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Taxus sumatrana (Miq.) de Laub. (Taxaceae) is an endangered conifer with a scattered distribution in central Taiwan. In this study, we described the development of 12 microsatellite loci in T. sumatrana for genetic studies. These new markers were tested in nine individuals of the rare species. The number of alleles ranged from 3 to 13 and expected heterozygosity from 0.627 to 0.948. Eleven of twelve loci are significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg expectations due to the heterozygote deficiency.  相似文献   

We report exceptionally well-preserved plant remains ascribed to the extinct conifer Glenrosa J. Watson et H.L. Fisher emend. V. Srinivasan inside silica-rich nodules from the Cenomanian of the Font-de-Benon quarry, Charente-Maritime, western France. Remains are preserved in three dimensions and mainly consist of fragmented leafy axes. Pollen cones of this conifer are for the first time reported and in some cases remain connected to leafy stems. Histology of Glenrosa has not previously been observed; here, most of internal tissues and cells are well-preserved and allow us to describe a new species, Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov., using propagation phase-contrast X-ray synchrotron microtomography, a non-destructive technique. Leafy axes consist of characteristic helically arranged leaves bearing stomatal crypts. Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. differs from the other described species in developing a phyllotaxy 8/21, claw-shaped leaves, a thicker cuticle, a higher number of papillae and stomata per crypt. Pollen cones consist of peltate, helically arranged microsporophylls, each of them bearing 6–7 pollen sacs. The new high resolution tomographic approach tested here allows virtual palaeohistology on plants included inside a dense rock to be made. Most tissues of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. are described. Lithological and palaeontological data combined with xerophytic features of Glenrosa carentonensis sp. nov. suggest that this conifer has been adapted to survive in harsh and instable environments such as coastal area exposed to hot, dry conditions.  相似文献   

A new conifer species, Sequoiadendron tchucoticum A. Sokolova from the Emuneret Formation on the Enmyvaam River (Anadyr River Basin) is described. It is established based on a thorough study of the morphology and epidermal features of shoot impressions, using scanning electron microscopy. The new species has polymorphic shoots with helical branching and three main leaf types: scalelike, subulate, and falcate. Leaves are amphistomatic; amphicyclic stomata are mostly obliquely arranged; ordinary epidermal cells are rectangular, frequently with oblique end walls, and their length-to-width ratio reaches 15: 1. Shoots of the new species prevail among conifers of the Ust’-Emuneret Assemblage. The age of the deposits enclosing the assemblage is debated; according to the latest data, it is estimated as Santonian–Early Campanian.  相似文献   

Conifer regeneration failure in the presence of dense ericaceous cover resulting from the removal of canopy trees by forest harvesting observed in boreal and temperate forest has been attributed to allelopathy, competition, and soil nutrient imbalance. Ecosystem-level alleopathic effect has been argued as a cause for conifer regeneration failure by citing examples from a species-poor boreal forest in northern Sweden with ground vegetation dominated by crowberry (Empetrum hermaphroditum, Ericales) and New Zealand dairy pastures invaded by nodding or musk thistle (Carduus nutans). This article aims to explain the phenomenon of vegetation shift from conifer forest to ericaceous heath by extending the argument of ecosystem-level impact of ericaceous plants and linking the disturbance-mediated regeneration strategies of the dominant conifer species and the understory ericaceous species with the quality of seedbed substrate that influence the direction of secondary succession. It has been argued that fire severity plays a pivotal role in controlling seedbed quality and the regeneration mechanisms of conifers, which in turn determines the direction of post-disturbance succession. The post-fire-dominated ericaceous plants and their habitat-modifying effects have been explained from the point of view of keystone species concept and their role as ecosystem engineers. In the absence of high severity natural fires the canopy keystone species (conifer) fails to regenerate successfully mainly due to limitation of favorable seedbed. On the other hand, the understory ericaceous plants regenerate vigorously by vegetative methods from the belowground components that survived the fire. Forest harvesting by clearcutting or selective cutting also create similar vigorous vegetative regrowth of ericaceous plants, but conifer regeneration suffers from the lack of a suitable seedbed. Thus in the absence of successful conifer regeneration, the vigorously growing understory ericaceous plants become the new keystone species. The new keystone ericaceous species bring about a significant long-term habitat change by rapid accumulation of plyphenol-rich humus. Ericaceous phenolic compounds have been found to inhibit seed germination and seedling growth of conifers. By forming protein-phenol complexes they cause a further reduction of available nitrogen of the already nutrient-stressed habitat. A low pH condition in the presence of phenolic compounds causes the leaching of metallic ions and forms hard iron pans that impair soil water movement. The phenolic allelochemicals of ericaceous humus are also inhibitory to many conifer ectomycorrhizae. On the other hand, ericaceous plants perpetuate in the community by their stress-tolerating strategies as well as their ability to acquire nutrients through ericoid mycorrhizae. Three mechanisms working at the ecosystem level can be suggested as the cause of vegetation shift from forest to ericaceous heath. These are (1) the absence of high severity natural fire and the limitation of suitable conifer seedbed in the presence of thick humus, (2) increased competition resulting from the rapid vegetative regeneration of understory ericaceous plants after forest canopy opening by harvesting or nonsevere fire, and (3) habitat degradation by phenolic allelochemicals of ericaceous plants causing a soil nutrient imbalance and iron pan formation. Thus, a shift in keystone species from conifer to ericaceous plant in the post-disturbance habitat may induce a retrogressive succession due to ecosystem-level engineering effects of the new keystone species. Vegetation management in conifer-ericaceous communities depends on land management objectives. If the objective is to produce timber and other forest products then the control of ericaceous plants and site preparation is necessary after forest harvesting. Ploughing and liming followed by conifer planting and repeated N fertilization has been applied successfully to promote afforestation of Calluna heathlands in Britain. However, such practice has not been proven successful in the reforestation of Kalmia-dominated sites in eastern Canada. If, on the other hand, the land management objective is to maintain heathlands for herbivore production or conservation of cultural landscape, as in the case of certain Calluna-dominated heathland in Western Europe, then moderately hot prescribed burning is useful as a management tool.  相似文献   

We conducted a field study to determine the relative contributions of aspen (Populus tremuloides), meadow, and conifer communities to local and landscape-level plant species diversity in the Sierra Nevada and southern Cascade Range, northeastern California, USA. We surveyed plant assemblages at 30 sites that included adjacent aspen, conifer, and meadow communities across a 10,000-km2 region. We statistically investigated patterns in local and landscape-scale plant diversity within and among the three vegetation types. Summing across sites, aspen stands supported more plant species overall and more unique plant species than either meadow or conifer communities. Local richness and diversity did not differ between aspen and meadow plots; conifer forest plots were significantly lower in both measures. Heterogeneity in species composition was higher for aspen forest than for meadows or conifer forest, both within sites and between sites. Plant communities in aspen stands shared less than 25% of their species with adjacent vegetation in conifer and meadow plots. Within aspen forest, we found a negative relationship between total canopy cover and plant diversity. Our results strongly support the idea that plant communities of aspen stands are compositionally distinct from adjacent meadows and conifer forest, and that aspen forests are a major contributor to plant species diversity in the study region. Current patterns of aspen stand succession to conifer forest on many sites in the semiarid western US are likely to reduce local and landscape-level plant species diversity, and may also have negative effects on other ecosystem functions and services provided by aspen forest.  相似文献   

Abstract:Micarea neostipitata sp. nov. is described from conifer trunks in conifer woodlands and bogs in eastern U.S.A. It is superficially similar to M. stipitata, but differs from that and other related species in having minute crystalline inspersions in the hymenium and pycnidial wall, which apparently belong to lobaric acid, shorter conidia, and in possessing fumarprotocetraric acid in the thallus.  相似文献   

A new species of conifer was recently discovered in northern Vietnam. In a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of morphological data a possible sister species, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach, was identified; however, because of the presumed phylogenetic remoteness of these two species to the remainder of the Cupressaceae, a new genus-Xanthocyparis-was described to accommodate both species. Here an analysis of ITS (nrDNA), matK, and rbcL sequence data in combination with 58 informative morphological characters was aimed at testing the monophyly of the remainder of Chamaecyparis and evaluating the placement and monophyly of Xanthocyparis. Chamaecyparis, minus C. nootkatensis, was resolved as a monophyletic group, remote from Cupressus and Xanthocyparis. Cupressus, Juniperus, and Xanthocyparis formed a very highly supported monophyletic group. However, Cupressus was not monophyletic. Instead the Old World species sampled were resolved sister to a clade containing a monophyletic Juniperus, a monophyletic Xanthocyparis, and a clade of New World Cupressus species. If both species of Xanthocyparis are to be treated as members of the same genus, then due to the principal of priority they will have to be recognized in the genus Callitropsis. Research is continuing to resolve the status of New World and Old World Cupressus.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Pinaceae and nonpinoid species are sister groups within the conifer clade as inferred from molecular systematic comparisons of living species and therefore should have comparable geological ages. However, the fossil record for the nonpinoid lineage of extant conifer families is Triassic, nearly 100 million years older than the oldest widely accepted Lower Cretaceous record for Pinaceae. An anatomically preserved fossil conifer seed cone described here extends the stratigraphic range of Pinaceae nearly 30 million years, thus reducing the apparent discrepancy between evidence from the fossil record and inferences from systematic studies of living species. ? Methods: Material was prepared as serial thin sections by the cellulose acetate peel technique, mounted on microscope slides, and viewed and photographed using transmitted light. ? Key results: A large cylindrical cone consisting of bract-scale complexes that diverge from the cone axis in a helical phyllotaxis has bracts and scales that separate from each other in the midregion and are of equal length and of nearly equal width. The cone has two inverted and winged seeds that are attached to the adaxial surface of each cone scale and, thus, represents an early member of the Pinaceae. ? Conclusions: Eathiestrobus mackenziei gen. et sp. nov. extends the fossil record for well-documented members of the family Pinaceae from the Lower Cretaceous to the Kimmeridgian Stage of the Upper Jurassic. This species also clarifies the set of characters that are diagnostic for seed cones of Pinaceae and reveals possible plesiomorphic characters for seed cones of the family.  相似文献   

The behaviour of amitrole (3-amino-l,2,4-triazole) in 3-year old seedlings of Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine) and Abies concolor (white fir) is described. Visual symptoms of amitrole action appeared as a chlorosis of young needles, the extent of which varied with time and species. Maximum chlorosis was obtained when the application was made during the stage when no visible growth occurred. The greater susceptibility of ponderosa pine seedlings could be accounted for by the lower resistance to uptake of the herbicide into the needles and not by any difference between the conifer species in the metabolism of amitrole. The translocation and metabolism of amitrole in the two conifer species are discussed. In both of the conifer species amitrole was converted into three metabolic products two of which were found to be identical with the previously described Unknown I and II. Two types of treatment, on exposed phloem and on the needles, provided the possibility for a direct study of the site of amitrole metabolism. This site appeared to be in the stem. Amitrole was the mobile, toxic compound in both species and was translocated in both symplast and apoplast. A circulation of the herbicide in the plant was observed. From the phloem amitrole diffused relatively slowly into the xylem, and during this lateral translocation part of the amitrole was metabolized. The rate of this detoxification process seemed to be dependent upon how fast amitrole moved from phloem to xylem and vice versa. This rate seemed to show a positive correlation with the intensity of the cambial activity. The translocation of amitrole to the roots was greatest when no visible growth could be detected.  相似文献   

Silicified woods of the fern Tempskya riojana Barale and Viera and the Bennettitales Cycadeoidea barbarae Crisafulli nov. sp., found together with undetermined conifer woods, from the NW of Carazuelo, province Soria, are described. This site is located south of the so-called San Saturio fault which runs parallel to Road N-234. The fossil trunks are included in the “Conglomerados poligénicos, areniscas y arcillas” fluviatile sediments, dated as Paleogene. The original source of these fossils could be Tera and/or Oncala Groups, both Early Cretaceous in age and outcropping close by at Fuentetecha, Fuensaúco and North of Soria. Similar plant fossil findings from this region are reported and some mistakes in the geological mapping are analyzed. The Tempskya specimens were histologically poorly preserved, but had enough anatomical characters to be undoubtedly assigned to Tempskya riojana. The new species Cycadeoidea barbarae is described, with fairly well preserved cellular structure, viz., pith, vascular cylinder, cortex, foliar/branch traces, as well as strobili surrounded by foliar scales and apical seminal cones. An important and new aspect of the new species is that it includes morphologically and anatomically preserved both fructifications and vegetative parts, whereas these are usually find separated by other species of Bennettitales.  相似文献   

Although plant species with either animal or wind pollination modes are widespread and usually sympatric in nature, the degree of pollen interference from wind‐pollinated species on animal‐pollinated species remains little known. Conifer trees generally release a huge number of pollen grains into the air, floating into our noses and sometimes causing an allergic response. Here we document airborne pollen from two conifers (Pinus densata Mast. and Picea likiangensis (Franch.) E. Pritz.) deposited on the stigmas of eight coflowering insect‐pollinated angiosperms over 2 years in a mountainous forest community, in Shangri‐La, southwest China. Pollen density in the air as well as conifer pollen deposited onto stigmas at short and long distances from the airborne pollen source were quantified. Our results showed that conifer pollen as a proportion of total stigmatic pollen loads in the insect‐pollinated plants varied from 0.16% to 8.67% (3.16% ± 0.41%, n = 735) in 2016 and 0.66% to 5.38% (2.87% ± 0.86%, n = 180), and pollen quantity per unit area was closely related to that of airborne pollen in the air. Conifer pollen deposition on stigmas of insect‐pollinated species decreased greatly with increased distance from the pollen source. In the 10 plant species flowering in summer after conifer pollen release had finished, heterospecific pollen deposited on these stigmas came mainly from other insect‐pollinated flowers, with little contribution from airborne conifer pollen. The results indicate that there might be little interference with coflowering angiosperms by airborne pollen from dominant conifers in natural communities.  相似文献   

  • 1 The economic losses associated with crop damage by invasive pests can be minimized by recognizing their potential impact before they spread into new areas or crops.
  • 2 We experimentally evaluated the preferences of the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex lobicornis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for the most common conifer species commercially planted in northern Patagonia, Argentina. The areas of potential forest interest in this region and the geographical range of this ant overlap. We performed field preference tests and monitored the level of ant herbivory on planted conifer seedlings next to nests.
  • 3 Acromyrmex lobicornis preferred some conifer species and avoided foraging on others. Pseudotsuga menziesii and Austrocedrus chilensis were the less preferred species, Pinus ponderosa and Pinus contorta were the most preferred by A. lobicornis.
  • 4 The item mostly selected by ants was young needles from P. contorta. This species was also the pine mostly defoliated. Seedlings without ant‐exclusion showed a mean±SE of 60±5% defoliation during the sampling period. Pinus ponderosa was less defoliated; control seedlings showed a mean±SE of 8.5±1% of leaf damage in the sampling period.
  • 5 The present study shows how the use of simple field tests of leaf‐cutting ant preferences could allow an improved selection of appropriate conifer species for future plantations in areas where leaf‐cutting ants are present.

Yanliaoa is a common fossil in the Middle Jurassic of western Liaoning, eastern Inner Mongolia and northern Hebei Province, China. It is an important element of the Yanliao biota. The genus was established by Pan in 1977 for fossil plants from the Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation in Xiasanjiaochengzi, western Liaoning Province, and in present paper, the genus Yanliaoa is studied based on new material. Pan never designated a type specimen and his fossil material cannot be located. We designate a type specimen here for Yanliaoa, so that the genus name Yanliaoa remains valid. Yanliaoa sinensis Pan emend. Tan et al., is found in the same locality and formation as the lost specimens, Y. sinensis of Pan, 1977. Yanliaoa daohugouensis n. sp., a new species with epidermal anatomy, is from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou, Inner Mongolia. A holotype is also selected from the new material for this new species. Characters of the leafy shoots and ovulate cones of Yanliaoa are emended. The epidermal anatomy of this genus is described for the first time. Compared with other extant and extinct species of Cupressaceae s. l., the current species can be distinguished from any known species both by the leafy shoot characters and its epidermal anatomy. It further indicates that Yanliaoa is an extinct and endemic conifer found in the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China.  相似文献   

为了探讨针叶树皮生黏菌的物种多样性,通过收集不同种类的针叶树皮作为基物进行湿室培养,共获得40种黏菌和一变种,其中粗网筛菌(Cribraria pachydictyon)和疣网发菌(Comatricha reticulospora)为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

We studied the species richness and assemblages of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Disteniidae) in ten secondary broad-leaved stands and eight plantation stands of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) of various ages after clear-cutting or plantation in Ibaraki, central Japan. The species richness of longicorns, which were collected with Malaise traps, was the highest in young stands, decreasing with the age of the stand for both broad-leaved and conifer stands. A canonical correspondence analysis divided the 18 plots into three groups based on longicorn assemblages and environmental variables. These three groups consisted of (1) very young (1–4 years old) stands after clear-cutting or plantation; (2) 12- to over 100 year-old broad-leaved stands; (3) 7- to 76-year-old conifer stands. The species richness of the longicorns was the highest in the young stands followed, in order of decreasing species richness, by broad-leaved stands and conifer stands. Possible causes of the high species richness in young stands include large amounts of coarse wood debris and flowers, which are resources for oviposition and nutrition for adults, respectively. The lower longicorn diversity in conifer stands than in broad-leaved stands may be due to the lower diversity of trees available as host plants in the former. Almost all species that occurred in conifer stands were also collected in young and/or broad-leaved stands, but the reverse was not true, suggesting that conifer plantations cannot replace broad-leaved stands in terms of longicorn biodiversity. We argue that an extensive conversion of broad-leaved forests into conifer plantations will lead to an impoverishment of the longicorn fauna, which may result in the degradation of ecosystem functions possibly carried out by them.  相似文献   

A new species of conifer wood, Xenoxylon morrisonense, is described from the Morrison Formation on the Colorado Plateau. It is compared with other species of Xenoxylon, with X. latiporosum being the closest. Xenoxylon morrisonense differs from X. latiporosum in its marked indentations, simple pits on the horizontal and tangential walls of ray cells, absence of crassulae, presence of wood parenchyma, and thin borders on podocarpoid type crossfield pits. The origin of the septa in the tracheids is summarized, and the possible affinity of Xenoxylon with the Podocarpaceae is considered.  相似文献   

A new Sciadopitys-like conifer is described on the basis of compression fossils of shoots and leaves found at the Smokey Tower locality in western Alberta. The specimens consist of long, strap-like leaves attached in apparent whorls and subtended by groups of scale leaves. Other scale leaves are borne in loose spirals on the shoots between whorls. These specimens represent the first record of Sciadopitys-like foliage from western North America. Comparisons are made with extant and extinct species of the genus Sciadopitys (Siebold and Zuccarini, 1841) and with the widely distributed fossil genus Sciadopitytes (Goeppert and Menge, 1883).  相似文献   

Insect pests are part of natural forest ecosystems contributing to forest rejuvenation but can also cause ecological disturbance and economic losses that are expected to increase with climate change. The white pine or spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi) is a pest of conifer forests in North America. Weevil–host interactions with various spruce (Picea) species have been explored as a genomic and molecular reference system for conifer defence against insects. Interactions occur in two major phases of the insect life cycle. In the exophase, adult weevils are free‐moving and display behaviour of host selection for oviposition that is affected by host traits. In the endophase, insects live within the host where mobility and development from eggs to young adults are affected by a complex system of host defences. Genetic resistance exists in several spruce species and involves synergism of constitutive and induced chemical and physical defences that comprise the conifer defence syndrome. Here, we review conifer defences that disrupt the weevil life cycle and mechanisms by which trees resist weevil attack. We highlight molecular and genomic aspects and a possible role for the weevil microbiome. Knowledge of this conifer defence system is supporting forest health strategies and tree breeding for insect resistance.  相似文献   

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