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Fighting is often composed of discrete agonistic displays. Few studies have partitioned fighting behavior into its component agonistic displays and evaluated the relationships between the frequency of the displays and the potential benefits of fighting, particularly mating success. In this study, we quantified the frequency of male field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, agonistic displays. The displays were quantified under three social environments which varied in the potential benefits of fighting: males with other males only, males with other males and female scents, and males with other males and females. We found that (1) the presence of females elicited an increase in agonistic displays characteristic of intermediate levels of escalation, (2) female scents did not produce a similar increase in the frequency of agonistic displays, and (3) in the presence of females, the frequency of agonistic displays was positively correlated with mating success. Aggressive stridulation, an energetically low-cost display, was more strongly associated with mating success than were more costly displays. The results are discussed in the context of the evolutionary theory of aggression and in the context of cricket mating systems.  相似文献   

Male displacement of copulatory (sperm) plugs from female vaginas provides further evidence for sperm competition in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), a gregarious prosimian species with a multimale, multifemale mating system. During two mating seasons, I studied two groups of free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs on St. Catherines Island, GA, USA. I observed 22 mating pairs in which males achieved penile intromission. Copulatory plug displacement by males occurred in 9 cases. Plugs were displaced during copulation by male penes upon withdrawl following deep vaginal thrusting. In every case of copulatory plug displacement, the male displacing a plug mated to ejaculation with the estrous female. In a mating system in which females typically mate with more than one male during estrous, often in succession, copulatory plug displacement may function to disrupt or preclude other males' successful insemination of estrous females. The effects of sperm plug displacement on paternity in Lemur catta are unknown, as no study had heretofore documented copulatory plug displacement in this species. The first-male mating advantage suggested for Lemur catta should be re-evaluated where mating order is known, and copulatory plug displacement during mating, or lack thereof, is identified. Because there is a tendency for first-mating males to mate-guard for longer periods of time in Lemur catta, the latency period between the first mate's ejaculation and that of subsequent mates may be an important determinant of male fertilization success.  相似文献   

A common male adaptation to prevent sperm competition is the placement of a mating plug. Such plugs are considered as an extreme investment if they comprise parts of the genital systems and render the male sterile. Genital mutilation occurs in monogynous spiders of several families and may co‐occur with permanent sperm depletion, meaning that sperm production is terminated once males become mature. Within the orb‐web spider genus Nephila, monogynous mating strategies are considered ancestral, although some species have reverted to a polygynous mating strategy. Although genital mutilation does not occur in these species, permanent sperm depletion (PSD) remained. We compared investment in sperm between an effectively plugging (Nephila fenestrata Thorell, 1859) and a closely‐related nonplugging species [Nephila senegalensis (Walckenaer, 1841)]. Sperm investment should be higher in N. senegalensis because males are able to mate with several females, whereas N. fenestrata males can only achieve a maximum of two copulations, generally performed with the same female. The absence of a plugging mechanism in N. senegalensis and the inability to monopolize females by means of mating plugs results in a higher risk of sperm competition. Thus, we predicted higher investment in sperm producing tissue and larger sperm storage organs in males of N. senegalensis compared to N. fenestrata. We examined the testes and deferent ducts of both species for size and cell‐quality differences using light and transmission electron microscopy and analyzed the volume of the sperm reservoir in the male copulatory organ (i.e. spermophor) using X‐ray microcomputed tomography. In contrast to our prediction, the lumen of testes, deferent ducts, and spermophor of N. senegalensis males were significantly smaller than in N. fenestrata.  相似文献   

The function of male movements during copulation is unclear. These movements may be a result of the necessary mechanics of insemination, or they may also have further function, for instance, stimulating or courting a female during mating, perhaps influencing female mate choice. We present data from three experiments exploring the mating behavior and copulatory movements of the highly promiscuous beetle Psilothrix viridicoeruleus. Male mating success in the struggle over mating was not related to male or female size (measured by weight) but successful males were more vigorous in terms of copulatory movements. These males took longer to mount females but copulated longer and remained mounted longer. We discuss these results in terms of the mating system of Psilothrix and also in terms of observations of the timing of insemination during copulation. We suggest that copulatory movements in this species are best understood as copulatory courtship.  相似文献   

The ecological and social bases of the mating system of the seed-feeding bug, Dysdercus bimaculatus(Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae), were studied in the lab and in aggregations at the host tree, Sterculia apetala(Malvales: Malvaceae), in Panama. On theoretical grounds, two factors are predicted to be of importance in determining the evolution of male mating tactics in Ms species: the operational sex ratio and the probability that undefended females will mate with other males, subjecting the gametes of deserters to sperm competition. Results of a study of a related species suggested that sperm displacement is probably substantial. Adult sex ratios at numerous sites were significantly male biased, and females whose mates were removed remated before oviposition (i. e., sperm utilization). These results predict that a mate defense tactic is likely to be superior to a nondefense tactic. The biological significance of the parameters is supported by observations that captive pairs often remained in copulafor several days, until just before oviposition. However, substantial variation in copulation duration was also observed, and possible causes of this variation are considered. Causes of male biased adult sex ratios were investigated by monitoring demographic changes within a single aggregation over 2 months. Both female juvenile and adult mortality rates were greater than male. In addition, dissections of reproductive adults showed that the flight muscles of females, but not males, had histolyzed, so that female reproduction is physiologically limited to a single site. Greater rates of immigration among both mature and young males suggests that an excess of males may also be found in the populations of bugs that subsequently colonize other host plants, so that female scarcity is typical of aggregations in all stages of development. The evolution of sex-limtied flight muscle histolysis may be explained by greater patchiness of females than males as mating resources, plus a lower energetic benefit/cost ratio of histolysis for males.  相似文献   

Male soapberry bugs (Jadera haematoloma)face severe mating competition at the northern edge of their range due to male-biased adult sex ratios. Copulations lasting up to 11 days may serve a mate guarding function (encompassing four or more ovipositions), but copulation duration is highly variable, with some pairings lasting as little as 10 min. Data were gathered to describe factors that influence the reproductive costs and benefits of prolonged copulation. Estimated copulation durations (mean ± SD) were 20 ± 23 h in the lab and 50 ± 8 h in the field and were only weakly affected by sex ratio. Females mated for 5 min produced as many fertile eggs as those mated for 600 min laid; they became depleted of fertile sperm after about 25 days. In twicemated females, the first male's paternity was reduced by about 60%, and all females (N = 13) whose mates were removed experimentally mated again within an average of 6 min. The outcome of sperm competition on a perclutch basis was not highly predictable. The possibility of increased sperm displacement in longer copulations was not tested. Males often guarded females during oviposition and successfully defended them from intruding single males by recopulating. Such intrusions occurred in the majority of oviposition attempts observed in nature. Even though most females mated promiscuously, in a focal aggregation with a mean sex ratio of 2.2 ± 0.4 males/female, the interval between matings by males was commonly several days. Males appeared to respond facultatively to several aspects of the distribution and availability of females. The intensities of mating competition and sperm competition indicate that monogamous mate guarding should be favored over nonguarding in nature. Unpredicted brief. pairings may result from assessment by males of female reproductive value or of their own physical condition, or from female resistance.  相似文献   

The relationship between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and mating success was studied within males of the sphragis-baring butterfly Luehdorfia japonica, which were collected at various periods during their mating season. FA was measured on the forewing and hindwing radius lengths of male butterflies. Mating frequency of males was estimated by assessing the degree of scale loss from their claspers. Males consume scales and use them to form sphragis on the female abdomen during copulation, sealing the ostium bursa for life. Age of males was scored as wing age 0 to 4 according to the wearing of the wing. FA was negatively correlated with mating frequency but positively correlated with wing age, and average FA decreased with mating season. As females have little chance to express mate choice, it is likely that FA is an indicator of male viability: symmetrical males live longer and/or fly more actively, resulting in a higher lifetime mating success compared to asymmetrical males.  相似文献   

The mating pattern and female fertility on the two main mitochondrial DNA haplotypes (I and II) of Drosophila subobscura were studied, in an attempt to find possible differences between them in relation to sexual selection or isolation that could explain the populational dynamics and the co-existence of these two strains in nature. The mating pattern indicated an assortative mating in population cages, where couples of the same haplotype, mainly those of haplotype I, mated more often. However, the significations detected in laboratory conditions disappeared in wild populations, where random mating was the rule. The female fertility also showed differences in the laboratory compared to the wild, since couples with haplotype I males were more efficient in the laboratory populations. These results, together with others that we previously obtained, either point to selection acting directly on the mtDNA or to the presence of some kind of cytonuclear co-adaptation in these two haplotypes, although this must be modulated by other factors that change with the seasons and time. The end result could well be a balance of opposite forces acting on both haplotypes.  相似文献   

Fopius arisanus is unusual among hymenopterous parasitoids in males having an obligatory premating period. We confirmed Hagen's (1953) view that sperm takes several days to migrate from the testes to the seminal vesicles. Males mated for the first time only 4 days after emergence, the time that sperm was first ever recorded in the seminal vesicles. In the field, we studied the sexual maturation of F. arisanus males in relation to their behavior. In general, sexually immature males were found in male-only swarms that persisted over several days in host tree canopies. Mature males were usually found in loose aggregations in the vegetation beneath host trees. Females entered these loose aggregations and were mated, whereas they were generally absent from swarms in the canopy. Swarming is therefore apparently not a primary component of the sexual communication system of the species. We describe, for the first time in F. arisanus, the behavioral sequence that accompanies the intersexual communication that leads to mating. Males probably release a volatile chemical that attracts females from a distance, but we have only circumstantial evidence for this. We also postulate that males may form aggregations to amplify the effects of this distance attractant. In the vicinity of males, females release a pheromone that attracts males, a process we demonstrated with female-baited sticky traps.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory behavior was studied in Libellula pulchella, a North American dragonfly in which ovipositing females face frequent harassment by unpaired males seeking matings. Although males performed noncontact guarding of their mates after copulation, females received minimal protection since their guarders tended to leave on extended chases of other males when harassment was intense. Ovipositions by unguarded females were even more likely to be terminated by harassment and were disrupted sooner. Female tactics to minimize interference included rapid escape flights, repeated return visits to the water within short time periods, perching when severerly harassed, and proceeding with mating when clasped. Female use of multiple oviposition sites is discussed in the context of guarding effectiveness and mate recognition by males.  相似文献   

Orb-weaving spiders of the genus Nephila are notable for their sexual size dimorphism, with dwarf males and giant females. However, less well known is the extreme size polymorphism of males that is characteristic of some species. For example, adult male body size in N. edulis varies by an order of magnitude. Previous experiments reveal that male mating behaviour covaries with body size, suggesting the size variation is maintained by opposing pre- and post-insemination sexual selection pressures. Here, we test this idea by allowing males of different sizes to compete directly and simultaneously for access to females. Using the sterile-male technique for paternity assessment, we show that two competing males drawn from the extremes of size variations, split paternity the same way as two males of the same size drawn from the intermediate sizes. The paternity of a large male dropped from 50% to 30% on average if he competed against two instead of one small male. The large male increased his mating frequency when there were more rivals but required a much lower total duration of copulation to achieve the same paternity share. These data are consistent with the idea that opposing pre- and post-insemination selection pressures at least partly explain the variation in male body size. Co-ordinating editor: L.D. Hurst  相似文献   

In a previous field-trapping study of the oriental beetle, Exomala orientalis (Waterhouse), by using synthetic sex pheromone on golf course fairways, numerous males were observed and trapped during the hours of peak mating activity. However, very few beetles were observed in the same areas when synthetic pheromone was absent. To investigate the hypothesis that mating in nature occurs cryptically within vegetation at the soil surface, laboratory studies on female emergence and pheromone release, male emergence and mate-locating, and female and male mating behaviors were conducted. Mate acquisition and copulation occurred on the soil surface near the female emergence site, with both sexes engaging in pheromone-mediated behaviors after having emerged from the soil. A highly stereotyped female pheromone release, or calling, behavior was observed, consisting of insertion of the female's head into the soil and elevation of the tip of her abdomen into the air. Bioassays conducted in a wind tunnel that simulated a turf fairway environment showed that walking and flying were both important in the upwind response of males to females. Mating and copulation occurred without an obvious complex courtship, but observations of postmating behaviors suggested that mate guarding occurs.  相似文献   

Although females’ mating preferences are influenced by male characteristics, there are a number of factors intrinsic to females and unrelated to male phenotype that can modulate female choice. We assessed the effects of age and mating experience on mechanisms of pre- and post-copulatory mate choice in female house crickets, Acheta domesticus L., by randomly assigning males to females, but independently varying the age and number of previous matings of females at the time of experimental matings. Latency to mating, a measure of a female’s pre-copulatory preference, was influenced by female age at the time of mating, with older females mating sooner than younger females. The reduced selectivity of older females appears consistent with life-history theory, which predicts that the reproductive value of females should decline with age. The length of time that females retained the spermatophore after mating, a measure of a female’s post-copulatory mating preference, was not influenced by female age at the time of mating, the number of previous matings, or any interaction between the two main effects. Contrary to previous reports, male mass had no effect on either the latency to mating or female retention of the spermatophore in A. domesticus. We conclude that female age and mating experience can moderate female selectivity, but that their impact varies according to the mechanism by which females favor particular sires.  相似文献   

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