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Various host characteristics (i. e., feeding habits, geographic distribution) and habitat characteristics (i.e., seasonality) influence the structure of parasite assemblages. To compare the parasite assemblages of hosts representatives of two genera of the same fish family, simultaneously occupying a geographic region, and to examine if seasonal variations influence parasite occurrence and abundance, we examined the parasite assemblages of two sympatric marine fish, Pagrus pagrus (n = 308) and Pagellus bogaraveo (n = 315) off the coast of Algeria in the western Mediterranean. Specimens were collected during summer and autumn over three consecutive years (2014–2016). Parasite assemblages were high in species richness and abundance. We compiled an inventory of 40 parasite taxa, including ectoparasitic monogeneans and crustaceans, and endoparasitic trematodes, cestodes, acanthocephalans, and nematodes. Endoparasite taxa primarily consisted of adult gastro-intestinal parasites and long lived larval helminths. Information on the parasite community structure and seasonal variations in parasite populations of these two hosts from the Mediterranean is here provided. Observed patterns of composition, diversity, dominance, and similarity indicate an overall consistency in assemblage structure. Although each host species harbored distinct parasite communities, they shared a high proportion of parasite species suggesting similar use of a common local pool of parasites. However, most shared species did not contribute to structuring the assemblages. Seasonal patterns in parasite abundance were observed for both hosts, with peak prevalence, abundance, and diversity in autumn. Results suggest that, regardless of a common pool of parasites being available to sympatric species, several ecological filters over time, led to distinct, independent variations in the parasite assemblages in each species.  相似文献   

The trematode superfamily Monorchioidea comprises three families of teleost parasites: the Monorchiidae Odhner, 1911, Lissorchiidae Magath, 1917, and Deropristidae Cable & Hunninen, 1942. All presently known lissorchiid and deropristid life cycles have gastropods as first intermediate hosts, whereas those of monorchiids involve bivalves. Here, we report an unexpected intermediate host for monorchiids; two species of Hurleytrematoides Yamaguti, 1954 use gastropods as first intermediate hosts. Sporocysts and cercariae were found infecting two species of the family Vermetidae, highly specialised sessile gastropods that form calcareous tubes, from two locations off the coast of Queensland, Australia. These intramolluscan infections broadly corresponded morphologically to those of known monorchiids in that the cercariae have a spinous tegument, oral and ventral suckers, a simple tail and distinct eye-spots. Given the simplified morphology of intramolluscan infections, genetic data provided a definitive identification. ITS2 rDNA and cox1 mtDNA sequence data from the gastropod infections were identical to two species of Hurleytrematoides, parasites of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae); Hurleytrematoides loi McNamara & Cribb, 2011 from Moreton Bay (south-eastern Queensland) and Heron Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) and Hurleytrematoides morandi McNamara & Cribb, 2011 from Heron Island. Notably, species of Hurleytrematoides are positioned relatively basal in the phylogeny of the Monorchiidae and are a sister lineage to that of species known to infect bivalves. Thus, the most parsimonious evolutionary hypothesis to explain infection of gastropods by these monorchiids is that basal monorchiids (in our analyses, species of Cableia Sogandares-Bernal, 1959, Helicometroides Yamaguti, 1934 and Hurleytrematoides) will all prove to infect gastropods, suggesting a single host switching event into bivalves for more derived monorchiids (17 other genera in our phylogenetic analyses). A less parsimonious hypothesis is that the infection of vermetids will prove to be restricted to species of Hurleytrematoides, as an isolated secondary recolonisation of gastropods from a bivalve-infecting lineage. Regardless of how their use arose, vermetids represent a dramatic host jump relative to the rest of the Monorchiidae, one potentially enabled by their specialised feeding biology.  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Philometra terapontis n. sp. (Philometridae), is described from male and female specimens found in the ovary of the jarbua terapon Terapon jarbua (Forsskål) (Terapontidae, Perciformes) from the Bay of Bengal off the eastern coast of India. Based on light and scanning electron microscopical examination, the new species differs from most other gonad-infecting Philometra spp. in the length of the spicules (105–114 μm), a gubernaculum with dorsal, lamella-like structures and a distinct protuberance on its distal end, and a U-shaped, dorsally uninterrupted caudal mound in the male. From a few congeneric, gonad-infecting species with unknown males, it can be distinguished by morphological and biometrical features found in gravid females (i.e. length of body, length of first-stage larvae or oesophagus, and caudal structure), by the host type (fish family) and by the geographical distribution. Philometra terapontis is the first philometrid species reported from a fish belonging to the family Terapontidae. Philometra sawara Quiazon, Yoshinaga &; Ogawa, 2008 is considered a junior synonym of P. scomberomori (Yamaguti, 1935). A key to gonad-infecting species of Philometra parasitising marine and brackish-water fishes is provided.  相似文献   

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