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采用控制论中的脉冲采样法结合杀死飞虱计数法研究了田间蛛蛛对飞虱的每日捕食量估计并与室内,盆栽罩笼水稻功能反应的捕食作用进行了比较,结果表明田间蜘蛛平均每头每日对飞虱的捕食量为0.669头,这一捕食量比室内和盆栽水稻的捕食量要小得多;田间捕食百分率与飞虱密度呈二次抛物线关系,即飞虱低密度和高密度捕食百分率均低于中等密度,在每穴10头飞虱左右,捕食量和捕食百分率最高,在有一定存量蜘蛛时,捕食量与微蛛,狼蛛数量呈显著的二元线性回归关系,但偏相关系数为负,由此表明随蜘蛛密度的增加捕食量反而下降,这与一些多物种共存系统和田间罩笼的研究结果相一致。  相似文献   

荆奇  周琼  欧丹霞  谭灿 《昆虫知识》2014,(4):1040-1045
【目的】蜘蛛的感觉在发现猎物和捕食过程中起重要作用,研究机敏异漏斗蛛Allagelena difficilis(Fox)的不同感觉对其捕食和趋向行为的影响,有助于揭示影响漏斗蛛捕猎的主要感觉因素及其机制。【方法】视觉屏蔽法、"Y"型嗅觉仪法、去除蛛网法等方法。【结果】视觉和嗅觉对机敏异漏斗蛛的捕食量和趋向行为无显著影响,但蛛网的存在对其捕食量影响明显:视觉屏蔽与未屏蔽的机敏异漏斗蛛24 h捕食黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen量分别为25.20头/管和26.00头/管,两者之间差异不显著;嗅觉测试发现,在不同的气流条件下,机敏异漏斗蛛停留、选择有猎物管臂和对照管臂的数量之间差异均不显著;另外,该蛛在无蛛网情况下也可捕食,但捕食量极低,与已结网蛛之间的捕食量差异极显著(P<0.01),随着蛛网的修复,两者之间捕食量差距逐渐减小,至24 h时,两者捕食量相近。【结论】机敏异漏斗蛛主要通过机械感觉线索感受蛛网振动、听觉以及猎物的直接碰触发现和捕获猎物,视觉和嗅觉对其捕食行为影响不明显。  相似文献   

机敏异漏斗蛛的捕食行为及其控虫效能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握园林常见蜘蛛对害虫的控制能力,在实验室条件下研究了不同发育期机敏异漏斗蛛Allagelena difficilis(Fox)对黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的捕食行为及其功能反应,并对雌、雄蛛捕食能力进行了比较。结果表明,机敏异漏斗蛛幼蛛和成蛛的捕食行为谱相似,均可分为靠近、奔向和试探、捕获、吸食、残体处理、清理附肢和休整,但具体行为稍有差异;对机敏异漏斗蛛雌性成蛛捕食黑腹果蝇的功能反应拟合,其结果符合HollingⅡ型方程:Na=1.003N/(1+0.002N),r2=0.98,其瞬间攻击率为0.95。雌蛛在未孕卵时其捕食量与雄性成蛛相近,但孕卵雌成蛛捕食量明显高于雄蛛。此结果可以为机敏异漏斗蛛的研究和利用提供依据。  相似文献   

观察了捕虱管蓟马的多种行为,认为该虫的日常行为为取食、行走、搜索、休息、交配和产卵;对所试验的5种害虫的喜好程度依次为椭圆蚧卵,柑桔木虱卵、褐圆蚧卵、柑桔粉虱卵、桔全爪螨若虫,褐圆蚧若虫、桔全爪螨卵、椭圆蚧若虫、柑桔木虱一龄 若虫,除柑桔木虱一龄若虫外,取食差异不显;捕虱管蓟马取食卵的量比若虫多,经T-检验分析,两无明显差异;室内饲养蓟马和田间采获蓟马的行为,及各行行为间差异,通过二因素方差分析显示不显;不同虫态蓟马取食时间长短依次为雌成虫、雄成虫、若虫、在食物充足的情况下,不同虫态之间几乎没有竞争,偶有成虫捕食幼虫现象发生。对该虫的交配行为及产卵行为作了详细的观察,发现雌蓟马成虫和雄蓟马成虫都多次交配;雄虫之间的性竞争十分激烈,而雌虫之间几乎没有竞争。  相似文献   

动物的捕食行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简要介绍了捕食行为研究的一些主要方向,如猎物选择、食物贮藏、捕食喂幼和捕食的节律性等,还讨论了动物的搜寻和捕食策略以及攻击方式等。  相似文献   

昆虫捕食行为生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
戈峰 《昆虫知识》1997,34(6):371-374
行为学和生态学是生命科学中正在蓬勃发展的两个分支学科,而行为生态学则是这两个年轻学科的交叉领域。它主要研究生态学中的行为机制和动物行为的存活值、适合度与进化意义[1]从理论上来讲,开展行为生态学的研究,意味着把生态学、行为学、遗传学、生理学和进化论综合起来,并运用了数学和经济学分析方法,所以很有可能在新理论、新概念和新方法的探索上取得突破性进展,也有可能引起生态学的巨大变革;从应用的角度讲,因为动物之所以能极好地适应它们的环境,主要是依靠先天的本能行为适应和后天的学习行为适应,所以深刻地了解动物行…  相似文献   

采用脉冲抽样法调查,将两年的田间飞虱每日被捕食量与捕食性天敌密度的资料分为有水和无水两组,分析了两种条件下飞虱被捕食量、被捕食百分率与蜘蛛密度、飞虱平均拥挤度的关系,并在室内模拟有水和无水分别进行了拟水狼蛛(Pirata subpiraticus)和食虫瘤胸蛛(Oedothorax insecticeps)对褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens Stal)的捕食功能反应。结果表明:飞虱被捕食百分率随飞虱平均拥挤度增加而呈递减趋势;在同一飞虱平均拥挤度时,有水时飞虱被捕食量大于无水;有水时飞虱被捕食量与水狼蛛密度呈二次抛物线型关系,水狼蛛密度在每穴1.4头时,飞虱被捕食量最大;无水时飞虱被捕食量与水狼蛛密度呈线型关系;两种条件下飞虱被捕食量与微蛛密度的关系不明显。室内功能反应同样证实了水狼蛛在有水时的捕食量大于无水,前者比后者高1.5倍,而食虫瘤胸蛛无明显差异。  相似文献   

捕食性瓢虫的觅食行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王根 《昆虫知识》1991,28(5):316-319
<正> 天敌昆虫的行为是决定其寄生或捕食效果的主要因子之一,其中觅食行为能直接影响它的控制效应。天敌昆虫觅食行为机制研究不够也是害虫生物防治效果尚不理想的一个重要原因。因此,全面研究天敌的觅食行为不仅是实际应用中选择有效天敌的关键,而且对于深入了解捕食者——猎物的相互关系,进一步完善已建立的各种功能反应数学模型,以及丰富行为生态学的理论与实践也十分必要。限于  相似文献   

谭江丽  花保祯 《昆虫知识》2006,43(3):348-351
通过室内饲养和观察,记述了扁蚊蝎蛉Bittacus planusCheng成虫捕食过程、雌雄交配和产卵行为。捕食过程分准备、捕捉、取食和清洁等4个步骤。观察到了雄虫的献礼行为,雌虫边取食边交配。存在有自相残杀行为。  相似文献   

In pairs of interacting Gnathonemus petersii , a mormyrid electric fish, dominant individuals were larger (longer body). Pairs of interacting fish of similar body size emitted more parallel displays at the onset of an interaction. Over the course of 10 min interactions, head butting increased and parallel display decreased. This decrease occurred primarily in pairs that contained a prior resident and intruder, as compared with two intruders. The patterns of electric organ discharge during parallel display, and the possible sensory modalities mediating this behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

An examination of the permanent bony structures of the anal fin complex in the mormyrid fish, Gnathonemus petersii , revealed two new structural sexual dimorphisms: longer proximal pterygiophores and wider anal fin rays in males than in females. Both structures are thought to facilitate the male's courtship‐associated anal fin reflex. Adult male mormyrid fishes are characterized by a dorsally directed indentation of the posterior body wall (anal fin indentation). The expression of this indentation in males, presumably driven by anal fin musculature, was correlated with the fish's gonadal state: large indentations were associated with high gonado‐somatic indices and small indentations with low indices.  相似文献   

Upper thermal limits for feeding and growth of 0+ Arctic charr   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from two diVerent stocks were fed live Neomysis integer , the upper thermal limits for feeding and growth were established in the range 21·5–21·8° C. These critical temperatures might have been underestimates, because fish tend to show increased sensitivity to handling at high experimental temperatures. In the second experiment, the proportion of feeding undisturbed charr from four stocks decreased initially as temperature was raised in steps from 18 to 22° C. At the lower temperatures, 18 and 20) C, almost all fish resumed feeding, but the recovery time was longer and more fish ceased to feed at 20) C than at 18° C. When the temperature was increased to 21° C, 50% of the fish ceased feeding permanently, and all fish ceased feeding within 2 days at 22° C. It is concluded that 0+ charr cease to feed and grow at c .21·5) C and that the critical temperatures for feeding and growth coincide.  相似文献   

Stimulation or blockade of various dopamine receptor subtypes is associated with reduced feeding. For example, D2 receptor agonists suppress feeding in food-deprived and free-feeding rats, and in rats given access to a highly palatable diet Similarly, reduced food intake is associated with the actions of diverse D1 receptor agonists, and these compounds can interact synergistically with D2 receptor agonists to potentiate reductions in feeding. Using micro-structural analysis to compare D1 and D2 agonist effects, specific differences emerge in their modes of action. D1 agonists reduce the duration of feeding, primarily by decreasing the frequency of feeding bouts, whereas D2 agonists reduce the local rate of eating. However, since D1 agonists uniquely reduce feeding in the absence of other behavioral impairments and are less disruptive of the pattern of feeding behavior, it has been suggested that D1 agonists are more likely than D2 agonists to act on central mechanisms regulating food intake. Moreover, only D1 agonists are effective in suppressing sucrose sham-feeding, suggesting that D1 receptor stimulation may promote satiety. Nevertheless, many questions remain. For example, antagonist studies have implicated 5-HT receptor stimulation in the anorectic effects of D1 agonists, suggesting that further pharmacological and behavioral analyses of receptor-subtype agonist effects are required. Above all, recent developments in the classification of dopamine receptor subtypes reveal the need for new studies examining the involvement of D3, D4 and D5 receptors in feeding.  相似文献   

Summary Previous electrophysiological data indicate that the afferent electrosensory impulses conveyed towards the mesencephalon are blocked in the rhombencephalic electrosensory lateral line nucleus (nELL) by the concomitantly occurring EOD (electric organ discharge) command-associated (corollary) discharge. Electron-microscopic observations and anterograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase show that the primary electrosensory fibers terminate with club endings on the adendritic soma of the nELL cells and form gap junctions with the postsynaptic membrane. The remaining part of the soma and the initial segment membrane of nELL cells are covered with a large number of boutons showing chemical synaptic profiles. The GABA-ergic (gamma-aminobutyric-acid) nature of the majority of the boutons is revealed immunocytochemically by anti-GABA and anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (anti-GAD) antisera, as seen in the light microscope. Electron-microscopic examination confirms the GABAergic nature of most of the bouton-like terminals, whereas club endings show negative immunoreactivity. In addition, serotonin-immunoreactive fibers and boutons are found in the same nucleus, between and next to the nELL cells. It is suggested that the GABAergic endings are the morphological basis for the inhibition that occurs in the nELL and that is mediated by the corollary discharge.  相似文献   

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