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To investigate formation of the three primary germ layers in mouse embryoid bodies (EBs), we observed changes in structure and gene expression over a 7-day culture period. We compared these changes using two methods for EB formation: hanging drop (HD) and static suspension culture (SSC). Light microscopy showed that a stratified columnar epithelial layer developed on the surface of EBs formed using the HD method. From Day 3 in culture, ultrastructural changes occurred in the aligned cellular membranes. Condensation of actin filaments was followed by formation of complicated adherent junctions and dilatation of intercellular canaliculi containing well-developed microvilli. These changes were more marked in EBs formed by the HD method than the SSC method. On Day 5 of culture, Brachyury gene expression, a marker for mesoderm formation, was detected only with the HD method. Nestin, an ectoderm marker, and Foxa2, an endoderm marker, were expressed with both methods. These results suggest that in EBs formed with the HD method, actin formation and Brachyury gene expression mark the transition from two to three primary germ layers. Additionally, the HD method promotes more rapid and complete development of mouse EBs than does the SSC method. While the SSC method is simple and easy to use, it needs improvement to form more complete EBs.  相似文献   

The formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) is the principal step in the differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells. In this study, the morphological characteristics and gene expression patterns of EBs related to the sequential stages of embryonic development were well defined in four distinct developmental groups over 112 days of culture: early-stage EBs groups (1–7 days of differentiation), mid-stage EBs groups (9–15 days of differentiation), maturing EBs groups (17–45 days of differentiation) and matured EBs groups (50 days of differentiation). We first determined definite histological location of apoptosis within EBs and the sequential expression of molecular markers representing stem cells (Oct4, SSEA-1, Sox-2 and AKP), germ cells (Fragilis, Dazl, c-kit, StellaR, Mvh and Stra8), ectoderm (Neurod, Nestin and Neurofilament), mesoderm (Gata-1, Flk-1 and Hbb) and endoderm (AFP and Transthyretin). Our results revealed that developing EBs possess either pluripotent stem cell or germ cell states and that three-dimensional aggregates of EBs initiate mES cell differentiation during prolonged culture in vitro. Therefore, we suggest that this EB system to some extent recapitulates the early developmental processes occurring in vivo.  相似文献   

Stem cells were derived from hatched blastocyst-stage mouse embryos of the C57BL/6 strain employing a knockout serum replacement instead of the traditional fetal calf serum, thereby avoiding the use of immunosurgery. Although fetal calf serum was not good for isolation of stem cells, a combination of this serum plus knockout serum increased the expansion rate of the cell culture. The derived cells were capable of maintaining an undifferentiated state during several passages, as demonstrated by the presence of alkaline phosphatase activity, stage-specific embryonic antigen 1 (SSEA-1), and octamer binding protein 4 (Oct-4). Suspension culture in bacteriological dishes gave better results than the hanging drop method for differentiation by means of embryoid body formation. Mouse embryonic stem cells showed spontaneous differentiation into derivatives of the 3 germ layers in culture media supplemented with fetal calf serum but not with knockout serum.  相似文献   

Embryoid bodies (EBs) are primitive embryonic structures derived from differentiating embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Many techniques have been used to obtain EBs. Improving the technique of EB formation can help in achieving better results in ESCs differentiation into neurons, myocardiocytes, haemopoeitic cells, and others. We evaluated the use of Sigmacote™ as a hydrophobic substrate to improve EB formation. CCE and P19 cell lines were used to obtain EBs and retinoic acid was used to induce neural differentiation. The results revealed that Sigmacote™, as a hydrophobic substrate, can improve EB formation from ESCs. Our results demonstrate that the silicon-coating of glass petri dishes by Sigmacote™ is an easy and reproducible technique to enhance EB formation from murine ESCs and EC cells.  相似文献   

Embryoid bodies, which are similar to post-implantation egg-cylinder stage embryos, provide a model for the study of embryo development and stem cell differentiation. We describe here a novel method for generating embryoid bodies from murine embryonic stem (ES) cells cultured on the STO feeder layer. The ES cells grew into compact aggregates in the first 3 days of coculture, then became simple embryoid bodies (EBs) possessing primitive endoderm on the outer layer. They finally turned into cystic embryoid bodies after being transferred to Petri dishes for 1-3 days. Evaluation of the EBs in terms of morphology and differentiating potential indicates that they were typical in structure and could generate cells derived from the three germ layers. The results show that embryoid bodies can form not only in suspension culture but also directly from ES cells cultured on the STO feeder layer.  相似文献   

Pluripotent human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines are a promising model system in developmental and tissue regeneration research. Differentiation of hESCs towards the three germ layers and finally tissue specific cell types is often performed through the formation of embryoid bodies (EBs) in suspension or hanging droplet culture systems. However, these systems are inefficient regarding embryoid body (EB) formation, structural support to the EB and long term differentiation capacity. The present study investigates if agarose, as a semi solid matrix, can facilitate EB formation and support differentiation of hESC lines. The results showed that agarose culture is able to enhance EB formation efficiency with 10% and increase EB growth by 300%. The agarose culture system was able to maintain expression of the three germ layers over 8 weeks of culture. All of the four hESC lines tested developed EBs in the agarose system although with a histological heterogeneity between cell lines as well as within cell lines. In conclusion, a 3-D agarose culture of spherical hESC colonies improves EB formation and growth in a cost effective, stable and non-laborious technique.  相似文献   

As the primary microtubule-organizing centre of the mammalian cell, the centrosome plays many important roles during cell growth and organization. This is evident across a broad range of cell types and processes, such as the proliferation, differentiation and polarity of neural cells. Additionally, given its localization and function, there are likely to be many more processes that rely on the centrosome that have not yet been characterized. Currently, little is known about centrosomal dynamics during mammalian development. In this study, we have analyzed Nedd1 protein expression to characterize the localization of the centrosome during some aspects of mouse embryogenesis. Using a Nedd1 antibody we have demonstrated the colocalization of Nedd1 with centrosomal markers. We found strong expression of Nedd1, and therefore the centrosome, in highly proliferating cells during neural development. Additionally, Nedd1 was found to have high expression in the cytoplasm of a subset of cells in the dorsal root ganglia. We have also shown a distinct, polarized centrosomal localization of Nedd1 in the developing lens, retina and other polarized tissues. This study reveals the localization of Nedd1 and the centrosome during important processes in mouse embryogenesis and provides a basis for further study into its role in development.  相似文献   

Drapc1 expression during mouse embryonic development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We identified the mouse homolog of human DRAPC1 (APCDD1) gene, shown to be a target of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in cancer cell lines. Analysis of its spatiotemporal expression in mouse embryos from E7.5 to E14 showed that Drapc1 is expressed during development of the extraembryonic structures, nervous system, vascular system and inner ear. In addition, Drapc1 is expressed in the mesenchyme of several developing organs at sites of epithelio-mesenchymal interactions. Drapc1 expression was also found in the hair follicles of the adult mouse skin. Similarity of Drapc1 expression pattern to location of active beta-catenin in developing mouse embryo further suggests that mouse Drapc1 is a novel in vivo target gene of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Retinoid signaling has been implicated in embryonic stem cell differentiation. Here we present a systematic analysis of gene expression changes in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), during their spontaneous differentiation into embryoid bodies and the effect of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on this process. We show that retinoic acid is present in the serum and is sufficient to activate retinoid signaling at a basal level in undifferentiated mESCs. This signal disappears during embryoid body formation. However exogenously added ATRA resets the spontaneous differentiation programs in embryoid bodies and initiates a distinct genetic program. These data suggest that retinoid signaling not only promotes a particular pathway but also acts as a context dependent general coordinator of the differentiation states in embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Treacher Collins syndrome gene, TCOF1, cause a disorder of craniofacial development. We manipulated the levels of Tcof1 and its protein treacle in a murine neuroblastoma cell line to identify downstream changes in gene expression using a microarray platform. We identified a set of genes that have similar expression with Tcof1 as well as a set of genes that are negatively correlated with Tcof1 expression. We also showed that the level of Tcof1 and treacle expression is downregulated during differentiation of neuroblastoma cells into neuronal cells. Inhibition of Tcof1 expression by siRNA induced morphological changes in neuroblastoma cells that mimic differentiation. Thus, expression of Tcof1 and treacle synthesis play an important role in the proliferation of neuroblastoma cells and we have identified genes that may be important in this pathway.  相似文献   

早期小鼠胚胎发育的基因表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
朱新产  张涌  王宝维 《动物学报》2003,49(2):272-276
受精是新个体发育的时 -空点 ,从一个形态单纯的单细胞受精卵发育成能独立生活的个体动物 ,形态上出现一系列的变化 ,而更重要的是基因表达。基因组是机体内惟一确定的 ,为所有各类细胞共同拥有 ,但基因组内各个基因表达的选择性和程度随时间、位置和环境条件的不同而发生改变 (严云勤等 ,2 0 0 2 ;胡静等 ,2 0 0 1;范衡宇等 ,2 0 0 1)。个体的发育和分化、内环境的稳定性、对外界刺激的应答、细胞循环的调节、衰老和程序化细胞死亡等正常的发育过程以及疾病的病理学过程 ,包括癌症的病理学过程 ,无论是由一个基因的突变引起的或是由于多基…  相似文献   

Differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells into embryoid bodies (EBs) provides an in vitro system for the study of early lineage determination during mammalian development. We have previously reported that there are 247 CpG islands that potentially have tissue-dependent and differentially methylated regions (T-DMRs). This provided evidence that the formation of DNA methylation patterns at CpG islands is a crucial epigenetic event underlying mammalian development. Here we present an analysis by the restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) using NotI as a landmark enzyme of the genome-wide methylation status of CpG islands of ES cells and EBs and of teratomas produced from ES cells. These results are considered in relation to the methylation status of CpG islands of genomic DNA from normal fetus (10.5 dpc) and adult tissues. We have prepared a DNA methylation panel that consists of 259 T-DMRs and includes novel T-DMRs that are distinctly methylated or unmethylated in the teratomas. The DNA methylation pattern was complex and differed for the ES cells, EBs, and teratomas, providing evidence that differentiation of cells involves both de novo DNA methylation as well as demethylation. Comparison of the numbers of T-DMRs, that were differentially methylated or unmethylated among the cells and tissue types studied, revealed that the teratomas were the most epigenetically different from ES cells. Thus, analysis of the DNA methylation profiles prepared in this study provides new insights into the differentiation of ES cells and development of fetus, EB, teratoma, and somatic tissues.  相似文献   

A new microarray system has been developed for gene expression analysis using cationic gold nanoparticles with diameters of 250 nm as a target detection reagent. The approach utilizes nonlabeled target molecules hybridizing with complementary probes on the array, followed by incubation in a colloidal gold solution. The hybridization signal results from the precipitation of nanogold particles on the hybridized spots due to the electrostatic attraction of the cationic gold particles and the anionic phosphate groups in the target DNA backbone. In contrast to conventional fluorescent detection, this nanoparticle-based detection system eliminates the target labeling procedure. The visualization of hybridization signals can be accomplished with a flatbed scanner instead of a confocal laser scanner, which greatly simplifies the process and reduces the cost. The sensitivity is estimated to be less than 2 pg of DNA molecules captured on the array surface. The signal from hybridized spots quantitatively represents the amount of captured target DNA and therefore permits quantitative gene expression analysis. Cross-array reproducibility is adequate for detecting twofold or less signal changes across two microarray experiments.  相似文献   

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