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Building construction is one of the largest final consumers of environmental resources as well as one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gas and other pollution. This paper aims to propose ecological indicators for green building construction by applying a slack-based data envelop analysis approach, in which resource conservation and environmental protection are both incorporated. We conduct an empirical analysis of ecological indicators for green building construction using China's regional panel dataset during 1995–2012, and use the analysis to further discuss the technological gaps across the regions. The findings show that: (i) half of China's provinces have a substantial potential increase of more than 60% in ecological performance for green building construction; (ii) the developed areas perform better than the developing areas; (iii) the 11th five-year plan period is a turning point for China's green building construction and development as the policies for green construction have significant effects.  相似文献   

The Environmental Sensitivity Area Index (ESAI) is one of the most used frameworks to monitor land vulnerability to degradation in southern Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East. ESAI outputs were validated on the field at both local and regional scales, but a country or continental scale validation is still missing. Using non-parametric correlations and multivariate statistics, the present study contrasts the spatial distribution of the ESAI over 8100 local municipalities in Italy with 12 soil variables assessing individual soil attributes, soil degradation processes and the overall soil quality. Three supplementary variables assessing elevation, latitude and the urban–rural gradient have been also considered in the analysis. The ESAI correlated with both soil attributes (topsoil organic carbon) and degradation processes (soil contamination risk, landslide risk, grazing pressure and agricultural mechanization, considered a predisposing factor to soil compaction) varying in intensity along the elevation gradient. The approach illustrated provides an indirect evaluation of the reliability of the ESAI as a multi-domain indicator of land vulnerability to degradation in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Indicating ecosystem and landscape organisation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a brief outline of the theoretical and conceptual fundamentals for the derivation of an ecosystem oriented indicator system to demonstrate the state of ecological entities on a holistic basis. There are two branches of argumentation: on a normative level, the sustainability principle is interpreted from an anthropocentric point-of-view; sustainability in this context means to provide ecosystem services on a broad scale and a long-term basis, including the attempt to avoid unspecific ecological risks. A second line-of-argumentation bases on the principles of ecosystem analysis and the theory of ecological orientation. Consequently, the aspired indicandum is the self-organising capacity of ecosystems, and the indicator sets represents an aggregate of structural and functional ecosystem features in a developing environment. The indicator set is demonstrated by one case study from the Bornhoeved Lakes ecosystem research project.  相似文献   

Following the advances in the field of the thermodynamics of far-from-equilibrium systems, several ecological orientors (indicators able to describe the stage and orientation of ecosystem development) incorporating entropy terms have been proposed. Although most of the proposed functions have a good theoretical basis and have proved to perform adequately as ecological indicators, their suitability as ecological orientors has yet to receive a full confirmation in real case studies. The aim of the present contribution is to examine how several entropy-based indicators (exergy, structural information, entropy production, specific entropy production and the Eco-exergy index) perform as orientors when applied to a special case of ecological succession, i.e. eutrophication, in a homogeneous set of shallow lakes lying along a trophic gradient, from oligotrophy to hyper-eutrophy. The results show that a coherent pattern of response emerge, which is also consistent with the classical ecological theory. In particular, the maximisation of storage and the minimisation of specific entropy production are confirmed as the most reliable principles of ecosystem development, whereas the maximisation of dissipation (as entropy production) appears as a debatable criterion of development.  相似文献   

There are global calls for new ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) approaches. Scientific support for EBFM includes assessing ecosystem indicators of biological communities, environmental conditions, and human activities. As part of a broader research project we have synthesized a suite of traditional and new indicators for the Grand Bank in Atlantic Canada, which we share here. This is an ideal ecosystem for indicator analysis because it experienced dramatic changes over the past three decades, including a collapse in fish biomass that had profound socio-economic consequences. We exploit the wealth of data for this ecosystem to investigate how individual indicators reflect observed changes in the ecosystem, and then illustrate two applications of this indicator suite. Correlations were used to show that relationships among the fish functional groups changed after the collapse, and that a subset of indicators is sufficient to characterize each ecosystem category. Lagged correlations highlighted how changes in the drivers and pressures are often not immediately manifest in the fish community structure. We also organized indicators into the DPSIR (driver-pressure-state-impact-response) management framework. This exercise illustrated that indicator categorization is contextual and not straightforward, and we advocate for use of simpler categories that clearly show what is actionable. Additional future analyses that can be performed with our newly published suite of indicators are recommended.  相似文献   

Ecosystem vulnerability is a major concern for management purposes, especially when directed toward conservation and sustainable exploitation. We estimate the relative vulnerability of selected marine-ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico through simulation experiments based on trophic models. The same perturbation pattern was applied to different functional groups at different trophic levels. Perturbation consisted of increasing biomass extraction for a single group up to 98% at a constant rate over 50 years. The ratio Ascendency to Capacity of Development, A/C, was estimated as a measure of ecosystem order. The maximum negative difference respect to the initial A/C represents the gain of entropy. The slope of the relationship between entropy gained and the trophic level provides an estimate of the relative vulnerability of the ecosystem. This was applied to five ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico: Florida coral reef; Mexican coastal lagoon, Terminos Lagoon; and three continental shelves, the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA; Yucatan and the Campeche Sound, Mexico. The pattern of vulnerability among ecosystems is related to ecosystem complexity. The coral reef exhibited a lower slope, corresponding to higher vulnerability, which is related to higher connectivity, production efficiency, and net ecosystem production. Increasingly higher slopes, corresponding to lower vulnerability, followed a gradient from the coral reef to the continental shelves to the least vulnerable system, the coastal lagoon. Middle trophic levels contribute to higher vulnerability. This interpretation is supported by the concept of energy flows within trophic networks. The relevance of these findings for management is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, an ecological vulnerability assessment indicator system was constructed using the “exposure–climate sensitivity–adaptive capacity” framework according to the theory of ecological vulnerability. An improved ecosystem service value calculation model was proposed based on empirical parameters. Using Yancheng Nature Reserve in China as an example, we employed remote sensing data to conduct an empirical analysis of the changes in the spatiotemporal pattern, ecological vulnerability, and ecosystem services of typical landscape types over the period from 1987 to 2013. The statistical results derived from landscape pattern indices (LPIs) showed that during the investigation period, three natural wetland landscape types (i.e., Spartina alterniflora, Suaeda glauca, and Phragmites australis) showed gradually increased fragmentation in the study area. The ecological vulnerability scores of the major landscape types (in descending order) were P. australis (0.053), farmland (0.047), S. alterniflora (0.042), S. glauca (0.031), and bare mud flat (0.002). The results derived from the ecosystem service value fluctuation index (ESVFI) showed that from 1987 to 1997, the value of the ecosystem services provided by S. glauca and P. australis wetlands decreased, whereas that of S. alterniflora wetlands increased continuously. From 2002 to 2013, the value of the ecosystem services provided by all three types of natural wetland showed a downward trend. In conclusion, the combined effects of human and natural factors, including the expansion of farmland and the invasion of S. alterniflora, and changes in seawater erosion and deposition led to changes in the landscape patterns, ecological vulnerability, and ecosystem services of the Yancheng Nature Reserve during the investigation period. The results indicate that a “dual adaptive” management system based on natural succession and supplemented by appropriate manual intervention should be implemented, and the management efficiency and flexibility should be improved to meet the common needs of biodiversity conservation and economic development.  相似文献   

Pan-European Ecological Networks make a major contribution to the overall effort to protect, maintain and enhance biodiversity; the concept has gained significant political support over the last decade and a half. A platform now exists for: increased integration of ecological networks into the cross-sectoral policy agenda; research into their contribution to ecosystem services and mitigation and adaption for climate change; and an increase in the availability of information about practical delivery. This paper provides an overview of recent policy and research developments in Europe.  相似文献   

The montane cloud forest (MCF) is one of the most threatened ecosystems, in spite of its high strategic value for sustainable development, the role it plays in the hydrological cycle maintenance, and as reservoir of endemic biodiversity. For Mexico, this forest is considered the most threatened terrestrial ecosystem at national level because of land-use changes and the effects of global climate change. To compare and assess the environmental vulnerability in the MCF we measured two physiological traits (stomatal conductance and leaf water potential), four climate variables (air temperature, photosynthetically active radiation, vapor pressure deficit, water availability) and the potential geographic distribution of eleven tree species from this forest. We evaluated stomatal conductance responses using the envelope function method (EFM), and after analyzing these responses we developed a vulnerability index that allowed us to compare the environmental vulnerability among species. We proposed the EFM as a useful tool to assess regional environmental vulnerability by comparing species. Our results showed differential species responses to all the studied variables; however, the vulnerability index allowed us to conclude that the most vulnerable species was Liquidambar styraciflua, and the least vulnerable Persea longipes. We also found that temperatures above 34 °C, and vapor pressure deficit above 2.9 kPa with relative humidity below 30% jeopardized the stomatal conductance performance of all species. We also found leaf water potential as the most influential variable over the studied species followed by vapor pressure deficit, showing that even in the MCF water is a determinant factor for species’ development.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators are increasingly used to examine the evolution of natural ecosystems and the impacts of human activities. Assessing their trends to develop comparative analyses is essential. We introduce the analysis of convergence, a novel approach to evaluate the dynamic and trends of ecological indicators and predict their behavior in the long-term. Specifically, we use a non-parametric estimation of Gaussian kernel density functions and transition probability matrix integrated in the R software. We validate the performance of our methodology through a practical application to three different ecological indicators to study whether Mediterranean countries converge towards similar fisheries practices. We focus on how distributions evolve over time for the Marine Trophic Index, the Fishing in Balance Index and the Expansion Factor during 1950–2010. Results show that Mediterranean countries persist in their fishery behaviors throughout the time series, although a tendency towards similar negative effects on the ecosystem is apparent in the long-term. This methodology can be easily reproduced with different indicators and/or ecosystems in order to analyze ecosystem dynamics.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the use of multiple indicators to characterize the ecological integrity of a coastal plain stream system in the New Jersey Pinelands in relation to human-induced watershed alterations. The individual indicators include pH, specific conductance, stream vegetation and stream-fish, impoundment-fish, and anuran assemblages. We evaluate and compare the utility of the individual and multiple environmental and biological indicators and present a relatively straightforward method for ranking sites. Specific conductance and pH measured at 88 monitoring sites varied in relation to the percentage of altered land (developed land and upland agriculture) within the associated watersheds. All three environmental variables were associated with variations in the composition of stream vegetation and stream fish, impoundment fish, and anuran assemblages. With the exception of impoundment fish, the association between altered land and the multiple-indicator scores based on the two water-quality indicators and the four biological indicators was stronger than that displayed by any of the individual variables.  相似文献   

In the context of the System for Environmental-Economic Accounting, biodiversity accounting is being developed as a tool to monitor and increase the understanding of human impacts on biodiversity. Biodiversity accounting aims to structurally measure, monitor and map changes in multiple biodiversity components, as an integral part of a larger system of ecosystem accounts. Both indicators relevant for ecosystem functioning and indicators that reflect the non-use values of biodiversity can be included in biodiversity accounting. In this paper we focus on the latter, and we test the potential applicability of a set of species indicators for developing a biodiversity account in Limburg province, the Netherlands. In particular, we map and analyse a range of indicators reflecting species richness, the presence of rare and threatened species and species diversity. We test spatial correlation to identify the minimum set of indicators that would need to be included in the account. We also evaluate individual indicators using eight different criteria. We show that, in Limburg province, a set of indicators covering at least five species groups is required, and that it would be most meaningful to have indicators reflecting the occurrence of threatened species. However, data availability as well as the most suitable set of indicators are likely to differ between areas, and case studies in other countries are required to support the selection of indicators for biodiversity accounting in an international framework.  相似文献   

IndiSeas (“Indicators for the Seas”) is a collaborative international working group that was established in 2005 to evaluate the status of exploited marine ecosystems using a suite of indicators in a comparative framework. An initial shortlist of seven ecological indicators was selected to quantify the effects of fishing on the broader ecosystem using several criteria (i.e., ecological meaning, sensitivity to fishing, data availability, management objectives and public awareness). The suite comprised: (i) the inverse coefficient of variation of total biomass of surveyed species, (ii) mean fish length in the surveyed community, (iii) mean maximum life span of surveyed fish species, (iv) proportion of predatory fish in the surveyed community, (v) proportion of under and moderately exploited stocks, (vi) total biomass of surveyed species, and (vii) mean trophic level of the landed catch. In line with the Nagoya Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2011–2020), we extended this suite to emphasize the broader biodiversity and conservation risks in exploited marine ecosystems. We selected a subset of indicators from a list of empirically based candidate biodiversity indicators initially established based on ecological significance to complement the original IndiSeas indicators. The additional selected indicators were: (viii) mean intrinsic vulnerability index of the fish landed catch, (ix) proportion of non-declining exploited species in the surveyed community, (x) catch-based marine trophic index, and (xi) mean trophic level of the surveyed community. Despite the lack of data in some ecosystems, we also selected (xii) mean trophic level of the modelled community, and (xiii) proportion of discards in the fishery as extra indicators. These additional indicators were examined, along with the initial set of IndiSeas ecological indicators, to evaluate whether adding new biodiversity indicators provided useful additional information to refine our understanding of the status evaluation of 29 exploited marine ecosystems. We used state and trend analyses, and we performed correlation, redundancy and multivariate tests. Existing developments in ecosystem-based fisheries management have largely focused on exploited species. Our study, using mostly fisheries independent survey-based indicators, highlights that biodiversity and conservation-based indicators are complementary to ecological indicators of fishing pressure. Thus, they should be used to provide additional information to evaluate the overall impact of fishing on exploited marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Food and drink consumption was found to be responsible for around 20–30% of environmental impacts. Environmental impacts occur during all stages of the food production chain. However, households influence these impacts with through their choice of diet and habits, thus directly affecting the environment through food-related energy consumption and waste generation. With the multiplication of local policies for sustainable consumption, it has become increasingly useful to gather information on the evolution of the ecological impacts associated with household food consumption. Dealing with the indicators of household consumption of fruits and vegetables will enable changes in the population's lifestyles and the effectiveness of local policies to be monitored.The aims of this article are twofold: to provide a conceptual framework on the purposes of ecological indicators of fruit and vegetable consumption (EIFVCs) and to provide a methodological approach for selecting and measuring the most relevant EIFVCs at a local scale. Considering the great diversity of ecological impacts, the large number of potential EIFVCs must be reduced to obtain fewer EIFVCs, but that are relevant at local scale. To be relevant, the EIFVCs must provide information on the three phases of consumption (acquisition, use, and disposal) and on the upstream and downstream phases of the consumption process; they should evaluate the more problematic ecological impacts at the local scale (level of concern); and they have to only point out the ecological impacts that households can significantly reduce through their consumption rates. To measure relevant EIFVCs, three approaches must be combined: monitoring the ecological impacts, measuring the material and energy fluxes associated with household consumption, and analysing the consumer behaviours that result in the observed ecological impacts.As an illustration, the methodology is applied to the Bordeaux Metropolitan Area (France). In this area, eleven EIFVCs seem relevant. The use of surveys characterises all eleven of the EIFVCs, despite the difficulty of establishing quantified relationships between household behaviours and measured ecological impacts. The measuring of fluxes is possible for eight of them, whereas the monitoring of ecological impacts is only feasible for two of them.  相似文献   

Coastal resource management revolves around defining the dynamic between people and the marine and coastal resources they use and depend upon for a large range of goods and services. The process of defining that dynamic is iterative and must account not only for changing natural resource conditions but also for changing social conditions. Decision-making therefore happens within a context of a social system that includes differing levels of capacity, commitment, economics, political mandates and pressures, and cultural and traditional frameworks. The aim of this paper is to introduce a hierarchical approach in which the large number of variables needed to measure the complex, numerous and abstract social concepts used to evaluate the delivery of ecosystem services can be aggregated into smaller sets of indicators, which can ultimately be aggregated into a single report card. These variables and indicators can identify and describe non-economic human dimensions societal benefits derived as ecosystem services that are readily collected, that can identify changes over time, and are appropriate to specific coastal regions. The identified indicators would capture changes in the delivery of overall ecosystem services impacted by, or that will impact, changes in particular sets of environmental characteristics that are valued by society at large.  相似文献   

锡林郭勒盟生态脆弱性   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
以锡林郭勒盟为研究区,分析植被覆盖变化,辨析出影响暴露敏感性的主要因素,结合社会经济统计资料,构筑起以暴露敏感性和适应性能力为基础的生态脆弱性评价体系,分别借助空间主成分分析方法和主成分分析方法构建了暴露敏感性指数和适应性能力指数,获得生态脆弱性及其空间格局。结果显示:锡林郭勒盟暴露敏感性指数以西北部为中心,向四周辐射状递增,各旗县市的适应性能力指数从东北向西南递减,二者呈负相关关系。锡林郭勒盟生态脆弱性自东北向西南递增,东北部地区由于草地资源状况较好,经济发展水平相对较高,暴露敏感性较低而适应性能力较高;西南部地区因环境相对恶劣,经济发展落后,暴露敏感性较高而适应性能力较低。通过叠加分析,将研究区划分为8个生态脆弱性区域。  相似文献   

There is almost no information on how restoration of Sphagnum-dominated peatbogs, and in particular removal of reeds, affects the functioning of ciliate communities. Changes in vegetation patterns caused by restoration procedures may take years to be observed, while microbial processes already display effects after short-term exposure to changes in environmental conditions due to restoration. Based on the results of a long-term study, we assumed that mowing down of reeds causes changes in the physicochemical properties of peatbog water and sought to answer the question of how ciliate communities react to these changes and whether these microorganisms can play a significant role as bioindicators in evaluating the restoration process. Removal of reeds clearly modified the taxonomic composition and abundance of ciliates. This was reflected in an increase in the abundance and diversity of these protozoa and in a significant increase in the proportion of sphagnophilous species. Our results suggest an indicator species approach based on functional groups may be appropriate for biomonitoring peatbog restoration. A better understanding of what regulates microbial populations and activity in peatbogs and unravelling of these fundamental mechanisms are particularly critical in order to more accurately predict how peatbogs will respond to anthropogenic disturbances.  相似文献   

Quantifying and mapping ecosystem services (ES), their indicators and their relationships is of crucial importance for environmental management. In this article, we analyze the spatial distribution of multiple-ES indicators at three locations on the pioneer fronts of the Brazilian Amazon. We identify trade-offs and synergies between six ES indicators for soil, vegetation and biodiversity characterization. We also propose spatial representations of multiple-ES indicators (vegetation carbon stocks, rates of water infiltration into soil, soil chemical quality, soil carbon stocks, biodiversity and richness in Sphingidae). Finally, we discuss three different methods to map them depending on the goals of the maps, arguing that maps lean on objective-oriented approaches. The study is based on remote sensing and sampling data from 135 sampling points. We created multiple-ES indicators maps based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), a score of ES richness, and discrimination of land cover units. PCA is an appropriate tool for showing high correlations between indicators, nevertheless has notable limitations for visual communication. The scoring method may help mapping ES hotspots, however it fails to consider relationships among them. The land-cover-based method has the advantage of being simple and easy to interpret, still it may not consider important indicators not related to land-cover changes. We discuss the interests and limitations of these different ways to map multiple-ES indicators, regarding the final goals of the maps.  相似文献   

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