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Three new non-ascosporic, ascomycetous yeast genera are proposed based on their isolation from currently described species and genera. Phylogenetic placement of the genera was determined from analysis of nuclear gene sequences for D1/D2 large subunit rRNA, small subunit rRNA, translation elongation factor-1α and RNA polymerase II, subunits B1 and B2. The new taxa are: Deakozyma gen. nov., type species Deakozyma indianensis sp. nov. (type strain NRRL YB-1937, CBS 12903); Danielozyma gen. nov., type species Danielozyma ontarioensis comb. nov. (type strain NRRL YB-1246, CBS 8502); D. litseae comb. nov. (type strain NRRL YB-3246, CBS 8799); Middelhovenomyces gen. nov., type species Middelhovenomyces tepae comb. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-17670, CBS 5115) and M. petrohuensis comb. nov. (type strain NRRL Y-17663, CBS 8173).  相似文献   

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On the basis of phenotypic properties and G+C content of DNA, as well as competitive DNA-DNA hybridization and extracellular polymeric substance analysis it was shown that this strain was completely different from all other alkaliphilic bacteria. We hereby propose that this strain be designatedAlkalobacter lublini gen. nov., sp. nov.  相似文献   

Two bacterial strains, KIS66-7T and 5GH26-15T, were isolated from soil samples collected in the South Korean cities of Tongyong and Gongju, respectively. Both strains were aerobic, Gram-stain-positive, mesophilic, flagellated, and rodshaped. A phylogenetic analysis revealed that both strains belonged to the family Microbacteriaceae of the phylum Actinobacteria. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain KIS66-7T had the highest similarities with those of Labedella gwakjiensis KSW2-17T (97.3%), Cryobacterium psychrophilum DSM 4854T (97.2%), Leifsonia lichenia 2SbT (97.2%), Leifsonia naganoensis JCM 10592T (97.0%), and Cryobacterium mesophilum MSL-15T (97.0%). Strain 5GH26-15T showed the highest sequence similarities with Leifsonia psychrotolerans LI1T (97.4%) and Schumannella luteola KHIAT (97.1%). The 16S rRNA gene sequence from KIS66-7T exhibited 96.4% similarity with that from 5GH26-15T. Strain KIS66-7T contained a B2γ type peptidoglycan structure with D-DAB as the diamino acid; MK-13, MK-12, and MK-14 as the respiratory quinones; ai-C15:0, ai-C17:0, and i-C16:0 as the major cellular fatty acids; and diphosphatidylglycerol, phatidylglycerol, and glycolipids as the predominant polar lipids. Strain 5GH26-15T had a B2β type peptidoglycan structure with D-DAB as the diamino acid; MK-14 and MK-13 as the respiratory quinones; ai-C15:0, i-C16:0, and ai-C{vn17:0} as the major cellular fatty acids; and diphosphatidylglycerol, phatidylglycerol, and glycolipids as the predominant polar lipids. Both strains had low DNA-DNA hybridization values (<40%) with closely related taxa. Based on our polyphasic taxonomic characterization, we propose that strains KIS66-7T and 5GH26-15T represent novel genera and species, for which we propose the names Diaminobutyricibacter tongyongensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain KIS66-7T=KACC 15515T=NBRC 108724T) and Homoserinibacter gongjuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain 5GH26-15T=KACC 15524T=NBRC 108755T) within the family Microbacteriaceae.  相似文献   

A multi‐gene (SSU, LSU, psbA, and COI) molecular phylogeny of the family Corallinaceae (excluding the subfamilies Lithophylloideae and Corallinoideae) showed a paraphyletic grouping of six monophyletic clades. Pneophyllum and Spongites were reassessed and recircumscribed using DNA sequence data integrated with morpho‐anatomical comparisons of type material and recently collected specimens. We propose Chamberlainoideae subfam. nov., including the type genus Chamberlainium gen. nov., with C. tumidum comb. nov. as the generitype, and Pneophyllum. Chamberlainium is established to include several taxa previously ascribed to Spongites, the generitype of which currently resides in Neogoniolithoideae. Additionally we propose two new genera, Dawsoniolithon gen. nov. (Metagoniolithoideae), with D. conicum comb. nov. as the generitype and Parvicellularium gen. nov. (subfamily incertae sedis), with P. leonardi sp. nov. as the generitype. Chamberlainoideae has no diagnostic morpho‐anatomical features that enable one to assign specimens to it without DNA sequence data, and it is the first subfamily to possess both Type 1 (Chamberlainium) and Type 2 (Pneophyllum) tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof development. Two characters distinguish Chamberlainium from Spongites: tetra/biasporangial conceptacle chamber diameter (<300 μm in Chamberlainium vs. >300 μm in Spongites) and tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof thickness (<8 cells in Chamberlainium vs. >8 cells in Spongites). Two characters also distinguish Pneophyllum from Dawsoniolithon: tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof thickness (<8 cells in Pneophyllum vs. >8 cells in Dawsoniolithon) and thallus construction (dimerous in Pneophyllum vs. monomerous in Dawsoniolithon).  相似文献   

Summary Two new nitrite oxidizing bacteria for which the names Nitrococcus mobilis and Nitrospina gracilis are proposed were isolated from the marine environment. Nitrococcus mobilis was cultured from South Pacific waters and it is a large motile coccus with unique tubular cytomembranes. Nitrospina gracilis was isolated from South Atlantic waters and it is a long slender rod which lacks an extensive cytomembrane system. Both are obligate marine organisms and both are obligate chemoautotrophs. The fine structure of these organisms is detailed.Contribution No. 2631 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543.  相似文献   

The ascigerous teleomorph of Candida lipolytica (Harrison) Diddens et Lodder, previously classified as Endomycopsis lipolytica Wickerham et al. and as Saccharomycopsis lipolytica (Wickerham et al.) Yarrow, has been assigned to the new genus Yarrowia. Yarrowia lipolytica (Wickerham et al.) comb. nov. is the type species for the genus.The remaining species of Saccharomycopsis are revised.  相似文献   

A new aquatic Hyphomycete,Pleuropedium tricladioides Marvanova et Iqbal, is described from submerged deadJuncus effusus axes and from foam in mountain streams. Pleuropedium Marvanova et Iqbal gen.nov. (Etym. πλɛνρα (G)=side, pes (L)=leg) Deuteromycetes, Hyphales. Mycelium septatum, ramosum. Conidiophora primum simplicia, dein ramificata, rami de primordiis conidiorum haud discernibiles. Cellulae matricales cylindraceae, apice truncatae. Conidia septata, ex axe primario cum axibus secundariis tertiariisque consistentia. Axis primarius curvatus usque subrectus, dorsiventralis, axes secundarios in parte dorsali (magis convexo) gerens.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain, designated JS5-2T, was isolated from soil collected from Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. The cells of the strain were Gram-negative, nonspore forming, catalase- and oxidase-positive, aerobic, nonmotile and rod-shaped. Strain JS5-2T exhibited 96.2–97.2, 95.1–96.3, and 95.4–95.8% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to the genera Herbaspirillum, Oxalicibacterium, and Herminiimonas, respectively. The highest sequence similarities were with Herbaspirillum autotrophicum IAM 14942T (97.2%) and Herbaspirillum frisingense GSF30T (97.1%). The major fatty acids of strain JS5-2T were C16:0 (35.0%), C17:0 cyclo (19.9%), C18:1 ω7c (11.4%), and summed feature 3 (C16:1 ω7c/C15:0 iso 2-OH) (15.2%), and the major polar lipids of strain JS5-2T were diphosphatidylglycerol and an unknown aminophospholipid. The strain contained Q-8 as the predominant ubiquinone. DNA-DNA relatedness values between strain JS5-2T and H. autotrophicum IAM 14942T, and H. frisingense GSF30T were 32 and 35%, respectively. The DNA G+C content of strain JS5-2T was 59.0 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic, genotypic, and physiological evidence, strain JS5-2T represents a novel species of a new genus, for which the name Paraherbaspirillum soli gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain JS5-2T (=KACC 12633T =NBRC 106496T) is proposed.  相似文献   

The new genusBotryozyma with a single species,B. nematodophila is proposed for two isolates from nematodes (Panagrellus zymosiphilus) occurring in grapes with sour-rot. The new genus has typical ascomycetous characteristics and, being unable to produce ascospores, is placed in the family Candidaceae.  相似文献   

During studies on the microflora of human feces we have isolated a strictly anaerobic, non-spore-forming, Gram-negative staining organism which exhibits a somewhat variable coccus-shaped morphology. Comparative 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing studies show the unidentified organism is phylogenetically a member of the Clostridium leptum supra-generic rRNA cluster and displays a close affinity to some rDNA clones derived from human and pig feces. The nearest named relatives of the unidentified isolate corresponded to Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (formerly Fusobacterium prausnitzii) displaying a 16S rRNA sequence divergence of approximately 9%, with Anaerofilum agile and A. pentosovorans the next closest relatives of the unidentified bacterium (sequence divergence approximately 10%). Based on phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unusual coccoid-shaped organism be classified as a new genus and species, Subdoligranulum variabile. The type strain of S. variabile is BI 114(T) (=CCUG 47106(T)=DSM 15176(T)).  相似文献   

Two novel genera of restricted facultative methylotrophs are described; both Methylosulfonomonas and Marinosulfonomonas are unique in being able to grow on methanesulfonic acid as their sole source of carbon and energy. Five identical strains of Methylosulfonomonas were isolated from diverse soil samples in England and were shown to differ in their morphology, physiology, DNA base composition, molecular genetics, and 16S rDNA sequences from the two marine strains of Marinosulfonomonas, which were isolated from British coastal waters. The marine strains were almost indistinguishable from each other and are considered to be strains of one species. Type species of each genus have been identified and named Methylosulfonomonas methylovora (strain M2) and Marinosulfonomonas methylotropha (strain PSCH4). Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequencing places both genera in the α-Proteobacteria. Methylosulfonomonas is a discrete lineage within the α-2 subgroup and is not related closely to any other known bacterial genus. The Marinosulfonomonas strains form a monophyletic cluster in the α-3 subgroup of the Proteobacteria with Roseobacter spp. and some other partially characterized marine bacteria, but they are distinct from these at the genus level. This work shows that the isolation of bacteria with a unique biochemical character, the ability to grow on methanesulfonic acid as energy and carbon substrate, has resulted in the identification of two novel genera of methylotrophs that are unrelated to any other extant methylotroph genera. Received: 19 July 1996 / Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

An ammonia-oxidizing, autotroph growing, slender, curved rod was isolated from the soil of Hawaii. It is well distinguishable from any other nitrifying bacteria thus far described by their morphology. The cells are 1.1–3.0 m long and 0.3–0.4 m wide. They are motile by means of 1–4 subpolar to lateral flagella. In contrast to most of the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria the isolated vibrio is void of an extensive cytomembrane system. To categorize this not yet described species we propose to create the new genus Nitrosovibrio and to classify the isolated strain as Nitrosovibrio tenuis.  相似文献   

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