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The aim of this study was to estimate the influence on ultrastructure and function of endocrine and excretoric part of pancreas in rats of extremely low frequency alternating magnetic fields with parameters used in therapy in humans. The animals from the two experimental groups were exposed to a rectangular magnetic field waveform at a frequency of 10 Hz and induction of 1.8-3.8 mT--(group P) or a sinusoidal magnetic field at a frequency of 40 Hz and induction of 1.3-2.7 mT--(group S), respectively. The control rats were subjected to sham exposure. The cycle of 1, 3, 6, 9, and 14 daily exposure sessions lasting 30 min was made in all groups. Some of rats after finishing the cycle of 14 exposures were left in the same conditions except for the magnetic field for 3 or 10 days. In both groups of rats exposed to magnetic field, a distinct tendency to decrease glucose concentration, compared to control group, was observed during the exposure cycle. Serum glucose became normal after the end of exposure sessions. The concentrations of insulin in both groups of rats exposed to magnetic field were significantly higher, compared to the controls, during the exposure cycle. After the end of exposure cycle the concentration of insulin in group S became normal. In contrast, in group P the concentration of insulin decreased significantly on the last day of exposure, with a subsequent increase in the following days. The activity of alpha-amylase and lipase in the serum of experimental and control rats was not affected. In both groups of exposed rats, reversible changes of ultrastructure of the pancreatic islets, including expansion of the Golgi apparatus, extension of rough endoplasmatic reticulum, mitochondrial swelling, expansion of beta-granules and increase in number of empty vesicles in beta cells, occurred during the exposure. In acinar cells of exposed animals, a slight extension of rough endoplasmatic reticulum and mitochondrial swelling as transitory changes were observed. The structural and functional changes in pancreas are probably adaptative ones.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, the beneficial therapeutic effects of selected low energy, time varying electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been documented with increasing frequency to treat therapeutically resistant problems of the musculoskeletal system. However, the underlying mechanisms at a cellular level are still not completely understood. In this study, the effects of extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (ELF-PEMF) on osteoclastogenesis, cultured from murine bone marrow cells and stimulated by 1,25(OH)(2)D(3), were examined. Primary bone marrow cells were cultured from mature Wistar rats and exposed to ELF-PEMF stimulation daily for 7 days with different intensities of induced electric field (4.8, 8.7, and 12.2 micro V/cm rms) and stimulation times (0.5, 2, and 8 h/day). Recruitment and authentication of osteoclast-like cells were evaluated, respectively, by determining multinuclear, tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive cells on day 8 of culture and by the pit formation assay. During the experiments, cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1-beta (IL-1beta), and prostaglandin-E(2) (PGE(2)) were assayed using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These findings suggest that ELF-PEMF can both enhance (approximately 50%) and suppress (approximately 27%) the formation of osteoclast-like cells in bone marrow culture, depending on the induced electric field intensity. In addition, consistent correlations were observed between TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and osteoclast-like cell number after exposure to different induced electric field intensities of ELF-PEMF. This in vitro study could be considered as groundwork for in vivo ELF-PEMF clinical applications on some osteoclast-associated bone diseases.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an acute exposure to a sinusoidal MF-ELF (50 Hz, 1mT) on the ability of boar mature spermatozoa to acquire the fertilizing competence in vitro. The spermatozoa exposed during the 4h of incubation to the MF-ELF were evaluated for morphological (surface morphology and acrosome integrity) and functional parameters (cell viability, motility, induction of acrosomal reaction, AR, and the ability to in vitro fertilize oocytes). In parallel, the intracellular Ca(2+) levels as well as the major mechanisms of Ca(2+) clearance were assessed: (45)Ca intakes and intracellular Ca(2+) sequestration by analyzing intracellular Ca(2+) elevation induced by thapsigargin or studying mitochondrial function with Mito-Tracker. The MF-ELF exposure did not affect sperm viability and morphology during the first h of incubation when sperm Ca(2+) homeostasis were already compromised. First of all, MF-ELF treated spermatozoa showed resting intracellular Ca(2+) levels significantly lower than those recorded in controls. This result was dependent on a lower extracellular Ca(2+) intake and from the inhibitory role exerted on both intracellular Ca(2+) storages. As a consequence, after 1h of incubation MF-ELF exposed cells displayed a reduced motility, a modest reactivity when coincubated with solubilized zonae pellucidae and a reduction in oocyte penetrating ability. After 2 or 4h of incubation, in addition, signs of morphological damage appeared on plasma membrane and at acrosomal level. In conclusion, MF-ELF influence negatively spermatozoa first by impairing cell Ca(2+) homeostasis then by dramatically affecting sperm morphology and function.  相似文献   

The replication kinetics and cytological changes of normal human oral keratinocytes (NHOK) isolated from the basal surface of oral epithelial sheet and cultured as dispersed cells in low (0.15 mM) Ca(2+) medium without serum were analyzed. Replicating NHOK were quantitated by cell count and identified by [(3)H]thymidine uptake. Cell morphology was analyzed by phase contrast and transmission electron microscopy, and by cytochemical staining for endogenous beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) activity, involucrin, and cytokeratin types 1 and 10 (K1/K10). Primary NHOK obtained from 15 different donors whose ages ranged from 21 to 62 years consistently showed three distinct phases of replication, i.e., exponential, senescing, and senescent, which were independent of the donors' age. Initially, the cells replicated exponentially for a period of 20 days with a doubling time of 26.6 +/- 3.5 h. They then gradually entered replication arrest over a period of 18 days. The cells underwent a maximum of 22.1 +/- 2.8 population doublings. The onset of gradual replication arrest coincided with an increase in the fraction of cells, which stopped DNA synthesis within a maximum of 48 h and which stained for beta-gal. The fraction of terminally differentiated cells stained for K1/K10 did not increase until nearly all the cells had stopped replicating (senescent phase) and maximal beta-gal staining had been reached. Subsequently, the percentage of beta-gal stained cells actually decreased while the percentage of those stained for K1/K10 increased to a maximum of 80-90% within 2-3 weeks. Exposure of exponentially replicating NHOK to 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-aza CdR) inhibited DNA replication within 18-48 h and induced terminal differentiation 6 days later. In contrast, exposure of these cells to 1.5 mM Ca(2+) induced expression of involucrin and K1/K10 within 48 h without inhibiting DNA synthesis. Thus, replication arrest preceded differentiation in NHOK serially subcultured in vitro; however, differentiation could be induced without replication arrest.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of an extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic field on their fertility, adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to a 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field of approximately 25 microT (rms) for 90 days before they were mated with unexposed counterparts. Exposure to a 50 Hz field reduced male rat fertility. The number of pregnant females was reduced when mated with exposed males, and the number of resorptions increased. The effects of magnetic field on male fertility were shown to be partly reversible, when the same exposed group of males were remated 45 and 90 days after being removed from the fields. Exposure of adult female rats to 50 Hz magnetic fields for 90 days before mating significantly reduced their fertility. The mean numbers of implantations and living fetuses per litter were statistically significantly decreased in the 50 Hz group. These results suggest that low frequency magnetic fields have some adverse effects on fertility of male and female rats.  相似文献   

Hemidesmosomes (HDs) are cellular junctions that anchor epithelial cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and are associated morphologically with the cytoskeleton. Hemidesmosomal molecular components include two proteins involved in linking intermediate filaments, HD1/plectin and BP230, and two transmembrane proteins, BP180 and the alpha6beta4 integrin, a laminin receptor. In cells lacking BP230 and BP180, HD1/plectin still associates with alpha6beta4 integrin, forming HD-like structures, called type II HDs. In the present study, we used an intestinal epithelial cell line that expresses HD1/plectin and the alpha6beta4 integrin to investigate the regulation of assembly of these proteins in type II HDs. These compounds were found to be clustered at sites of cell-ECM contact and their polarized localization was influenced by either cell confluency or extracellular matrix deposition. Conventional and immunoelectron microscopy showed that HD1/plectin and the beta4 integrin subunit are colocalized in an adhesion structure. Using cytoskeleton-disrupting drugs and confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that type II HDs are made up of numerous individual plaques whose assembly into a cluster requires actin filaments, but not microtubules.  相似文献   

极低频磁场对人肝癌细胞生长、代谢及细胞周期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究一定参数的极低频磁场对人肝癌细胞(SK-HEP-1)在诸多方面的影响。方法在整个SK-HEP-1细胞的培养周期中用50Hz,20mT的极低频磁场对其进行作用,并检测作用后细胞的增殖活性、生长动力学、代谢以及细胞周期的变化。结果50Hz,20mT的极低频磁场对SK-HEP-1细胞的生长与代谢有抑制作用,并能阻碍其有丝分裂的进行。结论50Hz,20mT的极低频磁场为治疗人类恶性肿瘤提供了一种可能的手段。  相似文献   

极低频磁场对人肝癌细胞生长、代谢及细胞周期的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究一定参数的极低频磁场对人肝癌细胞(SK-HEP-1)在诸多方面的影响。方法:在整个SK-HEP-1细胞的培养周期中用50Hz,20mT的极低频磁场对其进行作用,并检测作用后细胞的增殖活性、生长动力学、代谢以及细胞周期的变化。结果:50Hz.20mT的极低频磁场对SK-HEP-1细胞的生长与代谢有抑制作用,并能阻碍其有丝分裂的进行。结论:50Hz,20mT的极低频磁场为治疗人类恶性肿瘤提供了一种可能的手段。  相似文献   

This work concerns the effect of low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF) on biochemical properties of human oral keratinocytes (HOK). Cells exposed to a 2 mT, 50 Hz, magnetic field, showed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) modification in shape and morphology; these modifications were also associated with different actin distribution, revealed by phalloidin fluorescence analysis. Moreover, exposed cells had a smaller clonogenic capacity, and decreased cellular growth. Indirect immunofluorescence with fluorescent antibodies against involucrin and beta-catenin, both differentiation and adhesion markers, revealed an increase in involucrin and beta-catenin expression. The advance in differentiation was confirmed by a decrease of expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in exposed cells, supporting the idea that exposure to electromagnetic field carries keratinocytes to higher differentiation level. These observations support the hypothesis that 50 Hz electromagnetic fields may modify cell morphology and interfere in differentiation and cellular adhesion of normal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Some studies have demonstrated that a few biological systems are affected by weak, extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs), lower than 10 mT. However, to date there is scanty evidence of this effect on Protists in the literature. Due to their peculiarity as single-cell eukaryotic organisms, Protists respond directly to environmental stimuli, thus appearing as very suitable experimental systems. Recently, we showed the presence of propionylcholinesterase (PrChE) activity in single-cell amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum. This enzyme activity was assumed to be involved in cell-cell and cell-environment interactions, as its inhibition affects cell aggregation and differentiation. In this work, we have exposed single-cell amoebae of D. discoideum to an ELF-EMF of about 200 microT, 50 Hz, for 3 h or 24 h at 21 degrees C. A delay in the early phase of the differentiation was observed in 3 h exposed cells, and a significant decrease in the fission rate appeared in 24 h exposed cells. The PrChE activity was significantly lower in 3 h exposed cells than in the controls, whereas 24 h exposed cells exhibited an increase in this enzyme activity. However, such effects appeared to be transient, as the fission rate and PrChE activity values returned to the respective control values after a 24 h stay under standard conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate whether extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) affect certain cellular functions and immunologic parameters of mouse macrophages. In this study, the influence of 50 Hz magnetic fields (MF) at 1.0 mT was investigated on the phagocytic activity and on the interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) production in differentiated macrophages. MF-exposure led to an increased phagocytic activity after 45 min, shown as a 1.6-fold increased uptake of latex beads in MF-exposed cells compared to controls. We also demonstrate an increased IL-1beta release in macrophages after 24 h exposure (1.0 mT MF). Time-dependent IL-1beta formation was significantly increased already after 4 h and reached a maximum of 12.3-fold increase after 24 h compared to controls. Another aspect of this study was to examine the genotoxic capacity of 1.0 mT MF by analyzing the micronucleus (MN) formation in long-term (12, 24, and 48 h) exposed macrophages. Our data show no significant differences in MN formation or irregular mitotic activities in exposed cells. Furthermore, the effects of different flux densities (ranging from 0.05 up to 1.0 mT for 45 min) of 50 Hz MF was tested on free radical formation as an endpoint of cell activation in mouse macrophage precursor cells. All tested flux densities significantly stimulated the formation of free radicals. Here, we demonstrate the capacity of ELF-EMF to stimulate physiological cell functions in mouse macrophages shown by the significantly elevated phagocytic activity, free radical release, and IL-1beta production suggesting the cell activation capacity of ELF-EMF in the absence of any genotoxic effects.  相似文献   

Human Raji B lymphoid cells after exposure for 64 h to a 1 mT (rms) 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field showed a reorganization of membrane and cytoskeletal components. Atomic force microscopy in air revealed several modifications in 80% of the exposed cells, such as loss of microvilli-like structures followed by progressive appearance of membrane introflections. This change in plasma membrane morphology was also accompanied by a different actin distribution, as detected by phalloidin fluorescence. These observations support our previous hypothesis that electric and magnetic fields may modify the plasma membrane structure.  相似文献   

Human osteoblastic cells were grown in a three-dimensional (3-D) cell culture model and used to test the effects of a 20 Hz sinusoidal electromagnetic field (EMF; 6 mT and 113 mV/cm max) on collagen type I mRNA expression and extracellular matrix formation in comparison with the effects of growth factors. The cells were isolated from trabecular bone of a healthy individual (HO-197) and from a patient presenting with myositis ossificans (MO-192) and grown in a collagenous sponge-like substrate. Maximal enhancement of collagen type I expression after EMF treatment was 3.7-fold in HO-197 cells and 5.4-fold in MO-192 cells. Similar enhancement was found after transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) treatment. Combined treatment of the cells with EMF and the two growth factors TGF-β and IGF-I did not act synergistically. MO-192 cells produced an osteoblast-characteristic extracellular matrix containing collagen type I, alkaline phosphatase, and osteocalcin, together with collagen type III, TP-1, and TP-3, two epitopes of an osteoblastic differentiation marker. The data suggest that the effects of EMFs on osteoblastic differentiation are comparable to those of TGF-β and IGF-I. We conclude that EMF effects in the treatment of skeletal disorders and in orthopedic adjuvant therapy are mediated via enhancement of collagen type I mRNA expression, which may lead to extensive extracellular matrix synthesis. Bioelectromagnetics 19:222–231, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hemidesmosomes are stable adhesion complexes in basal epithelial cells that provide a link between the intermediate filament network and the extracellular matrix. We have investigated the recruitment of plectin into hemidesmosomes by the alpha6beta4 integrin and have shown that the cytoplasmic domain of the beta4 subunit associates with an NH(2)-terminal fragment of plectin that contains the actin-binding domain (ABD). When expressed in immortalized plectin-deficient keratinocytes from human patients with epidermol- ysis bullosa (EB) simplex with muscular dystrophy (MD-EBS), this fragment is colocalized with alpha6beta4 in basal hemidesmosome-like clusters or associated with F-actin in stress fibers or focal contacts. We used a yeast two-hybrid binding assay in combination with an in vitro dot blot overlay assay to demonstrate that beta4 interacts directly with plectin, and identified a major plectin-binding site on the second fibronectin type III repeat of the beta4 cytoplasmic domain. Mapping of the beta4 and actin-binding sites on plectin showed that the binding sites overlap and are both located in the plectin ABD. Using an in vitro competition assay, we could show that beta4 can compete out the plectin ABD fragment from its association with F-actin. The ability of beta4 to prevent binding of F-actin to plectin explains why F-actin has never been found in association with hemidesmosomes, and provides a molecular mechanism for a switch in plectin localization from actin filaments to basal intermediate filament-anchoring hemidesmosomes when beta4 is expressed. Finally, by mapping of the COOH-terminally located binding site for several different intermediate filament proteins on plectin using yeast two-hybrid assays and cell transfection experiments with MD-EBS keratinocytes, we confirm that plectin interacts with different cytoskeletal networks.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess whether exposure to a sinusoidal extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF‐MF; 50 Hz, 1 mT) can affect proliferation and differentiation in the human neuroblastoma cell line BE(2)C, which is representative of high risk neuroblastomas. Cells were subjected to ELF‐MF exposure in the presence or absence of a neuronal differentiating agent (all‐trans‐retinoic acid, ATRA) for 24–72 h. In each experiment, ELF‐MF‐exposed samples were compared to sham‐exposed samples. Cells exposed to ELF‐MF combined with retinoic treatment showed a decreased cellular proliferation and an increased proportion of G0/G1 phase cells compared to cells exposed to either treatment alone. Moreover, ELF‐MF‐ and ATRA‐treated cells showed more differentiated morphological traits (a higher neurite number/cell, an increased neurite length), together with a significant increase of mRNA levels of p21WAF1/CIP1 and cdk5 genes, both involved in neuronal differentiation. In addition, the expression of cyp19 gene, which is involved both in neuronal differentiation and stress response, was evaluated; cyp19 gene expression was enhanced by ATRA treatment and significantly enhanced further by ELF‐MF exposure combined with ATRA. In conclusion, our data suggest that ELF‐MF exposure can strengthen ATRA effects on neuroblastoma cells. Bioelectromagnetics 31:425–433, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the effects of 100 and 217 Hz extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (ELF-PEMF) on cell proliferation, actin reorganization, and ROS generation in a human breast carcinoma cells (T47D). Cells were exposed for 24–72 h, at 100 and 217 Hz, 0.1 mT. The treatment induced a time dependent decrease in cell growth after 72 h and revealed an increase in fluorescence intensity in cytoplasm and actin aggregations around the nucleus as detected by fluorescence microscopy. The amount of actin in T47D cells increased after 48 h exposure to 100 Hz and 24 h to 217 Hz while no changes in nuclear morphology were detected. Exposing the cells to 217 Hz for 72 h caused a dramatically increase of intracellular ROS generation while with exposure to 100 Hz it remained nearly unchanged. These results suggest that exposure to ELF-PEMF (100, 217 Hz, 0.1 mT) are able inducing an increase of actin level, its migration toward nucleus but despite of these changes and dramatically increase in ROS generation the symptoms of apoptosis were not observed. Our results support the hypothesis that cell response to EMF may only be observed at certain window effects; such as frequency and intensity of EMF parameters.  相似文献   

目的:探讨极低频正弦磁场对痛阈的影响以及脑内氨基酸神经递质在磁场镇痛中的作用。方法:20只SD大鼠暴露于55.6Hz、8.1mT正弦磁场中并利用辐射热甩尾法检测痛阈,同时用高效液相色谱检测暴露第11天和第14天大脑皮层和延髓谷氨酸和γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)含量。结果:与对照组相比大鼠磁场暴露第10天和第11天痛阈明显提高(P0.05)。第11天大脑皮层和延髓的γ-氨基丁酸水平有明显改变(P0.05)。结论:极低频正弦磁场有镇痛作用,调节γ-氨基丁酸可能是其作用机制之一。  相似文献   

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