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Entrainment of the circadian pacemaker to nonphotic stimuli, such as scheduled wheel-running activity, is well characterized in nocturnal rodents, but little is known about activity-dependent entrainment in diurnal or crepuscular species. In the present study, effects of scheduled voluntary wheel-running activity on circadian timekeeping were investigated in Octodon degus, a hystricomorph rodent that exhibits robust crepuscular patterns of wakefulness. When housed in constant darkness, O. degus exhibited circadian rhythms in wheel-running activity and body temperature (Tb) with an average period length (tau) of 23.39 +/- 0.11 h. When wheel running was restricted to a fixed 2-h schedule every 24 h, tau increased on average 0.39 +/- 0.09 h but did not result in steady-state entrainment. Instead, relative coordination between the fixed running schedule and circadian timing was observed. Tau was greatest when scheduled wheel running occurred at CT 20.5 (0.4 h greater than DD baseline tau). Scheduled running activity also influenced Tb waveform symmetry, reflecting concomitant changes in the circadian activity-rest ratio (alpha:rho). Aftereffects of the scheduled wheel-running paradigm were also observed. In 2 animals, tau lengthened from 23.20 and 23.80 h to 24.14 and 24.15 h, respectively, and remained relatively stable for approximately 1 month during the wheel schedule. Although behavioral activity appears to be a weak zeitgeber in this species, these data suggest that nonphotic stimuli can phase delay the circadian pacemaker in O. degus at similar times of the day as in nocturnal hamsters and mice, and in humans.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are highly important not only for the synchronization of animals and humans with their periodic environment but also for their fitness. Accordingly, the disruption of the circadian system may have adverse consequences. A certain number of animals in our breeding stock of Djungarian hamsters are episodically active throughout the day. Also body temperature and melatonin lack 24-h rhythms. Obviously in these animals, the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) as the central pacemaker do not generate a circadian signal. Moreover, these so-called arrhythmic (AR) hamsters have cognitive deficits. Since motor activity is believed to stabilize circadian rhythms, we investigated the effect of voluntary wheel running. Hamsters were bred and kept under standardized housing conditions with food and water ad libitum and a 14 L/10 D lighting regimen. AR animals were selected according to their activity pattern obtained by means of passive infrared motion detectors. In a first step, the daily activity behavior was investigated for 3 weeks each without and with running wheels. To estimate putative photic masking effects, hamsters were exposed to light (LPs) and DPs and also released into constant darkness for a minimum of 3 weeks. A novel object recognition (NOR) test was performed to evaluate cognitive abilities both before and after 3 weeks of wheel availability. The activity patterns of hamsters with low wheel activity were still AR. With more intense running, daily patterns with higher values in the dark time were obtained. Obviously, this was due to masking as LPs did suppress and DPs induced motor activity. When transferred to constant darkness, in some animals the daily rhythm disappeared. In other hamsters, namely those which used the wheels most actively, the rhythm was preserved and free-ran, what can be taken as indication of a reconstitution of circadian rhythmicity. Also, animals showing a 24-h activity pattern after 3 weeks of extensive wheel running were able to recognize the novel object in the NOR test but not so before. The results show that voluntary exercise may reestablish circadian rhythmicity and improve cognitive performance.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to provide an example of nonsocial and nonphotic entrainment in Syrian hamsters, together with a corresponding phase response curve (PRC). Fourteen male hamsters were given 2-hr bouts of induced activity (mostly wheel running) at 23.83-hr intervals in constant darkness (DD). The activity onsets of 10 hamsters entrained to this manipulation, with no anticipatory activity present. After entrainment, the rhythms resumed free-running from a time 0.66-3.91 hr after the onset of the last bout of induced activity. Postentrainment free-running periods were shorter than pre-entrainment values. The PRC for 2-hr pulses of induced activity in DD revealed phase advances induced in some animals between circadian time (CT) 4 and CT 11 (approximately the last half of the hamsters' rest period), and delays between CT 23 and CT 3 and between CT 17 and CT 20. The CTs for phase advances are compatible with the phase angle differences observed between rhythm and zeitgeber at the end of entrainment. Many features of the results (not all animals entraining, PRC characteristics, lack of observable anticipation to the daily stimuli, phase relationship between zeitgeber and activity rhythms) are similar to those from a previous study on social entrainment in this species (Mrosovsky, 1988). These similarities reinforce the idea that induced activity and social zeitgebers act on activity rhythms via a common mechanism.  相似文献   

The circadian wheel-running activity rhythms of individual hamster pups raised and maintained in constant dim light were measured beginning at 18 days of age. Records of the postweaning free-running activity rhythm were used to determine the phase of a pup's rhythm on the day of weaning and its phase relationship to its mother's rhythm. Although raised in constant light, the rhythms of pups within a litter were approximately synchronous and in phase with their mother's activity rhythm. These results indicate that the circadian oscillator underlying the activity rhythm is functional prior to weaning and is entrained by some as yet unidentified aspect of maternal rhythmicity. Furthermore, the results suggest that even in the absence of external entraining cycles, behavioral rhythms, and perhaps physiologic rhythms as well, of a mother and her offspring are normally synchronized.  相似文献   

Summary The effects on activity rhythms of a daily 30 min opportunity to leave the home cage and hoard seeds from an open field were assessed in Syrian hamsters housed in continuous dim illumination. Six of ten hamsters responded with clear entrainment of their activity rhythms to the hoarding opportunity, as demonstrated by responses to phase shifts and by the onset phase of subsequent freerunning rhythms. No entrainable component separate from the freerunning rhythm was ever observed. Two hamsters showed phase shifts in response to the hoarding opportunity, but they did not meet the criteria for stable entrainment, and two did not respond with noticeable changes in rhythmicity. Ablations of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) were attempted in three hamsters that had entrained stably to the hoarding time. The effects of partial lesions in two animals indicated that the entrained rhythm was controlled by the light-entrainable pacemaker represented by the SCN. The one animal with an apparently complete lesion, however, developed a clear, but irregular, increase in activity in anticipation of the daily hoarding time. SCN ablation apparently unmasked an oscillator system separate from the SCN and susceptible to entrainment by a nonphotic cue. The oscillator mechanism affected by daily hoarding opportunities in hamsters appears to be tightly coupled to the SCN pacemaker, in contrast to the system in rats that is synchronized by daily feeding schedules.Abbreviations SCN suprachiasmatic nuclei - FEO food-entrain-able oscillator Portions of these results were previously reported at the 1986 meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Tucson, Arizona, and at the 1987 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Or leans, LA (Rusak et al. 1987)  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of cephalopods is influenced by salinity and temperature. In marine osmoconformers, one reason for different spatial distributions maybe the putative distinct capacity to regulate tissue hydration. Adult Octopus vulgaris (n?=?6) and O. insularis (n?=?6) were obtained by divers from sites along the southern and northeastern Brazilian coasts, respectively. In the laboratory, octopuses were acclimated to full-strength seawater (salinity 34), for 5–10 days. They were then anesthetized (10 min in 4 °C seawater), a portion of the second right arm was removed, and cut into three portions. Tissues were placed in control isosmotic saline (osmolality 1072 mOsm/kg H2O). Fragments were weighed and transferred to either isosmotic, hyposmotic (50%), or hyperosmotic (150%) salines, and their weight was observed for 120 min. Tissue from both species maintained their hydration/weight following the hyposmotic shock, but differed in their response to the hyperosmotic challenge, where hydration remained unchanged in O. insularis, but was significantly reduced in O. vulgaris. This result could partially explain why O. insularis is more abundant than O. vulgaris throughout the shallow reefs and tide pools in the warmer and salty tropical waters of the northeastern Brazilian coast.  相似文献   

In rodents, the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge is timed by a circadian rhythm. We recently reported that a phenobarbital-induced delay of the estrous cycle in Syrian hamsters is associated with an approximately 2-h phase advance in both the circadian locomotor activity rhythm and the timing of the LH surge. The following study tests the hypothesis that a >2-h nonpharmacological phase advance in the circadian pacemaker that delays the estrous cycle by a day will also phase advance the LH surge by approximately 2 h. Activity rhythms were continuously monitored in regularly cycling hamsters using running wheels or infrared detectors for about 10 days prior to jugular cannulation. The next day, on proestrus, hamsters were transferred to the laboratory for 1 of 3 treatments: transfer to a "new cage" (and wheel) from zeitgeber time (ZT) 4 to 8 (with ZT12 defined as time of lights-off), or exposure to a "novel wheel" at ZT5 or ZT1. All animals were then placed in constant dark (DD). Blood samples were obtained just before onset of DD and hourly for the next 6 h, on that day and the next day for determination of plasma LH concentrations. Running activity was monitored in DD for about 10 more days. Transfer to a novel wheel at either ZT5 or ZT1 delayed the LH surge to day 2 in most hamsters, whereas exposure to a new cage did not. Only the delayed LH surges were phase advanced at least 2.5 h on average in all 3 groups. However, wheel-running activity was similarly phase advanced in all 3 groups regardless of the timing of the LH surge; thus, the phase advances in circadian activity rhythms were not associated with the 1-day delay of the LH surge. Interestingly, the number of wheel revolutions was closely associated with the 1-day delay of LH surges following exposure to a novel wheel at either ZT1 or ZT5. These results suggest that the intensity of wheel running (or an associated stimulus) plays an important role in the circadian timing mechanism for the LH surge.  相似文献   

Summary Pulses of darkness can phase-shift the circadian activity rhythms of hamsters,Mesocricetus auratus, kept in constant light. Dark pulses under these conditions alter photic input to the circadian system, but they also commonly trigger wheel-running activity. This paper investigates the contribution of running activity to the phase-shifting effects of dark pulses. A first experiment showed that running activity by itself can phaseshift rhythms in constant light. Hamsters were induced to run by being confined to a novel wheel for 3–5 h. When this was done at circadian times (CT) 0, 6, and 9, the mean steady-state phase-shifts were 0.6 h, 3.5 h, and 2.3 h, respectively. The latter two values are at least as large as those previously obtained with dark pulses of similar durations and circadian phases. A second experiment showed that restricting the activity of hamsters during 3-h dark pulses at CT 9 reduces the amplitude of the phase-shifts. Unrestrained animals phase-advanced by 1.1 h, but this shift was halved in animals whose wheel was locked, and completely abolished in animals confined to nest boxes during the dark pulse. Activity restriction in itself (without dark pulses) had only minimal phase-delaying effects on free-running rhythms when given between ca. CT 10 and CT 13. These results support the idea that, in hamsters at least, dark pulses affect the circadian system mostly by altering behavioural states rather than by altering photic input to the internal clock.Abbreviations CT circadian time - DD constant darkness - LD light-dark - LL constant light - PRC phase response curve - period of rhythm  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that American lobsters, Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards), are nocturnally active. However, the degree to which this rhythm is expressed by different individuals and the underlying causes of lobster activity rhythms, are poorly understood. In order to address these issues we recorded daily patterns of lobster locomotion using two novel techniques. In the first, reed switch assemblies were used to monitor the distance traveled by freely moving lobsters (n=43), each fitted with a small magnet, as they walked around a 1 m diameter racetrack. The advantages of this technique included: (1) lobsters were freely moving; (2) the system could be deployed in laboratory tanks or in the field and; (3) actual distances moved were measured, not just relative activity. The second technique involved placing individual lobsters (n=10) into custom-designed running wheels. This allowed for continuous monitoring of locomotor activity for extended durations (>45 days) under normal light/dark (L/D) cycles, as well as in constant darkness (D/D) and constant light (L/L).Under ambient light conditions lobsters in the racetracks moved an average of 60.1±6.5 m/day in flow-through seawater tanks. Overall, lobsters were significantly more active at night, moving 4.1±0.4 m/h in the dark vs. 1.0±0.2 m/h in the light. However, many of the lobsters moved as much during the day as during the night.Lobsters in the running wheels moved an average of 36.6±11.7 m/day and 80% expressed clear daily rhythms of activity, with a mean periodicity of 24.0±0.1 h under L/D conditions. Under D/D conditions 90% of the animals expressed free-running circadian rhythms with a mean periodicity of 24.2±0.3 h, indicating that this species possesses endogenous rhythmicity. While the running wheel results show that the nocturnal pattern of locomotor activity for this species is strongly influenced by an endogenous circadian clock, the results from the racetracks show that there is remarkable variability in the extent to which they express this pattern under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Lithium slowed and split the wheel-running circadian rhythms of blinded rats.  相似文献   

Daily treatment with progesterone (5 mg) increased running wheel activity, food intake, and body weight of adrenalectomized-ovariectomized rats. These effects of progesterone are quite similar to those of various corticosteroid treatments in adrenalectomized rats reported previously. In addition, the activity-stimulating action of progesterone is just the opposite of its effect in intact and estradiol-primed ovariectomized rats. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the principal role of progesterone in the regulation of body weight is to antagonize the actions of estradiol and that the actions of excessive doses of progesterone in adrenalectomized-ovariectomized rats are simply a by-product of its corticosteroidlike, health-promoting properties.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of destruction of the geniculo-hypothalamic tract (GHT) on the circadian system of golden hamsters. In the first experiment, intact hamsters were housed in constant darkness, and phase shifts in running-wheel activity rhythms were assessed following 15-min light pulses administered at circadian time (CT) 12 (defined as the beginning of activity), CT 14, CT 18, and CT 20. Responses to light pulses at the same CTs were then reassessed after GHT lesions. Hamsters with complete lesions showed decreases in phase advances caused by light pulses at CT 18 and CT 20. Phase delays elicited by light at CT 12 and CT 14 were not altered. In a second study, intact and GHT-ablated hamsters housed in constant light received 6-hr dark pulses at various CTs. Hamsters with complete GHT ablation showed smaller advances than controls to dark pulses centered on CT 8-10. After 110 days in constant light, 7 of 10 intact hamsters showed splitting of their activity rhythms into two components, while only 1 of the 8 similarly treated ablated hamsters displayed dissociated activity components. Ablated hamsters had significantly shorter free-running periods during the first 35 days of exposure to constant light than did the intact hamsters. These results demonstrate that destruction of the GHT in the hamster alters phase shifting in response to periods of light or dark, and they indicate a role for the GHT in mediating several photic effects on the circadian system.  相似文献   


An age‐associated alterations in daily and circadian changes of cytochrome P‐450‐linked monooxygenases system activity were studied using 1‐, 6‐ and 12‐months old male Wistar rats, in winter and in spring season. Cytochrome P‐450 and NADPH‐cytochrome P‐450 reductase showed 12h rhythm in all investigated age groups of animals. Cytochrome b5 and NADH‐cytochrome b5 reductase were characterized by a 12h daily rhythm in 1‐month old rats, but in older ones 24h circadian rhythm was found. There was not significant changes of the rhythm pattern in the activity of investigated MFO system ingredients in rats of different age, between spring and winter.  相似文献   

Individual hamster pups were maintained in constant dim light from just prior to birth, and their circadian wheel-running activity rhythms were recorded beginning at 18 days of age. Records of the postweaning free-running activity rhythm were used to determine the phase of a pup's rhythm on the day of weaning. Two groups of pups (LD and DL) were born to mothers that had been entrained before birth to light-dark cycles 12 hr out of phase. Both groups of pups were raised in constant dim light by foster mothers that had been entrained to only one of the prenatal cycles (LD). Thus pups born to mothers from different cycles were exposed to identical rhythmic environments postnatally. Despite the similar postnatal treatment, the two groups of pups showed activity rhythms at weaning with very different phases. The LD pups, born to and raised by LD mothers, were approximately synchronous with one another and with their foster mothers. The DL pups, born to DL mothers, but raised by LD mothers, were not synchronous with one another or with their foster mothers. Half of the DL pups showed phases predicted by their prenatal treatment, but the other half showed scattered phases. The results demonstrate that phase at weaning is affected by prenatal rhythmicity, and suggest that the circadian pacemaker underlying the activity rhythm is already functional and entrained at, or before, birth.  相似文献   

Plasticity of diel and circadian activity rhythms in fishes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In many fish species, some individuals arediurnal while others are nocturnal. Sometimes,the same individual can be diurnal at first andthen switch to nocturnalism, or vice-versa.This review examines the factors that areassociated with such plasticity. It covers thebreakdown of activity rhythms during migration,spawning, and the parental phase; reversals ofactivity patterns during ontogeny or from oneseason to the next; effects of light intensity,temperature, predation risk, shoal size, foodavailability, and intraspecific competition.Case studies featuring goldfish (Carassiusauratus), golden shiner (Notemigonuscrysoleucas), lake chub (Couesiusplumbeus), salmonids, sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and parentalsticklebacks and cichlids illustrate some ofthese influences. It is argued that mostspecies have a circadian system but that havingsuch a system does not necessarily imply strictdiurnalism or nocturnalism. Rigidity ofactivity phase seems more common in species,mostly marine, that display behavioral sleep,and for these animals the circadian clock canhelp maintain the integrity of the sleepperiod and ensure that its occurrence takes place atthat time of day to which the animal's sensoryequipment is not as well adapted. However, inother fishes, mostly from freshwater habitats,the circadian clock seems to be used mainly foranticipation of daily events such as thearrival of day, night, or food, and possiblyfor other abilities such as time-place learningand sun compass orientation, rather than forstrict control of activity phase. In thesespecies, various considerations relating toforaging success and predation risk maydetermine whether the animal is diurnal ornocturnal at any particular time and place.  相似文献   

Hamsters that showed splitting of their circadian rhythms of wheel-running activity following long-term exposure to constant illumination (LL) were exposed to light-dark (LD) cycles with 2-hr dark segments, and with periods of 24.00, 24.23 or 24.72 hr. For comparison, hamsters showing nonsplit rhythms were also studied. In all cases of split rhythms, at least one of the two split components entrained to the LD cycles. In some animals, the second component continued to free-run until it merged with the entrained component, while in others, the second component also entrained to the LD cycle but maintained a stable phase angle of 6-14.5 hr relative to dark onset. These results were obtained in cases where the period of the LD cycle was shorter than that of the split rhythms and in cases where it was longer, implying that split components can be phase-advanced as well as phase-delayed by 2 hr of darkness. Three hamsters that showed stable entrainment of split rhythms were allowed to free-run in LL. The LD cycles were then reinstated, but instead of overlapping with the first component, as it did before, the dark segment was timed to overlap with the second. The entrainment patterns that ensued were similar to the ones obtained during the first LD exposure, indicating that the two split components respond to darkness in a qualitatively similar fashion. These results are further evidence that the pacemaker system underlying split circadian activity rhythms in hamsters is composed of two mutually coupled populations of oscillators that have similar properties, including a bidirectional phase response curve. Such a dual-oscillator organization may also underlie normal, or nonsplit, activity rhythms, as suggested by Pittendrigh and Daan (1976c), but the data are also compatible with the alternative view that the circadian pacemaker consists of a large number of coupled oscillators, which only dissociate into two separate populations in some animals under conditions of moderate LL intensity.  相似文献   

Summary During development, the circadian rhythms of rodents become entrained to rhythmicity of the mother. Rhythms in behavior and in neuroendocrine function are regulated by a circadian pacemaker thought to be located within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Evidence indicates that this pacemaker begins to function and to be entrained by maternal rhythms before birth. Although the maternal rhythms which mediate prenatal entrainment of the fetal circadian pacemaker have not been identified, it is likely that they are regulated by the maternal SCN.The role of the maternal SCN in entrainment of the offspring was examined in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) by measuring the activity/rest rhythms of pups. Using the synchrony among the rhythms of pups within a litter as an indication that the pups had been entrained, the effect on entrainment of ablating the maternal SCN was determined. Lesions of the maternal SCN which were performed early in gestation (day 7) and which destroyed at least 75% of the SCN were found to disrupt the normal within litter synchrony among pups, indicating interference with the normal mechanism of entrainment.The effect of lesions on day 7 of gestation could mean that the maternal SCN is important for entrainment of the pups before birth, after birth, or during both of these times. To determine if the maternal SCN is specifically important for prenatal entrainment, lesions were performed two days before birth on day 14 of gestation. Lesions of the maternal SCN on day 14 were not as disruptive as were lesions on day 7. This suggests that the maternal SCN is important between days 7 and 14 of gestation and that the synchrony normally observed at weaning is already established, in part, on or before day 14 of gestation. This further suggests that an entrainable circadian pacemaker is present in the fetus only two weeks after fertilization.Abbreviations SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - L:D light:dark - LL constant light - r mean vector length - 2DG 2-deoxyglucose - NAT N-acetyltransferase  相似文献   

In the female Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), daily rhythms of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) begin several weeks before regular vaginal estrous cycles are initiated. These rhythms, which appear rather abruptly at about 16 days of age, are dependent on the presence of the ovaries. The experiments described here were intended to determine the nature of the ovarian information required for the initiation and maintenance of the daily LH surge. This surge characterizes the daily cycle of LH and occurs each afternoon at about 1700 h in the intact animal between 2 and 5 weeks of age. Females were ovariectomized at 14 or 15 days of age and implanted with constant-release Silastic capsules of estradiol (E) or progesterone (P). Blood samples were collected at 21 days of age at 1400 or 1700 b, and the serum was assayed for LH, P, and E. While ovariectomy abolished the afternoon surge of serum LH that was observed in sham-operated controls, implantation of E effectively replaced the ovaries. Implantation of P was without effect on LH levels; when P plus E was implanted, the effect was similar to that of E alone. These results suggest that ovaries of the 2-week-old hamster secrete estrogen necessary for the initiation of cyclical LH release.  相似文献   

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