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It is known from work with amniote embryos that regional specification of the gut requires cell-cell signalling between the mesoderm and the endoderm. In recent years, much of the interest in Xenopus endoderm development has focused on events that occur before gastrulation and this work has led to a different model whereby regional specification of the endoderm is autonomous. In this paper, we examine the specification and differentiation of the endoderm in Xenopus using neurula and tail-bud-stage embryos and we show that the current hypothesis of stable autonomous regional specification is not correct. When the endoderm is isolated alone from neurula and tail bud stages, it remains fully viable but will not express markers of regional specification or differentiation. If mesoderm is present, regional markers are expressed. If recombinations are made between mesoderm and endoderm, then the endodermal markers expressed have the regional character of the mesoderm. Previous results with vegetal explants had shown that endodermal differentiation occurs cell-autonomously, in the absence of mesoderm. We have repeated these experiments and have found that the explants do in fact show some expression of mesoderm markers associated with lateral plate derivatives. We believe that the formation of mesoderm cells by the vegetal explants accounts for the apparent autonomous development of the endoderm. Since the fate map of the Xenopus gut shows that the mesoderm and endoderm of each level do not come together until tail bud stages, we conclude that stable regional specification of the endoderm must occur quite late, and as a result of inductive signals from the mesoderm.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that subdivide the endoderm into the discrete primordia that give rise to organs such as the pancreas and liver are not well understood. However, it is known that retinoic acid (RA) signaling is critical for regionalization of the vertebrate embryo: when RA signaling is either prevented or augmented, anteroposterior (AP) patterning of the CNS and mesoderm is altered and major developmental defects occur. We have investigated the role of RA signaling in regionalization of the zebrafish endoderm. Using a mutant that prevents RA synthesis and an antagonist of the RA receptors, we show that specification of both the pancreas and liver requires RA signaling. By contrast, RA signaling is not required for the formation of the endodermal germ layer or for differentiation of other endodermal organs. Timed antagonist and RA treatments show that the RA-dependent step in pancreatic specification occurs at the end of gastrulation, significantly earlier than the expression of known markers of pancreatic progenitors. In addition to being required for pancreatic specification, RA has the capacity to transfate anterior endoderm to a pancreatic fate.  相似文献   

Angioblasts, the precursor cells that comprise the endothelial layer of blood vessels, arise from a purely mesodermal population. Individual angioblasts coalesce to form the primary vascular plexus through a process called vasculogenesis. A number of reports in the literature suggest that signals from the adjacent endoderm are necessary to induce angioblast specification within the mesoderm. We present evidence, using both embryological and molecular techniques, indicating that endoderm is not necessary for the induction of angioblasts. Xenopus embryos that had endoderm physically removed at the onset of gastrulation still express vascular markers. Furthermore, animal caps stimulated with bFGF form angioblasts in the absence of any detectable endodermal markers. These results show that endoderm is not required for the initial formation of angioblasts. While Xenopus embryos lacking endoderm contain aggregates of angioblasts, these angioblasts fail to assemble into endothelial tubes. Endothelial tube formation can be rescued, however, by implantation of endodermal tissue from sibling embryos. Based on these studies in Xenopus, and corroborating experiments using the quail embryo, we conclude that endoderm is not required for angioblast specification, but does play an essential role in the formation of vascular tubes.  相似文献   

In this study, the initial specification of foregut endoderm in the chick embryo was analyzed. A fate map constructed for the area pellucida endoderm at definitive streak-stage showed centrally-located presumptive cells of foregut-derived organs around Hensen’s node. Intracoelomic cultivation of the area pellucida endoderm at this stage combined with somatic mesoderm resulted in the differentiation predominantly into intestinal epithelium, suggesting that this endoderm may not yet be regionally specified. In vitro cultivation of this endoderm for 1–1.5 day combined with Hensen’s node or its derivatives but not with other embryonic structures/tissues elicited endodermal expression of cSox2 but not of cHoxb9, which is characteristic of specified foregut endoderm. When the anteriormost or posteriormost part of the area pellucida endoderm at this stage, whose fate is extraembryonic, was combined with Hensen’s node or its derivatives for 1 day, then enwrapped with somatic mesoderm and cultivated for a long period intracoelomically, differentiation of various foregut organ epithelia was observed. Such epithelia never appeared in the endoderm associated with other embryonic structures/tissues and cultured similarly. Thus, Hensen’s node and its derivatives that lie centrally in the presumptive endodermal area of the foregut are likely to play an important role in the initial specification of the foregut. Chordin-expressing COS cells or noggin-producing CHO cells transplanted into the anteriormost area pellucida of the definitve streak-stage embryo could induce endodermal expression of cSox2 but not of cHoxb9, suggesting that chordin and noggin that emanate from Hensen’s node and its derivatives, may be involved in this process.  相似文献   

In vertebrates the endoderm germ layer gives rise to most tissues of the digestive tract and controls head and heart morphogenesis. The induction of endoderm development relies on extracellular signals related to Nodals and propagated intracellularly by TGFbeta type I receptors ALK4/Taram-A. It is unclear, however, whether Nodal/ALK4/Taram-A signalling is involved only in the specification of endodermal precursors or plays a more comprehensive role in the activation of the endodermal program leading to the irreversible commitment of cells to the endodermal fate. Using cell transplantation experiments in zebrafish, we show that marginal cells become committed to endoderm at the onset of gastrulation and that commitment to endoderm can be reached by intracellular activation of the Nodal pathway induced by expression of an activated form of the taram-A receptor, Tar*. In a manner similar to endoderm progenitors, Tar*-activated blastomeres translocate from their initial site of implantation in the blastoderm to reach the surface of their migration substratum, the yolk syncitial layer, where they join endogenous endodermal derivatives during gastrulation and differentiate according to their anteroposterior position. We demonstrate that Nodal/Tar*-induced commitment does not rely on a secondary signal released by Tar*-expressing cells or a signal released by endogenous endoderm since Tar*-expressing wild-type cells can restore endoderm derivatives when transplanted into the endoderm-deficient mutant casanova. Likewise, the YSL does not appear essential for the maintenance of endodermal identity during gastrulation once the Nodal pathway has been activated. Thus, our results demonstrate that the activation of Nodal signalling is sufficient to commit cells both to an endodermal fate and behaviour. Wild-type endoderm implantation into casanova embryos rescues, in a non-autonomous fashion, the defective fusion of the two heart primordia in the midline, highlighting the importance of endoderm for normal heart morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Early mouse endoderm is patterned by soluble factors from adjacent germ layers   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Endoderm that forms the respiratory and digestive tracts is a sheet of approximately 500-1000 cells around the distal cup of an E7.5 mouse embryo. Within 2 days, endoderm folds into a primitive gut tube from which numerous organs will bud. To characterize the signals involved in the developmental specification of this early endoderm, we have employed an in vitro assay using germ layer explants and show that adjacent germ layers provide soluble, temporally specific signals that induce organ-specific gene expression in endoderm. Furthermore, we show that FGF4 expressed in primitive streak-mesoderm can induce the differentiation of endoderm in a concentration-dependent manner. We conclude that the differentiation of gastrulation-stage endoderm is directed by adjacent mesoderm and ectoderm, one of the earliest reported patterning events in formation of the vertebrate gut tube.  相似文献   

Nodal and Nodal-related factors play fundamental roles in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation, patterning of the anterior neural plate, and determination of bilateral asymmetry in vertebrates. pitx2, a paired-like homeobox gene, has been proposed to act downstream of Nodal in the gene cascade providing left-right cues to the developing organs. Here, we report that pitx2 is required early in the Nodal signaling pathway for specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers. We found that pitx2 is expressed very early during Xenopus and zebrafish development and in many regions where Nodal signaling is required, including the presumptive mesoderm and endoderm at the blastula and gastrula stages and the prechordal mesoderm at later stages. In Xenopus embryos, overexpression of pitx2 caused ectopic expression of goosecoid and sox-17 and interfered with mesoderm formation. Overexpression of pitx2 in Xenopus animal cap explants partially mimics the effects of Nodal overexpression, suggesting that pitx2 is a mediator of Nodal signaling during specification of the endoderm and prechordal plate, but not during mesoderm induction. We further demonstrate that pitx2 is induced by Nodal signaling in Xenopus animal caps and that the early expression of zebrafish pitx2 is absent when the Nodal signaling pathway is inactive. Inhibition of pitx2 function using a chimeric EnR-pitx2 blocked specification of the mesoderm and endoderm and caused severe embryonic defects resembling those seen when Nodal signaling is inhibited. Following inhibition of pitx2 function, the fate of ventral vegetal blastomeres was shifted from an endodermal to a more mesodermal fate, an effect that was reversed by wild-type pitx2. Finally, we show that inhibition of pitx2 function interferes with the response of cells to Nodal signaling. Our results provide direct evidence that pitx2 function is required for normal specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers.  相似文献   

Early patterning of the endoderm as a prerequisite for pancreas specification involves retinoic acid (RA) as a critical signalling molecule in gastrula stage Xenopus embryos. In extension of our previous studies, we made systematic use of early embryonic endodermal and mesodermal explants. We find RA to be sufficient to induce pancreas-specific gene expression in dorsal but not ventral endoderm. The differential expression of retinoic acid receptors (RARs) in gastrula stage endoderm is important for the distinct responsiveness of dorsal versus ventral explants. Furthermore, BMP signalling, that is repressed dorsally, prevents the formation of pancreatic precursor cells in the ventral endoderm of gastrula stage Xenopus embryos. An additional requirement for mesoderm suggests the production of one or more further pancreas inducing signals by this tissue. Finally, recombination of manipulated early embryonic explants, and also inhibition of RA activity in whole embryos, reveal that RA signalling, as it is relevant for pancreas development, operates simultaneously on both mesodermal and endodermal germ layers.  相似文献   

Two populations of axial mesoderm cells can be recognised in the chick embryo, posterior notochord and anterior prechordal mesoderm. We have examined the cellular and molecular events that govern the specification of prechordal mesoderm. We report that notochord and prechordal mesoderm cells are intermingled and share expression of many markers as they initially extend out of Hensen's node. In vitro culture studies, together with in vivo grafting experiments, reveal that early extending axial mesoderm cells are labile and that their character may be defined subsequently through signals that derive from anterior endodermal tissues. Anterior endoderm elicits aspects of prechordal mesoderm identity in extending axial mesoderm by repressing notochord characteristics, briefly maintaining gsc expression and inducing BMP7 expression. Together these experiments suggest that, in vivo, signalling by anterior endoderm may determine the extent of prechordal mesoderm. The transforming growth factor (beta) (TGFbeta) superfamily members BMP2, BMP4, BMP7 and activin, all of which are transiently expressed in anterior endoderm mimic distinct aspects of its patterning actions. Together our results suggest that anterior endoderm-derived TGFbetas may specify prechordal mesoderm character in chick axial mesoderm.  相似文献   

The gastrulating vertebrate embryo develops three germlayers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. Zebrafish endoderm differentiation starts with the activation of sox17 by casanova (cas). We report that spg (pou2/Oct4) is essential for endoderm formation. Embryos devoid of maternal and zygotic spg function (MZspg) lack endodermal precursors. Cell transplantations show that spg acts in early endodermal precursors, and cas mRNA-injection into MZspg embryos does not restore endoderm development. spg and cas together are both necessary and sufficient to activate endoderm development, and stimulate expression of a sox17 promoter-luciferase reporter. Endoderm and mesoderm derive from a common origin, mesendoderm. We propose that Spg and Cas commit mesendodermal precursors to an endodermal fate. The joint control of endoderm formation by spg and cas suggests that the endodermal germlayer may be a tissue unit with distinct genetic control, thus adding genetic support to the germlayer concept in metazoan development.  相似文献   

The mesoderm is the region of the embryo that gives rise to muscle, blood and connective tissues; it becomes segregated from the ectoderm and endoderm at gastrulation. Embryological studies have revealed, however, that the potential for certain embryonic cells to become part of the mesoderm is established well before gastrulation, most likely through an extracellular signalling process termed ‘induction’. The recent characterization of mesoderm-specific mRNAs and proteins now permits an analysis of the very earliest events involved in the specification of the mesoderm at the molecular level. Such experiments should contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms involved in controlling cell differentiation.  相似文献   

As the result of early specification processes, sea urchin embryos eventually form various mesodermal cell lineages and a gut consisting of fore-, mid- and hindgut. The progression of specification as well as the overall spatial organization of the organism is encoded in its gene regulatory networks (GRNs). We have analyzed the GRN driving endoderm specification up to the onset of gastrulation and present in this paper the mechanisms which determine this process up to mid-blastula stage. At this stage, the embryo consists of two separate lineages of endoderm precursor cells with distinct regulatory states. One of these lineages, the veg2 cell lineage, gives rise to endoderm and mesoderm cell types. The separation of these cell fates is initiated by the spatially confined activation of the mesoderm GRN superimposed on a generally activated endoderm GRN within veg2 descendants. Here we integrate the architecture of regulatory interactions with the spatial restriction of regulatory gene expression to model the logic control of endoderm development.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is established as an initiator of signaling events critical for neurogenesis and mesoderm formation during early Xenopus embryogenesis. However, less is known about the role FGF signaling plays in endoderm specification. Here, we show for the first time that endoderm-specific genes are induced when FGF signaling is blocked in animal cap explants. This block of FGF signaling is also responsible for a significant enhancement of endodermal gene expression in animal cap explants that are injected with a dominant-negative BMP-4 receptor (DNBR) RNA or treated with activin, however, neural and mesoderm gene expression is diminished. Consistent with these results, the injection of dominant-negative FGF receptor (DNFR) RNA expands endodermal cell fate boundaries while FGF treatment dramatically reduces endoderm in whole embryos. Taken together, these results indicate that inhibition of FGF signaling promotes endoderm formation, whereas the presence of active FGF signaling is necessary for neurogenesis/mesoderm formation.  相似文献   

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