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海洋保护区事业正处于从"重面积、重数量"向"重建设、重成效"转型的重要阶段,海洋保护区,特别是滨海湿地类保护区的管理有效性评估引起了国内外生态学家的广泛关注。根据现有评估体系中存在问题,结合广西滨海湿地类自然保护区建设及发展特点,构建了"管理机制-管理基础-管理行为-管理成效"的评估框架,通过专家咨询法、层次分析法设置形成包含4个评估要素,19个评估指标以及6个附加指标在内的评估体系。本评估体系综合考虑了保护区管理工作的产出效益,包括管控成效、生态成效和社会经济成效,在指标设计时突出了保护区的生境特点,管理人员以及社会公众的保护意愿,采用分级分值制量化指标,根据长期有效数据开展评估,适用于监测业务完善的滨海湿地类型保护区。另外,选择北仑河口国家级自然保护区进行实例验证,评估结果表明:(1)保护区指标评估分值总和78分,附加3分,综合评估分值81分,管理级别Ⅱ级,保护区管理成效良好;(2)各要素得分占比情况为:C管理行为(100%) A管理机制(90%) B管理基础(87%)D管理成效(65%)。评估指标级别占比情况为:Ⅰ级(53%)Ⅱ级(21%)Ⅲ级(16%)Ⅳ级(11%);(3)3类管理成效得分占比情况为:D_2管控成效(97%)D_1生态成效(60%)D_3社会经济成效(35%)。通过分析可知,保护区管理面临主要问题包括技术能力不足、人才队伍建设薄弱、人为干扰多样等。建议保护区应加强能力建设和管控力度,推行社区共管,并关注红树林以外的其他生态系统的保护,促进区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

焦雯珺  刘显洋  何思源  闵庆文 《生态学报》2022,42(14):5825-5837
随着我国自然保护事业进入新时代,以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设思路得以明确,以国家公园为代表的自然保护地监测工作也被赋予了更高的要求。监测在促进国家公园科学规划与管理中发挥着重要作用,国家公园管理目标的实现离不开可靠的监测数据和信息的支撑。我国的国家公园试点由各类型自然保护地整合设立,因此面临不同监测类型之间的整合,存在缺乏统一的监测指标体系、有效的监测数据管理、健全的监测实施机制等问题。在对各类型自然保护地整合优化的基本思路下,基于国外国家公园监测实践与经验,综合考虑我国自然保护地的监测现状和需求,从顶层设计出发,构建了以自然资源清查为基础、以生态监测为核心、以自然与人为干扰监测为辅助、以管理有效性监测为补充并服务管理有效性评价的国家公园综合监测体系。在此基础上,进一步提出由三级监测网络、监测数据管理、管理有效性评价三部分组成的国家公园监测实施机制。在国家公园监测体系构建方面进行了探索与尝试,以期为我国国家公园监测体系以及监测制度的建立提供有益参考。  相似文献   

自然保护地是维护国家生态安全, 提升生物多样性保护成效的重要载体, 对保护地生态系统进行实时、高频、多尺度的监测是认知其动态变化的有效手段, 也是实现自然保护地生态系统健康管理的基石。由于目前我国没有形成自然保护地生态系统监测网络, 缺少统一的联网监测指标体系, 导致多数自然保护地生态系统组成家底不清、动态不明, 应对生物多样性保护新问题的能力不足, 并且在国家尺度上的自然保护地生态系统健康状况及保护成效评估缺乏联网监测数据支撑。因此, 亟需构建国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统组成和动态监测网络, 以及一套科学、系统、规范的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系。该文针对自然保护地生物多样性和生态系统监测的目标和内容, 参考国内外现有的生态系统监测网络的指标体系, 确定了自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系建立和选取的基本原则, 建立了一套适用于国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系, 并在6个国家级自然保护区进行示范。构建的指标体系针对构成生态系统的6类关键要素(生境要素、生物要素、气象要素、土壤要素、大气和水环境要素、景观要素)制定了30个监测指标, 有效应用于森林、草地、荒漠、湿地等生态系统类型的自然保护地, 能够实现对不同类型自然保护地生态系统组分和结构的现状和演变特征进行长期、动态化监测, 并可为自然保护地保护成效评估和健康管理提供规范化、标准化的基础数据。  相似文献   

本文基于我国相关政府部门、国际机构、科研机构和文献关于我国自然保护地管理有效性评估数据, 梳理和分析了我国针对爱知生物多样性目标11的自然保护地管理有效性评估的进展情况。结果显示, 我国已按时完成了爱知生物多样性目标11中2015年之前对60%以上自然保护地管理有效性评估的指标; 目前已开展管理有效性评估的自然保护地面积达136.19万km2, 占我国自然保护地面积(186.60万km2)的72.99%; 我国自然保护地管理有效性受多方关注。本研究调查数据与世界自然保护地数据库、自然保护地管理有效性全球数据库的数据差异较大; 我国自然保护地管理有效性评估工具多样, 各类型自然保护地管理有效性评估工作进展差异显著, 管理有效性评估标准化和连续性有待提高。最后, 提出了如下建议: 加强自然保护地整体性和连通性; 参考世界自然保护区委员会的评估框架和世界自然保护联盟自然保护地绿色名录标准, 按照国家公园、自然保护区和自然公园分类制定管理有效性评估规范并将评估制度化; 有效利用评估结果促进我国自然保护地建设的标准化、科学化并建立激励机制等。  相似文献   

Along with an increase in the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), the need arises to assess if designated MPAs are achieving their goals and objectives. A first step in this process is the identification of MPA performance indicators against which to evaluate MPA management. This study investigates the development of MPA performance indicators using an in situ approach by including diverse stakeholder groups in the process. The results show that local stakeholders identify a range of MPA performance indicators in all stages of the management cycle and in diverse MPA indicators categories. Statistical analysis reveals that multiple groups identify distinct performance indicators. Fishermen groups primarily mention governance performance indicators in the planning and output stage. Other groups most often cite biophysical and social outcome performance indicators. The findings demonstrate distinct management expectations towards MPA performance among included stakeholder groups. The study also shows that the integration of multiple groups is necessary for the identification of MPA performance indicators as the groups identify distinct performance indicators.  相似文献   

在自然保护地管理体制改革之际,对保护地开展管理有效性评价可以识别保护地面临的威胁与压力,确定保护地管理工作的优先性。研究以保护地快速评估和优先性确定方法(Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Areas Management, RAPPAM)为基础,结合福建省省情优化管理评价指标体系,对福建省9个地级市的53处自然保护地开展管理有效性评估,识别自然保护地面临的主要压力与威胁,分析保护地管理上的优劣势,并选用斯皮尔曼相关性分析,识别有利于减轻保护地威胁的相关管理环节,为福建省保护地管理工作的优先性调整提供参考。结果表明:(1)福建省自然保护地面临的主要威胁和压力依次为火灾、种养殖、虫害、环境污染和旅游,其中,环境污染与旅游对保护地的影响严重。(2)福建省自然保护地体系管理水平总体一般,存在地域性差异。自然保护地普遍存在多头管理、管理投入不足、管理实施计划缺失等问题。(3)由斯皮尔曼关联性分析可知,保护地管理过程与投入的提升有助于降低火灾、虫害、种养殖的威胁。环境污染和旅游威胁受宏观经济发展、保护地及周边用地规划影响显著。  相似文献   

自然保护地(protected areas)保护成效是指自然保护地对主要保护对象的保护效果, 及其在维持生物多样性和保障生态系统服务功能等方面的综合成效。近年来自然保护地保护成效评估逐渐成为国内外的研究热点之一。 本文分别从不同空间尺度、评估对象、评估方法以及评估指标等方面综述了相关的研究进展。总体来看, 近年来的研究已基本覆盖了全球、区域、国家和单个自然保护地等不同尺度, 针对森林、湿地、草地和荒漠等代表性生态系统以及野生动植物等主要保护对象进行了评估, 发展了“matching”技术等更为有效的分析方法, 探索了系统的自然保护地保护成效评估指标体系, 并应用一些指标进行了保护成效的案例研究。自然保护区(nature reserve)是我国自然保护地的主体, 近年来我国自然保护区相关管理部门也相继开展了保护成效评估工作, 建议未来进一步加强自然保护区网络尺度和各类型自然保护区的保护成效评估研究, 将自然保护区保护成效评估与管理评估相结合, 研究自然保护区保护成效面临的新问题和潜在影响, 为提升我国自然保护区管理质量提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Protected areas have been created worldwide to set apart certain areas from land-use transformation. The biodiversity and ecosystems protected by these areas deliver several ecosystem services. Recently, besides increasing global protected coverage, there has been a growing demand to assess the adequacy of protected areas management. In this study, we assessed how the management of protected areas can deal with ecosystem services taking as example the Doñana and Sierra Nevada protected areas (Spain). For that aim we analyzed the protected area management plans, mapped seven ecosystem services, and assessed how they are affected by protected area zoning and land-use intensity. We found that although provisioning and cultural services are included in the management plans of the protected areas under a different terminology, regulating services are barely addressed. Ecosystem service delivery varies depending on several factors including the protection category of the protected areas (protection intensity), land-use intensity and geomorphological factors, among others. Therefore, we discuss that integrating ecosystem services in protected area management requires dealing with complexity, necessitating the establishment of specific goals for ecosystem service delivery, which include ecosystem service synergies and trade-offs.  相似文献   

国家公园是我国新的自然保护地类型之一,在我国自然保护地体系中具有主体地位。为保障国家公园的可持续发展,对其管理的有效性进行科学、客观和全面的评估至关重要。遵循国家公园生态保护第一、国家代表性和全民公益性的理念,及其生态保护和科研、教育、游憩等功能定位,按照"条件基础-过程行动-取得成效"的思路,构建了包括管理基础、管理行动和管理成效3个一级指标、9个二级指标、22个三级指标的国家公园管理评估指标体系;沿用基于专家评议的快速记分评价法,通过专家咨询法和层次分析法计算权重和分级赋值,并进行综合评估;基于上述方法,对钱江源国家公园体制试点区管理工作进行了试评估。结果表明,该评估体系能够较好反映钱江源国家公园体制试点管理的现状,有效指导钱江源国家公园体制试点的管理工作,并可为国家公园管理评估标准体系的建立提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The implementation of sustainable management plans for protected areas is one of the main challenges for public institutions. These plans involve public participation and the assessment of social benefits provided by these open spaces. This work proposes the use of choice experiments methodology for the evaluation of management alternatives for a protected area. The case study within this work is El Valle and Carrascoy Natural Park, which is included in the Natura 2000 Network. This Protected Natural Area (PNA) is located in a peri-urban area; thus, it combines high natural values and high anthropic pressure. A Choice Experiment (CE) was designed through consultation with the Park managers and technicians, and it was applied to a representative sample of the population within the Region of Murcia (South-Eastern Spain). CE allowed an estimation of the value of different management alternatives, classified according to the three main sustainability areas: social; economic; and, environmental. The results show population's demand for environmental management alternatives, such as protection of flora and fauna and promotion of ecotourism, as well as a rejection of quarrying in the PNA. The economic values estimated allow the proposal of a distribution of the annual budget of the PNA according to the social demand.  相似文献   

Protected areas play an important role in the preservation and implementation of bold environmental agreements, among which the 20 Aichi Targets (Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020, COP 10), with their focus on effective management systems supporting the conservation of biodiversity and eco-system services (Aichi Biodiversity Target 11). The aim of this paper is to illustrate the MEVAP (Monitoring and EValuation of Protected Areas) methodology, Italy's contribution to the topic of evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas within the international landscape (WDPA–IUCN, World Database on Protected Areas – Union for Conservation of Nature). The purpose of MEVAP is to provide a periodical review procedure as part of the process to improve the management of protected areas. Its starting point is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data pertinent to the environmental, social and economic aspects of protected areas and to their governance.This paper illustrates the results obtained using the MEVAP method and its application to several clusters of Italian national parks. While highlighting the potential of this method, the document also proposes an initial assessment of the environmental, social and economical performance of protected areas and how performance is connected to its governance.Underpinning the study is the need to expand the use of evaluation practices and to spur scientific debate in the direction of widely spread adaptive management methods, with a view to optimising policies and management procedures and, therefore, achieving the protection targets that must be met by protected areas through their institutions.  相似文献   

IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare facilities have implemented contingency plans to minimize the consequences of this pathology however, the deployment and results of these contingency plans are scarcely shared.ObjectivesTo describe the implementation of the contingency plan in the social and health care in the COVID-19 pandemic in the Public Hospital of Monforte (Lugo, Spain) and to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures included in this plan.MethodPhenomenological sampling conducted between March 10 and May 15, 2020. Evaluation qualitative assessment by an external quality improvement team of the Galician Health Service (SERGAS), based on the Practicum Direct rapid structured checklist in risk management, organizational management, and evaluation of decision making. As outcome indicators, we assessed the number of hospital admissions, number of PCRs performed, telephone attention to social and health social-healthcare patients, number of hospitalizations avoided and estimation of their direct cost.ResultsAfter assessing and managing the risks, an information security plan was developed and solutions to minimize complications in our patients derived from this pandemic. An emergency decision making team was created, as well as an employee communication mechanism for employees through standardized documents and documentation channels.ConclusionsThe adaptation of the Practicum Direct rapid model to the healthcare setting is a useful and easy-to-apply tool that allows us to identify weak points and areas for improvement in our Service and thus to strengthen patient care in all clinical areas, improving the quality of care.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-based management (EBM) has emerged as a promising approach for maintaining the benefits humans want and need from the ocean, yet concrete approaches for implementing EBM remain scarce. A key challenge lies in the development of indicators that can provide useful information on ecosystem status and trends, and assess progress towards management goals. In this paper, we describe a generalized framework for the methodical and transparent selection of ecosystem indicators. We apply the framework to the second largest estuary in the United States - Puget Sound, Washington - where one of the most advanced EBM processes is currently underway. Rather than introduce a new method, this paper integrates a variety of familiar approaches into one step-by-step approach that will lead to more consistent and reliable reporting on ecosystem condition. Importantly, we demonstrate how a framework linking indicators to policy goals, as well as a clearly defined indicator evaluation and scoring process, can result in a portfolio of useful and complementary indicators based on the needs of different users (e.g., policy makers and scientists). Although the set of indicators described in this paper is specific to marine species and food webs, we provide a general approach that could be applied to any set of management objectives or ecological system.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the influence of management plans, management boards and tourism management on the relationship between performance indicators in the management of protected areas and degradation processes. To understand these relationships, 283 protected areas (PAs) in Brazil were analyzed. The first stage of the research used classification models based on machine learning algorithms, which revealed that predictive variables were a promising way to assess PAs vulnerability to deforestation and wildfire, giving decision-makers an 87.5% and 72.8% chance, respectively, of correctly identifying the PAs more susceptible to these threats. The predictive variables more relevant to deforestation were biome, area, and tourism management, while for wildfire, governance and PA type were the most relevant. Predictive variables were also a promising way to assess PAs management, giving decision-makers a 79.7% and 78.1% chance, respectively, to correctly identify the PAs with higher levels of effectiveness and governance. In addition, in the second stage, to empirically reinforce the models, multivariate analyses were performed, through which it was possible to confirm that deforestation levels are significantly higher in areas of sustainable use than in fully protected areas and determine how the positive interaction with tourism management contributes to the reduction in deforestation records and improves effectiveness. Therefore, it is understood that tourism management can strongly influence the sustainability of natural resources, and it is of utmost importance to generate tourism management policies with potential value generation for natural spaces.  相似文献   

Recent conservation efforts recognize that human needs cannot be ignored. One way to understand the social components of resource management is to evaluate stakeholder perspectives. Stakeholder perspectives are an important component of developing effective natural resource management plans, specifically in the developing world. However, most stakeholder research in Africa focuses on local communities in locales adjacent to protected areas. This research expands the stakeholder population by looking at university students’ perspectives regarding the Maasai Mara region of Kenya in relation to two complex and high profile issues: wildlife and grazing. Increased understanding of these topics in a diverse and urbanizing nation like Kenya can lead to better outcomes for conservation efforts. Using Photovoice, a qualitative research method, participants shared their perspective and built upon others’ ideas about wildlife and grazing. Results suggest that there was a wide array of perspective regarding wildlife and grazing. Economics played a large part in both wildlife and grazing perspectives. However, there was also concern for the aesthetic and cultural value of wildlife and grazing in Kenya, which is contrary to some previous findings. Due to the varying perspective and multiple stakeholder groups, research should continue to explore the social aspects of natural resource management regarding wildlife and grazing in the Maasai Mara region of Kenya.  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation strategies that overlook the interests of local people are prone to create conflicts. The ecosystem service approach holds potential for more comprehensively integrating the social dimension into decision-making in protected areas, but its implementation in conservation policies is still in its infancy. This research assesses the extent to which ecosystem services have been implemented in conservation strategies in protected areas. The study was conducted in two outstanding Spanish protected areas, covering a wetland (Doñana Natural and National Parks) and a Mediterranean mountain system (Sierra Nevada Natural and National Parks). Data were collected from deliberative workshops with managers and researchers, face-to-face surveys with users and a review of management plans. We found that, beyond intrinsic values of ecosystems and biodiversity, these areas provide multiple ecosystem services that deserve further attention to ensure their sustained delivery. Our research shows that environmental managers and researchers have different perceptions and priorities regarding ecosystem services management compared with ecosystem service users. Environmental managers and researchers in both protected areas perceived that human-nature relationships and ecosystem services are already widely included in management plans, if often not explicitly. We found that different ecosystem service categories receive uneven attention in management plans. These contained measures to manage provisioning and cultural services whereas measures for managing regulating services were perceived to be largely absent. We conclude by summarizing insights on how the ecosystem service approach may enhance the consideration of social interests in the management of management protected areas.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen increasing use and importance of translocations and reintroductions as tools for species’ conservation and ecological restorations. Most such efforts face substantial logistical complexities and high costs, both biological and financial. These and other challenges have contributed to numerous failures or partial successes of reintroductions, a trend which has improved little over time. Given the negative ramifications of reintroduction failures, practitioners have adopted or developed numerous analytical and procedural methods in efforts to promote successful outcomes. However, many such methods are often ad hoc or taxon-specific, particularly regarding the evaluation and selection of reintroduction areas and sites. Despite the recognized importance of this phase of reintroduction planning, there is to date no comprehensive methodology for selecting suitable reintroduction sites. We describe in detail the application of quantitative SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for objectively evaluating candidate reintroduction areas or sites, and how results of this analysis are used for identifying the most effective and efficient management actions for promoting reintroduction success. We use examples drawn from recent reintroduction plans for three avian species in Puerto Rico (1) and Brazil (2) to illustrate specific methodologies used as well as the results obtained and their application to the reintroduction planning and implementation process. From our findings, quantitative SWOT analysis is a simple, versatile, repeatable and intuitive method for reintroduction area and site selection. The method also provides a valuable mechanism for evaluating and prioritizing management actions relative to their efficiency and effectiveness for achieving reintroduction objectives.  相似文献   

Policy and practice around protected areas are poorly aligned with the basic purpose of protection, which is to make a difference. The difference made by protected areas is their impact, defined in program evaluation as the outcomes arising from protection relative to the counterfactual of no protection or a different form of protection. Although impact evaluation of programs is well established in fields such as medicine, education and development aid, it is rare in nature conservation. We show that the present weak alignment with impact of policy targets and operational objectives for protected areas involves a great risk: targets and objectives can be achieved while making little difference to the conservation of biodiversity. We also review potential ways of increasing the difference made by protected areas, finding a poor evidence base for the use of planning and management ‘levers’ to better achieve impact. We propose a dual strategy for making protected areas more effective in their basic role of saving nature, outlining ways of developing targets and objectives focused on impact while also improving the evidence for effective planning and management.  相似文献   

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