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Summary The Cs-134/137 activities were measured from different tree organs of spruce, larch and sycamore maple. Two locations in South Bavaria were monitored during a period of 2.5 years following the Chernobyl accident. Samples taken in 1985 allow to determine the Cs-137 contamination before the accident. Increasing Cs-137 activities from older to younger needle years ofPicea abies caused by root-uptake of the global weapons' fallout are due to the high phloem mobility of this element and the remaining of the needles at the tree for about 6–7 years. In contrast, the Cs-137 activity was much smaller in leaves of larch and sycamore maple. After the Chernobyl accident, the higher contamination of spruce > larch > sycamore maple is dependent on the roughness of bark, absolute bark surface and the existence of leaves during the deposition of Chernobyl-derived radioactivity. The Cs-134/137 activity (Bq/kg d.w.) was about 25-times higher in bark compared to wood ofPicea abies and 1.5–4.7 times higher in directly contaminated twig-axes than in leaves. Till the end of the investigation the major contamination of the shoots was due to direct deposition of cesium on the trees. A maximum of 5–15% of the total activity of the directly contaminated branches of the plants was calculated to be part of root-uptake, depending on the amount of initial retention. 20% of the translocated cesium into new leaves of larch and about 50% into sycamore maple resulted from root-uptake 2.5 years after the accident.  相似文献   

A method of calculation of radiocaesium uptake by forest mushrooms as a function of soil properties is presented. Calculated value of 137Cs transfer factor for Xerocomus badius in the contaminated area of Bryansk Province of Russia is in a good agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Dynamics of 137Cs transfer factors to plants and the effects of protective measures on this radionuclide accumulation in the agricultural production is estimated on the example of the south-western regions of Bryansk District. Three periods in decreasing the 137Cs content in plants during 20 years after the Chernobyl accident are identified. The contribution of radionuclide decay, natural biogeochemical processes and protective measures aimed at reduction of the 137Cs accumulation in agricultural plants during various periods after radioactive fallout is shown. Maximum permissible levels of 137Cs contamination of cultivated lands, where crop products meeting current standards may be obtained, at different scopes of protective measures on radioactive-contaminated territories are forecasted. Periods after radioactive fallout, when crop and forage products meeting radiological standards are obtained, are assessed.  相似文献   

137Cs vertical migration in boggy soils has been studied 15 years after the Chernobyl accident. The rate of vertical migration of the radionuclide is shown to be dependent on the peculiarities of formation of peatbogs, their moistening regime and soil properties. 137Cs migration in a high-land peatbog is characterized by higher intensity then in lowland or transitional peatbogs. Differences in 137Cs vertical migration are to a large extent caused by the contents in soil of exhangeable and mobile radionuclide forms. The derived experimental data that describe 137Cs distribution over the profiles of peaty soils of different type are used for parameterization of two-component convective-diffusion model. Ecological and effective half-life periods of 137Cs content reduction in the soil root layer have been calculated. A long-term prediction is given of the dynamics of the radionuclide content in the root layer of peaty soils.  相似文献   

The comet assay is one of the most versatile and popular tools for evaluating DNA damage. Its sensitivity to low dose radiation has been tested in vitro, but there are limited data showing its application and sensitivity in chronic exposure situations. The influence of the internal contamination caused by the Chernobyl accident on the level of DNA damage was evaluated by the comet assay on lymphocytes of 56 Ukrainian children. The study was performed during 2003 on children with demonstrable 137Cs internal contamination caused by food consumption. The children were selected for the study immediately after a 137Cs whole body counter measurement of internal contamination. The minimal detectable amount of 137Cs was 75 Bq. The control group included 29 children without detectable internal contamination, while in the exposed group 27 children with measured activity between 80 and 4037 Bq and committed effective dose between 54 and 3155 microSv were included. Blood samples were taken by a finger prick. The alkaline version of the comet assay was used, in combination with silver stained comets and arbitrary units (AU), for comet measurement. Factors such as disease, medical treatment, surface contamination of children's living location, etc., were considered in the study. Non-significant differences (p > 0.05) in DNA damage in control (9.0 +/- 5.7 AU) versus exposed (8.5 +/- 4.8 AU) groups were found. These results suggest that low doses of 137Cs internal contamination are not able to produce detectable DNA damage under the conditions used for the comet assay in this study. Further studies considering effects of high exposure should be performed on chronically exposed people using this assay.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of 137Cs migration in forest ecosystem is presented, which describes the behaviour of this radionuclide in the forest litter-soil system, trees, understory and forest animals. The model's parameters for different types of forest ecosystems are estimated and model's adequacy is tested through the use of independent experimental data. The sensitivity of the model's output variables is analyzed to variations in the most significant parameters. The differences in the seasonal and mean annual dynamics of 137Cs concentration in muscles of roe deers and mooses are shown to be defined by specific features of the diets of these animals and variations in 137Cs content in the main diet components.  相似文献   

Regularities of changes in 137Cs content in cattle milk in the long term after the Chernobyl accident have been analyzed. Contamination levels of haylands and pastures, soil properties, specific features of agricultural production and time after the fallout play a crucial role in 137Cs concentration changes in animal products. Trends have been studied that reflect the influence of these factors and their significance assessed. The half-life periods of 137Cs decay in milk vary over the period of 1994 to 2000 between 7.1 and 14.8 years and approach similar periods calculated for the long term after global radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests.  相似文献   

The regularities of 137Cs distribution and accumulation in organs and tissues of sheep on a farm located in the Chernobyl accidental zone were experimentally estimated. The distribution pattern of 137Cs concentration in organs and tissues is found to depend on the duration of the radionuclide uptake with the ration. During the first 24 h the highest 137Cs concentration is reported in the parenchymal organs; starting from day 30 muscular tissue and kidneys rank first, whereas in the other organs and tissues 137Cs concentration is 1.5-2 times lower. By 137Cs content and accumulation rate the study organs are arranged in a declining order as follows: muscles > > skin > liver > kidneys > heart > spleen. The mathematical models were devised describing the dynamics of increasing with time in 137Cs concentration in muscles, liver and skin. The methodology is suggested for the prediction of levels of 137Cs contamination of the muscular tissue of sheep. The time periods were regulated for sheep feeding with 137Cs contaminated fodder that ensure the production of mutton the radionuclide concentration in which meets the sanitary-hygienic standards.  相似文献   

The assessment of 137Cs accumulation by wood is made by using a chamber model of radionuclide behavior. Maximum of 137Cs specific activity in wany wood was in the midst of 1990s, with subsequent decrease in activity and half-time up to 22 to 25 years.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the specific activity of 134 + 137Cs in insects was investigated in the most typical biogeocenoses within the 30-km zone of the Chernobyl NPP. The studied biogeocenoses had different rates of the exposure doses. It was shown that the specific activity of 134 + 137Cs in the insects inhabiting forest biotops was of the same order that in the crown, whereas in the insects inhabiting open biotops the specific activity was higher than in plants. Two periods of the increased 134 + 137Cs content in insects were found: May and September. Along with seasonal activity variations, a tendency to decreasing and stabilization of 134 + 137Cs content was observed during the period of the study.  相似文献   

Perinatal mortality in Germany was investigated with respect to a possible relationship to the nuclear accident in Chernobyl on April 26, 1986. Using annual data of perinatal mortality, a trend analysis based on an appropriately chosen statistical model was performed which showed a significant increase in 1987. In addition, we calculated the cesium concentration in women's bodies using data of the cesium concentration in milk. We found two peaks of cesium concentration that were associated with the observed two peaks of monthly perinatal mortality data with a delay of 7 months. Received: 14 October 1994 / Accepted in revised form: 14 October 1996  相似文献   

All known types of size-effect in accumulation of radiocesium in fish are described on the basis of the dynamic model of distribution and migration of the radionuclide in aquatic ecosystem. The time-dependent activity of 137Cs in different age classes of carp and pike-perch from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Cooling Pond is calculated. It is shown that during the first year after the accident the activity of 137Cs in the young generations of fish was higher (negative size-effect) owing to higher feeding rate of young fish. During the following years the increase of activity in the older fish generations takes place (positive size-effect). It is shown that size-dependence is more clear for the predatory species.  相似文献   

The regularities of changes in factors of 137Cs transfer to natural and sown grasses in the longterm period after the Chernobyl accident are described. The dynamics of changes in factors of 137Cs transfer to sown grasses over the period of 1993 to 1999 was of a non-uniform character. On average, these transfer factors (TF) tended to decrease in that period. A significant tendency for an increase in TF to sown grasses was noted for 1997-1999. The half-life periods of decrease in TF to natural grasses in the period 1993-1999 were shown to be ranged from 4.6 to 24.6 years. It was demonstrated that the differences in the TF dynamics between sown and natural grasses were related to the peculiarities of their development and application of countermeasures.  相似文献   


This study considers the exposure of the population of the most contaminated Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts in Belarus to prolonged sources of irradiation resulting from the Chernobyl accident. Dose reconstruction methods were developed and applied in this study to estimate the red bone-marrow doses (RBMs) from (i) external irradiation from gamma-emitting radionuclides deposited on the ground and (ii) 134Cs, 137Cs and 90Sr ingestion with locally produced foodstuffs. The mean population-weighted RBM doses accumulated during 35 years after the Chernobyl accident were 12 and 5.7 mGy for adult residents in Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts, respectively, while doses for youngest age groups were 20–40% lower. The highest mean area-specific RBM doses for adults accumulated in 1986–2021 were 63, 56 and 46 mGy in Narovlya, Vetka and Korma raions in Gomel Oblast, respectively. For most areas, external irradiation was the predominant pathway of exposure (60–70% from the total dose), except for areas with an extremely high aggregated 137Cs soil to cow’s milk transfer coefficient (≥?5.0 Bq L?1 per kBq m?2), where the contribution of 134Cs and 137Cs ingestion to the total RBM dose was more than 70%. The contribution of 90Sr intake to the total RBM dose did not exceed 4% for adults and 10% for newborns in most raion in Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts. The validity of the doses estimated in this study was assessed by comparison with doses obtained from measurements by thermoluminescence dosimeters and whole-body counters done in 1987–2015. The methodology developed in this study can be used to calculate doses to target organs other than RBM such as thyroid and breast doses. The age-dependent and population-weighted doses estimated in this study are useful for ecological epidemiological studies, for projection of radiation risk, and for justification of analytical epidemiological studies in populations exposed to Chernobyl fallout.


Two young women vacationing in Kiev just after the Chernobyl accident received light radioactive contamination in and on their bodies, and on their clothing. The internal and external body contaminations were determined using a whole body counter and a pure germanium detector on two dates, 80 days apart. The total body activity that could not be diminished by washing corresponded to 50 kBq at the time of contamination. Important internal radionuclides were 131I, 137Cs and 134Cs causing a committed effective dose equivalent of 0.4 mSv. The biological half-life of Cs was 60 days. In the clothing 16 different radionuclides, including 239Np, were found at various levels of activity.  相似文献   

The uptake of 137Cs and 90Sr by six varieties of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) was compared in field trials on land contaminated by the Chernobyl accident. All the experimental varieties are officially adopted for agricultural use in Belarus and are used in large-scale production. Under identical conditions of nutrition, the productivity of the varieties varied significantly by a factor of 1.3. The extent of 137Cs and 90Sr accumulation by wheat grain, quantified as the concentration ratio, differed between the varieties by as much as a factor of 1.6, for both radionuclides. There was a significant linear positive correlation between the 90Sr activity concentration in grain and straw, and the calcium concentration. The correlation between 137Cs and potassium was not significant. The results suggest that certain varieties of spring wheat used in normal agricultural practice accumulate less 137Cs and 90Sr into grain than others. Some spring wheat varieties accumulated relatively less 137Cs, but did not accumulate less 90Sr. One variety, Quattro, had a significantly lower uptake of both 90Sr (for grain) and 137Cs (for both grain and straw) than that of the other varieties tested. The reduction efficiency achieved by the use of these varieties, however, is not as high as that achieved by soil amelioration techniques in the past. Nevertheless, since there are no additional costs or production losses associated with these varieties, their use in the contaminated areas is worth considering as a simple, practical, and effective contribution to reducing the uptake of both 90Sr and 137Cs and allowing farmers to produce food-grade grain.  相似文献   

The comet assay is one of the most versatile and popular tools for evaluating DNA damage. Its sensitivity to low dose radiation has been tested in vitro, but there are limited data showing its application and sensitivity in chronic exposure situations. The influence of the internal contamination caused by the Chernobyl accident on the level of DNA damage was evaluated by the comet assay on lymphocytes of 56 Ukrainian children. The study was performed during 2003 on children with demonstrable 137Cs internal contamination caused by food consumption. The children were selected for the study immediately after a 137Cs whole body counter measurement of internal contamination. The minimal detectable amount of 137Cs was 75 Bq. The control group included 29 children without detectable internal contamination, while in the exposed group 27 children with measured activity between 80 and 4037 Bq and committed effective dose between 54 and 3155 μSv were included. Blood samples were taken by a finger prick. The alkaline version of the comet assay was used, in combination with silver stained comets and arbitrary units (AU), for comet measurement. Factors such as disease, medical treatment, surface contamination of children's living location, etc., were considered in the study. Non-significant differences (p > 0.05) in DNA damage in control (9.0 ± 5.7 AU) versus exposed (8.5 ± 4.8 AU) groups were found. These results suggest that low doses of 137Cs internal contamination are not able to produce detectable DNA damage under the conditions used for the comet assay in this study. Further studies considering effects of high exposure should be performed on chronically exposed people using this assay.  相似文献   

A method for quantitative assessment of 137Cs availability to plants in forest ecosystems on the basis of soil properties has been developed. It is shown that the experimental dependencies of 137Cs soil-to-plant transfer factor (TFag) for fern and bilberry on the bioavailability factor calculated on the basis of soil characteristics of root layer: 137Cs exchangeability, exchangeable Ca, effective selectivity coefficient, were satisfactory described by linear function. The advantage of the proposed method is that the necessary soil characteristics can be taken from the reference literature, evaluated using empirical correlations or determined with standard agrochemical procedures.  相似文献   

The regularities of the aerial contamination of agricultural ecosystems are described in the early period after the Chernobyl NPP accident. The aerial contamination is shown to be caused by the development of the above-ground biomass of plants and fallout characteristics. A specific coefficient of primary retention varied between 0.46 and 1.2 m2 kg-1 for 137Cs. The first half-life period varies from 9.7 to 13.4 days. The second period varies from 46.2 to 52.2 days. It has been found that parameters of aerial contamination from the Chernobyl accident well correlate with the results of observation in the period of global fallout.  相似文献   

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