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The geographically isolated, environmentally unique and biologically diverse coral reefs of north-west Australia are under threat from climate change and other localised human impacts. Similar to many other regions around the world, effective mitigation of these threats through ecosystem-based marine spatial planning is currently constrained by a lack of knowledge of the extent and direction of dispersal of eggs, larvae, recruits, juveniles or adults among the coral reefs (termed population connectivity). Here, we present the outcomes of a series of consultations between Marine Protected Area planners, managers and scientists aimed at facilitating the integration of this connectivity knowledge into effective management guidelines and policy in north-west Australia. Through this process, we first synthesised current knowledge of population connectivity in the fields of oceanography, larval biology and population genetics, and then identified and answered to the best of our ability the most useful questions for the spatial planning of Marine Protected Area networks. Key findings indicate that these systems are likely ecologically independent for many coral reef organisms, with hard corals exhibiting the most localised dispersal of species studied so far. Thus, given that hard corals are also the habitat forming species, and that more widely dispersing species such as fish are likely less vulnerable to small scale disturbance, we propose that no-take areas that facilitate resilience of hard coral populations should maximise biodiversity more generally. This means no-take areas that are large enough to encompass routine dispersal distances of corals (10–20 km), and are spaced at similar distances, will not only maintain self-replenishment, but also aid recovery after disturbance through connectivity between no-take areas. The results can be applied in a regional and wider context, and provide a valuable template for transfer of scientific knowledge into effective policy.  相似文献   

Networks of no-take reserves are important for protecting coral reef biodiversity from climate change and other human impacts. Ensuring that reserve populations are connected to each other and non-reserve populations by larval dispersal allows for recovery from disturbance and is a key aspect of resilience. In general, connectivity between reserves should increase as the distance between them decreases. However, enhancing connectivity may often tradeoff against a network’s ability to representatively sample the system’s natural variability. This “representation” objective is typically measured in terms of species richness or diversity of habitats, but has other important elements (e.g., minimizing the risk that multiple reserves will be impacted by catastrophic events). Such representation objectives tend to be better achieved as reserves become more widely spaced. Thus, optimizing the location, size and spacing of reserves requires both an understanding of larval dispersal and explicit consideration of how well the network represents the broader system; indeed the lack of an integrated theory for optimizing tradeoffs between connectivity and representation objectives has inhibited the incorporation of connectivity into reserve selection algorithms. This article addresses these issues by (1) updating general recommendations for the location, size and spacing of reserves based on emerging data on larval dispersal in corals and reef fishes, and on considerations for maintaining genetic diversity; (2) using a spatial analysis of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to examine potential tradeoffs between connectivity and representation of biodiversity and (3) describing a framework for incorporating environmental fluctuations into the conceptualization of the tradeoff between connectivity and representation, and that expresses both in a common, demographically meaningful currency, thus making optimization possible.  相似文献   

As the science of connectivity evolves, so too must the management of coral reefs. It is now clear that the spatial scale of disturbances to coral reef ecosystems is larger and the scale of larval connectivity is smaller than previously thought. This poses a challenge to the current focus of coral reef management, which often centers on the establishment of no-take reserves (NTRs) that in practice are often too small, scattered, or have low stakeholder compliance. Fished species are generally larger and more abundant in protected reserves, where their reproductive potential is often greater, yet documented demographic benefits of these reproductive gains outside reserves are modest at best. Small reproductive populations and limited dispersal of larvae play a role, as does the diminished receptivity to settling larvae of degraded habitats that can limit recruitment by more than 50%. For “demographic connectivity” to contribute to the resilience of coral reefs, it must function beyond the box of no-take reserves. Specifically, it must improve nursery habitats on or near reefs and enhance the reproductive output of ecologically important species throughout coral reef ecosystems. Special protection of ecologically important species (e.g., some herbivores in the Caribbean) and size-regulated fisheries that capitalize on the benefits of NTRs and maintain critical ecological functions are examples of measures that coalesce marine reserve effects and improve the resilience of coral reef ecosystems. Important too is the necessity of local involvement in the management process so that social costs and benefits are properly assessed, compliance increased and success stories accrued.  相似文献   

The extent of larval dispersal on coral reefs has important implications for the persistence of coral reef metapopulations, their resilience and recovery from an increasing array of threats, and the success of protective measures. This article highlights a recent dramatic increase in research effort and a growing diversity of approaches to the study of larval retention within (self-recruitment) and dispersal among (connectivity) isolated coral reef populations. Historically, researchers were motivated by alternative hypotheses concerning the processes limiting populations and structuring coral reef assemblages, whereas the recent impetus has come largely from the need to incorporate dispersal information into the design of no-take marine protected area (MPA) networks. Although the majority of studies continue to rely on population genetic approaches to make inferences about dispersal, a wide range of techniques are now being employed, from small-scale larval tagging and paternity analyses, to large-scale biophysical circulation models. Multiple approaches are increasingly being applied to cross-validate and provide more realistic estimates of larval dispersal. The vast majority of empirical studies have focused on corals and fishes, where evidence for both extremely local scale patterns of self-recruitment and ecologically significant connectivity among reefs at scales of tens of kilometers (and in some cases hundreds of kilometers) is accumulating. Levels of larval retention and the spatial extent of connectivity in both corals and fishes appear to be largely independent of larval duration or reef size, but may be strongly influenced by geographic setting. It is argued that high levels of both self-recruitment and larval import can contribute to the resilience of reef populations and MPA networks, but these benefits will erode in degrading reef environments.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal is the key process by which populations of most marine fishes and invertebrates are connected and replenished. Advances in larval tagging and genetics have enhanced our capacity to track larval dispersal, assess scales of population connectivity, and quantify larval exchange among no‐take marine reserves and fished areas. Recent studies have found that reserves can be a significant source of recruits for populations up to 40 km away, but the scale and direction of larval connectivity across larger seascapes remain unknown. Here, we apply genetic parentage analysis to investigate larval dispersal patterns for two exploited coral reef groupers (Plectropomus maculatus and Plectropomus leopardus) within and among three clusters of reefs separated by 60–220 km within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia. A total of 69 juvenile P. maculatus and 17 juvenile P. leopardus (representing 6% and 9% of the total juveniles sampled, respectively) were genetically assigned to parent individuals on reefs within the study area. We identified both short‐distance larval dispersal within regions (200 m to 50 km) and long‐distance, multidirectional dispersal of up to ~250 km among regions. Dispersal strength declined significantly with distance, with best‐fit dispersal kernels estimating median dispersal distances of ~110 km for P. maculatus and ~190 km for P. leopardus. Larval exchange among reefs demonstrates that established reserves form a highly connected network and contribute larvae for the replenishment of fished reefs at multiple spatial scales. Our findings highlight the potential for long‐distance dispersal in an important group of reef fishes, and provide further evidence that effectively protected reserves can yield recruitment and sustainability benefits for exploited fish populations.  相似文献   

Coral reef and reef-fish communities are complex systems that have spatial structures that are influenced by multiple factors and processes that interact at several scales. We analysed composition data of reef-fish communities in the Yucatan Peninsula fringing reef system using a hierarchical multi-scale survey design to elucidate the origins of the species distribution patterns through multivariate canonical ordination and partitioning analysis. Twelve reef sites were surveyed along the fringing reef system, nested in three sectors, each with distinctive human interests (tourism, fishing, protection). Line transects were placed on reef lagoon, reef front, reef slope and reef terrace habitat for a total of 480 transects. The communities were composed of many rare and some dominant species (e.g., Thalasoma bifasciatum, Acanthurus bahianus, A. coeruleus, Sparisoma aurofrenatum). Redundancy analyses revealed that environmental variables explained between 11% and 22% of the variation in fish community data according to the habitat analysed. Spatial variables, represented by the geographic coordinates of transects, explained a low percentage (2–5%) of variation in the fish community data. Among the environmental variables that significantly explained (P < 0.05) the patterns of variation on the fish community were depth, topographical complexity, and the percentage of the substratum covered by algae, calcareous floor, rock and rubble. Although the total explained variation and proportion of the variation explained by each set of variables were consistently low, most of the effects on the fish community composition data were significant. Explanations are proposed concerning those results. Evincing the distribution patterns on the biological systems of multi-species as well as the causes that shape them is key for conservation planning and essential in highly threatened regions, such as the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula.  相似文献   

The “chain and tape” method is used to quantify topographic complexity in reef ecology studies, consisting of the ratio of the linear distance between the start and end points of a chain moulded to the surface of the substrate to its stretched length, a measure known as the substrate rugosity (SR) index. This measure has several advantages in the field when compared to other methods, but some weaknesses have been pointed out. However, it is still one of the most frequently used topography measures in reef fish ecology. The present study proposes a combined topography index (CTI) that uses the “chain and tape” method in the field, with results that can match more complex methods, outperforming the traditional SR index. The CTI is structured as a weighted sum of 3 topographic features: SR index, number of corrugations (NC) and maximum vertical relief (MVR), where NC and MVR are given weight coefficients ranging from 0 to 1. In order to establish weight coefficients, fish assemblages were sampled at 6 training sites, representing a topographic complexity gradient. A series of candidate weight combinations were then selected so that CTI was optimally correlated with each one of several fish assemblage parameters. The list of possible solutions was then applied to nine previously published schematic profiles and compared with other methods. The final index was established as: CTI = (1  SR) + NC/25 + MVR/25. Ultimately, the predictive performance of CTI and SR was tested by applying them to 11 new sites as predictors of species abundances in distance-based linear models. The CTI outperformed SR when added to 3 previously fitted variables (depth, percent cover of sand, percent cover of cobble), explaining 5.6% additional variation when using all species and 8.1% when using only cryptobenthic species, whereas SR showed no significant additional effects.  相似文献   

The connectivity among marine populations is determined by the dispersal capabilities of adults as well as their eggs and larvae. Dispersal distances and directions have a profound effect on gene flow and genetic differentiation within species. Genetic homogeneity over large areas is a common feature of coral reef fishes and can reflect high dispersal capability resulting in high levels of gene flow. If fish larvae return to their parental reef, gene flow would be restricted and genetic differentiation could occur. Larabicus quadrilineatus (Labridae) is considered as an endemic fish species of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The juveniles of this species are cleaner fish that feed on ectoparasites of other fishes. Here, we investigated the genetic population structure and gene flow in L. quadrilineatus among five locations in the Red Sea to infer connectivity among them. To estimate genetic diversity, we analysed 369 bp of 237 mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Haplotype and nucleotide diversities were higher in the southern than in the northern Red Sea. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) detected the highest significant genetic variation between northern and central/southern populations (Phi(CT) = 0.01; P < 0.001). Migration analysis revealed a several fold higher northward than southward migration, which could be explained by oceanographic conditions and spawning season. Even though the Phi(ST) value of 0.01 is rather low and implies a long larval dispersal distance, estimates based on the isolation-by-distance model show a very low mean larval dispersal distance (0.44-5.1 km) compared to other studies. In order to enable a sustainable ornamental fishery on the fourline wrasse, the results of this study suggest that populations in the northern and southern Red Sea should be managed separately as two different stocks. The rather low larval dispersal distance of about 5 km needs to be considered in the design of marine protected areas to enable connectivity and self-seeding.  相似文献   

Connectivity, the demographic linking of local populations through the dispersal of individuals, is one of the most poorly understood processes in population dynamics, yet has profound implications for conservation and harvest strategies. For marine species with pelagic larvae, direct estimation of connectivity remains logistically challenging and has mostly been limited to single snapshots in time. Here, we document seasonal and interannual patterns of larval dispersal in a metapopulation of the coral reef fish Amphiprion polymnus. A 3‐year record of larval trajectories within and among nine discrete local populations from an area of approximately 35 km was established by determining the natal origin of settled juveniles through DNA parentage analysis. We found that spatial patterns of both self‐recruitment and connectivity were remarkably consistent over time, with a low level of self‐recruitment at the scale of individual sites. Connectivity among sites was common and multidirectional in all years and was not significantly influenced by seasonal variability of predominant surface current directions. However, approximately 75% of the sampled juveniles could not be assigned to parents within the study area, indicating high levels of immigrations from sources outside the study area. The data support predictions that the magnitude and temporal stability of larval connectivity decreases significantly with increasing distance between subpopulations, but increases with the size of subpopulations. Given the considerable effort needed to directly measure larval exchange, the consistent patterns suggest snapshot parentage analyses can provide useful dispersal estimates to inform spatial management decisions.  相似文献   

Biological indicators based on fish assemblage characteristics are used to assess stream condition worldwide. Fish-based bioassessment poses challenges in Southern New England, the USA, due to the effects of within-watershed thermal gradients on fish assemblage types, low regional species richness, and lack of minimally disturbed sites. Dual multi-metric indices (MMI) of biological condition were developed for wadeable streams based on fish assemblage characteristics sampled across watershed landscapes with varying levels of human disturbance. A coldwater MMI was developed using streams with drainage area of ≤15 km2, and a mixed-water MMI for streams with drainage areas of >15 km2. For each MMI development, candidate metrics represented by ecological classes were sequentially tested by metric range, within-year precision, correlation with stream size, responsiveness to landscape-level human disturbances, and redundancy. Resultant coldwater and mixed-water MMI were composed of 5 and 7 metrics, respectively. Stream sites tended to score similarly when the two MMI were applied to transitional sites, i.e., drainage areas of 5–40 km2. However, some sites received high scores from the mixed-water MMI and intermediate scores from the coldwater MMI. It was thus difficult to ascertain high-quality mixed-water streams from potential coldwater streams which currently support mixed-water assemblages due to ecological degradation. High-quality coldwater streams were restricted to stream sites with drainage areas ≤15 km2. The newly developed fish-based MMI will serve as a useful management tool and the dual-MMI development approach may be applicable to other regions with thermal gradients that transition from coldwater to warmwater within watersheds.  相似文献   

Habitat dynamics interacting with species dispersal abilities could generate gradients in species diversity and prevalence of species traits when the latter are associated with species dispersal potential. Using a process‐based model of diversification constrained by a dispersal parameter, we simulated the interplay between reef habitat dynamics during the past 140 million years and dispersal, shaping lineage diversification history and assemblage composition globally. The emerging patterns from the simulations were compared to current prevalence of species traits related to dispersal for 6315 tropical reef fish species. We found a significant spatial congruence between the prevalence of simulated low dispersal values and areas with a large proportion of species characterized by small adult body size, narrow home range mobility behaviour, pelagic larval duration shorter than 21 days and diurnal activity. Species characterized by such traits were found predominantly in the Indo‐Australian Archipelago and the Caribbean Sea. Furthermore, the frequency distribution of the dispersal parameter was found to match empirical distributions for body size, PLD and home range mobility behaviour. Also, the dispersal parameter in the simulations was associated to diversification rates and resulted in trait frequency matching empirical distributions. Overall, our findings suggest that past habitat dynamics, in conjunction with dispersal processes, influenced diversification in tropical reef fishes, which may explain the present‐day geography of species traits.  相似文献   

This study investigated body size to fecundity relationships of a reef fish species targeted by line fishing, and examines the potential benefits of increased batch fecundity in no-take reserves compared to fished areas around the Palm, Whitsunday and Keppel Island Groups, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Lutjanus carponotatus batch fecundity increased with fork length in a non-linear relationship that was best described by a power function. Batch fecundity differed by more than 100-fold among individuals, with a range from 7,074 to 748,957 eggs in fish ranging from 184 to 305 mm fork length. Furthermore, egg diameter increased with fish size. Based on underwater visual census, the potential batch fecundity per unit area in all three island groups ranged from 1.0 to 4.2 times greater in the no-take reserves than in the fished areas between 2001 and 2004. In 2002, a mean 2.3-fold difference in biomass between no-take reserves and fished areas converted to a mean 2.5-fold difference in batch fecundity per unit area. Greater batch fecundity, longer spawning seasons and potentially greater larval survival due to larger egg size from bigger individuals might significantly enhance the potential benefits of no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of population connectivity via larval dispersal is of great value to the effective design and management of marine protected areas (MPA). However empirical estimates of larval dispersal distance, self-recruitment, and within season variability of population connectivity patterns and their influence on metapopulation structure remain rare. We used high-resolution otolith microchemistry data from the temperate reef fish Hypsypops rubicundus to explore biweekly, seasonal, and annual connectivity patterns in an open-coast MPA network. The three MPAs, spanning 46 km along the southern California coastline were connected by larval dispersal, but the magnitude and direction of connections reversed between 2008 and 2009. Self-recruitment, i.e. spawning, dispersal, and settlement to the same location, was observed at two locations, one of which is a MPA. Self-recruitment to this MPA ranged from 50–84%; within the entire 60 km study region, self-recruitment accounted for 45% of all individuals settling to study reefs. On biweekly time scales we observed directional variability in alongshore current data and larval dispersal trajectories; if viewed in isolation these data suggest the system behaves as a source-sink metapopulation. However aggregate biweekly data over two years reveal a reef network in which H. rubicundus behaves more like a well-mixed metapopulation. As one of the few empirical studies of population connectivity within a temperate open coast reef network, this work can inform the MPA design process, implementation of ecosystem based management plans, and facilitate conservation decisions.  相似文献   

Coral reef fishes differ in their intrinsic vulnerability to fishing and rates of population recovery after cessation of fishing. We reviewed life history-based predictions about the vulnerability of different groups of coral reef fish and examined the empirical evidence for different rates of population recovery inside no-take marine reserves to (1) determine if the empirical data agree with predictions about vulnerability and (2) show plausible scenarios of recovery within fully protected reserves and periodically-harvested fishery closures. In general, larger-bodied carnivorous reef fishes are predicted to be more vulnerable to fishing while smaller-bodied species lower in the food web (e.g., some herbivores) are predicted to be less vulnerable. However, this prediction does not always hold true because of the considerable diversity of life history strategies in reef fishes. Long-term trends in reef fish population recovery inside no-take reserves are consistent with broad predictions about vulnerability, suggesting that moderately to highly vulnerable species will require a significantly longer time (decades) to attain local carrying capacity than less vulnerable species. We recommend: (1) expanding age-based demographic studies of economically and ecologically important reef fishes to improve estimates of vulnerability; (2) long term (20–40 years), if not permanent, protection of no-take reserves to allow full population recovery and maximum biomass export; (3) strict compliance to no-take reserves to avoid considerable delays in recovery; (4) carefully controlling the timing and intensity of harvesting periodic closures to ensure long-term fishery benefits; (5) the use of periodically-harvested closures together with, rather than instead of, permanent no-take reserves.  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) are the main instrument for biodiversity conservation, which has triggered the development of numerous indicators and assessments on their coverage, performance and efficiency. The connectivity of the PA networks at a global scale has however been much less explored; previous studies have either focused on particular regions of the world or have only considered some types of PAs.Here we present, and globally assess, ProtConn, an indicator of PA connectivity that (i) quantifies the percentage of a study region covered by protected connected lands, (ii) can be partitioned in several components depicting different categories of land (unprotected, protected or transboundary) through which movement between protected locations may occur, (iii) is easy to communicate, to compare with PA coverage and to use in the assessment of global targets for PA systems.We apply ProtConn to evaluate the connectivity of the PA networks in all terrestrial ecoregions of the world as of June 2016, considering a range of median dispersal distances (1–100 km) encompassing the dispersal abilities of the large majority of terrestrial vertebrates.We found that 9.3% of the world is covered by protected connected lands (average for all the world’s ecoregions) for a reference dispersal distance of 10 km, increasing up to 11.7% for the largest dispersal distance considered of 100 km. These percentages are considerably smaller than the global PA coverage of 14.7%, indicating that the spatial arrangement of PAs is only partially successful in ensuring connectivity of protected lands. The connectivity of PAs largely differed across ecoregions. Only about a third of the world’s ecoregions currently meet the Aichi Target of having 17% of the terrestrial realm covered by well-connected systems of PAs. Finally, our findings suggest that PAs with less strict management objectives (allowing the sustainable use of resources) may play a fundamental role in upholding the connectivity of the PA systems.Our analyses and indicator make it possible to identify where on the globe additional efforts are most needed in expanding or reinforcing the connectivity of PA systems, and can be also used to assess whether newly designated sites provide effective connectivity gains in the PA system by acting as corridors or stepping stones between other PAs. The results of the ProtConn indicator are available, together with a suite of other global PA indicators, in the Digital Observatory for Protected Areas of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(2):111-115
In this study, 169 stream lily (Helmholtzia glaberrima) seedlings from six micro-drainages were genotyped with AFLP markers to quantify the impact that topographic landscape features and altitude may have in shaping patterns of genetic diversity within individual populations. A global analysis of genetic diversity detected significant genetic differentiation among micro-drainages (FST = 0.22, P < 0.01). The observed genetic structure of sampled sites conformed to a hierarchical model of gene flow. Assignment tests also supported a hierarchical model of gene flow as only one dispersal event among the sampled micro-drainages was detected. This suggests that opportunities for seed dispersal in H. glaberrima are highly constrained by patterns of hydrographic networks even at a local scale. In contrast, altitude had little impact on partitioning of genetic diversity as no increase in genetic diversity was evident among individuals in the upper (0.18 ± 0.02), and lower (0.17 ± 0.02) areas of micro-drainages. Overall these results suggest that the influence of freshwater landscape features can vary widely the effect on the patterns of genetic diversity of seedlings in stream lily populations.  相似文献   

An intertidal oyster reef (~260 ha) was created by planting hatchery-reared seed oysters (Crassostrea rivularis) on an artificial concrete modular reef in the Deepwater Navigation Channel Regulation Project of the Yangtze River estuary. We examined the development of reef communities (oyster, barnacle and motile epibenthic macrofauna), characterized nekton use and assessed the habitat value of the constructed reef. The C. rivularis oyster population showed a rapid exponential increase with time and reached maximum density (3410 ± 241 ind./m2) and biomass (3175 ± 532 g/m2) after one year of restoration. The barnacle Balanus albicostatus was the most abundant sessile macrofauna and had a significantly greater density in the high intertidal zone than in the low intertidal zone (P < 0.05). The reef also supported diverse motile epibenthic macrofauna (11 mollusks, 11 crustaceans, 4 annelids and 2 fishes), and the reef-associated communities were numerically dominated by Neanthes japonica, Perinereis aibuhitensis, Nerita yoldi and Littorinopsis intermedia. A total of 50 nekton species (31 fishes, 9 shrimps and 10 crabs) utilized the constructed intertidal oyster reef, and grass shrimp Palaemon spp. dominated the nekton communities in term of abundance. Since the constructed intertidal oyster reef supports a variety of reef communities and abundant nektons, it should be recognized as an important and protective fish habitat in the Yangtze River estuary.  相似文献   

Well‐designed and effectively managed networks of marine reserves can be effective tools for both fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. Connectivity, the demographic linking of local populations through the dispersal of individuals as larvae, juveniles or adults, is a key ecological factor to consider in marine reserve design, since it has important implications for the persistence of metapopulations and their recovery from disturbance. For marine reserves to protect biodiversity and enhance populations of species in fished areas, they must be able to sustain focal species (particularly fishery species) within their boundaries, and be spaced such that they can function as mutually replenishing networks whilst providing recruitment subsidies to fished areas. Thus the configuration (size, spacing and location) of individual reserves within a network should be informed by larval dispersal and movement patterns of the species for which protection is required. In the past, empirical data regarding larval dispersal and movement patterns of adults and juveniles of many tropical marine species have been unavailable or inaccessible to practitioners responsible for marine reserve design. Recent empirical studies using new technologies have also provided fresh insights into movement patterns of many species and redefined our understanding of connectivity among populations through larval dispersal. Our review of movement patterns of 34 families (210 species) of coral reef fishes demonstrates that movement patterns (home ranges, ontogenetic shifts and spawning migrations) vary among and within species, and are influenced by a range of factors (e.g. size, sex, behaviour, density, habitat characteristics, season, tide and time of day). Some species move <0.1–0.5 km (e.g. damselfishes, butterflyfishes and angelfishes), <0.5–3 km (e.g. most parrotfishes, goatfishes and surgeonfishes) or 3–10 km (e.g. large parrotfishes and wrasses), while others move tens to hundreds (e.g. some groupers, emperors, snappers and jacks) or thousands of kilometres (e.g. some sharks and tuna). Larval dispersal distances tend to be <5–15 km, and self‐recruitment is common. Synthesising this information allows us, for the first time, to provide species, specific advice on the size, spacing and location of marine reserves in tropical marine ecosystems to maximise benefits for conservation and fisheries management for a range of taxa. We recommend that: (i) marine reserves should be more than twice the size of the home range of focal species (in all directions), thus marine reserves of various sizes will be required depending on which species require protection, how far they move, and if other effective protection is in place outside reserves; (ii) reserve spacing should be <15 km, with smaller reserves spaced more closely; and (iii) marine reserves should include habitats that are critical to the life history of focal species (e.g. home ranges, nursery grounds, migration corridors and spawning aggregations), and be located to accommodate movement patterns among these. We also provide practical advice for practitioners on how to use this information to design, evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of marine reserve networks within broader ecological, socioeconomic and management contexts.  相似文献   

There are numerous examples of no-take marine reserves effectively conserving fish stocks within their boundaries. However, no-take reserves can be rendered ineffective and turned into ‘paper parks’ through poor compliance and weak enforcement of reserve regulations. Long-term monitoring is thus essential to assess the effectiveness of marine reserves in meeting conservation and management objectives. This study documents the present state of the 15-year old no-take zone (NTZ) of South El Ghargana within the Nabq Managed Resource Protected Area, South Sinai, Egyptian Red Sea. Previous studies credited willing compliance by the local fishing community for the increased abundances of targeted fish within the designated NTZ boundaries compared to adjacent fished or take-zones. We compared benthic habitat and fish abundance within the NTZ and the adjacent take sites open to fishing, but found no significant effect of the reserve. Instead, the strongest evidence was for a simple negative relationship between fishing pressure and distance from the closest fishing village. The abundance of targeted piscivorous fish increased significantly with increasing distance from the village, while herbivorous fish showed the opposite trend. This gradient was supported by a corresponding negative correlation between the amount of discarded fishing gear observed on the reef and increasing distance from the village. Discarded fishing gear within the NTZ suggested decreased compliance with the no-take regulations. Our findings indicate that due to non-compliance the no-take reserve is no longer functioning effectively, despite its apparent initial successes and instead a gradient of fishing pressure exists with distance from the nearest fishing community.  相似文献   

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