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In all organisms, the ribosome synthesizes and folds full length polypeptide chains into active three-dimensional conformations. The nascent protein goes through two major interactions, first with the ribosome which synthesizes the polypeptide chain and holds it for a considerable length of time, and then with the chaperones. Some of the chaperones are found in solution as well as associated to the ribosome. A number of in vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that the nascent protein folds through specific interactions of some amino acids with the nucleotides in the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) in the large ribosomal subunit. The mechanism of this folding differs from self-folding. In this article, we highlight the folding of nascent proteins on the ribosome and the influence of chaperones etc. on protein folding.  相似文献   

In the accompanying paper, it was shown that a protein, while reverting to native form from the unfolded state in vitro with the help of bacterial 70S ribosome, split the latter into its subunits (50S and 30S) and remains associated with the 50S subunit. Here, we follow the fate of nascent proteins both in case of in vivo and in vitro translation system. The newly synthesised protein was found to associate with the 50S subunit in both the cases.  相似文献   

Folding of unfolded protein on Escherichia coli 70S ribosome is accompanied by rapid dissociation of the ribosome into 50S and 30S subunits. The dissociation rate of 70S ribosome with unfolded protein is much faster than that caused by combined effect of translation and polypeptide release factors known to be involved in the dissociation of ribosome into subunits. The protein then reaches a “folding competent” state on 50S and is released to take up native conformation by itself. Release before attaining the folding competent state or prevention of release by cross-linking it with ribosome, would not allow the protein to get back to its native conformation.  相似文献   

In addition to its role in protein synthesis, which involves a peptidyl transferase activity, the ribosome has also been described to be able to assist protein folding, at least in vitro, as presented in a Research Highlight (Das, et al., Biotechnol. J. 2008). This in vitro-described ribosome-borne protein folding activity (RPFA) is yet poorly characterized in vivo, in part because of the lack of tools to study its biological significance. There is substantial evidence documenting RPFA in vitro, and an assay intended to detect this activity in vivo has been set up in bacteria, but this assay is indirect. In this review, we describe the different tools and tests currently available to study RPFA. We put a special emphasis on the various available inhibitors of this activity and in particular, we discuss the use of 6-aminophenanthridine (6AP) and guanabenz (GA), two antiprion drugs that were very recently shown to specifically inhibit RPFA in vitro without any significant effect on the activity of the ribosome in protein synthesis. Therefore, these drugs should allow determining the potential biological role of RPFA. Importantly, the biological activity of 6AP and GA suggest a possible involvement of RPFA in human proteinopathies.  相似文献   

Macrolides are a diverse group of antibiotics that inhibit bacterial growth by binding within the peptide tunnel of the 50S ribosomal subunit. There is good agreement about the architecture of the macrolide site from different crystallography studies of bacterial and archaeal 50S subunits. These structures show plainly that 23S rRNA nucleotides A2058 and A2059 are located accessibly on the surface of the tunnel wall where they act as key contact sites for macrolide binding. However, the molecular details of how macrolides fit into this site remain a matter of contention. Here, we have generated an isogenic set of single and dual substitutions at A2058 and A2059 in Mycobacterium smegmatis to investigate the effects of the rRNA mutations on macrolide binding. Resistances conferred to a comprehensive array of 11 macrolide compounds are used to assess models of macrolide binding predicted from the crystal structures. The data indicate that all macrolides and their derivatives bind at the same site in the tunnel with their C5 amino sugar in a similar orientation. Our data are compatible with the lactone rings of 14-membered and 16-membered macrolides adopting different conformations, enabling the latter compounds to avoid a steric clash with 2058G. This difference, together with interactions conveyed via substituents that are specific to certain ketolide and macrolide sub-classes, influences the binding to the large ribosomal subunit. Our genetic data show no support for a derivatized-macrolide binding site that has been proposed to be located further down the tunnel.  相似文献   

Reis SD  Pang Y  Vishnu N  Voisset C  Galons H  Blondel M  Sanyal S 《Biochimie》2011,93(6):1047-1054
The ribosome, the protein synthesis machinery of the cell, has also been implicated in protein folding. This activity resides within the domain V of the main RNA component of the large subunit of the ribosome. It has been shown that two antiprion drugs 6-aminophenanthridine (6AP) and Guanabenz (GA) bind to the ribosomal RNA and inhibit specifically the protein folding activity of the ribosome. Here, we have characterized with biochemical experiments, the mode of inhibition of these two drugs using ribosomes or ribosomal components active in protein folding (referred to as ’ribosomal folding modulators’ or RFMs) from both bacteria Escherichia coli and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and human carbonic anhydrase (HCA) as a sample protein. Our results indicate that 6AP and GA inhibit the protein folding activity of the ribosome by competition with the unfolded protein for binding to the ribosome. As a result, the yield of the refolded protein decreases, but the rate of its refolding remains unaffected. Further, 6AP- and GA mediated inhibition of RFM mediated refolding can be reversed by the addition of RFMs in excess. We also demonstrate with delayed addition of the ribosome and the antiprion drugs that there is a short time-span in the range of seconds within which the ribosome interacts with the unfolded protein. Thus we conclude that the protein folding activity of the ribosome is conserved from bacteria to eukaryotes and most likely the substrate for RFMs is an early refolding state of the target protein.  相似文献   

The 5'-exonuclease Rat1 degrades pre-rRNA spacer fragments and processes the 5'-ends of the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. UV crosslinking revealed multiple Rat1-binding sites across the pre-rRNA, consistent with its known functions. The major 5.8S 5'-end is generated by Rat1 digestion of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) spacer from cleavage site A(3). Processing from A(3) requires the 'A(3)-cluster' proteins, including Cic1, Erb1, Nop7, Nop12 and Nop15, which show interdependent pre-rRNA binding. Surprisingly, A(3)-cluster factors were not crosslinked close to site A(3), but bound sites around the 5.8S 3'- and 25S 5'-regions, which are base paired in mature ribosomes, and in the ITS2 spacer that separates these rRNAs. In contrast, Nop4, a protein required for endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1, binds the pre-rRNA near the 5'-end of 5.8S. ITS2 was reported to undergo structural remodelling. In vivo chemical probing indicates that A(3)-cluster binding is required for this reorganization, potentially regulating the timing of processing. We predict that Nop4 and the A(3) cluster establish long-range interactions between the 5.8S and 25S rRNAs, which are subsequently maintained by ribosomal protein binding.  相似文献   

It is no longer necessary to demonstrate that ribosome is the central machinery of protein synthesis. But it is less known that it is also key player of the protein folding process through another conserved function: the protein folding activity of the ribosome (PFAR). This ribozyme activity, discovered more than 2 decades ago, depends upon the domain V of the large rRNA within the large subunit of the ribosome. Surprisingly, we discovered that anti-prion compounds are also potent PFAR inhibitors, highlighting an unexpected link between PFAR and prion propagation.

In this review, we discuss the ancestral origin of PFAR in the light of the ancient RNA world hypothesis. We also consider how this ribosomal activity fits into the landscape of cellular protein chaperones involved in the appearance and propagation of prions and other amyloids in mammals. Finally, we examine how drugs targeting the protein folding activity of the ribosome could be active against mammalian prion and other protein aggregation-based diseases, making PFAR a promising therapeutic target for various human protein misfolding diseases.  相似文献   

Temperature-jump NMR study of protein folding: Ribonuclease A at low pH   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The kinetic process of folding of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A in a2H2O environment at pH 1.2 was examined by a recently developed temperature-jump NMR method (Akasaka et al., (1990) Rev. Sci. Instrum.61, 66–68). Upon temperature-jump down from 45°C to 29°C, which was attained within 6 s, the proton NMR spectral changes were followed consecutively in time intervals of seconds. There was a rapid spectral change, which was finished within the jump period, followed by a much slower process which lasted for a minute or longer. Rates of the slower process were measured at different positions of the polypeptide chain as intensity changes of individual His and Tyr proton signals of the folded conformer and as intensity changes of aliphatic and His protons of the unfolded conformer. Most of these rates coincided with each other within experimental error with an average value of 2.8×10–2s–1. The result gave clear experimental evidence that the slow folding of RNase A at low pH is a cooperative process involving most regions of the molecule, not only thermodynamically, but kinetically as well.  相似文献   

The methyltransferase RlmA(II) (TlrB) confers resistance to the macrolide antibiotic tylosin in the drug-producing strain Streptomyces fradiae. The resistance conferred by RlmA(II) is highly specific for tylosin, and no resistance is conferred to other macrolide drugs, or to lincosamide and streptogramin B (MLS(B)) drugs that bind to the same region on the bacterial ribosome. In this study, the methylation site of RlmA(II) is identified unambiguously by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry as the N-1 position of 23S rRNA nucleotide G748. This position is contacted by the mycinose sugar moiety of tylosin, which is absent from the other drugs. The selective resistance to tylosin conferred by m(1)G748 illustrates how differences in drug structure facilitate the drug fit at the MLS(B)-binding site. This observation is of relevance for the rational design of novel antimicrobials targeting the MLS(B) site, especially if the antimicrobials are to be used against pathogens possessing m(1)G748.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is a complex multistep process that involves alternating steps of folding and processing of pre-rRNAs in concert with assembly of ribosomal proteins. Recently, there has been increased interest in the roles of ribosomal proteins in eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis in vivo, focusing primarily on their function in pre-rRNA processing. However, much less is known about participation of ribosomal proteins in the formation and rearrangement of preribosomal particles as they mature to functional subunits. We have studied ribosomal proteins L7 and L8, which are required for the same early steps in pre-rRNA processing during assembly of 60S subunits but are located in different domains within ribosomes. Depletion of either leads to defects in processing of 27SA(3) to 27SB pre-rRNA and turnover of pre-rRNAs destined for large ribosomal subunits. A specific subset of proteins is diminished from these residual assembly intermediates: six assembly factors required for processing of 27SA(3) pre-rRNA and four ribosomal proteins bound to domain I of 25S and 5.8S rRNAs surrounding the polypeptide exit tunnel. In addition, specific sets of ribosomal proteins are affected in each mutant: In the absence of L7, proteins bound to domain II, L6, L14, L20, and L33 are greatly diminished, while proteins L13, L15, and L36 that bind to domain I are affected in the absence of L8. Thus, L7 and L8 might establish RNP structures within assembling ribosomes necessary for the stable association and function of the A(3) assembly factors and for proper assembly of the neighborhoods containing domains I and II.  相似文献   

The nature of protein folding pathways: The classical versus the new view   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Summary Pulsed hydrogen exchange and other studies of the kinetic refolding pathways of several small proteins have established that folding intermediates with native-like secondary structures are well populated, but these studies have also shown that the folding kinetics are not well synchronized. Older studies of the kinetics of formation of the native protein, monitored by optical probes, indicate that the folding kinetics should be synchronized. The model commonly used in these studies is the simple sequential model, which postulates a unique folding pathway with defined and sequential intermediates. Theories of the folding process and Monte Carlo simulations of folding suggest that neither the folding pathway nor the set of folding intermediates is unique, and that folding intermediates accumulate because of kinetic traps caused by partial misfolding. Recent experiments with cytochrome c lend support to this new view of folding pathways. These different views of the folding process are discussed. Misfolding and consequent slowing down of the folding process as a result of cis-trans isomerization about prolyl peptide bonds in the unfolded protein are well known; isomerization occurs before refolding is initiated. The occurrence of equilibrium intermediates on the kinetic folding pathways of some proteins, such as -lactalbumin and apomyoglobin, argues that these intermediates are not caused by kinetic traps but rather are stable intermediates under certain conditions, and this conclusion is consistent with a sequential model of folding. Folding reactions with successive kinetic intermediates, in which late intermediates are more highly folded than early intermediates, indicate that folding is hierarchical. New experiments that test the predictions of the classical and the new views are needed.  相似文献   

Although our understanding of globular protein folding continues to advance, the irregular tertiary structures and high cooperativity of globular proteins complicates energetic dissection. Recently, proteins with regular, repetitive tertiary structures have been identified that sidestep limitations imposed by globular protein architecture. Here we review recent studies of repeat-protein folding. These studies uniquely advance our understanding of both the energetics and kinetics of protein folding. Equilibrium studies provide detailed maps of local stabilities, access to energy landscapes, insights into cooperativity, determination of nearest-neighbor interaction parameters using statistical thermodynamics, relationships between consensus sequences and repeat-protein stability. Kinetic studies provide insight into the influence of short-range topology on folding rates, the degree to which folding proceeds by parallel (versus localized) pathways, and the factors that select among multiple potential pathways. The recent application of force spectroscopy to repeat-protein unfolding is providing a unique route to test and extend many of these findings.  相似文献   

The two N-terminal domains of the P-type copper ATPase, CopAa and CopAb, from Bacillus subtilis differ in their folding capabilities in vitro. Whereas CopAb has the typical betaalphabetabetaalphabeta structure and is a rigid protein, CopAa is found to be largely unfolded. A sequence analysis of the two and of orthologue homologous proteins indicates that Ser46 in CopAa may destabilise the hydrophobic core, as also confirmed through a bioinformatic energy study. CopAb has a Val in the corresponding position. The S46V and S46A mutants are found to be folded, although the latter displays multiple conformations. S46VCopAa, in both apo and copper(I) loaded forms, has very similar structural and dynamic properties with respect to CopAb, besides a different length of strand beta2 and beta4. It is intriguing that the oxygen of Thr16 is found close, though at longer than bonding distance, to copper in both domains, as it also occurs in a human orthologue domain. This study contributes to understanding the behaviour of proteins that do not properly fold in vitro. A possible biological significance of the peculiar folding behaviour of this domain is discussed.  相似文献   

Contact order revisited: influence of protein size on the folding rate   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Guided by the recent success of empirical model predicting the folding rates of small two-state folding proteins from the relative contact order (CO) of their native structures, by a theoretical model of protein folding that predicts that logarithm of the folding rate decreases with the protein chain length L as L(2/3), and by the finding that the folding rates of multistate folding proteins strongly correlate with their sizes and have very bad correlation with CO, we reexamined the dependence of folding rate on CO and L in attempt to find a structural parameter that determines folding rates for the totality of proteins. We show that the Abs_CO = CO x L, is able to predict rather accurately folding rates for both two-state and multistate folding proteins, as well as short peptides, and that this Abs_CO scales with the protein chain length as L(0.70 +/- 0.07) for the totality of studied single-domain proteins and peptides.  相似文献   

The effects of the strong stabilizing anion, phosphate, on the oxidative folding of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A were examined. Phosphate was found to catalyze several steps involved in the oxidative folding process at pH 8.0 and 25°C, resulting in an increase in the rate of pre-equilibration of unstructured species on the folding pathway. In the presence of 400 mM phosphate, the overall increase in the rate of regeneration of native protein was caused primarily by the increased formation and stabilization of tertiary structure in the nativelike intermediates, des-[40-95] and des-[65-72], involved in the rate-determining step. Based on the regeneration of native protein and the stability of Cys Ala substituted mutant analogs of the des-species, (C40A, C95A) and (C65A, C72A), it is suggested that the primary role of phosphate is to catalyze the overall regeneration of native protein through nonspecific electrostatic and hydrogen-bonding effects on the protein and solvent.  相似文献   

Biased usage of synonymous codons has been elucidated under the perspective of cellular tRNA abundance for quite a long time now. Taking advantage of publicly available gene expression data for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a systematic analysis of the codon and amino acid usages in two different coding regions corresponding to the regular (helix and strand) as well as the irregular (coil) protein secondary structures, have been performed. Our analyses suggest that apart from tRNA abundance, mRNA folding stability is another major evolutionary force in shaping the codon and amino acid usage differences between the highly and lowly expressed genes in S. cerevisiae genome and surprisingly it depends on the coding regions corresponding to the secondary structures of the encoded proteins. This is obviously a new paradigm in understanding the codon usage in S. cerevisiae. Differential amino acid usage between highly and lowly expressed genes in the regions coding for the irregular protein secondary structure in S. cerevisiae is expounded by the stability of the mRNA folded structure. Irrespective of the protein secondary structural type, the highly expressed genes always tend to encode cheaper amino acids in order to reduce the overall biosynthetic cost of production of the corresponding protein. This study supports the hypothesis that the tRNA abundance is a consequence of and not a reason for the biased usage of amino acid between highly and lowly expressed genes.  相似文献   

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