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Anthropogenic stress has been identified as main driver of freshwater biodiversity loss. Adverse effects on the biodiversity of freshwater organisms, such as macroinvertebrates, may propagate to associated ecosystem functions, such as organic matter breakdown (OMB). In this context, the functional diversity (FD) of communities has been suggested to be a more suitable predictor of changes in ecosystem functions than taxonomic diversity (TD). We investigated the response of TD and FD of invertebrate communities to an environmental stress gradient and the relation of both metrics to the rate of organic matter breakdown. For this, we sampled macroinvertebrates and determined OMB using leaf bags along an environmental stress gradient (i.e. changes in physicochemical and hydromorphological conditions) in 29 low-order streams. Taxonomic richness decreased with increasing environmental stress (r = −0.55) but was not related to OMB. Conversely, the Simpson diversity of communities was not associated with the gradient but correlated moderately (r = 0.41) with OMB. Of three functional diversity indices (functional richness, evenness and divergence), only functional richness correlated moderately with the stress gradient (r = −0.41) and any of the indices correlated with OMB. Nevertheless, functional metrics such as specific trait modalities and the total abundance of the dominant shredders correlated higher (r = 0.46 and 0.48) with OMB than the TD indices. Given a relatively small species pool in our study and methodical constraints such as the limited resolution of autecological information, the FD might perform better in other contexts and if focusing on response and effect traits for the stressor and ecosystem function under scrutiny, respectively.  相似文献   

Göran Bengtsson 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):542-549
Summary Immigration and colonization of isolates of naturally occurring stream bacteria and hyphomycetes on beech leaves were studied in a laboratory stream microcosm. Fungal spores were more successful immigrants, especially on new leaves, than bacteria, which were more repelled than attracted by the substrate. Fewer bacteria immigrated to older leaves than to new, and bacteria multiplied faster in water than on leaves. Fungi and bacteria showed synergistic relationships so that each group grew significantly faster in presence of the other group. If one considers, differences in immigration, colonization and synergism patterns, fungal mycelia doubled about 10 times faster than bacterial cells which might explain the dominance of fungi usually found on leaves in early decay. The individual fungal species could be assigned to one of three colonization groups; one of fugitive species, preceding a second group of species that grew from rarity to dominance, and a third group of very slow colonizers. The leachate was fractionated in different molecular size classes by gel chromatography, and the fraction around 2500D in the new leaf leachate was associated with a high concentration of polyphenols. High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) revealed the presence of 16 phenolic acids in the new leaf leachate at concentrations ranging from < 1 to 640 g l–1. All fungi except the species with the slowest growth rate grew faster on leachate with the fraction around 2500D removed, and the density of bacteria was significantly reduced when pure stream water was supplemented with compounds from the same fraction.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effect of moderate eutrophication on leaf litter decomposition and associated invertebrates in five reference and five eutrophied streams in central Portugal. Fungal parameters and litter N and P dynamics were followed in one pair of streams. Benthic invertebrate parameters that are considered useful in bioassessment were estimated in all streams. Finally, we evaluated the utility of decomposition as a tool to assess stream ecosystem functional integrity. 2. Decomposition of alder and oak leaves in coarse mesh bags was on average 2.3–2.7× faster in eutrophied than in reference streams. This was attributed to stimulation of fungal activity (fungal biomass accrual and sporulation of aquatic hyphomycetes) by dissolved nutrients. These effects were more pronounced for oak litter (lower quality substrate) than alder. N content of leaf litter did not differ between stream types, while P accrual was higher in the eutrophied than in the reference stream. Total invertebrate abundances and richness associated with oak litter, but not with alder, were higher in eutrophied streams. 3. We found only positive correlations between stream nutrients (DIN and SRP) and leaf litter decomposition rates in both fine and coarse mesh bags, associated sporulation rates of aquatic hyphomycetes and, in some cases, total invertebrate abundances and richness. 4. Some metrics based on benthic invertebrate community data (e.g. % shredders, % shredder taxa) were significantly lower in eutrophied than in reference streams, whereas the IBMWP index that is specifically designed for the Iberian peninsula classified all 10 streams in the highest possible class as having ‘very good’ ecological conditions. 5. Leaf litter decomposition was sufficiently sensitive to respond to low levels of eutrophication and could be a useful functional measure to complement assessment programmes based on structural parameters.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrate assemblages and leaf decomposition rates were usedto assess the effects of copper on community structure and function in EastProng Creek, VA. Copper concentrations ranged from 12–32 µgl–1 at three downstream disturbed sites and 0.1–2.0µg l–1 at an upstream reference site. Benthic samplingshowed reduced taxonomic richness and numbers of individuals at thedisturbed sites and leaf decomposition rates at the disturbed sites were1.4–2.7 times slower than at the upstream reference site. Partialrecovery of community structure occurred after a passive treatment systemreduced copper to levels below chronic effect concentrations. Post-treatmentbenthic sampling indicated a recovery in taxonomic richness in the threedisturbed sites. During the 6-week period of treatment, themacroinvertebrate community in the disturbed sites recovered to a similarcomposition to that found in the reference site. However, no significantdifference in leaf decomposition rate was observed, suggesting a residualeffect of copper on our measure of functional response. Our results indicatethat copper pollution significantly interrupts the action of shreddersprocessing leaf material in polluted streams.  相似文献   

Multiple effluent streams may flow into a single receiving stream making it difficult to understand the effects of a single effluent source or the interactions between effluents. In this study, we examined benthic community structure and function in an effluent stream formed by the release of treated mine water, in treated mine water that had been used as a water source for flow-through aquaculture and below the confluence of the two. This study demonstrated that macroinvertebrate communities, while taxonomically simple, developed in treated mine water. The addition of aquaculture effluent to the treated mine water allowed colonization by additional taxa, increased leaf decomposition rates and may have conferred resistance to a turbidity event. Ecosystem responses were mediated by the surrounding terrestrial environment. In shaded conditions macroinvertebrate densities could be as much as 10× higher and the taxa were dominated by simuliids and chironomids, while in open conditions filamentous algae flourished and the taxa were dominated by hydroptilids and chironomids. Consequently, consideration of stream processes that promote preferred ecological processes, such as macroinvertebrate production and organic matter processing, when siting effluent streams may reduce impacts on receiving streams.  相似文献   

粤东柘林湾海域富营养化评价与分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
根据2001年7月~2002年7月对拓林湾进行的生态调查所得的数据,运用模糊集理论中的权距离概念结合隶属度的模糊评价方法,以化学耗氧量、总无机氮、活性磷酸盐和叶绿素a为指标,对粤东拓林湾和湾外水域的富营养化状况进行了评价.结果表明,拓林湾的营养状况已达到中营养程度以上,而湾外则处于贫营养状态.  相似文献   

The pattern of diversity and functioning of fungi associated with leaf litter decomposition in Asian forests of different climatic regions was investigated by performing meta-analysis of published data for seven tree species in subalpine, temperate, subtropical and tropical forests. Fungal assemblages were examined by using common standard isolation-culture methods, and the abilities of individual fungal species to decompose leaf litter were examined with pure culture decomposition tests. The climatic patterns of diversity, assemblage structure and genus composition depended on the method of isolation: the washing method revealed no consistent pattern, whereas the surface sterilization method showed lower diversity and greater relative abundance of dominant fungal species within the assemblages in cooler climates. The decomposing ability of species within fungal assemblages was greater in warmer than in cooler climates and in broad-leaved than in coniferous tree species. In particular, the greatest abilities to cause mass loss were found among fungi with ligninolytic activity in broad-leaved tree species in warmer climates.  相似文献   

2003年7月到2004年6月对董铺水库的浮游生物进行了调查,对其种类组成、生物量、种群数量、污染指标种等相关指数进行了初步分析,得出结果是综合指数为1.46,种群数量为2.256×105个/升(浮游植物),多样性指数的值在3.01~3.22之间。这些指数表明:目前董铺水库的水质仍属清洁水体,从营养水平来看处于贫营养与中营养之间,并向中营养水平演化,水质存在着向轻度污染转化的趋势。  相似文献   

1. Stream conditions have been evaluated using leaf breakdown, and aquatic hyphomycetes are a diverse group of fungal decomposers which contribute to this process. 2. In field surveys of three pairs of impact‐control stream sites we assessed the effect of eutrophication, mine pollution and modification of riparian vegetation on alder leaf breakdown rate in coarse and fine mesh bags and on mycelial biomass, spore production and species diversity of leaf‐colonizing fungi. 3. In addition, we gathered published information on the response of leaf‐colonizing fungi to these three types of perturbations. We conducted a meta‐analysis of 23 published papers to look for consistent patterns across studies and to determine the relevance of four fungal‐based metrics (microbial breakdown rate, maximum spore production, maximum mycelial biomass and total species richness) to detect stream impairment. 4. In our field surveys, leaf breakdown rates in coarse mesh bags were lower at impact than at paired control sites regardless of perturbation type. A similar trend was observed for leaf breakdown rates in fine mesh bags. Mycelial biomass and spore production were higher in the eutrophied stream than in the control stream. Spore production was depressed in the mine polluted stream, while it was slightly enhanced in the stream affected by forestry. Fungal diversity tended to be lower at impact than at paired control sites, though the mean and cumulative species richness values were often inconsistent. 5. Results of the meta‐analysis confirmed that mine pollution reduces fungal diversity and performance. Eutrophication was not found to affect microbial breakdown rate, maximum spore production and maximum mycelial biomass in a predictable manner because both positive and negative effects were reported in the literature. However, fungal species richness was consistently reduced in eutrophied streams. Modification of riparian vegetation had at most a small stimulating effect on maximum spore production. Among the four fungal‐based metrics included in the meta‐analysis, maximum spore production emerged as the most sensitive indicator of human impact on streams. 6. Taken together, our findings indicate that human activities can affect the diversity and functions of aquatic hyphomycetes in streams. We also show that leaf breakdown rate and simple fungal‐based metrics, such as spore production, are relevant to assess stream condition.  相似文献   

1. The effect of nutrient enrichment on structural (invertebrate indices) and functional (leaf‐litter breakdown rates) characteristics of stream integrity was studied in nine boreal streams. 2. The results showed predicted changes in biotic indices and leaf‐litter breakdown along a complex (principal component) nutrient gradient. Biotic indices were better correlated with nutrient effects than leaf‐litter breakdown. 3. Fungal biomass and invertebrate densities in the litter bags were positively correlated with leaf‐litter breakdown, and both were also positively related to the nutrient gradient. 4. Invertebrate community composition influenced breakdown rate. High breakdown rates at one site were associated with the high abundance of the detritivore Asellus aquaticus. 5. This study lends support to the importance of invertebrate and fungi as mediators of leaf‐litter decomposition. However, our study also shows that study design (length of incubation) can confound the interpretation of nutrient‐induced effects on decomposition.  相似文献   

Population density and volume-biomass of microplankton, nanoplankton and total phytoplankton were analyzed at 14 stations along the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea. Based upon data frequency distribution, four categories of ecosystems were established in the investigated area. Criteria for ecosystem categorization and biological evaluation of eutrophication are proposed.  相似文献   

Fungi and bacteria are key players in the decomposition of leaf litter, but their individual contributions to the process and their interactions are still poorly known. We combined semi‐quantitative proteome analyses (1‐D PAGE‐LC‐MS/MS) with qualitative and quantitative analyses of extracellular degradative enzyme activities to unravel the respective roles of a fungus and a bacterium during litter decomposition. Two model organisms, a mesophilic Gram‐negative bacterium (Pectobacterium carotovorum) and an ascomycete (Aspergillus nidulans), were grown in both, pure culture and co‐culture on minimal medium containing either glucose or beech leaf litter as sole carbon source. P. carotovorum grew best in co‐culture with the fungus, whereas growth of A. nidulans was significantly reduced when the bacterium was present. This observation suggests that P. carotovorum has only limited capabilities to degrade leaf litter and profits from the degradation products of A. nidulans at the expense of fungal growth. In accordance with this interpretation, our proteome analysis revealed that most of the extracellular biodegradative enzymes (i.e. proteases, pectinases, and cellulases) in the cultures with beech litter were expressed by the fungus, the bacterium producing only low levels of pectinases.  相似文献   

We tested the null hypothesis that neither roughness nor color of artificial substrata (tiles) affects abundance of stream invertebrates colonizing these substrata. The studies were carried out in a third-order aspen-parkland stream and first- and second-order foothills streams of Alberta, Canada. Dark-colored tiles were slightly more attractive to some colonizing invertebrates than light-colored tiles, but results were not conclusive. Generally, more individuals and more taxa were found on the rough tiles than on the smooth tiles. And several taxa were found in significantly (P 0.05) larger numbers on the rough tiles. Chironomids, especially, had a strong preference for the rough tiles. A major exception was heptageniid (Ephemeroptera) nymphs, which were consistently found in larger numbers on the smooth tiles.  相似文献   

A growing number of marine fungi are the sources of novel and potentially life-saving bioactive secondary metabolites. Here, we have discussed some of these novel antibacterial, antiviral, antiprotozoal compounds isolated from marine-derived fungi and their possible roles in disease eradication. We have also discussed the future commercial exploitation of these compounds for possible drug development using metabolic engineering and post-genomics approaches.  相似文献   

In many parts of south-eastern Australia, native riparian vegetation has been cleared and exotic willows planted. In order to evaluate some of the possible effects of this practice, the decomposition and colonisation by invertebrates of the leaves of three native plant species along with those of willow were examined.Decomposition of leaves of the willow Salix babylonica L. and the indigenous macrophyte Myriophyllum propinquum A. Cunn. was much faster than for leaves of the indigenous trees Eucalyptus blakelyi Maiden and Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq. Both macroinvertebrates and current were found to have a significant influence upon decomposition. The pattern of preferential colonisation suggested that plant detritus represented a primary food source for invertebrates and not simply a refuge. Colonisation was found to be a function of the stage of decomposition, regardless of plant species. The lower temporal availability of willow leaves compared to the native evergreen tree leaves appears to be insufficient to enhance the production of the benthic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Birds’ nests may be refuges for various species of fungi including that which are potentially phytopathogenic and zoopathogenic. Among the 2449 isolates of fungi obtained from nests of Marsh harriers 96.8% belonged to filamentous fungi. In total, 37 genera were identified from 63 fungi species. Within the mycobiotas of the examined nests populations of fungi which are potentially pathogenic for humans, homoiothermous animals and plants dominated. Among 63 species, 46 (72%) were potentially pathogenic fungi of which 18 species were potentially phytopathogenic and 32 species were pathogenic for homoiothermous animals. Inter alia species of fungi were found in the Marsh harriers nests: Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Chrysosporium keratinophilum and Fusarium poae, Fusarium sporotrichioides. In terms of numbers, dominant in Marsh harrier nests were fungi pathogenic to birds, other homoiothermous animals and humans. On that basis it was concluded that Marsh harrier nests are both a source of fungal infections for that species and one of the links in the epidemiological cycle of opportunistic fungi for humans.  相似文献   

Abstract Although eutrophication is frequently cited as an anthropogenic threat to coral-reef systems, very little is known about the effects of eutrophication on coral-reef fishes. In this paper, I explore how variation and similarity among fish species, and among the species with which they interact, may determine when population- or system-level responses to nutrient enrichment are most likely. Where functionally similar species exhibit complementary responses to environmental stress, ecosystem function may be maintained relatively unchanged although the relative abundance of species may shift dramatically. Alternatively, major changes in the ecosystem can occur if functionally similar species respond similarly to changes in the environment, if little functional complementarity or behavioural plasticity exists, or if feedback exists whereby changes in the fish assemblage cause further degradation of their coral habitat.  相似文献   

Danish streams have for some decades shown a significant improvement in ecological quality. This is based on a time-series of a subset of 247 sites from the nationwide monitoring program with reoccurring annual sampling. The ecological quality is determined using the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna as bio-indicators via the Danish Stream Fauna Index (DSFI), and expressed in categorically ranked scores, with 1 as the lowest, and 7 as the highest quality. We analysed a data set on DSFI scores and the associated taxon lists from 2004 to 2013, totaling to 2411 individual samples or communities. Our main objectives were to 1) examine the temporal multidirectional dynamics underlying the overall net improving trend in the DSFI scores, and 2) to elucidate how the DSFI responds to differences in faunal community composition. Our analysis showed that most sites exhibited unchanged DSFI over the 10 year period (53%), although inter-annual shifts were still observable within these sites. The DSFI interval 1–2 showed the highest proportion of positive shifts, whereas interval 3–4 the highest proportion of negative shifts. Improvement measures should therefore be directed more specifically towards intermediate quality streams. Sites with moderate to high scores (DSFI 4–7) were most stable. Turnover (i.e., replacement of taxa) was the dominating component of overall beta diversity, while the richness change component (i.e., loss/gain of taxa) was negligible. The specific DSFI scores encompassed wide ranges of community composition, and showed a weak, but significant correlation between differences in scores and the community composition. This is to a certain degree advantageous since it gives the categorical scores robustness and plasticity, and thus makes the DSFI capable of handling natural variation in communities. The ideal biotic index should allow for natural variation, but do so while maintaining the capability of separating ecologically different communities. Our findings consequently give rise to concern to whether the DSFI is too sensitive to stochastic variation in samples with insufficient precision to assign sites to correct ecological quality classes.  相似文献   

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