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Brewer SH  Song B  Raleigh DP  Dyer RB 《Biochemistry》2007,46(11):3279-3285
A major difficulty in experimental studies of protein folding is the lack of nonperturbing, residue specific probes of folding. Here, we demonstrate the ability to resolve protein folding dynamics at the level of a single residue using 13C=18O isotope-edited infrared spectroscopy. A single 13C=18O isotopic label was incorporated into the backbone of the 36 residue, three-helix bundle villin headpiece subdomain (HP36). The label was placed in a solvent protected region of the second alpha-helix of the protein. The 13C=18O isotopic label shifted the carbonyl stretching frequency to 1572.1 cm-1 in the folded state, well removed from the 12C=16O band of the unlabeled protein backbone. The unique IR signature of the 13C=18O label was exploited to probe the equilibrium thermal unfolding transition using temperature-dependent FTIR spectroscopy. The folding/unfolding dynamics were monitored using temperature-jump (T-jump) IR spectroscopy. The equilibrium unfolding studies showed conformational changes suggestive of a loss of helical structure in helix 2 prior to the global unfolding of the protein. T-jump relaxation kinetics probing both the labeled site and the 12C=16O band were found to be biphasic with similar relaxation rates. The slow relaxation phase (approximately 2 x 10(5) s-1) corresponds to the global folding transition. The location of the label, a buried position in helix 2, provides an important probe of the origin of the fast relaxation phase (approximately 10(7) s-1). This phase has significant amplitude for the labeled position even though it is well protected from solvent in the folded structure. The fast phase likely represents a rapid pre-equilibrium that involves solvent penetration around the label and possible partial unfolding of helix 2 prior to the global unfolding transition. This work represents the first experimental study of ultrafast folding dynamics with residue specific resolution.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding of a series of 6-, 10-, and 14-mer cyclic beta-hairpin peptides was studied to gain insight into the mechanism of formation of this important secondary structure. The thermodynamics of the transition were characterized using temperature dependent Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Thermodynamic data were analyzed using a two-state model which indicates increasing cooperativity along the series. The relaxation kinetics of the peptides in response to a laser induced temperature jump were probed using time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. Single exponential relaxation kinetics were observed and fit with a two-state model. The folding rate determined for these cyclic peptides is accelerated by some two orders of magnitude over the rate of a linear peptide that forms a beta-hairpin. This observation supports the argument that the rate limiting step in the linear system is either stabilization of compact collapsed structures or rearrangement of collapsed structures over a barrier to achieve the native interstrand registry. Small activation energies for folding of these peptides obtained from an Arrhenius analysis of the rates imply a primarily entropic barrier, hence an organized transition state having specific stabilizing interactions.  相似文献   

The relaxation kinetics of aqueous lipid dispersions after a pressure jump (p-jump) were investigated using time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy. The methylene stretching vibrational band and the carbonyl band were analyzed to detect changes in conformational order of the hydrocarbon chains and to follow the degree of hydration of the head group, respectively. The kinetics of the transition was found to consist of multiple processes with relaxation constants from seconds down to milliseconds. Faster processes are also present, but could not be resolved by our instrument. This is the first investigation showing directly the time resolved change in chain order in lipid bilayers induced by a p-jump. The results obtained with this IR detection method support previous results that the change in chain order after a perturbation is a multi-step process with the initial molecular events occurring with time constants shorter than milliseconds.  相似文献   

Protein side chain dynamics is associated with protein stability, folding, and intermolecular interactions. Detailed dynamics information is crucial for the understanding of protein function and biochemical and biophysical properties, which can be obtained using NMR relaxation techniques. In this review, (13)C relaxation of methine, methylene and methyl groups with and without (1)H decoupling are described briefly for a better understanding of how spin relaxation is associated with motional (dynamics) parameters. Developments in the measurement and interpretation of (13)C auto-relaxation and cross-correlated relaxation data are presented too. Finally, recent progress in the use of (13)C relaxation to probe the dynamics of protein side chains is detailed mainly for the dynamics of non-deuterated proteins on picoseconds-nanosecond timescales.  相似文献   

The temperature jump relaxation technique is a convenient and general means of studying rapid reversible reactions of biological macromolecules. Recent advances in automatic data acquisition and the introduction of different optical detection systems will soon allow us to exploit the full potential of kinetic measurements near equilibrium. On the other hand, the kinetic approach can be quite limited if not accompanied by detailed structural and thermodynamic studies. Finally, we must accept the fact that one can rarely demonstrate a reaction mechanism to the exclusion of all plausible alternative models.  相似文献   

The refolding kinetics of bistable RNA sequences were studied in unperturbed equilibrium via (13)C exchange NMR spectroscopy. For this purpose a straightforward labeling technique was elaborated using a 2'-(13)C-methoxy uridine modification, which was prepared by a two-step synthesis and introduced into RNA using standard protocols. Using (13)C longitudinal exchange NMR spectroscopy the refolding kinetics of a 20 nt bistable RNA were characterized at temperatures between 298 and 310K, yielding the enthalpy and entropy differences between the conformers at equilibrium and the activation energy of the refolding process. The kinetics of a more stable 32 nt bistable RNA could be analyzed by the same approach at elevated temperatures, i.e. at 314 and 316 K. Finally, the dynamics of a multi-stable RNA able to fold into two hairpin- and a pseudo-knotted conformation was studied by (13)C relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

We performed spectral diffusion experiments in trehalose-enriched glycerol/buffer-glass on horseradish peroxidase where the heme was replaced by metal-free mesoporphyrin IX, and compared them with the respective behavior in a pure glycerol/buffer-glass (Schlichter et al., J. Chem. Phys. 2000, 112:3045-3050). Trehalose has a significant influence: spectral diffusion broadening speeds up compared to the trehalose-free glass. This speeding up is attributed to a shortening of the correlation time of the frequency fluctuations most probably by preventing water molecules from leaving the protein interior. Superimposed to the frequency fluctuation dynamics is a relaxation dynamics that manifests itself as an aging process in the spectral diffusion broadening. Although the trehalose environment speeds up the fluctuations, it does not have any influence on the relaxation. Both relaxation and fluctuations are governed by power laws in time. The respective exponents do not seem to change with the protein environment. From the spectral dynamics, the mean square displacement in conformation space can be determined. It is governed by anomalous diffusion. The associated frequency correlation time is incredibly long, demonstrating that proteins at low temperatures are truly nonergodic systems.  相似文献   

Last experimental results of the study of protein dynamics by M?ssbauer absorption spectroscopy and Rayleigh scattering of M?ssbauer radiation are reviewed. Dynamical properties of proteins following from the theoretical treatment of these data are described.  相似文献   

The Journal of Membrane Biology - A voltage-jump technique for the study of the time course of small, voltageinduced changes in the structure of single bilayers is presented, and a method is...  相似文献   

T G Spiro  G Smulevich  C Su 《Biochemistry》1990,29(19):4497-4508
Because vibrational frequencies are sensitive to structure, RR spectroscopy can provide structural information about kinetic steps in protein transformations when carried out in a time-resolved mode. UVRR spectroscopy has shown that the aromatic groups of the HbCO photoproduct respond with a delay of 20 microseconds and has provided direct structural evidence that the 20-microseconds kinetic step is the R-T quaternary re-arrangement of the subunits. RR bands of the porphyrin ring show that the core relaxes via a 0.1-microsecond protein motion, which probably allows the Fe atom to attain its full out-of plane displacement. The Fe-His stretching frequency has an elevated value immediately after CO photolysis, in part, perhaps, because of the protein constraint on the Fe displacement. It relaxes on both the 0.1- and 1-microsecond time scales to its value in R-state Hb and then decreases further to its T-state value. These changes may be connected with reorientation of the proximal His side chain. At very early times after a photolysis pulse, heating effects may be an important aspect of the protein dynamics, but further experiments are needed to understand the RR response.  相似文献   

Biological polymers are expected to exhibit functionally relevant, global, and subglobal collective modes in the terahertz (THz) frequency range (i.e., picosecond timescale). In an effort to monitor these collective motions, we have experimentally determined the absorption spectrum of solvated bovine serum albumin (BSA) from 0.3 to 3.72 THz (10-124 cm(-1)). We successfully extract the terahertz molar absorption of the solvated BSA from the much stronger attenuation of water and observe in the solvated protein a dense, overlapping spectrum of vibrational modes that increases monotonically with increasing frequency. We see no evidence of distinct, strong, spectral features, suggesting that no specific collective vibrations dominate the protein's spectrum of motions, consistent with the predictions of molecular dynamics simulations and normal mode analyses of a range of small proteins. The shape of the observed spectrum resembles the ideal quadratic spectral density expected for a disordered ionic solid, indicating that the terahertz normal mode density of the solvated BSA may be modeled, to first order, as that of a three-dimensional elastic nanoparticle with an aperiodic charge distribution. Nevertheless, there are important detailed departures from that of a disordered inorganic solid or the normal mode densities predicted for several smaller proteins. These departures are presumably the spectral features arising from the unique molecular details of the solvated BSA. The techniques used here and measurements have the potential to experimentally confront theoretical calculations on a frequency scale that is important for macromolecular motions in a biologically relevant water environment.  相似文献   

A method based on the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiment is presented for measuring the temperature coefficients of amide proton chemical shifts of low populated ‘invisible’ protein states that exchange with a ‘visible’ ground state on the millisecond time-scale. The utility of the approach is demonstrated with an application to an I58D mutant of the Pfl6 Cro protein that undergoes exchange between the native, folded state and a cold denatured, unfolded conformational ensemble that is populated at a level of 6% at 2.5°C. A wide distribution of amide temperature coefficients is measured for the unfolded state. The distribution is centered about –5.6 ppb/K, consistent with an absence of intra-molecular hydrogen bonds, on average. However, the large range of values (standard deviation of 2.1 ppb/K) strongly supports the notion that the unfolded state of the protein is not a true random coil polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Proteins are dynamic molecules that often undergo conformational changes while performing their specific functions, such as target recognition, ligand binding and catalysis. NMR spectroscopy is uniquely suited to study protein dynamics, because site-specific information can be obtained for motions that span a broad range of time scales. The information obtained from NMR dynamics experiments has provided insights into specific structural changes or conformational energetics associated with molecular function. In the last decade, a number of new advancements in NMR methodologies have further extended our ability to characterize protein dynamics. Here, we present an overview of current NMR technology that is used to monitor the dynamic properties of proteins.  相似文献   

Bell AF  He X  Wachter RM  Tonge PJ 《Biochemistry》2000,39(15):4423-4431
We present Raman spectra, obtained using 752 nm excitation, on wild-type GFP and the S65T mutant of this intrinsically fluorescent protein together with data on a model chromophore, ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)methylidene-2-methyl-5-oxoimidazolacetate . In the pH range 1-14, the model compound has two macroscopic pK(a)s of 1.8 and 8.2 attributed to ionization of the imidazolinone ring nitrogen and the phenolic hydroxyl group, respectively. Comparison of the model chromophore with the chromophore in wild-type GFP and the S65T mutant reveals that the cationic form, with both the imidazolinone ring nitrogen and the phenolic oxygen protonated, is not present in these particular GFP proteins. Our results do not provide any evidence for the zwitterionic form of the chromophore, with the phenolic group deprotonated and the imidazolinone ring nitrogen protonated, being present in the GFP proteins. In addition, since the position of the Raman bands is a property exclusively of the ground state structure, the data enable us to investigate how protein-chromophore interactions affect the ground state structure of the chromophore without contributions from excited state effects. It is found that the ground state structure of the anionic form of the chromophore, which is most relevant to the fluorescent properties, is strongly dependent on the chromophore environment whereas the neutral form seems to be insensitive. A linear correlation between the absorption properties and the ground state structure is demonstrated by plotting the absorption maxima versus the wavenumber of a Raman band found in the range 1610-1655 cm(-1).  相似文献   

Helicases are enzymes that unwind double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) into its single-stranded components. It is important to understand the binding and unbinding of ATP from the active sites of helicases, as this knowledge can be used to elucidate the functionality of helicases during the unwinding of dsDNA. In this work, we investigated the unbinding of ATP and its effect on the active-site residues of the helicase PcrA using molecular dynamic simulations. To mimic the unbinding process of ATP from the active site of the helicase, we simulated the application of an external force that pulls ATP from the active site and computed the free-energy change during this process. We estimated an energy cost of ~85 kJ/mol for the transformation of the helicase from the ATP-bound state (1QHH) to the ATP-free state (1PJR). Unbinding led to conformational changes in the residues of the protein at the active site. Some of the residues at the ATP-binding site were significantly reoriented when the ATP was pulled. We observed a clear competition between reorientation of the residues and energy stabilization by hydrogen bonds between the ATP and active-site residues. We also checked the flexibility of the PcrA protein using a principal component analysis of domain motion. We found that the ATP-free state of the helicase is more flexible than the ATP-bound state.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) is an essential intermediate in various DNA metabolic processes and interacts with a large number of proteins. Due to its flexibility, the conformations of ssDNA in solution can only be described using statistical approaches, such as flexibly jointed or worm-like chain models. However, there is limited data available to assess such models quantitatively, especially for describing the flexibility of short ssDNA and RNA. To address this issue, we performed FRET studies of a series of oligodeoxythymidylates, (dT)N, over a wide range of salt concentrations and chain lengths (10 < or = N < or = 70 nucleotides), which provide systematic constraints for testing theoretical models. Unlike in mechanical studies where available ssDNA conformations are averaged out during the time it takes to perform measurements, fluorescence lifetimes may act here as an internal clock that influences fluorescence signals depending on how fast the ssDNA conformations fluctuate. A reasonably good agreement could be obtained between our data and the worm-like chain model provided that limited relaxations of the ssDNA conformations occur within the fluorescence lifetime of the donor. The persistence length thus estimated ranges from 1.5 nm in 2 M NaCl to 3 nm in 25 mM NaCl.  相似文献   

We examine the binding of fluorescent ligands to proteins by analyzing the fluctuation amplitude g(0) of fluorescence fluctuation experiments. The normalized variance g(0) depends on the molecular brightness and the concentration of each species in the sample. Thus a single g(0) measurement is not sufficient to resolve individual species. Titration of the ligand with protein establishes the link between molecular brightness and concentration by fitting g(0) to a binding model and allows the separation of species. We first apply g(0) analysis to binary dye mixtures with brightness ratios of 2 and 4 to demonstrate the feasibility of this technique. Next we consider the influence of binding on the fluctuation amplitude g(0). The dissociation coefficient, the molecular brightness ratio, and the stochiometry of binding strongly influence the fluctuation amplitude. We show that proteins with a single binding site can be clearly differentiated from proteins with two independent binding sites. The binding of fluorescein-labeled digoxigenin to a high-affinity anti-digoxin antibody was studied experimentally. A global analysis of the fluctuation amplitude and the fluorescence intensity not only recovered the dissociation coefficient and the number of binding sites, but also revealed the molecular heterogeneity of the hapten-antibody complex. Two species were used to model the molecular heterogeneity. We confirmed the molecular heterogeneity independently by fluorescence lifetime experiments, which gave fractional populations and molecular brightness values that were virtually identical to those of the g(0) analysis. The identification and characterization of molecular heterogeneity have far-reaching consequences for many biomolecular systems. We point out the important role fluctuation experiments may have in this area of research.  相似文献   

We present the protocol for the measurement and analysis of dark-state exchange saturation transfer (DEST), a novel solution NMR method for characterizing, at atomic resolution, the interaction between an NMR-'visible' free species and an NMR-'invisible' species transiently bound to a very high-molecular-weight (>1 MDa) macromolecular entity. The reduced rate of reorientational motion in the bound state that precludes characterization by traditional NMR methods permits the observation of DEST. (15)N-DEST profiles are measured on a sample comprising the dark state in exchange with an NMR-visible species; in addition, the difference (ΔR(2)) in (15)N transverse relaxation rates between this sample and a control sample comprising only the NMR-visible species is also obtained. The (15)N-DEST and ΔR(2) data for all residues are then fitted simultaneously to the McConnell equations for various exchange models describing the residue-specific dynamics in the bound state(s) and the interconversion rate constants. Although the length of the experiments depends strongly on sample conditions, approximately 1 week of NMR spectrometer time was sufficient for full characterization of samples of amyloid-β (Aβ) at concentrations of ~100 μM.  相似文献   

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