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Presynaptic calcium currents in squid giant synapse.   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
A voltage clamp study has been performed in the presynaptic terminal of the squid stellate ganglion. After blockage of the voltage-dependent sodium and potassium conductances, an inward calcium current is demonstrated. Given a step-depolarization pulse, this voltage- and time-dependent conductance has an S-shaped onset. At the "break" of the voltage step, a rapid tail current is observed. From these results a kinetic model is generated which accounts for the experimental results and predicts for the time course and amplitude a possible calcium entry during presynaptic action potentials.  相似文献   

Presynaptic autoreceptors regulating transmitter release   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The discovery that the cytoplasmic membrane of presynaptic nerve terminals possess receptors that modulates release of neurotransmitters was made 35 years ago. This new concept represents a clear departure from the traditional view that neuronal communication was unidirectional, i.e. from the nerve terminal to the postsynaptic receptor, because the transfer of information via presynaptic receptors occurs in the opposite direction: from the synaptic cleft to the nerve terminals which release the neurotransmitter. Presynaptic release-modulating autoreceptors and heteroreceptors represent suitable targets for pharmacological intervention by exogenous compounds acting as agonists, partial agonists or antagonists. Such compounds may be of therapeutic value by influencing transmitter release presynaptically, and having fewer side effects than the well-established approach of using agonists or antagonist drugs to stimulate or block postsynaptic receptors.  相似文献   

Effects of guanidine on pre- and postsynaptic activities in the untreated or tetrodotoxin-treated squid giant synapses were examined by externally perfusing with various concentrations (423 mM, 42 mM, 21 mM, and 4.2 mM), or by iontophoretic injection of guanidine into the presynaptic terminal. In 423 mM guanidine (Na-free), the pre- and postsynaptic spikes together with PSP were completely abolished. In concentrations of 42 mM or lower of guanidine media the following changes related to the concentration used were observed: reduction of delayed rectification of both axon membranes without significant alteration of resting membrane resistances; a few millivolts decrease in the resting membrane potentials; small decrease in amplitude of pre- and post-synaptic spikes without marked increase of spike duration; enhancement of synaptic activity as manifested by increases in the amplitude and duration of the PSP. Iontophoretically injected guanidine also reduced delayed rectification of the presynaptic membrane. Input-output relation was modified in a way similar to externally applied guanidine and an “Off-PSP” was demonstrated shortly after application of an inside positive presynaptic polarization. Thus, a comparison of the augmentation of synaptic transmission by the extracellular and intracellularly applied guanidine demonstrates that the primary effect is at the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

Effect of guanidine on the squid giant synapse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

1. Recording with glass micropipette electrodes inserted close to the synaptic region, in the presynaptic and in the postsynaptic fibers of the giant synapse in the stellate ganglion of the squid, has been accomplished. 2. The forms of the spike and of the synaptic potential are very much like those reported earlier (Bullock, 1948) from macroelectrodes. The crest time and the rate of fall are labile and depend on the state of fatigue, though the time of initiation of the postsynaptic potential does not. 3. It is concluded after examination of both intra- and extracellular recordings that there is a real synaptic delay of the order of 1 or 2 milliseconds at 15–20°C. 4. There is sometimes a very small and sometimes no visible deflection in the intracellular postsynaptic record attributable to the presynaptic spike. It is concluded that transmission cannot be electrical. 5. The amplitude of the postsynaptic potential can be controlled over some range by the amplitude of the presynaptic potential. 6. Hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane results in increase in amplitude of spikes up to 200 millivolts, in increase in the membrane potential level at which the spike flares up, but in no considerable change in the amplitude in postsynaptic potential. 7. The postsynaptic potential can add to the late falling phase and the undershoot of an antidromic spike in the postfiber but cannot add to the crest or early part of the falling phase. The earliest part of the antidromic spike during which the postsynaptic potential can add is probably a period of refractoriness to electrical shock by analogy with the properties of the axon.  相似文献   

n-Aequorin J, a luminescent protein which responds to calcium concentration changes in the order of several hundred micromoles, was injected into the preterminal fiber in the squid giant synapse. The activation of the presynaptic terminal leading to release of transmitter was accompanied by light emission at well-defined sites at the active zone in the presynaptic terminal. Location of these light emission sites was very much the same from one stimulus to the next, indicating that light emission was triggered by the inward calcium current occurring at specific and invariant locations. The distribution, size and number of these QEDs (quantum emission domains) coincides well with the location and number of active zones in the presynaptic terminal. The results imply that transmitter release is triggered by very well-localized calcium concentration changes that may be as high as several hundred micromoles.  相似文献   

Facilitation is shown to decay as a compound exponential with two time constants (T1, T2) at both giant and non-giant synapses in squid stellate ganglia bathed in solutions having low extracellular calcium concentrations ([Ca++]o). Maximum values of facilitation (F1) were significantly larger, and T1 was significantly smaller in giant than non-giant synapses. Decreases in [Ca++]o or increases in [Mn++]o had variable effects on T1 and F1, whereas decreases in temperature increased T1 but had insignificant effects on F1. The growth of facilitation during short trains of equal interval stimuli was adequately predicted by the linear summation model developed by Mallart and Martin (1967. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 193:676--694) for frog neuromuscular junctions. This result suggests that the underlying mechanisms of facilitation are similar in squid and other synapses which release many transmitter quanta.  相似文献   

1. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded in conscious, adrenal demedulated rats. The rats were subjected to a 1-min period of mild "stress", induced by jet-air directed into the experimental cage. The plasma content of noradrenaline (NA), dopamine (DA) and 3, 4-dihydroxy-phenylacetic acid (DOPAC) was determined 1 min after termination of "stress". 2. The presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine (YOH) (10(-7) - 10(-6) mol/kg, given 5 min prior to "stress") did not alter the increase in BP and HR, induced by "stress", when compared to control rats (receiving NaCl instead of YOH at the corresponding time). 3. Pre-treatment with atropine (ATR) (2.5 mg/kg) 5 min before YOH (10(-6) mol/kg) or NaCl increased HR but not BP significantly in both groups of rats. "Stress", as above, gave a significant prolongation of the increase in HR in rats receiving YOH, when compared to control rats. The increase in BP was not significantly altered, compared to controls. 4. The neuronal re-uptake inhibitor desmethylimipramine (DMI) (0.1 mg/kg) was given together with ATR (2.5 mg/kg) 5 min before YOH (10(-6) mol/kg) or NaCl in one group of rats. This treatment induced a significant increase in HR but did not affect BP. "Stress", induced as above, extended the duration of the increase in HR in the YOH-treated rats, compared to controls. The increase in BP was not significantly different between the YOH-treated rats and the controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The reversal potential for the EPSP in the squid giant synapse has been studied by means of an intracellular, double oil gap technique. This method allows the electrical isolation of a portion of the axon from the rest of the fiber and generates a quasi-isopotential segment. In order to make the input resistance of this nerve segment as constant as possible, the electroresponsive properties of the nerve membrane were blocked by intracellular injection of tetraethylammonium (TEA) and local extracellular application of tetrodotoxin (TTX). Thus, EPSP''s could be evoked in the isolated segment with a minimal amount of electroresponsive properties. The reversal potential for the EPSP (EEPSP) was measured by recording the synaptic potential or the synaptic current during voltage clamping. The results indicate that EEPSP may vary from +15 to +25 mV, which is more positive than would be expected for a 1:1 conductance change for Na+ and K+ (approximately -15 mV) and too negative for a pure Na+ conductance (+40 mV). This latter value (E Na) was directly determined in the voltage clamp experiments. The results suggest that the synaptic potential is probably produced by a permeability change to Na+ to K+ in a 4:1 ratio. No change in time-course was observed in the synaptic current at clamp levels of -100 and +90 mV. The implications of a variable ratio for Na+-K+ permeability in subsynaptic-postsynaptic membranes are discussed.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional model of presynaptic calcium diffusion away from the membrane, with cytoplasmic binding, extrusion by a surface pump, and influx during action potentials, can account for the rapid decay of phasic transmitter release and the slower decay of synaptic facilitation following one spike, as well as the very slow decline in total free calcium observed experimentally. However, simulations using this model, and alternative versions in which calcium uptake into organelles and saturable binding are included, fail to preserve phasic transmitter release to spikes in a long tetanus. A three-dimensional diffusion model was developed, in which calcium enters through discrete membrane channels and acts to release transmitter within 50 nm of entry points. Analytic solutions of the equations of this model, in which calcium channels were distributed in active zone patches based on ultrastructural observations, were successful in predicting synaptic facilitation, phasic release to tetanic spikes, and the accumulation of total free calcium. The effects of varying calcium buffering, pump rate, and channel number and distribution were explored. Versions appropriate to squid giant synapses and frog neuromuscular junctions were simulated. Limitations of key assumptions, particularly rapid nonsaturable binding, are discussed.  相似文献   

The presynaptic alpha-adrenergic receptor control of transmitter release in vascular tissues is discussed. A model of adrenergic innervation of the vascular bed is proposed based on ultrastructural and histochemical evidence. Evidence is presented to support the concept of intermittent or periodic release of norepinephrine (NE) from the varicosity. Intermittency combined with a mechanism such as presynaptic control to ensure spatial distribution of release sites, along with a slow effector response and recovery, results in a smooth, generalized change in tone and an overall economy of transmitter. The effective concentration of NE around the presynaptic membrane is maintained for considerably less than 0.1 s. It is argued that the transient presence of transmitter in the synapse combined with intermittency of release does not favor accumulation of transmitter at the cleft at physiological frequencies or desensitization of presynaptic receptors. In addition, intermittency provides an explanation for why exogenous NE is more effective presynaptically in influencing release than endogenous NE. The importance of cleft width in presynaptic control of transmitter release, the possible complications caused by facilitation, and resolution of some apparent problems with the presynaptic hypothesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

A rise in [Ca(2+)](i) provides the trigger for neurotransmitter release at neuronal boutons. We have used confocal microscopy and Ca(2+) sensitive dyes to directly measure the action potential-evoked [Ca(2+)](i) in the boutons of Schaffer collaterals. This reveals that the trial-by-trial amplitude of the evoked Ca(2+) transient is bimodally distributed. We demonstrate that "large" Ca(2+) transients occur when presynaptic NMDA receptors are activated following transmitter release. Presynaptic NMDA receptor activation proves critical in producing facilitation of transmission at theta frequencies. Because large Ca(2+) transients "report" transmitter release, their frequency on a trial-by-trial basis can be used to estimate the probability of release, p(r). We use this novel estimator to show that p(r) increases following the induction of long-term potentiation.  相似文献   

The giant synapse of squid stellate ganglion is a chemical synapse where the transmitter substance is not known. The components of the ACh-system are present in squid nervous tissue in large quantities. However externally applied cholinergic drugs have no effect on junctional transmission. Using the Copper thiocholine method for electron microscopic cytochemistry the reaction product was found at the axolemmal surface, in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum of neurons and occasionally between the infoldings of the sheat cells surounding the axons. Abundant deposits of end product are observed in the extracellular space in the proximity to junctional region. However, the localization of the cytochemical end product at the junctional region proper was observed frequently, but not consistently. Radiometric measurements of enzyme activity have revealed that neither specific inhibitors nor specific substrates generaly used for differentiation of cholinesterases in mammalian nervous tissue can be employed for differentiation of squid enzymes. Considering the permeability barriers imposed for external acetylcholine by cytoplasmic processes and the high enzyme activity of structures surrounding the giant synapse, the possibility that acetylcholine may still be a candidate for the missing transmitter is discussed.  相似文献   

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