypes of pearl millet with varying degrees of susceptibilityto downy mildew disease, after inoculating with Pathotype 1of Sclerospora graminicola. In resistant genotypes, the enzymeactivity significantly increased 24 h after fungal inoculationwhile in the susceptible genotypes, the activity decreased.The increase or decrease in enzyme activity was well-correlatedwith the degree of host resistance to the pathogen. A time-courseof change in activity of PAL after inoculation showed a considerabledifference between resistant and susceptible genotypes. Studieson the activity of PAL in different parts of pearl millet seedlingsrevealed that in the resistant genotype, enzyme activity significantlyincreased at 24 h post-inoculation only in the shoot portion,whereas in mesocotyl and root the activity decreased. In susceptibleseedlings, enzyme activity decreased at 24 h post-inoculationin shoot, mesocotyl and root. The activity of PAL was also foundto be pathotype-specific. Histochemical tests for lignin werepositive in infected cells in the resistant genotypes. The roleof PAL in imparting resistance to pearl millet against downymildew disease is discussed. Key words: Sclerospora graminicola, resistance screening, enzyme activity  相似文献   

The emetic toxin (cereulide) of Bacillus cereus was quantified in several isolates of B. cereus and in various food sources. When the emetic toxin was produced, vomiting-type food poisoning was observed in humans. We also found that the H-1 serovar phenotype was strongly associated with the production of cereulide and that none of the isolates that hydrolyzed starch or expressed diarrheal enterotoxin activity produced cereulide. Received: 4 December 1995 / Accepted: 30 January 1996  相似文献   

The blue color of delphinium (Delphinium grandiflorum) flowers is produced by two 7-polyacylated anthocyanins, violdelphin and cyanodelphin. Violdelphin is derived from the chromophore delphinidin that has been modified at the 7-position by Glc and p-hydroxybenzoic acid (pHBA) molecules. Modification of violdelphin by linear conjugation of Glc and pHBA molecules to a Glc moiety at the 7-position produces cyanodelphin. We recently showed that anthocyanin 7-O-glucosylation in delphinium is catalyzed by the acyl-Glc–dependent anthocyanin glucosyltransferase (AAGT). Here, we sought to answer the question of which enzyme activities are necessary for catalyzing the transfer of Glc and pHBA moieties to 7-glucosylated anthocyanin. We found that these transfers were catalyzed by enzymes that use p-hydroxybenzoyl-Glc (pHBG) as a bifunctional acyl and glucosyl donor. In addition, we determined that violdelphin is synthesized via step-by-step enzymatic reactions catalyzed by two enzymes that use pHBG as an acyl or glucosyl donor. We also isolated a cDNA encoding a protein that has the potential for p-hydroxybenzoylation activity and two AAGT cDNAs that encode a protein capable of adding Glc to delphinidin 3-O-rutinoside-7-O-(6-O-[p-hydroxybenzoyl]-glucoside) to form violdelphin.  相似文献   

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