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Different approaches for the assessment of biodiversity by means of remote sensing were developed over the last decades. A new approach, based on the spectral variation hypothesis, proposes that the spectral heterogeneity of a remotely sensed image is correlated with landscape structure and complexity which also reflects habitat heterogeneity which itself is known to enhance species diversity. In this context, previous studies only applied species richness as a measure of diversity. The aim of this paper was to analyze the relationship of richness and abundance-based diversity measures with spectral variability and compare the results at two scales. At three different test sites in Central Namibia, measures of vascular plant diversity was sampled at two scales – 100 m2 and 1000 m2. Hyperspectral remote sensing data were collected for the study sites and spectral variability, was calculated at plot level. Ordinary least square regression was used to test the relationship between species richness and the abundance-based Shannon Index and spectral variability. We found that Shannon Index permanently achieved better results at all test sites especially at 1000 m2, Even when all sites where pooled together, Shannon Index was still significantly related with spectral variability at 1000 m2. We suggest incorporating abundance-based diversity measures in studies of relationships between ecological and spectral variability. The contribution made by the high spectral and spatial resolution of the hyperspectral sensor is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure, function, and ecosystem services of tropical forest depend on its species richness, diversity, dominance, and the patterns of changes in the assemblages of tree populations over time. Long-term data from permanent vegetation plots have yielded a wealth of data on the species diversity and dynamics of tree populations, but such studies have only rarely been undertaken in tropical forest landscapes that support large human populations. Thus, anthropogenic drivers and their impacts on species diversity and community structure of tropical forests are not well understood. Here we present data on species diversity, community composition, and regeneration status of tropical forests in a human-dominated landscape in the Western Ghats of southern India. Enumeration of 40 plots (50 m × 20 m) results a total of 106 species of trees, 76 species of saplings and 79 species of seedlings. Detrended Correspondence Analysis ordination of the tree populations yielded five dominant groups, along disturbance and altitudinal gradients on the first and second axes respectively. Abundant species of the area such as Albizia amara, Nothopegia racemosa and Pleiospermum alatum had relatively few individuals in recruiting size classes. Our data indicate probable replacement of rare, localized, and old-growth ‘specialists’ by disturbance-adapted generalists, if the degradation is continuing at the present scale.  相似文献   

Several biodiversity features can be linked to landscape heterogeneity, that, in turn, can be informative for management and conservation purposes. Usually, the more the landscape is complex the more the biodiversity increases. Biodiversity indicators can be a useful tool to assess biodiversity status, in function of landscape heterogeneity. In this study, we developed a biodiversity indicator, based on Shannon diversity index and built from distribution maps of protected species. With such an approach, we seek to evaluate the feasibility of using a combination of target species as a surrogate for assessing the status of the whole bird community. Our approach was spread over multiple spatial scales, to determine which was the most informative. We selected four species protected by European regulation and generated a presence-absence map from species distribution modelling. We, therefore, used the FRAGSTATS biodiversity metric to calculate Shannon index for the overlapped presence-absence maps, at two spatial scales (500 m and 1000 m). Then, the relationships with the whole community was assessed through generalised least square models, at the spatial scale of 4 ha, 9 ha and 25 ha. Results showed that the higher rate of variability of community was explained by the biodiversity indicator at 1000 m scale. Indeed, the more informative spatial scale for the whole bird community was 9 ha. In addition, a pattern emerged about the relationships between biodiversity indicator and community richness, that is worth of further research. Our study demonstrates that the usefulness of surrogate species for biodiversity and community assessment can become clear only at a certain spatial scales. Indeed, they can be highly predictive of the whole community, and highly informative for conservation planning. Moreover, their use can optimize biodiversity monitoring and conservation, focusing on a small number of noteworthy species.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors driving the variation in urban green space and plant communities in heterogeneous urban landscapes is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and important ecosystem services. In this study, we used a combination of field surveys, remote sensing, census data and spatial analysis to investigate the interrelationships among geographical and social-economic variables across 328 different urban structural units (USUs) and how they may influence the distributions of urban forest cover, plant diversity and abundance, within the central urban area of Beijing, China. We found that the urban green space coverage varied substantially across different types of USUs, with higher in agricultural lands (N = 15), parks (N = 46) and lowest in utility zones (N = 36). The amount of urban green space within USUs declines exponentially with the distance to urban center. Our study suggested that geographical, social and economic factors were closely related with each other in urban ecological systems, and have important impacts on urban forest coverage and abundance. The percentage of forest as well as high and low density urban areas were mainly responsible for variations in the data across all USUs and all land use/land cover types, and thus are important constituents and ecological indicators for understanding and modeling urban environment. Herb richness is more strongly correlated with tree and shrub density than with tree and shrub richness (r = −0.472, p < 0.05). However, other geographic and socioeconomic factors showed no significant relationships with urban plant diversity or abundance.  相似文献   

Forest degradation is leading to widespread negative impacts on biodiversity in South-east Asia. Tropical peat-swamp forests are one South-east Asian habitat in which insect communities, and the impacts of forest degradation on them, are poorly understood. To address this information deficit, we investigated the impacts of forest gaps on fruit-feeding butterflies in the Sabangau peat-swamp forest, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Fruit-baited traps were used to monitor butterflies for 3 months during the 2009 dry season. A network of 34 traps (ngap = 17, nshade = 17) was assembled in a grid covering a 35 ha area. A total of 445 capture events were recorded, comprising 384 individuals from 8 species and 2 additional species complexes classified to genera. On an inter-site scale, canopy traps captured higher species richness than understory traps; however, understory traps captured higher diversity within each site. Species richness was positively correlated with percent canopy cover and comparisons of diversity indices support these findings. Coupled with results demonstrating morphological differences in thorax volume and forewing length between species caught in closed-canopy traps vs. those in gaps, this indicates that forest degradation has a profound effect on butterfly communities in this habitat, with more generalist species being favored in disturbed conditions. Further studies are necessary to better understand the influences of macro-habitat quality and seasonal variations on butterfly diversity and community composition in South-east Asian peat-swamp forests.  相似文献   

The reduction of insect herbivory is one of the services provided by tree diversity in forest ecosystems. While it is increasingly acknowledged that the compositional characteristics of tree species assemblages play a major role in triggering associational resistance to herbivores, underlying mechanisms are less well known. We addressed this question in the ORPHEE experiment by assessing pine processionary moth infestations (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) across a tree diversity gradient from pine monocultures to five species mixtures. We showed that tree species richness per se had no effect on the probability of attack by this pest. By contrast, the infestation rate was strongly dependent on plot composition. Mixtures of pines (Pinus pinaster) and birches (Betula pendula) were less prone to T. pityocampa infestations, whereas mixtures of pines and oaks (Quercus spp.) were more often attacked than pine monocultures. By taking into account the relative height of pines and associated broadleaved species, this effect could be explained by pine apparency. Pines were on average 343 ± 5 cm height. Birches, as fast growing trees, were slightly taller than pines (363 ± 6 cm), while oak trees were significantly smaller (74 ± 1 cm). Host trees of T. pityocampa were then partly hidden in mixtures of pines and birches but more apparent in mixtures with oaks. We suggest that reduced pine apparency disrupted visual cues used by female moths to select host trees prior to oviposition. This study highlights the need to take into account tree traits such as growth rate when selecting the tree species that have to be associated in order to improve forest resistance to pest insects.  相似文献   

It has recently been stated that the global goal of halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 has not been met highlighting the urgent need to monitor trends in biodiversity. Our study suggests that existing indicators of bird biodiversity in Denmark are inaccurate and we present a new objective method for accurately assessing trends in specific habitats using common bird species. Bird species were selected for creating habitat specific indicators by calculating their relative habitat use (RHU) in nine different habitat categories. RHU indicates the degree to which a habitat is preferred (RHU > 2) or avoided (RHU < 0.5) by a species, relative to other habitats. Indicator sets were constructed for each habitat type using species with an RHU > 2 and revealed that existing habitat indicators, based on species lists from the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS), often included species that did not in fact have preferences for those particular habitats in Denmark. Habitat specific indicators based on the new species selection method showed significant negative trends in three of nine habitat categories: coniferous forest, bog/marsh and heath. Habitat classes were further combined to create overall indicators for forest, farmland and freshwater. A comparison of these indicators with the existing indicators revealed a negative overall trend for forest habitat, which had previously been overlooked, suggesting that species selection is crucial for the development of informative indicators. The habitat specific farmland indicator confirmed the negative trend in the current farmland indicator. The methodology for indicator species selection presented here could potentially be applied for use in a global context for a wider range of taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

Current research includes the effects of asphalt forest roads on changes of plant cover and tree regeneration from asphalt forest roads edges towards its inner parts in two compartments of Nave Asalem forests located in the north of Iran. For this reason, in each side of road, 6 sample plots (20 m × 20 m) were established for measuring plant species diversity. In each sample plot, ground vegetation and tree regeneration were assessed within nine 2 × 2 m micro plots. In total, 12 sample plots and 108 μ plots were established. Results indicated that the road positions were effective on plant species diversity. The highest diversity and evenness indices value were observed down of the road compared to the up of the road position for herbal and tree regeneration layers. The same results were found also for herbal richness indices. Up of road position had the greatest value of richness indices in comparison to the other road position for tree regeneration layer. Also, the results showed that diversity, richness, and evenness indices were decreased with the increasing of distance from the road side for herbs and tree regeneration layers. This study indicated that roads can increase plant biodiversity; that is, tree regeneration density.  相似文献   

This study represents a small-scale approach to forest structure and biomass in the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil and provides information on an ecosystem in which there still is a lack of data in this regard.The project was carried out in the National Park “Serra dos Orgãos” in the state of Rio de Janeiro, which is one of the largest remnants of continuous forest in this area. This forest is marked by a mosaic of forest types differing in tree composition and structure. Within this heterogeneous habitat the stand structure in three investigation plots was assessed to estimate the above-ground dry biomass (AGB) for all trees with a dbh  5 cm.This study indicates the structural diversity of the Atlantic Rainforest. Trees with a dbh > 30 cm were represented by 6% of all sampled individuals (18 out of 318 trees), but contributed 72% of total estimated AGB. The results suggest that big trees in the Atlantic Rainforest may contribute more into total AGB as reported for other tropical rainforests. Small-scale structural approaches like this study are able to form an initiating framework of more detailed results and help to improve estimates on biomass amounts and therefore on carbon storage capacity.  相似文献   

The EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy requires the gathering of information on biodiversity to aid in monitoring progress towards its main targets. Common species are good proxies for the diversity and integrity of ecosystems, since they are key elements of the biomass, structure, functioning of ecosystems, and therefore of the supply of ecosystem services. In this sense, we aimed to develop a spatially-explicit indicator of habitat quality (HQI) at European level based on the species included in the European Common Bird Index, also grouped into their major habitat types (farmland and forest). Using species occurrences from the European Breeding Birds Atlas (at 50 km × 50 km) and the maximum entropy algorithm, we derived species distribution maps using refined occurrence data based on species ecology. This allowed us to cope with the limitations arising from modelling common and widespread species, obtaining habitat suitability maps for each species at finer spatial resolution (10 km × 10 km grid), which provided higher model accuracy. Analysis of the spatial patterns of local and relative species richness (defined as the ratio between species richness in a given location and the average richness in the regional context) for the common birds analysed demonstrated that the development of a HQI based on species richness needs to account for the regional species pool in order to make objective comparisons between regions. In this way, we proved that relative species richness compensated for the bias caused by the inherent heterogeneous patterns of the species distributions that was yielding larger local species richness in areas where most of the target species have the core of their distribution range. The method presented in this study provides a robust and innovative indicator of habitat quality which can be used to make comparisons between regions at the European scale, and therefore potentially applied to measure progress towards the EU Biodiversity Strategy targets. Finally, since species distribution models are based on breeding birds, the HQI can be also interpreted as a measure of the capacity of ecosystems to provide and maintain nursery/reproductive habitats for terrestrial species, a key maintenance and regulation ecosystem service.  相似文献   

The importance of the spatial organisation of individuals in explaining species coexistence within a community is widely recognised. However, few analyses of spatial structure have been performed on tropical agroforests.The main objective of this study was to highlight the links between spatial organisation of shade trees on the one hand, and shade tree species richness and cacao yield on the other, using data from 29 cacao agroforests in Costa Rica.A method of spatial statistics, Ripley's K-function, was used to analyse the spatial organisation of shade and cacao trees in the study plots. For each stand, the X and Y coordinates of ≥2.5-m-tall trees were recorded. In each plot we also assessed shade tree species richness and cacao yield (with total number of pods = number of pods damaged by frosty pod rot + number of healthy pods).Three types of stands were identified: the first was characterised by significant clustering of shade trees, the highest shade tree species richness (S = 6), and the highest number of damaged pods (139 pods ha?1 year?1). The second type was characterised by random spatial organisation of shade trees. The third type showed a trend towards regular organisation. Species richness of shade trees did not differ significantly between the last two types (S = 4 for both), nor did the number of damaged pods (56 pods ha?1 year?1 and 67 pods ha?1 year?1 respectively).Although the trends were not statistically significant for all the variables in our data set, the clustered spatial structure appears to favour a synergy between environmental (tree species richness), and provisioning (cacao production) services.  相似文献   

Species distribution models are often used to study the biodiversity of ecosystems. The modelling process uses a number of parameters to predict others, such as the occurrence of determinate species, population size, habitat suitability or biodiversity. It is well known that the heterogeneity of landscapes can lead to changes in species’ abundance and biodiversity. However, landscape metrics depend on maps and spatial scales when it comes to undertaking a GIS analysis.We explored the goodness of fit of several models using the metrics of landscape heterogeneity and altitude as predictors of bird diversity in different landscapes and spatial scales. Two variables were used to describe biodiversity: bird richness and trophic level diversity, both of which were obtained from a breeding bird survey by means of point counts. The relationships between biodiversity and landscape metrics were compared using multiple linear regressions. All of the analyses were repeated for 14 different spatial scales and for cultivated, forest and grassland environments to determine the optimal spatial scale for each landscape typology.Our results revealed that the relationships between species’ richness and landscape heterogeneity using 1:10,000 land cover maps were strongest when working on a spatial scale up to a radius of 125–250 m around the sampled point (circa 4.9–19.6 ha). Furthermore, the correlation between measures of landscape heterogeneity and bird diversity was greater in grasslands than in cultivated or forested areas. The multi-spatial scale approach is useful for (a) assessing the accuracy of surrogates of bird diversity in different landscapes and (b) optimizing spatial model procedures for biodiversity mapping, mainly over extensive areas.  相似文献   

Realizing the importance of forest carbon monitoring and reporting in climate change, the present study was conducted to derive spectrally modeled aboveground biomass and mitigation using Landsat data in combination with sampled field inventory data in the coniferous forests of Western Himalaya. After conducting preliminary survey in 2009, 90 quadrats (45 each for calibration and validation) of 0.1 ha were laid in six forest types for recording field inventory data viz. diameter at breast height, height, slope and aspect. Biomass carbon (Mg ha 1) was worked out for different forest types and crown density classes (open with 10–40% crown density and closed with > 40% crown density) using recommended volume equations, ratios and factors. Biomass carbon map (aboveground + belowground) was generated for the entire region using geospatial techniques. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was generated and spectral values were extracted to establish relation (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.01) with the field inventory data. The model developed was validated (R2 = 0.73, p < 0.01) with 45 sample observations not used earlier for predicting and generating biomass carbon map (2009) for the entire region. The data from field based inventory indicates highest total biomass carbon (171.40, σ ± 23.19) Mg ha 1 for Fir–Spruce (closed) which has relatively more mature girth classes and low tree density. This value was found to be significantly higher than other forest types. Lowest biomass carbon was observed for Blue Pine (open) (37.15, σ ± 11.82) Mg ha 1. The NDVI values for the entire region ranged from 0 to 0.62 and consequently the spectrally derived aboveground biomass carbon varied from 0 to 600 Mg ha 1. The study demonstrates the application of mapping, spectral responses and sampled field inventory for type wise assessment of carbon mitigation in temperate coniferous forests of Himalayas.  相似文献   

Afrotropical ant-following birds are vulnerable to forest loss and disturbance, but critical habitat thresholds regarding their abundance and species richness in human-dominated landscapes, including industrial oil palm plantations, have never been assessed. We measured forest cover through Landsat imagery and recorded species richness and relative abundance of 20 ant-following birds in 48 plots of 1-km2, covering three landscapes of Southwest Cameroon: Korup National Park, smallholder agroforestry areas (with farms embedded in forest), and an industrial oil palm plantation. We evaluated differences in encounter frequency and species richness among landscapes, and the presence of critical thresholds through enhanced adaptive regression through hinges. All species were detected in Korup National Park and the agroforestry landscape, which had similar forest cover (>85%). Only nine species were found in the oil palm plantation (forest cover = 10.3 ± 3.3%). At the 1-km2 scale, the number of species and bird encounters were comparable in agroforests and the protected area: mean species richness ranged from 12.2 ± 0.6 in the park and 12.2 ± 0.6 in the agroforestry matrix to 1.0 ± 0.4 in the industrial oil palm plantation; whereas encounters decreased from 34.4 ± 3.2 to 26.1 ± 2.9 and 1.3 ± 0.4, respectively. Bird encounters decreased linearly with decreasing forest cover, down to an extinction threshold identified at 24% forest cover. Species richness declined linearly by ca. one species per 7.4% forest cover lost. We identified an extinction threshold at 52% forest cover for the most sensitive species (Criniger chloronotus, Dicrurus atripennis, and Neocossyphus poensis). Our results show that substantial proportions of forests are required to sustain complete ant-following bird assemblages in Afrotropical landscapes and confirm the high sensitivity of this bird guild to deforestation after industrial oil palm development. Securing both forest biodiversity and food production in an Afrotropical production landscape may be best attained through a combination of protected areas and wildlife-friendly agroforestry.  相似文献   

The alteration of natural tree species composition is defined as the deviation of the current tree species composition from that of the natural state. It can be used as a measure of human influence on forest vegetation, and thus as an indicator of the naturalness of forest vegetation. The aim of the study was to develop a standard procedure for estimating the alteration of natural tree species composition, to explain factors driving alteration and to examine its significance for susceptibility of forest stands to natural disturbances. The alteration of natural tree species composition was estimated for the Dinaric region (5556 km2, Slovenia) by the Robič Index of Dissimilarity (RID), ranging from 0 (completely natural) to 100 (completely altered). The index was calculated on the compartment level (24 ha each on average) with data on current and potential natural forest vegetation. The influence of human activities on tree species alteration was examined by using topographic and accessibility variables. The susceptibility of forest stands to natural disturbances was analysed with data on sanitary felling. In the study area, the natural tree species composition of forest stands is moderately preserved; the average value of RID was 50.05, ranging from 1.76 to 100, and the coefficient of variation was 0.49. The alteration of the natural tree species composition of forest stands is primarily the result of forest management and past land use, conditioned either by topography or accessibility of forests. The degree of alteration of tree species composition decreased along the gradients of rockiness, inclination and elevation. A greater degree of alteration appeared on the slopes of intermediate and south facing aspects than on north facing slopes, and in areas that were closer to the forest edge. A higher level of alteration significantly increases the susceptibility of forest stands to natural disturbances. The procedure represents a novel approach in modelling the alteration (naturalness) of tree species composition of forest vegetation. It is applicable at different spatial scales and fosters an understanding of the patterns of tree species composition under the influence of human activity across forest landscapes.  相似文献   

Most biodiversity experiments have been conducted in grassland ecosystems with nitrogen limitation, while little research has been conducted on relationships between plant biomass production, substrate nitrogen retention and plant diversity in wetlands with continuous nitrogen supply. We conducted a plant diversity experiment in a subsurface vertical flow constructed wetland for treating domestic wastewater in southeastern China. Plant aboveground biomass production ranged from 20 to 3121 g m?2 yr?1 across all plant communities. In general, plant biomass production was positively correlated with species richness (P = 0.001) and functional group richness (P = 0.001). Substrate nitrate concentration increased significantly with increasing plant species richness (P = 0.046), but not with functional group richness (P = 0.550). Furthermore, legumes did not affect biomass production (P = 0.255), retention of substrate nitrate (P = 0.280) and ammonium (P = 0.269). Compared to the most productive of the corresponding monocultures, transgressive overyielding of mixed plant communities did not occur in most polycultures. Because greater diversity of plant community led to higher biomass production and substrate nitrogen retention, thus we recommend that plant biodiversity should be incorporated in constructed wetlands to improve wastewater treatment efficiency.  相似文献   

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