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We examined the utility of nutrient criteria derived solely from total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in streams (regression models and percentile distributions) and evaluated their ecological relevance to diatom and algal biomass responses. We used a variety of statistics to characterize ecological responses and to develop concentration-based nutrient criteria (derived from ecological effects) for streams in Connecticut, USA, where urbanization is the primary cause of watershed alteration. Mean background TP concentration in the absence of anthropogenic land cover was predicted to be 0.017 mg/l, which was similar to the 25th percentile of all study sites. Increased TP concentrations were significantly correlated with altered diatom community structure, decreased percent low P diatoms and diatoms sensitive to impervious cover, and increased percent high P diatoms, diatoms that increase with greater impervious cover, and chlorophyll a (P < 0.01). Variance partitioning models showed that shared effects of anthropogenic land cover and chemistry (i.e., chemistry affected by land cover) represented the majority of explained variation in diatom metrics and chlorophyll a. Bootstrapped regression trees, threshold indicator taxa analysis, and boosted regression trees identified TP concentrations at which strong responses of diatom metrics and communities occurred, but these values varied among analyses. When considering ecological responses, scientifically defensible and ecologically relevant TP criteria were identified at (1) 0.020 mg/l for designating highest quality streams and restoration targets, above which sensitive taxa steeply declined, tolerant taxa increased, and community structure changed, (2) 0.040 mg/l, at which community level change points began to occur and sensitive diatoms were greatly reduced, (3) 0.065 mg/l, above which most sensitive diatoms were lost and tolerant diatoms steeply increased to their maxima, and (4) 0.082 mg/l, which appeared to be a saturated threshold, beyond which substantially altered community structure was sustained. These criteria can inform anti-degradation policies for high quality streams, discharge permit decisions, and future strategies for watershed development and managment. Our results indicated that management practices and decisions at the watershed scale will likely be important for improving degraded streams and conserving high quality streams. Results also emphasized the importance of incorporating ecological responses and considering the body of evidence from multiple conceptual approaches and statistical analyses for developing nutrient criteria, because solely relying on one approach could lead to misdirected decisions and resources.  相似文献   

长江口及东海夏季小型底栖动物丰度和生物量变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
史本泽  于婷婷  徐奎栋 《生态学报》2015,35(9):3093-3103
2012年7月,对长江口及东海海域的小型底栖动物类群组成、丰度、生物量的空间分布及其与沉积环境的关系进行了调查研究。该研究海域夏季小型底栖动物的丰度和生物量总体上自北向南递减,在长江口以东的海域由近岸向外海增加,至约45 m等深线达到最高,然后向深水区减少。其小型底栖动物的丰度和生物量分别为(1203±191) 个/10 cm2和(723±171) μg 干重/10 cm2,略高于同一海域春季和秋冬季的数量,但明显低于以往夏季的数量,这可能与本年度该海域沉积物中叶绿素a含量明显偏低有关。在小型底栖动物11个主要类群中,自由生线虫在丰度上占绝对优势(94.1%),其次是桡足类(2.7%)和涡虫类(1.2%)。线虫在生物量上也是最优势类群(62.1%),其次是多毛类(18.8%)、桡足类(8.3%)和涡虫类(6.1%)。Spearman相关分析表明,小型底栖动物的生物量、桡足类和涡虫的丰度均与沉积物中有机氮含量呈负相关;多毛类的丰度与盐度、叶绿素a呈显著正相关;而线虫与所测环境因子未见任何相关关系。BIOENV分析显示,与小型底栖动物各类群的丰度相关性最高的环境因子组合为盐度、沉积物含水量和有机氮含量。研究发现,近10年该海域小型底栖动物的丰度呈总体下降趋势;而且,小型底栖动物的垂直分布随时间推移趋向于向沉积物表层聚集,一定程度上显示沉积环境趋于恶化。通过对近岸和外海两个站位的702条线虫生物体积的测算,获得两个站位线虫的平均个体干重分别为0.186 μg/个体和0.281 μg/个体,两站位平均为0.214 μg/个体,与2009年秋冬季相邻两站位的0.213 μg/个体非常接近,但各站位的线虫个体干重变化相对较大。该结果一方面反映了我国当前普遍采用的0.4 μg/个体系数高估了线虫的生物量,另一方面显示季节和站位差异影响了线虫个体的大小。  相似文献   

辽东山区落叶松人工林地上生物量和养分元素分配格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
闫涛  朱教君  杨凯  于立忠   《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2772-2778
落叶松是我国北方最主要的人工用材林树种,由于人工林树种单一、结构简单等原因,导致土壤养分循环出现失衡.研究落叶松生物量和养分元素分配规律,可以为落叶松人工林的合理经营和养分循环研究提供科学参考.本文以辽东山区19年生二代落叶松人工林(胸径12.8 cm,树高15.3 m,密度2308株·hm-2)为对象,研究其地上各器官(干、枝、皮、叶)生物量、碳和养分元素含量(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn)的积累规律和分配格局.结果表明:单株落叶松生物量为70.26 kg,林分水平落叶松生物量为162.16 t·hm-2,各器官生物量差异显著,排序为:树干>树枝>树皮>树叶;单株落叶松养分积累量为749.94 g,林分水平落叶松养分积累量为1730.86 kg·hm-2,其中,大量元素和微量元素的养分积累量均为树干显著高于树枝、树皮和树叶.全叶期每砍伐一棵落叶松(19年生),平均从系统中带出749.94 g养分元素;如果将树皮、树枝、树叶留在林地仅仅带走树干,带出的养分元素可减少40.7%.

Harmful algal blooms that disrupt and degrade ecosystems (ecosystem disruptive algal blooms, EDABs) are occurring with greater frequency and severity with eutrophication and other adverse anthropogenic alterations of coastal systems. EDAB events have been hypothesized to be caused by positive feedback interactions involving differential growth of competing algal species, low grazing mortality rates on EDAB species, and resulting decreases in nutrient inputs from grazer-mediated nutrient cycling as the EDAB event progresses. Here we develop a stoichiometric nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton (NPZ) model to test a conceptual positive feedback mechanism linked to increased cell toxicity and resultant decreases in grazing mortality rates in EDAB species under nutrient limitation of growth rate. As our model EDAB alga, we chose the slow-growing, toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis, whose toxin levels have been shown to increase with nutrient (nitrogen) limitation of specific growth rate. This species was competed with two high-nutrient adapted, faster-growing diatoms (Thalassiosira pseudonana and Thalassiosira weissflogii) using recently published data for relationships among nutrient (ammonium) concentration, carbon normalized ammonium uptake rates, cellular nitrogen:carbon (N:C) ratios, and specific growth rate. The model results support the proposed positive feedback mechanism for EDAB formation and toxicity. In all cases the toxic bloom was preceded by one or more pre-blooms of fast-growing diatoms, which drew dissolved nutrients to low growth rate-limiting levels, and stimulated the population growth of zooplankton grazers. Low specific grazing rates on the toxic, nutrient-limited EDAB species then promoted the population growth of this species, which further decreased grazing rates, grazing-linked nutrient recycling, nutrient concentrations, and algal specific growth rates. The nutrient limitation of growth rate further increased toxin concentrations in the EDAB algae, which further decreased grazing-linked nutrient recycling rates and nutrient concentrations, and caused an even greater nutrient limitation of growth rate and even higher toxin levels in the EDAB algae. This chain of interactions represented a positive feedback that resulted in the formation of a high-biomass toxic bloom, with low, nutrient-limited specific growth rates and associated high cellular C:N and toxin:C ratios. Together the elevated C:N and toxin:C ratios in the EDAB algae resulted in very high bloom toxicity. The positive feedbacks and resulting bloom formation and toxicity were increased by long water residence times, which increased the relative importance of grazing-linked nutrient recycling to the overall supply of limiting nutrient (N).  相似文献   

将农牧废弃物进行资源化处置制成生物质调理剂,用于沙化土壤改良是目前川西北沙化草地生态治理的有效途径之一.为了阐明不同原料调理剂在川西北高寒沙化草地上的实际应用效果,本研究以不施用调理剂为对照(CK),设置施用量均为12 t·hm-2的菌渣(JZ)、秸秆(JG)和生物炭(SWT)3种调理剂,分析了调理剂施用对土壤养分和微...  相似文献   

Crop biomass is an important ecological indicator of growth, light use efficiency, and carbon stocks in agro-ecosystems. Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) or laser scanning has been widely used to estimate forest structural parameters and biomass. However, LiDAR is rarely used to estimate crop parameters because the short, dense canopies of crops limit the accuracy of the results. The objective of this study is to explore the potential of airborne LiDAR data in estimating biomass components of maize, namely aboveground biomass (AGB) and belowground biomass (BGB). Five biomass-related factors were measured during the entire growing season of maize. The field-measured canopy height and leaf area index (LAI) were identified as the factors that most directly affect biomass components through Pearson's correlation analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). Field-based estimation models were proposed to estimate maize biomass components during the tasseling stage. Subsequently, the maize height and LAI over the entire study area were derived from LiDAR data and were used as input for the estimation models to map the spatial pattern of the biomass components. The results showed that the LiDAR-estimated biomass was comparable to the field-measured biomass, with root mean squared errors (RMSE) of 288.51 g/m2 (AGB), and 75.81 g/m2 (BGB). In conclusion, airborne LiDAR has great potential for estimating canopy height, LAI, and biomass components of maize during the peak growing season.  相似文献   

Green cabbage (Brassica campestris, leafy variety) and turnip (Brassica campestris var. rapifera, rooty variety) were grown in both monocultures and mixtures at three nutrient levels to investigate their responses to nutrient availability with respect to biomass allocation, morphological plasticity and competitive ability. Their allocation parameters and leaf morphological traits were affected by both nutrient availability and developmental stage. Both of the varieties had a smaller biomass allocation to leaf blades, but a greater allocation to petioles at high nutrient levels. Root:shoot ratio (RSR) of green cabbage decreased with increasing nutrient availability, whereas that of turnip increased. Turnip had a smaller leaf blade weight ratio (LBWR) than cabbage, being compensated for by larger leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA). Leaf area ratio and SLA of both the varieties increased with increasing nutrient availability as did their mean dry weights. The mean dry weight of turnip was slightly greater than that of green cabbage in their respective monocultures, while that of green cabbage was greater than that of turnip in their 1:1 mixture. Therefore, green cabbage, having inherently greater biomass allocation to leaves, was generally more competitive than turnip with more biomass allocation to roots, especially at higher nutrient levels. However, within a variety, morphological plasticity (variation in LAR and SLA) was more important than the plasticity in biomass allocation (e.g. variation in RSR and LBWR) in determining competitive ability. The implication of our results is that competition models based on biomass allocation pattern alone may fail to predict competitive outcomes and that such models should also take morphological plasticity into full account.  相似文献   

Adaptive management of estuarine resource utilization and wetland conservation (ERU&WC) have both socioeconomic and ecological implications because estuaries involve plentiful navigation, aquaculture, wetland, and land-reclamation resources but are featured with complexity and vulnerability of hydrodynamics, morphodynamics, and ecological processes. To achieve positive synergistic effects and prevent disasters by optimizing the allocation of estuarine space to various activities and biological habitats, there is a need to track the estuarine evolutionary trajectories and demarcate the spatial function subareas. However, estuarine field data acquisition is time-consuming, spatially limited, expensive, and there are some areas not accessible due to shallowness or moving sand bars. This paper presents an exact estuarine morphodynamics acquisition and evolution analysis based on multi-temporal remote sensing images, with Minjiang Estuary, China as a case study. The imageries with high tide level (1995, 2017) and low tide level (1995, 2002, 2010, and 2017) were chosen to track the changes of coastline, tidal flat, channel, sand bar, sand island, wetland vegetation, and the spatial heterogeneity of Minjiang Estuary, and the results show visually the section of shoreline change, the pattern of TCSS change and the part of tidal flat vegetation change, which are the fundamental data for demarcating the spatial function subareas. Also, the adaptive management rule was explored, and the schematic diagram of the estuarine morphodynamic evolution process and the framework of ERU&WC adaptive management were outlined. The research result will provide technical support and theoretical guidance for the management of other estuarine environments.  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,我国近地面臭氧浓度不断增加,已严重威胁到森林生态系统。但是,目前臭氧污染影响我国亚热带森林生物量的研究仍然具有较高的不确定性。本研究比较了不同模型和不同参数化方案评估的鼎湖山森林和林下草地生物量损失率的差别,比较了鼎湖山阔叶林和针叶林以及林下草地的生物量损失率与总初级生产力(GPP)损失率的一致性。2015—2016年臭氧污染造成的鼎湖山阔叶林生物量损失率为11.3%—11.69%,针叶林生物量损失率为3.97%—3.68%,草地生物量损失11.2%—14.6%;不同参数化方案估计的鼎湖山阔叶林的生物量损失率在9%—13%之间,针叶林的生物量损失率在3.68%—4.4%之间变化,草地在11.2%—14.6%之间。基于臭氧剂量响应关系模型估算的阔叶林GPP损失率为10%—12.6%,针叶林GPP损失率为1.81%—2.6%,草地GPP损失率为3.2%—3.3%。总的来看,鼎湖山阔叶林和针叶林的生物量和GPP损失具有较高的一致性,阔叶林生物量和GPP的损失率明显高于针叶林生物量和GPP的损失率。  相似文献   

草地地上生物量(Aboveground Biomass,AGB)是指导畜牧业生产管理的重要指标,是草畜平衡综合分析的基础。目前,有关祁连山草地AGB反演的研究较少,且多源数据间的尺度差异问题并未得到很好的解决。为了解祁连山草地AGB的空间分布状况,利用Sentinel-2多光谱数据、无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)数据以及2021年植被生长期实测草地AGB数据实现了空天地一体化监测,通过决策树回归(Decision Tree Regression,DTR)、随机森林回归(Random Forest Regression,RFR)、梯度提升决策回归树(Gradient Boosting Regression Tree,GBRT)以及极致梯度提升(eXtreme Gradient Boosting,XGBoost)共4种算法反演草地AGB的适用性分析,利用最优模型反演了祁连山草地的AGB空间分布状况。结果表明:研究区内多种植被指数所表现出的特性有所差异。祁连山地区AGB在空间分布上呈现出由西北向东南递增的趋势,平均AGB为925.43kg/hm2。6种植被指数与实测AGB之间均表现为显著正相关,适合作为祁连山草地AGB遥感反演的指标;XGBoost模型较其它模型具有最高的R2值(0.78)和精度(74.75%)、最低的均方根误差(RMSE,99.74 kg/hm2)和平均绝对误差(MAE,71.60 kg/hm2),模型反演效果最好;UAV数据能够提供更加详细的空间细节特征,减小Sentinel-2数据和实地采样数据间的尺度差异;因此,基于6种植被指数与祁连山草地AGB间的相关性,构建XGBoost模型反演研究区草地AGB空间分布状况是具有实践意义的。研究结果将为指导祁连山草地畜牧业的发展和维护草地生态系统的平衡提供一定的参考价值与数据支撑。  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to describe the composition, community structure and biogeographical variation of subtidal algal assemblages dominated by the brown alga Cystoseira crinita across the Mediterranean Sea. Location The Mediterranean coast, from Spain (1°25′ E) to Turkey (30°26′ E). Methods Data on the species composition and structure of assemblages dominated by the species C. crinita were collected from 101 sites in nine regions across the Mediterranean Sea. Multivariate and univariate statistical tools were used to investigate patterns of variation in the composition of the assemblages among sites and regions, and to compare these with previously defined biogeographical regions. Linear regressions of species richness versus longitude and versus latitude were also carried out to test previously formulated hypotheses of biodiversity gradients in the Mediterranean Sea. Results The main features characterizing C. crinita‐dominated assemblages across the Mediterranean included a similar total cover of species, a similar cover of C. crinita, and consistency in the presence of the epiphyte Haliptilon virgatum. Biogeographical variation was detected as shifts in relative abundances of species among regions, partly coinciding with previously described biogeographical sectors. A significant positive correlation was found between species richness and latitude, while no significant correlation was detected between species richness and longitude. Main conclusions The patterns of variation in community structure detected among the studied regions reflected their geographical positions quite well. However, latitude seemed to contribute more to the explanation of biological patterns of diversity than did geographical distances or boundaries, which classically have been used to delimit biogeographical sectors. Moreover, the positive correlation between species richness and latitude reinforced the idea that latitude, and possibly temperature as a related environmental factor, plays a primary role in structuring biogeographical patterns in the Mediterranean Sea. The lack of correlation between species richness and longitude contradicts the notion that there is a decrease in species richness from west to east in the Mediterranean, following the direction of species colonization from the Atlantic.  相似文献   

地形对植被生物量遥感反演的影响——以广州市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋巍巍  管东生  王刚 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7440-7451
目前植被生物量遥感反演研究中的地形校正主要是校正地形变化对地表反射率的影响,较少考虑地形起伏引起的像元面积与实际地表面积的差异,而这种差异将导致植被生物量估算结果的偏差.在生物量遥感反演的基础上,结合地表面积计算模型和物质守恒定律,建立了生物量地形校正模型,定量分析和讨论了地形起伏对广州市植被类型面积提取和生物量准确估算的影响.结果表明:地形校正前后全市针叶林、阔叶林、草地、灌木林和园地面积分别增加6.18%、3.70%、2.86%、1.92%和1.29%;在综合分析区域生物量遥感反演中的各种不确定性的基础上,建立的各植被类型的生物量模型均具有较高精度,相关系数均接近或者超过0.9,可以满足生物量反演的要求;全市植被生物量呈现出东、北高,西、南低的分布格局,像元实际代表的林地(阔叶林和针叶林)平均生物量为61.86t/hm2,高于珠三角区域生物量平均值,但与亚热带林的顶级群落生物量水平有较大差距,林地生物量还有较大的增长空间;经过校正地形变化引起的像元面积和实际地表面积差异对生物量提取结果的影响后,植被总生物量比校正前增加了5.82%,5种植被类型的总生物量有不同程度的增加,阔叶林、针叶林、草地、灌木林和园地分别增加了7.74%,4.76%、3.34%、2.50%和1.58%.与其它的表面积计算模型相比,利用的像元地表面积模型具有较高的精度,可以满足生物量遥感估算中地形校正的需要.  相似文献   

刘婵  刘心怡  周佳诚  谭路  刘振元  王伟民  陈宇顺  唐涛 《生态学报》2022,42(24):10041-10050
着生藻类是河流生态状况的重要指示生物,然而关于城镇化对着生藻类多样性影响的研究还较缺乏。基于深圳市9条主要河流74个样点2020年雨、旱季的调查数据,对比了城区、郊区河流样点的着生藻类α、β多样性。两次调查共鉴定出着生藻类301个分类单元,其中硅藻门种类最多。谷皮菱形藻(Nitzschia palea)、隐头舟形藻(Navicula cryptocephala)、平庸菱形藻(Nitzschia inconspicua)等污染指示种在城区组相对丰度更高,而清洁指示种微小曲丝藻(Achnanthidium minutissimum)在郊区组相对丰度更高。城镇化对着生藻类物种丰富度、香农维纳多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数等α多样性指数均无显著影响,但对着生藻类群落结构有显著影响。城区组样点的着生藻类β多样性(用主坐标分析质心指示)低于郊区组,城区组与郊区组藻类β多样性差异在旱季更为显著。两组样点的藻类β多样性差异主要来源于物种周转组分。与城区组着生藻类群落显著相关的环境因子包括总氮、高锰酸钾指数、电导率、pH、浊度和水深,而与郊区组着生藻类群落显著相关的是总氮、溶解性无机磷和电导率。研究...  相似文献   

公园绿地在促进城市居民公共健康、实现城市可持续发展方面具有广泛效益,其空间配置的公平性对维护环境正义具有重要意义。然而,当前公园绿地空间配置公平性的研究仍侧重其数量的地域均等,对其质量、可达性空间配置的公平性关注不足。本研究基于环境正义视角,以南京市主城区为例,从公园可达性、公园面积、公园质量3个特征(共6个参数),综合运用互联网地图服务可达性分析、主客观综合质量评价、空间自相关及非参数检验等多种分析方法,分析了公园绿地空间配置的公平性格局。结果表明:研究区公园绿地的空间分布格局呈现明显的核心-边缘特征,在可达性、面积、质量3个特征上均存在一定程度的不公平性,呈现出较为显著的环境不正义格局;3个特征6个参数空间配置的不公平性存在显著差异,可达性得分值、可达的公园面积的不公平性最突出,到达公园绿地的最小时间、到达最近公园的质量的差异次之,到达高质量公园的数量与最小时间差异较小;高收入居住社区能够访问的公园的可达性得分值、总面积、公园质量平均值分别是低收入社区的3.7、2.7和1.6倍,表明收入高的居住社区享有更好可达性、更大面积、更高质量的公园绿地。其中,中等收入社区享有绿地优势最突出,大多数低收入居住社区尚难以在步行30 min内到达高质量公园。研究结果可为城市公园绿地的优化配置与合理规划提供决策依据与规划参考。  相似文献   

Processes affecting the concentration and isotopiccomposition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) wereinvestigated in pore waters of two freshwaterintertidal areas of the Scheldt Estuary, Belgium. Porewater 13CDIC values from marshes andmudflats varied from –27 to +13.4, these very largevariations reflect the contribution of differentcarbon sources to the DIC pool.In pore waters of the upper mudflat, river water DICand dissolution of calcite contribute to a lesserextent (10% and 16% respectively) to the total DICpool. Results indicate that inorganic carbon added tothe pore water of the mudflats has a 13Cvalue of +20.3 in May 1998. These strongly enriched13CDIC values suggest that the majorcontribution (up to three-quarters) to total DIC isCO2 derived from methanogenesis.In pore waters of the marshes, CO2 derived fromorganic matter degradation (–27.5) and river DIC(–11.5 to –16.1) are the major sources of inorganiccarbon contribution to the total DIC pool. In porewaters from a marsh site colonised by willow trees,the contribution from CO2 derived from organicmatter degradation is larger than in pore waters froman area with only reed vegetation. In the latter caseriver water DIC is the major source of pore waterDIC.  相似文献   

付洪  陈爱国 《生态学报》2004,24(2):209-214
通过样方调查和采样 ,对云南省西盟县新厂乡阿莫村自然条件相似、经历了相同休闲年限的桤木休闲地和自然休闲地的地上部分植被生物量和养分蓄积量进行了比较研究 ,结果表明 ,休闲 3a后 ,桤木休闲地的休闲效果显著高于自然休闲地。表现在桤木休闲地的地上部分生物量高于自然休闲地 ,休闲 6 a后 ,桤木林的地上部分生物量干重达到 6 9,6 4 0 kg/hm2 ,是自然休闲地的 4倍 ;桤木休闲地 N、P、K三大营养元素的地上部分蓄积量 ,经过 2~ 3a超过自然休闲地 ,并在休闲 3a后显著高于自然休闲地 ,休闲 6 a后 ,N蓄积量达到 5 5 7kg/hm2 ,是自然休闲地的 3倍 ,P、K的蓄积量分别达到 4 1kg/hm2 、2 6 5 kg/hm2 ,是自然休闲地的 2倍。目前研究说明桤木种植有改进轮歇农业的明显作用 ,具有在类似地区推广应用的价值。  相似文献   

长白山几种主要森林群落木本植物细根生物量及其动态   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
2005年在长白山北坡选择5种垂直植被带典型植物群落类型阔叶红松林、白桦林、山杨林、云冷杉林和岳桦林,利用钻取土芯法对细根分布及细根生物量进行了研究.研究结果表明,不同森林群落细根现存生物量存在一定的差异,其中白桦林最高,月平均细根现存生物量为5.1340 t/hm^2、其次为云冷杉林(5.0530 t/hm^2)、岳桦林(4.9255 t/hm^2)、阔叶红松林(4.4919 t/hm^2)和山杨林(3.9372 t/hm^2);不同群落细根现存量月动态变化也有较大差异,月均最高最低相差阔叶红松林约为72﹪、白桦林近73﹪、山杨林26﹪、云冷杉林56﹪、岳桦林144﹪.在生长季节内不同群落细根发生和死亡也是不均匀的,春季所有群落都会产生大量的细根,一些群落在初秋(9月份)出现另一个较高的峰值,同时发现每次细根大量发生后,都随之产生大量细根的死亡,生长季末群落死亡细根生物量往往是最高的.调查群落72.9﹪以上的细根集中于土壤表层0~10cm的范围内,不同群落略有差别,在所研究的5种森林群落中,不同月份0~10cm土层中细根生物量几乎都表现出白桦林>阔叶红松林>云冷杉林>岳桦林>山杨林.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对陆地生态系统尤其是森林生态系统有着重要的影响,气温升高、辐射强迫的增强将显著改变森林生态系统的结构和功能.南方人工林作为我国森林的重要组成部分,对气候变化的响应日益强烈.为了探究未来气候情景下我国南方人工林对气候变化的响应,降低未来气候变化对人工林可能带来的损失,本研究采用3种最新的气候情景—典型浓度排放路径情景(RCP2.6情景、RCP4.5情景、RCP8.5情景)预估数据,应用生态系统过程模型PnET-Ⅱ和空间直观景观模型LANDIS-Ⅱ模拟2014—2094年间湖南省会同森林生态实验站磨哨实验林场森林的地表净初级生产力(ANPP)、物种建立可能性(SEP)和地上生物量的变化.结果表明: 不同森林类型的SEP和ANPP对气候变化的响应有明显的差异,各森林类型对气候变化的响应程度表现为: 对于SEP,在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,人工针叶林>天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林;在RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.对于ANPP,在RCP2.6情景下,人工阔叶林>天然阔叶林>人工针叶林;在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.人工针叶林的地上生物量在2050年左右开始下降,天然阔叶林和人工阔叶林整体呈现上升趋势.2014—2094年,研究区地上总生物量在不同气候情景下增加幅度不同,RCP2.6情景下增加了68.2%,RCP4.5情景下增加了79.3%,RCP8.5情景下增加了72.6%.3种情景下的总地上生物量大小排序为: RCP4.5> RCP8.5> RCP2.6.我们认为,适当的增温将有助于未来研究区森林总地上生物量的积累,但过度的增温也可能会阻碍森林的生产和生态功能的持续发展.  相似文献   

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