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豆科与禾本科作物间作能够改变作物根系生长,但不同施磷水平下间作-根系形态-磷吸收之间的关系尚未明确.本研究通过田间定位试验和根箱模拟试验,研究不同种植模式(小麦单作、蚕豆单作和小麦-蚕豆间作)和不同磷水平下小麦和蚕豆的产量、生物量、磷吸收及根系形态特征,分析探讨不同施磷条件下小麦-蚕豆间作对根系形态和磷吸收的影响.结果...  相似文献   

采用水培方法,研究了不同磷水平下小麦-蚕豆间作体系根系形态变化及其与内源激素的相关关系。结果表明: 与单作小麦相比,在低磷(1/2P)水平下,小麦-蚕豆间作能显著增加小麦的根长,显著减少小麦根系的平均直径,显著增加根系的表面积;在常规磷(P)水平下,间作能显著降低小麦根系的平均直径,有增加小麦根长和根表面积的趋势;与单作蚕豆相比,间作能明显促进蚕豆根系的增长,同时增加蚕豆根表面积。在1/2P水平下,间作能显著提高小麦和蚕豆根系中的生长素(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、水杨酸(SA)和茉莉酸(JA)含量;在P水平下,间作能显著提高小麦根系中的IAA、ABA和JA含量,单、间作小麦根系中的SA含量没有显著差异,间作显著增加了蚕豆根系中ABA和SA含量,单、间作蚕豆根系中的IAA和JA含量无显著差异。单作条件下,小麦和蚕豆根系中的内源激素(IAA、ABA、SA和JA)含量与其根系形态(根长、根平均直径和根表面积)无显著相关性;间作条件下,小麦和蚕豆根系中的IAA含量与根长和根表面积之间存在明显的正相关关系。由此可见,小麦-蚕豆间作能够诱导小麦和蚕豆根系IAA的增加。这种变化可能是驱动间作系统根系形态变化的重要因子。  相似文献   

通过田间小区试验,设N0(0 kg·hm-2)、N1(45 kg·hm-2)、N2(90 kg·hm-2)、N3(135 kg·hm-2)4个施氮水平,研究不同施氮水平下小麦与蚕豆间作对蚕豆赤斑病发生和冠层微气候的影响,探讨间作系统氮肥调控下冠层微气候变化及其与蚕豆赤斑病发生的关系.结果表明: 施氮提高了蚕豆单、间作种植模式下蚕豆赤斑病发病盛期的病情指数,增幅27.2%~58.0%,增加了病情进展曲线下面积(AUDPC),增幅15.0%~101.8%,N3水平下赤斑病病情指数和AUDPC最高.施氮使蚕豆冠层温度降低0.2~1.1 ℃,冠层透光率降低1.7%~29.7%,冠层相对湿度增加0.5%~28.7%.与单作相比,间作蚕豆赤斑病病情指数显著降低36.3%~48.1%,AUDPC显著降低44.0%~53.6%,冠层温度和透光率分别提高2.1%~8.7%和12.0%~53.8%,相对湿度降低11.6%~31.6%.相关分析表明,冠层温度和透光率与赤斑病病情指数呈显著负相关,而湿度与病情指数呈显著正相关.表明高氮恶化了冠层微气候环境,加重了蚕豆赤斑病的发生和危害,而间作对蚕豆冠层微气候的改善是控制蚕豆赤斑病发展的重要原因.  相似文献   

小麦-蚕豆间作对根系分泌低分子量有机酸的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过盆栽试验收集了不同生育期单作和间作小麦、蚕豆的根系分泌物,用HPLC分析了根系分泌物中低分子量有机酸的含量和种类.结果表明: 小麦-蚕豆间作显著提高了有机酸的分泌量,在小麦分蘖期(57 d)、孕穗期(120 d)和灌浆期(142 d),间作使小麦根系有机酸分泌量分别提高155%、35.6%和92.6%;在蚕豆分枝期(57 d)和籽粒膨大期(142 d),间作使蚕豆根系有机酸分泌量提高87.4%和38.7%.小麦-蚕豆间作改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的种类,与单作小麦相比,在分蘖期,间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了乳酸;在拔节期(98 d),间作小麦根系分泌物中增加了柠檬酸,但未检测到乙酸;在蚕豆分枝期,间作蚕豆根系分泌物中增加了乙酸,但未检测到乳酸;在蚕豆籽粒膨大期,间作蚕豆根系分泌物中增加了乳酸.小麦-蚕豆间作提高了小麦根系有机酸的分泌速率,在小麦孕穗期,间作小麦分泌柠檬酸、富马酸的速率是单作小麦的179和184倍;在小麦灌浆期,间作小麦分泌乳酸的速率是单作的2.53倍.总之,小麦-蚕豆间作增加了有机酸的分泌量,改变了根系分泌物中有机酸的种类,提高了小麦根系有机酸的分泌速率.  相似文献   

Liu  Yi-Xiang  Sun  Jian-Hao  Zhang  Fang-Fang  Li  Long 《Plant and Soil》2020,449(1-2):39-50
Plant and Soil - Cadmium (Cd) is one of the heavy metal elements that are most harmful to human health, and the transmission of Cd through the food chain is a global issue. Aegilops markgrafii is a...  相似文献   

间作模式下冬小麦与春玉米根系的时空分布规律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
采用大口径土钻对间作种植模式下冬小麦与春玉米根系进行取样,分析了两种作物根系的空间分布及动态变化规律.结果表明:间作冬小麦根系在空间上呈幂函数递减规律,间作春玉米根系呈指数递减规律.采用多元线性回归建立间作冬小麦和春玉米根系质量密度(R)的二维空间分布函数,经验证,两种作物根系质量密度的二维分布函数均可反映作物根系的实际生长状况.  相似文献   

Postma JA  Lynch JP 《Annals of botany》2012,110(2):521-534

Background and Aims

During their domestication, maize, bean and squash evolved in polycultures grown by small-scale farmers in the Americas. Polycultures often overyield on low-fertility soils, which are a primary production constraint in low-input agriculture. We hypothesized that root architectural differences among these crops causes niche complementarity and thereby greater nutrient acquisition than corresponding monocultures.


A functional–structural plant model, SimRoot, was used to simulate the first 40 d of growth of these crops in monoculture and polyculture and to determine the effects of root competition on nutrient uptake and biomass production of each plant on low-nitrogen, -phosphorus and -potassium soils.

Key Results

Squash, the earliest domesticated crop, was most sensitive to low soil fertility, while bean, the most recently domesticated crop, was least sensitive to low soil fertility. Nitrate uptake and biomass production were up to 7 % greater in the polycultures than in the monocultures, but only when root architecture was taken into account. Enhanced nitrogen capture in polycultures was independent of nitrogen fixation by bean. Root competition had negligible effects on phosphorus or potassium uptake or biomass production.


We conclude that spatial niche differentiation caused by differences in root architecture allows polycultures to overyield when plants are competing for mobile soil resources. However, direct competition for immobile resources might be negligible in agricultural systems. Interspecies root spacing may also be too large to allow maize to benefit from root exudates of bean or squash. Above-ground competition for light, however, may have strong feedbacks on root foraging for immobile nutrients, which may increase cereal growth more than it will decrease the growth of the other crops. We note that the order of domestication of crops correlates with increasing nutrient efficiency, rather than production potential.  相似文献   

董艳  董坤  汤利  郑毅  杨智仙  肖靖秀  赵平  胡国彬 《生态学报》2013,33(23):7445-7454
通过田间小区试验,研究了小麦与蚕豆间作对蚕豆枯萎病发生和根际微生物代谢功能多样性的影响。结果表明,小麦与蚕豆间作使蚕豆枯萎病的发病率和病情指数分别比单作显著降低20%和30.4%。与单作处理相比,间作显著增加了蚕豆和小麦根际微生物对31种碳源的平均利用率(AWCD),其中间作蚕豆的AWCD值最高,比单作增加82.7%,单作蚕豆最低。间作蚕豆和间作小麦根际微生物的Shannon多样性指数与丰富度指数均显著高于单作,间作使蚕豆和小麦的丰富度指数分别增加29.2%和30.3%。根际微生物对六类碳源的利用强度百分比以糖类、羧酸类和氨基酸最高,分别为41.96%,19.80%和18.13%。主成分分析表明,小麦与蚕豆间作改变了根际微生物的群落组成;相关分析表明,糖类、羧酸类和氨基酸类碳源是区分单间作处理差异的主要碳源,其中氨基酸类碳源是最敏感的碳源。小麦与蚕豆间作增加了根际微生物活性,提高了Shannon多样性指数和丰富度指数,改变了微生物群落功能多样性,是抑制蚕豆枯萎病的有效措施。该研究为阐明根际微生物功能多样性变化在间作体系病害控制中的作用与机制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

玉米/大豆间作条件下的作物根系生长及水分吸收   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过田间试验研究了玉米/大豆条带间作群体的根系分布及土壤水分吸收规律.结果表明:水分充足条件下,土壤剖面内玉米和大豆根系的分布模式近似于三角形;玉米根系水平分布范围较大,侧向伸展长度约为58 cm,16~22 cm土层的玉米根系侧向伸展最远,玉米根系不仅分布于间作条带行间,而且生长到大豆条带的行间;大豆根系水平分布于相对有限的区域内,侧向伸展长度约为26 cm.作物根质量密度随着距作物行(玉米或大豆)距离的增加而减少,玉米行和边行大豆根质量密度的90%分布于0~30 cm土层.距玉米行10 cm处玉米的根质量密度高于大豆,距玉米行20 cm处大豆的根质量密度大于玉米,两种作物根质量密度的85%都分布于0~30 cm土层内.间作条带内水分变化主要集中在0~30 cm土层,水分变化量依次为:玉米区域>大豆区域>条带行间.表明在水分充足条件下,间作作物优先在自己的区域吸水,根系混合区吸水滞后发生.  相似文献   

小麦-大豆间作中小麦对大豆磷吸收的促进作用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
李隆  李晓林  张福锁 《生态学报》2000,20(4):629-633
采用塑料膜,20μm尼龙网分司以及不分隔两种俄根系的盆栽装置研究了小麦,大豆间作种间磷吸收的促进作用。结果表明,两种作物根系用尼龙网分隔后,即种间磷竞争作用基本消除后,小麦对大豆磷吸收具有明显的促进和,表现为大豆生物学产量明显提高,是塑料膜分隔的2.5倍,是无分隔4.6倍,尼龙网分隔,大豆分隔,大豆的根系活力高于塑料膜分隔45.2%,达显著水平,此外,尼龙网分隔形成小麦根面,大豆的根系呈偏向小麦根  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under different environmental contexts on overyielding in intercropping systems can be instructive in optimizing productivity and ecosystem services. A greenhouse study was conducted with maize and faba bean monocultures or intercropping at low phosphorus (P) and high P levels with three different water availabilities, and inoculated with or without AMF species Funneliformis mosseae. At low P level, overyielding was mainly due to the increase of maize biomass promoted by AMF relative to faba bean. Whereas in high P soils, overyielding was observed at all treatments, regardless of AMF. Inoculation of AMF significantly improved maize rather than faba bean P uptake, water use efficiency and photosynthesis rate, in particular at the low P level. This study identified the context dependence of AMF in influencing overyielding in maize/faba bean intercropping and demonstrates the importance of AMF in sustainable agricultural production.  相似文献   

小麦/蚕豆间作作物生长曲线的模拟及种间互作分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
物种间的相互作用与间作产量优势的形成密切相关,但很少有人注意到种间互作动态.本研究通过2年田间定位试验,运用Logistic分析模拟了不同种植模式(小麦单作、蚕豆单作和小麦/蚕豆间作)和不同磷水平下[P0,施磷量(P2O5)为0 kg·hm-2(对照);P1,施磷量(P2O5)为45 kg·hm-2;P2,施磷量(P2O5)为90 kg·hm-2]单间作小麦、蚕豆的生长模型,分析了作物种间互作的动态变化.结果表明: 小麦/蚕豆间作使小麦产量提高了10.5%~18.6%,蚕豆产量却降低了4.8%~12.3%,但间作系统仍具有产量优势,土地当量比(LER)和相对拥挤系数(K)分别为1.01~1.15 和1.12~3.20.小麦和蚕豆的产量及关键生长参数均受磷水平调控,但LER和K并不受磷水平影响.与单作相比,间作小麦的最大生长速率(Rmax)和最初生长速率(r)分别提高21.8%~38.7%和20.7%~38.9%,但间作对蚕豆的关键生长参数无影响.在小麦、蚕豆的生长初期,不同磷水平下,单间作作物的生长曲线无差异;间作群体以种间竞争为主,无间作生物量优势(LER<1,K<1).当蚕豆达到最大生长速率(Tmax)后,间作显著提高了小麦的生长速率,降低了小麦的种内竞争压力,表现出间作生物量和产量优势(LER>1,K>1).总之,在不同的生长发育阶段,小麦、蚕豆的相互作用不同,间作提高了中后期小麦的生长速率,为间作优势的形成奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Multispecies cropping systems contribute to sustainable agriculture with multiple ecosystem services. Effects of intercropping of various crops with faba beans on growth and yield parameters and disease severity of root rot, damping off and broomrape were investigated. This study was implemented in the laboratory, greenhouse and field to investigate the effect of the intercropping systems (fenugreek + faba bean, lupine + faba bean, garlic + faba bean and sole faba bean). The intercropping systems were combined with the application of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and yeast as bio-control agents, compared to chemical application of herbicides (Glyphosate) and fungicides (Rizolex-T50), to control rot root diseases and broomrape weeds, Orobanche spp., of faba bean plants in vivo and under the naturally infested field. In vitro, yeast and Rizolex-T50 significantly inhibited mycelial growth of root pathogenic fungi. Intercropping with garlic and/or application of Rizolex-T, significantly decreased the incidence and disease index of root rot and damping-off diseases, meanwhile increased percentage of survival plants. In vivo, intercropping with fenugreek and/or application of Glyphosate, significantly reduced the number/weight of spikes/plot of broomrapes. Intercropping with fenugreek combined with AMF application promoted crop growth and significantly increased yield components. The AMF enhanced seed yield/ha when applied to the intercropping of faba bean + fenugreek and faba bean + garlic, showing the highest seed yield/ha with 3.722 and 3.568 ton/ha, respectively. Intercropping of faba bean with garlic integrated with AMF revealed the highest values of LER, 2.45, and net return, 2341 US$/ha. Our results suggested that using faba bean–garlic intercrop along with AMF inoculation can reduce root rot disease, damping off and broomrapes, as well as enhance the profitability of Egyptian farmer and sustainable production.  相似文献   

Acid phosphatase role in chickpea/maize intercropping   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Li SM  Li L  Zhang FS  Tang C 《Annals of botany》2004,94(2):297-303
Background and aims Organic P comprises 30–80 %of the total P in most agricultural soils. It has been proventhat chickpea facilitates P uptake from an organic P sourceby intercropped wheat. In this study, acid phosphatase excretedfrom chickpea roots is quantified and the contribution of acidphosphatase to the facilitation of P uptake by intercroppedmaize receiving phytate is examined. • Methods For the first experiment using hydroponics, maize(Zea mays ‘Zhongdan No. 2’) and chickpea (Cicerarietinum ‘Sona’) were grown in either the sameor separate containers, and P was supplied as phytate, KH2PO4at 0·25 mmol P L–1, or not at all. The second experimentinvolved soil culture with three types of root separation betweenthe two species: (1) plastic sheet, (2) nylon mesh, and (3)no barrier. Maize plants were grown in one compartment and chickpeain the other. Phosphorus was supplied as phytate, Ca(H2PO4)2at 50 mg P kg–1, or no P added. • Key results In the hydroponics study, the total P uptakeby intercropped maize supplied with phytate was 2·1-foldgreater than when it was grown as a monoculture. In the soilexperiment, when supplied with phytate, total P uptake by maizewith mesh barrier and without root barrier was 2·2 and1·5 times, respectively, as much as that with solid barrier.In both experiments, roots of both maize and chickpea suppliedwith phytate and no P secreted more acid phosphatase than thosewith KH2PO4 or Ca(H2PO4)2. However, average acid phosphataseactivity of chickpea roots supplied with phytate was 2–3-foldas much as maize. Soil acid phosphatase activity in the rhizosphereof chickpea was also significantly higher than maize regardlessof P sources. • Conclusions Chickpea can mobilize organic P in both hydroponicand soil cultures, leading to an interspecific facilitationin utilization of organic P in maize/chickpea intercropping.  相似文献   

C. Engels 《Plant and Soil》1993,150(1):129-138
The effects of low root zone temperatures (RZT) on nutrient demand for growth and the capacity for nutrient acquisition were compared in maize and wheat growing in nutrient solution. To differentiate between direct temperature effects on nutrient uptake and indirect effects via an altered ratio of shoot to root growth, the plants were grown with their shoot base including apical shoot meristem either within the root zone (low SB), i.e. at RZT (12°, 16°, or 20°C) or, above the root zone (high SB), i.e. at uniformly high air temperature (20°/16° day/night).At low SB, suboptimal RZT reduced shoot growth more than root growth in wheat, whereas the opposite was true in maize. However, in both species the shoot growth rate per unit weight of roots, which was taken as parameter for the shoot demand for mineral nutrients per unit of roots, decreased at low RZT. Accordingly, the concentrations of potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) remained constant or even increased at low RZT despite reduced uptake rates.At high SB, shoot growth at low RZT in both species was higher than at low SB, whereas root growth was not increased. At high SB, the shoot demand per unit of roots was similar for all RZT in wheat, but increased with decreasing RZT in maize. Uptake rates of K at high SB and low RZT adapted to shoot demand within four days, and were even higher in maize than in wheat. Uptake rates of P adapted more slowly to shoot demand in both species, resulting in reduced concentrations of P in the shoot, particularly in maize.In conclusion, the two species did not markedly differ in their physiological capacity for uptake of K and P at low RZT. However, maize had a lower ability than wheat to adapt morphologically to suboptimal RZT by increasing biomass allocation towards the roots. This may cause a greater susceptibility of maize to nutrient deficiency, particularly if the temperatures around the shoot base are high and uptake is limited by nutrient transport processes in the soil towards the roots.  相似文献   

Lv  Jiaxing  Dong  Yan  Dong  Kun  Zhao  Qian  Yang  Zhixian  Chen  Ling 《Plant and Soil》2020,453(1-2):153-171
Plant and Soil - Better understanding of belowground interactions in agroforestry systems is crucial for the success of plant co-existence. Beyond root competition, associated arbuscular...  相似文献   

Sun  Baoru  Gao  Yingzhi  Yang  Haijun  Zhang  Wei  Li  Zhijian 《Plant and Soil》2019,439(1-2):145-161
Plant and Soil - To investigate whether legume-dominated cereal/legume intercropping could facilitate phosphorus acquisition and yield enhancement via changes in root morphology and distribution. A...  相似文献   

Liao  Dan  Zhang  Chaochun  Li  Haigang  Lambers  Hans  Zhang  Fusuo 《Plant and Soil》2020,448(1-2):587-601

This study aimed to investigate the effects of coexistence with faba bean, a phosphorus (P)-efficient crop, on soil-accumulated P use by a maize/faba bean intercropping system on dynamic changes in soil P pool.


Maize and faba bean were grown in P-accumulated soil as either sole cropping or intercropping. After one year (Stage I) or four years (Stage II) of no P application, soil samples were collected respectively and analyzed for soil P pools using sequential fractionation. Aboveground biomass and P content were annually measured from 2013 to 2016 to assess the annual P balance.


The intercropped maize/faba bean system showed a P-uptake advantage, with a Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) ranging from 1.2 to 1.5. The average shoot P content over the four years in intercropped maize and faba bean was significantly greater than that of the corresponding sole crops by 29% and 30%, respectively. Over the three-year P depletion period, the three cropping systems primarily depleted the 1 M HCl-Pi fraction, followed by sole maize, which depleted the NaOH-Pi and concentrated HCl-Po fractions. Sole faba bean depleted the alkali-soluble Po fraction (extracted by NaHCO3 and NaOH), and the intercropped maize/faba bean system depleted the conc. HCl-Po fraction, which was similar to the effect of sole maize.


Both sole crops and intercrops mainly depleted 1 M HCl-Pi, but differed in Po depletion. Sole maize and maize/faba bean intercropping depleted the sparingly labile Po fraction, while sole faba bean depleted the labile and moderately labile Po fractions.


A novel technique was developed to spatially map the phosphorus net influx capacity in intact root systems. The method is based on digital autoradiography and permits the quantification of phosphorus influx at high spatial resolution (2 mm). Roots of 18-d-old common bean plants were exposed to (32)P-labelled orthophosphate, quickly frozen, excised, lyophilized, scanned, and exposed to a storage phosphor screen. Plots of (32)P content versus root length (distance from the root tip or from the base of the root) were obtained for three different root classes: basal, basal laterals, and taproot laterals. Radioactivity detected by filmless autoradiography correlated well (r(2)=0.99) with measurements made by scintillation counting. Basal roots absorbed 2.5 times and 1.9 times more phosphorus than the taproot lateral and basal lateral root classes, respectively, in the first 20 mm from the root apex. External phosphorus markedly affected influx: roots averaged 5, 16, and 34 pmol P min(-1) in the apical 20 mm when exposed to 1, 5, and 10 microM P solutions, respectively. The spatial pattern of phosphorus influx along the root axes of the different root classes was rather homogeneous when measured on a root surface area basis. Phosphorus influx in the older segments of basal roots (those next to the hypocotyl) did not differ from the newer segments close to the root apex. However, a heterogeneous pattern was detected for basal roots when measured on a length basis, indicating that both root class and diameter constitute main factors controlling the spatial pattern of net influx.  相似文献   

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