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The functions of Beclin‐1 in macroautophagy, tumorigenesis and cytokinesis are thought to be mediated by its association with the PI3K‐III complex. Here, we describe a new role for Beclin‐1 in mitotic chromosome congression that is independent of the PI3K‐III complex and its role in autophagy. Beclin‐1 depletion in HeLa cells leads to a significant reduction of the outer kinetochore proteins CENP‐E, CENP‐F and ZW10, and, consequently, the cells present severe problems in chromosome congression. Beclin‐1 associates with kinetochore microtubules and forms discrete foci near the kinetochores of attached chromosomes. We show that Beclin‐1 interacts directly with Zwint‐1—a component of the KMN (KNL‐1/Mis12/Ndc80) complex—which is essential for kinetochore–microtubule interactions. This suggests that Beclin‐1 acts downstream of the KMN complex to influence the recruitment of outer kinetochore proteins and promotes accurate kinetochore anchoring to the spindle during mitosis.  相似文献   

The accurate distribution and segregation of replicated chromosomes through mitosis is crucial for cellular viability and development of organisms. Kinetochores are responsible for the proper congression and segregation of chromosomes. Here, we show that neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) localizes to and forms a complex with kinetochores in mitotic cells. Depletion of NWASP by RNA interference causes chromosome misalignment, prolonged mitosis, and abnormal chromosomal segregation, which is associated with decreased proliferation of N-WASP-deficient cells. N-WASP-deficient cells display defects in the kinetochores recruitment of inner and outer kinetochore components, CENP-A, CENP-E, and Mad2. Live-cell imaging analysis of GFP-α-tubulin revealed that depletion of N-WASP impairs microtubule attachment to chromosomes in mitotic cells. All these results indicate that N-WASP plays a role in efficient assembly of kinetochores and attachment of microtubules to chromosomes, which is essential for accurate chromosome congression and segregation.  相似文献   

DDA3 regulates spindle microtubule (MT) dynamics and chromosome movement in mitosis through its interaction with and subsequent recruitment of Kif2a, a minus end-MT depolymerase. Depletion of DDA3 causes a hyper-stabilization of spindle MT, a loss of inter-kinetochore tension, and a defect in chromosome congression, leading to unaligned chromosomes at metaphase. We report here that DDA3 is also localized at kinetochores and interacts with MCAK. Furthermore, CENP-E, a plus end-motor protein, accumulates at kinetochores in unaligned chromosomes in mitotic cells depleted of DDA3. On the other hand, the localization of chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) and the kinase activity of Aurora B are normal in DDA3-depleted cells. We conclude that MCAK and CENP-E are involved in DDA3-mediated chromosome congression.  相似文献   

Cheung DH  Kung HF  Huang JJ  Shaw PC 《FEBS letters》2012,586(19):3166-3171
Telomerase recruitment to telomere is the prerequisite for telomere extension, but the proteins involved in this process are still largely unknown. PinX1 is a telomerase inhibitor and has been implicated in telomere maintenance. Silencing of PinX1 significantly reduced the localization of telomerase to telomere during mid-late S phase, suggesting the involvement of PinX1 in the cell cycle-dependent trafficking of hTERT to telomere. We also revealed that PinX1 mediated the chromosomal localization of hTERT during anaphase. This study revealed the role of PinX1 in telomerase function regulation by mediating its localization inside cells.  相似文献   

PinX1, a nucleolar protein of 328 amino acids, inhibits telomerase activity, which leads to the shortening of telomeres. The C-terminal region of PinX1 is responsible for its nucleolar localization and binding with TERT, a catalytic component of telomerase. A fraction of TERT localizes to the nucleolus, but the role of TERT in the nucleolus is largely unknown. Here, we report a functional connection between PinX1 and TERT regarding PinX1 stability. The C-terminal of PinX1205–328, a nucleolar fragment, was much more stable than the N-terminal of PinX11–204, a nuclear fragment. Interestingly, PinX1 was less stable in TERT-depleted cells and more stable in TERT-myc expressing cells. Stability assays for PinX1 truncation forms showed that both PinX11–328 and PinX1205–328, nucleolar forms, were more rapidly degraded in TERT-depleted cells, while they were more stably maintained in TERT-overexpressing cells, compared to each of the controls. However, PinX11–204 was degraded regardless of the TERT status. These results reveal that the stability of PinX1 is maintained in nucleolus in the presence of TERT and suggest a role of TERT in the regulation of PinX1 steady-state levels.  相似文献   

Chromokinesins have been postulated to provide the polar ejection force needed for chromosome congression during mitosis. We have evaluated that possibility by monitoring chromosome movement in vertebrate-cultured cells using time-lapse differential interference contrast microscopy after microinjection with antibodies specific for the chromokinesin Kid. 17.5% of cells injected with Kid-specific antibodies have one or more chromosomes that remain closely opposed to a spindle pole and fail to enter anaphase. In contrast, 82.5% of injected cells align chromosomes in metaphase, progress to anaphase, and display chromosome velocities not significantly different from control cells. However, injected cells lack chromosome oscillations, and chromosome orientation is atypical because chromosome arms extend toward spindle poles during both congression and metaphase. Furthermore, chromosomes cluster into a mass and fail to oscillate when Kid is perturbed in cells containing monopolar spindles. These data indicate that Kid generates the polar ejection force that pushes chromosome arms away from spindle poles in vertebrate-cultured cells. This force increases the efficiency with which chromosomes make bipolar spindle attachments and regulates kinetochore activities necessary for chromosome oscillation, but is not essential for chromosome congression.  相似文献   

Chromosome shattering has been described as a special form of mitotic catastrophe, which occurs in cells with unrepaired DNA damage. The shattered chromosome phenotype was detected after application of a methanol/acetic acid (MAA) fixation protocol routinely used for the preparation of metaphase spreads. The corresponding phenotype in the living cell and the mechanism leading to this mitotic catastrophe have remained speculative so far. In the present study, we used V79 Chinese hamster cells, stably transfected with histone H2BmRFP for live-cell observations, and induced generalized chromosome shattering (GCS) by the synergistic effect of UV irradiation and caffeine posttreatment. We demonstrate that GCS can be derived from abnormal mitotic cells with a parachute-like chromatin configuration (PALCC) consisting of a bulky chromatin mass and extended chromatin fibers that tether centromeres at a remote, yet normally shaped spindle apparatus. This result hints at a chromosome condensation failure, yielding a “shattered” chromosome complement after MAA fixation. Live mitotic cells with PALCCs proceeded to interphase within a period similar to normal mitotic cells but did not divide. Instead they formed cells with highly abnormal nuclear configurations subject to apoptosis after several hours. We propose a factor depletion model where a limited pool of proteins is involved both in DNA repair and chromatin condensation. Chromosome condensation failure occurs when this pool becomes depleted. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This article has been submitted as a contribution to the festschrift entitled “Uncovering cellular sub-structures by light microscopy” in honour of Professor Cremer’s 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Prolonged mitosis due to aberrant chromosome segregation permits cells to enter the G1 phase without cytokinesis and subsequently triggers the p53-dependent cell death program, known as mitotic catastrophe. Cells which fail to go through mitotic catastrophe create aneuploidy, posing a risk of oncogenesis. In the present report, we show that p62-mediated non-canonical activation of Nrf2 leads to the persistent expression of Nqo1, which plays a critical role for p53 stabilization during mitotic catastrophe. With prolonged exposure to nocodazole, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent, p62-deficient HCT116 cells exhibited an accumulation of a polyploid population with a limited appearance of apoptotic cells, which was attributable to the attenuated stabilization of p53. Combinatorial gene manipulation analysis verified that the regulatory cascade with a hierarchy of p62–Keap1–Nrf2–Nqo1 is required for p53 stabilization for mitotic catastrophe. This is consistent with the role of Nqo1 as a gatekeeper for proteasomal degradation of p53. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time the functional connection between the non-canonical Nrf2 pathway and p53-dependent cell death program upon prolonged mitosis.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(5):912-925.e6
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Naf1α is an HIV Nef-associated factor expressed ubiquitously in human cells. Previously, we reported that Naf1α is phosphorylated with EGF through MEK/ERK2 pathway. In this study, we found an additional phosphorylation of Naf1α when cells are in mitotic phase (M phase) or arrested in M phase with anti-mitosis reagents, and disappeared when the cells exit from mitotic phase to G1 phase. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Naf1α plays an important role in preventing cells from apoptosis: over-expression of Naf1α in Saos-2 cells suppressed trichostatin A (TSA)-induced apoptosis either of random culture or of cell population synchronized in M phase. In addition, knock-down of Naf1α expression with small interfering RNA sensitized Saos-2 cells to TSA-induced apoptosis. Physiological significance of these findings is discussed in relation to protection of cells from the apoptosis induction.  相似文献   

The equal distribution of chromosomes during mitosis is critical for maintaining the integrity of the genome. Essential to this process are the capture of spindle microtubules by kinetochores and the congression of chromosomes to the metaphase plate . Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) is a mitotic kinase that has been implicated in microtubule-kinetochore attachment, tension generation at kinetochores, tension-responsive signal transduction, and chromosome congression . The tension-sensitive substrates of Plk1 at the kinetochore are unknown. Here, we demonstrate that human Nuclear distribution protein C (NudC), a 42 kDa protein initially identified in Aspergillus nidulans and shown to be phosphorylated by Plk1 , plays a significant role in regulating kinetochore function. Plk1-phosphorylated NudC colocalizes with Plk1 at the outer plate of the kinetochore. Depletion of NudC reduced end-on microtubule attachments at kinetochores and resulted in defects in chromosome congression at the metaphase plate. Importantly, NudC-deficient cells exhibited mislocalization of Plk1 and the Kinesin-7 motor CENP-E from prometaphase kinetochores. Ectopic expression of wild-type NudC, but not NudC containing mutations in the Plk1 phosphorylation sites, recovered Plk1 localization at the kinetochore and rescued chromosome congression. Thus, NudC functions as both a substrate and a spatial regulator of Plk1 at the kinetochore to promote chromosome congression.  相似文献   

Fu G  Ding X  Yuan K  Aikhionbare F  Yao J  Cai X  Jiang K  Yao X 《Cell research》2007,17(7):608-618
Chromosome segregation in mitosis is orchestrated by the interaction of the kinetochore with spindle microtubules. Ourrecent study shows that NEK2A interacts with MAD1 at the kinetochore and possibly functions as a novel integrator ofspindle checkpoint signaling. However, it is unclear how NEK2 A regulates kinetochore-microtubule attachment in mitosis.Here we show that NEK2A phosphorylates human Sgol and such phosphorylation is essential for faithful chromosomecongression in mitosis. NEK2A binds directly to HsSgol in vitro and co-distributes with HsSgol to the kinetochore ofmitotic cells. Our in vitro phosphorylation experiment demonstrated that HsSgol is a substrate of NEK2A and the phos-phorylation sites were mapped to Ser~(14) and Ser~(507) as judged by the incorporation of ~(32)P. Although such phosphorylation isnot required for assembly of HsSgol to the kinetochore, expression of non-phosphorylatable mutant HsSgol perturbedchromosome congression and resulted in a dramatic increase in microtubule attachment errors, including syntelic andmonotelic attachments. These findings reveal a key role for the NEK2A-mediated phosphorylation of HsSgol in orches-trating dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interaction. We propose that NEK2 A-mediated phosphorylation of human Sgolprovides a link between centromeric cohesion and spindle microtubule attachment at the kinetochores.  相似文献   

Human PinX1 (hPinX1) is known to interact with telomere repeat binding factor 1 (TRF1) and telomerase. Here, we report that hPinX1 regulates the nucleolar accumulation and telomeric association of TRF1. In HeLa, HA-hPinX1 was co-localized with fibrillarin, a nucleolar protein, in 51% of the transfected cells and was present in the nucleoplasm of the remaining 48%. Mutant analysis showed that the C-terminal region was important for nucleolar localization, while the N-terminus exhibited an inhibitory effect on nucleolar localization. Unlike HA- and Myc-hPinX1, GFP-hPinX1 resided predominantly in the nucleolus. Nuclear hPinX1 bound to telomeres and other repeat sequences as well but, despite its interaction with TRF1, nucleolar hPinX1 did not bind to telomeres. Nucleolar hPinX1 forced endogenous TRF1 accumulation in the nucleolus. Furthermore, TRF1 binding to telomeres was upregulated in cells over-expressing hPinX1. In an ALT cell line, WI-38 VA-13, TRF1 did not co-localize with hPinX1 in the nucleoli. In summary, hPinX1 likely interacts with TRF1 in both the nucleolus and the nucleoplasm, and excess hPinX1 results in increased telomere binding of TRF1. The PinX1 function of mediating TRF1 nucleolar accumulation is absent from ALT cells, suggesting that it might be telomerase-dependent.  相似文献   

Li Y  Yu W  Liang Y  Zhu X 《Cell research》2007,17(8):701-712
For proper chromosome segregation, all kinetochores must achieve bipolar microtubule (MT) attachment and subsequently align at the spindle equator before anaphase onset. The MT minus end-directed motor dynein/dynactin binds kinetoehores in prometaphase and has long been implicated in chromosome congression. Unfortunately, inactivation of dynein usually disturbs spindle organization, thus hampering evaluation of its kinetochore roles. Here we specifically eliminated kinetochore dynein/dynactin by RNAi-mediated depletion of ZW10, a protein essential for kinetochore localization of the motor. Time-lapse microscopy indicated markedly-reduced congression efficiency, though congressing chromosomes displayed similar velocities as in control cells. Moreover, cells frequently failed to achieve full chromosome alignment, despite their normal spindles. Confocal microcopy revealed that the misaligned kinetochores were monooriented or unattached and mostly lying outside the spindle, suggesting a difficulty to capture MTs from the opposite pole. Kinetoehores on monoastral spindles were dispersed farther away from the pole and exhibited only mild oscillation. Furthermore, inactivating dynein by other means generated similar phenotypes. Therefore, kinetochore dynein produces on monooriented kinetochores a poleward pulling force, which may contribute to efficient bipolar attachment by facilitating their proper microtubule captures to promote congression as well as full chromosome alignment.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 9 is involved in a number of recurrent structural rearrangements; moreover, its pericentromeric region exhibits a remarkable evolutionary plasticity. In this study we present the molecular characterization of a constitutional rearrangement, involving the 9p21.1q13 region, which led to the formation of a supernumerary marker chromosome (SMC). We defined the sequence of the breakpoints and identified a new set of duplicons on human chromosome 9, named LCR9s (chromosome 9 low-copy repeats). Two of these duplicons were shown to be involved in a somatic exchange leading to the formation of the SMC. High-resolution FISH coupled to database search demonstrated that a total number of 35 LCR9 paralogs are present in the human genome. These newly described chromosome 9 duplicons have features that may be crucial in driving structural chromosome rearrangements in germinal and somatic cells.  相似文献   

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