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The intraperiplasmic growth rate and cell yield of wild-type Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J, growing on Escherichia coli of normal composition as the substrate, were not markedly inhibited by 10-3 M methotrexate (4-amino-N10-methylpteroylglutamic acid). In contrast, the growth rate and cell yield of the mutant 109Ja, growing axenically in 0.5% yeast extract +0.15% peptone, were strongly inhibited by 10-4 and 10-3 M methotrexate. Thymine, thymidine, and thymidine-5'-monophosphate, in increasing order of effectiveness, partially or completely reversed the inhibition. E. coli depleted of tetrahydrofolate and having an abnormally high protein/deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ratio was obtained by growing it in the presence of methotrexate. B. bacteriovourus grew at a normal rate on these depleted E. coli cells but with somewhat reduced cell yield. Mexthotrexate (10-3 M) inhibited intraperiplasmic growth of bdellovibrio on the depleted E. coli somewhat more than it inhibited growth on normal E. coli, but the effects were small compared with inhibition of axenic growth of the mutant. Total bdellovibrio DNA after growth on the depleted E. coli in the presence or absence of methotrexate exceeded the initial quanity of E. coli DNA present. Thymidine-5'-monophosphate (10-3 M) largely reversed the inhibition and increased the amount of net synthesis of DNA. The data are consistent with the prediction that intraperiplasmic growth of B. bacteriovorus should be insensitive to all metabolic inhibitors that act by specifically preventing synthesis of essential monomers. The data also indicate that B. bacteriovorus possesses thymidylate synthetase, thymidine phosphorylase, and thymidine kinase, and has the potential to carry out de novo DNA synthesis from non-DNA precursors during intraperiplasmic growth. The results also suggest that methionyl tRNAfMet is not required for initiation of protein synthesis by B. bacteriovorus.  相似文献   

The Y-ATP (energy efficiency) of intraperiplasmic growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus was determined from the distribution of radioactivity of the substrate organism ([U-14C]Escherichia coli) btween CO2 and bdellovibrio cells at the end of growth. A "best" Y-ATP value of 18.5 was obtained from single growth cycle experiments and an average value of 25.9 from multicycle experiments. Both values are much higher than the usual value of 10.5 for bacteria growing in rich media. The bases for the unusual energy efficiency for growth of B. bacteriovorus are discussed.  相似文献   

During growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus on (2-14C)uracil-labeled Escherichia coli approximately 50% of the radioactivity is incorporated by the bdellovibrio and most of the remainder is released as free nucleic acid bases. Kinetic studies showed that 50 and 30S ribosomal particles and 23 and 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (RNA) of E. coli are almost completely degraded by the first 90 min in a 210- to 240-min bdellovibrio developmental cycle. Synthesis of bdellovibrio ribosomal RNA was first detected after 90 min. The specific activity and the ratio of radioactivity in the bases of the synthesized bdellovibrio RNA was essentially the same as those of the substrate E. coli. The total radioactivity of the bdellovibrio deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) exceeded that in the DNA of the substrate E. coli cell, and the ratio of radioactivity of cytosine to thymine residues differed. Intraperiplasmic growth of B. bacteriovorus in the presence of added nucleoside monophosphates (singly or in combination) significantly decreased the uptake of radioactivity from (2-14C)uracil-labeled E. coli; nucleosides or nucleic acid bases did not. It is concluded that the RNA of the substrate cell, in the form of nucleoside monophosphates, is the major or exclusive precursor of the bdellovirbrio RNA and also serves as a precursor for some of the bdellovibrio DNA.  相似文献   

Heat shock-induced axenic growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

During intraperiplasmic growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J on Escherichia coli some 30 to 60% of the initial E. coli RNA-ribose disappeared as cell-associated orcinol-positive material. The levels of RNA-ribose in the suspending buffer after growth together with the RNA-ribose used for bdellovibrio DNA synthesis accounted for 50% or less of the missing RNA-ribose. With intraperiplasmic growth in the presence of added U-14C-labeled CMP, GMP, or UMP, radioactivity was found both in the respired CO2 and incorporated into the bdellovibrio cell components. The addition of exogenous unlabeled ribonucleotides markedly reduced the amounts of both the 14CO2 and 14C incorporated into the progeny bdellovibrios. During intraperiplasmic growth of B. bacteriovorus on [U-14C]ribose-labeled E. coli BJ565, ca. 74% and ca. 19% of the initial 14C was incorporated into the progeny bdellovibrios and respired CO2, respectively. Under similar growth conditions, the addition of glutamate substantially reduced only the 14CO2; however, added ribonucleotides reduced both the 14CO2 and the 14C incorporated into the progeny bdellovibrios. No similar effects were found with added ribose-5-phosphate. The distribution of 14C in the major cell components was similar in progeny bdellovibrios whether obtained from growth on [U-14C]ribose-labeled E. coli BJ565 or from E. coli plus added U-14C-labeled ribonucleotides. After intraperiplasmic growth of B. bacteriovorus on [5,6-3H-]uracil-[U-14C]ribose-labeled E. coli BJ565 (normal or heat treated), the whole-cell 14C/3H ratio of the progeny bdellovibrios was some 50% greater and reflected the higher 14C/3H ratios found in the cell fractions. B. bacteriovorus and E. coli cell extracts both contained 5'-nucleotidase, uridine phosphorylase, purine phosphorylase, deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase, transketolase, thymidine phosphorylase, phosphodeoxyribomutase, and transaldolase enzyme activities. The latter three enzyme activities were either absent or very low in cell extracts prepared from heat-treated E. coli cells. It is concluded that during intraperiplasmic growth B. bacteriovorus degrades some 20 to 40% of the ribonucleotides derived from the initial E. coli RNA into the base and ribose-1-phosphate moieties. The ribose-1-phosphate is further metabolized by B. bacteriovorus both for energy production and for biosynthesis, of non-nucleic acid cell material. In addition, the data indicate that during intraperiplasmic growth B. bacteriovorus can metabolize ribose only if this compound is available to it as the ribonucleoside monophosphate.  相似文献   

Data are presented showing that a large proportion of the fatty acids of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus grown intraperiplasmically are derived unaltered from the fatty acids of its substrate organism. Those fatty acids of the bdellovibrio not homologous with those of the substrate organism are derived mainly by metabolic alteration of preexisting fatty acids in the latter. De novo synthesis from acetate occurs only to a small extent. These characteristics of bdellovibrio physiology are in part responsible for its minimal energy expenditure for intraperiplasmic growth. The data presented also indicate that B. bacteriovorus is capable of hydrogenating unsaturated fatty acids, of beta-oxidation of fatty acids, and of regulating the proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the lipids.  相似文献   

During growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus on [2-14C]deoxythymidine-labeled Escherichia coli, approximately 30% of the radioactivity was released to the culture fluid as nucleoside monophosphates and free bases; the remainder was incorporated by the bdellovibrio. By 60 min after bdellovibrio attack, when only 10% of the E. coli deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) had been solubilized, the substrate cell DNA was degraded to 5 X 10(5)-dalton fragments retained within the bdelloplast. Kinetic studies showed these fragments were formed as the result of sequential accumulation of single- and then double-strand cuts. DNA fragments between 2 X 10(3) and 5 X 10(5) daltons were never observed. Chloramphenicol, added at various times after initiation of bdellovibrio intraperiplasmic growth on normal or on heated E. coli, which have inactivated deoxyribonucleases, inhibited further breakdown and solubilization of substrate cell DNA. Analysis of these intraperiplasmic culture deoxyribonuclease activities showed that bdellovibrio deoxyribonucleases are synthesized while E. coli nucleases are inactivated. It is concluded that continuous and sequential synthesis of bdellovibrio deoxyribonucleases of apparently differing specificities is necessary for complete breakdown and solubilization of substrate cell DNA, and that substrate cell deoxyribonucleases are not involved in any significant way in the degradation process.  相似文献   

An early event in the predatory lifestyle of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J is the attachment of diaminopimelic acid (DAP) to the peptidoglycan of its prey. Attachment occurs over the first 60 min of the growth cycle and is mediated by an extracellular activity(s) produced by the bdellovibrio. Some 40,000 DAP residues are incorporated into the Escherichia coli bdelloplast wall, amounting to ca. 2 to 3% of the total initial DAP content of its prey cells. Incorporation of DAP occurs when E. coli, Pseudomonas putida, or Spirillum serpens are the prey organisms. The structurally similar compounds lysine, ornithine, citrulline, and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid are not attached. The attachment process is not affected by heat-killing the prey nor by the addition of inhibitors of either energy generation (cyanide, azide, or arsenate), protein or RNA synthesis (chloramphenicol and rifamycin), or de novo synthesis of cell wall (penicillin or vancomycin). Approximately one-third of the incorporated DAP is exchangeable with exogenously added unlabeled DAP, whereas the remaining incorporated DPA is solubilized only during the lysis of the bdelloplast wall. Examination of DAP incorporation at low prey cell densities suggests that bdellovibrios closely couple the incorporation to an independent, enzymatic solubilization of DAP by a peptidase. The data indicate that DAP incorporation is a novel process, representing the second example of the ability of the bdellovibrio to biosynthetically modify the wall of its prey.  相似文献   

During growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus on Escherichia coli, there was a marked preferential use of E. coli phosphorus over exogenous orthophosphate even though the latter permeated into the intraperiplasmic space where the bdellovibrio was growing. This preferential use occurred to an equal extent for lipid phosphorus and nucleic acid phosphorus. Exogenous thymidine-5'-monophosphate competed effectively with [3H]thymine residues of E. coli as a precursor for bdellovibrio deoxyribonucleic acid; exogenous thymidine competed less effectively and thymine and uridine not at all. A mixture of exogenous nucleoside-5'-monophosphates equilibrated effectively with E. coli phosphorus as a phosphorus source for B. bacteriovorus; the nucleotide phosphorus entered preferentially into bdellovibrio nucleic acids. A comparable mixture of exogenous nucleosides plus orthophosphate had only a small effect on utilization of E. coli phosphorus by B. bacteriovorus, as did orthophosphate alone. A mixture of exogenous deoxyriboside monophosphates equilibrium effectively with E. coli phosphorus as a phosphorus source for bdellovibrio growth; the phosphorus from this source entered preferentially into deoxyribonucleic acid. These data show that nucleoside monophosphates derived from the substrate organism are utilized directly for n-cleic acid biosynthesis by B. bacteriovorus growing intraperiplasmically. As a consequence, the phosphate ester bonds preexisting in the nucleic acids of the substrate organism are conserved by the bdellovibrio, presumably lessening its energy requirement for intraperiplasmic growth. The data also suggest, but do not prove, that the phosphate ester bonds of phospholipids are also conserved.  相似文献   

Selected enzyme activities were measured in extracts of the total cell pellets obtained at various times during aerobic intraperiplasmic growth of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J on anaerobically grown Escherichia coli substrate cells. Initially, the glycolytic enzyme activities were associated with the input of E. coli and the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme activities with the input of bdellovibrios. During the first 90 min of Bdellovibrio development, the glycolytic activities declined about 25 to 60%, whereas the tricarboxylic acid cycle activities increased about 10%. Between 110 and 180 min, the glycolytic activities decreased to trace levels and tricarboxylic acid cycle activities increased about 50 to 90%. Both bdellovibrio cell extracts and the cell-free growth menstruum (obtained after bdellovibrio growth on E. coli) caused the inactivation of glycolytic enzymes in E. coli extracts.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a predatory bacterium that is capable of invading a number of gram-negative bacteria. The life cycle of this predator can be divided into a nonreproductive phase outside the prey bacteria and a multiplication phase in their periplasm. It was suggested that during the reproduction phase, B. bacteriovorus reutilizes unmodified components of the prey's cell wall. We therefore examined the outer membranes of B. bacteriovorus strains HD100 (DSM 50701) and HD114 (DSM 50705) by using Escherichia coli, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Pseudomonas putida as prey organisms. The combined sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analyses revealed novel and innate major outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of B. bacteriovorus strains. An incorporation of prey-derived proteins into the cell wall of B. bacteriovorus was not observed. The corresponding genes of the B. bacteriovorus strains were elucidated by a reverse-genetics approach, and a leader peptide was deduced from the gene sequence and confirmed by Edman degradation. The host-independent mutant strain B. bacteriovorus HI100 (DSM 12732) growing in the absence of prey organisms possesses an OMP similar to the major OMPs of the host-dependent strains. The similarity of the primary structure of the OMPs produced by the three Bdellovibrio strains is between 67 and 89%. The leader peptides of all OMPs have a length of 20 amino acids and are highly conserved. The molecular sizes of the mature proteins range from 34.9 to 37.6 kDa. Secondary-structure predictions indicate preferential alpha-helices and little beta-barrel structures.  相似文献   

Two research groups showed that several Bdellovibrio strains incorporated into their outer membranes intact OmpF porin proteins derived from their Escherichia coli prey. These results could not be reproduced by another group using Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J. They showed that a major protein appearing in the Bdellovibrio Triton X-100-insoluble outer membrane was coded for by the bdellovibrios. We reconciled these results by examining the strain used by this group and by reviving a freeze-dried culture of strain 109J which had been stored for almost 9 years. B. bacteriovorus 109J failed to acquire substantial amounts of the OmpF protein from E. coli ML35, and a protein coded for by the bdellovibrios was expressed in its place. However, B. bacteriovorus 109J incorporated the OmpF protein from rough K-12 strains of E. coli, and the revived 9-year-old culture of B. bacteriovorus 109J incorporated more of the OmpF protein from the smooth E. coli ML35 than did its contemporary counterpart. The protein isolated from the outer membrane of the bdellovibrios was identified as the OmpF protein of E. coli by its protease peptide profile on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by Western blot analysis. This confirmed that bdellovibrios relocalize outer membrane proteins from their prey, but relocalization may be an unstable trait which can be influenced by the prey.  相似文献   

When cells of either Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J or Bdellovibrio stolpii UKi2 were subjected to osmotic shock by treatment with sucrose-EDTA and MgCl2 solutions, only trace amounts of proteins or enzyme activities were released into the shock fluid. In contrast, when nongrowing cells were converted to motile, osmotically stable, peptidoglycan-free spheroplasts by penicillin treatment, numerous proteins were released into the suspending fluid. For both species, this suspending fluid contained substantial levels of 5'-nucleotidase, purine phosphorylase, and deoxyribose-phosphate aldolase. Penicillin treatment also released aminoendopeptidase N from B. bacteriovorus, but not from B. stolpii. Penicillin treatment did not cause release of cytoplasmic enzymes such as malate dehydrogenase. The data indicated that bdellovibrios possess periplasmic enzymes or peripheral enzymes associated with the cell wall complex. During intraperiplasmic bdellovibrio growth, periplasmic and cytoplasmic enzymes of the Escherichia coli substrate cell were not released upon formation of the spherical bdelloplast during bdellovibrio penetration. Most of the E. coli enzymes were retained within the bdelloplast until later in the growth cycle, when they became inactivated or released into the suspending buffer or both.  相似文献   

Heat treatment (55 degrees C for 40 min) of cell suspensions in buffer (ca. 3 x 10(9) cells per ml) of Escherichia coli ML35 caused a 4- to 4.5-log loss of cell viability. Similar results were found for several other E. coli strains that were examined. As a result of this heat treatment, 260-nm- and 280-nm-absorbing materials were released into the suspending buffer, along with about 10% of the total cellular radioactivity, when cells uniformly labeled with (14)C were used. In comparison with untreated cells, heat-treated E. coli ML35 cells showed (i) no significant changes in macromolecular composition other than ca. 22% less RNA content, (ii) an increased permeability to o-nitrophenyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside (a compound to which untreated cells are impermeable), (iii) almost complete loss of respiratory potential, and (iv) substantial losses of numerous glycolytic enzyme activities in cell extracts prepared from these cells. Intraperiplasmic development of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109J with heat-treated E. coli ML35 as substrate cells appeared normal when observed microscopically, although bdellovibrio attachment and resultant bdelloplast formation were slightly retarded. No significant changes were observed in cell yields or in the ratios and contents of DNA, RNA, or protein between bdellovibrios harvested from untreated cells and those from heat-treated substrate cells after single-developmental-cycle growth on these cells. The average Y(ATP) values for intraperiplasmic growth on untreated and heat-treated substrate cells were 16.0 and 17.9, respectively. It is concluded that intraperiplasmic bdellovibrio growth on gently heat-treated E. coli substrate cells is very similar to growth on untreated substrate cells, even though the former substrate cells are nonviable and substantially impaired in many metabolic activities.  相似文献   

Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109D andBdellovibrio stolpii derive one of their major outer membrane proteins from the outer membrane of their prey. This prey-derived protein corresponds to the OmpF protein ofEscherichia coli. Bdellovibrios cultivated onSalmonella typhimurium prey acquire theSalmonella OmpF protein; this protein is distinguishable electrophoretically from the OmpF protein ofE. coli. Bdellovibrios containing the prey-derived OmpF protein are sensitive to killing by colicin A but not colicin E1, whereas bdellovibrios without this protein are completely resistant to colicin killing.  相似文献   

The intracellular life cycle of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 109 growing on Escherichia coli in a dilute nutrient medium exhibits a period of constant infective titer while the parasite grows and elongates inside the host cell. This period is terminated after 2 to 4 hr, and the number of the plaque-forming units in the culture rises rapidly to as much as six times the initial titer. The growth pattern of Bdellovibrio is similar with actively growing or resting host cells, or with host cells killed by ultraviolet irradiation or by heating at 70 C. The yield of B. bacteriovorus strain 109 in two-membered cultures with E. coli B depends on the host concentration and may reach 7.5 x 10(10) cells per ml. Penicillin, which has no effect on the attachment and penetration of Bdellovibrio, inhibits its multiplication.  相似文献   

We determined that paracrystalline protein surface arrays (S layers) protected gram-negative eubacteria from predation by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Aquaspirillum serpens VHA and MW5 and Aquaspirillum sinuosum were resistant to predation by B. bacteriovorus 6-5-S when fully covered by their S layers. The S layer of Aeromonas salmonicida A449 protected the cells from predication by B. bacteriovorus 109J. A predacious, plaque-forming vibrio that lysed an S-layer- variant of Caulobacter crescentus but was not predacious on the parental strain which possessed an S layer was isolated from raw sewage. Since S layers are stable components of many bacterial surfaces in nature, they can provide this protective function in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats where Bdellovibrio spp. are found.  相似文献   

The filamentous elongation typical of growth-phase cells of the predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is mediated by regulatory signals that are derived from the prey cell itself. These signals regulate the differentiation of growth-phase cells into the attack phase and appear to be required for continued filamentous growth by prey-dependent wild-type bdellovibrios and their prey-independent mutant derivatives alike. Using a prey-independent bdellovibrio strain, we have developed an assay for the detection and quantification of the growth-extending signal activity present in extracts of prey cells. This prey-derived regulatory activity was shown to be independent of its nutritional contribution to the bdellovibrios and was found to occur in heat-stable, proteinlike compounds of a variety of native molecular weights within the soluble fraction of extracts from both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

  1. Washed cell suspensions of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus harvested shortly after lysis of their substrate organisms and shaken in buffer have a constant and high endogenous respiration rate for a bout 6 h which then declines sharply to a rate approximately 10% of the original. Viability of cell suspensions shows little change over the first 4–6 h and then decreases by some 50% in 10 h.
  2. Over the first 5–6 h of starvation there is a loss of about 50% of total cell carbon. This loss is distributed about equally between CO2 and small molecules released into the suspending buffer. The protein and nucleic acid contents of the cells decrease concomitantly from time zero during starvation while DNA content remains constant. Ribosomal profiles show a rapid degradation of ribosomes.
  3. In the presence of glutamate or glutamate plus a balanced amino acid mixture, loss of cell material and loss of viability is partially or completely prevented. There is extensive protein turnover when glutamate and an amino acid mixture are available to the bdellovibrio.
  4. The pattern of changes observed in B. bacteriovorus during starvation is compared to reported changes in other species of bacteria, and the significances of its high endogenous respiration and sensitivity to starvation are discussed.

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