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The assembling of bacterial communities in conventional activated sludge (CAS) bioreactors was thought, until recently, to be chaotic and mostly unpredictable. Studies done over the last decade have shown that specific, and often, predictable random and non-random factors could be responsible for that process. These studies have also motivated a "structure-function" paradigm that is yet to be resolved. Thus, elucidating the factors that affect community assembly in the bioreactors is necessary for predicting fluctuations in community structure and function. For this study activated sludge samples were collected during a one-year period from two geographically distant CAS bioreactors of different size. Combining community fingerprinting analysis and operational parameters data with a robust statistical analysis, we aimed to identify relevant links between system performance and bacterial community diversity and dynamics. In addition to revealing a significant β-diversity between the bioreactors' communities, results showed that the largest bioreactor had a less dynamic but more efficient and diverse bacterial community throughout the study. The statistical analysis also suggests that deterministic factors, as opposed to stochastic factors, may have a bigger impact on the community structure in the largest bioreactor. Furthermore, the community seems to rely mainly on mechanisms of resistance and functional redundancy to maintain functional stability. We suggest that the ecological theories behind the Island Biogeography model and the species-area relationship were appropriate to predict the assembly of bacterial communities in these CAS bioreactors. These results are of great importance for engineers and ecologists as they reveal critical aspects of CAS systems that could be applied towards improving bioreactor design and operation.  相似文献   

Bacterial community structure and location in Stilton cheese   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The microbial diversity occurring in Stilton cheese was evaluated by 16S ribosomal DNA analysis with PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. DNA templates for PCR experiments were directly extracted from the cheese as well as bulk cells harvested from a variety of viable-count media. The variable V3 and V4-V5 regions of the 16S genes were analyzed. Closest relatives of Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus curvatus, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Staphylococcus equorum, and Staphylococcus sp. were identified by sequencing of the DGGE fragments. Fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes were developed to detect Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides in fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments, and their specificity for the species occurring in the community of Stilton cheese was checked in FISH experiments carried out with reference cultures. The combined use of these probes and the bacterial probe Eub338 in FISH experiments on Stilton cheese sections allowed the assessment of the spatial distribution of the different microbial species in the dairy matrix. Microbial colonies of bacteria showed a differential location in the different parts of the cheese examined: the core, the veins, and the crust. Lactococci were found in the internal part of the veins as mixed colonies and as single colonies within the core. Lactobacillus plantarum was detected only underneath the surface, while Leuconostoc microcolonies were homogeneously distributed in all parts observed. The combined molecular approach is shown to be useful to simultaneously describe the structure and location of the bacterial flora in cheese. The differential distribution of species found suggests specific ecological reasons for the establishment of sites of actual microbial growth in the cheese, with implications of significance in understanding the ecology of food systems and with the aim of achieving optimization of the fermentation technologies as well as preservation of traditional products.  相似文献   

Methanogenic bioreactor communities were used as model ecosystems to evaluate the relationship between functional stability and community structure. Replicated methanogenic bioreactor communities with two different community structures were established. The effect of a substrate loading shock on population dynamics in each microbial community was examined by using morphological analysis, small-subunit (SSU) rRNA oligonucleotide probes, amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA) restriction analysis (ARDRA), and partial sequencing of SSU rDNA clones. One set of replicated communities, designated the high-spirochete (HS) set, was characterized by good replicability, a high proportion of spiral and short thin rod morphotypes, a dominance of spirochete-related SSU rDNA genes, and a high percentage of Methanosarcina-related SSU rRNA. The second set of communities, designated the low-spirochete (LS) set, was characterized by incomplete replicability, higher morphotype diversity dominated by cocci, a predominance of Streptococcus-related and deeply branching Spirochaetales-related SSU rDNA genes, and a high percentage of Methanosaeta-related SSU rRNA. In the HS communities, glucose perturbation caused a dramatic shift in the relative abundance of fermentative bacteria, with temporary displacement of spirochete-related ribotypes by Eubacterium-related ribotypes, followed by a return to the preperturbation community structure. The LS communities were less perturbed, with Streptococcus-related organisms remaining prevalent after the glucose shock, although changes in the relative abundance of minor members were detected by morphotype analysis. A companion paper demonstrates that the more stable LS communities were less functionally stable than the HS communities (S. A. Hashsham, A. S. Fernandez, S. L. Dollhopf, F. B. Dazzo, R. F. Hickey, J. M. Tiedje, and C. S. Criddle, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:4050-4057, 2000).  相似文献   

Phospholipid analyses were performed on water column particulate and sediment samples from Ace Lake, a meromictic lake in the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica, to estimate the viable microbial biomass and community structure in the lake. In the water column, methanogenic bacterial phospholipids were present below 17 m in depth at concentrations which converted to a biomass of between 1 and 7×108 cells/liter. Methanogenic biomass in the sediment ranged from 17.7×109 cells/g dry weight of sediment at the surface to 0.1×109 cells/g dry weight at 2 m in depth. This relatively high methanogenic biomass implies that current microbial degradation of organic carbon in Ace Lake sediments may occur at extremely slow rates. Total microbial biomass increased from 4.4×108 cells/ liter at 2 m in depth to 19.4×108 cells/liter at 23 m, near the bottom of the water column. Total nonarchaebacterial biomass decreased from 4.2 ×109 cells/g dry weight in the surface sediment (1/4 the biomass of methanogens) to 0.06×108 cells/g dry weight at 2 m in depth in the sediment. Phospholipid fatty acid profiles showed that microeukaryotes were the major microbial group present in the oxylimnion of the lake, while bacteria dominated the lower, anoxic zone. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) comprised 25% of the microbial population at 23 m in depth in the water column particulates and were present in the surface sediment but to a lesser extent. Biomass estimates and community structure of the Ace Lake eco-system are discussed in relation to previously measured metabolic rates for this and other antarctic and temperate ecosystems. This is the first instance, to our knowledge, in which the viable biomass of methanogenic and SRB have been estimated for an antarctic microbial community.  相似文献   

Bacterial community structure and function in a metal-working fluid   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The diversity of bacterial populations colonizing spatially and temporally separated samples of the same metal-working fluid (MWF) formulation was investigated. Analyses were performed with a view to improve strategies for bioaugmentation of waste MWF in bioreactor systems and prevention of in-use MWF biodeterioration in engineering workshops. Significantly, complementary phenotypic, genotypic and in situ methods revealed that the bacterial communities in operationally exhausted MWFs had low diversity and were similar in species composition from different locations and uses. Of the 179 bacterial isolates studied, only 11 genera and 15 species were identified using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis, with culture independent analyses by 16S rDNA denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescent in situ hybridization being congruent with these FAME data. In order to gain some insight into functional role of detected populations, we correlated the MWF chemical composition and potential pollution load with bacterial abundance and community composition detected within samples.  相似文献   

The ammonia-oxidizing bacterial (AOB) communities in three membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were monitored for 2 months after an acclimation period in order to investigate the influence of sludge age and medium type on AOB changeability and its connection with nitrification effectiveness. One MBR with a sludge age of 4 days was fed with a synthetic medium, whereas the other two with sludge ages of 8 and 32 days were fed with landfill leachate. The research revealed that landfill leachate can be effectively treated in an MBR with a higher sludge age for longer periods of time and that this improvement in performance was correlated with an increase in AOB biodiversity. Interestingly, the medium type has a stronger influence on AOB biocenosis formation than the sludge age.  相似文献   

Although northern peatlands contribute significantly to natural methane emissions, recent studies of the importance and type of methanogenesis in these systems have provided conflicting results. Mechanisms controlling methanogenesis in northern peatlands remain poorly understood, despite the importance of methane as a greenhouse gas. We used 16S rRNA gene retrieval and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to analyse archaeal communities in 15 high-latitude peatland sites in Alaska and three mid-latitude peatland sites in Massachusetts. Archaeal community composition was analysed in the context of environmental, vegetation and biogeochemical factors characterized in a parallel study. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Alaskan sites were dominated by a cluster of uncultivated crenarchaeotes and members of the families Methanomicrobiaceae and Methanobacteriaceae, which are not acetoclastic. Members of the acetoclastic family Methanosarcinaceae were not detected, whereas those of the family Methanosaetaceae were either not detected or were minor. These results are consistent with biogeochemical evidence that acetoclastic methanogenesis is not a predominant terminal decomposition pathway in most of the sites analysed. Ordination analyses indicated a link between vegetation type and archaeal community composition, suggesting that plants (and/or the environmental conditions that control their distribution) influence both archaeal community activity and dynamics.  相似文献   

Changes in soil microbial community structure and diversity may reflect environmental impact. We examined 16S rRNA gene fingerprints of bacterial communities in six agroecosystems by PCR amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) separation. These soils were treated with manure for over a century or different fertilizers for over 70 years. Bacterial community structure and diversity were affected by soil management practices, as evidenced by changes in the PCR-DGGE banding patterns. Bacterial community structure in the manure-treated soil was more closely related to the structure in the untreated soil than that in soils treated with inorganic fertilizers. Lime treatment had little effect on bacterial community structure. Soils treated with P and N-P had bacterial community structures more closely related to each other than to those of soils given other treatments. Among the soils tested, a significantly higher number of bacterial ribotypes and a more even distribution of the bacterial community existed in the manure-treated soil. Of the 99 clones obtained from the soil treated with manure for over a century, two (both Pseudomonas spp.) exhibited 100% similarity to sequences in the GenBank database. Two of the clones were possible chimeras. Based on similarity matching, the remaining 97 clones formed six major clusters. Fifty-six out of 97 were assigned taxonomic units which grouped into five major taxa: alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria (36 clones), Acidobacteria (16 clones), Bacteroidetes (2 clones), Nitrospirae (1 clone), and Firmicutes (1 clone). Forty-one clones remained unclassified. Results from this study suggested that bacterial community structure was closely related to agroecosystem management practices conducted for over 70 years.  相似文献   

In this study we compared indicators of Cd bioavailability (water extracts, Lakanen extracts, free ions) and ecotoxicity in forest soils with contrasting physico-chemical characteristics. Soil samples were treated with CdCl(2) solutions (0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mM) and incubated for 30 days. Microbial activity indexes (acid phosphatase, beta-glucosidase, basal respiration) and changes in bacterial community structure using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) fingerprinting were investigated. The Cd concentrations measured ranged from 1% to 37% of the total additions in water extracts, to higher levels in Lakanen extracts. Effects of Cd were observed at bioavailable concentrations exceeding United Nations/European Economic Commission UN/ECE guidelines for total Cd in the soil solution. Basal respiration was the most affected index, while enzymatic activities showed variable responses to the Cd treatments. We also noticed that soils with pH higher than 6.7 and clay content higher than 50% showed inhibition of basal respiration but no marked shift in bacterial community structure. Soils with lower pH (pH <5.8) with less clay content (<50%) showed in addition strong changes in the bacterial community structure. Our results provide evidence for the importance of relating the effects of Cd on the soil communities to soil properties and to bioavailability.  相似文献   

The introduction of culture-independent molecular screening techniques, especially based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, has allowed microbiologists to examine a facet of microbial diversity not necessarily reflected by the results of culturing studies. The bacterial community structure was studied for a pesticide-contaminated site that was subsequently remediated using an efficient degradative strain Arthrobacter protophormiae RKJ100. The efficiency of the bioremediation process was assessed by monitoring the depletion of the pollutant, and the effect of addition of an exogenous strain on the existing soil community structure was determined using molecular techniques. The 16S rRNA gene pool amplified from the soil metagenome was cloned and restriction fragment length polymorphism studies revealed 46 different phylotypes on the basis of similar banding patterns. Sequencing of representative clones of each phylotype showed that the community structure of the pesticide-contaminated soil was mainly constituted by Proteobacteria and Actinomycetes. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed only nonsignificant changes in community structure during the process of bioremediation. Immobilized cells of strain RKJ100 enhanced pollutant degradation but seemed to have no detectable effects on the existing bacterial community structure.  相似文献   

Detailed studies on the relation of structure and function of microbial communities in a sediment depth profile scarcely exist. We determined as functional aspect the vertical distribution of the acetotrophic and hydrogenotrophic CH4 production activity by measuring production rates and stable 13C/12C-isotopic signatures of CH4 in the profundal sediment of Lake Dagow. The structural aspect was determined by the composition of the methanogenic community by quantifying the abundance of different archaeal groups using 'real-time' polymerase chain reaction and analysis of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). Methane production rates in the surface sediment (0-3 cm depth) were higher in August than in May, but strongly decreased with depth (down to 20 cm). The delta13C of the produced CH4 and CO2 indicated an increase in isotopic fractionation with sediment depth. The relative contribution of hydrogenotrophic to total methanogenesis, which was calculated from the isotopic signatures, increased with depth from about 22% to 38%. Total numbers of microorganisms were higher in August than in May, but strongly decreased with depth. The increase of microorganisms from May to August mainly resulted from Bacteria. The Archaea, on the other hand, exhibited a rather constant abundance, but also decreased with depth from about 1 x 10(8) copies of the archaeal 16S rRNA gene per gram of dry sediment at the surface to 4 x 10(7) copies per gram at 15-20 cm depth. T-RFLP analysis combined with phylogenetic analysis of cloned sequences of the archaeal 16S rRNA genes showed that the methanogenic community consisted mainly of Methanomicrobiales and Methanosaetaceae. The relative abundance of Methanosaetaceae decreased with depth, whereas that of Methanomicrobiales slightly increased. Hence, the vertical distribution of the functional characteristics (CH4 production from acetate versus H2/CO2) was reflected in the structure of the community consisting of acetotrophic (Methanosaetaceae) versus hydrogenotrophic (Methanomicrobiales) phenotypes.  相似文献   

Summary An anaerobic phase-separation biomass reactor was established on cellulose with the hydrolysis and fermentation steps occurring in the first stage, and acetogenesis and methanogenesis in the second stage. Based upon lipid biomarker analysis, eubacterial and eukaryotic cells accounted for approximately 6% of the volatile solids of the first stage and 17% of the second, while methanogens were approximately 1% of the volatile solids in the first stage and 9% of the second. Clustering the polar lipid fatty acids into groups based upon their distributions between the two stages of the reactor clarified the differences in community structure caused by phase-separated operation. Although inoculated from the same source, the two stages maintained very different microbial communities. Signature fatty acids known as indicators of unbalanced growth in eubacteria were significantly higher in the first stage of the reactor.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion of garbage is attracting much attention because of its application in waste volume reduction and the recovery of biogas for use as an energy source. In this review, various factors influencing the degradation of garbage and the production of biogas are discussed. The surface hydrophobicity and porosity of supporting materials are important factors in retaining microorganisms such as aceticlastic methanogens and in attaining a higher degradation of garbage and a higher production of biogas. Ammonia concentration, changes in environmental parameters such as temperature and pH, and adaptation of microbial community to ammonia have been related to ammonia inhibition. The effects of drawing electrons from the methanogenic community and donating electrons into the methanogenic community on methane production have been shown in microbial fuel cells and bioelectrochemical reactors. The influences of trace elements, phase separation, and co-digestion are also summarized in this review.  相似文献   

Membrane-coupled bioreactors (MBRs) offer substantial benefits compared to conventional reactor designs for biological wastewater treatment. MBR treatment efficiency, however, has not been optimized because the effects of the MBR on process microbiology are poorly understood. In this study, the structure and function of the microbial communities growing in MBRs fed simple synthetic wastewater were investigated. In four starch-fed MBRs, the bacterial community substantially increased its alpha-glucosidase affinity (>1000-fold), while the leucine aminopeptidase and heptanoate esterase affinities increased slightly (<40-fold) or remained relatively constant. Concomitant to these physiological adaptations, shifts in the bacterial community structure in two of the starch-fed MBRs were detected by PCR-DGGE. Four of the bacterial populations detected by PCR-DGGE were isolated and exhibited specific growth rates in batch culture ranging from 0.009 to 0.22 h(-1). Our results suggest that bacterial communities growing under increasingly stringent nutrient limitation adapt their enzyme activities primarily for the nutrients provided, but that there is also a more subtle response not linked to the substrates included in the feed medium. Our research also demonstrates that MBRs can support relatively complex bacterial communities even on simple feed media.  相似文献   

Methane production was studied in an Italian rice field over two consecutive years (1998, 1999) by measuring the rates of total and acetate-dependent methanogenesis in soil and root samples. Population dynamics of methanogens were followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and real-time PCR targeting archaeal SSU rRNA genes. Rates of total and acetate-dependent methanogenesis in soil increased during the season, reached a maximum at about 70-80 days after flooding and then decreased again. In contrast, the size of the archaeal community remained relatively constant. Therefore, the seasonal changes in the methanogenic processes were probably not caused by changes in the size of the methanogenic community but in its activity. During the 1998/1999 winter period, a slight decrease in archaeal cell numbers was found. In both years, the dominant groups were methanogens affiliated with Rice cluster I, Methanosaetaceae, Methanosarcinaceae and Methanobacteriaceae. Correspondence analysis showed, however, that the archaeal community structure was different in 1998 and 1999. Methanogens with potential acetoclastic activity made up a larger fraction of the total archaeal community in 1999 (32-53%) than in 1998 (20-32%). Furthermore, the frequency of Methanosaetaceae relative to Methanosarcinaceae was significantly higher in 1999 than in 1998. This difference could be explained by the much lower soil acetate concentrations in 1999, to which Methanosaetaceae are physiologically better adapted than Methanosarcinaceae. Over the season, however, the composition of the archaeal community remained relatively constant and thus did not reflect the observed seasonal change in CH(4) production activity. The analysis of rice root samples in 1999 showed that the archaeal community structure on the roots was similar to that in soil but with acetoclastic methanogens being relatively less common. This observation is in agreement with domination of CH(4) production by H(2)/CO(2)-dependent methanogenesis on roots. Our study provided a link between size, structure and function of the methanogenic community in an Italian rice field.  相似文献   

脊尾白虾肠道微生物菌群结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沈辉  万夕和  何培民  黎慧  乔毅  蒋葛 《微生物学通报》2015,42(10):1922-1928
【目的】研究海水池塘养殖条件下的脊尾白虾肠道微生物菌群组成及多样性。【方法】采用PCR-RFLP技术,以直接提取的脊尾白虾肠道细菌总DNA为模板进行16S rRNA 基因扩增,产物与T载体连接建立质粒文库,从RFLP建立的文库中筛选出不同细菌来源的克隆子,将测定的差异克隆子16S rRNA片段序列与GenBank数据库进行比对。【结果】从脊尾白虾肠道的菌群文库中共获得114个克隆子,Hae Ⅲ和Msp I双酶切得到11种差异克隆子;对差异克隆子测序后,其中8个差异序列与已知细菌具有较高的同源性,分别是假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、肠杆菌属(Enterobater)、冰冻小杆菌属(Frigoribacterium)、褐杆菌属(Phaeobacter)、弧菌属(Vibrio)、赤杆菌属(Erythrobacter)、气单胞菌属(Aeromonas)、葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)和其他未培养细菌。【结论】初步揭示了脊尾白虾肠道微生物菌群结构的组成,为开发脊尾白虾专用微生态制剂提供基础资料。  相似文献   

A novel continuously stirred anaerobic bioreactor (CSABR) seeded with silicone-immobilized sludge was developed for high-rate fermentative H2 production using sucrose as the limiting substrate. The CSABR system was operated at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 0.5-6 h and an influent sucrose concentration of 10-40 g COD/L. With a high feeding sucrose concentration (i.e., 30-40 g COD/L) and a short HRT (0.5 h), the CSABR reactor produced H2 more efficiently with the highest volumetric rate (VH2) of 15 L/h/L (i.e., 14.7 mol/d/L) and an optimal yield of ca. 3.5 mol H2/mol sucrose. The maximum VH2 value obtained from this work is much higher than any other VH2 values ever documented. Formation of self-flocculated granular sludge occurred during operation at a short HRT. The granule formation is thought to play a pivotal role in the dramatic enhancement of H2 production rate, because it led to more efficient biomass retention. A high biomass concentration of up to 35.4 g VSS/L was achieved even though the reactor was operated at an extremely low HRT (i.e., 0.5 h). In addition to gaining high biomass concentrations, formation of granular sludge also triggered a transition in bacterial community structure, resulting in a nearly twofold increase in the specific H2 production rate. According to denatured-gradient-gel-electrophoresis analysis, operations at a progressively decreasing HRT resulted in a decrease in bacterial population diversity. The culture with the best H2 production performance (at HRT = 0.5 h and sucrose concentration = 30 g COD/L) was eventually dominated by a presumably excellent H2-producing bacterial species identified as Clostridium pasteurianum.  相似文献   

Fungal and bacterial community structure in tussock, intertussock and shrub organic and mineral soils at Toolik Lake, Alaska were evaluated. Community structure was examined by constructing clone libraries of partial 16S and 18S rRNA genes. The soil communities were sampled at the end of the growing season in August 2004 and just after the soils thawed in June 2005. The communities differed greatly between vegetation types, although tussock and intertussock soil communities were very similar at the phyla level. The communities were relatively stable between sample dates at the phyla and subphyla levels, but differed significantly at finer phylogenetic scales. Tussock and intertussock bacterial communities were dominated by Acidobacteria, while shrub soils were dominated by Proteobacteria. These results appear consistent with previous work demonstrating that shrub soils contain an active, bioavailable C fraction, while tussock soils are dominated by more recalcitrant substrates. Tussock fungi communities had higher proportions of Ascomycota than shrub soils, while Zygomycota were more abundant in shrub soils. Recent documentation of increasing shrub abundance in the Arctic suggests that soil microbial communities and their functioning are likely to be altered by climate change.  相似文献   

【目的】种子是植物微生物群代际传递的重要途径,但种子携带的微生物群落尚缺乏系统的研究。本研究以水稻种子为模型,定量分析种子的细菌含量、测定种子的细菌群落结构、探究地域与品种对细菌含量及群落结构的影响和鉴定水稻种子的核心菌群。【方法】选取18个水稻品种,每个品种分别来自中国海南和天津2个地域,共36组样本。每组样本包含5或10个DNA样本,每个DNA样本由3粒种子提取的总DNA构成。使用细菌特异性16S rDNA介导的荧光定量PCR技术测定种子的细菌含量,并分析影响因素;使用16S rDNA扩增子测序技术测定种子的细菌群落结构,并用生物信息学方法分析了影响因素和核心菌群。【结果】本研究测定了1 080粒水稻种子的细菌含量,发现经过表面除菌的水稻种子内部存在共栖细菌,平均每克种子的细菌含量为1.53×106。水稻品种对种子的细菌含量有显著影响,而地域无影响。测定180个扩增子文库的细菌群落结构,发现水稻种子的菌群与水稻植株有相似之处,均以变形菌门为主要的细菌门类;地域对水稻种子的细菌群落结构有重要影响,不同地域的水稻种子在主坐标分析(principal co-ordinate analysis, PCoA)中有明显分离;而粳稻和籼稻之间无显著差异。还发现水稻种子存在核心菌群,且相对丰度高达总菌群的85.56%。【结论】本研究系统地揭示了水稻种子的细菌含量、群落结构及其影响因素,为利用种传微生物促进水稻健康提供了数据和方法支持。  相似文献   

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