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Land use and cover changes have been identified as a major factor contributing to shape landscape structure and biodiversity patterns, particulary in areas with a long history of human occupation and habitat fragmentation, such as the Mediterranean landscapes. However, the existing studies on landscape change indicators for Mediterranean areas have mostly focused in Europe, while for other Mediterranean zones, and especially for South America, there is a serious lack of knowledge concerning the impact of landscape dynamics on ecological processes. Further research on this topic is urgently needed, given the high biodiversity levels and the rapidly increasing rates of human modification in the Mediterranean landscapes of South America. For this purpose, we investigated the dynamics of a landscape in the semiarid region of the Mediterranean zone of Chile, and measured the effect of those dynamics on functional connectivity, during a period of about four decades (1975–2011). Landscape connectivity indicators were extracted from a series of Landsat images. The Equivalent Connnected Area index (ECA) was used as indicator of connectivity trends, and was evaluated for three representative distances of seed dispersal in the study area (150 m, 500 m and 1000 m). In addition, the patches that most contribute to maintain the present connectivity, and their roles as connectivity providers, were identified through a set of commensurable indicators: betweenness centrality and the fractions (intra, flux connector) of the Integral Index of Connectivity. We found that these indicators were useful to detect and summarize a number of previously unreported trends in these Mediterranean landscapes. First, population growth and economic development were compatible with an increase in functional connectivity for forest habitats, mainly because the abandonment of marginal agricultural lands and their subsequent conversion to espinals (Acacia caven) triggered vegetation succession towards secondary forests. Second, increased forest connectivity was not associated to a decrease in the characteristic heterogeneity of Mediterranean landscapes. Third, many patches of espinal, despite being commonly regarded as of poor conservation value, were crucial to promote connectivity by acting as stepping stones among other patches with higher habitat quality. The approach here presented provides a combined assessment of landscape structure, function and change that should be valuable and applicable to deliver operational indicators in dynamic landscapes in South America and other Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Landscape connectivity analysis is a major tool in supporting biodiversity conservation. Several methodologies have been developed to tackle it by following two main paths. The first path exploits graph approaches and models focal nodes’ connections on a resistance/conductance matrix depending on focal species’ movement potential. The second path considers geometrical pattern analyses based on the calculation of structural landscape metrics. These approaches separately investigate functional and structural features of the landscape, and may come short of a total definition if used separately. Here we propose a new scalable, modular, participative and open-source procedure based on Fuzzy logic to combine the functional and structural aspects of connectivity. We applied this method on the highly fragmented landscape of the Po Plain, focusing on its rare and endangered plain springs named fontanili. We identified an expert panel and involved it in the assignation of permeability values of land use classes with respect to the capacity of movement of animal species typical of fontanili. We concurrently performed a quantitative evaluation of the landscape fragmentation with a moving window. We found that the functional and structural evaluations were poorly correlated in the area under study (Pearson's r = −0.35, p < 0.001). We thus integrated these two non-overlapping analyses of the landscape by Fuzzy logic using thresholds and combination weights obtained from questionnaires proposed to the expert panel. The resulting index, termed Fuzzy Functionality Index (FFI), improved the level of information associated with landscape classification. By merging functional and structural aspects of the landscape, the FFI allowed us to discriminate different functional values of equally permeable parcels and vice versa. We demonstrate that FFI may act as a conductance measure in a circuit theory approach, highlighting ecological corridors between focal points of species’ distribution. We present FFI as an effective predictive index to inspect complex and non-linear landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles and environmental parameters were investigated in 52 grassland sites with three replicate pitfall traps in each site and in the valley of the River Eider in Schleswig–Holstein (northern Germany) with 61 pitfall traps. Environmental parameters included water content of soil, sand content, organic matter content and pH. Ground beetle assemblages were derived by detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) and characterised by the specific environmental conditions as means for each assemblage. On the regional scale including all investigated sites of Schleswig–Holstein, five assemblages were differentiated. On the local scale including the investigated sites in the valley of the River Eider, three assemblages were found corresponding well with those found on the regional scale. Environmental conditions at the sites of the five assemblages were correlated with land use data, soil types, and water level stages provided by three maps of a geographic information system (GIS). The GIS maps were combined to develop smaller areas with land use, soil type and water level stage information. The characteristic environmental conditions were assigned to each area to derive the spatial distribution of the five ground beetle assemblages. Spatial prediction was correct for 65% of investigated sites. The potential area of each assemblage was estimated for the valley. The different grassland areas were evaluated as potential habitats for ground beetle species comparing total species richness with the regional species richness of each assemblage. The comparison shows that species richness in the evaluated assemblages is relatively low compared to the regional potential.  相似文献   

黑龙江省二龙山水库流域景观生态评价与规划研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
从景观生态学的基本理论出发,采用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,借助于大型统计分析软件包SPSS中的主成分分析和空间系统聚类分析方法,对黑龙江省二龙山水库流域的景观生态环境进行了定量分析与评价,获得了4个景观生态评价类型.其中,良好状态的景观生态类型占全流域面积的比重最大,为36%,一般状态次之,为31%;较差状态和理想状态分别为17%和16%.并按景观空间生态结构,将全流域规划与设计为3个景观功能区,即农业景观功能区,其景观过程以作物生产为主,发展方向为兼顾经济、生态和社会多种效益的生态农业、观光农业和高效农业;生态环境保护功能区,其景观过程以水土流失、植被覆盖减少等退化过程为主,主要执行生态环境保护功能,大力发展水土保持林,努力提高植被覆盖率,是本区发展利用的方向;森林景观功能区,森林资源的合理采伐利用、林种的空间优化配置、森林的抚育以及天然林的保护成为该区发展的主要方向.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that many ecological landscape indicators have been applied so far, it is challenging to develop an indicator(s) which is easy and cheap to assess while at the same time reflecting the complexity of an ecosystem. The author aimed at the development of such an indicator: the Indicator of Ecological Landscape Quality (IELQ) which ranged from 0 to 2. This is based on the use of surrogate measures of assessing ecological quality (EQ) and a GIS approach. The employed measures include: landscape diversity, the degree of ecological significance of land cover forms, and the character of linear landscape structures. To verify the validity of the adopted measures, the indicator was calculated for areas under different conservation statuses and adjoining non-protected areas located in eastern Poland, 20 sites in total. The results showed that differences in mean IELQ values between areas under different protection regimes are significant (Tukey: p < 0.01). The highest mean values were obtained for nature reserves (0.86), and the lowest for non-protected areas (0.27). Explanatory factors for EQ included the proportion of natural and anthropogenic land cover forms, and the number of land cover forms. Surprisingly, the correlation between the latter factor and IELQ is negative (−0.704), indicating that the lower the landscape diversity, the higher the ecological values. From the protected area management point of view, the developed indicator proved its usefulness in terms of an assessment of ecological values and indicated changes in values over time.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to assess the condition of and hazards to the natural environment in selected landscape parks in Poland with respect to the impact of agricultural management using the DPSIR method. Our proposed set of indicators, based on generally available and applicable data, shows at the local scale, in a simple way, the condition of functioning of the balance between the natural environment and agricultural management and it assesses the level of repair works in the context of the records of the environmental protection program. The highest negative impact of agricultural management in the areas studied is noticed in the soil environment as well as the contexts of biodiversity and landscape. On the other hand, the lowest influence of agricultural economy was noted in the cases of the atmosphere and hydrosphere. The results of the aggregated indicators also showed lower or higher dependencies between the coverage and the use of the area in landscape parks and the condition of particular elements of the environment and the landscape.  相似文献   


Landscape ecological security assessment aims to make a comprehensive evaluation of regional landscape ecological security through the construction of regional ecological security evaluation indicator system. According to the theory of landscape ecology, spatial principal component analysis (SPCA) and GIS techniques, we obtained the distribution of landscape ecological security pattern of Ganzhou District, Gansu province, China. We obtained the ecological sources, corridors, and nodes according to the minimum cumulative resistance (MCR) model to optimize the structure and function of ecological function network. The following results were found: the comprehensive landscape ecological security situation of the research area was on the average. The spatial distribution pattern of landscape ecological security level indicated that the low level of safety were mainly distributed in the Gobi and desert areas in the north, accounting for 19.9% of the study area, while the high safety level was mainly distributed in the northwest and southeast of the Heihe River basin, accounting for 24.8% of the study area. With points, lines, and surfaces being interlaced, a regional ecological network was constructed, which was consisted of six ecological corridors, 14 ecological nodes, a large ecological source area and a plurality of small source areas, and could effectively improve landscape ecological security level of the study area.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding uses a short, standardized DNA fragment to sort individuals into species. This molecular technique has applications in fields including ecology, evolution, conservation, and biogeography. In ecological applications such as species monitoring and habitat restoration, its potential has not been fully realized and implemented. Invertebrates are excellent biological indicators, as changes in species diversity or community assemblage provide important insights into the condition of, or changes in, the environment. This information is particularly useful within the context of restoration ecology. In this study, DNA barcoding is used to assess the potential of Hemiptera as a biological indicator of restoration success for the Buffelsdraai Landfill Site Community Reforestation Project (Durban, South Africa). A total of 393 Hemiptera specimens were collected from sites reforested at distinct phases (plots reforested in 2010, 2012, and 2015) and two reference sites (natural forest and grassland). The Hemiptera species composition and assemblage were assessed by analyzing diversity indices, ordination, unweighted pair‐group average cluster analysis, and phylogenetic analysis. Hemiptera species composition varied significantly across the chronologically different reforested sites, with a higher species richness observed in the older reforested plots. This suggests that Hemiptera diversity can be used to track restoration success, even over the small temporal scale used in this study. This study highlights the utility of DNA barcoding as a taxonomic sorting tool both to monitor ecological restoration and to discover specific taxa within Hemiptera that may be useful biological indicators.  相似文献   

We studied the habitat of the polecat at different scales in a low density area. For this purpose we gathered data on the presence of the species and characterised them by location, home range and landscape scales. Polecats selected areas of high diversity close to, but not in, streams whilst avoiding intensively managed conifer plantations and dense urban areas. Variables determining the presence/absence of the species were found at home range scales, which implies that management and conservation practices for the species should be aimed mainly at this scale. Finally, our results agree with previously published works, which validate GIS-based approaches as a tool for carnivore management in areas with scarce data or in cases of rare species.  相似文献   

Defining landscape structure and key relationships between landscape structure and function is challenging in urban areas characterized by density and patchy spatial patterns. In order to trace the spatial and temporal patterns of urban landscape structures, compare patterns across cities, or inform urban design principles, we need to classify the landscape in a way that captures context and landscape heterogeneity, but can be broadly applied across different cities or landscape variations within a city. In this study, we introduce a simple and reproducible approach for classifying the structure of urban landscapes (STURLA) that utilizes heterogeneous, composite classes which represent combinations of built and natural features, and examine the response of a landscape function – surface temperature.This classification approach is unique in that it develops composite (as opposed to homogeneous) classes, which are defined a posteriori, based on compositions of adjacent structural elements that emerge in the urban landscape, using a cellular grid to define units of analysis. We test the separability of classes that emerge from this approach, and find that it is possible to discern classes – comprised of the mix of land and building covers common in urban areas – which have meaningfully distinct temperature signatures. This classification approach may be extended to multiple cities and ecological indicators in order to offer insight into the relationship between urban landscape structure and ecosystem response, in a way that accounts for interactions among different types of urban landscape surfaces. We suggest that this approach can support spatial prioritization of landscape function needs in urban development and design approaches for improving particular types of functioning, such as reductions in urban heat.  相似文献   

Littoral cartography is a valuable tool which uses shallow water macroalgal communities for monitoring ecosystem health and water quality. Cartography of littoral rocky-shore communities (CARLIT) is a European Union Water Framework Directive-compliant monitoring method widely used in the Western Mediterranean Sea. This non-destructive method is based on a visual observation of the type and length of coast occupied by rocky-shore communities in the upper-sublittoral zone. Here we present the first wide-scale application of CARLIT in the Adriatic Sea. The reference values calculated specifically for the Croatian coast (Eastern Adriatic Sea) ensure accurate calculation of the ecological status. The measured ecological quality ratio values (EQR) show a good linear relation with the Land Uses Simplified Index (LUSI) and appropriately reflect an increase in nutrient concentrations. The results suggest that this method can be used as a reliable biomonitoring tool in the Eastern Adriatic Sea. This study highlighted that Cystoseira forests thrive in 39% of the surveyed coastline and 23% of the coastline seems to be subjected to overgrazing by sea urchins. Our results provide a spatially accurate information on the abundance of different upper-sublittoral communities and the associated ecological status, which can be used in future management plans for improving water quality.  相似文献   

公路生态景观建设不仅是公路建设的重要组成部分,也是美丽乡村建设和生态园林城市建设的重要标志,对于实现社会经济的可持续发展具有重要作用.公路生态景观质量的评价指标和方法是衡量公路及其外部环境建设质量的重要依据.本研究以江苏省南通市5条主要干线高速公路G15、G228、G204、S334和S335为例,建立了定量和定性评价指标相结合的公路生态景观质量评价指标体系,包括景观功能、生态效能和安全设计3大类12个评价指标.通过现场调查和计算,建立了12个评价指标的变量矩阵,并进行了主成分(PC)分析.结果表明: 公路绿化景观生态评价综合得分模型为: H=0.694PC1+0.191PC2+0.115PC3, 5条高速公路得分排序结果为: G204>G15>S334>G228>S335.本研究结果将为高速公路生态景观质量评价提供方法和参考.  相似文献   

City ponds have the potential to harbour a rich biodiversity of aquatic insects despite being located in an urban landscape. However, our current knowledge on the correlates of pond biodiversity is limited and even less is known about the factors that influence the ecological uniqueness of urban ponds. The multiple environmental gradients, at different spatial scales, that may affect biodiversity and ecological uniqueness of urban ponds can thus be seen both as an opportunity and as a challenge for a study. In this study, we aimed to fill this gap by focusing on aquatic insect assemblages in 51 ponds in the Swedish city of Stockholm, using a metacommunity perspective. We found that species richness was primarily determined by the density of aquatic insects, water depth and proportion of buildings around the pond. The uniqueness of ponds was estimated as local contributions to beta diversity (LCBD), and it was primarily related to the proportion of arable land and industry around the ponds. With regard to the metacommunity we found two interesting patterns. First, there was a negative relationship between richness and LCBD. Second, biodiversity was spatially independent, suggesting that spatially-patterned dispersal did not structure species richness or LCBD. These last two patterns are important when considering conservation efforts of biodiversity in city ponds. We hence suggest that the conservation of insect biodiversity in urban pond should consider the surroundings of the ponds, and that high-richness ponds are not necessarily those that require most attention because they are not ecologically the most unique.  相似文献   

A hierarchical approach to restoration planning at the regional, catchment and local scales is proposed and examined. Restoration projects limited to a local scale and focused on habitat improvement for individual species ended in failure, which has led to the recognition that there is a need for ecosystem-based management at the landscape level. The first landscape-level restoration in Japan is under way in the Kushiro and Shibetsu River Basins, in northern Japan. However, public consensus on these large-scale restoration projects has not yet matured and there are very few projects that have progressed even as far as mapping to classify intact and disturbed ecosystems. Classification of habitat quality using physical and biological indicators appears to be the core element of analysis of ecological degradation at the regional scale (100–1,000 km2). This mass-screening process is critical to identify areas in potential need of restoration. The causes and mechanisms of ecosystem degradation are then examined at the catchment scale (10–100 km2) by linking material flows and habitat conditions. Direct environmental gradient analysis is useful to determine cause and effect relationships between species and habitat quality. Finally, we recommend implementation of field experiments with a clear hypothesis at the local scale (0.01–1 km2). At this stage, key variables causing degradation of the target ecosystem are manipulated to verify the hypothesis. Based on the results of local-scale analyses, the possibility of restoration success can be evaluated, which directs us to practical schemes for future restoration projects at larger scales.  相似文献   

Blood-feeding invertebrates are emerging model taxa in biodiversity assessments, both as indicators of mammal abundance and also as sources of mammal DNA for identification. Among these, terrestrial leeches arguably offer the greatest promise; they are abundant and widespread in the humid tropics, and their blood meals can be easily assayed to establish diet. Unfortunately, terrestrial leeches are understudied, with little known about their ecology and behavior. Such information is needed to evaluate their utility as ecological indicators and to account for potential sampling biases that might arise from habitat preferences. By combining occupancy modeling and thermal tolerance assays, we determined the factors affecting species occurrence in the related terrestrial brown (Haemadipsa sumatrana) and tiger leech (Haemadipsa picta), both of which are widespread in tropical forests in Southeast Asia. We sampled both species across a degraded forest landscape in Sabah, Borneo, in wet and dry seasons, associating occurrence with habitat-level metrics. We found that, for both species, detection probability increased with canopy height regardless of season. Additionally, increased vegetation heterogeneity had a strong negative influence on brown leech occurrence in the dry season, implying an interaction between vegetation structure and climate. However, we found no difference in physiological thermal tolerance (CTMAX) between the two species. Finally, using a reduced dataset, we found a small improvement in brown leech model fit when including mammal abundance. Our results suggest that the presence of terrestrial leeches may act as useful ecological indicators of habitat quality and potentially mammalian abundance. Abstract in Indonesia is available with online material.  相似文献   

Eco-efficiency is a useful guide to dairy farm sustainability analysis aimed at increasing output (physical or value added) and minimizing environmental impacts (EIs). Widely used partial eco-efficiency ratios (EIs per some functional unit, e.g. kg milk) can be problematic because (i) substitution possibilities between EIs are ignored, (ii) multiple ratios can complicate decision making and (iii) EIs are not usually associated with just the functional unit in the ratio’s denominator. The objective of this study was to demonstrate a ‘global’ eco-efficiency modelling framework dealing with issues (i) to (iii) by combining Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) data and the multiple-input, multiple-output production efficiency method Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). With DEA each dairy farm’s outputs and LCA-derived EIs are aggregated into a single, relative, bounded, dimensionless eco-efficiency score, thus overcoming issues (i) to (iii). A novelty of this study is that a model providing a number of additional desirable properties was employed, known as the Range Adjusted Measure (RAM) of inefficiency. These properties altogether make RAM advantageous over other DEA models and are as follows. First, RAM is able to simultaneously minimize EIs and maximize outputs. Second, it indicates which EIs and/or outputs contribute the most to a farm’s eco-inefficiency. Third it can be used to rank farms in terms of eco-efficiency scores. Thus, non-parametric rank tests can be employed to test for significant differences in terms of eco-efficiency score ranks between different farm groups. An additional DEA methodology was employed to ‘correct’ the farms’ eco-efficiency scores for inefficiencies attributed to managerial factors. By removing managerial inefficiencies it was possible to detect differences in eco-efficiency between farms solely attributed to uncontrollable factors such as region. Such analysis is lacking in previous dairy studies combining LCA with DEA. RAM and the ‘corrective’ methodology were demonstrated with LCA data from French specialized dairy farms grouped by region (West France, Continental France) and feeding strategy (regardless of region). Mean eco-efficiency score ranks were significantly higher for farms with <10% and 10% to 30% maize than farms with >30% maize in the total forage area before correcting for managerial inefficiencies. Mean eco-efficiency score ranks were higher for West than Continental farms, but significantly higher only after correcting for managerial inefficiencies. These results helped identify the eco-efficiency potential of each region and feeding strategy and could therefore aid advisors and policy makers at farm or region/sector level. The proposed framework helped better measure and understand (dairy) farm eco-efficiency, both within and between different farm groups.  相似文献   

We propose alternative fish-populations spatial indicators for use in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Following Commission Decision 2010/477, we have applied two different spatial indicators to three fish populations with “slow type” life-history traits, i.e. slow growing like Helicolenus dactylopterus, or large bodied like Merluccius merluccius and Lophius budegassa. We tested their efficiency separately and combined. One of these indicators, the presence/absence of the population in sampling squares, had already been applied during the initial assessment of the MSFD in Spain. Another indicator, the geographical spread, is proposed here as a new monitoring tool for the MSFD in Spanish waters. The results demonstrate for the three populations analyzed that neither indicator was sufficient alone to describe the population spatial pattern or its evolution. Thus, the approach to implementing the MSFD indicated in Commission Decision 2010/477 is not sufficient to provide integrated information about the spatial behavior of the fish populations analyzed. Although numerical targets or threshold values cannot be set, directional targets could be proposed, based on the results of both indicators, if evaluation of them is extended to more species and more geographical areas. The analysis could be extended to other “slow type” populations within the fish community and also to different ecoregions. We propose an approach including the estimation of two different indicators to monitoring both the area occupied and the geographical spread of fish populations within communities, interpreting them together to generate a more complete picture of the spatial patterns of those populations. In spite of the difficulties in fixing numerical targets or thresholds, or in distinguishing between environmentally and human driven changes in the population spatial distributions, this approach helps to summarize fish spatial behavior. It improves information from the indicators applied alone and reduces the requirement for a large number of maps (except for some particular event or population). The proposed indicators can be readily used by managers and politicians.  相似文献   

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