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Proteinase K is widely used in tests for the presence of infectious prion protein causing fatal spongiform encephalopathies. To investigate possible interactions between the enzyme and the functionally important N-terminal prion domain, we crystallized mercury-inhibited proteinase K in the presence of the synthetic peptides GGGWGQPH and HGGGW. The octapeptide sequence is identical to that of a single octapeptide repeat (OPR) from the physiologically important OPR region. Here, we present the first direct evidence for the complex formation between a proteolytic enzyme and a segment of human prion molecule. The X-ray structures of the complexes at 1.4 and 1.8A resolution, respectively, revealed that in both cases the segment GGG is strongly bound as a real substrate at the substrate recognition site of the proteinase forming an antiparallel beta-strand between the two parallel strands of Asn99-Tyr104 and Ser132-Gly136. The complex is stabilized through an extended H-bonding network.  相似文献   

Genetic prion disease: the EUROCJD experience   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A total of 10–15% of human transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) or prion diseases are characterised by disease-specific mutations in the prion protein gene (PRNP). We examined the phenotype, distribution, and frequency of genetic TSEs (gTSEs) in different countries/geographical regions. We collected standardised data on gTSEs between 1993 and 2002 in the framework of the EUROCJD collaborative surveillance project. Our results show that clinicopathological phenotypes include genetic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (gCJD), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease (GSS). Genetic TSE patients with insert mutation in the PRNP represent a separate group. Point and insertional mutations in the PRNP gene varies significantly in frequency between countries. The commonest mutation is E200K. Absence of a positive family history is noted in a significant proportion of cases in all mutation types (12–88%). FFI and GSS patients develop disease earlier than gCJD. Base pair insertions associated with the Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD) phenotype, GSS, and FFI cases have a longer duration of illness compared to cases with point mutations and gCJD. Cerebrospinal fluid 14-3-3 immunoassay, EEG, and MRI brain scan are useful in the diagnosis of CJD with point mutations, but are less sensitive in the other forms. Given the low prevalence of family history, the term “gTSE” is preferable to “familial TSE”. Application of genetic screening in clinical practice has the advantage of early diagnosis and may lead to the identification of a risk of a TSE.Gábor G. Kovács and Maria Propolo Contributed equally  相似文献   

Prion protein (PrP) is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, and the C-terminal GPI anchor signal sequence (GPI-SS) of PrP is cleaved before GPI anchoring. However, mutations near the GPI anchor attachment site (the ω site) in the GPI-SS have been recognized in human genetic prion diseases. Moreover, the ω site of PrP has not been identified except hamster, though it is known that amino acid restrictions are very severe at the ω and ω + 2 sites in other GPI-anchored proteins. To investigate the effect of mutations near the ω site of PrP on the conversion and the GPI anchoring, and to discover the ω site of murine PrP, we systematically created mutant murine PrP with all possible single amino acid substitutions at every amino acid residue from codon 228 to 240. We transfected them into scrapie-infected mouse neuroblastoma cells and examined the conversion efficiencies and the GPI anchoring of each mutant PrP. Mutations near the ω site altered the conversion efficiencies and the GPI anchoring efficiencies. Especially, amino acid restrictions for the conversion and the GPI anchoring were severe at codons 230 and 232 in murine PrP, though they were less severe than in other GPI-anchored proteins. Only the mutant PrPs presented on a cell surface via a GPI anchor were conversion competent. The present study shows that mutations in the GPI-SS can affect the GPI anchoring and the conversion efficiency of PrP. We clarified for the first time the ω site of murine PrP and the amino acid conditions near the ω site for the conversion as well as GPI anchoring.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(c)) forms complexes with plasminogen. Here, we show that the PrP(c) in this complex is cleaved to yield fragments of PrP(c). The cleavage is accelerated by plasmin but does not appear to be dependent on it.  相似文献   

Cellular prion protein PrP(C) contains two evolutionarily conserved domains among mammals; viz., the octapeptide repeat region (OR; amino acid residue 51-90) and the hydrophobic region (HR; amino acid residue 112-145). Accumulating evidence indicates that PrP(C) acts as an inhibitor of apoptosis and regulator of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. To further understand how PrP(C) activates SOD and prevents apoptosis, we provide evidence here that OR and N-terminal half of HR mediate PrP(C)-dependent SOD activation and anti-apoptotic function. Removal of the OR (amino acid residue 53-94) enhances apoptosis and decreases SOD activity. Deletion of the N-terminal half of HR (amino acids residue 95-132) abolishes its ability to activate SOD and to prevent apoptosis, whereas that of the C-terminal half of HR (amino acids residue 124-146) has little if any effect on the anti-apoptotic activity and SOD activation. These data are consistent with a model in which the anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidative function of PrP(C) is regulated by not only OR but also the N-terminal half of HR.  相似文献   


Human genetic prion diseases have invariably been linked to alterations of the prion protein (PrP) gene PRNP. Two sisters died from probable Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in Switzerland within 14 y. At autopsy, both patients had typical spongiform change in their brains accompanied by punctuate deposits of PrP. Biochemical analyses demonstrated proteinase K-resistant PrP. Sequencing of PRNP showed 2 wild-type alleles in both siblings. Retrospectively, clinical data revealed a history of dural transplantation in the initially deceased sister, compatible with a diagnosis of iatrogenic CJD. Clinical and familial histories provided no evidence for potential horizontal transmission. This observation of 2 siblings suffering from CJD without mutations in the PRNP gene suggests potential involvement of non-PRNP genes in prion disease etiology.  相似文献   

The interactions and conformational changes that lead to the conversion of the normal prion protein (PrP(c)) to its pathogenic form, PrP(sc), are still being elucidated. Using Surface Plasma Resonance (SPR), we provide evidence that a synthetic peptide (PrP(144-167)) corresponding to residues comprising the alpha helix 1-beta strand 2 domain of PrP(c) is able to interact and bind to immobilised recombinant human PrP (rHuPrP) in a dose-dependent manner. The interaction is pH dependent with an increase in binding observed as the pH is lowered, particularly between pH 6.5 and pH 5.5 suggesting a specific role for His(155) in the interaction, confirmed by covalent modification of this residue in the peptide with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC). Circular dichroism analysis of PrP(144-167) revealed no secondary structure motifs across the pH range investigated. Possible pH related structural changes of immobilised rHuPrP are also discussed with regard to the increased affinity for PrP(144-167).  相似文献   

A minority of inherited prion diseases (IPD) are caused by four to 12 extra octapeptide repeat insertions (OPRI) in the prion protein gene (PRNP). Only four families affected by IPD with 8-OPRI have been reported, one of them was a three-generation Swedish kindred in which four of seven affected subjects had chorea which was initially attributed to Huntington’s disease (HD). Following the exclusion of HD, this phenotype was labeled Huntington disease-like 1 (HDL1). Here, we provide an update on the Swedish 8-OPRI family, describe the clinical features of one of its affected members with video-recordings, compare the four 8-OPRI families and study the effect of PRNP polymorphic codon 129 and gender on phenotype. Surprisingly, the Swedish kindred displayed the longest survival of all of the 8-OPRI families with a mean of 15.1 years from onset of symptoms. Subjects with PRNP polymorphic codon 129M in the mutated allele had significantly earlier age of onset, longer survival and earlier age of death than 129V subjects. Homozygous 129MM had earlier age of onset than 129VV. Females had a significantly earlier age of onset and earlier age of death than males. Up to 50% of variability in age of onset was conferred by the combined effect of PRNP polymorphic codon 129 and gender. An inverse correlation between early age of onset and long survival was found for this mutation.  相似文献   

Prions are infectious proteins and over the past few decades, some prions have become renowned for their causative role in several neurodegenerative diseases in animals and humans. Since their discovery, the mechanisms and mode of transmission and molecular structure of prions have begun to be established. There is, however, still much to be elucidated about prion diseases, including the development of potential therapeutic strategies for treatment. The significance of prion disease is discussed here, including the categories of human and animal prion diseases, disease transmission, disease progression and the development of symptoms and potential future strategies for treatment. Furthermore, the structure and function of the normal cellular prion protein (PrPC) and its importance in not only in prion disease development, but also in diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Since high-intensity synchrotron radiation is available, extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) is used for detailed structural analysis of metal ion environments in proteins. However, the information acquired is often insufficient to obtain an unambiguous picture. ENDOR spectroscopy allows the determination of hydrogen positions around a metal ion. However, again the structural information is limited. In the present study, a method is proposed which combines computations with spectroscopic data from EXAFS, EPR, electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM). From EXAFS a first picture of the nearest coordination shell is derived which has to be compatible with EPR data. Computations are used to select sterically possible structures, from which in turn structures with correct H and N positions are selected by ENDOR and ESEEM measurements. Finally, EXAFS spectra are re-calculated and compared with the experimental data. This procedure was successfully applied for structure determination of the Cu2+ complex of the octapeptide repeat of the human prion protein. The structure of this octarepeat complex is rather similar to a pentapeptide complex which was determined by X-ray structure analysis. However, the tryptophan residue has a different orientation: the axial water is on the other side of the Cu.  相似文献   

The cellular isoform of prion protein (PrP(C)) is a cell-surface glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored protein which is ubiquitously expressed on the cell membrane. It may function as a cell receptor or as a cell adhesion molecule. Thyroid follicles, obtained from patients with Graves' disease at thyroidectomy, were cultured in F-12/RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 0.5% fetal bovine serum and bovine thyroid stimulating hormone (bTSH). Northern blot analyses revealed that bTSH increased the steady-state expression levels of PrP mRNA in a time- and dose-dependent manner. This increase was reproduced by dibutyryl-cAMP and 12-decanoylphorbol-13-acetate. The mRNA expression was greater in thyroid follicles in suspension culture than in thyrocytes cultured in a monolayer. These findings suggest that TSH stimulates PrP mRNA expression in thyrocytes through the protein kinase A and C pathways. The greater mRNA expression in thyroid follicles than in monolayer cells suggests that PrP(C) may be involved in structure formation or maintenance of thyroid follicles.  相似文献   

Studies of prion biology and diseases have elucidated several new concepts, but none was more heretical than the proposal that the biological properties that distinguish different prion strains are enciphered in the disease-causing prion protein (PrP(Sc)). To explore this postulate, we examined the properties of PrP(Sc) from eight prion isolates that propagate in Syrian hamster (SHa). Using resistance to protease digestion as a marker for the undenatured protein, we examined the conformational stabilities of these PrP(Sc) molecules. All eight isolates showed sigmoidal patterns of transition from native to denatured PrP(Sc) as a function of increasing guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) concentration. Half-maximal denaturation occurred at a mean value of 1.48 M GdnHCl for the Sc237, HY, SHa(Me7), and MT-C5 isolates, all of which have approximately 75-d incubation periods; a concentration of 1.08 M was found for the DY strain with a approximately 170-d incubation period and approximately 1.25 M for the SHa(RML) and 139H isolates with approximately 180-d incubation periods. A mean value of 1.39 M GdnHCl for the Me7-H strain with a approximately 320-d incubation period was found. Based on these results, the eight prion strains segregated into four distinct groups. Our results support the unorthodox proposal that distinct PrP(Sc) conformers encipher the biological properties of prion strains.  相似文献   

Transgenic (Tg) mice carrying four extra octapeptide repeats (OR) in the bovine PrP gene (10OR instead of 6) have been generated. In these mice, neuropathological changes were observed depending upon the level of transgene expression. These changes primarily involved a slowly advancing neurological disorder, characterized clinically by ataxia, and neuropathologically, by vacuolization in different brain areas, gliosis, and loss of cerebellar granule cells. Accumulation of insoluble bovine 10OR-PrP (bo10OR-PrP) was observed depending on the level of expression but no infectivity was found associated with this insoluble form. We also compared the behavior of bo6OR-PrP and bo10OR-PrP Tg mouse lines in response to BSE infection. BSE-inoculated bo10ORTg mice showed an altered course of BSE infection, reflected by reduced incubation times when compared to bo6ORTg mice expressing similar levels of the wild type 6OR-PrP. In BSE-inoculated mice, it was possible to detect PrP(res) in 100% of the animals. While insoluble bo10OR-PrP from non-inoculated bo10ORTg mice was non-infectious, brain homogenates from BSE-inoculated bo10ORTg mice were highly infectious in all the Tg mouse lines tested. This Tg mouse model constitutes a new way of understanding the pathobiology of bovine transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. Its potential applications include the assessment of new therapies against prion diseases.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of the mammalian prion protein   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Prion protein (PrP) sequences are until now available for only six of the 18 orders of placental mammals. A broader comparison of mammalian prions might help to understand the enigmatic functional and pathogenic properties of this protein. We therefore determined PrP coding sequences in 26 mammalian species to include all placental orders and major subordinal groups. Glycosylation sites, cysteines forming a disulfide bridge, and a hydrophobic transmembrane region are perfectly conserved. Also, the sequences responsible for secondary structure elements, for N- and C-terminal processing of the precursor protein, and for attachment of the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol membrane anchor are well conserved. The N-terminal region of PrP generally contains five or six repeats of the sequence P(Q/H)GGG(G/-)WGQ, but alleles with two, four, and seven repeats were observed in some species. This suggests, together with the pattern of amino acid replacements in these repeats, the regular occurrence of repeat expansion and contraction. Histidines implicated in copper ion binding and a proline involved in 4-hydroxylation are lacking in some species, which questions their importance for normal functioning of cellular PrP. The finding in certain species of two or seven repeats, and of amino acid substitutions that have been related to human prion diseases, challenges the relevance of such mutations for prion pathology. The gene tree deduced from the PrP sequences largely agrees with the species tree, indicating that no major deviations occurred in the evolution of the prion gene in different placental lineages. In one species, the anteater, a prion pseudogene was present in addition to the active gene.  相似文献   

Shin W  Lee B  Hong S  Ryou C  Kwon M 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(10):1705-1711
A PrP gene, from a Korean bovine, exhibiting a nonsense and a missense polymorphism respectively at nucleotides 576 and 652 has been cloned. The latter resulted in Glu to Lys substitution at amino acid residue 218. After expression and purification of the recombinant bovine PrP (recBoPrP) with Glu218Lys substitution, a polyclonal antibody against this protein was raised. ELISA and Western blot analysis suggested that the recBoPrP obtained in this study had a unique conformation not presented in native PrP(C), and the polyclonal antibody recognized PrP in a conformation dependent manner. These reagents will be valuable tools for studying PrP conformation.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein (PrP(C)), predominantly expressed in the central nervous system, is required for pathogenesis of prion neurodegenerative diseases and its conversion into a pathogenic isoform (PrP(Sc)) is a common feature of disease. While the physiological function of PrP(C) remains unclear, accumulating evidence indicates a role for PrP(C) in oxidative homeostasis in vivo and suggests that PrP(C) may be involved in the cellular response to oxidative stress. Mice in which PrP(C) expression has been ablated are viable and develop normally. Here we show that in an inbred line of mice, in tissues that normally express PrP at moderate to high levels, ablation of PrP(C) results in reduced mitochondrial numbers, unusual mitochondrial morphology, and elevated levels of mitochondrial manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase antioxidant enzyme. These observations may have relevance to the pathogenic mechanism for this group of fatal neurodegenerative conditions.  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are associated with an autocatalytic conversion of normal prion protein, PrPC, to a protease-resistant form, PrPres. This autocatalytic reaction can be reproduced in vitro using a procedure called protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA). Here we show that, unlike brain-derived PrPC, bacterially-expressed recombinant prion protein (rPrP) is a poor substrate for PrPres amplification in a standard PMCA reaction. The differences between PrPC and rPrP appear to be due to the lack of the glycophosphatidylinositol anchor in the recombinant protein. These findings shed a new light on prion protein conversion process and have important implications for the efforts to generate synthetic prions for structural and biophysical studies.  相似文献   

An abnormal isoform of prion protein (PrPSc), which is composed of the same amino acids as cellular PrP (PrPC) and has proteinase K (PK)-resistance, hypothetically converts PrPC into PrPSc. To investigate the region important for PrPSc production, we examined the levels of PrPSc in PrP gene-deficient cells (HpL3-4) expressing PrPC deleted of various regions including the octapeptide repeat region (OR) or hydrophobic region (HR). After Chandler or Obihiro prion infection, PrPSc was produced in HpL3-4 cells expressing wild-type PrPC or PrPC deleted of HR at an early stage and further reduced to below the detectable level, whereas cells expressing PrPC deleted of OR showed no PrPSc production. The results suggest that OR of PrPC is required for the early step of efficient PrPSc production.  相似文献   

Recently published data show that the prion protein in its cellular form (PrP(C)) is a component of multimolecular complexes. In this report, zero-length cross-linking with 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) allowed us to identify tubulin as one of the molecules interacting with PrP(C) in complexes observed in porcine brain extracts. We found that porcine brain tubulin added to these extracts can be cross-linked with PrP(C). Moreover, we observed that the 34 kDa species identified previously as full-length diglycosylated prion protein co-purifies with tubulin. Cross-linking of PrP(C) species separated by Cu(2+)-loaded immobilized metal affinity chromatography confirmed that only the full-length protein but not the N-terminally truncated form (C1) binds to tubulin. By means of EDC cross-linking and cosedimentation experiments, we also demonstrated a direct interaction of recombinant human PrP (rPrP) with tubulin. The stoichiometry of cosedimentation implies that rPrP molecules are able to bind both the alpha- and beta-isoforms of tubulin composing microtubule. Furthermore, prion protein exhibits higher affinity for microtubules than for unpolymerized tubulin.  相似文献   

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