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How to assort with the relationship between the urban construction and the maintenance of ecological security is a hot issue during the process of urbanization. The purpose of this study is to identify the key ecological land maintaining ecological security and to put forward some measures for environmental management. Based on the GIS technology, from the view of water security, biodiversity conservation, disaster protection, natural recreation security, and human disturbance, an integrated index is put forward to evaluate the ecological importance of regional space. Then, a GIS-based approach for evaluating ecological importance was created, with Xingguo county of China as a case study. The results show that the area of core eco-space in the study area accounts for 30% of the total area. These areas mainly consist of the core areas of regional river systems, wetlands, nature reserves, forest parks, and scenic spots and the endangered and protected zone of geological hazards. According to the spatial characteristics of ecological importance for different regions, this study proposes some zoning regulations and measures for environmental management.  相似文献   

Study experience of ecologist plays an important role in assessing the contribution of different influencing factors to ecological vulnerability, helping policy makers to target measures for ecological restoration. However, uncertainty is unavoidable due to variation of study experience among experts. In this study, a new method that combines Delphi survey, geographic information system and Monte Carlo simulation was proposed to assess regional ecological vulnerability and to quantify the uncertainty of assessing result. We illustrated the capacity of this method by using a case study in northeastern Inner Mongolia, China. An index system for 13 spatial variables was established to calculate an ecological vulnerability index (EVI) from the three aspects of ecological sensitivity (ES), ecological resilience (ER) and natural-social pressure (NSP). The assessment shows that the southwestern region of the study area, especially in the counties of Sonid Left and Right, was seriously threatened by a high ES and a low ER. Onguiud county in the Greater Hinggan Mountains had a high EVI due to an intensive NSP. Based on the assessing result and regional road distribution, an EVI cost curve was created to facilitate the prioritization of allocating limited funds among the various counties for roadside ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Studies on vulnerability, a fairly new research paradigm inspired by global environmental change, are expanding to support scientific decision-making for developing sustainable, resilient territorial space at the regional level. The goal of this research is to reveal the vulnerability of a human-environment coupled system and its interaction mechanisms amidst a changing environment. This study started with the vulnerability scoping diagram (VSD) conceptual model and built up a research framework of territorial spatial vulnerability according to the three structural elements of ecological protection, agricultural production and urban construction. Following the requirements for intelligent computing, we introduced particle swarm optimization and BP neural network learning algorithms to evaluate the vulnerability of Shenzhen's territory. We also introduced flow cytometry to analyze the mechanism of Shenzhen's territorial spatial vulnerability driven by human and natural forces. The results showed that the territorial spatial vulnerability of Shenzhen was low under various functional orientations. Among them, ecological protection-oriented territorial spatial vulnerability was high in the west and low in the east and followed an inverted U-shaped trend in the north-south direction. Agricultural production-oriented territorial spatial vulnerability was high in the east and low in the west, high in the north and low in the south. Urban construction-oriented territorial spatial vulnerability was high in the west and low in the east, high in the north and low in the south. Under the complex orientation of the gigantic human-environment coupled system, the vulnerability of territory was symmetrical and balanced in the north-south direction and fluctuated with an overall declining trend in the east-west direction. In vulnerability, ecological protection, agricultural production and urban construction systems independently accounted for 35.642%, 38.209%, and 26.149% of the territorial spatial vulnerability, respectively.  相似文献   

深圳市生态用地景观连通性动态评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态用地是快速城市化地区敏感的土地利用类型,景观连通性是研究景观结构和景观功能互馈关系的重要途径.利用1996-2008年深圳市土地利用数据和基于图论的整体连通性指数、可能连通性指数和斑块重要值,对深圳市生态用地的景观连通性进行动态评价,试图从空间上识别出维持整体景观连通性的重要斑块,并结合深圳市基本生态控制线,评价生态控制线内外生态用地景观连通性的变化.结果表明:1996-2008年,深圳市生态用地全局连通性基本呈下降趋势,维持连通性的重要斑块的重要程度及其分布均发生变化;基本生态控制线对维持线内生态用地的景观连通性发挥了一定作用.  相似文献   

南方丘陵区生态水资源库脆弱度评价——以湖南省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹君  王亚力  毛德华 《生态学报》2008,28(8):3543-3552
以南方生态水资源库为研究对象,提出生态水资源库脆弱性概念,分析了其脆弱性成因和主要表现.从脆弱性成因角度构建了包含10个具体指标的南方丘陵区生态水资源库脆弱性评价指标体系.以湖南为研究案例,运用模糊物元评价模型对85个县级评价单元的生态水资源库脆弱度进行综合评判.结果表明,全省生态水资源库脆弱性等级以中等脆弱为主,其中,微脆弱等级3个,占总评价单元的3.5%,中等脆弱等级70个,占总评价单元的82.4%,强脆弱12个,占总评价单元的14.1%.脆弱度空间分布存在"西部大于东部,南部大于北部"的总体分布态势.其中,以湘西北、湘西南和湘南所构成的外部环形地带和以长沙、衡邵盆地为中心的中东部地带为全省两个比较明显的高脆弱区(带).  相似文献   

张亚立  韩宝龙  孙芳芳 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7023-7034
“两山”理念提升了我国各级各地政府对生态价值的认识和重视,自然资本核算在全球学界研究及应用已进入新的阶段。如何开展常态化的核算与应用,如何将科研分析转化为管理制度,成为该领域新的研究命题。深圳积极响应中央政府要求,开展生态系统服务价值核算,服务生态治理,在全国(乃至全球)率先制定了第一个政府生态系统生产总值(GEP)核算制度体系。介绍了深圳GEP核算制度体系的建设过程,描述了深圳GEP核算的主要特点,以及"十三五"期间(2016-2020年)深圳GEP试算的结果,讨论了深圳GEP在城市治理方面的应用路径。  相似文献   

赵志强    李双成    高阳 《生态学报》2008,28(5):2220-2220~2231
对生态经济复合系统综合评价是实现区域可持续发展首先要面对的科学问题.针对传统生态足迹模型的系统封闭性和空间互斥性等不合理假设,利用从系统论出发并具有基于流量算法优点的能值分析理论,对传统生态足迹模型加以改进,同时将人类劳务纳入系统评价.改进后的模型仍然从供给与需求角度分析区域消费足迹与承载力,强调区域资源进出口,分析开放系统条件下区域发展状况,并将人类的作用纳入可持续发展评价范畴.以深圳市2006年发展状况为例对改进模型进行实证分析.计算结果显示:研究区域具有48.08ghm2的人均潜在生态承载力;在生物生产账户上存在3.60ghm2的人均生态赤字,需进口来弥补,而在工业产品账户上3.14ghm2的人均盈余,可供出口;具有约4.87ghm2的人均净承载力出口,为其他区域的发展做出了贡献;人力资源是深圳市可持续发展的重要保障,至少提供相当5.20ghm2的人均生态承载力;发展高新技术产业、低能耗的清洁工业,产出高能值转换率的产品,实现区域本地产品在能量系统等级的提升,是提升本地承载力的现实途径.结果表明,改进后模型突破了传统生态足迹模型偏生态的弱可持续性评价局限,成为综合反映区域生态经济发展状况的可持续性评价模型.  相似文献   

王昭  刘建红  李同昇  阮征  武风奇 《生态学报》2019,39(11):3908-3917
以国家扶贫开发重点县山阳县为例,采用遥感与地理信息技术对研究区的生态脆弱性进行定量评价,并构建以行政村为单元的经济贫困评价指标体系,以此分析研究区生态脆弱性与经济贫困耦合协调度的空间分异特征。研究结果表明:①山阳县生态脆弱性整体处于中等偏高水平,生态脆弱性高的地区集中分布在人类活动频繁的河川地带和水土流失严重的低山区;②贫困程度整体较深,地形条件、资源丰度、交通通达性及经济区位的综合差异形成了山阳县经济贫困的空间分布格局;③将山阳县生态脆弱性与经济贫困的耦合关系分为失调共损型、失调环境滞后型、失调经济滞后型、协调同步型、协调环境滞后型及协调经济滞后型六种类型,协调同步型行政村比例仅为13.0%,生态脆弱性与经济贫困的耦合协调度整体较低;④失调共损型、协调同步型及协调环境滞后型空间分布较分散,失调环境滞后型、失调经济滞后型及协调经济滞后型有明显的集聚区,失调环境滞后型和协调经济滞后型集中分布在低山河谷区,失调经济滞后型集中分布在海拔1000 m以上的偏远山区。  相似文献   

快速城市化直接导致生境日益破碎化,景观连通性和生态系统稳定性降低,环境不断恶化。构建完善的生态网络能够有效缓解快速城市化带来的系列生态环境问题,是城市生态系统修复、生物多样性保护的重要途径。以北京市大兴区为例,基于2019年6-8月高分辨率遥感影像分类解译提取的土地覆盖数据,应用形态学空间格局分析(MSPA)和景观连通性评价方法识别提取了生态源地,通过构建生态阻力面和运用最小累积阻力模型(MCR)识别了潜在生态廊道并应用重力模型对廊道系统进行了重要性分级,最后采用网络指数对研究区生态网络进行评价和优化,提出了有针对性的生态网络优化对策。结果表明:研究区核心区面积为349.42km2,占研究区总面积的33.73%;生态源地16块,总面积85.15km2,占总面积的8.2%;潜在生态廊道120条、生态节点49个,其中一级生态廊道39条、二级生态廊道81条。在生态网络优化方面,新增4块生态源地、70条规划生态廊道和17个生态节点,规划建设20处"踏脚石",识别修复72个主要生态断裂点。实施这些优化措施后,网络闭合(α)指数、点线率(β)指数、网络连接度(γ)指数均有所提高,表明生态网络连接度得到有效优化。研究区虽具备较丰富的绿地资源,但在快速城市化过程中出现了生态斑块破碎化、分布不均衡、连通性较差等生态问题,生态源地和廊道主要分布在西部、南部永定河流域绿地以及东南部平原造林区,应重点加强研究区中北部的生态建设与修复。生态网络的构建与优化对于该区域生态系统修复、生物多样性保护具有重要意义,也可为其他快速城市化地区生态建设与优化修复、生态空间可持续发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

刘胜强  赵雪雁 《生态学报》2024,44(3):1009-1023
生态脆弱区既是生态环境最敏感区域,也是返贫问题较为集中的区域,返贫脆弱性作为评价农户返贫状况的重要指标,可为生态脆弱区农户的防返贫提供有效借鉴。以地处西秦岭的陇南山区为例,构建农户的返贫脆弱性评价指标体系,并利用微观调查数据,测度农户的返贫脆弱性水平,并利用分位数回归模型揭示其影响因素。结果发现:(1)陇南山区农户返贫脆弱性指数均值为0.103,整体处于中度脆弱水平,等级分布呈"两头小中间大"的橄榄形态势。(2)不同类型农户的返贫脆弱性水平存在分化特征,高山区、农业收入占比高、抚养比高的农户返贫脆弱性较高,且农业收入占比高、抚养比高农户的高脆弱群体占比也高。(3)不同抚养比农户的暴露度与适应能力差异最为显著,敏感性水平则在不同生计方式和抚养比农户中差异最大。(4)家庭规模的扩大可显著增强农户的返贫脆弱性,而交通便利度、网络覆盖率、未来生活预期、帮扶措施多样化和政策帮扶强度的提高可有效减缓农户的返贫脆弱性;政策帮扶强度削弱了高度脆弱农户因交通便利度低所致的返贫脆弱性,帮扶措施多样化则减弱了户主受教育水平高所发挥的降脆效果。  相似文献   

With the accelerating urbanization process, there is an increasing shortage of land resource. It leads to an increasingly serious conflicts between built-up areas and other types of land use. This will further hinder city sustainable development. To address the issue, this paper takes urban land management sustainability as the study object and puts forward an evaluation method on sustainable land management (SLM) in urban area. First, four aspects of sustainable land management are proposed, namely economic progress, social stability, urban improvement and ecological balance. Second, a system with fourteen indicators is built according to the aspects. Third, using the indicators, the sub-performance and the overall efficiency of SLM are evaluated with the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) based on entropy weight. After that, the proposed method is applied to a case study of Shanghai, China. The results show the time series changing of SLM performance from 2000 to 2011 and reveal an unbalanced development path among the four aspects of SLM. Accordingly, policy recommendations are proposed to improve the sustainable land management efficiency. Therefore, it demonstrates that the proposed evaluation method can be used to reveal to what extend the urban land use is reasonable and sustainable and provides guidance on government urban land planning and policy making. Consequently, it helps to improve the land use efficiency and ease the land use conflict.  相似文献   

邵天然  李超骕  曾辉 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4852-4860
屋顶绿化是现代城市改善生态环境条件,缓解高密度建成区人为活动负面影响的重要策略选择。以深圳市福田中心区为工作区,利用高精度遥感数据结合设计资料查询和实地调查构建基础数据源;在总结国内外研究成果的基础上,筛选适宜的屋顶绿化约束影响因子,构建资源潜力评估方法;对工作区进行城市屋顶绿化资源潜力评估和绿化策略探讨。结果表明:(1)建筑年代、承重结构、屋顶属性、屋顶小气候是城市屋顶绿化4个方面的主要适建要素,其所涵盖的建筑年代、建筑结构、屋面构造、屋顶功能、屋顶坡度、设备面积、建筑高度和遮荫状况等8个影响因子是决定城市屋顶绿化资源潜力的关键性指标;(2)把城市屋顶绿化纳入城市生态结构和功能建设的整体考虑中,积极开展资源评估、规划研究和配套管理政策建设是推进我国城市屋顶绿化发展重要任务;(3)深圳市中心区现状屋顶绿化率仅9%,剩余构筑物中有51%适合进行全部或部分屋顶绿化覆盖,今后应考虑采取强制、引导和鼓励等不同政策手段,选择适宜的绿化技术方案,对于现有以及正在建设的并且条件适宜的构筑物进行屋顶绿化。  相似文献   

Existing ecological service assessments of urban green space have concentrated on natural environment, while research on the social services function remains underexplored. Taking Shenzhen as an example, this study starts with integrating the function of green space system with human needs. An indicator assessment technique that combines spatialization, rasterization and detailed of land ecological assessment was established with regard to the benefits of landscape aesthetics, function of disaster prevention and mitigation, and accessibility of park greenbelts. The results show that Shenzhen has very high recreational and cultural value, as the areas above medium level account for 66% of the city’s land area, and the recreational and cultural services are worth approximately 40.8million Yuan. Forest parks and comprehensive parks are important places to carry out social service function, particularly the disaster prevention and mitigation function, and the green spaces for disaster prevention and mitigation can be found in most of the disaster-prone areas. The accessibility of service shows a certain level of centrality, since the highest grade is concentrated in the central Bao’an, central Longgang, and the central part of the city. Based on the GIS overlay analysis, this study recognizes the distribution of essential patches, and constructs the structure of essential patches in urban green greenbelt systems by a combination of point, line, and surface elements. It shows the services of the Shenzhen greenbelt system have high potential for social integration, and this study also discusses the policy implication for macro decision-making. The assessment results objectively reflect multiple social services of the green space system in this region and provide a reference for the management, planning and construction of urban ecology in similar cities.  相似文献   

海岸带作为海洋与陆地两大生态系统的连接与桥梁,既是国民经济、社会发展的重要区域与战略中心,也是生态环境破坏和污染的热点区域。以往针对海岸带区域开展的城市化对生态环境的影响研究,主要利用30 m空间分辨率的Landsat数据分析城市扩张对自然生态系统的侵占,如自然用地减少、景观异质性降低、填海造陆速度变快等,而针对污染产业、人类活动等引起的河口水质污染、水温异常、自然岸线退化等复杂生态环境问题关注不足,难以满足陆海统筹管理、综合防治的需求。因此,研究围绕海岸带面临的主要问题,面向海岸带生态环境综合管制,构建了“问题识别-格局量化-地面调查-生态监管”的综合框架,通过明确生态环境问题,量化社会-生态格局,开展实地调查,制定生态监管目标和策略。通过融合高分影像、兴趣点、道路等多源异构数据并结合地面调查,准确识别影响生态环境的社会-生态格局因子,实现空间显性的生态监管。进一步以深圳为典型案例,探讨该概念框架的应用,将深圳市海岸带划分为了四类共980个生态监管单元,其中包括153个优先保护单元,主要为分布在海岸带东部的林地,7个生态风险较大的核心管控单元,597个几乎分布在海岸带西部的重点管控单...  相似文献   

The ecological indicator system (EIS) is widely used. It is vital to develop a scientific and rational EIS for practical application. Assessment of an EIS's effectiveness is important to understand the gaps between practical indicators and indicators that are considered theoretically ideal. In this paper we develop a conceptual method to quantitatively assess the effectiveness of a practical EIS by comparing it with the ideal EIS that is considered perfect by using three assessment indices: linkage, coverage and representation degrees. Linkage degree reveals the relevance of individual indicators to the ideal system. Coverage degree shows the integrity of the practical indicator system compared with the ideal system. Representation degree is the ultimate goal of the quantitative assessment and can detect the gap and overlap between the practical indicator system and the ideal one. Case study on the Ecological Province Construction Indicators (EPCI) proved that our conceptual method is useful to assess the effectiveness of a practical EIS. Compared with an ideal EIS, the EPCI has a high linkage and coverage degree but biased representation. Although the practical EIS covers most of the objectives detailed in the Fujian eco-province construction documents, many social development indicators are overlooked, including ecological culture and green consumption. Using the quantitative method will improve the practical application of an EIS by detecting its redundancy and weakness.  相似文献   

鲁奇  李洁  刘冠  张艳如  李国庆 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3181-3191
气候变化威胁着全球生物多样性,评估物种脆弱性是研究气候变化对生物多样性影响的关键所在。目前多数研究主要通过物种适宜区面积变化来判断物种脆弱性,这单一维度会忽略其它因素的影响。采用多组分评估框架,将物种适宜区面积变化、生境破碎程度变化、受保护面积变化和人类干扰程度变化四个组分纳入物种总体脆弱性指数中,以中国具有较高经济和生态价值的山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)作为研究对象,评估未来(2061—2080年)三种共享社会经济路径(ssp)ssp126、ssp245、ssp585下山杏物种脆弱性。研究结果表明:未来山杏生境适宜区有向我国东北和西北方向扩张的趋势,扩张区面积明显大于消失区,这种差异化程度依赖于社会发展路径情景;未来适宜区内的保护区面积将由当前6.50×104km2增加到1.10×105km2(三种气候变化情景下的平均值),未来适宜生境破碎化程度将保持稳定,生境适宜区内的人类干扰强度将下降;各组分的比较中,受保护面积变化对山杏总体脆弱性的贡献将超过山杏适宜生境面积变化和其它组分的贡...  相似文献   

生态脆弱性研究对区域生态环境保护及可持续发展具有重要意义.甘肃白龙江流域是长江上游重要的水源涵养和水土保持区,开展流域生态脆弱性研究十分必要.本研究以流域内各乡镇为研究单元,基于生态敏感性-生态恢复力-生态压力度模型,并结合景观格局指数和流域典型生态系统类型构建生态脆弱性评价指标体系,综合运用辅助回归法、熵权法、综合指数法及空间自相关等方法,从乡镇、县区、流域3个尺度深入分析2002、2014年甘肃白龙江流域生态脆弱性的时空格局,并探讨了流域生态脆弱性的空间关联关系.结果表明: 乡镇尺度上,2002和2014年处于重度、极度脆弱的乡镇均集中分布在武都大部及宕昌西北,且12年来流域乡镇的生态脆弱性从以中度脆弱为主向轻度脆弱转变;2002-2014年,县区尺度上,仅舟曲县生态脆弱性的变化程度较平稳,武都、文县、宕昌、迭部相对剧烈,且武都、文县、迭部的生态脆弱性在一定程度上发生好转,而宕昌县在逐渐恶化;流域尺度上,2002和2014年流域生态脆弱性指数的平均值分别为0.2976和0.2904,呈小幅下降趋势,表征12年来流域的生态脆弱性有所降低;变异系数分别为0.3905和0.4358,呈增加趋势,说明流域生态脆弱性的空间格局向不均衡方向发展;2002年流域生态脆弱性指数的Moran I值为0.5460,表明2002年流域生态脆弱性在空间上呈集聚现象,高高聚集区主要分布在武都北部及中部,零散分布在宕昌西北;2014年流域生态脆弱性指数的Moran I值增加至0.5635,空间集聚更为显著,高高聚集区集中分布在武都中部及宕昌西北.  相似文献   

Groundwater pollution risk assessment is a useful tool to prevent and control groundwater pollution, but its quantitative research is still relatively immature. In this study, a geographic information system based LVF model for a semiquantitative assessment of groundwater pollution risk is established, based on the groundwater pollution source load (L), groundwater vulnerability (V), and groundwater function value (F). Further, the pollution source load is characterized by seven specific pollution sources, the vulnerability is calculated by the modified DRASTIC method, and the groundwater function value is evaluated with the water quality and quantity. The model was used to assess the risk of shallow groundwater pollution in Shenyang city, Northeast China, with an area of 8,263 km2. The results show that highest risk areas account for 16.3% of the study area and are mainly distributed in the east of the study area. High risk areas are significantly affected by a shallow buried depth of groundwater and many types of harmful pollutants from industrial, agricultural, and domestic pollution sources. The evaluation results reflect the risk of groundwater pollution in the Shenyang area, which is relevant to the management and sustainable use of groundwater resources in the area.  相似文献   

许嘉慧  孙德亮  张虹  文海家  吴健平  黄艳 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4594-4603
进行生态风险多尺度综合评价,对环境管理及风险决策具有重要意义。以三峡库区滑坡重点监测县域为例,基于“危险性-脆弱性-潜在损失”三维模型,以随机森林模型评估滑坡危险性,采用景观格局指数表征生态脆弱性,利用生境质量核算潜在生态损失,进行格网、行政、子流域多尺度下的滑坡灾害生态风险评价,提出适合各尺度的风险管理措施,在此基础上选择最适宜尺度并结合研究区实际情况进行验证。结果表明,生态风险等级较高区域集中于长江两岸沿线,三峡库区建设对研究区滑坡生态风险产生较大影响;两两尺度风险分布结果具有一定相似性,而三种尺度共同作用结果又存在一定差异;子流域尺度在保证生态结构完整性的前提下评价结果好于其他两种尺度,更适合三峡库区县域的生态风险评价;研究区东部风险防范类型相对单一,而西部风险防范类型较多,需做到精细化管理。研究增加了多尺度综合评价实例,对今后开展整个三峡库区滑坡生态风险研究奠定一定理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

以锡林郭勒草原胜利煤田为典型研究区,构建了由生态敏感性、自然与社会压力及生态恢复力3方面16个因子组成的生态脆弱性评估指标体系,基于专家打分法和层次分析法建立了生态脆弱性模型,借助遥感及地理信息工具完成了对区域生态脆弱性指数的计算,分析了土地利用与生态脆弱性的关系,并通过空间自相关分析对计算结果进行了全局及局部聚类检验.结果表明: 研究区脆弱性总体属于中等偏高水平;胜利煤田4个露天矿的开采导致采区脆弱性显著增加,由于矿井疏干水和人为活动的影响,矿区周边300~2000 m范围都演变为生态高脆弱性区;随着矿区的进一步开发,整个煤田都将转变为中度和重度脆弱区,而煤炭资源开采是导致区域脆弱性提高的主要因素.全区及局部聚类结果显示,该区域脆弱性空间分布有很好的聚类特征.降低矿区人口密度、控制草地载畜水平、控制建设用地和耕地比率是解决矿区社会经济压力的最佳途径,增加投入、提高植被恢复系数是改变区域生态脆弱性的根本措施.

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