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The paleoecological interpretation of fossil foraminiferal assemblages depends on an understanding of the ecological processes operating at the present. This study investigates both the quality of organic matter (OM) by elemental analysis as well as the sediment grain size and clay mineralogy to understand their relative influence on distribution and abundance of benthic foraminifera. This study is carried out on 15 samples regularly spaced from the mudflat to the tidal marsh. The results indicate that grain size is the most limiting parameter. Living (stained) benthic foraminiferal density and species richness are both very low within coarser sediments. OM is the second limiting factor. The density of foraminifera is the lowest and the species richness is the highest with the lowest organic carbon (Corg) contents and C/N < 12. Conversely, when the Corg is very high and C/N > 12, the density is high and the species richness medium. A high smectite proportion within the clay-size fraction seems to favor the development of Miliammina fusca. Trochammina inflata and Jadammina macrescens are both favored by an increase of organic carbon proportion but Trochammina inflata preferentially feeds on algal-derived OM when compared with Jadammina macrescens.  相似文献   

The Cabras lagoon is a large and shallow transitional system which periodically suffers from dystrophic events leading to massive losses of its biological resources. Excessive organic matter (OM) and sulphur compounds in sediments are often claimed to be major environmental co-factors triggering these events. However, still limited information is available on their relationships with benthic macrofaunal communities in coastal lagoons. In order to assess these relationships, we conducted monthly field investigations between 2001 and 2002, at three regularly-spaced stations set between the inlet and the mouth of the Cabras lagoon. Results showed reduced conditions of sediments, worsening during the warm season. This was consistent with very high OM contents, up to >‰20%, with annual means of 14–16%. Organic pollution-tolerant taxa, such as Tubificidae nc, Neanthes succinea and Polydora ciliata, dominated poor macrofaunal communities. Results of multivariate analysis indicated significant differences in both environmental variables and macrofaunal community structure and species composition between stations and through different periods. This study documented for the first time in a coastal lagoon that inorganic reduced sulphur pools (acid volatile sulphide and chromium reduced sulphur) of sediments are leading (‚best-matching’) environmental factors influencing the spatial and temporal distribution of macrofaunal abundance and biomass. We conclude that impoverished macrofaunal communities in the Cabras lagoon may show a slight recovery during winter–spring, but tend to regress to an early stage of faunal succession in late summer. We suggest that the combination of excessive amounts of sedimentary organic matter and high temperatures tends to lead to anoxic conditions especially in relatively deeper and more saline waters. These events may concur to periodic increase of production rates of toxic hydrogen sulphide in sediments, which rapidly diffuses to the water column with deleterious effects both on the benthic and pelagic components of the lagoon ecosystem.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s several studies noticed that, along coastal marine areas, the mean size of benthic foraminifera may be reduced due to heavy metal pollution, even if no biometric studies were carried out to quantify this aspect. The Augusta harbour (Sicily, Italy), is characterized by a strong contamination due to several anthropogenic activities, the most important of which are a petrochemical pole and an important industrial harbour. Taking into account the previous studies carried out in the area, which recorded small-sized foraminifera, the present study compared assemblage composition and faunal parameters in the >125 μm and >63 μm fractions of a sediment core collected in the most polluted sector of Augusta harbour. The aim was to understand if the two fractions have comparable environmental significance providing reliable information on the environmental status. In order to quantify the amount of smaller foraminifera in a community and to determine species loss between size fractions, two new indices are used: the Foraminiferal Size Index (FSI) and the Lost Species Index (LSI). Species richness, diversity and composition of the two assemblages were determined to characterize their structure. The results highlighted great depletion and different composition of the >125 μm assemblage with respect to the >63 μm one, showing a selective loss of particular ecological groups (stress-tolerant infaunal taxa). Also the better correlation of Foraminiferal Number (FN) and H’ index of >63 μm fraction with Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Barium (Ba) and Mercury (Hg), demonstrated the higher reliability of this size fraction for environmental assessment purposes.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton succession and sinking rates were studied from January to December 2003 at a coastal station in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea), 200 m offshore, in a relatively undisturbed area. A conical sediment trap, moored at 15 m depth (water depth 17 m), was used. The hypothesis if the presence of benthic and epiphytic diatoms can lead to an overestimation of the vertical fluxes was tested. To evaluate primary and secondary sedimentation contributions, planktonic, benthic and epiphytic diatoms were distinguished. Benthic species abundance varied throughout the year and it was related to resuspension that strongly influenced sinking rates. All over the year, diatoms were the prevailing class in the trap material accounting for 75.32% of the settled cells, while flagellates represented 24.11%. Dinophyceae and resting cells constituted minor components, accounting for 0.43% and 0.14%, respectively. The gross sedimentation rates ranged from 0.006 × 108 cell m−2 d−1 in the second week of May to 6.30 × 108 cell m−2 d−1 in the third week of January with a mean annual value of 1.09 ± 1.43 × 108 cell m−2 d−1. To the primary sedimentation rate Pseudo-nitzschia seriata of the group “Nitzschia seriata complex” contributed for 49.77% followed by Chaetoceros spp. (23.88%). The major contributor to the secondary sedimentation rate was the diatom Paralia sulcata, accounting for 24.76%. Epiphytic diatoms contributed for 11.19% and 12.27% on annual average gross abundance and biomass, respectively, reaching even 72.04% of gross abundance and 56.06% of gross biomass in the second week of August. The correlation between temperature and the logarithm of the epiphytic biomass was statistically significant, with r = 0.66 and P < 0.001. Both in the cluster analysis and in the PCA four main groups were formed, where benthic and epiphytic species were separately gathered. Planktonic, benthic and epiphytic forms accounted for 50.78%, 36.95% and 12.27%, respectively, calculated on the annual average biomass. Therefore, vertical fluxes can be overestimated of 50% or more if benthic and epiphytic species are not rejected.  相似文献   

Samples of soft-sediment macrobenthos from 92 sites between 10 and 50 m depth were used to assess (1) the main soft-bottom macrofauna communities in the Gulf of Lions, (2) the different components of the diversity of benthic macrofauna in this area, and (3) the relevance of the use of major taxonomic groups as surrogates for the analysis of the structure and diversity of total macrofauna. Three main communities were identified by cluster analysis and associated procedures. These communities corresponded well to the assemblages recently identified on the basis of polychaete composition. The α-diversity indices were in accordance with those reported for similar communities in the Mediterranean. Conversely, the β-diversity value was higher than the few other data available in the literature for marine soft-bottom macrofauna. The total number of species in the studied area estimated by the “total species accumulation curve” (TS) method was 2,319, which was only 10% higher than the number obtained by extrapolation of the species–area curve. The similarity matrix based on polychaetes correlated best with the one based on total macrofauna. Polychaetes and crustaceans were also the best surrogates of total macrofauna when assessing α-diversity (except in the case of Δ*). Conversely, molluscs were the best surrogates of total macrofauna β-diversity. Our results show that the choice of an optimal surrogate for total benthic macrofauna depends on the characteristic of the benthic macrofauna to be studied. Moreover, this choice is also dependent on the environment to be studied.  相似文献   

Macrofauna samples were taken in May 1996–1998 at 28 stations on the Dogger Bank (central North Sea) to describe species composition, spatial distribution and trophic structure of the macrofaunal communities. In general, five communities could be distinguished depending on the influence of different water masses, depth, type of sediment and food availability. Except for those species which feed in the sediment, macrofauna communities did not show any correlation to the measured sediment variables. In fact, macrofauna communities of the Dogger Bank were mainly structured by lateral food supply via frontal systems. This was indicated by the dominance of interface feeders foraging in the benthic boundary layer, which are able to switch from surface deposit to suspension feeding depending on flow conditions. The importance of sandlickers in the shallowest parts of the Dogger Bank hints at an important contribution of benthic primary production to the nutritional and energetic needs of the benthic community. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Aim Variation in the structure of shallow subtidal invertebrate assemblages was examined over three spatial scales; within reef, between reef and between continents. We sought to provide a context from which to examine and interpret ecological processes between continents. In addition, we predicted that variation in pattern would increase as the scale of examination increased. Location Reefs near Wollongong and within Jervis Bay in south‐eastern Australia and Mediterranean reefs on the Costa Brava (Catalonia), north‐eastern Spain. Methods We compared assemblages on vertical rock walls of two heights – short (< 2 m) and tall (> 3 m) in two temperate regions over the same depth range. Specifically we examined the diversity and cover of invertebrates, the cover and biomass of foliose and crustose algae, the size of invertebrate colonies and the biomass of urchins on short and tall walls (n = 3) at each of two locations in each country. Results Foliose algae dominated rock walls in Spain and although invertebrate cover was high, colonies were generally very small. Two urchin species were commonly encountered on rock walls in Spain, Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus; their biomass was relatively low and did not differ significantly between short and tall walls. These findings contrasted strongly with south‐eastern Australia, where foliose algae were almost completely absent. A single urchin species, Centrostephanus rodgersii occurred with extremely high biomass on short walls, which were dominated by grazer‐resistant crustose calcareous algae. In contrast, the biomass of this urchin was low on tall walls, which were dominated by invertebrates, usually exceeding 95% in cover. Invertebrate colonies were significantly larger on both short and tall walls in south‐eastern Australia relative to the Mediterranean. Findings within a country were consistent between the replicate rock walls and between locations. In contrast to our prediction, however, there was significant variation among walls within a location, but not among locations within a continent. Temporal variation in the structure of these assemblages was not examined, but appears limited. Main conclusions We conclude that submarine topography, i.e. the presence of short or tall rock walls, as a function of rock type and structure, has a marked impact on community structure in south‐eastern Australia, but made little difference to the structure of the assemblage in Mediterranean Spain. The differences in structure we observed between walls of different heights in Australia were correlated with differences in the biomass of urchins and they appear to be major determinants of assemblage structure. Interactions among species are often reported from disparate parts of the globe with little or no reference to the structure of the assemblage of which they are a part; we contend that this will hinder interpretation. Our data are consistent with the organisms in these two regions experiencing distinct selection pressures; for example high levels of urchin grazing activity in south‐eastern Australia, and shading and whiplash associated with an algal canopy in the Mediterranean. It may not be appropriate to contrast processes operating at very large (intercontinental) scales unless context can be established with a clear understanding of ecological pattern.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages from sediment trap samples collected during ten intervals between October 2003 and October 2005 in Sacrower See (NE Germany) were related to limnological and meteorological data. Sacrower See is a dimictic, 38 m deep, hypertrophic lowland lake (29.5 m a.s.l.). We identified distinct seasonal and interannual changes of diatom assemblages for the studied period. Diatoms showed a typical seasonal succession for temperate, dimictic, and eutrophic lakes. Stephanodiscus parvus, S. hantzschii, S. neoastraea, and S. alpinus had high accumulation rates during winter and spring, whereas species of the genera Stephanodiscus, Fragilaria, and Nitzschia were the predominant diatoms during summer and autumn. In a Canonical Correspondence Analysis, precipitation, air and water temperatures, epilimnetic calcium, pH, and total phosphorus concentrations together explained 70% of the variance of the diatom data. Interannual variability in the diatom assemblages during the two sampled years mainly seems to reflect changes in the total phosphorus concentration and temperature and secondarily the onset of the growing season and of stratification. Handling editor: J. Saros  相似文献   

Monthly samples of Streblospio shrubsolii were collected from February 1998 to February 1999 at both parts of Monolimni Lagoon (0.3 psu < Sal. < 6 psu). Streblospio shrubsolii displayed a life cycle of about one year. Reproductive activity occurred from February to October. The worms showed a mean of 14 or 16 gametogenic segments. Reproductive activity, growth and density increased during spring despite the low salinities (∼0.3 psu). Streblospio shrubsolii showed faster growth, larger body size during autumn–winter, more reproductive peaks, a relatively higher mean annual density, mean anual biomass (B) and annual production (P) at the innermost part of the lagoon, in organically richer very fine sand, than those at the outer part in fine sand. Mean annual density was 1,320 individuals m–2 at the outer part and 1,745 individuals m–2 at the innermost. Production calculated by Hynes' s method gave a B of 0.20 g DW m–2 y–1 and P of 0.45 g DW m–2 y–1 at the outer part; the respective values at the innermost part were 0.29 g DW m–2 y–1 and 0.61 g DW m–2 y–1. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The nature of the particulate organic matter (POM) as well as its temporal and spatial distribution and dynamics in the Curonian Lagoon (south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea) were investigated. The organic matter was characterized by the organic carbon and nitrogen content, δ13C and δ15N signatures as well as POC/Chl-a and C/N ratios. Additionally, data on hydrological, chemical and biological parameters were used for better understanding the POM distribution and dynamics. The sampling was performed at 13 stations in the Curonian Lagoon and its outflow in the Baltic Sea during the 2012–2013 period. Samples were also collected at the Nemunas River mouth in order to test the riverine impact. Obtained results showed that isotopic values of carbon and nitrogen ranged from −36.1‰ to −25.2‰ and from −0.9‰ to 15.5‰, respectively. The isotopic composition, together with the low C/N molar (∼7) and POC/Chl-a ratios (<100) of the POM, suggested the dominance of living phytoplankton in POM throughout the year with the higher input of detrital material (C/N >10, POC/Chl-a ratios >100) in late autumn − winter.The results of multivariate analysis evidenced a spatial distinction of POM distribution in the northern-transitional and central confined areas and allowed us to distinguish the main driving factors. The seasonal variation of the δ13C and δ15N values in POM (towards higher δ13C and lower δ15N values in the summer − early autumn period and lower δ13C and higher δ15N values in the late autumn − spring period) was determined by combination of factors such as availability of inorganic carbon and nitrogen, the riverine discharge, seasonal phytoplankton succession and by the short-term saline water intrusion to the northern-transitional part of the lagoon.  相似文献   

Intertidal zonation and seasonal variability of benthic macrofaunawere analysed along a Spartina alterniflora (Loisel) marshand nearby unvegetated flat in a subtropical bay. Fivereplicate samples were taken along six tidal levels from the uppermarsh, limited by mangroves, to the lower unvegetated flat.Sediment composition, live and dead above- and below-ground biomassof S. alterniflora and detritus biomass from the vegetatedand unvegetated areas were determined to evaluate whethervariations on plant structure and detritus along the 25 m transectaffect the dynamics of benthic invertebrates. Composition andabundance of invertebrates varied with the elevation and plantcover clearly plays a key role on the distribution patterns of themacrofauna. Below-ground and dead above-ground biomass presentedthe highest correlation with the densities of the invertebrates.Vertical distribution of benthic fauna, however, appears not to beaffected by bellow-ground fraction. Higher detritus biomass in theupper unvegetated flat coincided with higher densities ofdetritivorous or omnivorous species in this level. An eruptivealgal growth during summer affected positively most of the dominantspecies.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal composition assemblages and their temporal changes, ecological indices and foraminiferal densities are used to compare three coastal environments with different physicogeographical features in the Aegean Sea (coastal environment of Avdira–Vistonikos Gulf and Kitros–Thermaikos Gulf and open lagoonal environment of Vravron–South Evoikos Gulf). Three main foraminiferal assemblages have been recognized: a) “Assemblage A”; high degree of similarity between living and dead foraminiferal species, dominated by Ammonia beccarii, Elphidium spp. and relatively abundant and diverse miliolids, b) “Assemblage B1”; intermediate degree of similarity between live and dead assemblages, characterized by highly-abundant and well-diversified foraminiferal assemblages including the algal symbiont bearing Peneroplis pertusus together with Ammonia tepida and several small epiphytic rotaliids and miliolids, and c) “Assemblage B2”; absence of living individuals, strongly dominated by the opportunistic species A. tepida. Our results suggest a good comparison between living and dead assemblages from different coastal environments in the Aegean Sea, however the prevailing environmental conditions (vegetation cover, hydrodynamics, fresh water influx) have a strong impact on the taphonomic processes.  相似文献   

The study of Quaternary sediments covering the last 550 kyr from the borehole GDEC-4-2, East-Corsica basin, was performed through the study of benthic meiofaunal assemblages (ostracoda and benthic foraminifera) whose distribution responds to climate changes, and glacial–interglacial variability in particular. The interglacial ostracod group is mainly composed of the Argilloecia acuminata, Cytheropteron alatum, Henryhowella sp., Polycope sp. and Cytherella sp., which indicate an enhanced surface productivity and possibly high bottom water temperature during these warm intervals. Benthic foraminifera, such as Hoeglundina elegans, Sigmoilopsis schlumbergeri, Bigenerina nodosaria and Hyalinea balthica are predominant during interglacial periods and also show an increasing surface productivity associated to warm intervals. Increase in surface productivity would contribute to an enhanced export of organic matter to sea floor at the GDEC-4-2 site during interglacial periods. The bottom temperature drop coupled with the important sedimentary inputs (associated to a significant quantity of refractory organic matter) during glacial periods was highlighted by the predominance of ostracoda, such as Paradoxostoma sp., Cytheropteron testudo, Bathycythere vanstraateni, Macrocypris sp., Echinocythereis echinata and benthic foraminifera as Bolivina spathulata, Bulimina costata, and Bulimina marginata. The distribution of some benthic foraminifera species describing a turnover system allowed the characterization of the last three climate cycles (MIS 8–9, MIS 6–7, MIS 1–5) probably marked by changes of bottom water paleoceanographic conditions in terms of temperature, salinity, bottom current intensity and surface productivity. The cyclic variations of the allochthonous group recorded over the last 550 kyr suggest a major role played by the eustatic factor, with the latter possibly favouring down slope transport. The distribution of this group allowed thus establishing a link between shelf-basin sediment transfer and climate, with enhanced shelf-basin sediment transfer during glacial low stands.  相似文献   

A paleolimnological approach was used for the assessment of the recent eutrophication history and identification of possible reference conditions in the large, shallow, eutrophic Lake Peipsi. Lake Peipsi is the fourth largest lake by area, and the largest transboundary lake in Europe, being shared between Estonia and Russia. Lake Peipsi has been anthropogenically impacted over a longer time-scale than that covered by instrumental limnological monitoring. The 210Pb record and down-core distribution of fly-ash particles in the 40-cm core from the middle part of the lake suggest 130 years of sediment accumulation. Diatom assemblages indicate alkaline mesotrophic conditions and a well-illuminated water column, sediment pore-water fluorescence index values suggest low autochthonous productivity and a stable aquatic ecosystem similar to natural reference conditions during the second half of 19th and early 20th century. Near-synchronous stratigraphic changes including the expansion of the eutrophic planktonic diatom Stephanodiscus parvus, the appearance of new species associated with eutrophic lakes and the decrease in the relative abundance of littoral diatoms, together with changes in the fluorescence properties of sediment pore-water dissolved organic matter, imply increased nutrient availability, enlarged phytoplankton crops, reduced water-column transparency and the onset of human-induced disturbances in the lake since the mid-20th century. The most conspicuous expansion of eutrophic planktonic diatoms and maximum concentration of siliceous microfossils occur simultaneously with changes in the fluorescence indexes of pore-water dissolved organic matter, indicating a pronounced increase in the contribution of autochthonous organic matter to the lake sediment. This implies that nutrient loading and anthropogenic impact was at a maximum during the 1970s and 1980s. Sedimentary diatom flora may reflect a reduction of phosphorus loading since the 1990s. However, the absolute abundance of planktonic diatoms and sediment pore-water fluorescence index values vary greatly implying that the lake ecosystem is still rather unstable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sediment grazing and burrowing activities of natural populations of Mictyris longicarpus on benthic metabolism, nitrogen flux and irrigation rates by comparing sediments taken from minimum disturbance exclusion cages and adjacent sediments subject to M. longicarpus activities. M. longicarpus reduced sediment surface chlorophyll a (approximately 77%), organic carbon (approximately 95%) and total nitrogen concentrations (approximately 99%) in comparison to ungrazed sediments. Consequently, they significantly reduced gross benthic O2 production (about 71%) and sediment O2 consumption (approximately 46%). Mean N2 fluxes showed net effluxes (276-430 μmol m−2 day−1) in the presences of M. longicarpus and net uptakes (194.09-449.21 μmol m−2 day−1) where they were excluded. The net uptake of N2 was most likely due to cyanobacteria fixing of N2, as dense microbial mats became established over the sediment surface in the absence of M. longicarpus grazing activity. Sediment irrigation/transport rates calculated from CsCl tracer dilution indicated greater irrigation rates in the exclusions (12.12-16.22 l m−2 h−1) compared to inhabited sediments (6.33-11.73 l m−2 h−1) and this was again was most likely due to the lack of grazing pressure which allowed large populations of small burrowing polychaetes to inhabit the organic matter rich exclusion sediments. As such, the main influence of M. longicarpus was the interception and consumption of transported organic material, benthic microalgae and other small infaunal organisms resulting in the removal of approximately 0.06 g m−2 day−1 of nitrogen and 12.12 g m−2 day−1 of organic carbon. This “cleansing” of the sediments reduced sediment metabolism and the flux of solutes across the sediment water interface and ultimately the heavy predation of M. longicarpus by transient species such as stingrays, results in a net loss of carbon and nitrogen from the system.  相似文献   

Cunningham SA  Murray W 《Oecologia》2007,151(2):303-312
We examined body length differences between the beetle fauna of Eucalyptus plantation forests and remnant Eucalyptus forest in the same region using aerial and arboreal sampling. Mean body length of plantation-using species was greater than for remnant forest species, and the same pattern was apparent in the mean of all individuals collected regardless of species. This pattern was true for both Malaise-trap-collected beetles (aerial) and canopy-collected (arboreal) beetles. The tendency for plantation-restricted species to have longer bodies is significant even if clade is treated as a random factor in the analysis. Greater body length among plantation-using species is consistent with a few other studies that have found body size of insect species in early successional environments is typically greater than in late successional environments. Some studies suggest that larger species are better dispersers, which can rapidly colonise early successional habitats. In this study, however, there was little relationship between body length and the number of sites occupied; suggesting dispersal was not a major determinant of community membership. Two different patterns in this study support the hypothesis that body size differences are linked to trophic structure of the communities. First, the body length shift comparing remnant users to plantation users was greater among phytophages than for predators or saprophages. Second, saprophages were typically smaller than phytophages, and constituted a larger fraction of the remnant forest using fauna, driving down the mean body length in the saprophage-rich remnant forest community.  相似文献   

The annual cycles of nutrients in the Etang de Berre were studied in 1985. From measurements twice a month at the input points, daily data for the freshwater flow and from daily measurements at the output point, an estimation is proposed for a nutrient budget. Seasonal variability is important, and a biological control of nutrient availability (locally remineralized products) results in a hydrologically controlled system (nutrients carried by continental waters) which produces the very high microalgal biomass observed in the lagoon. The seasonal halocline brings the euphotic layer very close to the remineralization site: nutrients are then constantly available to the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

The behaviour of organic matter has been approached in two fluvio-marine areas of the Gulf of Lions in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: deltas of the Rhône and Têt rivers. Elemental analysis, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (main classes of organic compounds) and high performance liquid chromatography (phenolic compounds) enabled to show the fractioning processes and the differentiation of water layers from the river mouth to the open sea. Transitory horizontal and vertical geochemical gradients appeared in the water column. They were more marked in surficial sediments. They underlined the effects of the river inputs which were characterized by high phenol contents. The increase of the marine character towards the open sea was shown by increasing nitrogen-containing compounds. In the Rhône delta, the distribution of the suspended material and organic compounds emphasized the occurrence of a multi-layered water system. In the surficial layers the suspended organic matter was in a little degraded state. On the contrary, the bottom nepheloid contained altered organo-mineral complexes enriched in resistant organic compounds. In the deeper areas of the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon, in front of the Têt prodelta, the abundance of phytoplanktonic material in the euphotic zone was emphasized by the increase of both nitrogen-containing compounds and aminosugars. In the deeper layers, the suspended material transported by advective currents showed a detrital characteri.e. enriched in clays and in degraded organic matter. The observations carried out in the Rhône delta, the Têt prodelta and the Lacaze-Duthiers Canyon underlined the importance of the general transfer system of suspended material from East to West enhanced by the Liguro-Provençal current.  相似文献   

The assemblage of Anemonia viridis which is an important component of the photophilic soft algae biocoenosis, has not been adequately studied up to date. The A. viridis assemblage studied, was poor in species number compared to other photophilic soft algae assemblages, possibly because of its peculiar physiology and competition for space. Three age groups of A. viridis were distinguished, two of which (the first and the third) showed significant seasonal variations. The reasons for this are still unclear and may depend on recruitment, competition among small-sized individuals, predation or other mortality factors, and migration of larger individuals.  相似文献   

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