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Because passerine birds have a very small relative olfactory bulb size, they have been considered to have weak olfactory capacities for decades. Recent investigations however suggest that breeding female blue tits (Parus caeruleus) are sensitive to lavender odour in the reproductive context of building and maintaining the nest. Here, we present results of an olfactory conditioning experiment in blue tits held in semi-natural conditions during the breeding season. We show that captive male blue tits, trained to associate lavender odour with a food reward, are more attracted to an empty feeder box emitting lavender odour than an odourless empty feeder box. Females did not distinguish significantly between empty feeders with and without lavender odour during the test phase, although they responded positively at the end of the training phase. These results suggest that male blue tits can use olfaction in a context not related to nest building. Additional experiments will be required to better understand the observed sex differences in response to the experimental set up, and in what context free-ranging individuals use olfaction.  相似文献   

Genomics and proteomics projects have produced a huge amount of raw biological data including DNA and protein sequences. Although these data have been stored in data banks, their evaluation is strictly dependent on bioinformatics tools. These tools have been developed by multidisciplinary experts for fast and robust analysis of biological data. However, there is a gap in the development of educational materials in the bioinformatics area for undergraduate students in bioscience departments. A sample in silico laboratory manual on the prediction of N-glycosylation sites in phosphoethanolamine transferases is presented in this study. The method proposed in this study is simple to apply in laboratory courses and is dependent on the use of internet-based bioinformatics tools such as ProtParam, ClustalW2 and NetNGlyc. In conclusion, this application can stimulate the interest of undergraduate students in bioscience departments and may also contribute to the development of bioinformatics.  相似文献   

Using an electronic device and a lignin-specific dye, the feeding behaviour of the green leafhopper,Nephotettix virescens (Distant), (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) was monitored on rice plants kept in an arena permeated with the odour of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) seed oil. The garlicky odour of neem oil disrupted the normal feeding behaviour of the leafhopper. Phloem feeding byN. virescens on rice plants kept in an arena permeated with odour of 6, 12, or 25% neem oil was significantly reduced compared with that on control plants kept in an arena with paraffin oil or 1.66% aqueous Teepol solution. Reduced intake from phloem was associated with a significant increase in the insect's probing frequency and an increase in durations of salivation and xylem ingestion.
Alterations du comportement sur riz de Nephotettix virescens, dues à l'odeur d'essence de neem (Azadirachta indica)
Résumé De nombreux essais en plein champ à l'I.R.R.I. ont révélé une réduction du T.V. (tungro virus) transmis par (Nephotettix virescens) sur des parcelles de riz sensible non-traitées, entourées de parcelles pulvérisées périodiquement avec de l'essence de graines de neem (Azadirachta indica).L'essence de neem a une forte odeur d'ail, perceptible à distance. Nous avons examiné l'effet de l'odeur d'essence de neem sur le comportement alimentaire deN. verescens, grâce à un dispositif électronique et un colorant spécifique de la lignine. Sur du riz maintenu dans une enceinte imprégnée d'odeur d'essence de neem, nous avons constaté une diminution de la consommation de phloème, une augmentation significative de la fréquence des piqûres et une augmentation de temps de salivation et d'absorption de xylème. Ces altérations du comportement alimentaire provoquées par l'odeur d'essence de neem peuvent expliquer la diminution de la fréquence du T.V. spécifique du phloème dans des champs de riz non-traités, entourés de champs pulvérisés avec de l'essence de neem.

Borell EM  Foggo A  Coleman RA 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):328-334
Herbivory in terrestrial and marine systems can induce changes in plant chemistry affecting the foraging behaviour of herbivores. A model based on terrestrial plant-herbivore interactions predicts herbivory-induced changes in leaf chemistry to be manifested in (1) increased herbivore mobility, (2) increased feeding dispersal and (3) reduced tissue consumption by herbivores. This study is the first to demonstrate that herbivory-induced changes in the tissue chemistry of the brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum elicit the same response in the feeding behaviour of the gastropod Littorina obtusata as predicted for herbivorous insects, providing good evidence for the models validity across different ecosystems. The potential benefit of increased feeding dispersal to terrestrial plants as suggested by the model is the prevention of concentrated damage to apical tissues thereby preserving the plants ability to compete for light; A. nodosum does not conform to these predictions. Increased dispersal of feeding damage on A. nodosum away from primary frond tissues would reduce the likelihood of frond breakage implying a fitness benefit of induced resistance.  相似文献   

Healthy albino male rats were exposed to a simulated high altitude (HA) equivalent to 25000 ft (7620 m) for 6 h daily, continuously for 21 days to study the feeding behaviour. The 24-h food and water intake and body weight once in 3 days were recorded. Blood samples were drawn once a week from the retro-orbital venous plexus for blood sugar analysis. All the parameters were recorded before, during and after exposure to simulated HA. The results show a decrease in 24-h food and water intake and decreased gain in body weight during hypoxic exposure, which showed a tendency to come back to control during the post-exposure period. The blood sugar reflected a state of mild hyperglycaemia during exposure to HA.  相似文献   

鱼类嗅觉器官的形态与生理研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对鱼类嗅觉器官的发生、宏观和微观形态结构、嗅觉生理等方面的研究进行了综述;并指出,依据鱼类嗅觉器官开展系统进化方面的研究,以及基于嗅觉分子生理机制而开展的有关行为学方面的研究,可能是未来鱼类嗅觉器官的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm and feeding behaviour (bite rate) of 16 Scottish Blackface ewes of which eight were fitted with a lightweight (863 g) GPS collar were examined. The collar consisted of a leather harness and a 0.5 l aluminium box and represented 2.2% of the average body mass of the study ewes. No differences in circadian rhythm and bite rate were found between ewes fitted with the collars and ewes that were not. The relevance of using collar weight as a proportion of body mass as a guide to gauge its impact on the feeding behaviour of small ruminant (35–75 kg) herbivores is questioned.  相似文献   

Ophiocoma scolopendrina exhibits a distinctive pattern of feeding activity on intertidal reef platforms off Kenya. With the first wave of the flooding tide, dense aggregations of these ophiuroids (up to 320 m−2) engage in a 1–2 min burst of surface-film feeding, vigorously sweeping the air-water interface and associated sea foam with the ventral surface of 2–4 arms. Suspension feeding (with arms extended in the water column) is the primary feeding mode throughout the rest of the tidal cycle (involving 25–65% of the population at a time), while bottom feeding (with arms extended along the substratum) is infrequent (<10%). Field experiments showed that surface-film feeding is regulated by water depth and can be triggered by suspended particles. This feeding mode appears to be an adaptation to the intertidal habitat, enabling the ophiuroids to exploit a nutrient-rich surface film during a temporal refuge (low tide) from fish predation. Dense populations of O. scolopendrina may represent an important trophic link between producers of particulate organic material and higher-level consumers in coral reef environments.Tara Oak and Robert E. Scheibling contributed equally to this paper. The order of authorship is alphabetical  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects use highly specific volatiles or blends of volatiles characteristic to particular plant species to locate their host plants. Thus, data on olfactory preferences can be valuable in developing integrated pest management tools that deal with manipulation of pest insect behaviour. We examined host plant odour preferences of the tomato leafminer, Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), which is an economically important agricultural pest widespread throughout Europe. The odour preferences of leafminers were tested in dependence of feeding experiences. We ranked host plant odours by their appeal to L. bryoniae based on two‐choice tests using a Y‐tube olfactometer with five host plants: tomato, Solanum lycopersicum Mill.; bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara L.; downy ground‐cherry, Physalis pubescens L. (all Solanaceae); white goosefoot, Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae); and dead nettle, Lamium album L. (Lamiaceae). The results imply that ranking of host plant odours by their attractiveness to L. bryoniae is complicated due to the influence of larval and adult feeding experiences. Without any feeding experience as an adult, L. bryoniae males showed a preference for the airflow with host plant odour vs. pure air, whereas females did not display a preference. Further tests revealed that adult feeding experience can alter the odour choice of L. bryoniae females. After feeding experience, females showed a preference for host plant odour vs. pure air. Feeding experience in the larval stage influenced the choice by adults of both sexes: for males as well as females reared on bittersweet the odour of that plant was the most attractive. Thus, host feeding experience both in larval and/or adult stage of polyphagous tomato leafminer L. bryoniae influences host plant odour preference by adults.  相似文献   

Roces F 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):261-262
Summary During recruitment, workers of Acromyrmex lundi are conditioned to the odor of the food fragment initially carried by the scout worker. The learned odor cue is used as a decision criterion during food collection.  相似文献   

The relative importance of predation risk and food quality on spatial grazing pressure and activity patterns was tested in a central-place foraging herbivore: the European rabbit. Rabbits grazed less with increasing distance from their burrows into adjacent grassland, thereby creating a gradient of increasing vegetation height and plant biomass and decreasing plant nutrient concentration. When nitrogen concentration was experimentally increased by 150% through fertilizing and mowing, rabbits visited these plots four times more frequently than the untreated control plots. Addition of predator scent (mink pellets) did not result in different patch use by rabbits. The combined addition of fertilizer and mink pellets had the same effect as addition of fertilizer alone. However, the mink pellets changed the temporal activity pattern of rabbits as measured with infrared detectors. Rabbits were predominantly nocturnal but shifted their activities to the day when mink pellets were added, resulting in equal activities during night and day. We conclude that rabbits are sensitive to perceived predation risk, but that this does not influence their spatial grazing pressure. A selection for the highest food quality on the other hand can explain the observed natural rabbit grazing gradient. Food quality was highest close to the burrows, therefore rabbits selecting for high quality food should forage most intensely close to the burrows and only move further away for higher quality items or when the vegetation close to their burrows is depleted. Through intensive grazing close to the burrows rabbits facilitated for themselves either through stimulating fresh protein rich re-growth or the return of nutrients through faeces or both. This is in contrast with central-place foraging theory where intense feeding close to the burrow is assumed to lead to reduced food resources.  相似文献   

Captive carnivores appear highly susceptible to the negative effects of predictable feeding routines. Current research and reviews suggest feeding unpredictably may increase species typical behaviour, but positive results have been limited to a few species. Our objectives were to determine whether randomly altering the time and location of feeding increased species typical behaviour, or affected the temporal distribution of captive coyote (Canis latrans) behaviour. We assigned 12 coyotes individually to either a predictable or an unpredictable (in time and location) feeding condition and measured behaviours in the morning and evening. Overall, mean time spent foraging, travelling, resting or standing was similar in both conditions, but coyotes in the unpredictable condition marked (118 vs. 42; P = 0.01, one-tailed) and howled (81 vs. 24; P = 0.05, one-tailed) significantly more than coyotes in the predictable condition. There were also significant temporal differences (a.m. vs. p.m.) in behaviour between conditions. Specifically, coyotes fed predictably foraged (P = 0.03) and travelled (P = 0.03) more in the morning and rested (P = 0.03) more in the evening, whereas coyotes fed unpredictably howled (62 vs. 19; P = 0.03) and stood (P = 0.05) more in the morning and foraged (P = 0.03) more in the evening. Optimum predictability for captive carnivores should be based on species-specific captive study results and relevant ecological data. Our results suggest coyote feeding regimes may be improved by including unpredictable elements nested within a predictable framework to mirror seasonal fluctuations in resources and increase species-specific behaviour in captivity.  相似文献   

1. Adult male rats were fed a basic chow (less than 0.01% cholesterol) and the same diet modified to contain 0.2% cholesterol and 20% sucrose. 2. Cholesterol-sucrose diet increased the erythrocyte cholesterol and the liver cholesterol. This diet decreased the epididymal fat weight and the biliary cholesterol and it improved the micellar solubility of cholesterol in the bile. 3. Swimming daily for 1 h for 94 days modified the effect of cholesterol-sucrose feeding: it induced plasma lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), it decreased erythrocyte cholesterol, plasma total and unesterified cholesterol, and adipose tissue phospholipids to a level even beyond that of the animals on the basic chow. These changes in lipid levels induced by exercise suggest an important role of LCAT in cholesterol transport. 4. Exercise did not effect micellar solubility of cholesterol in the bile probably because cholesterol biosynthesis was already suppressed by dietary cholesterol. 5. Exercise promotes cholesterol esterification and transport from the peripheral tissues to the liver not only on a low cholesterol diet (our previous reports) but also when feeding a diet high in cholesterol and sucrose.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Feeding behaviour of fifth instar tobacco hornworm caterpillars, Manduca sexta (Johansen) (Lepidoptera; Sphingidae), eating tobacco or artificial diet, is quantitatively described. The insects grow at the same rate on both foods. There is no daily rhythm of feeding behaviour. For most insects, feeding on either food occurs in bouts with the lengths of interfeed gaps and of feeding bouts appearing to be distributed randomly. However, in many insects there is a strong correlation between the length of a feeding period and that of the preceding non-feeding period.
The proportion of time spent feeding on tobacco is much greater than on artificial diet. On tobacco, feeding periods are separated by shorter interfeed gaps than on the artificial diet, while the rate of bout initiation is similar on either food.
On both tobacco and artificial diet, the proportion of time spent feeding increases as the fifth stadium proceeds. This is due to both longer feeding bouts and shorter gaps. The rate of food acquisition within bouts does not change during the stadium.  相似文献   

Song thrushes fed on populations of bread-stuffedCepaea shells. The results indicate that experience influences the selective behaviour of thrushes for both shell colour and shell size. Such behaviour could lead to frequency dependent selection in natural populations. Within the ranges of size and colour offered, thrushes learned from a colour rather than a size experience when both were varied simultaneously.  相似文献   

Previous research into oral persistence in pigs has shown that the relationship between motivation and performance of stereotypy is not a simple one, and that non-specific motivational factors such as arousal may be important. For chronically food-restricted sows the time before food arrives is characterised by increasing excitement and arousal which may be carried over into the post-feeding period facilitating the performance of persistent oral behaviour. To investigate this possibility, arousal was manipulated by delaying feeding. Five and 15 min delays were used and sows experienced delayed feeding 1 day in every 4. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to group the behaviour data into two factors, ACTIVITY/CHEW and NOSE/ROOT/PEN and these scores were then analysed using ANOVA as well as the appropriate individual behaviours. The delay of feeding increased the rate of eating, presumably reflecting increased arousal (P<0.05). ACTIVITY/CHEW scores were highest in 5 min delay sets, and an interaction between day of set and delay length indicated that ACTIVITY/CHEW scores peaked on different days within a set (P<0.05). Time spent chewing was highest on the day of delay (P<0.05), while standing was highest in days 1 and 2 post-delay (P<0.05). The NOSE/ROOT/PEN scores were lower on the day of delay than on other days (P<0.05), and were lowest in the first delay set than in sets later in the trial (P<0.01). It appeared that increasing arousal in the pre-feeding period does affect activity and oral behaviours in the post-feeding period. However, some of the effects appeared in a more extended and diffuse manner, perhaps due to the general disturbance created by the experimental regime and the sows' experience of long-term food restriction.  相似文献   

Continuous observations of larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, revealed that feeding occurred at regular intervals throughout larval development. To investigate possible factors influencing meal-timing, the behaviours of diet-deprived Bombyx larvae were also analysed. Diet-deprivation resulted in longer durations of the first meals after diet replacement, but did not affect feeding patterns. Furthermore, long-term diet-deprivation promoted wandering behaviour and a consequent delay in feeding after diet replacement. Under diet-deprivation conditions, meal-starts appeared to be inducible by defecation and physical stimulation. However, stimulation-induced meal-starts were dependent on the time elapsed since the larvae's previous meals. Provided that more than 1h had elapsed since their previous meals, larvae could be induced to feed by defecation and tapping. At less than 1h post-meal, larvae were less likely to begin feeding after defecation or physical stimulation. Activated locomotions such as wandering and feeding were observed in the long-term diet-deprived larvae only after diet blocks were replaced, while long-term diet-deprived larvae did not show activated locomotion during the absence of diet blocks. Collectively, these data suggest that a combination of elevated locomotion activity and the presence of diet may be necessary for the initiation of feeding in diet-deprived larvae.  相似文献   

While habitat destruction is thought to be the most important reason for the decline of the Wryneck Jynx torquilla throughout Europe, it has been hypothesised that weather factors may also play a crucial role. We studied the impact of variations in ambient temperature and rainfall on feeding behaviour, nestling growth and daily brood survival probabilities in a population from the Swiss Alps. We recorded the frequency of food provisioning and measured nestlings’ growth on 6 days at 17 nests, and monitored the success of 181 broods from 2002 to 2006. The mean feeding frequency was 7.9 feedings per hour, and increased with temperature and with nestling age. Changes of body mass, tarsus length and of the 8th primary feather were not strongly influenced by temperature and rainfall. Body growth was negatively influenced by the initial size of the different body measures towards the end of the growing phase of the corresponding body measure, pointing towards compensatory growth. Daily brood survival probabilities declined in the course of the season and with increasing rainfall, and they increased with increasing temperature and with increasing nestling age. Our findings highlight that the effects of adverse weather on feeding behaviour, nestling growth and nest survival in Wrynecks are complex, as they alter with the age of the nestlings and possibly with the duration of the adverse weather events. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

Effects of experience on parasitoid movement in odour plumes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Insects commonly improve the effectiveness with which they locate biotic resources through learning, but the mechanism by which experience exerts its effects has rarely been studied in detail. The effect of oviposition experience on upwind movement of the eucoilid parasitoid, Leptopilina heterotoma (Thomson) (Hym.: Eucoilidae), in odour plumes of host microhabitats, was quantified with the use of a Kramer-type locomotion compensator. A 2h exposure to host Drosophila melanogaster larvae in either fermenting apple-yeast or decaying mushroom substrate (known to affect their preference for these odours in glasshouse and field choice experiments) had a number of effects on movement in plumes of each substrate. Females experienced with a particular substrate walked faster and straighter, made narrower turns and spent more time in upwind movement (i.e. toward the source) in a plume of odour from that substrate than in odour from an alternative substrate. Inexperienced females, by contrast, generally showed little or no significant difference in responses to alternative odours. In addition to affecting the mean values of movement parameters, experience also affected variability around those means. When walking speed or path straightness in an odour plume was increased by experience, variability among individuals was correspondingly decreased. The consequences of odour learning for microhabitat choice is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The detection of food odour by the freshwater eels, Anguilla australis and Anguilla dieffenbachii released a behavioural response to flow that resulted in direct upstream movement toward the odour source. Changes in various orientation parameters were observed as eels neared the source. Eels had substantially lower swimming velocities and considerably more variable heading and course angles close to the odour source (≤0·9 m) than further away (>0·9 m). Observed changes in orientation parameters were primarily due to changes in the behaviour of a searcher following odour loss. Cross-stream movements were initiated when the eel moved beyond the lateral margins of the odour plume. The behavioural switch from odour-conditioned rheotaxis to cross-stream casting following odour loss occurred more frequently close to the odour source where the plume was most narrow. Odour-conditioned rheotaxis enables the searcher to move quickly and efficiently toward the odour source without the need to extract directional information from a highly intermittent and complex chemical signal.  相似文献   

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