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BACKGROUND: In lymphatic organs, the quantitative analysis of the spatial distribution of leukocytes by tissue cytometry would give relevant information about alterations during diseases (leukemia, HIV, AIDS) and their therapeutic regimen, as well as in experimental settings. METHODS: We have developed a semiautomated analysis method for laser scanning cytometry (LSC) termed "multiple thresholding," which is suitable for archived or fresh biopsy material of human lymph nodes and tonsils. Sections are stained with PI for nuclear DNA and up to four antigens using direct or indirect immunofluorescence staining. Measurement is triggered on DNA-fluorescence (argon laser, Ar) or on specific cell labeling. Due to the heterogeneity of cell density, measurements are performed repeatedly at different threshold levels (low threshold: regions of low cellular density, germinal center; high threshold: dense regions, mantle zone). Data are acquired by single- (Ar) or dual-laser excitation (Ar-HeNe) in order to analyze single- (FITC) up to four-color (FITC/PE/PECy5/APC) stained specimen. RESULTS: Percentage and cellular density of cell-subsets is quantified in different microanatomical regions of the specimen. These data were highly correlated with manual scoring of identical specimens (r(2) = 0.96, P < 0.0001). With LSC, semiautomated operator-independent immunophenotyping in tissue sections of lymphatic organs with up to three antibodies simultaneously is possible. CONCLUSIONS: We expect this tissue cytometric approach to yield new insight into processes during diseases and help to quantify the success of therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Slide-based cytometry is a key technology for polychromatic cytomic investigations. Here we exploit the relocalization and merge feature of Laser Scanning Cytometry for distinguishing fluorochromes of comparable emission spectra but different photostabilities. METHODS: Blood specimens were stained with the fluorochrome pairs: FITC/ALEXA488, PE/ALEXA532, or APC/ALEXA633. Bleaching was performed by repeated laser excitation. RESULTS: Since ALEXA dyes are photostable as compared to the conventional fluorochromes FITC, PE, and APC, a differentiation within one fluorochrome pair is possible. CONCLUSION: The sequential photobleaching method results in an increased information density on a single cell level and represents an important component to perform polychromatic cytometry.  相似文献   

AIM: Slide-based cytometry (SBC) allows to "ask a cell a second time." We used this tool for detailed immunophenotyping of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). METHODS: PBLs primarily stained for CD-markers and DNA were immobilized on a glass slide and analyzed by laser scanning cytometry. Then, iterative restaining was applied for a second and a third analysis. Based on the cells' fixed location, analyses were merged on a single-cell level. RESULTS: We analyzed six virtual immunostainings by "recycling" the PE-channel for four CD-markers. CONCLUSION: Iterative restaining might prove to be a pivotal tool for n-color immunophenotyping exclusive to SBC concepts.  相似文献   

The carcinogenic potential of xenobiotics and possible confounders are often difficult to differentiate in in vivo studies. In contrast, in vitro studies allow investigation of the impact of carcinogens on human target cells under standardized conditions. The aim of the present study is to demonstrate whether three-dimensional mini organ-cultures (MOCs) of human inferior nasal turbinate epithelia may represent a useful model to study genotoxic effects of xenobiotics in vitro. Culture of mini organs was performed by cutting 1mm3 pieces from fresh specimens of inferior nasal turbinates. After a period of 5-6 days the specimens were fully covered with epithelium. On days 7, 9, and 11 of culture, intact MOCs from 25 tissue donors were incubated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a negative control, or with mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE), or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). On days 7 and 11, MOCs were analyzed by the alkaline Comet assay to detect DNA-single-strand breaks, alkali-labile sites and incomplete excision-repair sites. DNA migration after single exposure of non-cultivated fresh specimens was also analyzed. In order to detect regimen-specific effects, DNA fragmentation after single exposure of intact MOCs was compared with that of cells after separation of MOCs on day 7 of culture and consecutive exposure of individual cells. Significant DNA migration as a measure of DNA single-strand breaks, alkali-labile sites and incomplete excision repair sites, was found after electrophoresis due to single and triple exposure of MOCs to MEHP, BPDE and MNNG. Triple exposure of MOCs compared to single exposure revealed no difference after exposure to DMSO or MEHP, and an increased migration after exposure to BPDE and MNNG. When single exposure of isolated cells from fresh specimens was compared with that of intact MOCs, DMSO and MNNG had no significantly different effect, whereas exposure to MEHP or BPDE caused a reduced migration in cells from MOCs. When exposure of isolated cells harvested from MOCs was compared with exposure of intact MOCs, MEHP and BPDE caused a significantly lower DNA migration in intact MOCs. MOCs provide an in vitro model suitable for the assessment of genotoxic effects of environmental pollutants both after single or repetitive exposure. Due to the intact structure of the exposed mucosa this model may be a helpful tool in mimicking the in vivo situation in ecogenotoxicology studies.  相似文献   

Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) are common forms of malignancy associated with tobacco and alcohol exposures, although human papillomavirus and nutritional deficiency are also important risk factors. While somatically acquired DNA methylation changes have been associated with UADT cancers, what triggers these events and precise epigenetic targets are poorly understood. In this study, we applied quantitative profiling of DNA methylation states in a panel of cancer-associated genes to a case-control study of UADT cancers. Our analyses revealed a high frequency of aberrant hypermethylation of several genes, including MYOD1, CHRNA3 and MTHFR in UADT tumors, whereas CDKN2A was moderately hypermethylated. Among differentially methylated genes, we identified a new gene (the nicotinic acetycholine receptor gene) as target of aberrant hypermethylation in UADT cancers, suggesting that epigenetic deregulation of nicotinic acetycholine receptors in non-neuronal tissues may promote the development of UADT cancers. Importantly, we found that sex and age is strongly associated with the methylation states, whereas tobacco smoking and alcohol intake may also influence the methylation levels in specific genes. This study identifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns in UADT cancers and suggests a potential mechanism by which environmental factors may deregulate key cellular genes involved in tumor suppression and contribute to UADT cancers.Key words: DNA methylation, upper aerodigestive tract, cancer, risk factors, biomarkers  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful in identifying common genetic variation involved in susceptibility to etiologically complex disease. We conducted a GWAS to identify common genetic variation involved in susceptibility to upper aero-digestive tract (UADT) cancers. Genome-wide genotyping was carried out using the Illumina HumanHap300 beadchips in 2,091 UADT cancer cases and 3,513 controls from two large European multi-centre UADT cancer studies, as well as 4,821 generic controls. The 19 top-ranked variants were investigated further in an additional 6,514 UADT cancer cases and 7,892 controls of European descent from an additional 13 UADT cancer studies participating in the INHANCE consortium. Five common variants presented evidence for significant association in the combined analysis (p≤5×10−7). Two novel variants were identified, a 4q21 variant (rs1494961, p = 1×10−8) located near DNA repair related genes HEL308 and FAM175A (or Abraxas) and a 12q24 variant (rs4767364, p = 2×10−8) located in an extended linkage disequilibrium region that contains multiple genes including the aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) gene. Three remaining variants are located in the ADH gene cluster and were identified previously in a candidate gene study involving some of these samples. The association between these three variants and UADT cancers was independently replicated in 5,092 UADT cancer cases and 6,794 controls non-overlapping samples presented here (rs1573496-ADH7, p = 5×10−8; rs1229984-ADH1B, p = 7×10−9; and rs698-ADH1C, p = 0.02). These results implicate two variants at 4q21 and 12q24 and further highlight three ADH variants in UADT cancer susceptibility.  相似文献   

Cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) are common forms of malignancy associated with tobacco and alcohol exposures, although human papillomavirus and nutritional deficiency are also important risk factors. While somatically acquired DNA methylation changes have been associated with UADT cancers, what triggers these events and precise epigenetic targets are poorly understood. In this study, we applied quantitative profiling of DNA methylation states in a panel of cancer-associated genes to a case-control study of UADT cancers. Our analyses revealed a high frequency of aberrant hypermethylation of several genes, including MYOD1, CHRNA3 and MTHFR in UADT tumors, whereas CDKN2A was moderately hypermethylated. Among differentially methylated genes, we identified a new gene (the nicotinic acetycholine receptor gene) as target of aberrant hypermethylation in UADT cancers, suggesting that epigenetic deregulation of nicotinic acetycholine receptors in non-neuronal tissues may promote the development of UADT cancers. Importantly, we found that sex and age is strongly associated with the methylation states, whereas tobacco smoking and alcohol intake may also influence the methylation levels in specific genes. This study identifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns in UADT cancers and suggests a potential mechanism by which environmental factors may deregulate key cellular genes involved in tumor suppression and contribute to UADT cancers.  相似文献   

Slide-based cytometry (SBC) and related techniques offer unique tools to perform complex diagnostic procedures at very early disease stages. Multicolor or polychromatic analysis of cells by SBC is of special importance, not only as a cytomics technology platform, but for patients with low blood volume such as neonates. The exact knowledge of the location of each cell on the slide allows the specimen to be restained and subsequently reanalyzed. These separate measurements can be fused to one data file (merging), increasing the information obtained per cell. Relocalization and optical evaluation of the cells, a typical feature of SBC, can be of integral importance for cytometric analysis. Predictive medicine is aimed at the detection of changes in the patient's state prior to the manifestation of deterioration or improvement. Such instances are concerned with multiorgan failure in sepsis or noninfectious posttraumatic shock in intensive care patients, or the pretherapeutic identification of high risk patients in cancer cytostatic therapy. Early anti-infectious or anti-shock therapy, as well as curative chemotherapy in combination with stem cell transplantation, may provide better survival chances for the patient as well as concomitant cost containment. Predictive medicine-guided, individualized, early reduction or cessation of therapy may lower or abrogate potential therapeutic side effects (individualized medicine). With the 8th Leipziger Workshop and the 1st International Workshop on Slide-Based Cytometry, cytomics technologies moved to more practical applications in the clinics and the clinical laboratory. This development will be continued in 2004, at the upcoming Leipziger Workshop and the International Workshop on Slide-Based Cytometry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Natural killer (NK) and NK T (NKT) cells are important in innate immune defense. Their unequivocal identification requires at least four antigens. Based on the expression of additional antigens, they can be further divided into functional subsets. For more accurate immunophenotyping and to describe multiple expression patterns of leukocyte subsets, an increased number of measurable colors is necessary. To take advantage of the technologic features offered by slide-based cytometry, repeated analysis was combined with sequential optical-filter changing. METHODS: Human peripheral blood leukocytes from healthy adult volunteers were labeled with antibodies by direct or indirect staining. Tandem dyes of Cy7 (phycoerythrin [PE]-/allophycocyanin [APC]-Cy7), Cy5.5 (PE-/APC-Cy5.5), and PE-Cy5 and the fluorochromes fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), PE, and APC were tested alone and in combinations. Optical filters of the laser scanning cytometer were 555 DRLP/BP 530/30 nm for photomultiplier tube (PMT) 1/FITC, 605 DRLP/BP 580/30 nm for PMT 2/PE, 740 DCXR/BP 670/20 nm for PMT 3/Cy5/APC, and BP 810/90 nm for PMT 4/Cy7. Filter PMT 3 was replaced for detection of PE/Cy5.5 and APC/Cy5.5 by 740 LP/BP 710/20 nm and the sample was remeasured. Both data files were merged into one to combine the different information on a single-cell basis. The combination of eight antibodies against CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD45, and CD56 was used to characterize NK and NKT cells and their subsets. RESULTS: In this way Cy5.5 is measurable at 488-nm and 633-nm excitation. Further, with the two different filters it is possible to distinguish Cy5 from Cy5.5 in the same detection channel (PMT 3). With this method we identified NK and NKT cells, subsets of NK (CD3-16+56+, CD3-16+56-, CD3-16-56+) and NKT (CD3+16+56+, CD3+16-56+) and their CD4+8-, CD4-8+, CD4-8- and CD4+8+ subsets. CONCLUSION: With our adaptations it is possible to discriminate tandem conjugates of Cy5, Cy5.5, and Cy7 for eight-color immunophenotyping. Using this method, novel rare subsets of NK and NKT cells that are CD4/CD8 double positive are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

We surveyed Utah general internists (N = 134) regarding their attitudes toward and practices associated with telephone management of upper respiratory tract infections. The questionnaire contained 3 case vignettes--viral upper respiratory tract infection, streptococcal pharyngitis, and acute infectious epiglottitis--and a series of questions were asked about telephone diagnosis, management preferences (clinic versus telephone), and telephone management practices. The 53 respondents (40%) were able to make important diagnostic distinctions about upper respiratory tract infections from a written vignette. As the likelihood of a complicated or serious condition increased, patients would be appropriately triaged for clinical evaluation. Most internists would make a written record of the telephone conversation. Only 1 internist of the 53 would charge for telephone management.  相似文献   

Previous studies on lymphocytes have suggested that patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have an increased susceptibility for chromosomal damage induced by bleomycin, a known radiomimetic mutagen. However, it has so far not been possible to study whether this genetic instability is present also in the epithelial component of the upper aerodigestive tract mucosa, the tissue from which HNSCC originates. In the present study, we have successfully cultured epithelial cells and fibroblasts isolated from non-neoplastic mucosa samples of 30 HNSCC patients and 56 controls. All cell cultures were exposed to bleomycin and chromosome instability was assessed by analysis of chromosome breakage in cells harvested after 2h of exposure and subsequent removal of bleomycin. Furthermore, the status of the fragile histidine triad gene (FHIT) in chromosome band 3p14.2 was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in epithelial cells that had been cultured after removal of bleomycin. Chromosomal damage, in the form of chromosomal breaks and gaps, was seen in all cell cultures harvested 2h after exposure to bleomycin. In epithelial cells, the frequency of chromosome breakage was significantly higher among HNSCC patients than among controls [mean breaks per cell (b/c) 1.02 vs. 0.77, p=0.02]. When subdivided according to smoking status, age, and sex, a significantly higher frequency of chromosome breakage was still found in HNSCC patients (smokers, p=0.01, age相似文献   

The most interesting therapeutic aspect of giant cell bone tumors is which patients can be cured without a risk of recurrence by intralesional surgery (curettage). To find out the suitability of some DNA cytometric and morphometric parameters for showing differences between this group of patients (n = 9) and those with recurrence (n = 12), the parameters mean ploidy, 2cDI (mean square deviation of the tumor cell DNA content from the normal 2c value), mean nuclear area and its variability were calculated from cytologic specimens prepared by a cell separation technique from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues, measuring the values of 100 stromal cells per case by a TV image analysis system. Further measurements were performed on 19 cases of different diseases of the bone and on an additional 17 cases of giant cell tumors without follow-up. The 2cDI allowed us to distinguish the two groups of patients, with and without recurrence, without overlap; even the lowest value for patients with recurrence was higher than the highest value for cured ones. Mean ploidy analysis resulted in a less convincing discrimination of the patients. Mean nuclear area and its variability failed to predict recurrence. Single-cell DNA cytometry provided a parameter, 2cDI, that was able to predict recurrence in patients with giant cell bone tumors with high sensitivity.  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution of important chemotherapeutic antibiotics belonging to the anthracycline group (e.g. adriamycin) can be detected by laser flow cytometry. The indirect method is based on the interference of these compounds with the binding of propidium iodide to the nuclear DNA. While in the direct method, the intracellular fluorescence of these antibiotics is excited and detected with a laser beam in a flow system. The present report demonstrates the use of these two methods for intracellular detection and quantitation of a number of important anthracyclines.  相似文献   

Perspectives on the molecular epidemiology of aerodigestive tract cancers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Improving laboratory techniques and the greater availability of genetic data have led to a flurry of publications from molecular epidemiologic studies on aerodigestive tract cancers. Inconsistent results have been observed in studies of sequence variants, due to limitations such as small sample size, possible detection of false positives, moderate prior probabilities that each SNP confers a substantial increase in cancer risk, and publication bias. Meta- and pooled-analyses were shown to be effective in elucidating modest increases in aerodigestive tract cancer risk attributable to sequence variants. Phenotypic assays developed to quantify an individual's DNA repair capacity have been applied to epidemiological studies on aerodigestive tract cancers. Epigenetic events have also been studied in tumor progression and as susceptibility factors for aerodigestive tract cancers, in smaller scale studies. It is imperative that limitations of previous studies are addressed for future research in the molecular epidemiology of aerodigestive tract cancers. Some recommendations for future research are to: (i) incorporate multiple markers of different types (ex. genotype and phenotype data), (ii) enhance statistical power by conducting studies with larger sample size, and developing consortia to coordinate research efforts, (iii) improve marker selection via a hybrid strategy of incorporating data on evolutionary biology and physico-chemical properties of amino acids, with haplotype/tag SNP data, (iv) employ novel statistical methods such as hierarchical modeling with Bayesian adjustments, false positive reporting probability and modeling of complex pathways. Consortia have been initiated for head and neck cancer (International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium (INHANCE)) and lung cancer (International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO)) with the aim to share comparable data, to focus on rare subgroups such as nonsmokers and to coordinate laboratory analyses. Such collaborative efforts and integration across disciplines will be essential in contributing to the elucidation of genetic susceptibility to aerodigestive tract cancers.  相似文献   

Li X  Hu Z  Qu X  Zhu J  Li L  Ring BZ  Su L 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e14749


EPHX1 is a key enzyme in metabolizing some exogenous carcinogens such as products of cigarette-smoking. Two functional polymorphisms in the EPHX1 gene, Tyr113His and His139Arg can alter the enzyme activity, suggesting their possible association with carcinogenesis risk, particularly of some tobacco-related cancers.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis was performed of available studies on these two polymorphisms and cancer risk published up to November 2010, consisting of 84 studies (31144 cases and 42439 controls) for Tyr113His and 77 studies (28496 cases and 38506 controls) for His139Arg primarily focused on lung cancer, upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancers (including oral, pharynx, larynx and esophagus cancers), colorectal cancer or adenoma, bladder cancer and breast cancer. Results showed that Y113H low activity allele (H) was significantly associated with decreased risk of lung cancer (OR = 0.88, 95%CI = 0.80–0.96) and UADT cancers (OR = 0.86, 95%CI = 0.77–0.97) and H139R high activity allele (R) with increased risk of lung cancer (OR = 1.18, 95%CI = 1.04–1.33) but not of UADT cancers (OR = 1.05, 95%CI = 0.93–1.17). Pooled analysis of lung and UADT cancers revealed that low EPHX1 enzyme activity, predicted by the combination of Y113H and H139R showed decreased risk of these cancers (OR = 0.83, 95%CI = 0.75–0.93) whereas high EPHX1 activity increased risk of the cancers (OR = 1.20, 95%CI = 0.98–1.46). Furthermore, modest difference for the risk of lung and UADT cancers was found between cigarette smokers and nonsmokers both in single SNP analyses (low activity allele H: OR = 0.77/0.85 for smokers/nonsmokers; high activity allele R: OR = 1.20/1.09 for smokers/nonsmokers) and in combined double SNP analyses (putative low activity: OR = 0.73/0.88 for smokers/nonsmokers; putative high activity: OR = 1.02/0.93 for smokers/ nonsmokers).


Putative low EPHX1 enzyme activity may have a potential protective effect on tobacco-related carcinogenesis of lung and UADT cancers, whereas putative high EPHX1 activity may have a harmful effect. Moreover, cigarette-smoking status may influence the association of EPHX1 enzyme activity and the related cancer risk.  相似文献   

Mortality connected with tobacco smoke-associated laryngeal cancer in Poland markedly exceeds the relevant epidemiological data from other European countries. The main groups of genotoxic agents considered as potential carcinogens present in tobacco smoke are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, N-nitrosoamines and reactive oxygen species. Aromatic DNA adducts, N7-alkylated guanosines and oxidative DNA damage derived from tobacco smoke exposure were detected in laryngeal and oral (tumour and non-tumour) biopsies, and white blood cells of cancer subjects. Further, DNA lesions were analysed to estimate the significance of such confounders as intensity of smoking, subject's sex, age, topography of larynx, cancer staging and genetic factor. The number of cigarettes smoked per day was found to be the main determinant of an individual's DNA adduct level. The occurrence of DNA lesions was established as a reliable marker of former exposure to tobacco smoke genotoxicants. On the other hand, a comparison of DNA lesion levels in various regions of larynx indicates limited usefulness of DNA adduct analysis as an estimate of cancer risk. For a better risk estimation one has to take into account DNA lesions in proto-oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes and the efficacy of DNA repair. Altogether, DNA adducts formation and removal has to be considered as a single stage in the multistep carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Carcinogenesis in the upper aerodigestive tract is influenced by multiple factors. Besides tobacco and alcohol consumption, specific pollutants such as phthalates, nitrosamines, and polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates may be important in tumor initiation. Genetic factors related to mutagen sensitivity and DNA repair capacity also play a role. The aim of this study was to investigate whether human peripheral blood lymphocytes and mucosal epithelium of the upper aerodigestive tract, the target for volatile and liquid xenobiotics, are equally sensitive to genotoxic agents.The Comet assay was used to detect for DNA damage induced by genotoxic agents in mucosal epithelial cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes of 60 volunteers. Mucosa was harvested from larynx, oropharynx, and inferior nasal turbinates. Xenobiotics investigated were dibutylphthalate (DBP), diisobutylphthalate (DiBP), N'-nitrosodiethylamine (NDELA), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), and N'-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). DBP, DiBP, B[a]P, NDELA and MNNG induced a significant increase in DNA migration in both cell populations. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were more sensitive than mucosal cells to DBP and DiBP, but not to NDELA and B[a]P. The correlation, in terms of DNA migration, between lymphocytes and mucosal cells among volunteers was relatively poor. Based on the poor correlation in response between the two cell types, the sensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes to genotoxic agents appears to be a poor predictor of sensitivity in the target cells of the upper aerodigestive tract. Further attention should be focused on intra-individual mutagen sensitivities and inter-individual genetic differences as regards susceptibility to upper aerodigestive tract cancer.  相似文献   

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