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The main ecosystem services (ES) central European mountain forests provide are: protection against gravitational hazards, timber production, recreation, biodiversity conservation and carbon storage, which are all in high demand. These demands make managing mountain forests a challenging task, involving manifold synergies and conflicts between the different ES. There is therefore an urgent need for appropriate concepts and tools for support decisions in forest management and planning (FMP) to take into consideration all ES and to manage the wide variety of information types, parameters and uncertainties involved in assessing the sustainability of ES. Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) provides a suitable set of methods for sustainability evaluations. In this study sustainability means the persistent fulfilment of the required ES. To address all the phases of the FMP process, MCDA and forest models should be applied together, with indicators providing the main interfaces to combine them. This paper aims to: i) review assessment approaches in order to select appropriate and widely accepted indicators for measuring and assessing the effects of different silvicultural management alternatives on forest ES, and ii) present additional standardisation approaches (value functions) for each indicator. Standardisations are necessary to make the different ES comparable and to study synergies and trade-offs between different management objectives in MCDA. The main ES in central European mountain regions are considered, with a clear focus on those indicators that are directly derivable from forest model outputs and that can refer to sustainable forest management practices. The scales considered are that of the single forest stand and of the larger forest management unit. A holistic indicator-based analysis framework for FMP in mountain forests can be built using the indicators and value functions described. The influence of different management alternatives on ES can then be evaluated, taking into consideration the instruments and information on forest management (forest models, inventory) available. All indicators are selected according to existing and approved approaches that only require data that is normally available in operational forest management. The framework can thus be an important element in developing a decision support system for FMP in mountain forests.  相似文献   

Rural development in forested lands and high altitude ecosystems created new regimes and disturbances that set protective function of forests as the most fundamental of all forest functions. Considering protective forests as engineering structures against natural hazards and risks, such as erosion, able to replace costly manmade infrastructures, a methodology is presenting aiming at their spatial identification in a changing mountainous environment. The methodology followed is based on field observations, calibrated models, topographical, geological and climatic data as well as human presence indicators combined properly in a GIS environment. Analysis showed that some forest soils are prone to erosion hazard unable to absorb disturbances like selective logging, revealing the protective role of their forest cover. The spatial identification of the forests with a particular protective function is the necessary step required for the design of a sustainable management of high elevated ecosystems.  相似文献   

Limiting the increase in global average temperature to 2 °C is the objective of international efforts aimed at avoiding dangerous climate impacts. However, the regional response of terrestrial ecosystems and the services that they provide under such a scenario are largely unknown. We focus on mountain forests in the European Alps and evaluate how a range of ecosystem services (ES) are projected to be impacted in a 2 °C warmer world, using four novel regional climate scenarios. We employ three complementary forest models to assess a wide range of ES in two climatically contrasting case study regions. Within each climate scenario we evaluate if and when ES will deviate beyond status quo boundaries that are based on current system variability. Our results suggest that the sensitivity of mountain forest ES to a 2 °C warmer world depends heavily on the current climatic conditions of a region, the strong elevation gradients within a region, and the specific ES in question. Our simulations project that large negative impacts will occur at low and intermediate elevations in initially warm‐dry regions, where relatively small climatic shifts result in negative drought‐related impacts on forest ES. In contrast, at higher elevations, and in regions that are initially cool‐wet, forest ES will be comparatively resistant to a 2 °C warmer world. We also found considerable variation in the vulnerability of forest ES to climate change, with some services such as protection against rockfall and avalanches being sensitive to 2 °C global climate change, but other services such as carbon storage being reasonably resistant. Although our results indicate a heterogeneous response of mountain forest ES to climate change, the projected substantial reduction of some forest ES in dry regions suggests that a 2 °C increase in global mean temperature cannot be seen as a universally ‘safe’ boundary for the maintenance of mountain forest ES.  相似文献   

防护林学研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
防护林学是研究防护林构建及经营的理论与技术的科学, 其核心内容包括防护林构建理论与技术、防护林经营理论与技术和防护林效益评价。防护林学发展的终极目的是构建与经营防护林, 使其防护功能或生态服务功能高效、稳定并可持续。防护林学是偏重实用的应用基础学科, 其发展始终依托防护林工程建设需求, 特别是以国家运作方式开展的大型防护林工程建设, 对推动防护林学发展做出了巨大贡献。国外著名的防护林工程有美国大平原各州林业工程(罗斯福工程)、前苏联斯大林改造大自然计划、日本的治山治水防护林工程和北非五国“绿色坝”跨国防护林工程等。围绕这些工程, 在防护林规划设计、树种选择、空间配置、造林方法, 结构、抚育、间伐、衰退机制与更新, 以及效益评价等各个方面开展了相关研究, 其中, 以效益评价及效益与结构的关系研究最为广泛与深入。中国幅员辽阔、自然条件复杂、森林资源相对匮乏且分布不均、自然环境恶劣, 对防护林的需求极大, 自“三北”防护林体系建设工程启动以来, 中国防护林建设规模已居世界首位, 防护林学在中国得到了长足发展, 尤其在防护林经营理论与技术研究方面取得突破性进展。防护林学以效益评价为桥梁将防护林构建和经营组合在一起, 效益与结构的关系为防护林构建及现有防护林经营提供了科学依据。未来防护林学研究将以更广泛的生态公益林或防护性森林为对象, 在研究方法上将由以林分尺度为主向更微观和更宏观两个方向拓展; 在防护林构建方面, 仍以林学理论与技术为主体, 并重点与生态系统稳定性原理、景观生态学原理相结合, 开展防护林(体系)区域分异规划设计、营建理论与技术研究; 在防护林经营方面, 将以防护林衰退与恢复机制、带状防护林更新和非带状防护林近自然经营理论与技术为重点开展研究; 在效益评价方面, 将采用遥感等技术, 以防护林(体系)、大规模防护林建设的生态环境效应评价等为主要内容开展研究。  相似文献   

森林退化/衰退的研究与实践   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
森林退化可以理解为森林面积减少、结构丧失、质量降低、功能下降;森林衰退则是森林退化的一种形式,指森林(树木)在生长发育过程中出现的生理机能下降、生长发育滞缓、生产力降低甚至死亡,以及地力衰退等状态.国内外研究表明,森林采伐/毁林是造成森林面积减少的最主要原因,有关森林采伐/毁林引起的森林退化研究主要集中在森林退化的后果、国家/国际政策的影响、加强全球性合作以及寻求解决途径等方面.森林衰退原因可归纳为:工、农业污染,自然胁迫/致衰因子,林分动态发生变化,森林衰退病或生态病,人工纯林以及纯林连栽导致的地力、生产力衰退等.中国的森林退化/衰退现状与世界各地森林退化基本一致,但由于历史原因,中国森林退化又有其自身特点:近一个世纪的强烈人为干扰,使大部分原始天然林退化为次生林;中国拥有世界上最多的人工林,且多数人工林均具有质量差、功能低等衰退特征.本文在综述森林退化/衰退研究与实践基础上,提出中国现代森林退化/衰退的的主要原因,给出中国森林退化/衰退的基本对策.  相似文献   

Identification of valid indicators of biodiversity is a critical need for sustainable forest management. We developed compositional, structural and functional indicators of biodiversity for five taxonomic groups—bryophytes, vascular plants, spiders, hoverflies and birds—using data from 44 Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) plantation forests in Ireland. The best structural biodiversity indicator was stand stage, defined using a multivariate classification of forest structure variables. However, biodiversity trends over the forest cycle and between tree species differ among the taxonomic groups studied. Canopy cover was the main structural indicator and affected other structural variables such as cover of lower vegetation layers. Other structural indicators included deadwood and distances to forest edge and to broadleaved woodland. Functional indicators included stand age, site environmental characteristics and management practices. Compositional indicators were limited to more easily identifiable plant and bird species. Our results suggest that the biodiversity of any one of the species groups we surveyed cannot act as a surrogate for all of the other species groups. However, certain subgroups, such as forest bryophytes and saproxylic hoverflies, may be able to act as surrogates for each other. The indicators we have identified should be used together to identify stands of potentially high biodiversity or to evaluate the biodiversity effects of silvicultural management practices. They are readily assessed by non-specialists, ecologically meaningful and applicable over a broad area with similar climate conditions and silvicultural systems. The approach we have used to develop biodiversity indicators, including stand structural types, is widely relevant and can enhance sustainable forest management of plantations.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the hypothesis that topographic features of high‐elevation mountain environments govern spatial distribution and climate‐driven dynamics of the forest. Location Upper mountain forest stands (elevation range 1800–2600 m) in the mountains of southern Siberia. Methods Archive maps, satellite and on‐ground data from1960 to 2002 were used. Data were normalized to avoid bias caused by uneven distribution of topographic features (elevation, azimuth and slope steepness) within the analysed area. Spatial distribution of forest stands was analysed with respect to topography based on a digital elevation model (DEM). Results Spatial patterns in mountain forests are anisotropic with respect to azimuth, slope steepness and elevation. At a given elevation, the majority of forests occupied slopes with greater than mean slope values. As the elevation increased, forests shifted to steeper slopes. The orientation of forest azimuth distribution changed clockwise with increase in elevation (the total shift was 120°), indicating a combined effect of wind and water stress on the observed forest patterns. Warming caused changes in the forest distribution patterns during the last four decades. The area of closed forests increased 1.5 times, which was attributed to increased stand density and tree migration. The migration rate was 1.5 ± 0.9 m year–1, causing a mean forest line shift of 63 ± 37 m. Along with upward migration, downward tree migration onto hill slopes was observed. Changes in tree morphology were also noted as widespread transformation of the prostrate forms of Siberian pine and larch into erect forms. Main conclusions The spatial pattern of upper mountain forests as well as the response of forests to warming strongly depends on topographic relief features (elevation, azimuth and slope steepness). With elevation increase (and thus a harsher environment) forests shifted to steep wind‐protected slopes. A considerable increase in the stand area and increased elevation of the upper forest line was observed coincident with the climate warming that was observed. Warming promotes migration of trees to areas that are less protected from winter desiccation and snow abrasion (i.e. areas with lower values of slope steepness). Climate‐induced forest response has significantly modified the spatial patterns of high‐elevation forests in southern Siberia during the last four decades, as well as tree morphology.  相似文献   

次生林概念与生态干扰度   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
朱教君  刘世荣 《生态学杂志》2007,26(7):1085-1093
近一个世纪强烈的人为干扰使世界范围内的原始林面积锐减,次生林已成为中国乃至世界森林资源的主体.虽然在文献与现实中"次生林(Secondary forest)"被广泛使用,但次生林的概念在各个国家,甚至同一国家或地区以及各种不同文献中存在相互矛盾的情况,这给次生林研究与经营实践带来诸多不便;而不准确的次生林定义也为与各个层次的决策制定者及公众之间的交流带来了障碍.本文在查阅大量国内外关于次生林概念文献的基础上,结合近年来关于次生林生态与经营研究实践,综合分析了次生林概念的不确定性,同意以往次生林定义中的基本内涵,并认为:次生林是由于人为破坏性干扰或异常自然干扰使原始林固有的林分结构、物种组成或基本功能发生了显著变化,经过天然更新或人工诱导天然更新恢复形成的林分.但该定义中仍存在着很多不确定性, 如:怎样的干扰为"人为破坏性干扰"和"异常自然干扰";"林分结构、物种组成或基本功能"发生了怎样的变化为"显著变化";"人工诱导天然更新"中"人工"参与的成分比例如何等.次生林概念是在20世纪初由植物演替学家提出,当时未考虑干扰的持续性;而实际上,无论是次生林还是原始林,均是森林生态系统演替过程中的某一状态,在现代森林生态系统研究中,应重新规范"次生林"的概念.考虑到"次生林"定义的不确定性或困难性,建议使用"森林自然度"或"森林生态系统成熟度"或"森林干扰度"来表达现实森林所处的状态,但该方面的研究与实践尚需加强.  相似文献   

In Japan, forests of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens, an exotic invasive giant bamboo) have naturalized and expanded rapidly, replacing surrounding broadleaved and coniferous forests. To evaluate impacts caused by these forest‐type replacements on the hydrological cycle, soil‐water content and its spatial variability in a Moso bamboo forest were compared with those in an adjacent evergreen broadleaved forest, in a case study of a stand in western Japan (northern Kyushu). The volumetric soil‐water content averaged over depths between 0 and 60 cm was consistently higher in the bamboo stand than that in the broadleaved stand. These results contrast with previous studies comparing the soil‐water content in Moso bamboo forests with that in other forest types. The sum of canopy transpiration and soil evaporation (E) in the bamboo stand tended to be larger than that in the broadleaved stand. Small canopy interception loss was reported in the bamboo forest. Therefore, the large amount of E would counterbalance the small canopy interception loss in the bamboo forest. Differences in soil characteristics between the two stands may be the main factor causing differences in soil‐water content. Spatial variation in soil‐water content in the bamboo stand was larger than that in the broadleaved stand, confirming findings in a previous series of our study. This could happen because the well‐developed root‐system in the bamboo forest enhances preferential flow in the soil. To evaluate the effects of aggressive invasion of alien giant bamboo on the ecosystem functions, we recommend further studies measuring various hydrological components in various Moso bamboo forests.  相似文献   

This paper presents a conceptual framework for analyzing forest complexity as the combination of the variety of species and key structures that are associated with the composition, structure, and function of forest stands. Several spatial indicators have been developed to characterize the biodiversity, the structural complexity, and anthropogenic effects that can be observed in Mexican forests. By integrating several stand complexity attributes, the forest condition can be characterized as a function of species composition, stand structural attributes, and forest development. In addition, indicators of anthropogenic effects were also analyzed to identify their influence on forest eco-complexity, and therefore, on the current condition of forests. The results of applying this conceptual framework showed that Mexican forest are ecologically complex, with varying levels of anthropogenic impacts that modify the structural forest characteristics, particularly in tropical forests. The main factor explaining the current eco-complexity condition in tropical forests was associated with early stages of forest development, due to ecological degradation, and showed a generalized loss of attributes, particularly for stand complexity and stand development. In contrast, temperate forests exhibited better eco-complexity conditions, especially for those attributes that define forest stand occupancy and development. Mining activities, forest extraction as selective harvesting, forest fires, land use change, and road openings are critical human activities that directly affect forest structure and, ultimately, modify forest eco-complexity and integrity. This eco-complexity index derived for Mexican forests can be used to integrate measures of forest structure and functioning, and thereby better inform decision making and policy development.  相似文献   

The composition of herbaceous vegetation was evaluated with the aim of characterizing forests at various ages of stand development. Herb stems were sampled in 250 4‐m² square plots distributed within six habitat types. A total of 36 herb species belonging to 15 families were recorded. Species richness did not significantly differ between habitat types. Most herb species occurred in all habitat types and were therefore generalists. However, a few indicator herb species were detected, and the results roughly suggested that herb species of the families Poaceae and Araceae were indicative of late successional forests; Zingiberaceae are indicative of early successional forests; and Commelinaceae, Costaceae, Cyperaceae and Marantaceae are indicators of flooded habitats. Species diversity and stem density of herbaceous plants did not change with forest succession as a decrease in abundance and frequency of occurrence of pioneer species in late successional forests was counterbalanced by the presence of generalist and late successional species. However, increasing proportions of dwarf stems in late successional forests translated to changes in the vertical structure of herbaceous plant communities. Herbivory pressure by gorillas did not have a notable effect on herbaceous plant community development. This study contributes to the definition of herbaceous ecological indicators of forest succession in different settings.  相似文献   

Deadwood-associated species are increasingly targeted in forest biodiversity conservation. In order to improve structural biodiversity indicators and sustainable management guidelines, we need to elucidate ecological and anthropogenic drivers of saproxylic diversity. Herein we aim to disentangle the effects of local habitat attributes which presumably drive saproxylic beetle communities in temperate lowland deciduous forests. We collected data on saproxylic beetles in 104 oak and 49 beech stands in seven French lowland forests and used deadwood, microhabitat and stand features (large trees, openness) as predictor variables to describe local forest conditions. Deadwood diversity and stand openness were consistent key habitat features for species richness and composition in deciduous forests. Large downed deadwood volume was a significant predictor of beetle species richness in oak forests only. In addition, the density of cavity- and fungus-bearing trees had weak but significant effects. We recommend that forest managers favor the local diversification of deadwood types, especially the number of combinations of deadwood positions and tree species, the retention of large downed deadwood and microhabitat-bearing trees in order to maximize the saproxylic beetle diversity at the stand scale in deciduous forests. To improve our understanding of deadwood-biodiversity relationships, further research should be based on targeted surveys on species-microhabitat relationships and should investigate the role of landscape-scale deadwood resources and of historical gaps in continuity of key features availability at the local scale.  相似文献   



Human activity is known to greatly influence species occurrences. In forest ecosystems, biodiversity is often believed to be influenced by two habitat characteristics: (1) forest continuity, related to a minimum length of time in a wooded state since a threshold date; and (2) stand maturity, related to the availability of late‐developmental‐forest attributes. In a context of ongoing global biodiversity loss, qualifying the effect of past and present human activity on forest ecosystems while taking into account variations in abiotic factors is of primary importance for conservation.


Temperate mountain forests in the Northern Alps.


Based upon a sampling design crossing forest continuity (ancient vs. Recent) and stand maturity (mature vs. overmature), and while controlling for the effect of two major environmental factors, soil and climate, we explored the individual response of saproxylic beetle, springtail, herbaceous plant and epiphytic macrolichen species to past and present human activity.


Forest continuity influenced the occurrence of relatively few species, indicating that past land use had almost no legacy effect on the species occurring in the study forests today. In contrast, stand maturity had an overall positive effect on species occurrences. However, our results showed that species occurrences were more obviously influenced by abiotic conditions. Indeed, beyond the effect of continuity and maturity factors, the probability of presence of numerous species was best explained by climate and soil.

Main conclusions

Overall, we show that species occurrence was more influenced by stand maturity than by forest continuity, but also that site‐specific characteristics were of great importance in explaining the probability of presence for numerous species. In the ecological context of alpine forests, these findings emphasize the need to better control for climatic and edaphic conditions in order to (1) improve accuracy in predicting species occurrence and (2) better design areas of conservation interest.

林隙干扰对森林生态系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林隙干扰通过改变森林微生境异质性和群落演替进程,对森林物种组成、林分结构和系统功能产生重要影响。本研究评述了有关林隙干扰对森林生态系统影响的最新研究进展,从物种生物学特性和环境因素两个方面分析了林隙干扰对森林物种组成变化的影响规律,基于群落组件和群落架构阐述了林隙干扰对森林结构的作用关系,梳理了林隙干扰对森林生态系统功能的影响机制。基于已有研究的分析和目前森林生态系统经营亟需解决的问题,提出未来研究所需关注的重点领域和问题: 林隙面积阈值确定方法;林隙闭合机制;林隙干扰对森林生态系统过程的影响;林隙干扰与森林生产力的关系。林隙干扰在促进物种更新和提升森林结构复杂性等方面具有优势,因此本研究可为我国低产低效人工林改造提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Forest dieback is a worldwide problem that is likely to increase with climate change and increasing human demands for resources. Eucalyptus camaldulensis forests are an acute example of forest dieback, with 70% of the Victorian Murray River floodplain in some state of dieback. If we are to halt dieback in these floodplain forests, we need to understand what makes stands susceptible to dieback. Forest diebacks are often related to stand structure, with dieback more severe in senescent or high‐density stands. We determined whether certain stand structures make these forests more susceptible to dieback. We undertook an extensive survey of 176 stands across 100 000 ha of forest, covering the range of stand condition on this floodplain. Large and small trees (20‐, 40‐, 80‐ and 120‐cm diameter) showed a similar reduction in the probability of being alive with decreasing stand condition. A slight improvement in stand condition was found at higher densities and basal areas, which may reflect the higher productivity or younger age of these stands. Stand condition was moderately, positively correlated with longitude, with stand condition being higher in the east of the Murray River floodplain where flooding frequencies are currently higher. This suggests that dieback of these floodplain forests would be more effectively mitigated by increased water availability through flooding than by altering stand structure.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation has been found to affect biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in multiple ways. We asked whether forest size and isolation in fragmented woodlands influences the climate warming sensitivity of tree growth in the southern boreal forest of the Mongolian Larix sibirica forest steppe, a naturally fragmented woodland embedded in grassland, which is highly affected by warming, drought, and increasing anthropogenic forest destruction in recent time. We examined the influence of stand size and stand isolation on the growth performance of larch in forests of four different size classes located in a woodland‐dominated forest‐steppe area and small forest patches in a grassland‐dominated area. We found increasing climate sensitivity and decreasing first‐order autocorrelation of annual stemwood increment with decreasing stand size. Stemwood increment increased with previous year's June and August precipitation in the three smallest forest size classes, but not in the largest forests. In the grassland‐dominated area, the tree growth dependence on summer rainfall was highest. Missing ring frequency has strongly increased since the 1970s in small, but not in large forests. In the grassland‐dominated area, the increase was much greater than in the forest‐dominated landscape. Forest regeneration decreased with decreasing stand size and was scarce or absent in the smallest forests. Our results suggest that the larch trees in small and isolated forest patches are far more susceptible to climate warming than in large continuous forests pointing to a grim future for the forests in this strongly warming region of the boreal forest that is also under high land use pressure.  相似文献   

Retention forestry, which retains a portion of the original stand at the time of harvesting to maintain continuity of structural and compositional diversity, has been originally developed to mitigate the impacts of clear‐cutting. Retention of habitat trees and deadwood has since become common practice also in continuous‐cover forests of Central Europe. While the use of retention in these forests is plausible, the evidence base for its application is lacking, trade‐offs have not been quantified, it is not clear what support it receives from forest owners and other stakeholders and how it is best integrated into forest management practices. The Research Training Group ConFoBi (Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple‐use Landscapes of Central Europe) focusses on the effectiveness of retention forestry, combining ecological studies on forest biodiversity with social and economic studies of biodiversity conservation across multiple spatial scales. The aim of ConFoBi is to assess whether and how structural retention measures are appropriate for the conservation of forest biodiversity in uneven‐aged and selectively harvested continuous‐cover forests of temperate Europe. The study design is based on a pool of 135 plots (1 ha) distributed along gradients of forest connectivity and structure. The main objectives are (a) to investigate the effects of structural elements and landscape context on multiple taxa, including different trophic and functional groups, to evaluate the effectiveness of retention practices for biodiversity conservation; (b) to analyze how forest biodiversity conservation is perceived and practiced, and what costs and benefits it creates; and (c) to identify how biodiversity conservation can be effectively integrated in multi‐functional forest management. ConFoBi will quantify retention levels required across the landscape, as well as the socio‐economic prerequisites for their implementation by forest owners and managers. ConFoBi's research results will provide an evidence base for integrating biodiversity conservation into forest management in temperate forests.  相似文献   

次生林经营基础研究进展   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:47  
朱教君 《应用生态学报》2002,13(12):1689-1694
次生林是中国森林的主体,在结构组成,林木生长,生产力,林分环境等诸多方面与原始林和人工林有着显著的不同,因此,经营好次生林对中国天然林保护等林业工程实施及国家生态安全建设具有重大意义。本文在广泛收集国内外有关次生林研究结果的基础上,探讨了次生林领域中基础研究所涉内容,揭示出次生林经营研究中所关注的基础问题,提出了次生林经营基础研究的主要内容与方向,对今后次生林经营研究和中国天然林保护等林业工程建设具有参考价值。  相似文献   

J. Liira  K. Kohv 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1):211-220

We quantified the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the structure and biodiversity of boreal forests on acidic soils and created a statistically supported rational set of indicators to monitor the stand “naturalness”. For that, we surveyed various traits of tree layer, understory, herb layer, forest floor and several widely accepted biodiversity epiphytic indicators in 252 old‐aged boreal stands in Estonia, mostly dominated by Scots pine or Norway spruce. Multifactorial general linear model analyses showed that many forest characteristics and potential indicators were confounded by the gradient of soil productivity (reflected by the forest site type), local biogeographic gradients and also by stand age. Considering confounding effects, boreal forests in a near‐natural state have more large‐diameter trees (diameter at breast height >40 cm) and larger variety of diameter classes, higher proportion of spruce or deciduous trees, a larger amount of coarse woody debris in various stages, a more closed tree canopy and denser understory than managed mature forests. By increasing light availability above the field layer, forest management indirectly increases the coverage of herbs and lichens on the forest floor but reduces the alpha‐ and beta‐diversity of herbs and the proportion of graminoids. Human disturbances reduce the relative incidence of many commonly accepted biodiversity indicators such as indicator lichens, woodpeckers, wood‐dwelling insects or fungi on trees. The test for the predictive power of characteristics reacting on disturbance revealed that only a fraction of them appeared to be included in a diagnostic easy‐to‐apply set of indicators to assess the nature quality of boreal forest: the amount of dead wood, the proportion of deciduous trees, the presence of specially shaped trees and woodpeckers and, as an indicator of disturbances, the forest herb Melampyrum pratensis. Many of these indicators have already been implemented in practice.  相似文献   

基于有害干扰的森林生态系统健康评价指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁菲  张星耀  梁军 《生态学报》2012,32(3):964-973
在分析国内外提出的众多森林生态系统健康评价指标的不足后,对评价指标进行研究和筛选。最终在森林生态系统健康评价指标体系的构建上提出了一个新的思路,即从森林火灾、林业有害生物、大气污染、人为有害干扰以及森林生态系统内部的增益干扰5个方面选取20个指标构建森林生态系统健康评价指标体系。其中森林火灾干扰包括平均降水量、平均气温、郁闭度、海拔、坡度、坡向、易燃树种的比例和林道距离8个指标,林业有害生物包括有害生物等级、危害程度和寄主树的比例3个指标,大气污染干扰通过叶片、土壤和污染物的分析测定,人为有害干扰包括森林经营措施、采伐措施和林下植被管理3个方面,而森林生态系统内部的增益干扰由物种多样性、群落结构和近自然度3个指标构成。同时对关键评价指标的意义进行了具体分析。此指标体系摒弃传统的评价观念,结合了近年来影响全国森林健康的几个重要原因,更能准确的反应目前森林生态系统的健康状况。研究思路和方法的提出在一定程度上可以丰富森林生态系统健康评价研究理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

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