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Chironomidae (Diptera) are widespread, abundant, diverse and ubiquitous, and include genera and species that are distributed across the Holarctic region. However, the geographical barriers between continents should have resulted in intraspecific population differentiation with reflection on individual biological and ecological traits. Our aim was to test for potential differences in Chironomidae species/genus and traits between the Nearctic and Palearctic regions. We compared the Chironomidae trait information gathered in two databases; one database was developed in Europe and the other in North America. Common genera and species of both databases were selected, and the common traits were adjusted into the same trait categories. Data were transformed into presence/absence and divided into Eltonian (biological/functional) and Grinnellian (ecological) traits. Common genera and common species were analyzed using Fuzzy correspondence analysis (FCA). Differences between databases occur for all trait domains. Yet, Eltonian traits showed lower level of concordance than Grinnellian traits at the species level. Different biological characteristics in the Nearctic and Palearctic regions may indicate that Chironomidae have different adaptions to similar ecological environments due to intraspecific variability or even trait plasticity.  相似文献   

1. Coleoptera species show considerable diversity in life histories and ecological strategies, which makes possible their wide distribution in freshwater habitats, including highly stressed ones such as saline or temporary waterbodies. Explaining how particular combinations of traits allow species to occupy distinctive habitats is a central question in ecology. 2. A total of 212 sites, sampled over a wide range of inland aquatic habitats in the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula, yielded 272 species belonging to 68 genera and 11 families. The affinities of genera for 11 biological and 11 ecological traits, gathered from literature and the authors’ own expertise, were used to assess the degree of congruence between taxonomic, biological and ecological traits. 3. Taxonomic richness was significantly related to the number of both biological and ecological trait categories, with the richest families also showing the highest functional and ecological diversity. A fuzzy correspondence analysis performed on the abundance‐weighed array of biological traits separated genera according to categories of diet, feeding habits, respiration, reproduction and locomotion. A similar analysis of ecological traits revealed that preferences related to longitudinal distribution (headwater to mouth), local habitat and current velocity best discriminated genera. At the family level, there was a distinctive functional grouping of genera based on biological traits. Only Elmidae showed noticeable homogeneity across genera for both biological and ecological traits. 4. Co‐inertia analysis demonstrated a significant match between biological and ecological traits (Rv‐correlation = 0.35, P < 0.001). Elmidae genera displayed the highest concordance, whereas Hydraenidae demonstrated the lowest. 5. These results indicate that the predominance of habitat filtering processes in headwater streams yields biological trait conservatism (as shown by Elmidae genera), as well as trait convergence for some specific traits (for instance, respiration) among certain Dytiscidae genera and other typical rheophilic taxa, whereas other biotic factors, such as competition among species, appear more prominent in less stressed habitats. Further knowledge of traits, especially regarding physiological capabilities, is needed to better understand water beetle life history strategies.  相似文献   

The use of databases for the conservation of biodiversity is increasing. During the last decade, such a database has been created for European stream macroinvertebrates. Today, it includes 527 sites that are the least human-impacted representatives of many stream types across many European regions. It includes data on the abundance of 312 invertebrate genera, several environmental site characteristics, collection methods, bibliographic data sources, and 11 biological traits of the genera (e.g. size, life cycle, food and feeding habits, described in 61 categories). The database will be useful in addressing many topics that are potentially relevant to biodiversity conservation. To illustrate this potential, we provide examples of how the data could be exploited. First, we describe the frequency of some taxonomic and biological characteristics (e.g. richness and diversity of genera and traits) of the macroinvertebrate communities and assess how these characteristics are related (e.g. how trait richness increases with genus richness). Second, we describe the frequency of some characteristics of the genera and traits (e.g. occurrence frequency, abundance, dispersion index) and again assess how these characteristics are related (e.g. how occurrence increases with abundance). Finally, we suggest how the database could be developed into a collective, publicly accessible database that covers stream types and regions of Europe more comprehensively.  相似文献   

1. During late spring 1993–1995, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) sampled 490 wadeable streams in the mid‐Atlantic Highlands (MAH) of the U.S. for a variety of physical, chemical and biological indicators of environmental condition. We used the resulting data set to evaluate the importance of differing levels of macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution in bioassessments by comparing the ability of family versus genus to detect differences among sites classified by type and magnitude of human impact and by stream size. We divided the MAH into two physiographic regions: the Appalachian Plateau where mine drainage (MD) and acidic deposition are major stressors, and the Ridge and Valley where nutrient enrichment is a major stressor. Stream sites were classified into three or four impact classes based on water chemistry and habitat. We used stream order (first to third Strahler order) in each region as a measure of stream size. Ordination, 2 × 2 chi‐square and biotic metrics were used to compare the ability of family and genus to detect differences among both stressor and size classes. 2. With one notable exception, there were only a small number of different genera per family (interquartile range = 1–4). Family Chironomidae, however, contained 123 different genera. As a result, significant information loss occurred when this group was only classified to family. The family Chironomidae did not discriminate among the predefined classes but many chironomid genera did: by chi‐square analysis, 10 and 28 chironomid genera were significant in discriminating MD and nutrient impacts, respectively. 3. Family and genus data were similar in their ability to distinguish among the coarse impacts (e.g. most severe versus least severe impact classes) for all cases. Though genus data in many cases distinguished the subtler differences (e.g. mixed/moderate impacts versus high or low impacts) better than family, differences in significance levels between family and genus analyses were relatively minor. However, genus data detected differences among stream orders in ordination analyses that were not revealed at the family level. In the ordinations, both family and genus levels of analysis responded to similar suites of environmental variables. 4. Our results suggest that identification to the family level is sufficient for many bioassessment purposes. However, identifications to genus do provide more information in genera‐rich families like Chironomidae. Genus or finer levels of identification are important for investigating natural history, stream ecology, biodiversity and indicator species. Decisions about the taxonomic level of identification need to be study specific and depend on available resources (cost) and study objectives.  相似文献   

In ecological research, plant functional trait analyses are widely applied to understand to what extent the inter‐specific variation in trait attributes has an adaptive value or to predict ecosystem processes and changes. Compared to vascular plants, trait studies using bryophytes are scarce, which is likely due to missing trait information for bryophyte species. With the BryForTrait database, we want to reduce this deficit. Our database represents a compilation of autecological information and morphological and regenerative trait data on different stages of the life cycle of bryophytes occurring in forest ecosystems. The database contains information for 35 traits and 721 Central European bryophyte species; in total more than 23,000 trait values. The BryForTrait database will enable future trait studies, providing new insights into bryophyte‐dominated ecosystems.  相似文献   

Species’ ecological preferences are progressively important for understanding distribution patterns, for conserving biodiversity or for assessing and evaluating the status of freshwater ecosystems. Comprehensive databases compiling species traits are already established in the terrestrial realm, but widely missing in freshwater science. We established a database for European taxa of five aquatic organism groups by compiling information on taxonomy, ecology and distribution based on extensive literature surveys, which were performed by experts for the targeted organism groups. The database includes fishes (654 taxa/21 ecological preferences), macro-invertebrates (8586/40), macrophytes (1083/5), diatoms (8868/36) and phytoplankton (1976/4). It is available online with various options and tools for finding information and has currently over 800 users. The reviewed literature as well as examples given in this paper, highlight the importance of the general availability of knowledge on ecological preferences for various aspects in ecological assessment. Freshwaterecology.info is considered a service for basic research, applied scientists, water managers or other stakeholders. It serves as base for bioassessment and monitoring.  相似文献   

  • 1 Relating species traits to habitat characteristics can provide important insights into the structure and functioning of stream communities. However, trade‐offs among species traits make it difficult to predict accurately the functional diversity of freshwater communities. Many authors have pointed to the value of working with groups of organisms as similar as possible in terms of relationships among traits and have called for definition of groups of organisms with similar suites of attributes.
  • 2 We used multivariate analyses to examine separately the relationships among 11 biological traits and among 11 ecological traits of 472 benthic macroinvertebrate taxa (mainly genera). The main objective was to demonstrate (1) potential trade‐offs among traits; (2) the importance of the different traits to separate systematic units or functional groupings; and (3) uniform functional groups of taxa that should allow a more effective use of macroinvertebrate biological and ecological traits.
  • 3 We defined eight groups and 15 subgroups according to a biological trait ordination which highlighted size (large to small), reproductive traits (K to r strategists), food (animal to plant material) and feeding habits (predator to scraper and/or deposit feeder) as ‘significant’ factors determining the ordination of taxa. This ordination partly preserved phylogenetic relationships among groups.
  • 4 Seven ecological groups and 13 ecological subgroups included organisms with combinations of traits which should be successively more adequate in habitats from the main channel to temporary waters, and from the crenon to the potamic sections of rivers, and to systems situated outside the river floodplain. These gradients corresponded to a gradual shift from (1) rheophilic organisms that lived in the main channel of cold oligotrophic mountain streams to (2) animals that preferred eutrophic habitats of still or temporary waters in lowlands. The groups with similar ecological traits had a more diverse systematic structure than those with similar biological traits.
  • 5 Monitoring and assessment tools for the management of water resources are generally more effective if they are based on a clear understanding of the mechanisms that lead to the presence or absence of species groups in the environment. We believe that groups with similar relationships among their species traits may be useful in developing tools that measure the functional diversity of communities.

Rising economic and ecological costs caused by invasive organisms revived research on biological attributes associated with invasiveness, focussing on the question: do invasive taxa have biological attributes favouring (1) propagule pressure; (2) dispersal; and (3) establishment and population growth? Using a literature-derived database on 312 stream macroinvertebrate genera occurring at 527 least human-impacted European sites, we quantitatively examined this question. Compared with native genera, genera with invasive invertebrate species (1) tended to reproduce more frequently and to have higher abundances (i.e. higher propagule pressure); (2) had no particular resistance stages to survive during dispersal; and (3) had significantly more ovoviviparity (enabling colonization by a single individual that typically releases viable offspring), larger size and longer life (providing resistance against mortality), food and feeding habits exploiting food resources in streams more effectively, and tended to be more dominant in their communities (all favouring establishment and population growth). Repeating these analyses excluding “native” flying insects (i.e. genera that presumably invaded from glacial refuges unnoticed by biologists), fewer biological attributes were significantly associated with invasiveness. For both data sets (all genera or insects excluded), their affinity to few biological traits (e.g. ovoviviparity, gill respiration) assigned the same 13 of the 19 invasive genera to the top 19 ranks on a gradient of potential invasiveness, together with native genera that risk to become invasive (e.g. Pisidium, Unio), but also with one endangered native genus (Margaritifera). Overall, our data support the idea that invasiveness can be predicted using biological attributes.  相似文献   

Streams in mediterranean regions have highly seasonal discharge patterns, with predictable torrential floods and severe droughts. In contrast, discharge is less variable in temperate regions and intermittent flow conditions are uncommon. Hydroclimatic models predict that climate change would increase frequency and severity of floods and droughts across Europe, thus increasing the proportion of streams with mediterranean characteristics in actually temperate areas. Correspondingly, understanding actual ecological differences between mediterranean and temperate streams may help to anticipate large‐scale ecological impacts of climate change. Given that large‐scale factors determine local community composition, we hypothesized that climatic differences between mediterranean and temperate regions should affect the taxonomic and biological trait composition in streams. We assembled the abundance of stream macroinvertebrate genera of 265 sites each from the Mediterranean Basin and from temperate Europe and linked these abundances to published information on 61 categories of 11 biological traits reflecting the potential of resilience from and resistance to disturbances. Although regional taxonomic richness was higher in the mediterranean than in the temperate region, local taxonomic richness and diversity did not significantly differ between regions. Local trait richness and diversity were significantly higher in the mediterranean region. Both local taxonomic and trait‐community composition differed between regions, but the former varied much more than the latter, highlighting that climate change could produce large changes in the taxonomic but rather weak changes in the trait composition. The mediterranean region was characterized by macroinvertebrates with higher dispersion and colonization capabilities, suggesting that species loss in the temperate region, by extinction or northward emigration of taxa, would be compensated for by immigration of southern mediterranean taxa. Thus, climate change would likely have stronger implications for the local conservation of taxa than for the trait composition of stream macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Due to the problem of identification, Chironomidae larvae, although very abundant, are often avoided or not properly used in bioassessment programs. The aim of this work was to test how different aggregation processes—taxonomic resolution and the random aggregation approach (best practicable aggregation of species—BestAgg) affect the analysis of chironomid communities regarding any information loss. The self-organizing map method, together with classification strength analysis and Spearman’s rank correlation, revealed that the genus-level and BestAgg-abundance matrix most accurately approximated the species-level community pattern. The subfamily-level dataset was ineffective at presenting the chironomid community structure, with a substantially lower concordance with the species-level dataset. The biologic environmental gradients analyses presented the same set of important environmental variables for the species-level, genus-level, and BestAgg-abundance matrix. The indicator values analysis showed that indicator genera provide information very close to that gained from species indicators. According to our results, the numeric relationship between species and higher taxa influences taxonomic scaling, limiting Chironomidae family aggregation, with acceptable information loss only up to genus level. In addition, the BestAgg approach, with the maximum level of aggregation, properly assesses the community structure and consequently describes environmental conditions.  相似文献   

1. While studies of phytoplankton and terrestrial plant communities have increasingly emphasised the use of functional traits in ecological research, few have yet to apply this approach to zooplankton communities.
2. This study reviews laboratory and observational studies on zooplankton feeding and life history and provides a series of functional trait tables for the North American freshwater zooplankton. Qualitative and quantitative trait tables highlight areas where data were more scarce and point to which types of studies could fill in gaps in our knowledge of zooplankton niches.
3. Data were most complete for the Cladocera across most traits, while feeding information for cyclopoids was most sparse. Qualitative data that distinguished congeneric species were lacking for most groups.
4. A regional community dendrogram for common north-eastern North American zooplankton species was generated and shows that taxonomic differences between species do not capture fully functional differences based on the traits of body length, habitat, trophic group and feeding type.
5. The data collected here, combined with readily measurable species attributes, can be used to generate a multivariate measure of the functional niche of each species found in a community. Armed with this information, functional relationships that are useful for ecological studies of lake ecosystems can be more easily conducted.  相似文献   

Taxonomic sufficiency (TS) — defined as the minimum taxonomic detail required to discern some ecological pattern of interest — has been used extensively in bioassessment and biodiversity studies as a way of avoiding a portion of the time and monetary costs associated with species diagnoses. The taxonomic sufficiency for detecting species-level patterns among floodplain-lake benthic-invertebrate assemblages remains unexplored. We examined cross-taxonomic-level congruence in assemblage-environment relationships among 23 Chinese floodplain lakes. Our objectives were: (1) to compare the correlation between species richness and density and those at coarser taxonomic resolution; (2) to identify whether assemblage-environment relationships depend on taxonomic scale; and (3) to test whether the proportion of between-lake variability accounted for by environmental variables was independent of taxonomic scale. When taxonomic structure was described using sequentially coarser taxonomic aggregations, species-level patterns of richness and abundance were sequentially obscured (i.e., genus-level taxonomy best preserved patterns in species composition, order- and class-level taxonomy poorly represented species composition). Similar environmental variables were important for distinguishing lake species assemblages and genus assemblages; however, different environmental variables were important for describing family-, order-, and class-level assemblage patters. Moreover, environmental variables accounted for a similar amount of biological variability, regardless of taxonomic scale. Our results suggest genus taxonomy as sufficient for rapid assessments of lake diversity. Numerical dominance of the species- and genus-rich Chironomidae, Tubificidae, and Naididae, may account for the marked loss of information that occurs when lake invertebrates are assigned only to their families. In summary, we describe taxonomic sufficiency to detecting patterns of richness and abundance among subtropical lake macroinvertebrate faunas. This study will interest Chinese benthologists concerned with conservation and bioassessment.  相似文献   

Beyond Masses and Blooms: The Indicative Value of Oligochaetes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) defines a framework for assessing water bodies in Europe in the future. The conditions in the Directive impose a strong demand for “new” assessment systems. The AQEM project developed an assessment system for European streams using macroinvertebrates. Almost 900 samples were taken in about 400 streams covering 29 stream types distributed over eight countries. The role of the Oligochaeta within this European database was analysed. Almost half a million specimens of oligochaetes were collected in 772 samples. Eight families, 41 genera and 69 species were recorded, although identification emphasised the families Tubificidae and Naididae. Three countries identified oligochaetes to species level, most others restricted their identifications to easy identifiable taxa. Numbers of specimens, species, genera and families differed strongly between the countries due to method, although standardised, and taxonomic knowledge. About 50% of all collected oligochaete taxa had assigned biological and ecological indicator values for metric calculation in the AQEM assessment system. A further refinement of this indication list as well as increased coverage of oligochaete taxa was advised. Weighted averaging was used to evaluate the relation between oligochaete distribution and ecological quality class. It was concluded that when higher taxonomic levels are used in assessment, the quality evaluation results become biased. Furthermore, oligochaetes can tell us much more about the ecological status of streams than is commonly assumed. Differences in ecological optima among Limnodrilus udekemianus, Ilyodrilus templetoni, Aulodrilus pluriseta, Nais communis, and Spirosperma ferox are shown.  相似文献   

The utility of plant functional traits for predictive ecology relies on our ability to interpret trait variation across multiple taxonomic and ecological scales. Using extensive data sets of trait variation within species, across species and across communities, we analysed whether and at what scales leaf economics spectrum (LES) traits show predicted trait–trait covariation. We found that most variation in LES traits is often, but not universally, at high taxonomic levels (between families or genera in a family). However, we found that trait covariation shows distinct taxonomic scale dependence, with some trait correlations showing opposite signs within vs. across species. LES traits responded independently to environmental gradients within species, with few shared environmental responses across traits or across scales. We conclude that, at small taxonomic scales, plasticity may obscure or reverse the broad evolutionary linkages between leaf traits, meaning that variation in LES traits cannot always be interpreted as differences in resource use strategy.  相似文献   

海链藻属(Thalassiosira Cleve)是硅藻门中物种多样性最为丰富的大属之一,广泛分布于全球各类水体。目前沿用的海链藻属分类体系是基于形态特征建立的,尤其是电镜下的超微特征具有重要的分类价值。然而,也有研究认为某些形态特征存在不稳定或变化的情况,应对其开展二次研究和重新评估。故此,本文选择全球近岸广布种艾伦海链藻(T.allen Takano)作为典型代表,基于建立的单克隆培养株系,结合传统形态学方法和现代分子生物学技术,对其重要形态特征进行了二次研究。结果显示:(1)艾伦海链藻壳面孔纹的排列方式存在一定的变化,呈切线形或偏心状;壳缘唇形突的位置多有变化,占据一个壳缘支持突的位置、或位于两个壳缘支持突正中间、或靠近其中一个。艾伦海链藻这两个特征并不具有较高的稳定性,其分类学意义或应降低;(2)壳缘不具有肋纹,此特征相对稳定,可作为艾伦海链藻的识别特征之一;(3)艾伦海链藻具有较保守的遗传多样性,尚未发现(拟)隐形种。结合其它海链藻的形态学报道,我们认为孔纹排列方式易受环境的影响,稳定性较差,在分类时应慎重应用;壳缘唇形突的位置在少数海链藻属物种中易发生变化,分类时应视具体物种而针对性应用;支持突等突起特征较为稳定,在海链藻属物种的分类体系中仍可作为重要依据;艾伦海链藻中壳缘肋纹具有较好的稳定性,可作为分类依据,但在其它海链藻属物种中是否也具有很好的分类价值,还需要更多的研究加以验证;分子信息在形态特征上的二次研究和评价中具有重要应用价值,但目前相关分子数据的缺乏和不足限制了对其进一步的研究。本研究对重新评估艾伦海链藻形态特征的分类学价值、完善现存的分类学体系提供了参考。  相似文献   

Background and AimsGlobal plant trait datasets commonly identify trait relationships that are interpreted to reflect fundamental trade-offs associated with plant strategies, but often these trait relationships are not identified when evaluating them at smaller taxonomic and spatial scales. In this study we evaluate trait relationships measured on individual plants for five widespread Protea species in South Africa to determine whether broad-scale patterns of structural trait (e.g. leaf area) and physiological trait (e.g. photosynthetic rates) relationships can be detected within natural populations, and if these traits are themselves related to plant fitness.MethodsWe evaluated the variance structure (i.e. the proportional intraspecific trait variation relative to among-species variation) for nine structural traits and six physiological traits measured in wild populations. We used a multivariate path model to evaluate the relationships between structural traits and physiological traits, and the relationship between these traits and plant size and reproductive effort.Key ResultsWhile intraspecific trait variation is relatively low for structural traits, it accounts for between 50 and 100 % of the variation in physiological traits. Furthermore, we identified few trait associations between any one structural trait and physiological trait, but multivariate regressions revealed clear associations between combinations of structural traits and physiological performance (R2 = 0.37–0.64), and almost all traits had detectable associations with plant fitness.ConclusionsIntraspecific variation in structural traits leads to predictable differences in individual-level physiological performance in a multivariate framework, even though the relationship of any particular structural trait to physiological performance may be weak or undetectable. Furthermore, intraspecific variation in both structural and physiological traits leads to differences in plant size and fitness. These results demonstrate the importance of considering measurements of multivariate phenotypes on individual plants when evaluating trait relationships and how trait variation influences predictions of ecological and evolutionary outcomes.  相似文献   

In this study we used nucleotide sequences from a segment of mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA gene to investigate the evolutionary relationships of some French Guiana Hylinae. New sequences, representing the members of different French Guiana frogs-five specimens of the Scinax genus, two Hyla, one Osteocephalus, one Hyalinobatrachium and two Rana as out-group-were examined. In addition, 26 sequences available from GenBank database representing the other subfamilies of the Hylidae were added to our study. This work allowed us to clarify relationships within the four hylids subfamilies (Pelodryadinae, Phyllomedusinae, Hemiphractinae and Hylinae) and the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic Scinax genus within the Hylidae. We found that: (1) the Scinax genus displays a high level of differentiation in comparison to two other genera (Litoria and Hyla) belonging to 'Hylidae' family; (2) the Hylinae are paraphyletic given the position of the Litoria, which was the sister-group of the Hyla and the Osteocephalus genera; (3) the anterior works and our results (based on two different data sets) showed the paraphyly of the Hylidae questioning the validity of this family; (4) the reassessment of these different taxonomic groups will induce a huge implication on the estimation (past, present and future) of the biodiversity (in Neotropical frogs).  相似文献   

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