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A floristic survey has been carried out in a peri-urban forest, the Sonian Forest in Brussels, to identify indicator plant species in the herbaceous layer, which could be used as an aid within the framework of a more sustainable management of the forest. Three hundred and seventy two (372) taxa have been identified, 33 of which are non-native (i.e. non-indigenous species regarding the study area, whether invasive or not). Criteria of habitat quality that have been chosen are the species richness, the commonness of the habitat, based on constitutive species, and its invasibility (vulnerability for invasion). On the basis of a comparison of the value of these criteria when each considered (potential indicator) species is present or not, 17 species have been recognised as reliable indicators of at least one of these three criteria. In particular, vegetation types containing either Anthriscus sylvestris, Galeopsis tetrahit or Senecio ovatus were found to be more susceptible to invasion than other habitats. The way to how the predictability of invasions might be effectively used as a management tool is discussed. Furthermore, we found a positive significant correlation (Bonferroni corrected probabilities) between the species richness and luminosity factor (derived from Ellenberg's indices), and the proportion of grassland and wetland species. The species richness was significantly negatively correlated with the proportion of woodland species. An increase in commonness was significantly correlated with a decrease in the proportion of geophytes. The usefulness of these results as an ecological basis for forest management is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the vegetation, stand structure and communities of above-ground nesting bees and wasps in 45 orchard meadows that were grazed, mown or abandoned (15 of each) in an agricultural landscape near Göttingen, Germany. Total species richness of plants was significantly lower and the proportion of dead wood was significantly higher on abandoned meadows compared to mown or grazed meadows. Species richness of bees, eumenid wasps and sphecid wasps did not differ between the three management types. Abundance of sphecid wasps was significantly higher on abandoned than on managed orchard meadows. Landscape context did not affect management type. The results suggest that management practises affect vegetation more significantly than the studied insect groups.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. What are the distribution and habitat associations of non‐native (neophyte) species in riparian zones? 2. Are there significant differences, in terms of plant species diversity, composition, habitat condition and species attributes, between plant communities where non‐natives are present or abundant and those where non‐natives are absent or infrequent? 3. Are the observed differences generic to non‐natives or do individual non‐native species differ in their vegetation associations? Location: West Midlands Conurbation (WMC), UK. Methods: 56 sites were located randomly on four rivers across the WMC. Ten 2 m × 2 m quadrats were placed within 15 m of the river to sample vegetation within the floodplain at each site. All vascular plants were recorded along with site information such as surrounding land use and habitat types. Results: Non‐native species were found in many vegetation types and on all rivers in the WMC. There were higher numbers of non‐natives on more degraded, human‐modified rivers. More non‐native species were found in woodland, scrub and tall herb habitats than in grasslands. We distinguish two types of communities with non‐natives. In communities colonized following disturbance, in comparison to quadrats containing no non‐native species, those with non‐natives had higher species diversity and more forbs, annuals and shortlived monocarpic perennials. Native species in quadrats containing non‐natives were characteristic of conditions of higher fertility and pH, had a larger specific leaf area and were less stress tolerant or competitive. In later successional communities dominated by particular non‐natives, native diversity declined with increasing cover of non‐natives. Associated native species were characteristic of low light conditions. Conclusions: Communities containing non‐natives can be associated with particular types of native species. Extrinsic factors (disturbance, eutrophication) affected both native and non‐native species. In disturbed riparian habitats the key determinant of diversity is dominance by competitive invasive species regardless of their native or non‐native origin.  相似文献   

Most efforts to link remote sensing to species distributions and movement have focused on indirect estimates of traits based on components of physiological and functional biodiversity. Such a view reflects one perspective on the general needs (habitat) of species. However, information on the vertical and horizontal structure of habitat may play a critical role in defining what a suitable habitat is. The development and application of highly accurate airborne laser scanning (ALS) systems, which are capable of describing the three-dimensional distribution of vegetation, have significant potential value in deriving quantitative relationships between species distributions and their habitat structure. In this paper we review the use of ALS for biodiversity studies, and propose a three-dimensional index which captures the three main components of vertical and horizontal vegetation structure: height, cover, and complexity. Once developed, we apply the index across the forested area of the Canadian province of Alberta, and compare and contrast the differences across natural subregions and land cover types. We also demonstrate how the index can be used with biodiversity data, in this case examining patterns in avian species richness. We conclude with a discussion on the potential use of the habitat structure index with other biodiversity-related research.  相似文献   

Species Distribution Models (SDMs) may provide important information for the follow-up phase of reintroduction operations by identifying the main areas most likely to be colonized by the reintroduced species. We used SDMs to identify the potential distribution of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) reintroduced to Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2004–2006 after being historically driven to extinction by overhunting. Models were also used to carry out a gap analysis to assess the degree of protection granted by the national reserve networks to the potentially expanding population. Distances from hydrographic network, broadleaved forest, main watercourses and farmland were the main factors influencing model performance. We estimated that suitable habitat covers 14.0% (31,000 km2) of the whole study area. In Serbia, in 2004–2013 beavers expanded their range at a mean colonization speed of 70.9 ± 12.8 km/year (mean ± SD). Only 2.89% of and 9.72% of beaver’s suitable habitat lie within the national network of protected areas of Bosnia and Serbia respectively. We detected new potential areas where beavers will likely settle in the near future, advising on where further monitoring should be carried out. We also identified low suitability areas to be targeted with appropriate management to improve their conditions as well as important regions falling outside reserve boundaries to which protection should be granted.  相似文献   

Why species are found where they are is a central question in biogeography. The most widely used tool for understanding the controls on distribution is species distribution modelling. Species distribution modelling is now a well‐established method in both the theoretical and applied ecological literature. In this special issue we examine the current state of the art in species distribution modelling and explore avenues for including more biological processes in such models. In particular we focus on physiological, demographic, dispersal, competitive and ecological‐modulation processes. This overview highlights opportunities for new species distribution model concepts and developments, as well as a statistical agenda for implementing such models.  相似文献   

Redhorse, Moxostoma spp., are considered to be negatively affected by dams although this assertion is untested for Canadian populations. One hundred and fifty-one sites in the Grand River watershed were sampled to identify factors influencing the distribution of redhorse species. Individual species of redhorse were captured from 3 to 32% of sites. The most widespread species were golden redhorse, M. erythrurum (30%) and greater redhorse, M. valenciennesi (32%), while river redhorse, M. carinatum, was only found along the lower Grand River. Redhorse were absent from the highly fragmented Speed River sub-watershed and upper reaches of the Conestogo River and the Grand River. Redhorse species richness was positively correlated to river fragment size and upstream drainage area. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were applied to evaluate the influence of river fragment length, connectivity and habitat on species distribution. Principal component analysis reduced habitat data to three axes representing: channel structure, substrate, and pool, riffle and run habitats (PC1); gradient and drainage area (PC2); and cover (PC3). GAMs indicate that PC2 was important for predicting black redhorse and greater redhorse site occupancy and PC1 was important for golden redhorse. River fragment length was important for predicting site occupancy for shorthead redhorse, but not other species.  相似文献   

Species mapping is a useful conservation tool for predicting patterns of biological diversity, or identifying geographical areas of conservation significance. Mapping can also improve our understanding of the appropriateness of habitat areas for individual species. We outline a computer-based methodology, PREDICT, for the analysis of the habitat requirements of species in a combined GIS-statistical programming environment. The paper details the statistical background to the approach adopted, the program structure and input file information and then applies these techniques to bird data from Bioko Island, West Africa. It produces images and statistics that assess the potential of unstudied areas for wildlife for which presence/absence data and basic habitat information are available. Suitability for target species is determined within surveyed and non-surveyed squares by a form of weights of evidence. The program measures the degree of association between habitat factors and presence/absence of target species by means of 2 tests. The overall suitability weighting of each square, as the sum of all individual habitat factor weightings, is finally displayed in maps depicting areas of highly suitable, suitable, unsuitable and highly unsuitable habitat. Statistical relations between vegetation, rainfall and landscape features on Bioko Island and the location of 9 endemic bird taxa are presented herein. Final confirmation of the accuracy of predictions of the studied bird taxa will ensue from future field observations. However, in a series of misclassification tests of the program, actual distribution detection rate was in excess of 90%. The use of PREDICT can guide investigations of little known species in remote areas and provide a practical solution to identify areas of high rare species diversity in need of conservation.  相似文献   

Breeding bird communities in burnt and unburnt residual pinewoods were studied over 3 years by line-transect method, following a catastrophic fire event in Castelfusano (Rome, Central Italy; July 2000). We applied bootstrap procedures to evaluate whether the observed data were true or just produced by chance, and then examined the emerging patterns at three levels: community, guild and species levels. At the community level, fire acted on breeding bird communities by altering especially the total abundance patterns: the species abundance decreased in the burnt pinewood compared to the residual one, but other parameters were not significantly affected by fire. As a consequence of fire, the destruction and structural simplification of the canopy and shrubby component, as well as the increase of edge habitat and patchiness at landscape scale, induced a turnover in species between pinewoods. Species turnover was higher at the burnt than at the residual pinewoods, during all the 3 years of study. At the guild level, the forest species decreased strongly in terms of richness and abundance in the burnt pinewoods, contrary to the edge and open habitat species which increased in terms of richness, abundance and evenness. Edge species showed the highest turnover in burnt pinewood during the whole period of study. At species level, after an a priori subdivision (based on bibliographic search) of the various species in two ecological guilds (forest versus edge species), it was found that an a posteriori statistical analysis confirmed the expected trend, i.e. that the species which decreased significantly in burnt pinewood were essentially the forest species, whereas the species which increased were essentially the edge/open habitat ones. Overall, in order to investigate the effects of fire catastrophes on birds, the guild approach seems more exhaustive than the taxonomic community approach, where intrinsic confounding trends are present.  相似文献   

郑诚  温仲明  郭倩  樊勇明  杨玉婷  高飞 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6825-6835
明确延河流域常见草本植物的潜在适生区分布,是植被恢复工作持续推进的基础。本研究收集了延河流域8种常见草本植物的地理分布信息和13个环境变量,采用MaxEnt和ArcGIS模拟了延河流域常见草本植物在当前气候下的潜在适生性分布,进而研究这8种不同草本植物适生性分布与功能性状变异特征之间的相关关系。研究结果显示:根据物种-性状排序图的分布格局判断,本研究选择的七个功能性状在植物所属科之间发生了明显趋异分化现象,在PC1右侧为禾本科植物,PC1左侧为菊科、豆科和唇形科植物。对物种适生性分布模拟结果表明,达乌里胡枝子在研究区内的适生性最高,百里香的适生性最低,表明达乌里胡枝子比其他常见草本物种更适合被选择为该流域的植被恢复的先锋物种。在功能性状变异特征相关性分析中,物种适生区大小与比叶面积变异系数呈显著正相关,与其他植物功能性状变异特征不显著。因此,比叶面积的变异系数更适合作为指示延河流域草本植物适生区大小的性状。  相似文献   

Leveraging existing presence records and geospatial datasets, species distribution modeling has been widely applied to informing species conservation and restoration efforts. Maxent is one of the most popular modeling algorithms, yet recent research has demonstrated Maxent models are vulnerable to prediction errors related to spatial sampling bias and model complexity. Despite elevated rates of biodiversity imperilment in stream ecosystems, the application of Maxent models to stream networks has lagged, as has the availability of tools to address potential sources of error and calculate model evaluation metrics when modeling in nonraster environments (such as stream networks). Herein, we use Maxent and customized R code to estimate the potential distribution of paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) at a stream‐segment level within the Arkansas River basin, USA, while accounting for potential spatial sampling bias and model complexity. Filtering the presence data appeared to adequately remove an eastward, large‐river sampling bias that was evident within the unfiltered presence dataset. In particular, our novel riverscape filter provided a repeatable means of obtaining a relatively even coverage of presence data among watersheds and streams of varying sizes. The greatest differences in estimated distributions were observed among models constructed with default versus AICC‐selected parameterization. Although all models had similarly high performance and evaluation metrics, the AICC‐selected models were more inclusive of westward‐situated and smaller, headwater streams. Overall, our results solidified the importance of accounting for model complexity and spatial sampling bias in SDMs constructed within stream networks and provided a roadmap for future paddlefish restoration efforts in the study area.  相似文献   

Studies of rotifer community composition and dynamics often rely on limited sampling regimes. To determine how well species richness is reflected in these studies, we examined interannual variation of rotifer species richness and monogonont community structure from 10 aquatic systems comprising four habitat types—springs, rock pools (tinajas), former cattle tanks, and artificial ponds—in Big Bend National Park (Texas, USA). Planktonic, littoral, and benthic samples were collected from all sites at about the same date for each of five summers (2001–2005). Our survey yielded 15 monogonont families including 30 genera and 84 species. Two bdelloid taxa also were designated. Species richness varied widely among these four habitats: range, 1–32; mean (±1 SD), 11.2 ± 8.0. Total Species richness in the habitats also varied considerably: springs (54 taxa) > artificial ponds (35 taxa) > tinajas (19 taxa) > cattle tanks (15 taxa). Sessile species comprised ≈13% of the taxa in our samples. Species turnover indices (STI) of these systems indicate low overall relatedness: mean (±1 S.D.) = 85.2 ± 7.1%. The relative frequency of encounter of most taxa in the four systems was low, with 79 taxa (≈92%) having values ≤2.0%. Singleton rates were quite high, ranging from 46.7 to 71.4%, with an overall mean ≈65.1%. Most importantly, we found that both species richness and STI varied considerably among habitat type. Species richness varied by 2–10× between consecutive years and STI ranged from 64 to 89% over the entire study. Our results indicate that rotifer community composition fluctuates greatly over time, and that rotifer community structure may be more labile than is generally believed. Species richness and thus biodiversity may be dramatically underestimated using single sampling or short-term strategies that are often employed in studies of zooplankton community structure. Guest editors: S. S. S. Sarma, R. D. Gulati, R. L. Wallace, S. Nandini, H. J. Dumont & R. Rico-Martínez Advances in Rotifer Research  相似文献   

Comments are presented on an article published in October 2020 in Ecology and Evolution (“Predictive ability of a process‐based versus a correlative species distribution model”) by Higgins et al. This analyzed natural distributions of Australian eucalypt and acacia species and assessed the adventive range of selected species outside Australia. Unfortunately, inappropriate variables were used with the MaxEnt species distribution model outside Australia, so that large climatically suitable areas in the Northern Hemisphere were not identified. Examples from a previous analysis and from the use of the freely available spatial portal of the Atlas of Living Australia are provided to illustrate how the problem can be overcome. The comparison of methods described in the Higgins et al. paper is worthwhile, and it is hoped that the authors will be able to repeat their analyses using appropriate variables with the correlative model.  相似文献   

The Forest Stewardship Council developed the concept of High Conservation Values (HCVs) as a criteria in the forest certification process in order to promote sustainable forest management. It has six major components or values and component one and two of HCVs deal with the habitat for viable populations of “rare, endemic and threatened (RET) species” using the IUCN Red List category and other national / regional / local lists. But a consistent robust methodology for identification of these areas, does not exist. The present study tried to develop for the first time, a straight forward inclusive methodology for identification of HCVAs for the RET species on a spatio-temporal scale. A total of 50 RET and other significant species (32 flora, 10 fauna and 8 avifauna) were identified after a thorough literature review, field surveys and consultations with experts. Occurrence data of the selected species was collected from different secondary sources, field surveys, institutes and scientists who have worked on them. A 10 km grid-based approach and stratified random sampling was used for the primary GPS field surveys conducted during 2018–2019. MaxEnt species distribution model (SDM) software was used based on the occurrence data and environmental variables for identification of potential suitable habitats for the selected species. Linear support vector machine (LSVM) model was used for assessing the performance of the SDMs. The performance of each SDM has been validated through Cohen's Kappa (KAPPA), true skill statistic (TSS) and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) models. The proposed methodology addresses the urgent need for a holistic and robust set of techniques to apply the HCV toolkit. This is key to identify and map HCVAs for RET species at the landscape level and can be easily adapted to and adopted at the national, regional, state or local level in India. The methods offer an efficient, reliable approach for the application of the HCV concept, elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

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