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Plant growth requires a continuous supply of intracellular solutes in order to drive cell elongation. Ion fluxes through the plasma membrane provide a substantial portion of the required solutes. Here, patch clamp techniques have been used to investigate the electrical properties of the plasma membrane in protoplasts from the rapid growing tip of maize coleoptiles. Inward currents have been measured in the whole cell configuration from protoplasts of the outer epidermis and from the cortex. These currents are essentially mediated by K+ channels with a unitary conductance of about 12 pS. The activity of these channels was stimulated by negative membrane voltage and inhibited by extracellular Ca2+ and/or tetraethylammonium-CI (TEA). The kinetics of voltage- and Ca2+-gating of these channels have been determined experimentally in some detail (steady-state and relaxation kinetics). Various models have been tested for their ability to describe these experimental data in straightforward terms of mass action. As a first approach, the most appropriate model turned out to consist of an active state which can equilibrate with two inactive states via independent first order reactions: a fast inactivation/activation by Ca2+-binding and -release, respectively (rate constants >>103 sec−1) and a slower inactivation/activation by positive/negative voltage, respectively (voltage-dependent rate constants in the range of 103 sec−1). With 10 mm K+ and 1 mm Ca2+ in the external solution, intact coleoptile cells have a membrane voltage (V) of −105 ± 7 mV. At this V, the density and open probability of the inward-rectifying channels is sufficient to mediate K+ uptake required for cell elongation. Extracellular TEA or Ca2+, which inhibit the K+ inward conductance, also inhibit elongation of auxin-depleted coleoptile segments in acidic solution. The comparable effects of Ca2+ and TEA on both processes and the similar Ca2+ concentration required for half maximal inhibition of growth (4.3 mm Ca2+) and for conductance (1.2 mm Ca2+) suggest that K+ uptake through the inward rectifier provides essential amounts of solute for osmotic driven elongation of maize coleoptiles. Received: 6 June 1995/Revised: 12 September 1995  相似文献   

Large Conductance Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels in Human Meningioma Cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cells from ten human meningiomas were electrophysiologically characterized in both living tissue slices and primary cultures. In whole cells, depolarization to voltages higher than +80 mV evoked a large K+ outward current, which could be blocked by iberiotoxin (100 nm) and TEA (half blocking concentration IC50= 5.3 mm). Raising the internal Ca2+ from 10 nm to 2 mm shifted the voltage of half-maximum activation (V 1/2) of the K+ current from +106 to +4 mV. Respective inside-out patch recordings showed a voltage- and Ca2+-activated (BK Ca ) K+ channel with a conductance of 296 pS (130 mm K+ at both sides of the patch). V 1/2 of single-channel currents was +6, −12, −46, and −68 mV in the presence of 1, 10, 100, and 1000 μm Ca2+, respectively, at the internal face of the patch. In cell-attached patches the open probability (P o ) of BK Ca channels was nearly zero at potentials below +80 mV, matching the activation threshold for whole-cell K+ currents with 10 nm Ca2+ in the pipette. Application of 20 μm cytochalasin D increased P o of BK Ca channels in cell-attached patches within minutes. These data suggest that the activation of BK Ca channels in meningioma cells does not only depend on voltage and internal Ca2+ but is also controlled by the cytoskeleton. Received 18 June 1999/Revised: 18 January 2000  相似文献   

We investigated the properties of single K+ channels in the soma membrane of embryonic leech ganglion cells using the patch-clamp technique. We compared these K+ channels with the K+ channels found previously in Retzius neurons of the adult leech. In ganglion cells of 9- to 15-day-old embryos we characterized eight different types of K+ channels with mean conductances of 21, 55, 84, 111, 122, 132, 149 and 223 pS. The 55 pS and 84 pS channels showed flickering and were active for less than 2 min after excising the patch. The 111 pS channel was an outward rectifier, and the open state probability (p o ) decreased in the inside-out configuration when the Ca2+ concentration was raised from pCa 7 to pCa 3. The 122 pS channel also showed outward rectification. This type of channel was activated after changing from the cell-attached to the inside-out configuration and it did not inactivate during more than 30 min. The p o was Ca2+- and voltage-insensitive. One hundred μm glibenclamide reversibly reduced p o . The 132 pS channel was an outward rectifier and was Ca2+-insensitive. The 149 pS channel inactivated in the inside-out configuration. The 149- and the 223 pS channel showed inward rectification. The 111 pS channel had similar properties to the Ca2+-dependent K+ channel and the 122 pS channel resembled the ATP-inhibited K+ channel found previously in Retzius neurons of the adult leech. Received: 20 April 1995/Revised: 18 January 1996  相似文献   

The current through TOK1 (YKC1), the outward-rectifying K+ channel in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was amplified by expressing TOK1 from a plasmid driven by a strong constitutive promoter. TOK1 so hyper-expressed could overcome the K+ auxotrophy of a mutant missing the two K+ transporters, TRK1 and TRK2. This trk1Δtrk2Δ double mutant hyperexpressing the TOK1 transgene had a higher internal K+ content than one expressing the empty plasmid. We examined protoplasts of these TOK1-hyperexpressing cells under a patch clamp. Besides the expected K+ outward current activating at membrane potential (V m ) above the K+ equilibrium potential (E K+ ), a small inward current was consistently observed when the V m was slightly below E K+ . The inward and the outward currents are similar in their activation rates, deactivation rates, ion specificities and Ba2+ inhibition, indicating that they flow through the same channel. Thus, the yeast outwardly rectifying K+ channel can take up K+ into yeast cells, at least under certain conditions. Received: 1 October 1998/Revised: 9 December 1998  相似文献   

Mechanosensitive channels appear ubiquitous but they have not been well characterized in cells directly responding to mechanical stimuli. Here, we identified tension-sensitive channel currents on the cell body of Chlamydomonas, a protist that shows a marked behavioral response to mechanical stimulation. When a negative pressure was applied to the cell body with a patch clamp electrode, single-ion-channel currents of 2.4 pA in amplitude were observed. The currents were inhibited by 10 μm gadolinium, a general blocker of mechanosensitive channels. The currents were most likely due to Ca2+ influxes because the current was absent in Ca2+-free solutions and the reversal potential was 98 mV positive to the resting potential. The distribution of channel-open times conformed to a single exponential component and that of closed times to two exponential components. This mechanosensitive channel was similar to the one found in the flagella in the following respects: both channels were inhibited by Gd3+ at 10 μm but not at 1 μm; both passed Ca2+ and Ba2+; their kinetic parameters for channel opening were similar. These observations raise the possibility that identical mechanosensitive channels may function both in the behavioral control through the mechanoreception by the flagella and in the regulation of cellular physiology in response to mechanical perturbation on the cell body. Received: 13 May 1998/Revised: 2 September 1998  相似文献   

To examine the extracellular Na+ sensitivity of a renal inwardly rectifying K+ channel, we performed electrophysiological experiments on Xenopus oocytes or a human kidney cell line, HEK293, in which we had expressed the cloned renal K+ channel, ROMK1 (Kir1.1). When extracellular Na+ was removed, the whole-cell ROMK1 currents were markedly suppressed in both the oocytes and HEK293 cells. Single-channel ROMK1 activities recorded in the cell-attached patch on the oocyte were not affected by removal of Na+ from the pipette solution. However, macro-patch ROMK1 currents recorded on the oocyte were significantly suppressed by Na+ removal from the bath solution. A blocker of Na+/H+ antiporters, amiloride, largely inhibited the Na+ removal-induced suppression of whole-cell ROMK1 currents in the oocytes. The pH-insensitive K80M mutant of ROMK1 was much less sensitive to Na+ removal. Na+ removal was found to induce a significant decrease in intracellular pH in the oocytes using H+-selective microelectrodes. Coexpression of ROMK1 with NHE3, which is a Na+/H+ antiporter isoform of the kidney apical membrane, conferred increased sensitivity of ROMK1 channels to extracellular Na+ in both the oocytes and HEK293 cells. Thus, it is concluded that the ROMK1 channel is regulated indirectly by extracellular Na+, and that the interaction between NHE transporter and ROMK1 channel appears to be involved in the mechanism of Na+ sensitivity of ROMK1 channel via regulating intracellular pH. Received: 13 April 1999/Revised: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

Patch clamp experiments were performed on two human osteosarcoma cell lines (MG-63 and SaOS-2 cells) that show an osteoblasticlike phenotype to identify and characterize the specific K channels present in these cells. In case of MG-63 cells, in the cell-attached patch configuration (CAP) no channel activity was observed in 2 mm Ca Ringer (control condition) at resting potential. In contrast, a maxi-K channel was observed in previously silent CAP upon addition of 50 nm parathyroid hormone (PTH), 5 nm prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) or 0.1 mm dibutyryl cAMP + 1 μm forskolin to the bath solution. However, maxi-K channels were present in excised patches from both stimulated and nonstimulated cells in 50% of total patches tested. A similar K channel was also observed in SaOS-2 cells. Characterization of this maxi-K channel showed that in symmetrical solutions (140 mm K) the channel has a conductance of 246 ± 4.5 pS (n = 7 patches) and, when Na was added to the bath solution, the permeability ratio (PK/PNa) was 10 and 11 for MG-63 and SaOS-2 cells respectively. In excised patches from MG-63 cells, the channel open probability (P o ) is both voltage- (channel opening with depolarization) and Ca-dependent; the presence of Ca shifts the P o vs. voltage curve toward negative membrane potential. Direct modulation of this maxi-K channel via protein kinase A (PKA) is very unlikely since in excised patches the activity of this channel is not sensitive to the addition of 1 mm ATP + 20 U/ml catalytic subunit of PKA. We next evaluated the possibility that PGE2 or PTH stimulated the channel through a rise in intracellular calcium. First, calcium uptake (45Ca++) by MG-63 cells was stimulated in the presence of PTH and PGE2, an effect inhibited by Nitrendipine (10 μm). Second, whereas PGE2 stimulated the calcium-activated maxi-K channel in 2 mm Ca Ringer in 60% of patches studied, in Ca-free Ringer bath solution, PGE2 did not open any channels (n = 10 patches) nor did cAMP + forskolin (n = 3 patches), although K channels were present under the patch upon excision. In addition, in the presence of 2 mm Ca Ringer and 10 μm Nitrendipine in CAP configuration, PGE2 (n = 5 patches) and cAMP + forskolin (n = 2 patches) failed to open K channels present under the patch. As channel activation by phosphorylation with the catalytic subunit of PKA was not observed, and Nitrendipine addition to the bath or the absence of calcium prevented the opening of this channel, it is concluded that activation of this channel by PTH, PGE2 or dibutyryl cAMP + forskolin is due to an increase in intracellular calcium concentration via Ca influx. Received: 17 September 1995/Revised: 7 December 1995  相似文献   

cDNA encoding the full-length hKv1.3 lymphocyte channel and a C-terminal truncated (Δ459-523) form that lacks the putative PKA Ser468 phosphorylation site were stably transfected in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. Immunostaining of the transfected cells revealed a distribution at the plasma membrane that was uniform in the case of the full-length channel whereas clustering was observed in the case of the truncated channel. Some staining within the cell cytoplasm was found in both instances, suggesting an active process of biosynthesis. Analyses of the K+ current by the patch-clamp technique in the whole cell configuration showed that depolarizing steps to 40 mV from a holding potential (HP) of −80 mV elicited an outward current of 2 to 10 nA. The current threshold was positive to −40 mV and the current amplitude increased in a voltage-dependent manner. The parameters of activation were −5.7 and −9.9 mV (slope factor) and −35 mV (half activation, V 0.5) in the case of the full-length and truncated channels, respectively. The characteristics of the inactivation were 14.2 and 24.6 mV (slope factor) and −17.3 and −39.0 mV (V 0.5) for the full-length and truncated channels, respectively. The activation time constant of the full-length channel for potentials ranging from −30 to 40 mV decreased from 18 to 12 msec whereas the inactivation time constant decreased from 6600 msec at −30 mV to 1800 msec at 40 mV. The unit current amplitude measured in cells bathing in 140 mm KCl was 1.3 ± 0.1 pA at 40 mV, the unit conductance, 34.5 pS and the zero current voltage, 0 mV. Both forms of the channels were inhibited by TEA, 4-AP, Ni2+ and charybdotoxin. In contrast to the native (Jurkat) lymphocyte Kv1.3 channel that is fully inhibited by PKA and PKC, the addition of TPA resulted in 34.6 ± 7.3% and 38.7 ± 9.4% inhibition of the full-length and the truncated channels, respectively. 8-BrcAMP induced a 39.4 ± 5.4% inhibition of the full-length channel but had no effect (8.6 ± 8.3%) on the truncated channel. Cell dialysis with alkaline phosphatase had no effects, suggesting that the decreased sensitivity of the transfected channels to PKA and PKC was not due to an already phosphorylated channel. Patch extract experiments suggested that the hKv1.3 channel was partially sensitive to PKA and PKC. Cotransfecting the Kvβ1.2 subunit resulted in a decrease in the value of the time constant of inactivation of the full-length channel but did not modify its sensitivity to PKA and PKC. The cotransfected Kvβ2 subunit had no effects. Our results indicate that the hKv1.3 lymphocyte channel retains its electrophysiological characteristics when transfected in the Kvβ-negative HEK 293 cell line but its sensitivity to modulation by PKA and PKC is significantly reduced. Received: 18 June 1997/Revised: 7 October 1997  相似文献   

High-conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channels from the basolateral membrane of rabbit distal colon epithelial cells were reconstituted into planar phospholipid bilayers to examine the effect of Mg2+ on the single-channel properties. Mg2+ decreases channel current and conductance in a concentration-dependent manner from both the cytoplasmic and the extracellular side of the channel. In contrast to other K+ channels, Mg2+ does not cause rectification of current through colonic Ca2+-activated K+ channels. In addition, cytoplasmic Mg2+ decreases the reversal potential of the channel. The Mg2+-induced decrease in channel conductance is relieved by high K+ concentrations, indicating competitive interaction between K+ and Mg2+. The monovalent organic cation choline also decreases channel conductance and reversal potential, suggesting that the effect is unspecific. The inhibition of channel current by Mg2+ and choline most likely is a result of electrostatic screening of negative charges located superficially in the channel entrance. But in addition to charge, other properties appear to be necessary for channel inhibition, as Na+ and Ba2+ are no (or only weak) inhibitors. Mg2+ and possibly other cations may play a role in the regulation of current through these channels. Received: 25 August 1995/Revised: 16 November 1995  相似文献   

The effects of verapamil on the large conductance Ca-activated K (BK) channel from rat aortic smooth muscle cells were examined at the single channel level. Micromolar concentrations of verapamil produced a reversible flickering block of the BK channel activity. Kinetic analysis showed that verapamil decreased markedly the time constants of the open states, without any significant change in the time constants of the closed states. The appearance of an additional closed state — specifically, a nonconducting, open-blocked state — was also observed, whose time constant would reflect the mean residence time of verapamil on the channel. These observations are indicative of a state-dependent, open-channel block mechanism. Dedicated kinetic (group) analysis confirmed the state-dependent block exerted by verapamil. D600 (gallopamil), the methoxy derivative of verapamil, was also tested and found to exert a similar type of block, but with a higher affinity than verapamil. The permanently charged and membrane impermeant verapamil analogue D890 was used to address other important features of verapamil block, such as the sidedness of action and the location of the binding site on the channel protein. D890 induced a flickering block of BK channels similar to that observed with verapamil only when applied to the internal side of the membrane, indicating that D890 binds to a site accessible from the cytoplasmic side. Finally, the voltage dependence of D890 block was assessed. The experimental data fitted with a Langmuir equation incorporating the Woodhull model for charged blockers confirms that the D890-binding site is accessed from the internal mouth of the BK channel, and locates it approximately 40% of the membrane voltage drop along the permeation pathway. Received: 11 April 2000/Revised: 17 October 2000  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular cation concentration and membrane voltage on the current carried by outward-rectifying K+ channels was examined in stomatal guard cells of Vicia faba L. Intact guard cells were impaled with double-barrelled microelectrodes and the K+ current was monitored under voltage clamp in 0.1–30 mm K+ and in equivalent concentrations of Rb+, Cs+ and Na+. From a conditioning voltage of −200 mV, clamp steps to voltages between −150 and +50 mV in 0.1 mm K+ activated current through outward-rectifying K+ channels (I K, out) at the plasma membrane in a voltage-dependent fashion. Increasing [K+] o shifted the voltage-sensitivity of I K, out in parallel with the equilibrium potential for K+ across the membrane. A similar effect of [K+] o was evident in the kinetics of I K, out activation and deactivation, as well as the steady-state conductance- (g K ) voltage relations. Linear conductances, determined as a function of the conditioning voltage from instantaneous I-V curves, yielded voltages for half-maximal conductance near −130 mV in 0.1 mm K+, −80 mV in 1.0 mm K+, and −20 mV in 10 mm K+. Similar data were obtained with Rb+ and Cs+, but not with Na+, consistent with the relative efficacy of cation binding under equilibrium conditions (K+≥ Rb+ > Cs+ > > Na+). Changing Ca2+ or Mg2+ concentrations outside between 0.1 and 10 mm was without effect on the voltage-dependence of g K or on I K, out activation kinetics, although 10 mm [Ca2+] o accelerated current deactivation at voltages negative of −75 mV. At any one voltage, increasing [K+] o suppressed g K completely, an action that showed significant cooperativity with a Hill coefficient of 2. The apparent affinity for K+ was sensitive to voltage, varying from 0.5 to 20 mm with clamp voltages near −100 to 0 mV, respectively. These, and additional data indicate that extracellular K+ acts as a ligand and alters the voltage-dependence of I K, out gating; the results implicate K+-binding sites accessible from the external surface of the membrane, deep within the electrical field, but distinct from the channel pore; and they are consistent with a serial 4-state reaction-kinetic model for channel gating in which binding of two K+ ions outside affects the distribution between closed states of the channel. Received: 27 November 1996/Revised: 4 March 1997  相似文献   

To study K+ channels in the basolateral membrane of chloride-secreting epithelia, rat tracheal epithelial monolayers were cultured on permeable filters and mounted into an Ussing chamber system. The mucosal membrane was permeabilized with nystatin (180 μg/ml) in the symmetrical high K+ (145 mm) Ringer solution. During measurement of the macroscopic K+ conductance properties of the basolateral membrane under a transepithelial voltage clamp, we detected at least two types of K+ currents: one is an inwardly rectifying K+ current and the other is a slowly activating outwardly rectifying K+ current. The inwardly rectifying K+ current is inhibited by Ba2+. The slowly activating K+ current was potentiated by cAMP and inhibited by clofilium, phorbol 12-myristae 13-acetate (PMA) and lowering temperature. This is consistent with the biophysical characteristics of I SK channel. RT-PCR analysis revealed the presence of I SK cDNA in the rat trachea epithelia. Although 0.1 mm Ba2+ only had minimal affect on short-circuit current (I sc) induced by cAMP in intact epithelia, 0.1 mm clofilium strongly inhibited it. These results indicate that I SK might be important for maintaining cAMP-induced chloride secretion in the rat trachea epithelia. Received: 1 March 1996/Revised: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Many mutations that shift the voltage dependence of activation in Shaker channels cause a parallel shift of inactivation. The I2 mutation (L382I in the Shaker B sequence) is an exception, causing a 45 mV activation shift with only a 9 mV shift of inactivation midpoint relative to the wildtype (WT) channel. We compare the behavior of WT and I2 Shaker 29-4 channels in macropatch recordings from Xenopus oocytes. The behavior of WT channels can be described by both simple and detailed kinetic models which assume that inactivation proceeds only from the open state. The behavior of I2 channels requires that they inactivate from closed states as well, a property characteristic of voltage-gated sodium channels. A detailed ``multiple-state inactivation' model is presented that describes both activation and inactivation of I2 channels. The results are consistent with the view that residue L382 is associated with the receptor for the inactivation particles in Shaker channels. Received: 16 December 1996/Revised: 5 February 1997  相似文献   

In cystic fibrosis airway epithelia, mutation of the CFTR protein causes a reduced response of Cl secretion to secretagogues acting via cAMP. Using a Ca2+ imaging system, the hypothesis that CFTR activation may permit ATP release and regulate [Ca2+] i via a receptor-mediated mechanism, is tested in this study. Application of external nucleotides produced a significant increase in [Ca2+] i in normal (16HBE14o cell line and primary lung culture) and in cystic fibrosis (CFTE29o cell line) human airway epithelia. The potency order of nucleotides on [Ca2+] i variation was UTP ≫ ATP > UDP > ADP > AMP > adenosine in both cell types. The nucleotide [Ca2+] i response could be mimicked by activation of CFTR with forskolin (20 μm) in a temperature-dependent manner. In 16HBE14o cells, the forskolin-induced [Ca2+] i response increased with increasing temperature. In CFTE29o cells, forskolin had no effect on [Ca2+] i at body temperature-forskolin-induced [Ca2+] i response in CF cells could only be observed at low experimental temperature (14°C) or when cells were cultured at 26°C instead of 37°C. Pretreatment with CFTR channel blockers glibenclamide (100 μm) and DPC (100 μm), with hexokinase (0.5 U/mg), and with the purinoceptor antagonist suramin (100 μm), inhibited the forskolin [Ca2+] i response. Together, these results demonstrate that once activated, CFTR regulates [Ca2+] i by mediating nucleotide release and activating cell surface purinoceptors in normal and CF human airway epithelia. Received: 3 April 2000/Revised: 30 June 2000  相似文献   

To assess the activation of the charybdotoxin-insensitive K+ channel responsible for Regulatory Volume Decrease (RVD) after substantial volume increases, we measured intracellular pH (pH i ), intracellular calcium ([Ca2+] i ) and inhibitors of kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases in guinea pig jejunal villus enterocytes in response to volume changes. Fluorescence spectroscopy was used to measure pH i and [Ca2+] i of cells in suspension, loaded with 2,7,bis-carboxyethyl-5-6-carboxyfluorescein and Indo-1, respectively, and cell volume was assessed using electronic cell sizing. A modest 7% volume increase or substantial 15 to 20% volume increase caused [Ca2+] i to increase proportionately but the 7% increase caused alkalinization while the larger increases resulted in acidification of ≃0.14 pH units. Following a 15% volume increase, 1-N-0-bis (5-isoquinoline-sulfonyl)-N-methyl-l-4-phenyl-piperazine (KN-62, 50 μm), an inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II, blocked RVD. Gramicidin (0.5 μm) bypassed this inhibition suggesting that the K+ channel had been affected by the KN-62. RVD after a modest 7% volume increase was not influenced by KN-62 unless the cell was acidified. Okadaic acid, an inhibitor of phosphoprotein phosphatases 1 and 2A, accelerated RVD after a 20% volume increase; inhibition of RVD generated by increasing the K+ gradient was bypassed by okadaic acid. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor, genistein (100 μm) had no effect on RVD after 20% volume increases. We conclude that activation of charybdotoxin-insensitive K+ channels utilized for RVD after substantial (>7%) `nonphysiological' volume increases requires phosphorylation mediated by Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II and that increases in cytosolic acidification rather than larger increases in [Ca2+] i are a critical determinant of this activation. Received: 30 March 1999/Revised: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated K channels (K H channels) in the plasmalemma of guard cells operate at apoplastic pH range of 5 to over 7. Using patch clamp in a whole-cell mode, we characterized the effect of varying the external pH between 4.4–8.1 on the activity of the K H channels in isolated guard cell protoplasts from Vicia faba leaves. Acidification from pH 5.5 to 4.4 increased the macroscopic conductance of the K H channels by 30–150% while alkalinization from pH 5.5 to 8.1 decreased it only by roughly 15%. The voltage-independent maximum cell conductance, increased by ∼60% between pH 8.1 and 4.4 with an apparent pK a of 5.3, most likely owing to the increased availability of channels. Voltage-dependent gating was affected only between pH 5.5 and 4.4. Acidification in this range shifted the voltage-dependent open probability by over 10 mV. We interpret this shift as an increase of the electrical field sensed by the gating subunits caused by the protonation of external negative surface charges. Within the framework of a surface charge model the mean spacing of these charges was ∼30 ? and their apparent dissociation constant was 10−4.6. The overall voltage sensitivity of gating was not altered by pH changes. In a subgroup of protoplasts analyzed within the framework of a Closed-Closed-Open model, the effect of protons on gating was limited to shifting of the voltage-dependence of all four transition rate constants. Received: 26 April 1996/Revised: 29 June 1996  相似文献   

Ion channel activity in cell-attached patch recordings shows channel behavior under more physiological conditions than whole-cell and excised patch measurements. Yet the analysis of cell-attached patch measurements is complicated by the fact that the system is ill defined with respect to the intracellular ion activities and the electrical potential actually experienced by the membrane patch. Therefore, of the several patch-clamp configurations, the information that is obtained from cell-attached patch measurements is the most ambiguous. The present study aims to achieve a better understanding of cell-attached patch measurements. Here we describe a method to calculate the intracellular ion concentration and membrane potential prevailing during cell-attached patch recording. The first step is an analysis of the importance of the input resistance of the intact cell on the cell-attached patch measurement. The second step, and actual calculation, is based on comparison of the single channel conductance and reversal potential in the cell-attached patch and excised patch configurations. The method is demonstrated with measurements of membrane potential and cytosolic K+ concentrations in Vicia faba guard cells. The approach described here provides an attractive alternative to the measurement of cytosolic ion concentrations with fluorescent probes or microelectrodes. Received: 3 April 1998/Revised: 6 August 1998  相似文献   

Swelling of cells in hypotonic media activates a volume-sensitive Cl channel with well-known characteristics, but its structure and its regulation are still largely undetermined. It also has many inhibitors and most of them are also blocking other types of Cl channels. The numerous inhibitors of Cl channels have apparently no structural relationship among them. The purpose of this study was to try to determine the most simple molecules that could block these channels and identify some common properties among inhibitors. From the 37 new molecules that were studied, it was found that simple halide phenols like trichloro and triiodophenols could block these channels in the micromolar range. Also alkyl phenols, like butylphenols, are very sensitive blockers, comparable to other well-known blockers. But acidic halide phenols or nitrophenols are poor blockers. Also neutral polyphenols are more sensitive than acidic polyphenols. All these results indicate that the common basis for blocking these Cl channels is a phenol with hydrophobic groups, like short alkyl chains or an additional phenyl ring, attached to some of its sites, preferably sites 3-4-5. These results identify a new family of Cl channel blockers and hopefully improve our understanding of the blocking mechanism. Received: 28 August 1997/Revised: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

Using whole-cell current-clamp measurements we have found that thapsigargin-mediated activation of store-regulated Ca2+ entry in rat basophilic leukemia cells is accompanied by complex changes in membrane potential. These changes consisted of: (i) an initial slow, small depolarization, (ii) a transitional change in potential to a depolarized value and (iii) transitional changes between a hyperpolarized and a depolarized potential. These complex changes in potential can be explained by the interaction between the endogenous inwardly rectifying K+ conductance and the generation of a small inward current. To investigate the possible influence of these changes of potential on [Ca2+] i , single cell measurements of fura2 fluorescence were undertaken alone or in combination with current-clamp measurements. Thapsigargin-mediated activation of the store-regulated Ca2+ entry pathway was accompanied by a marked increase of [Ca2+] i . During this increase, transient, abrupt declines in [Ca2+] i were detected in approximately 60% of the cells investigated. These changes of [Ca2+] i are consistent with the observed changes of membrane potential recorded under current-clamp. Received: 1 December 1998/Revised: 30 March 1999  相似文献   

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