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The secondary structure of xanthan in solutions of relatively low salt concentration and at room temperature has been investigated using static light scattering experiments. Additional evidence has been found for a dimeric structure at 25°C in 0.01M NaCl. From the experimental z-average mean square (ms) radius of gyration, a value for the persistence length p has been estimated, taking explicitly into account the polydispersity of the three samples used, which has been established by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) measurements. The experimental particle scattering functions of the three samples are consistent with theoretical estimates for polydisperse systems with the same value of p = 65 ± 10 nm and the molar mass per unit length for a dimeric structure. This secondary structure remains unaffected by the ionic strength in the 0.005–0.0lM range. Partial aggregation seems to occur at higher NaCl concentrations. Light scattering and GPC data show that heating the xanthan 0.01M NaCl solutions to about 70°C considerably reduces the Mw of the low molar mass sample (2.3 × 105-g·mol?1), contrary to what is observed for the high molar mass sample (1.8 × 106-g·mol?1). These experimental findings can be accounted for by a partial temperature-induced dissociation of the xanthan dimers according to an all-or-none mechanism. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Rheological properties and gelation of aqueous cellulose-NaOH solutions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The shear rheology of a microcrystalline cellulose dissolved in a 9% NaOH aqueous solution was studied in the steady and oscillatory modes. The cellulose-(9% NaOH-H(2)O) mixtures show not to be true solutions. In the dilute regime, with cellulose concentration below 1%, the rheological behavior is typical of the one of suspensions. The formation of cellulose aggregates is favored when temperature is increased. In the semidilute regime, an irreversible aggregate-based gelation occurs, being faster with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

The viscoelastic properties of aqueous solutions of the exocellular polysaccharide of Cyanospira capsulata have been studied, over a wide range of polymer concentrations, using small deformation oscillatory, steady and transient shear methods. The viscoelastic spectra generally resemble those of an entangled network, although notable deviations can be observed in the low frequency dependence of G′ and G″. At higher polymer concentrations, the viscoelastic spectrum shows solid-like behaviour over a wide range of frequencies. The superposition of η*(ω) and η( ) curves occurs only at low frequencies, at higher frequencies the slope of η*(ω) is lower than that of η( ). By studying the time evolution of shear stress after the inception of a steady shear rate (stress overshoot), the recovery of non-linear properties after steady shearing flow is seen to occur after times of c. 103 s (in the case of 1·1% w/v solutions).

The overall viscoelastic properties appear original in comparison with those of the two structurally limiting types of polysaccharide, the ‘ordered’ chain xanthan and the ‘random coil’ guar. A rationale for this ‘anomalous’ viscoelastic behaviour can be tentatively proposed in terms of flickering intermolecular cross-interactions between semi-flexible segments, which occur in addition to the usual topological constraints.  相似文献   

Animal hairs consist of aggregates of dead cells filled with keratin protein gel. We succeeded in preparing water-soluble hard-keratin proteins and reconstructing the keratin gels by heat-induced disulfide linkages in vitro. Here, the roles of intermolecular hydrophobic interaction and disulfide bonding between the proteins in the gel were discussed. Water-soluble keratin proteins consisting of mixtures of type I ( approximately 48 kDa) and type II ( approximately 61 kDa) were prepared from wool fibers as S-carboxymethyl alanyl disulfide keratin (CMADK). The gelation was achieved by heating an aqueous solution containing at least 0.8 wt % CMADK at 100 degrees C. CMADK solutions with different urea or N-ethylmaleimide concentrations or pH were exposed to dynamic light scattering (DLS) and circular dichroism (CD). DLS clarified the gelation point of CMADK solutions and provided information on the changes in keratin cluster size. DLS suggested two types of gelation mechanism. One was the regenerated chemical disulfide bonding between keratins from CMAD parts of chains. After the gel formed, this bond became important to maintain the gel structure. The other was the physical assembly due to hydrophobic interaction between alpha-helix parts of keratin chains. This hydrophobic assembly also played an important role during gelation. CD confirmed a conformational change in the keratin protein, resulting heat-induced gelation. CD clarified the relationship between keratin protein conformation and gelation, i.e., a rodlike conformation with many alpha-helix structures was necessary to associate keratin chains and form a gel network.  相似文献   

Deuterium oxide solutions of schizophyllan, a triple-helical polysaccharide, undergoing an order-disorder transition centered at 17 degrees C, were studied by optical rotation (OR) and heat capacity (C(p)) to elucidate the molecular mechanism of the transition and water structure in the solution and frozen states. The ordered structure at low temperature consisted of the side chains and water in the vicinity forming an ordered hydrogen-bonded network surrounding the helix core and was disordered at higher temperature. In the solution state appeared clearly defined transition curves in both the OR and C(p) data. The results for three samples of different molecular weights were analyzed theoretically, treating this transition as a typical linear cooperative transition from the ordered to disordered states and explained quantitatively if the molecular weight polydispersity of the sample was considered. The excess heat capacity C(EX)(p) defined as the C(p) minus the contributions from schizophyllan and D(2)O was estimated. In the frozen state it increased with raising temperature above 150 K until the mixture melted. This was compared with the dielectric increment observed in this temperature range and ascribed to unfreezable water. From the heat capacity and dielectric data, unfreezable water is mobile but more ordered than free water. In the solution state, the excess heat capacity originates from the interactions of D(2)O molecules as bound water and structured water, and so forth. Thus the schizophyllan triple helix molds water into various structures of differing orders in solution and in the solid state.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide-protein complex isolated from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis forms aggregates in aqueous solutions. Dissociation of aggregates was found by light scattering method for 1 M sodium chloride, 1 M guanidine chloride, and urea solutions. Very large particles were detected also in these solutions and acid media. Little light scattering alterations have been observed for 0.27 g/l solution, and pronounced effect of temperature has been detected for more diluted solutions.  相似文献   

We report the rheological behaviour of a succinoglycan polysaccharide in dilute and semi-dilute solutions as a function of temperature, ionic strength and the nature of counterion. We have examined the viscosity dependence as a function of molecular weight using samples obtained by ultrasonication. We have also prepared samples lacking succinate substitutes and compared their behaviour with that of the native polymer. In both cases, we observed that, after heating a polymer solution for the first time above the conformational transition temperature, a different ordered state was obtained on cooling. This state had a lower molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity but identical chemical structure and local properties. A role for the side chain in the stabilization of breaks in the backbone is suggested. Nevertheless, a unique curve is obtained for the specific viscosity as a function of the overlap parameter c[eta] for different polymer concentrations of both the native and heated forms. However, different curves are obtained for normal and succinate-free polymers, and the succinate-free polymer is characterized by a lower Huggins constant.  相似文献   

The absorption optical system of a Beckman XL-I ultracentrifuge has been used to monitor the Donnan distribution of ions in polysaccharide solutions dialyzed against sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.8, I 0.08) supplemented with 0.2 mM chromate as an indicator ion. For dextran sulfate, heparin, and polygalacturonate, the effective net charges are shown to be only one-third of those deduced from the chemical structures--a reflection of charge screening (counterion condensation) in aqueous polyelectrolyte solutions. Whereas the extent of charge screening for the first two polysaccharides agrees well with theoretical prediction, the disparity in the corresponding comparison for polygalacturonate reflects partial esterification of carboxyl groups, whereupon the experimental parameter refers to the effective charge per hexose residue rather than the effective fractional charge of each carboxyl group.  相似文献   

Dynamic light scattering measurements were performed on dilute aqueous solutions of native ovalbumin (OA) and on those of linear OA aggregates induced by thermal denaturation at low ionic strength and neutral pH. The weight-average molecular weight Mw of four aggregates tested ranged from 1,700,000 to 5,500,000. The translational diffusion coefficient D0 of native OA at infinite dilution was estimated as 8.70 × 10 ?7 cm2/s, which gave 56.0 Å as the diameter of the rigid spherical particle. The intensity autocorrelation function of linear OA polymers was analyzed with the cumulant method to obtain the first cumulant Λe. The dependence of Λe on the scattering vector q at very low polymer concentration was found intermediate between those of a flexible chain and a rigid rod. The translational diffusion coefficient Dtr [≡ (Te/q2)q → 0] was in proportion to M, and the magnitude was in good agreement with a value calculated from the wormlike cylinder model with values of three parameters determined in an earlier study, ML = 1600 Å?1, d = 120 Å, and Q = 230 Å, where ML, d, and Q are the molecular weight per unit length, diameter, and persistence length, respectively. Based on these results, a new model, to be called as the dimer model, was proposed to interpret the formation mechanism of linear OA polymers induced by thermal denaturation. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Schizophyllan (SPG) with a molecular weight of 2.6x10(6), designated SPG-1, is denatured and then renatured at a concentration of 1.8 wt % by alkalization-neutralization. The prepared denatured-renatured samples (DRSPG-1) are diluted to various concentrations and equilibrated for 10 days before rheological and intrinsic viscosity measurements. When concentration (C(p)) is above 0.75 wt %, DRSPG-1 aqueous systems have weak gel-type rheological properties. However, for 0.28 wt % 相似文献   

The intensity correlation functions of kappa- and lambda-carrageenan in various salt solutions and at different concentrations have been determined with the help of dynamic light scattering. From the first cumulant of these correlation functions the values of the translational diffusion coefficients D have been derived. They increase with macromolecular concentration. The extrapolated values to infinite dilution of the diffusion coefficients increase with increasing salt concentration as expected from the salt concentration dependence of the r.m.s. radii of gyration determined previously by static light scattering. The translational diffusion coefficient of lambda-carrageenan in 0.1 M NaCl is smaller than the corresponding value for the kappa species. This is consistent with the difference in contour length and linear charge density of the two samples used. No satisfactory interpretation for the concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient seems to be possible at present. Although current theories for the macromolecular and salt concentration dependence of D, taking into account charge effects, seem to be applicable, they do not allow for a consistent interpretation of the data. No specific difference between the solution behaviour of kappa- and lambda-carrageenan has been detected.  相似文献   

Interactions between photoexcited riboflavin (RF), promoted by irradiation in the range of 310-800 nm, and alginate have been studied in air equilibrated aqueous solutions with the aid of rheological methods. Light irradiation of RF causes under aerobic conditions fragmentation of alginate and a decrease in the shear viscosity and other rheological parameters of its solutions. The decrease is most pronounced in concentrated polymer solutions. The photochemical degradation of alginate is inhibited in the presence of the quenchers/scavengers d-mannitol, glutathione, potassium iodide, and sodium azide and in excess oxygen. The addition of thiourea to alginate-RF solutions leads to enhanced degradation of the polymer. Significant shear-thinning effects and deviations from the Cox-Merz rule are observed at higher polymer concentrations.  相似文献   

D Xu  D Asai  A Chilkoti  SL Craig 《Biomacromolecules》2012,13(8):2315-2321
The rheological properties of cysteine-containing elastin-like polypeptide (Cys-ELP) solutions and Cys-ELP hydrogels are reported. The Cys-ELP solutions exhibit a surprisingly high apparent viscosity at low shear rate. The high viscosity is attributed to the formation of an interfacial cross-linked "skin" at the sample surface, rather than the bulk of the Cys-ELP solution. At higher shear rate, the interfacial cross-linked film breaks, and its influence on the viscosity of the Cys-ELP solution can be ignored. Cys-ELP hydrogels are formed by mixing Cys-ELP and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)). At fixed concentration of Cys-ELP, the gelation time can be tuned by the concentration of H(2)O(2). Cys-ELP hydrogels have the typical characteristics of covalent cross-linked networks, as the storage moduli are larger than the loss moduli and are independent of frequency in dynamic oscillatory frequency sweep experiments. The plateau moduli obtained from linear frequency sweep experiments are much lower than those estimated from the number of thiol groups along the Cys-ELP chain, indicating that only a small fraction of thiols form elastically active cross-links. From the small value of the fraction of elastically active cross-links, the Cys-ELP hydrogel is concluded to be an inhomogenous network. Under steady shear, a 2.5 wt % Cys-ELP hydrogel shear thickens at shear rates lower than that necessary for fracture.  相似文献   

Calf brain microtubule protein was assembled in vitro to form dilute solutions of microtubules (240 A diameter) having lengths greater than 1 micrometer. The microtubule solutions were examined by dynamic laser light scattering techniques. The angular dependence of the correlation function leads to the conclusion that the correlation function is measuring the translational diffusion constant of the particles. The length dependence of the correlation function, however, shows that the translational diffusion constant is not being measured and that the diffusion constant for the microtubules cannot be straightforwardly determined. These results suggest that a collective property of the rods is being measured by the laser light scattering. Although specific microtubule-microtubule interactions are a possible explanation for the observed results, we present arguments that suggest that the solution can be adequately modeled as a network of entangled polymers.  相似文献   

Autocorrelation functions for the intensity of laser light scattered from solutions of hyaluronic acid have been measured under a variety of experimental conditions. The form of these functions is consistent with the large amount of long-range intra- and intermolecular interactions characteristic of polyelectrolyte solutions. Further experiments have been performed in order to study the effect of hyaluronic acid on the Brownian diffusion of polystyrene spheres. Using several different sphere sizes as solution probes, the importance of the ionic environment in determining hyaluronic confirmation has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

An expression is derived for the field correlation function of the light scattered from a solution of lollipop-shaped particles. Such particles are a tractable model of certain bacteriophages. They are assumed to consist of an ellipsoidal head containing optically anisotropic scattering material and a tail which does not scatter. Because of the tail, Brownian rotational movement occurs around a center of rotational friction which is at a distance r0 from the center of the head. The dependence of the field correlation function C(τ) on the rotational diffusion coefficient DR is given by the factor ΣlBl exp[?l(l + 1)DRτ]. It is shown that the tail causes the coefficients Bl to be different from zero for all values of l. Therefore, C(τ) contains a term proportional to exp(?2DRτ), which is not present when r0 = 0. We give plots of Bl for various combinations of parameters. It turns out that dynamic light scattering may be used to measure r0.  相似文献   

Static and dynamic light-scattering measurements are reported on zinc-insulin at room temperature (21 ± l°C) and pH = 6.88 in 0.1M NaCl aqueous solution. The experiments were performed at very low concentration, in the range 0.12 × 10?4 to 0.90 × 10?4 g cm?3. Within experimental error, we find no evidence for a critical micellar concentration in this system. The aggregation phenomenon starts immediately after preparation of the solutions, and takes several days to come to stable equilibrium. The concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficients, D z, = Do (1 — kDC), is negative, and kD was observed to decrease as a function of time, while the aggregate size was found to increase. The equivalent concentration coefficient, ?2BM W, obtained from static light scattering, showed a similar behavior, and, within experimental error, was found to be numerically equal to kD. From the relation found between the diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution and the molecular weight of the aggregates, log D0 = ?0.240 log M w ? 5.077, we deduce that the insulin aggregates are compact structures with a characteristic radius of 0.71 Å/(dalton)1/3, surrounded by a hydration layer of a thickness of 8.0 Å. The equilibrium aggregation number is approximately 10.  相似文献   

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