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This paper explores the relevance of the variables that define well-being and human progress and makes a quantitative inquiry into the validity of three of the well-known and well-documented composite indicators of well-being: the Human Development Index (HDI), the Legatum Prosperity Index (LPI) and the Happy Planet Index (HPI). After choosing the key variables that describe most of the objective and subjective dimensions of well-being, we perform cluster analysis to come up with an optimal grouping of countries based on their multidimensional performance on well-being. A comparison of the classifications obtained with the three indexes invalidates the HPI, confirms results obtained for the HDI, and validates for the first time the LPI as a reliable measure of well-being. The optimal cluster structure yields robust results, which correct the rank discrepancies between the HDI and LPI for a large number of countries. It also proves that a robust ranking of countries based on multidimensional well-being can be achieved with a relatively small number of variables, which mitigates the risk of including variables that are not reliable and/or not available for a significant number of countries. The fact that cluster analysis generates results based on similarities between observations and not on computed values based on the aggregation of variables helps overcome problems that may occur due to the distribution of variables and increases its value as a validation method. Therefore, validation results achieved through cluster analysis are more robust and help to achieve a good check of the validity and relevance of the composite indexes, provide an objective perspective that can guide policy-makers and the public in making a fair assessment of actual levels of well-being, and avoid unfounded claims that may overstate it and delay or postpone measures to increase it.  相似文献   

The usefulness of benthic multi-metric indices when assessing seafloor integrity across broad environmental gradients should be deliberated, as their lack of transparency might hide important sources of variation and fail to identify environmental change. This study compares the performance of two multi-metric indices; the Benthic Quality Index (BQI) and the Brackish water Benthic Index (BBI) between three sub-basins in the Baltic Sea. Both indices reflect the salinity-driven gradient in macroinvertebrate diversity and composition as well as changes in bottom water oxygen concentrations. The relative contribution of predictor variables for explaining index variation does, however, differ between sub-basins, resulting in the indices representing different aspects of the benthic community along the environmental gradient. This context-dependency is caused by inherent differences in benthic community characteristics between the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea, and how the communities are portrayed by the indices. An increased transparency of the importance of the different predictors for directing index values is needed for coherent classifications over broad environmental gradients, such as those occurring in large estuarine water bodies. Use of a weight of evidence table to combine multiple indicators would preserve transparency and be more likely to provide a robust assessment method that would detect seafloor degradation at an early stage.  相似文献   

Water sustainability indices have been recently used to measure the sustainability of water resources within a catchment. Developing a sustainability index involves various steps, some of which have uncertainties associated with them. For the recently developed West Java Water Sustainability Index (WJWSI), three sources of uncertainties were identified, namely uncertainties in the thresholds of non-categorical indicators and sub-indicators, in the weighting schemes, and in the aggregation methods. This paper presents the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of WJWSI, based on the application of WJWSI to Citarum catchment in West Java, Indonesia. The results of the uncertainty analysis, measured by the coefficient of variation of the thresholds and the sub-indices, indicates that minimum thresholds of Land Use Changes, Coverage, Education, Poverty, Health Impact and Sanitation, and the maximum threshold of Water Quality have higher variation when compared to variation of the other thresholds. The results of the sensitivity analysis, measured by the correlation coefficients between the final index and the thresholds, indicate that changes in the thresholds of WJWSI indicators have not significantly affected the sub-index values of most indicators and sub-indicators. The sensitivity analysis also concluded that either the equal or non-equal weighting scheme can be used for future use of the aggregation of WJWSI indicators and sub-indicators, as changes from equal to non-equal weighting scheme did not significantly affect the final index. However, it was found that the final index values were most sensitive to the aggregation method used (i.e. arithmetic and geometric methods), shown by the significant changes in the final index value when the aggregation method was changed from arithmetic to geometric. The uncertainty and sensitivity analysis presented in this study will not just assist in the efficient use of the WJWSI, but will also help undertake similar analysis for other indices.  相似文献   

Lei Kampeng  Hu D  Zhou S Q  Guo Z 《农业工程》2012,32(3):165-173
The concept of sustainability involves factors related to society, economy, and ecology. The modern context of sustainability also includes a requirement for equitable consumption of materials and energy to sustain the quality of life while still protecting the environment. To evaluate the environmental sustainability of socioeconomic activities, emergy (embodied energy) is an important tool because it can measure real wealth by accounting for both natural and socioeconomic flows using a common set of units. However, different emergy indices provide different insights, and not all are equally suitable for every situation. Using traditional emergy-based indices, an integrated environmental sustainability index (ESI), and two measures of emergy storage, we analyzed emergy flows and related indices for three typical human-influenced ecosystems: those of Macao, Italy, and Sweden. The performance of each ecosystem was compared using several emergy-based indices to assess their levels of sustainable development and demonstrate how different indices provide different insights. Based on the principle that equitability is an essential component of sustainability, we suggest that a positive and low net emergy ratio is desirable, since this means that the system does not capture excessive amounts of resources from external systems and thereby damage its external life-support systems.  相似文献   

This paper develops an index to measure sustainability based on the broad themes of social, economy and environment. Nineteen appropriate indicators were selected based on relevance, data availability, and periodicity for each leg of sustainable development. A correlation analysis was carried out to assess relationships between the 19 indicators representing different parameters under the three themes. These parameters were then normalized using Z-score technique. The Z-scores computed for each of these parameters were then used to develop a Sustainable Development Index (SDI). The index is pilot tested on different States and Union Territories (UTs) of India. The values are compared and interpreted to adjudge the forerunners and laggards on the various dimensions of human well-being and environment. Significant relationships have been observed between income levels and area of administrative regions with sustainability indices of the regions. Smaller administrative regions with higher income levels have been observed with higher sustainability scores. The proposed index provides a useful measure of identifying problematic areas that can be plugged through policy measures and ensures that the region moves on sustainable development pathways.  相似文献   

We tested the applicability of two available Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant phytoplankton indices on three large peri-alpine lakes to analyze their suitability for trophic classification. We show that the indices vary in their final resulting Ecological Quality Ratios (EQRs) and are only appropriate to roughly distinguish lakes of different water quality according to OECD criteria (OECD, 1982). Annual mean TP concentration in Lake Geneva was 0.03 mg l?1 in 2006 (Lazzarotto &; Rapin, 2007), which marks mesotrophic conditions. According to the tested indices, the lake is of ‘good’ (0.60–0.80) quality after the German WFD method (PSI) and of ‘moderate’ quality according to the Austrian WFD method (BI). We prove that the way how to derive the per annum value of the metric ‘Brettum Index’ (BI) in the Austrian WFD method significantly influences the resulting index and the scatter of long-term data. We focused on improvement strategies for this index in terms of calculation and sampling frequency. Contrary to the tested bin, the modified index presents no significant differences between four and six sampling dates per year. In order to improve the significance of the available indices, we propose to modify the way of per annum index calculation for the Austrian WFD method as well as to focus on species composition to achieve a high relative proportion of indicator species. A phytoplankton index alone may not be sensitive enough to track the changes that occur within a lake. The results confirm the need to take into account other biological elements such as fish, macrophytes, attached diatoms and macrozoobenthos as suggested by the WFD.  相似文献   

Abstract. We present a remote sensing based vegetation mapping technique well suited to a heterogeneous, semi‐arid environment. 10 structural vegetation classes were identified and described on the ground. Using Landsat‐TM from two different seasons and a combination of three conventional classification techniques (including a multi‐temporal classification) we were unsuccessful in delineating all of the desired vegetation classes. We then employed a simple tex‐tural classification index, known as the Moving Standard Deviation Index (MSDI), that has been used to map degradation status. MSDI measures spatial variations in the landscape and is calculated by passing a 3 × 3 standard deviation filter across the Landsat‐TM red band. High MSDI values are associated with degraded or disturbed rangelands whilst low MSDI values are associated with undisturbed rangeland. A combination of two conventional multi‐spectral techniques and MSDI were used to produce a final vegetation classification at an accuracy of 84 %. MSDI successfully discriminated between two contrasting vegetation types of identical spectral properties and significantly strengthened the accuracy of the classification. We recommend the use of a tex‐tural index such as MSDI to supplement conventional vegetation classification techniques in heterogeneous, semi‐arid or arid environments.  相似文献   

陈成忠  林振山 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4886-4894
世界自然基金会和环球足迹网络等2006年10月在中国北京联合发布《2006地球生命力报告》,用生命地球指数和生态足迹两个主要指标描绘了全球生物多样性的变化状态和人类所面临的环境压力。报告显示:生命地球指数1970~2003年总体下降约三分之一,其中陆栖指数减少约31%、海洋指数减少约27%、淡水指数减少约30%,生物多样性正快速持续地遭到损失;自1961年人类的生态足迹不断增加,1987年转入生态赤字下运行,此后生态超载不断加剧,2003年生态赤字达25.28%;化石燃料足迹增长最快,2003年几乎占到一半,达到48%;阿联酋、美国、加拿大等国家人均足迹最大,阿富汗最小,中国排名69位;北美、欧盟、中东和中亚、亚太区处于生态超载状态,非欧联盟、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区、非洲处于生态盈余;过去40多年,人均足迹高收入国家增长2倍多,2003年达6.5gha,低收入国家一直在0.8gha以下徘徊,中收入国家也从未超过2.0gha。地球的经济怎样才可能在过度消耗中持续发展?3种预测情景也许会让我们走出生态超载的困境、走向可持续发展,共享"一个地球生活"的美好未来。整篇报告可以概括为4个主题:追踪物种丧失、聚焦生态超载、3种情景预测、一个地球生活。  相似文献   

An overview of sustainability assessment methodologies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sustainability indicators and composite index are increasingly recognised as a useful tool for policy making and public communication in conveying information on countries and corporate performance in fields such as environment, economy, society, or technological improvement. By visualizing phenomena and highlighting trends, sustainability indicators simplify, quantify, analyse and communicate otherwise complex and complicated information.There are number of initiatives working on indicators and frameworks for sustainable development (SD). This article provides an overview various sustainability indices applied in policy practice. The paper also compiles the information related to sustainability indices formulation strategy, scaling, normalisation, weighting and aggregation methodology.  相似文献   

The author previously described special sensitivity measures for diversity indices. These measures make possible on analytical treatment of the index sensitivity. In the article a detailed analysis of sensitivity properties of the Hurlbert indices is presented. In the first step the abundances nk were sequenced in an increasing order. Plotting the sensitivity against nk or log nk, essential sensitivity properties can be observed. For example, one can study the sensitivities to changes in the dominant and subdominant abundances, the site of the “nearly neutral” abundance and the site of local sensitivity maxima in the domain of the relatively rare categories. The observations are supported by mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

Modern electrophoresis techniques are often applied to investigate complex microbial communities. Analysis systems like GelCompare transform the optical pattern of the electrophoresis lanes into high-dimensional observation vectors and calculate measures of difference or similarity between pairs of lanes. Usually, these measures are applied in cluster analyses. Here, we apply permutation tests for the comparison of groups of lanes based on these pairwise measures together with some extensions for a combined analysis of several electrophoresis gels. The procedures are available as a computer program. An example is given for the comparison of bacterial soil communities, testing the effect of different crop plants. Each community was represented by amplified ribosomal gene fragments separated in a denaturing gradient gel.  相似文献   

Indices provide a straightforward summary of the status of an object or concept. Examples of concepts are diverse and go from city quality of life, country level of freedom, human development to environment sustainability. This paper introduces a methodology to assess the reliability of the environmental sustainability index implemented by the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index that is published by the World Economic Forum using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.Results show that the original index is not reliable as most of the variables are weakly correlated. A simplified version of the original index is obtained by exploratory factor analysis and tested by confirmatory factor analysis. Measures of reliability show that the new index called TTESI – Travel & Tourism Environmental Sustainability Index – is reliable. Results also show that combining data from different sources (e.g., survey data and physical measurements) proves problematic. A z-score value for each country was computed and countries were ranked based on the TTESI. Additionally, the new index is more in line with the HDI – Human Development Index – and can therefore be integrated more easily in an overall index of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Global biodiversity is facing a crisis, which must be solved through effective policies and on-the-ground conservation. But governments, NGOs, and scientists need reliable indicators to guide research, conservation actions, and policy decisions. Developing reliable indicators is challenging because the data underlying those tools is incomplete and biased. For example, the Living Planet Index tracks the changing status of global vertebrate biodiversity, but taxonomic, geographic and temporal gaps and biases are present in the aggregated data used to calculate trends. However, without a basis for real-world comparison, there is no way to directly assess an indicator's accuracy or reliability. Instead, a modelling approach can be used. We developed a model of trend reliability, using simulated datasets as stand-ins for the “real world”, degraded samples as stand-ins for indicator datasets (e.g., the Living Planet Database), and a distance measure to quantify reliability by comparing partially sampled to fully sampled trends. The model revealed that the proportion of species represented in the database is not always indicative of trend reliability. Important factors are the number and length of time series, as well as their mean growth rates and variance in their growth rates, both within and between time series. We found that many trends in the Living Planet Index need more data to be considered reliable, particularly trends across the global south. In general, bird trends are the most reliable, while reptile and amphibian trends are most in need of additional data. We simulated three different solutions for reducing data deficiency, and found that collating existing data (where available) is the most efficient way to improve trend reliability, whereas revisiting previously studied populations is a quick and efficient way to improve trend reliability until new long-term studies can be completed and made available.  相似文献   

Functional richness, currently defined as the amount of niche space occupied by the species within a community, is one of the three major components of functional diversity. Different indices have been developed in order to quantify this component. However, the range of indices available for assessing functional richness, often mathematically complex and based on different rationales, can cause confusion for field ecologists and lead to misinterpretation of the results obtained. In this context, we have provided the first study exclusively focused on the comparison of the definitions, advantages and drawbacks of a large set of functional richness indices. The first part of this work is focused on four indices (FDP&G, FRic, TOP and N-hypervolumes indices) that are currently the most commonly used for assessing functional richness. We have completed our study by including recently developed indices that enable us to take into account the intraspecific trait variability (i.e. FRim index and TDP framework), because there is currently a growing scientific consensus regarding the necessity of including this aspect in the assessment of the functional diversity of communities.We demonstrate that although authors have argued that their index describes the functional richness, each of them describes only part of it, and this part may strongly differ from one index to another. Rather than advocating the general use of a single index and/or systematically avoiding others, our study highlights the need for selecting indices in close relation with the context, the available data and the aims of each study. Such a strategy is an essential preliminary step for preventing misunderstanding and artefactual controversies. Along these lines, we propose some guidelines to help users in selecting the most appropriate indices according both to the facet of functional richness on which they wish to focus and to the characteristics of the available data.  相似文献   

In order to influence global policy effectively, conservation scientists need to be able to provide robust predictions of the impact of alternative policies on biodiversity and measure progress towards goals using reliable indicators. We present a framework for using biodiversity indicators predictively to inform policy choices at a global level. The approach is illustrated with two case studies in which we project forwards the impacts of feasible policies on trends in biodiversity and in relevant indicators. The policies are based on targets agreed at the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Nagoya in October 2010. The first case study compares protected area policies for African mammals, assessed using the Red List Index; the second example uses the Living Planet Index to assess the impact of a complete halt, versus a reduction, in bottom trawling. In the protected areas example, we find that the indicator can aid in decision-making because it is able to differentiate between the impacts of the different policies. In the bottom trawling example, the indicator exhibits some counter-intuitive behaviour, due to over-representation of some taxonomic and functional groups in the indicator, and contrasting impacts of the policies on different groups caused by trophic interactions. Our results support the need for further research on how to use predictive models and indicators to credibly track trends and inform policy. To be useful and relevant, scientists must make testable predictions about the impact of global policy on biodiversity to ensure that targets such as those set at Nagoya catalyse effective and measurable change.  相似文献   

The diversity of the arthropod fauna in apple orchards in Central Otago was recorded from 1994 to 1999 using beating trays, pitfall traps, and sticky traps and the data analysed by the Shannon–Wiener Index. Three different fruit production systems were compared, conventional (CFP), integrated (IFP), and biological (BFP), to determine whether total arthropod diversity and/or the diversity of natural enemies (predators and parasitoids) could be used to measure the sustainability of their pest management practices. The contribution of natural enemies to the diversity indices was also examined to determine if they reflected the key species essential for sustainable pest management. The diversity of natural enemies in beating trays was found to be the measure most sensitive to changes in pest management. The diversity of both the total arthropod fauna and natural enemies was much lower under CFP than under either IFP or BFP, due to the use of broad-spectrum pesticides. This practice made the CFP programme unsustainable and it is no longer used. During the transition from CFP to IFP, the diversity indices rose to become similar to that in the BFP programme by the third season. The introduction of frequent applications of fungicides in BFP, including lime sulphur, appeared to reduce total arthropod and natural enemy diversity. Falls in the diversity indices for natural enemies were shown to reflect reduced numbers, range, and evenness of natural enemies but not necessarily the key species known to be critical for sustainable pest management. It is proposed that a Shannon–Wiener Index for natural enemies in beating trays of 0.2 or less in summer is strongly indicative of unsustainable pest management in Otago apple orchards. On the other hand, indices of 0.3–0.8, as found under IFP and BFP, do not give unequivocal or quantitative indications of the sustainability of pest management. A suite of other measures of sustainability are more useful, notably combining lower pesticide use, reduced pest damage and presence at harvest, the greater roles of key natural enemies, more effective plant resistance to pests and diseases, and higher profitability.  相似文献   

Nematodes are the most diverse and highly significant group of soil-inhabiting microorganisms that play a vital role in organic material decomposition and nutrient recycling.Diverse geographical locations and environmental gradients show a significant impact on the diversity of nematodes. Present study aims to assess the effects of ecological (altitude, temperature, moisture) and edaphic (soil pH, nutrients, soil patches) factors on the soil nematode diversity and structure at five different landscape patches (forests, apple orchards, rice fields, pastures, and alpine zone) from ten different sites of Kashmir valley (India). Differences in the altitudinal gradients results in the shift of generic nematode population. Among the soil patches, highest nematode diversity was observed in forest soil and least in alpine soil; however, bacteriovorous nematodes dominated all the soil patches. The temperature and moisture have a significant effect on nematode diversity, the highest nematode trophic levels were observed above 21°C temperature, and 30% moisture. Nematode abundance decreased from alkaline to acidic pH of the soil. Soil nutrients such as, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) have shown a detrimental effect in nematode richness at each site, where nematode diversity and richness of genera were higher at abundant soil N and P but decreased at low soil nutrients. Ecological indices like diversity index (DI), Shannon-Wiener Index (H'), enrichment index (EI), and maturity Index (MI) values demonstrated forest soil more favourable for nematodes and high soil health status than other soil patches. This study suggested that these indices may be helpful as soil monitoring tools and assessing ecosystem sustainability and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between obesity and patient‐administered outcome measures after total joint arthroplasty. Research Methods and Procedures: A voluntary questionnaire‐based registry contained 592 primary total hip arthroplasty patients and 1011 primary total knee arthroplasty patients with preoperative and 1‐year data. Using logistic regression, the relationships between body mass index and the several outcome measures, including Short Form‐36 and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, were examined. Results: There was no difference between obese and non‐obese patients regarding satisfaction, decision to repeat surgery, and Δphysical component summary, Δmental component summary, and ΔWestern Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index scores (p > 0.05 for all). Body mass index was associated with an increased risk of having difficulty descending or ascending stairs at 1 year (odds ratio, 1.2 to 1.3). Discussion: Obese patients enjoy as much improvement and satisfaction as other patients from total joint arthroplasty.  相似文献   

Fifteen previously proposed similarity indices are examined for the effects of sample size and/or group size (the number of samples included in a cluster). The three indices ofCλ,NESS, andC′λ are free from effects, but the former two are unsuitable for arithmetic averaging unless all of the sample sizes are equal. Thus clustering usingC′λ is found to be superior to the combination of any other similarity index and the group-average strategy. Unfortunately none of these measures have the desirable property of measuring the difference in component species among samples independent of the alpha-diversity. A new index of similarity (HR) is developed based on the assumption that community from which samples are taken is described by a logseries distribution. This new index measures the beta-diversity among samples without the influence of sample size and group size, and has the advantage that the significance of fusing samples can statistically be tested. An example clustering withHR is shown and compared with those obtained by other clustering strategies.  相似文献   

In agrarian economy of developing nations like India, smallholder dairy production is an important enterprise and its sustainability is vital for ensuring livelihood and nutritional security to the masses. Studies on methodological aspects of farm sustainability at micro-level are limited, either confined to a particular dimension of sustainability or based on complex data requirement which is not feasible to obtain in the context of smallholder dairy farms. This study has developed a multi-attribute farm level sustainability assessment method encompassing economic, social and ecological dimensions of sustainability and has applied it to assess the sustainability of dairy farming in north-western part of India. Based on data from 120 dairy farms located in rural area of Jaipur district from the state of Rajasthan, the study computed the composite Sustainable Dairy Farming Index (SDFI). The overall substantiality status of the smallholder dairy farms in the study area was not encouraging, implying that it may not be viable for future generation to take up the enterprise. Among the three dimensions of sustainability, the average scores of ecological dimension were highest followed by the economic and social sustainability scores. Some of the core attributes like feed productivity, management of animal genetic potential and gender equality are particularly weak aspects of the dairy production system in India. The direct relationship of economic sustainability with herd size suggests for farmers with very small herds (one to two) animals, increasing the number of dairy animals to about five to six, would be a good strategy to economize on input costs and generate more marketed surplus of milk.  相似文献   

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