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稻水象的卵子发生—飞行共轭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟保平  商晗武 《生态学报》1999,19(2):242-249
1994-1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭;春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量入秧田竿笔早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁  相似文献   

对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲(LisorhoptrusoryzophilusKuschel)夏季种群的研究表明,光照和温度可排除在一代成虫夏季滞育的诱导因子之外,而不同的食料条件是引发滞育的主导因素.在自然状态下,即使是强迫滞留,早稻田内的一代成虫也不转入正常发育,但取食稻秧能使新羽一代成虫和稻田内外处于生殖滞育状态的一代成虫的卵巢正常发育,并能解除已进入夏蛰的一代成虫的生殖滞育;同时,不论是新羽成虫还是夏蛰成虫,取食稻秧后卵巢和飞行肌同时发育;若这种食料条件能持续下去,则飞行肌消解而卵巢发育产卵.  相似文献   

本文在福鼎对稻水象甲消长动态进行了调查.并对成虫卵巢、飞行肌进行了解剖。通过解剖,所预测的各虫态发生期厦一代成虫迁移期与田间调查结果基本吻合。稻水象甲产卵高峰在4月底至5月上旬.幼虫、蛹和一代成虫的盛发期分别在5月上中旬、6月中下旬和6月下旬;一代成虫在6月下旬开始从稻田迁出。飞行肌解剖结果表明,飞行肌宽度随时间变化而变化,而长度则比较恒定,与发育历期无关,所以飞行肌宽度可作为监测依据,而长度则不宜采用。  相似文献   

粘虫迁出与迁入种群的行为和生理特性比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
系统比较了田间粘虫Mythimnaseparata (Walker)迁出与迁入种群在飞行能力、 飞行肌干重、卵巢发育、交配以及保幼激素滴度等指标的差异。结果显示,迁出种群的飞行潜 力显著强于迁入种群,雌蛾中胸背纵肌平均干重(6.53 mg)也显著高于迁入种群(5.92 mg ),但卵巢发育程度显著低于迁入种群;迁出种群的交配率和平均交配次数均显著低于迁入种 群;早期迁入的雌蛾卵巢发育级别和交配率相对较低,并随迁入时间的延长而增加。迁出与迁入 种群雌蛾的保幼激素滴度也存在显著差异,两者的JHⅡ滴度平均分别为4.63 ng/mg和8.69 ng/mg。这些结果说明,粘虫迁飞前后的行为、生理和生殖特性具有明显的变化,迁出种群具有较强的飞行潜力,生殖系统的发育受到暂时性抑制;而迁入种群飞行能力下降,卵巢发育级别 较高,交配率增加。同一世代早期迁入的雌蛾卵巢发育程度较低,表明粘虫迁飞是发生在成虫 发育的初期,迁飞过程中卵巢发育受到暂时性抑制,迁入以后便迅速发育并开始繁殖。粘虫迁 飞的行为和生理特性与“卵子发生 飞行拮抗综合症候(oogenesisi flight syndrome)”相符 。内分泌激素(保幼激素)在其迁飞与生殖的转换过程中起着重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

【目的】明确广东省稻水象甲Lissorhoptrus orvzophitus生活史、越冬生境、发生规律及寄主植物和天敌种类,为这一害虫的科学防治提供指导。【方法】2019年3月-2021年4月通过实地调查、室内笼罩饲养观察和卵巢解剖研究稻水象甲在广东的生活史和越冬生境;通过对稻水象甲成虫中肠内容物进行分子检测探明其越冬过渡寄主植物;利用特征序列扩增区(sequence characterized amplified region, SCAR)标记技术明确稻水象甲的主要天敌种类。【结果】2019年3月-2021年4月稻水象甲在广东双季稻区一年发生2代,具有越冬和越夏习性。广东稻水象甲经历一个完整世代需要(140.86±1.05)d,幼虫历期为20 d左右。广东稻水象甲以成虫越冬,越冬生境模式为稻田-过渡带(草地)-沼泽地(水草丰盛),且越冬期稻水象甲成虫卵巢存在滞育现象,发育等级Ⅰ级。稻水象甲成虫中肠内容物分子检测发现,其越冬期主要的过渡寄主植物为再生稻及李氏禾Leersia hexandra。基于SCAR的PCR结果表明,游猎型蜘蛛沟渠豹蛛Pardosa laura为稻水象甲的主要天敌...  相似文献   

褐飞虱卵巢发育及其与迁飞的关系   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
描述了褐飞虱雌虫卵巢的构造和发育过程中的变化。根据其形态特征,划分为五个发育级。 环境条件对长翅型雌虫卵巢发育有明显的影响。在高温、低温或取食黄熟期水稻时,卵巢发育停滞;光照期对印巢发育无明显影响。证实了揭飞虱雌虫卵巢的发育是受体内保幼激素所控制。 1977年在我国南方稻区五个点上系统解剖捕获的褐飞虱雌虫,观察了卵巢在迁飞过程中的发育状态。在虫源迁出地区,由于水稻黄熟和温度的影响,田间雌虫卵巢出现生殖滞育现象。在迁飞运行中受高空低温和停止取食的影响,卵巢仍处于滞育状态。在迁入区降落后,温度、食料适宜,解除了生殖滞育,卵巢继续发育而定居繁殖。 提出了褐飞虱卵巢发育与迁飞过程关系的模式图。  相似文献   

白背飞虱飞行能力的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张建新 《昆虫知识》1992,29(2):65-69
本文采用微机测试系统研究了白背飞虱成虫的飞行能力及其与日龄的关系。成虫飞行能力个体间变异很大,可以分为多种类型。通过比较雌成虫卵巢发育和吊飞飞行能力,为白背飞虱迁飞型给出了可靠指标。长翅型成虫持续飞行10分钟以上定为迁飞型,短于10分钟者定为非迁飞型。在拥挤迁出条件下,长翅型成虫在羽化后3~5天飞行能力最强。最长的一头雌成虫飞行持续1715分钟,达36529.5米。雌成虫的飞行能力随卵巢发育而下降,呈卵子发生一飞行共轭现象。  相似文献   

中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育的关系   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对自然条件下中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育关系的系统研究表明,成虫在越冬过程中都经历了一个较明显的体色变化过程,主要表现在体躯底色从绿色到土黄色及体背面滞育斑由褐色到红褐色的改变,据此将成虫体色分成5个级别,在越冬过程中约80%个体体色经历了在生殖型体色(1级)和滞育型体色(4,5级)之间的明显变化,约有20%个体体色维持在2、3级,在越冬前,成虫滞育斑出现后其卵巢不再发育或者发育受抑而逐渐停止发育,滞育斑的出现是成虫开始滞育的重要标志;越冬后,随着成虫体色由滞育型向生殖型的转变,当大多数个体体色变为3级以下时,卵巢开始发育,这些结果说明,中华通草蛉越冬成虫体色的变化是其滞育越冬的一个重要形态指标,越冬前后体色的改变,标志着成虫滞育的开始和结束。  相似文献   

为了明确粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)在湖北省钟祥市的发生规律,对小麦玉米轮作田粘虫成虫和幼虫种群的发生动态、粘虫雌蛾卵巢发育进度以及粘虫越冬虫量作了调查,分析了粘虫种群虫源性质。结果表明,钟祥市为1代粘虫多发区,其虫源为外地迁入的越冬代成虫,1代粘虫危害高峰期在4月中下旬,羽化盛期在5月中下旬,羽化后以迁出为主。第2代粘虫发生量很小,羽化后基本全部迁出;在田间未调查到第3代粘虫幼虫,本区发现的第3代成虫可能为由北方南迁的过境种群;第4代粘虫发生量也很小,羽化后全部迁出,不在本区繁殖危害。在田间未调查到准备越冬的粘虫。  相似文献   

为了明确粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)在湖北省钟祥市的发生规律,对小麦玉米轮作田粘虫成虫和幼虫种群的发生动态、粘虫雌蛾卵巢发育进度以及粘虫越冬虫量作了调查,分析了粘虫种群虫源性质。结果表明,钟祥市为1代粘虫多发区,其虫源为外地迁入的越冬代成虫,1代粘虫危害高峰期在4月中下旬,羽化盛期在5月中下旬,羽化后以迁出为主。第2代粘虫发生量很小,羽化后基本全部迁出;在田间未调查到第3代粘虫幼虫,本区发现的第3代成虫可能为由北方南迁的过境种群;第4代粘虫发生量也很小,羽化后全部迁出,不在本区繁殖危害。在田间未调查到准备越冬的粘虫。  相似文献   

1994~1996 年对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲( Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)飞行行为的研究表明,稻水象甲飞行扩散的行为特征是:①长时间的起飞准备和不高的起飞成功率,每晚的迁出率只有三分之一左右;②卵巢、飞行肌呈季节性消长而无局地飞行(trivialflight);③飞行速度不高,飞行能力不强,且风力稍大便无法起飞,一般情况下不会形成远距离自然扩散。因此,严格控制人为传带是控制疫区扩大的有效途径。  相似文献   

1994-1996年对浙江省双季稻区稻水象甲(LissorhoptrusoryzophilusKuschel)飞行行为的研究表明,稻水象甲飞行扩散的行为特征是:(1)长时间的起飞准备和不高的起飞成功率,每晚的迁出率只有三分之一左右,(2)卵巢,飞行肌呈季节性消长而无局地飞行(trivialflight);(3)飞行速度不高,飞行能力不强,且风力稍大便无法起飞,一般情况下不会形成远距离自然扩散,因此  相似文献   

  • 1 Adult pine weevils Hylobius abietis emerge from conifer root‐stumps, on which larvae develop, over an extended period during summer and autumn. Newly‐emerged weevils were tested for their ability to fly and assessed for wing muscle and reproductive development. In addition, the effect of summer–autumn maturation feeding on reproductive development was assessed in field bioassays.
  • 2 There was considerable variation in development between newly‐emerged weevils that was related to the timing of emergence. The first weevils, emerging in early July, weighed less than later‐emerging ones, had undeveloped flight muscles and did not fly. Over the emergence period, wing muscle size and flight ability increased markedly, with 50–60% flying by mid‐September. Differences between emerging adults are likely to have been affected by temporal changes in the quality of the bark on which the larvae feed.
  • 3 Reproductive development lagged behind that of wing muscles but, in early August, there was a rapid increase in the proportion of weevils with immature eggs and a corresponding increase in oocyte size. However, although wing muscles were fully formed in later‐emerging weevils, immature eggs were only approximately 10% of the volume of mature eggs.
  • 4 In field bioassays of summer–autumn maturation feeding, eggs continued to develop and some weevils laid mature eggs. Feeding and development during the pre‐overwinter period is likely to influence winter survival and also dispersal and reproduction in the following spring.
  • 5 The potential effects of climate change on the weevil life cycle are briefly discussed. Weevils are likely to benefit from the higher temperatures and later autumns predicted under climate change, resulting in an increase in damage to transplants.

  • 1 The development of reproductive and flight capacity of pine weevils Hylobius abietis during the spring and their dispersal to, and subsequent development at, new clearfell oviposition sites comprise key phases in their life cycle in managed forests. At an old clearfell site where autumn‐emerging weevils had overwintered, weevils were trapped as they re‐emerged in the spring and tested for their ability to fly and then dissected to determine the degree of wing muscle and egg development.
  • 2 Re‐emerging weevils were most abundant in pine growing at the edge of the clearfell and, over most of the trapping period (April to June), their capacity for flight (proportion flying and wing muscle width) was more advanced than in weevils from the clearfell itself, with a similar trend in the degree of reproductive development (proportion with mature eggs and egg volume).
  • 3 In weevils from the clearfell, flight capacity and reproductive development increased concurrently to a peak around mid‐May. In weevils from pine, wing muscles were already well developed at the start of trapping, although few of them flew. Their more advanced development was attributed to the increased opportunities for maturation feeding after emergence in the previous autumn.
  • 4 In the spring, weevils reached the canopy of trees for maturation feeding by walking and, to a lesser extent, by flight. Weevils dispersed by flight to oviposition sites in mid‐May when most of them were reproductively mature. After arrival, flight ability and wing muscle size declined rapidly but egg production was maintained until most weevils had stopped flying. When wing muscles reached their minimum size, there was a marked decline in egg size, suggesting that wing muscle breakdown is important in maintaining egg production at oviposition sites. Prospects for further wing muscle and reproductive development are discussed.

Insects typically spend the winter in a species‐specific diapause stage. The speckled wood butterfly, Pararge aegeria, is unique in having two alternative diapause stages, hibernating as larvae or pupae. In southern Sweden this creates a seasonal flight pattern with four annual adult flight periods: the first in May (pupal diapause), the second in June (larval diapause), and the third and fourth directly developing offspring generations in July and August, respectively. We address the raison d'être of the two diapause pathways by (1) outdoor rearing of cohorts, and (2) performing transect censuses throughout the season for 20 years. We contend that an early start of next season provides a benefit accruing to pupal diapause; conversely, a large proportion of the offspring from adults of the fourth flight peak are unable to reach the pupal stage before winter, providing a benefit accruing to larval winter diapause. The results obtained show that the two hibernation pathways are unlikely to be genetically distinct because of a strong overlap between the two offspring generations, and because sibling offspring from the third and fourth flight periods are likely to choose either of the two hibernation pathways, thereby resulting in a genetic mixing of the pathways. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 635–649.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between oogenesis and flight duration and the use of tethered flight as an indicator of tendency to migrate inAnthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), the boll weevil. When boll weevils were flown to exhaustion in tethered flight tests, many flew between 2 and 3 h, with several flying more than 4 h. To test the validity of the tethered flight test as an indicator of tendency to migrate, comparisons of mean flight duration were made between boll weevils trapped in pheromone traps far from any cultivated cotton and those trapped at the edge of heavily infested, flowering cotton fields. There was a significant difference in mean flight time between the two groups, supporting the assumption that long-duration tethered flight in the laboratory reflects the tendency to make long-distance flights in the field. Groups of weevils of different ages were killed after flight testing, and the degree of ovarian development and fat body status were determined and related to duration of tethered flight. Insects with undeveloped or partially developed ovaries were the most likely to make long flights. Weevils with ovaries bearing chorionated eggs made very few long flights. Flight duration was positively correlated with degree of fat body development. In contrast, there were no significant differences in the degree of ovarian development with fat body status. We conclude from these experiments thatA. grandis grandis is capable of long-distance flight, that this species displays some behavioral and physiological characteristics typical of many insect migrants including an oogenesis-flight syndrome, and that a tethered flight test is an appropriate means of measuring migratory tendency in this species.  相似文献   

1. Interactions among herbivores mediated by plant responses to herbivore injury may have large impacts on herbivore population densities. Responses may persist for weeks after injury and may affect not only the initial (inducing) herbivore, but also herbivores that are spatially or temporally separated from the initial attacker. 2. In many plant–insect interactions, multiple life stages of the insect may be associated with the same plant, and these various stages may interact indirectly with one another via induced responses. The rice water weevil (RWW), Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus, a serious global pest of rice, is one such insect. A series of experiments were performed with root‐feeding larvae and leaf‐feeding adults of the RWW using three conventional rice varieties. 3. The first objective of this study was to test whether RWW adult feeding on rice leaves resulted in altered oviposition by subsequent adults. The hypothesis for the first objective was that RWW adult feeding would decrease plant suitability, resulting in reduced oviposition by subsequent adults. 4. The second objective was to test whether injury by RWW larvae to rice roots resulted in altered oviposition by subsequent adults. The hypothesis for the second objective was that below‐ground RWW larval feeding would decrease plant suitability of rice to above‐ground RWW adults, resulting in decreased oviposition. 5. Results provided inconsistent support for the first hypothesis, indicating that responses differed among combinations of variety and injury level. Conversely, consistent support for the second hypothesis was found, indicating that larval feeding on roots decreased suitability of rice plants for oviposition.  相似文献   

Summary Habitat change by means of flight activities has been observed in the life cycle of the univoltine, macropterous species Amara plebeja Gyll. The hibernation- and reproduction habitats are quite different, viz. deciduous trees and grass vegetation, respectively. Young as well as old females and males are present in both habitats, but at different periods of the year. The flight muscles are generally autolysed but apparently only temporarily. After complete reconstruction of the flight muscles, habitats are changed by mean of flying both in spring and in autumn, if weather conditions are favourable. In spring, when the individuals are flying from hibernation to reproduction habitat they may be drifted by air currents, whereby migration becomes dispersal, and founding or refounding of populations in suitable localities may result. During the autumn, the insects fly from reproduction to hibernation habitats orientating towards distinct silhouettes in the landscape.Communication No. 185 of the Biological Station, Wijster  相似文献   

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