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Current large animal models that could closely resemble the typical features of cirrhotic portal hypertension in human have not been well established. Thus, we aimed to develop and describe a reliable and reproducible canine cirrhosis model of portal hypertension. A total of 30 mongrel dogs were randomly divided into four groups: 1 (control; n = 5), 2 (portal vein stenosis [PVS]; n = 5], 3 (thioacetamide [TAA]; n = 5), and 4 (PVS plus TAA; n = 15). After 4-months modeling period, liver and spleen CT perfusion, abdominal CT scans, portal hemodynamics, gastroscopy, hepatic function, blood routine, the bone marrow, liver, and spleen histology were studied. The animals in group 2 (PVS) developed extrahepatic portosystemic collateral circulation, particularly esophageal varices, without hepatic cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Animals from group 3 (TAA) presented mild cirrhosis and portal hypertension without significant symptoms of esophageal varices and hypersplenism. In contrast, animals from group 4 (PVS + TAA) showed well-developed micronodular and macronodular cirrhosis, associated with significant portal hypertension and hypersplenism. The combination of PVS and TAA represents a novel, reliable, and reproducible canine cirrhosis model of portal hypertension, which is associated with the typical characteristics of portal hypertension, including hypersplenism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of terlipressin (TP) alone or in combination with tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) on anesthetized portal hypertensive rats. Portal hypertension was induced by either partial portal vein ligation (PVL, without cirrhosis) or bile duct ligation (BDL, with cirrhosis) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Each PVL or BDL rat received only one of the two regimens: vehicle for 3 min followed by TP (0.017 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1) for 3 min) or TMP (10 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1) for 3 min) followed by TP. In PVL rats, infusion of vehicle followed by TP induced significant reduction of portal venous pressure (PVP, -15.0+/-1.0%) and prominent elevation of mean arterial pressure (MAP, 57.3+/-8.1%) as well as total peripheral resistance (TPR, 113+/-11%) from baseline, and there was a cardiodepressant response (cardiac index, CI, -26.3+/-1.1%). Infusion of TMP followed by TP induced significant reduction of PVP (-20.3+/-0.4%) and CI (-9.9+/-1.2%) and significant elevation of MAP (31.3+/-2.5%) and TPR (46.0+/-4.1%) from baseline. In BDL rats, infusion of vehicle followed by TP also induced significant reduction of PVP (-13.8+/-1.7%) but an increase in MAP (57.1+/-2.2%) and TPR (101+/-6%) from baseline, and there also was a cardiodepressant response (CI, -21.4+/-2.3%). Infusion of TMP followed by TP induced significant reduction of PVP (-18.9+/-1.4%) and CI (-11.9+/-2.1%), but an increase in MAP (36.2+/-2.5%) and TPR (55.0+/-5.2%). Compared with vehicle followed by TP, TMP not only significantly enhanced portal hypotensive (PVP reduction) effects of TP but also attenuated the systemic pressor (MAP and TPR elevation) and cardiodepressant (CI reduction) effects of TP in both PVL and BDL rats. Our results suggest that TP, alone or in combination with TMP, induced portal hypotensive effects in two models of portal hypertensive rats. Combination of TP and TMP was beneficial in enhancing portal hypotensive effects of TP and ameliorating the systemic pressor and cardiodepressant effects of TP.  相似文献   

Portal hypertension, the most important complication with cirrhosis of the liver, is a serious disease. Sorafenib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor is validated in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Because angiogenesis is a pathological hallmark of portal hypertension, the goal of our study was to determine the effect of sorafenib on portal venous flow and portosystemic collateral circulation in patients receiving sorafenib therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Porto-collateral circulations were evaluated using a magnetic resonance technique prior sorafenib therapy, and at day 30. All patients under sorafenib therapy had a decrease in portal venous flow of at least 36%. In contrast, no specific change was observed in the azygos vein or the abdominal aorta. No portal venous flow modification was observed in the control group. Sorafenib is the first anti-angiogenic therapy to demonstrate a beneficial and reversible decrease of portal venous flow among cirrhotic patients.  相似文献   

Portal hypertension due to either prehepatic portal hypertension or cirrhosis is associated with cardiovascular derangement. We aimed to delineate regulatory mechanisms in the brain stem cardiovascular nuclei in rat models of prehepatic portal hypertension and cirrhosis. Neuronal activation in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) were assessed by immunohistochemical staining for the immediate-early gene product Fos. In the same sections, catecholaminergic neurons were counted by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) staining. Ninety minutes after hypotensive hemorrhage (or no volume challenge), the animals were killed for Fos and TH medullary staining. These protocols were repeated after capsaicin administration. The NTS of unchallenged sham-operated rats had scant Fos-positive cells (3.6 +/- 0.4 cells/section), whereas hemorrhage significantly increased Fos staining (91.8 +/- 14). In contrast, the unchallenged portal hypertensive and cirrhotic groups showed increased Fos staining (14.3 +/- 5.8 and 32.8 +/- 2.8, respectively), which hemorrhage did not alter significantly. The numbers of TH-positive cells were similar in the three unchallenged groups; double labeling revealed that approximately 50% of TH-positive cells were activated by hemorrhage in the sham and cirrhotic rats but not the portal hypertensive rats. Similar patterns of Fos and TH staining were observed in the VLM. Capsaicin treatment not only significantly reduced the Fos-positive neuron numbers in portal hypertensive and cirrhotic rats but also attenuated hemorrhage-induced Fos and double-positive cells in both NTS and VLM. These results suggest that disordered trafficking in capsaicin-sensitive nerves and central dysregulation contribute to blunted cardiovascular responsiveness in cirrhosis and prehepatic portal hypertension.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effects of the combination of clonidine and propranolol were studied in conscious rats with portal hypertension owing to secondary biliary cirrhosis. Pressure and blood flow measurements (radioactive microsphere method) were performed in three groups of eight rats before and after drug administration. The combined effects of clonidine (2 micrograms/100 g body wt., i.v.) and propranolol (0.2 mg/min for 10 min) were compared with those observed after administration of either clonidine alone or propranolol alone. The association of clonidine and propranolol induced significant decreases in portal pressure (30%) and portal tributary blood flow (43%), the magnitude of these changes being significantly more marked than that after administration of either clonidine alone (12 and 20%, respectively) or propranolol alone (16 and 17%, respectively). After the combination, no significant change in arterial pressure was observed, but cardiac output significantly decreased and systemic vascular resistance significantly increased. Renal blood flow decreased to a similar extent (40%) in the three groups. These findings indicate that the combination of clonidine and propranolol is more effective for reversing splanchnic hemodynamic changes than clonidine alone or propranolol alone. The additive effects of this association are in agreement with the action of clonidine and propranolol at different levels (central and peripheral) and on different receptors (alpha and beta). It suggests that an increase in sympathetic activity may play a major role in hemodynamic changes observed in experimental cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Effects of somatostatin in patients with portal hypertension   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Portal hypertension is a common complication of chronic liver disease. Conventional therapy consists of surgery and palliative measures for the hemodynamic problem. It has been recently reported that somatostatin may reduce portal pressure without altering the systemic circulation and so reducing hepatic blood flow. This peptide also causes a significant fall in azygos circulation in patients with esophageal varices. The mechanism of this effect is unclear although suppression of intestinal vasodilating hormones and of glucagon have been claimed to play a role. Comparative clinical studies have shown somatostatin to be superior to the standard vasopressin treatment. Recent findings suggest that the efficacy of somatostatin can be increased by administering this peptide in repeated intravenous bolus injections. New derivatives, specially long-acting peptides, may eventually prove beneficial in the chronic treatment of this complication.  相似文献   

肝硬化门脉高压症大鼠模型制作方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
目的:建立稳定可靠的肝硬化门脉高压大鼠动物模型。材料与方法:50只雄性sD大鼠,随机分为3组。正常对照组10只,行假手术,给予正常饮食。肝硬化A组20只,先行左肾上腺静脉结扎,然后给予初始浓度为0.03%的硫代乙酰胺(thioacetamide,TAA)溶液作为饮用水并根据大鼠体重变化调节给药浓度。肝硬化B组20只,行假手术,给予固定浓度为0.03%TAA溶液。给药时间为14周。结果:肝硬化A组大鼠死亡率为0,肝硬化形成率达到100%。肝硬化B组大鼠死亡率15%,肝硬化形成率75%。肝硬化A组大鼠的门静脉压力明显高于肝硬化B组和对照组。结论:采用左肾上腺静脉结扎并根据体重变化调节TAA给药浓度可建立稳定可靠的肝硬化门脉高压大鼠动物模型。  相似文献   

The effect of surgical end-to-side portacaval anastomosis (PCSA) on systemic and splanchnic circulation has been studied in cirrhotic rats with portal hypertension (CCl4-phenobarbital method) and in control animals. Hemodynamics have been measured using the microsphere technique, with a reference sample for the systemic hemodynamic measurements, and intrasplenic injection for portal systemic shunting rate measurements. Compared with controls, sham-operated (SO) cirrhotic rats showed a hyperdynamic circulation with increased cardiac output (CO) and decreased mean arterial pressure and peripheral resistances. PCSA in control rats induced only a small change in systemic hemodynamics, with parallel decreases in arterial pressure and peripheral resistances, and a small, nonsignificant increase in CO. In cirrhotic rats, PCSA induced a decrease of CO to values similar to those of control rats, with an increase in total peripheral resistances. PCSA induced an increase in hepatic arterial blood flow in control and in cirrhotic rats, portal pressure becoming in this latter group not different from that of control rats. Blood flow to splanchnic organs was higher in SO cirrhotic than in SO control animals. Thus portal venous inflow was also increased in SO cirrhotic rats. PCSA induced an increase in portal venous inflow in control rats, which was only significant in cirrhotic rats when expressed as a percentage of CO. In SO control animals, a significant correlation was observed between total peripheral resistances and splanchnic arteriolar resistances and between CO and splanchnic blood flow. These correlations were not observed in cirrhotic rats. These results do not support the hypothesis that hyperdynamic circulation shown by cirrhotic rats is based on increases in splanchnic blood flow and (or) massive portal systemic shunting.  相似文献   

Chronic administration of propranolol did not alter the course of severe renal hypertension in the rat. Twenty and forty days after the induction of hypertension, blood pressure, ventricular weight and plasma renin concentration were determined. On day forty, at equivalent levels of blood pressure, the ventricular and the ventricular/body weight ratio was significantly lower in the propranolol treated group (18.6%; 22.9%). It is suggested that propranolol may mitigate the cardiac hypertrophy associated with hypertension. This effect is independent of the blood pressure.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that impaired vasoconstrictor function in chronic portal hypertension is mediated via cAMP-dependent events. Recent data have implicated two small heat-shock proteins (HSP), namely HSP20 and HSP27, in the regulation of vascular tone. Phosphorylation of HSP20 is associated with vasorelaxation, whereas phosphorylation of HSP27 is associated with vasoconstriction. We hypothesized that alterations in the expression and/or phosphorylation of small HSPs may play a role in impaired vasoconstriction in portal hypertension. A rat model of prehepatic chronic portal hypertension was used. Studies were conducted in small mesenteric arteries isolated from normal and portal hypertensive rats. Protein levels of HSP20 and HSP27 were detected by Western blot analysis. Protein phosphorylation was analyzed by isoelectric focusing. HSP20 mRNA expression was determined by RT-PCR. To examine the role of cAMP in the regulation of small HSP phosphorylation and expression, we treated both normal and portal hypertensive vessels with a PKA inhibitor Rp-cAMPS. We found both an increased HSP20 phosphorylation and a decreased HPS20 protein level in portal hypertension, both of which were restored to normal by PKA inhibition. However, PKA did not change HSP20 mRNA expression. We conclude that decreased HSP20 protein level is mediated by cAMP-dependent pathway and that impaired vasoconstrictor function in portal hypertension may be partially explained by decreased expression of HSP20. We also suggest that the phosphorylation of HSP20 by PKA may alter HSP20 turnover.  相似文献   

IN THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PORTAL HYPERTENSION, THREE PROBLEMS PRESENT: (1) mesenteric venous thrombosis, (2) haemorrhage from the alimentary tract, and (3) ascites.  相似文献   

Using biochemical, cytofluorimetric and television cytophotometric methods, glycogen contents were studied in normal and cirrhotic rat liver at various intervals after glucose administration to fasting animals. The obtained data indicate that after a 48 h fasting glycogen contents in normal and cirrhotic liver are equally poor. A marked rise of glycogen content in cirrhotic liver was observed only 20-30 min after glucose administration to rats. It has been established that at all intervals after glucose administration to rats hepatocytes of the portal lobule zone, both in normal and in cirrhotic liver, accumulate more glycogen than those of the central zone. Again, the intensity of glycogen accumulation in cirrhotically altered liver is significantly lower than in normal liver, due, presumably, to a lower rate of glycogen synthesis in pathologically changed liver.  相似文献   

Effects of cadmium administration on the endogenous metal balance in rats   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The concentrations of cadmium and other metal ions in selected organs, urine, and blood of female rats were measured after exposure to cadmium chloride through their diet or by oral or intravenous administration. The hematological and urinary variations were followed for 4 wk. Body weight gain and the weights of livers and kidneys from all treated groups were not significantly different from the controls. No gross morphological changes were observed in any of the tissues studied at necropsy. The accumulation of cadmium occurred in the liver and kidney. The zinc levels in these organs were elevated relative to controls, in all treated groups regardless of dose and exposure route. Copper was elevated in the liver, kidney, bone, and blood of animals subject to intravenous administration of cadmium. Hepatic iron was decreased in the dietary and orally treated groups, but was not affected in the intravenous study group. The level of magnesium in kidney was increased for all exposure routes, but that of liver was increased only in the intravenously injected groups. The changes in the concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus did not follow a specific pattern and varied from organ to organ, depending on the exposure route. The discussion includes a relationship between tissue injury and the alteration of tissue essential element concentrations.  相似文献   

Tsui CP  Sung JJ  Leung FW 《Life sciences》2003,73(9):1115-1129
Time-course studies revealed the increased susceptibility of the gastric mucosa to noxious injury in portal hypertension correlates with the level of elevated portal venous pressure and hyperglucagonemia. Whether acute elevation of portal venous pressure by exogenous glucagon aggravates such injury is not known. We tested the hypothesis that glucagon in a dose sufficient to acutely elevate portal venous pressure aggravates noxious injury of the gastric mucosa in rats with portal hypertension. Infusion of a portal hypotensive dose of somatostatin should reverse these changes. In anesthetized rats with portal vein ligation, glucagon, somatostatin or the combination was administered intravenously in a randomized, coded fashion. Acidified ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury was determined. Portal venous pressure and gastric mucosal perfusion and oxygenation (reflectance spectrophotometry) were monitored to confirm the effects of the respective intravenous treatments. Exogenous glucagon exacerbated acidified ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury. The exacerbation was attenuated by somatostatin. These changes paralleled the portal hypertensive and hypotensive effects of glucagon and somatostatin, respectively. Our data suggest that a unique mechanism is triggered with the onset of portal hypertension. In an antagonistic manner, glucagon and somatostatin modulate this novel mechanism that controls portal venous pressure and susceptibility of the gastric mucosa to noxious injury.  相似文献   

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