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The development of biological indicators for assessing ecological conditions in streams and rivers is urgently needed in China, particularly in heavily impacted regions. The aim of this study was to develop and apply benthic macroinvertebrate-based multimetric indices (MMIs) for the assessment of streams and rivers in the western hill and eastern plain aquatic ecoregions of the Taihu Basin. MMIs were based on samples collected from October 16 to November 8 2012 at 120 sites in streams and rivers. Least disturbed sites defined the reference conditions. Chemical water quality, physical habitat, and land use were used as criteria to identify reference sites in the basin. Metrics related to benthic macroinvertebrate richness, composition, diversity and evenness, pollution tolerance, and functional feeding groups were screened by range, sensitivity, responsiveness, and redundancy tests. Total number of taxa; percentage of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Odonata (% ETO); Berger–Parker’s index (BP); Biotic index (BI); and percentage of filterers–collectors (% FC) were used to construct the MMI for the western hill aquatic ecoregion (MMIW). Total number of taxa, percentage of Crustacea and Odonata (% CO), BP, BI, and % FC were used to construct the MMI for the eastern plain aquatic ecoregion (MMIE). The MMI scores were obtained by combining the rating categories (excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor). The MMIs were tested using a separate subset of the data, and the results indicated that the newly developed MMIs were robust in terms of percentage of sites correctly classified, coefficient of variation, box-separation ratios, and separation powers. The ecological status was then evaluated based on the MMI scores. The results indicated that the general ecological status of streams and rivers in the Taihu Basin was rated lower than “good”, the western hill aquatic ecoregion was rated “fair” and the eastern plain aquatic ecoregion was rated “poor”. Moreover, the MMIs showed a significant negative response to an increasing gradient of disturbance. Therefore, these preliminary MMIs can be used as assessment tools in ecological biomonitoring and management of the Taihu Basin.  相似文献   

Multimetric indices (MMIs) have been successfully used to assess ecological conditions in freshwater ecosystems worldwide, and provide an important management tool especially in countries where biological indicators are fostered by environmental regulations. Nonetheless, for the neotropics, the few published papers are limited to small local scales and lack standardized sampling protocols. To fill the gaps left by previous studies, we propose a stream MMI that reflects anthropogenic impacts by using macroinvertebrate assemblage metrics from a data set of 190 sites collected from four hydrologic units in the Paraná and São Francisco River Basins, southeastern Brazil. Sites were selected through use of a probabilistic survey design allowing us to infer ecological condition to the total of 9432 kilometers of wadeable streams in the target population in the four hydrologic units. We used a filtering process to determine the least- and most-disturbed sites based on their water quality, physical habitat structure, and land use. To develop the MMI, we followed a stepwise procedure to screen our initial set of biological metrics for influence of natural variation, responsiveness and discriminance to disturbances, sampling variability, and redundancy. The final MMI is the sum of 7 scaled assemblage metrics describing different aspects of macroinvertebrate assemblage characteristics: Ephemeroptera richness, % Gastropoda individuals, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, % sensitive taxa richness, % scraper individuals, temporarily attached taxa richness, and gill respiration taxa richness. The MMI clearly distinguished the least-disturbed sites from the most-disturbed sites and showed a significant negative response to anthropogenic stressors. Of the total length of wadeable streams in the study area, 38%, 35%, and 27% were classified by the MMI as being in good, fair, and poor condition, respectively. By reducing the subjectivity of site selection, rigorously selecting the set of reference sites, and following a standardized metric screening method, we developed a robust MMI to assess and monitor ecological condition in neotropical savanna streams. This improved MMI provides an effective ecological tool to guide decision makers and managers in developing and implementing improved, cost-effective environmental policies, regulations, and monitoring of those systems.  相似文献   

This study describes the application of a protocol for biological assessment of water quality at first to third order streams at Serra dos órg?os, an area covered by Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Major impacts in the region are domestic effluents and deforestation. Our main objective is to establish biocriteria for the establishment of the Serra dos órg?os Multimetric Index (SOMI) based on benthic macroinvertebrates. We used data from previous studies, sampled by experienced biologists, from 1999 through 2002. The benthic macroinvertebrate community was sampled in 12 reference sites and seven impaired sites in three river basins: Guapimirim, Macaé and Grande, all from the same bioregion. From the 22 tested metrics, 6 were included in the SOMI (% Diptera, % Coleoptera, Family Taxa, EPT Taxa, BMWP-CETEC and % Shredders). Scores (5, 3 or 1) were developed for these metrics to allow for aggregation into the index. Seven intermediately impaired sites were used for evaluating the applicability of the multimetric index. We concluded that the SOMI is a robust easy-to-apply tool for biomonitoring programs in the Serra dos órg?os region, south-east Brazil. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorised users. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

The water and habitat quality in Panamanian streams and rivers are being degraded by agriculture, urbanization, industrial activities, mining, and other forms of development. Thus, the need for standards, especially those examining the biological attributes of lotic systems, are urgently required. We describe the development of a multimetric index based on macroinvertebrates collected in low-land streams in the Panama Canal Watershed (PCW), which differed in their levels of human impacts. The index was developed using 12 streams and validated using a further three, all of which were sampled on four occasions, in the dry and wet seasons of 2007 and 2008. We examined 42 metrics related to macroinvertebrate community structure, composition, and function. Based on their ability to distinguish reference from moderately or severely impacted streams, and on their independence, we selected seven metrics (Margalef's index (taxa), Shannon's evenness index (taxa), number of EPT (taxa), % of Trichoptera, ratio of Chironomidae/Diptera individuals, % of scrapers, and % of shredders). These metrics were then standardized and developed into the Neotropical Low-land Stream Multimetric Index (NLSMI). Overall, the NLSMI distinguished well among the different levels of impairment (Reference, Moderate impact, and Severe impact) and showed a strong, significant correlation with principal component analysis (PCA) axis one values, with the PCA based on a set of physico-chemical variables indicative of stream quality. The wet season generally resulted in lower NLSMI values, leading us to suggest that sampling for biomonitoring be carried out in the dry season. Overall, this preliminary macroinvertebrate NLSMI shows promise for developing a biomonitoring programme to assess the ecological integrity of streams, to aid with management, restoration, and conservation, and to serve as a basis to develop a more geographically extensive multimetric index.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate assemblages were related to environmental factors that were quantified at the sample scale in streams subjected to a gradient of cattle grazing. Environmental factors and macroinvertebrates were concurrently collected so assemblage structure could be directly related to environmental factors and the relative importance of stressors associated with cattle grazing in structuring assemblages could be assessed. Based on multivariate and inferential statistics, measures of physical habitat (% fines and substrate homogeneity) had the strongest relationships with macroinvertebrate assemblage structure. Detrital food variables (coarse benthic and fine benthic organic matter) were also associated with assemblage structure, but the relationships were never as strong as those with physical habitat measures, while autochthonous food variables (chlorophyll a and epilithic biomass) appeared to have no association with assemblage structure. The amount of variation explained in taxa composition and macroinvertebrate metrics is within values reported from studies that have examined macroinvertebrate metric–sediment relationships. The % Coleoptera and % crawlers had consistent relationships with % fines during this study, which suggests they may be useful metrics when sediment is a suspected stressor to macroinvertebrate assemblages in Blue Ridge streams. Findings from this study also demonstrate the importance of quantitative sampling through time when research goals are to identify relationships between macroinvertebrates and environmental factors.  相似文献   

RIVPACS models produce a community-level measure of biological condition known as O/E, which is derived from a comparison of the observed (O) biota with those expected (E) to occur in the absence of anthropogenic stress. We used benthic macroinvertebrate and environmental data collected at 925 stream monitoring stations, from 1993 to 2001, to develop, validate, and apply a RIVPACS model to assess the biological condition of wadeable streams in Wyoming. From this dataset, 296 samples were identified as reference, 157 of which were used to calibrate the model, 46 to validate it, and 93 to examine temporal variability in reference site O/E-values. We used cluster analyses to group the model development reference sites into biologically similar classes of streams and multiple discriminant function analysis to determine which environmental variables best discriminated among reference groups. A suite of 14 categorical and continuous environmental variables best discriminated among 15 reference groups and explained a large proportion of the natural variability in biota within the reference dataset. Eleven of the predictor variables were derived from GIS. As expected, mean O/E-values for reference sites used in model development and validation were near unity and statistically similar. Temporal variability in O/E-values for reference sites was low. Test site values ranged from 0 to 1.45 (mean = 0.73). The model was accurate in both space and time and precise enough (S.D. of O/E-values for calibration data = 0.17) to detect modest alteration in biota associated with anthropogenic stressors. Our model was comparable in performance to other RIVPACS models developed in the United States and can produce effective assessments of biological condition over a broad, ecologically diverse region. We also provide convincing evidence that RIVPACS models can be developed primarily with GIS-based predictor variables. This framework not only simplifies the extraction of predictor variable information while potentially reducing expenditures of time and money in the collection of predictor variable information, but opens the door for development and/or application of RIVPACS models in regions where there is a paucity of local-scale, abiotic information.  相似文献   

Abstract R iver I nV ertebrate P rediction A nd C lassification S ystem (rivpacs ) is a software package developed by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (IFE) for assessing the biological quality of rivers in the United Kingdom. The system can be used to generate site-specific predictions of the macroinvertebrate fauna to be expected in the absence of major environmental stress. Each prediction is based on a small number of environmental features that are used to characterize the site. The fauna predicted can then be compared with the fauna observed at the same site. This offers a procedure for evaluating biological quality with application in river management both at the local level and for national surveys. Close collaboration between the IFE team and biologists in the water industry during the project had a beneficial influence on the operational development of the system. A second feature of RIVPACS is the national classification of sites, based on the macro-invertebrate fauna. Although the classification is currently a pre-requisite for the prediction system, it also has intrinsic value because newly sampled sites of high biological quality can be placed within the national framework, based on their macroinvertebrate fauna. This facility is of interest to the statutory nature conservation bodies as an element in their site appraisal procedures. The predictive component of the current version of the system (RIVPACS n) was used in the 1990 River Quality Survey to assess the biological quality of almost 9000 sites throughout the United Kingdom. Further developmental work is now under way to provide a more comprehensive version of the system for the 1995 survey.  相似文献   

Four sites on each of two southeastern Wyoming streams, Medicine Bow River (MBR) and Rock Creek (RC), were investigated during the summer and autumn of 2001 and 2002. This investigation resulted in inventories of benthic insect communities being obtained from these two streams. It also resulted in twelve metrics being calculated from benthic insect communities, and these metrics were compared between two spatial units at different local scales. Of the metrics used, five indicated taxa richness, four indicated relative abundance, two indicated diversity, and one involved a biotic index for organic pollution. More specifically, we used each metric to compare the montane with the plains sub-basin, as well as to compare two distinctly different types of substrates within each of the sub-basins. Also, metrics were compared between the two streams. Results indicated that few differences were observed between naturally-occurring substrates within sub-basins. In addition, few differences were observed between the two streams. In contrast, however, several differences were observed between the montane and plains sub-basins. Such differences were caused from naturally-occurring variations in hydraulic and ecological conditions. These findings suggest that the spatial scale should be carefully considered when selecting metrics for use in monitoring programs that are designed to detect anthropogenic disturbances in lotic systems. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a pilot study on the macroinvertebrate communities occurring in a fast-flowing river in Northern Spain. The objective was to devise a sampling strategy for use on a series of Basque rivers included in a site classification study. Two contrasted sites were chosen for the pilot-study on the River Lea (Bizkaia), at the headwaters and near the mouth. Taxon richness and distribution across the river was examined using two sampling techniques at each site. It was concluded that, ideally, timed sampling units should be collected at intervals across a river transect in order to acquire a representative list of taxa. In addition, adequate sampling in marginal areas was stressed because a number of taxa appeared to be exclusive to marginal areas. Sampling location and total sampling effort were also shown to be a major consideration when taxon lists were acquired for the application of routine biological surveillance techniques.  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Crosa  Giuseppe A.  Harper  David M.  Kemp  Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats.  相似文献   

The urbanization of watersheds is a highly dynamic global phenomenon that must be monitored. With consequences for the environment, the population, and the economy, accurate products at adequate spatial and temporal resolutions are required and demanded by the science community and stakeholders alike. To address these needs, a new Impervious Surface Area (ISA) product was created for a Portuguese Watershed (Mondego river) from Landsat data (a combination of leaf-on multispectral bands, derived products, and NDVI time series), using Regression Tree Models (RTM). The product provides 30-m spatial resolution ISA estimates (0–100%) with a Mean Average Error (MAE) of 1.6% and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 5.5%.A strategy to update the baseline product was tested in earlier imagery (2001 and 2007) for a subset of the watershed. Instead of updating the baseline product, the strategy seeks to identify stable training samples and remove those where change was detected in a time series of Change Vector Analysis (CVA). The stable samples were then used to create new ISA models using RTM. The updated maps were similar to the original product in terms of accuracy metrics (MAE: 2001: 2.6%; 2007:3.6%).The products and methodology offer a new perspective on the urban development of the watershed, at a scale previously unavailable. It can also be replicated elsewhere at a low cost, leveraging the growing Landsat data archive, and provide timely information on relevant land cover metrics to the scientific community and stakeholders.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s several studies noticed that, along coastal marine areas, the mean size of benthic foraminifera may be reduced due to heavy metal pollution, even if no biometric studies were carried out to quantify this aspect. The Augusta harbour (Sicily, Italy), is characterized by a strong contamination due to several anthropogenic activities, the most important of which are a petrochemical pole and an important industrial harbour. Taking into account the previous studies carried out in the area, which recorded small-sized foraminifera, the present study compared assemblage composition and faunal parameters in the >125 μm and >63 μm fractions of a sediment core collected in the most polluted sector of Augusta harbour. The aim was to understand if the two fractions have comparable environmental significance providing reliable information on the environmental status. In order to quantify the amount of smaller foraminifera in a community and to determine species loss between size fractions, two new indices are used: the Foraminiferal Size Index (FSI) and the Lost Species Index (LSI). Species richness, diversity and composition of the two assemblages were determined to characterize their structure. The results highlighted great depletion and different composition of the >125 μm assemblage with respect to the >63 μm one, showing a selective loss of particular ecological groups (stress-tolerant infaunal taxa). Also the better correlation of Foraminiferal Number (FN) and H’ index of >63 μm fraction with Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Barium (Ba) and Mercury (Hg), demonstrated the higher reliability of this size fraction for environmental assessment purposes.  相似文献   


A Red List of all 108 Pezizomycotina (Ascomycota) species recorded in Umbria Region (central Italy) is provided. According to the IUCN categories and criteria, 60.18% of the assessed species are classified as threatened, whereas 12.96% are Near Threatened (NT), 1.86% are Least Concerned (LC) and a noteworthy amount of 25% are Data Deficient (DD). As a consequence of the downlisting applied to the majority of the assessed taxa, according to the guidelines for application of IUCN red list criteria at Regional level, only 1.54% of the threatened species is Critically Endangered (CR), while 46.15% are Endangered (EN) and 52.31% are Vulnerable (VU). Given that the present work represents the first complete regional red list of Pezizomycotina in Italy, and that a national, as well as a European red list do not exist to date, it could be considered as a case study for other Italian Regions as well as for other European countries, aiming at the compilation of a national and European red list of this fungal group mostly overlooked in conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The floodplain forests in the Amazon basin suffer from the continued exploitation of natural resources and, after being disturbed, show slow and sometimes irreversible recovery. Our goal was to create an index that could be used to assess the relative level of human disturbance in floodplain forests and determine the relative importance of different types of disturbance on a given site and between sites. The index proposed here (Flooded Forest Anthropization Index – FFAI) assesses human disturbance on a local scale and is composed by 15 indicators divided into three groups that represent different levels of impact: (1) simplification of ecosystems and reduction of local diversity; (2) ecosystem replacement/destruction; (3) disturbances with the potential to impact the ecosystem in both ways. The FFAI proved to be robust and revealed a wide range of values in the evaluated landscapes. The sites classified a priori as more anthropogenic showed significantly higher FFAI values than the less anthropogenic ones (0.14 ± 0.05 and 0.08 ± 0.02, respectively, F = 18.9, df = 19, p < 0.0001). The FFAI enabled a comprehensive assessment of human disturbance on a local scale in Amazonian floodplain forests and can be a useful tool for decision makers in choosing priority areas for interventions and for targeting the type of intervention that must be carried out. Although specific to floodplains, the index can be adjusted to be used in other ecosystems.  相似文献   

夏鑫鑫  朱磊  杨爱民  靳含  张青青 《生态学报》2020,40(12):3921-3934
基于不同生态单元分析生态系统服务正负价值有助于全面客观地了解生态系统服务的异质性。选择典型山地-绿洲-荒漠系统(Mountain-Oasis-Desert System,MODS)下的玛纳斯河流域作为研究区,以1990年、1995年、2000年、2005年、2010年及2015年Landsat系列遥感影像为数据源,采用修正后的生态系统服务价值系数对不同生态单元下的生态系统服务正负价值进行估算。结果表明:(1)1990—2015年玛纳斯河流域土地利用/覆被变化较为显著,耕地、水域及建设用地面积呈现增加趋势,林地、草地及未利用地面积呈减少趋势,其中耕地和未利用地面积变化最为剧烈,建设用地增幅最大,林地减幅最大。(2)研究时段内,研究区正向价值远高于负向价值,且净价值小幅度增加。正向价值在经历"增加-减少-减少-增加-增加"的变化过程后呈现增加趋势,并呈现山地区>绿洲区>荒漠区的特征;各负向价值均表现为不同程度的增大趋势,其中温室气体排放、化肥流失及水资源消耗是流域内最为突出的负向生态系统服务,三者价值之和占比在不同时间段上均达90%以上;净价值由研究初期的8947.89×10<...  相似文献   

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