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J Ausio  R Sasi  G D Fasman 《Biochemistry》1986,25(8):1981-1988
Chicken erythrocyte chromatin was prepared according to two different methods [Fulmer, A. W., & Bloomfield, V. A. (1981) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 5968-5972; Ausio, J., Borochov, N., Seger, D., & Eisenberg, H. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 177, 373-398] to give three main common fractions, according to its solubility (S) or insolubility (I) in 0.15 M NaCl buffers or to its further solubility in 0.25 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (E). From the biochemical point of view, all of them have been found to be undistinguishable. Analytical ultracentrifugation shows that all of these fractions can reversibly undergo the transition from the low to the higher order structure, through a nearly identical way of folding. Thermal denaturation profiles yielded three transitions having the same Tm's for the three fractions. The percentage of DNA melting in the first transition decreased in the order S greater than I greater than E, and the amount in the second transition increased in the same order. Together with the different solubility of these fractions in the presence of divalent ions, these results indicate that in the three fractions of chromatin studied, the amount of linker DNA bound to the nucleosome varied.  相似文献   

Chromatin of chicken erythrocyte nuclei was extracted by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The length distribution of the soluble chromatin was determined by gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. These results were fitted with a theoretical distribution which was an outcome of the domain model proposed by Igo-Kemenes and Zachau (Igo-Kemenes, T. and H.G. Zachau (1977) Cold Spring Harbour Symp. Quant. Biol. 42, 109–118). A domain length of 45 kbp was obtained.  相似文献   

The higher-order organisation of chromatin in chicken erythrocyte nuclei as a function of the ionic strength of the nuclear suspension buffer and also of the time of incubation in this buffer prior to nuclease digestion has been investigated. This organisation is described in terms of a physical parameter called the domain length. The 45-kbp-long domains of control nuclei were unravelled to give rise to domains of length 150 kbp on overnight equilibration at 0 degree C of the nuclei in standard isolation buffer containing 0.135 M NaCl prior to nuclease digestion. However, transition to the equilibrium state was preceded by a metastable and irregular domain architecture when the nuclei were incubated for only 1 h. In contrast, the domain length remained unchanged when nuclei were incubated in the isolation buffer alone for identical periods of time. The proteins dissociated at the higher ionic strength were characterised and their role in stabilising the domain structure is discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleosome dimers containing, on average, a single molecule of histone H5 have been isolated from chicken erythrocyte nuclei and the associated DNA fragments cloned and sequenced. The average sequence organization of at least one of the two nucleosomes in the dimers is highly asymmetric and suggests that the torsional, as well as the axial, flexibility of DNA is a determinant of nucleosome positioning. On average the nucleosome dimer is a polar structure containing linker DNA of variable lengths. The sequences associated with H5 containing nucleosomes and core particles are sufficiently different to indicate that removal of histone H5 (or H1) from chromatin may result in the migration of the histone octamer and a consequent exposure of sites for regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

M B Senior  D E Olins 《Biochemistry》1975,14(15):3332-3337
Formaldehyde (HCHO) fixation of chicken erythrocyte chromatin produces a marked decrease in its positive circular dichroism (CD), above 260 nm, and the appearance of s small negative ellipticity around 295 nm. The ultraviolet spectrum of chromatin is unaffected, nor does HCHO produce any changes in the uv or CD spectra of chicken erythrocyte DNA. The extent of the circular dichroism transition from the native chromatin to the suppressed spectrum is dependent on the concentration of HCHO and salt concentration. The kinetics of the reactions are complex, implicating at least two reactive species. Studies of the reaction of HCHO with chromatin in ethylene glycol and CD measurements of aqueous chromatin solution with added glutaraldehyde preclude simple dehydration and general cross-linking effects as causes of the CD changes observed. The results are interpreted as indicating a conformational change of the DNA in chromatin caused by histone-DNA or histone-histone cross-linking.  相似文献   

Lowering magnesium concentration below the value of 1 mM leads to a structural transition of chicken erythrocyte chromatin in situ, which results in a change in its fragmentation by pancreatic DNAase (DNAase I) from double-nucleosome to 100-basepairs mode. At 0.75 mM MgCl2, the pattern of chromatin fragmentation by DNAase I is similar to that generated by DNAase II, and it is further changed at lower concentrations of magnesium. This transition is, at least partly, reversible, and is, presumably, related to packing of the 25-30 nm chromatin fiber into higher-order structures.  相似文献   

An EcoRI chromatin fragment containing the adult beta-globin gene and flanking sequences, isolated from chicken erythrocyte nuclei, sediments at a reduced rate relative to bulk chromatin fragments of the same size. We show that the specific retardation cannot be reversed by adding extra linker histones to native chromatin. When the chromatin fragments are unfolded either by removing linker histones or lowering the ionic strength, the difference between globin and bulk chromatin fragments is no longer seen. The refolded chromatin obtained by restoring the linker histones to the depleted chromatin, however, exhibits the original sedimentation difference. This difference is therefore due to a special property of the histone octamers on the active gene that determines the extent of its folding into higher-order structure. That it is not due to the differential binding of linker histones in vitro is shown by measurements of the protein to DNA ratios using CsCl density-gradients. Both before and after selective removal of the linker histones, the globin gene fragment and bulk chromatin fragments exhibit only a marginal difference in buoyant density. In addition, we show that cleavage of the EcoRI fragment by digestion at the 5' and 3' nuclease hypersensitive sites flanking the globin gene liberates a fragment from between these sites that sediments normally. We conclude that the hypersensitive sites per se are responsible for the reduction in sedimentation rate. The non-nucleosomal DNA segments appear to be too long to be incorporated into the chromatin solenoid and thus create spacers between separate solenoidal elements in the chromatin, which can account for its hydrodynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

The conformational state of histones in isolated chicken erythrocyte chromatin was studied using procedures developed for probing surface proteins on membranes. Under controlled conditions, only exposed tyrosyl residues react with iodide radicals, generated either by the oxidant, chloramine-T (paratoluenesulfonyl chloramide), or the enzyme lactoperoxidase, giving monoidotyrosine. Using 125-iodine, this study compared the reactive tyrosines in free and bound histones H4, and H5. The relative extent of iodination of these histones within (H4) and outside (H5) of the nucleosomes was measured after extraction and gel electrophoresis. Each of the histones was further analyzed for the extent of specific tyrosine iodination by separating the tryptic peptides by high voltage electrophoresis. The identity of the labeled peptide was determined by dansylation of the amino acids present in each hydrolyzed peptide. The results show that there is a difference in the conformational arrangement of these histones on chromatin and in the free forms, since in chromatin not all tyrosine residues are as accessible for iodination as in the denatured state. Residue 53 of histone H5 for instance is more reactive than residues 28 and 58, indicating that the segments containing the latter residues are involved in either protein-DNA or protein-protein interactions. In histone H4, preferential labeling of 2 of the 4 tyrosines present was also observed.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of plasmin and trypsin on the phospholipase activation, and also of the action of phospholipase A (cobra venom) on the release reaction and the erythrocyte and thrombocyte aggregation. Trypsin and fibrinolysin proved to activate phospholipase, this being accompanied by the accumulation of nonesterified fatty acids in the blood serum. Phospholipase A caused a release of the thromboplastic factor from erythrocytes and thrombocytes and their aggregation. The later is inhibited by albumin and EDTA. It is suggested that the action of the proteolytic enzymes on the blood formed elements was realized through the phospholipase activation.  相似文献   

1. The adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities of chicken erythrocyte and heart cytosols had pH optima of 6.5. The temperature optima for erythrocyte and heart ADA were 30 and 35 degrees C, respectively. 2. The deoxyadenosine/adenosine deamination ratios ranged from 0.75 to 0.84 for both ADA activities. 3. For erythrocyte ADA, Km values were 8.9-12.9 microM adenosine (range) and 8.3 microM 2'-deoxyadenosine. For heart ADA, Km values were 6.7-12.0 microM adenosine (range) and 5.3 microM 2'-deoxyadenosine. 4. Inosine was a competitive inhibitor of both erythrocyte (Ki = 73 microM) and heart (Ki = 109 microM) ADA.  相似文献   

Characterization of the chicken erythrocyte anion exchange protein   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The avian erythrocyte anion exchange protein (band 3), after labeling with [3H2]4,4'-diisothiocyanodihydrostilbene-2, 2'-disulfonic acid appears as a doublet of polypeptide chains with apparent Mr = 105,000 and 100,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The structures of the two species are almost identical as determined by partial proteolysis. The copy number of band 3 molecules per chicken erythrocyte was determined to be 800,000 by quantitating the amount of [3H2]4,4'-diisothiocyanodihydrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid covalently bound to the cell surface. A comparison of human and chicken band 3 has revealed differences in their structure. Chicken band 3 differs from the human polypeptide in isoelectric point and proteolytic patterns. Antisera raised against human and chicken band 3 do not cross-react, implying that the two sera do not recognize any common antigenic determinants. There is a 6.5-fold lower activity per cell in the rate of phosphate exchange in the chicken erythrocyte which can be entirely explained by the 1.5-fold decrease in copy number per cell and the increased size of the chicken erythrocyte. This would suggest that there is no difference in the enzyme turnover number between chicken and human band 3. A major functional difference resulting from the structural differences is the inability to bind glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, a function associated with the NH2 terminus of human band 3.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) has been used to investigate the relative disposition of neighbouring H5 (H1) molecules in chicken erythrocyte chromatin in the extended (nucleosome filament) and condensed (300 A filament) states; in this chromatin H5 and H1 are interspersed along the nucleosome filament, rather than segregated into blocks, as shown by the nature of the cross-linked dimers and their relative amounts. Detailed analysis of the cross-linked H5 homopolymers from extended chromatin and condensed nuclear chromatin indicates which domains of H5 are in contact (or close proximity) in the two states. Two results suggest a polar, head-to-tail arrangement of H5 molecules along the nucleosome filament. This arrangement persists when chromatin adopts higher-order structure but in the folded state neighbouring basic C-terminal domains, in particular, are more closely juxtaposed than they are in extended chromatin.  相似文献   

In the presence of 3 mM MgCl2 DNase I cleavage of bulk, globin and ovalbumin gene chromatin in chicken erythrocyte nuclei generates fragments which are multiples of a double-nucleosome repeat. However, in addition to the dinucleosomal periodicity beta-globin gene chromatin was fragmented into multiples of a 100 b.p. interval which is characteristic for partially unfolded chromatin. This distinction correlates with higher sensitivity of beta-globin domain to DNase I and DNase II as compared to the inactive ovalbumin gene. At 0.7 mM MgCl2 where these DNases fragment bulk chromatin into series of fragments with a 100 b.p. interval, the difference in digestibility of the investigated genes is dramatically decreased. When chromatin has been decondensed by incubation of nuclei in 10 mM Tris-buffer, DNase II generates a typical nucleosomal repeat, and the differential nuclease sensitivity of the analyzed genes is not observed. The data suggest that higher nuclease sensitivity of potentially active genes is due to irregularities in higher order chromatin structure.  相似文献   

We have digested chicken erythrocyte soluble chromatin, both unstripped and stripped of histones H1 and H5 with either 0.6 M NaCl or DNA-cellulose, with micrococcal nuclease (MNase). Digestion of unstripped chromatin to monomeric particles initially paused at 188 bp DNA; continued digestion resulted in another pause at 177 before the 167 bp chromatosome and 146 bp core particle were obtained. Digestion of stripped chromatin to monomeric particles paused transiently at 177 bp; continued digestion resulted in marked pauses at 167 and 156 before the 146 bp core particle was obtained. These results suggested that 167 bp DNA representing two complete turns are bound to the histone octamer. Histone H1/H5 binds an additional two helical turns of DNA, thereby protecting up to 188 bp DNA against nuclease digestion. Monomeric particles containing 167 bp DNA were isolated from stripped chromatin and found by DNase I digestion to be a homogeneous population with a 10 bp DNA extension to either end relative to the 146 bp core particle. Thermal denaturation and circular dichroism spectroscopy showed stronger histone-DNA interactions and increased DNA winding as the length of DNA attached to the core histone octamer was decreased. Thermal denaturation also showed three classes of histone-DNA interaction: the core particle containing 167 bp DNA had tight binding of ten helical turns of DNA, intermediate binding of two helical turns and looser binding of four helical turns.  相似文献   

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