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Summary Microquantitative determinations of ADH activity were carried out on the livers of male and female rats. The animals were either starved for 84 h, or starved and then refed with a carbohydrate-rich diet for 6 nights. When the enzyme activity is expressed in moles/min/g dry weight, fasting does not appear to alter liver ADH activity, while in starved and subsequently refed rats it is diminished by 20%. Microquantitative measurements of ADH activity in 50–150 ng lyophilized tissue samples, microdissected the whole way along the sinusoidal length, made the computeraided plotting of intra-acinar distribution patterns possible. The results showed that, under the feeding conditions selected, only minor changes in the ADH activity profiles occur in the liver acinus. These are within the range of the standard deviations of the normal mean values. From these results it can be deduced that fasting and refeeding do not lead to specific inhibition or induction of liver ADH activity.—The decrease of ADH activity of total liver (mol/min) per total body weight in starved rats is obviously the result of a loss of protein which affects the liver cells of all acinar zones almost equally.This study is part of a dissertation which will be presented to the Phil.-Nat. Faculty of the University of Basel by I.P. MalySupported by grants from the Schweizerische Stiftung für Alkoholforschung  相似文献   

Rat liver alcohol dehydrogenase shows characteristic sex-differences with respect to activity and heterotopy. For the recognition of gonadal influences on the intra-acinar distribution patterns luminometric determinations of ADH activity were carried out on 50-150 ng lyophilized liver tissue samples which had been microdissected along the sinusoidal length. Juvenile rats of both sexes showed equally high alcohol dehydrogenase activity, which surpassed the adult values by a factor of 2 in males and 1.3 in females. The distribution pattern was rather flat, with a weak maximum at the beginning of the last third of the sinusoid. Castration of adult male and female rats resulted in an increase of alcohol dehydrogenase activity to around the prepubertal values. The intra-acinar profiles showed a gradual increase in activity from low periportal values to a peak near the perivenous zone. Only the hepatocytes directly adjacent to the efferent venule showed an even lower activity. Administration of testosterone to castrated animals had no effect on the ADH activity in males and resulted in only a slight decrease of enzyme activity in females. The intra-acinar distribution patterns showed an intermediary peak at the end of the second third of the sinusoidal length in males and a gradual increase of activity, beginning periportally, in the direction of the perivenous zone in females. The present findings on total activity of ADH and its distribution patterns in the liver are considered to be the result of complex hormonal alterations rather than a specific effect of testosterone.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in rat liver was shown to be heterotopically distributed within the acinus under varying feeding conditions. Highest values of PEPCK activity were found in the periportal zone of the acinus from where it decreased continuously towards the perivenous zone. 84 h of starvation resulted in an increase of activity, which was most prominent in the perivenous zone, but nevertheless resulted in a steeper gradient. Refeeding of starved rats with a high carbohydrate diet for 6 nights led to a decrease in PEPCK activity which was most prominent in the periportal zone, but almost negligible in the perivenous zone, resulting in a further change in the activity gradient.Sex-dependent differences for total PEPCK activity were found i) in controls, where the activity was lower in females, ii) after starvation, where the induction was much higher in females, and iii) after refeeding of starved rats, where the activity in females remained higher compared to that of the controls. Differences in the intra-acinar localization of the activity in dependence of the sex were registrated in the control group and in starved rats. Livers from female rats contained a higher periportal/perivenous ratio compared to males. In starved and starved and refed animals the periportal/perivenous ratios were almost the same in both sexes.  相似文献   

M Wimmer 《Histochemistry》1989,92(4):331-336
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in rat liver was shown to be heterotopically distributed within the acinus under varying feeding conditions. Highest values of PEPCK activity were found in the periportal zone of the acinus from where it decreased continuously towards the perivenous zone. 84 h of starvation resulted in an increase of activity, which was most prominent in the perivenous zone, but nevertheless resulted in a steeper gradient. Refeeding of starved rats with a high carbohydrate diet for 6 nights led to a decrease in PEPCK activity which was most prominent in the periportal zone, but almost negligible in the perivenous zone, resulting in a further change in the activity gradient. Sex-dependent differences for total PEPCK activity were found i) in controls, where the activity was lower in females, ii) after starvation, where the induction was much higher in females, and iii) after refeeding of starved rats, where the activity in females remained higher compared to that of the controls. Differences in the intra-acinar localization of the activity in dependence of the sex were registrated in the control group and in starved rats. Livers from female rats contained a higher periportal/perivenous ratio compared to males. In starved and starved and refed animals the periportal/perivenous ratios were almost the same in both sexes.  相似文献   

1. Alcohol-dehydrogenase activity is first detectable in the rat foetus on about the eighteenth day of gestation, after which time it increases to about 25% of the adult activity at birth. Adult activity is reached at about 18 days after birth. The ethanol-oxidizing capacity of liver slices from rats correlates well with the increase of the enzyme activity in vitro. 2. In the guinea pig there is a steady linear increase from about 17 days before term to 5 days after birth. Adult activity is reached between the sixth and eighth postnatal day. 3. Some kinetic properties of liver alcohol dehydrogenase are very similar in newborn and adult rats. 4. Administration of ethanol to pregnant rats during the latter half of gestation had no effect on alcohol-dehydrogenase activity in the liver of the newborn offspring. Intraperitoneal injections of ethanol to newborn and young rats had no effect on the alcohol-dehydrogenase activity of the livers. 5. Intraperitoneal injections of hydrocortisone and triamcinolone to newborn and adult non-adrenalectomized rats had no significant effect on the increase of the alcohol-dehydrogenase activity as studied up to 4 days after the injection.  相似文献   

I P Maly  D Sasse 《Histochemistry》1988,88(3-6):387-393
Total and low-Km aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity was measured in 50-150 ng microdissected liver tissue samples of the entire sinusoidal length. High-Km ALDH activity was calculated by subtracting the low-Km ALDH values from the total ALDH activity. Enzyme activity was measured by a microchemical assay, using the oil-well technique with luminometric determination of NADH. The intra-acinar profiles of high-Km and low-Km ALDH activity could be demonstrated graphically for both male and female rats after 84 h of starvation, and after starvation and refeeding for 6 nights. In addition, the ALDH distribution patterns of juvenile, castrated, and castrated and testosterone-treated rats were determined. It could be demonstrated that starvation, and starvation followed by refeeding, lead to changes in enzyme activity which parallel the loss and regain of liver- and body-weight. The nutritional factors do not essentially alter the normal intra-acinar profiles. In juvenile rats, ALDH is lower by 30% in comparison with the controls, but sex-differences in the distribution profiles are not yet present. Castration has no effect on the amount of enzyme activity but the sex specific distribution profiles are less marked. The main effect of testosterone treatment is an elevation of low-Km ALDH in the perivenous zone. The characteristics of the intra-acinar profiles of high-Km and low-Km ALDH activity are discussed with respect to hepatic acetaldehyde oxidation and alcoholic liver damage.  相似文献   

Microquantitative measurements of total and of low-Km aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity with millimolar and micromolar concentrations of acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde were carried out on the livers of male and female rats. Lyophilized cryostat sections of liver parenchyma were microdissected along the entire sinusoidal length from the terminal afferent vessels to the terminal efferent venule. ALDH activity was measured in a microbiochemical assay using the oil-well technique with luminometric determination of NADH. On the basis of single measurements, mean values of total, low-Km and high-Km ALDH activity could be calculated and the specific distribution patterns graphically demonstrated. The two substrates acetaldehyde and propionaldehyde yielded similar values of ALDH activity, the intraacinar distribution profiles of which showed characteristic sex differences. In the liver of the male rat high-Km ALDH activity has two flat peaks in the periportal and the perivenous area, while low-Km ALDH activity is almost evenly distributed throughout the acinus. In the livers of female rats, both high-Km and low-Km ALDH activity shows a continuous gradient which decreases from the periportal to the perivenous zone (pp/pv = 1.4:1). It was therefore possible to demonstrate that the maxima of alcohol dehydrogenase activity and of low-Km ALDH activity are localized in opposite parts of the liver acinus of the female rat. This heterotopy should have consequences with respect to hepatotoxicity after alcohol ingestion.  相似文献   

Summary Total and low-Km aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity was measured in 50–150 ng microdissected liver tissue samples of the entire sinusoidal length. High-Km ALDH activity was calculated by subtracting the low-Km ALDH values from the total ALDH activity. Enzyme activity was measured by a microchemical assay, using the oil-well technique with luminometric determination of NADH.The intra-acinar profiles of high-Km and low-Km ALDH activity could be demonstrated graphically for both male and female rats after 84 h of starvation, and after starvation and refeeding for 6 nights. In addition, the ALDH distribution patterns of juvenile, castrated, and castrated and testosterone-treated rats were determined. It could be demonstrated that starvation, and starvation followed by refeeding, lead to changes in enzyme activity which parallel the loss and regain of liver- and body-weight. The nutritional factors do not essentially alter the normal intra-acinar profiles. In juvenile rats, ALDH is lower by 30% in comparison with the controls, but sex-differences in the distribution profiles are not yet present. Castration has no effect on the amount of enzyme activity but the sex specific distribution profiles are less marked. The main effect of testosterone treatment is an elevation of low-Km ALDH in the perivenous zone. The characteristics of the intra-acinar profiles of high-Km and low-Km ALDH activity are discussed with respect to hepatic acetaldehyde oxidation and alcoholic liver damage.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary Using techniques of microdissection and microassay as well as qualitative histochemistry the activity and intra-acinar distribution of G6PDH and ME were studied on selected days of pregnancy in the rat. Both enzymes show distinct fluctuations during the course of pregnancy in keeping with changes in hepatic lipogenesis. Marked increases in activity are seen as early as the 4th day, while highest values are attained on day 20, with a predominant perivenous induction. On day 22, just before parturition a sharp decrease of both enzyme activities with a flattening of the periportal/perivenous gradient was detected. G6PDH shows proportionally considerably larger increases and more distinct changes in zonation. The perivenous fluctuations in G6PDH activity of late gestation are supposed to be caused primarily by insulin. Although estrogen is known to induce both enzymes, the temporal changes in enzyme activity in pregnancy cannot be related to the action of estrogen alone. The changes in enzyme activity, however, correspond well to those of progesterone, and although no direct action of progesterone on these enzymes has yet been proposed, further work on its effects on enzyme activity and distribution is indicated.  相似文献   

Using techniques of microdissection and microassay as well as qualitative histochemistry the activity and intra-acinar distribution of G6PDH and ME were studied on selected days of pregnancy in the rat. Both enzymes show distinct fluctuations during the course of pregnancy in keeping with changes in hepatic lipogenesis. Marked increases in activity are seen as early as the 4th day, while highest values are attained on day 20, with a predominant perivenous induction. On day 22, just before parturition a sharp decrease of both enzyme activities with a flattening of the periportal/perivenous gradient was detected. G6PDH shows proportionally considerably larger increases and more distinct changes in zonation. The perivenous fluctuations in G6PDH activity of late gestation are supposed to be caused primarily by insulin. Although estrogen is known to induce both enzymes, the temporal changes in enzyme activity in pregnancy cannot be related to the action of estrogen alone. The changes in enzyme activity, however, correspond well to those of progesterone, and although no direct action of progesterone on these enzymes has yet been proposed, further work on its effects on enzyme activity and distribution is indicated.  相似文献   

The intra-acinar distribution pattern of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity (PEPCK) was investigated in microdissected samples of livers from normal, castrated, castrated and estradiol- or testosterone-treated, and uncastrated and testosterone- or estradiol-treated male and female rats. The total PEPCK activity showed a marked sex dependency, with 1.8 times higher activity in males. The intra-acinar distribution profiles were also sex-dependent. The periportal-to-perivenous gradient was steeper in males. Castration resulted in an approximation of PEPCK activity and its acinar distribution pattern between the sexes due to a reduction in males and an increase in females. Estrogen treatment of castrated males had no further effect on PEPCK activity and its acinar gradient, whereas in ovariectomized animals the activity was reduced to levels near normal. Testosterone treatment of castrated male or female animals led to a marked increase in enzyme activity with a concomitant steepening of the acinar gradient. Administration of estradiol to normal male rats also led to a reduction in activity, together with a change in the acinar activity gradient. Testosterone treatment of normal females resulted in an induction of PEPCK activity which was most prominent in the periportal zone. The most drastic changes were observed in the perivenous zones. In all experiments a periportal-to-perivenous activity gradient persisted thus marking the periportal zone as the area with highest gluconeogenic capacity.  相似文献   

Summary Using microquantitative measurements of alcohol dehydrogenase activity in microdissected samples of liver tissue along the sinusoidal length, the intra-acinar distribution profiles were studied in seven groups of female rats at different times during 24h with a light phase from 630h to 1830h. The mean values of alcohol dehydrogenase activity showed a circadian rhythm with a minimum at 13.30h and a maximum at 17.30h (p<0.0001). However, the intra-acinar gradients remained almost unchanged, indicating that increase and decrease in enzyme activity takes place simultaneously in all parts of the liver acinus. This observation, together with data from the literature, suggests that the circadian rhythm of alcohol dehydrogenase activity reflects variations in different liver cell consituents, rather than enzyme protein synthesis or proteolysis.  相似文献   

The effects of the administration of insulin and glucagon on the intraacinar heterotopy of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) were investigated in male and female rat liver. Insulin did not noticeably influence PEPCK activity or its acinar distribution, either in males or in females. But it affected the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and malic enzyme. Glucagon in supraphysiological concentrations led to an induction of PEPCK activity. Despite high glucagon concentration along the whole sinusoidal length, the inducing effect of glucagon was most pronounced in the periportal and intermediary parts of the acinus; thus indicating that there is no direct interrelationship between local glucagon concentration and PEPCK activity. In both experiments blood glucose levels were kept fairly constant.  相似文献   

In adult male and female rat liver, the activity of NAD(+)-and NADP(+)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was microquantitatively measured in tissue samples of 50-150 ng, microdissected continuously along the sinusoidal length. Total activity of GDH with NAD+ as co-factor was found to be higher by a ratio of about 1:2.3 than with NADP+. All intra-acinar enzyme profiles, irrespective of sex, showed an increasing gradient of GDH activity from the periportal beginning to the perivenous end. These findings are at variance with the immunohistochemical localization of GDH in rat liver. The microquantitative GDH profiles with higher perivenous values could indicate a more pronounced glutamine synthesis in Zone 3 of the liver acinus.  相似文献   

Activities of the NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase were measured along the entire sinusoidal path (1) between small portal tracts and central veins and (2) between regions of adjoining septal branches and central veins in the liver of male Wistar rats using a Lowry technique. The measured activities show a slight increase from the periportal to the perivenous end, whereas no such septal-) perivenous gradient could be established. These profiles of enzyme activity give further support to previous studies, suggesting functional heterogeneity of liver sinusoids and their abutting hepatocytes related to morphological differences of the sinusoidal bed.  相似文献   

The pattern of glycogen distribution in the liver   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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