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不对称还原胺化反应是制备医药中间体手性胺结构单元的重要反应。目前已有许多不同种类的酶被应用于合成手性胺,其中NAD(P)H依赖型氧化还原酶催化的还原胺化反应最为引人注目,因为其能够一步将潜手性酮化合物完全转化为光学纯的手性胺化合物。文中以亚胺还原酶、氨基酸脱氢酶、冠瘿碱脱氢酶和还原性酮胺化酶为例,从NAD(P)H依赖型氧化还原酶的结构特征、作用机理、分子改造及催化应用等方面,综述了其在不对称还原胺化合成手性胺领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

Biocatalytic transamination is being established as key tool for the production of chiral amine pharmaceuticals and precursors due to its excellent enantioselectivity as well as green credentials. Recent examples demonstrate the potential for developing economically competitive processes using a combination of modern biotechnological tools for improving the biocatalyst alongside using process engineering and integrated separation techniques for improving productivities. However, many challenges remain in order for the technology to be more widely applicable, such as technologies for obtaining high yields and productivities when the equilibrium of the desired reaction is unfavorable. This review summarizes both the process challenges and the strategies used to overcome them, and endeavors to describe these and explain their applicability based on physiochemical principles. This article also points to the interaction between the solutions and the need for a process development strategy based on fundamental principles.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and amine dehydrogenase (AmDH)-catalyzed one-pot cascade conversion of an alcohol to an amine provides a simple preparation of chiral amines. To enhance the cofactor recycling in this reaction, we report a new concept of coupling whole-cells with the cell-free system to enable separated intracellular and extracellular cofactor regeneration and recycling. This was demonstrated by the respective biotransformation of racemic 4-phenyl-2-butanol 1a and 1-phenyl-2-propanol 1b to (R)-4-phenylbutan-2-amine 3a and (R)-1-phenylpropan-2-amine 3b . Escherichia coli cells expressing S-enantioselective CpsADH, R-enantioselective PfODH, and NADH oxidase (NOX) was developed to oxidize racemic alcohols 1a–b to ketones 2a–b with full conversion via intracellular NAD+ recycling. AmDH and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) were used to convert ketones 2a–b to amines (R)- 3a–b with 89–94% conversion and 891–943 times recycling of NADH. Combining the cells and enzymes for the cascade transformation of racemic alcohols 1a–b gave 70% and 48% conversion to the amines (R)- 3a and (R)-3 b in 99% ee, with a total turnover number (TTN) of 350 and 240 for NADH recycling, respectively. Improved results were obtained by using the E. coli cells with immobilized AmDH and GDH: (R)- 3a was produced in 99% ee with 71–84% conversion and a TTN of 1410-1260 for NADH recycling, the highest value so far for the ADH–AmDH-catalyzed cascade conversion of alcohols to amines. The concept might be generally applicable to this type of reactions.  相似文献   

We have found that acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) is an efficient catalyst for the enantiospecific (> or =98% enantiomeric excess) synthesis of (R)-phenylacetylcarbinol (R-PAC) from pyruvate and benzaldehyde, despite the fact that its normal physiological role is synthesis of (S)-acetohydroxyacids from pyruvate and a second ketoacid. (R)-phenylacetylcarbinol is the precursor of important drugs having alpha and beta adrenergic properties, such as L-ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and norephedrin. It is currently produced by whole-cell fermentations, but the use of the isolated enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) for this purpose is the subject of active research and development efforts. Some of the AHAS isozymes of Escherichia coli have important advantages compared to PDC, including negligible acetaldehyde formation and high conversion of substrates (both pyruvate and benzaldehyde) to PAC. Acetohydroxyacid synthase isozyme I is particularly efficient. The reaction is not limited to condensation of pyruvate with benzaldehyde and other aromatic aldehydes may be used.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing awareness of the enormous potential of microorganisms and enzymes for the transformation of synthetic chemicals with high chemo-, regio- and enantioselectivity. Chiral intermediates and fine chemicals are in high demand, both from the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, for the preparation of bulk drug substances and agricultural products. Biocatalytic processes have been described for the synthesis of chiral intermediates for beta3- and beta2-receptor agonists, antihypertensive drugs, antiviral agents, melatonin receptor agonists, anticholesterol and anticancer drugs, and drugs to treat Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

A kinetic model based on a ping-pong mechanism was developed under the steady-state hypothesis to account for the short-chain fructooligosaccharides (sc-FOS) synthesis using the commercial cellulolytic enzyme preparation, Rohapect CM. This new mechanism takes into account the interactions between the enzyme species and potential substrates (sucrose and sc-FOS) as a single complex reaction, allowing a better understanding of the reaction kinetics.The initial reaction rate laws appropriately describe the kinetic profiles of the examined substrates. Whereas sucrose exhibited Michaelis–Menten behavior with substrate inhibition, 1-kestose and nystose followed Michaelis–Menten and sigmoid enzyme kinetics. In addition, the enzyme was competitively inhibited by glucose and exhibited significant hydrolytic activity in the presence of nystose.The overall model was simultaneously fitted to experimental data from three initial sucrose concentrations (0.5, 1.5 and 2.1 M) using a multi-response regression with kinetic parameters that have biochemical relevance and are independent of the enzyme concentration. According to the model, sucrose acts almost exclusively as a fructosyl donor substrate. The mathematical development described herein is expected to be suitable for modeling similar enzymatic reaction systems.  相似文献   

羟甲基戊二酰CoA(HMG-CoA)还原酶抑制剂是降血脂药物。综述了近年来国内外酶法制备HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂手性中间体的研究进展,从不对称合成和外消旋体拆分2个方面介绍了酶法制备HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂手性中间体的工艺路线和研究水平,对其工业化前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Amadori compounds form spontaneously in decomposing plant material and can be found in the rhizosphere. As such, these compounds could influence microbial populations by serving as sources of carbon, nitrogen and energy to microorganisms expressing suitable catabolic pathways. Two distinct sets of genes for utilization of deoxyfructosyl glutamine (DFG), an Amadori compound, have been identified in isolates of Agrobacterium spp. One, the soc gene set, is encoded by pAtC58, a 543 kb plasmid in A. tumefaciens strain C58. The second, mocD dissimilates DFG formed in the pathway for catabolism of mannopine (MOP) a non-Amadori, imine-type member of the mannityl opine family characteristic of certain Ti and Ri plasmids. To assess the level of dispersal of these two Amadori-utilizing systems, isolates of Agrobacterium spp. and related bacteria in the family Rhizobiaceae were examined by Southern analysis for homologs of socD and mocD. Homologs of mocD were associated only with Ti plasmid-encoded pathways for catabolism of MOP. Homologs of socD were more widely distributed, being detectable in many but not all of the isolates of Agrobacterium, Sinorhizobium, and Rhizobium spp. tested. However, this gene was never associated with the virulence elements, such as the Ti and Ri plasmids, in these strains. Regardless of genus most of the isolates containing socD homologs could utilize DFG as sole source of carbon, nitrogen and energy. Correlation studies suggested that mocD has evolved uniquely as part of the mannityl opine catabolic pathway while socD has evolved for the general utilization of Amadori compounds. Certain isolates of Agrobacterium and Rhizobium that lacked detectable homologs of socD and mocD also could utilize DFG suggesting the existence of additional, unrelated pathways for the catabolism of this Amadori compound. These results suggest that Amadori compounds constitute a source of nutrition that is important to microflora in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

A nuclear gene encoding a 9.8 kDa subunit of complex I, the homologue of mammalian MWFE protein, was identified in the genome of Neurospora crassa. The gene was cloned and inactivated in vivo by the generation of repeat-induced point mutations. Fungal mutant strains lacking the 9.8 kDa polypeptide were subsequently isolated. Analyses of mitochondrial proteins from mutant nuo9.8 indicate that the membrane and peripheral arms of complex I fail to assemble. Respiration of mutant mitochondria on matrix NADH is rotenone-insensitive, confirming that the 9.8 kDa protein is required for the assembly and activity of complex I. We found a similarity between the MWFE homologues and the C-terminal part of the nqrA subunit of bacterial Na(+)-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductases (Na(+)-NQR), suggesting a link between proton-pumping and sodium-pumping NADH dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

An isolated and immobilised aminotransferase cloned from Pseudomonas stutzeri ST-201 into Escherichia coli was used to synthesise d-phenylglycine. The reaction was characterised by an unfavourable equilibrium constant and substrate inhibition. The use of a controlled-release system via the use of Amberlite (IRA 400)-adsorbed benzoylformate proved a useful technique to circumvent these issues. This resulted in a four-fold improvement in product concentration achievable to yield a final d-phenylglycine concentration of 10.25 mg/ml.  相似文献   

Biocatalytic processes were used to prepare chiral intermediates required for the synthesis of Omapatrilat 1 by three different routes. The synthesis and enzymatic conversion of 2-keto-6-hydroxyhexanoic acid 3 to L-6-hydroxynorleucine 2 was demonstrated by reductive amination using beef liver glutamate dehydrogenase. To avoid the lengthy chemical synthesis of the ketoacid 3, a second route was developed to prepare the ketoacid by treatment of racemic 6-hydroxy norleucine [readily available from hydrolysis of 5-(4-hydroxybutyl) hydantoin 4] with D-amino acid oxidase from porcine kidney or Trigonopsis variabilis followed by reductive amination to convert the mixture completely to L-6-hydroxynorleucine in 98% yield and 99% enantiomeric excess (e.e.). The enzymatic synthesis of (S)-2-amino-5-(1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)-pentanoic acid (allysine ethylene acetal, 5) was demonstrated using phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PDH) from T. intermedius. Phenylalanine dehydrogenase was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris. Using PDH from E. coli or P. pastoris, the enzymatic process was scale-up to prepare kg quantity of allysine ethylene acetal 5. The reaction yields of >94% and e.e. of >98% were obtained for allysine ethylene acetal 5. An enzymatic process was developed for the synthesis of [4S-(4a,7a,10ab)]1-octahydro-5-oxo-4 [[(phenylmethoxy)carbonyl]amino]-7H-pyrido-[2,1-b] [1,3]thiazepine-7-carboxylic acid [BMS-199541-01]. The enzymatic oxidation of the epsilon-amino group of lysine in the dipeptide dimer N(2)-[N[[(phenyl-methoxy)carbonyl] L-homocysteinyl] L-lysine)-1,1-disulphide [BMS-201391-01] to produce BMS-199541-01 using a novel L-lysine epsilon-aminotransferase (LAT) from Sphingomonas paucimobilis SC 16113 was demonstrated. This enzyme was overexpressed in E. coli and a process was developed using the recombinant enzyme.  相似文献   

Class III alcohol dehydrogenase, whose activity toward ethanol is negligible, has defined, specific properties and is not just a "variant" of the class I protein, the traditional liver enzyme. The primary structure of the horse class III protein has now been determined, and this allows the comparison of alcohol dehydrogenases from human, horse, and rat for both classes III and I, providing identical triads for both these enzyme types. Many consistent differences between the classes separate the two forms as distinct enzymes with characteristic properties. The mammalian class III enzymes are much less variable in structure than the corresponding typical liver enzymes of class I: there are 35 versus 84 positional differences in these identical three-species sets. The class III and class I subunits contain four versus two tryptophan residues, respectively. This makes the differences in absorbance at 280 nm a characteristic property. There are also 4-6 fewer positive charges in the class III enzymes accounting for their electrophoretic differences. The substrate binding site of class III differs from that of class I by replacements at positions that form the hydrophobic barrel typical for this site. In class III, two to four of these positions contain residues with polar or even charged side chains (positions 57 and 93 in all species, plus positions 116 in the horse and 140 in the human and the horse), while corresponding intraclass variation is small. All these structural features correlate with functional characteristics and suggest that the enzyme classes serve different roles. In addition, the replacements between these triad sets illustrate further general properties of the two mammalian alcohol dehydrogenase classes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In recent years, the reductive amination of ketones in the presence of amine dehydrogenases emerged as an attractive synthetic strategy for the enantioselective preparation of amines starting from ketones, an ammonia source, a reducing reagent and a cofactor, which is recycled in situ by means of a second enzyme. Current challenges in this field consists of providing a broad synthetic platform as well as process development including enzyme immobilization. In this contribution these issues are addressed. Utilizing the amine dehydrogenase EsLeuDH-DM as a mutant of the leucine dehydrogenase from Exigobacterium sibiricum, a range of aryl-substituted ketones were tested as substrates revealing a broad substrate tolerance. Kinetics as well as inhibition effects were also studied and the suitability of this method for synthetic purpose was demonstrated with acetophenone as a model substrate. Even at an elevated substrate concentration of 50?mM, excellent conversion was achieved. In addition, the impact of water-miscible co-solvents was examined, and good activities were found when using DMSO of up to 30% (v/v). Furthermore, a successful immobilization of the EsLeuDH-DM was demonstrated utilizing a hydrophobic support and a support for covalent binding, respectively, as a carrier.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharide allyl glycosides are demonstrated to provide a route to fluorescent probes and simple inhibitors. Ethyl 2-O-acetyl-4-azido-3-O-benzoyl-4,6-dideoxy-1-thio--d-mannopyranoside (6) was used as glycosyl donor in the preparation of the trisaccharide [-d-Rhap4NFo(1 2)-]2--d-Rhap4NFo-O-allyl (16). Thioglycoside6 was activated withN-iodosuccinimide and triflic acid or by bromine in the glycosylations and the inhibitor16 was obtained after deprotection by transesterification, reduction of the azido groups with hydrogen sulfide, andN-formylation with ethyl formate. Ozonolysis of the allyl glycoside in16 and reductive amination with 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin then gave the target fluorescent trisaccharide conjugate.Issued as NRCC 31913.  相似文献   

After screening a library of fungal alpha-galactosidases for the synthesis of functionalized alkyl alpha-D-galactopyranosides, four enzymes (isolated from Aspergillus terreus CCM55, Aspergillus commune CCM 2969, Penicillium vinaceum CCM 2384, or Penicillium brasilianum 2155) proved to be suitable for these biotransformations. The effect of different concentrations of alcohol on activity and stability of these enzymes was investigated. After optimization of the reaction conditions, three galactose derivatives (allyl, 2-nitroethyl and 2-(2',2',2'-trifluoroacetamido)-ethyl alpha-D-galactopyranoside, 1a, 3a, and 4a, respectively), suitable for subsequent chemical polymerization, were synthesized using either the "reverse hydrolysis" or the "transglycosylation" protocols.  相似文献   

Glucaric acid (GlucA) is a valuable glucose-derived chemical with promising applications as a biodegradable and biocompatible chemical in the manufacturing of plastics, detergents and drugs. Recently, there has been a significant focus on producing GlucA microbially (in vivo) from renewable materials such as glucose, sucrose and myo-inositol. However, these in vivo GlucA production processes generally lack efficiency due to toxicity problems, metabolite competition and suboptimal enzyme ratios. Synthetic biology and accompanying cell-free biocatalysis have been proposed as a viable approach to overcome many of these limitations. However, cell-free biocatalysis faces its own limitations for industrial applications due to high enzyme costs and cofactor consumption. We have constructed a cell-free GlucA pathway and demonstrated a novel framework to overcome limitations of cell-free biocatalysis by i) the combination of both thermostable and mesophilic enzymes, ii) incorporation of a cofactor regeneration system and iii) immobilisation and recycling of the pathway enzymes. The cell-free production of GlucA was achieved from glucose-1-phosphate with a titre of 14.1 ± 0.9 mM (3.0 ± 0.2 g l−1) and a molar yield of 35.2 ± 2.3% using non-immobilised enzymes, and a titre of 8.1 ± 0.2 mM (1.70 ± 0.04 g l−1) and a molar yield of 20.2 ± 0.5% using immobilised enzymes with a total reaction time of 10 h. The resulting productivities (0.30 ± 0.02 g/h/l for free enzymes and 0.170 ± 0.004 g/h/l for immobilised enzymes) are the highest productivities so far reported for glucaric acid production using a synthetic enzyme pathway.  相似文献   

A library of 132 racemic chiral amines (α-substituted methylbenzylamines, benzhydrylamines, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthylamines (THNs), indanylamines, allylic and homoallylic amines, propargyl amines) was screened against the most versatile monoamine oxidase (MAO-N) variants D5, D9 and D11. MAO-N D9 exhibited the highest activity for most substrates and was applied to the deracemisation of a comprehensive set of selected primary amines. In all cases, excellent enantioselectivity was achieved (e.e. >99%) with moderate to good yields (55–80%). Conditions for the deracemisation of primary amines using a MAO-N/borane system were further optimised using THN as a template addressing substrate load, nature of the enzyme preparation, buffer systems, borane sources, and organic co-solvents.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), an ubiquitous enzyme among vertebrates, invertebrates, plants and microbes was discovered in the early period of enzymology. The enzyme has been dissolved in several distinguishable molecular forms. In mammals, three types of subunits encoded by the genes Ldh-A, Ldh-B and Ldh-C give rise to a selected number of tetrametric isoenzymes. LDH-A4, LDH-B4 and the mixed hybrid forms of the A- and B-subunits are present in many tissues but with certain distribution patterns. LDH-C4 is confined in mammals to testes and sperm. Numerous techniques have been employed to purify, characterize and separate the different forms of the enzyme. This report deals with the main protocols and procedures of purification of LDH and its isoenzymes including chromatographic and electrophoretic methods, partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems and precipitation approaches. In particular, affinity separation techniques based on natural and pseudo-biospecific ligands are described in detail. In addition, basic physico-chemical and kinetic properties of the enzyme from different sources are summarized. In a second part, the clinical significance of the determination of LDH in diverse body fluids in respect to the total activity and the isoenzyme distribution in different organs is discussed.  相似文献   

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