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The emu is a large, flightless bird native to Australia. Its habitats range from the high snow country to the arid interior of the continent. Our experiments show that the emu maintains a constant body temperature within the ambient temperature range-5 to 45°C. The males regulate their body temperature about 0.5°C lower than the females. With falling ambient temperature the emu regulates its body temperature initially by reducing conductance and then by increasing heat production. At-5°C the cost of maintaining thermal balance is 2.6 times basal metabolic rate. By sitting down and reducing heat loss from the legs the cost of homeothermy at-5°C is reduced to 1.5 times basal metabolic rate. At high ambient temperatures the emu utilises cutaneous evaporative water loss in addition to panting. At 45°C evaporation is equal to 160% of heat production. Panting accounts for 70% of total evaporation at 45°C. The cost of utilising cutaneous evaporation for the other 30% appears to be an increase in dry conductance.Abbreviations A r Effective radiating surface area - BMR basal metabolic rate - C dry dry conductance - CEWL cutaneous evaporative water loss - EHL evaporative heat loss - EWL evaporative water loss - FECO2 fractional concentration of CO2 in excurrent air - FFH2O water content of chamber excurrent air - FEO2 fractional concentration of O2 in chamber excurrent air - FICO2 fractional concentration of CO2 in incurrent air - FIO2 fractional concentration of O2 in chamber incurrent air - MHP metabolic heat production - MR metabolic rate - REWL respiratory evaporative water loss - RH relative humidity - RQ respiratory quotient ; - SA surface area - SEM standard error of the mean - SNK Student-Newman-Keuls multiple range test - STPD standard temperature and pressure dry - T a ambient temperature(s) - T b body temperature(s) - T e surface temperature(s) - flow rate of air into the chamber - carbon dioxide production - oxygen consumption - vapour pressure of water  相似文献   

Ventilation was studied in the emu, a large flightless bird of mass 40kg, within the range of ambient temperatures from-5 to 45°C. Data for the emu and 21 other species were used to calculate allometric relationships for resting ventilatory parameters in birds (breath frequency=13.5 mass-0.314; tidal volume=20.7 mass1.0). At low ambient temperatures the ventilatory system must accommodate the increased metabolic demand for oxygen. In the emu this was achieved by a combination of increased tidal volume and increased oxygen extraction. Data from emus sitting and standing at-5°C, when metabolism is 1.5x and 2.6x basal metabolic rate, respectively, indicate that at least in the emu an increase in oxygen extraction can be stimulated by low temperature independent of oxygen demand. At higher ambient temperatures ventilation was increased to facilitate respiratory water loss. The emu achieved this by increased respiratory frequency. At moderate heat loads (30–35°C) tidal volume fell. This is usually interpreted as a mechanism whereby respiratory water loss can be increased without increasing parabronchial ventilation. At 45°C tidal volume increased; however, past studies have shown that CO2 washout is minimal under these conditions. The mechanism whereby this is possible is discussed.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - BTPS body temperature, ambient pressure, saturated - EO 2 oxygen extraction - EWL evaporative water loss - f R ventilation frequency - RH relative humidity - RHL respiratory heat loss - SEM standard error of the mean - SNK student-Newman-Keuls multiple range test - STPD standard temperature and pressure, dry - T a ambient temperatures(s) - T b body temperature(s) - T ex expired air temperature(s) - T rh chamber excurrent air temperature - V J ventilation - VO2 oxygen consumption - V T tidal volume - V/Q air ventilation to blood perfusion ratio  相似文献   

L du Plessis  JT Soley 《Theriogenology》2012,78(5):1094-1101
Multiflagellate sperm represent a rare defect in mammals and also in the emu where an incidence of only 1% multiflagellate sperm was recorded in semen samples from 15 birds. Biflagellate sperm were the most frequent form of the defect observed, but 3- to 5-tailed sperm were also noted. An association was apparent between multiple tails and macrocephalic sperm, which accounted for 0.6% of multiflagellate sperm. Structural features of the defect were generally similar to those seen in mammals. The duplicated tails shared a single midpiece, which housed supernumerary centriolar complexes, each surrounded by a mitochondrial sheath. A single row of mitochondria separated adjacent centriolar complexes. Elements of the connecting piece (segmented columns, capitellum) appeared normal. The nuclear base appeared flat, staggered, or scalloped depending on the number and depth of additional implantation fossae. Multiflagellate emu sperm of normal head dimensions displayed a widened nuclear base (in the form of an attenuated peripheral nuclear extension) to accommodate the attachment of the additional centriolar complexes. Defective mammalian sperm do not show this modification of the nuclear base as the inherently wider sperm head is able to accommodate the supernumerary centrioles. Although often spiraled around each other, the duplicated principal pieces of the tail were generally separated and free. However, in some cells the proximal parts were collectively bound within the plasmalemma. Multiflagellate sperm appear to have a dual origin with some defective cells originating from incomplete cytokinesis and others as a result of abnormal centriolar duplication.  相似文献   

The testicular capsule and peritubular boundary tissue of the emu and ostrich, as typical representatives of ratite birds, were studied in sexually mature and active birds. The testicular capsule was much thicker (578.1±73.4 μm for the free surface of the ostrich testis, and 176.2±57.5 μm for the emu) than those of members of the Galloanserae. The cellular composition of both testicular capsule and peritubular tissue was similar generally to that of members of the previously studied Galloanserae and of mammals. The tunica albuginea of the testicular capsule mainly comprised smooth-muscle-like or myoid cells mostly running in one direction and occurring in one main mass. Unlike the Galloanserae, the tunica albuginea contained more collagen fibres than smooth muscle cells, especially in the ostrich. Peritubular tissue was similarly composed of smooth-muscle-like cells distributed in several layers. Actin microfilaments and desmin and vimentin intermediate filaments were variably immunoexpressed in these two tissue types in both birds, with a clear dichotomy in the peritubular tissue. Thus, taken together with studies of some members of the Galloanserae, avian testes clearly contain a morphological mechanism that is represented partly by the smooth muscle cells of the testicular capsule and peritubular tissue for transporting the testicular fluid, which is usually copious in birds, and its cellular content from the testis into the excurrent duct system; this mechanism is similar to that found in mammals. The authors are grateful for a University of Pretoria research grant, which aided this work. Dr Peter Ozegbe of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Ibadan is a recipient of the University of Pretoria Foreign Post-Doctoral Fellowship.  相似文献   

Summary Merkel corpuscles in the lingual mucosa of the finch, Lonchura striata, were examined by means of the argyrophilic reaction and electron microscopy. These corpuscles are composed of 12 to 20 flattened Merkel cells and enclosed nerve terminals. The present study demonstrated for the first time argyrophilia in avian subepithelial Merkel cells with the use of Grimelius silver stain. Electron-microscopically, the Merkel cell was characterized by the presence of numerous densecore granules, approximately 80 to 140 nm in diameter, as well as specialized contacts with nerve terminals. The granules showed a tendency to accumulate in the cytoplasm in close association with both nerve terminals and basal lamina. This study also provided unequivocal evidence for exocytotic discharge of Merkel-cell granules at the plasma membrane facing not only the nerve terminals but also the basal lamina. The exocytotic figures toward the nerve terminals can be regarded as synaptic discharge of Merkel-cell granules, but the possibility also exists that the Merkel-cell granules may exert a trophic effect on the nerve terminals. The exocytotic release of Merkel-cell granules toward the basal lamina with no relation to nerve terminals may suggest an endocrine (paracrine) function for the Merkel cell. The avian subepithelial Merkel cells qualify as paraneurons, but their exact nature and function remain enigmatic as is the case of intraepithelial Merkel cells in other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The endocrine cells of the starfish digestive tract are spindle-shaped, contacting both the lumen and the basiepithelial plexus. Silver impregnation labels the basiepithelial and subcoelomic plexuses as well as these cells. Twenty antisera have been tested using the avidinbiotin method, in order to identify the regulatory substances involved in this system. Endocrine cells and nerves immunoreactive to GFNSALMFamide- (S1), FMRFamide-, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine-(PYY), pancreatic polypeptide- (PP), melanocyte stimulating hormone- (MSH) and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase- (PAM) specific antisera have been found in the epithelium. The antibodies against S1, a peptide isolated from the nervous system of a starfish, and MSH, stain both the basiepithelial plexus and the subcoelomic plexus, but the others react only with nerves in the basiepithelial plexus. Absorption controls show that antibodies for S1 and FMRFamide totally crossreact recognizing the same molecule, possibly S1. The other antibodies do not show cross-reactivity to any of the rest, and thus we conclude that these regulatory peptides are present in starfish. This is the first report of the presence of FMRFamide, PYY, MSH and PAM in the Echinodermata. Under the electron microscope the endocrine cells exhibit secretory granules, microtubules and mitochondria. Direct contact with the subcoelomic plexus can be observed.  相似文献   

Summary Tissues from the proximal, middle, and distal regions of the ceca of Gambel's quail and domestic fowl were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Cellular and subcellular structures, including epithelial cell height, mitochondrial volume fraction, microvillous surface area, proportion of goblet cells, and junctional complex characteristics, were quantified by a variety of stereologic procedures and other measurement techniques. The mucosal surface of quail cecum shows a much more highly developed pattern of villous ridges and flat areas than that of fowl cecum. The fowl has significantly greater cell heights than the quail in all cecal regions. The mitochondrial volume fraction does not differ significantly with species or region, but mitochondria are concentrated on the apical side of the nucleus. In both species, the proximal cecal region has the greatest microvillous surface area. All 3 components of junctional complexes, including zonula occludens, zonula adhaerens, and macula adhaerens, are quantified. When all factors are considered, the quail cecum appears to have morphological characteristics consistent with a greater potential capacity for absorption than the fowl cecum.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the neuropeptide substance P, which is considered to be a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator of the central nervous system, has been studied in the cutaneous electroreceptor organs (tuberous and ampullary organs) of 3 species of gymnotid fish: Apteronotus leptorhynchus, Eigenmannia virescens and Sternopygus sp. Immunohistochemical data have revealed that substance P is never present in the afferent fibers but is specifically localized in the electroreceptors of the three species examined. Substane P immunoreactivity is strictly localized in the sensory cells of the ampullary organs of all three species and in those of the tuberous organs of Apteronotus leptorhynchus and Sternopygus sp. In contrast, weak substance P immunoreactivity was observed only in certain tuberous sensory cells of Eigenmannia. Substance P immunoreactivity was also found in the accessory cells of certain organs: it was detected in the two types of accessory cells of the tuberous organs of Eigemmannia virescens, in the accessory cells type 2 of the tuberous organs of Sternopygus sp., and in all accessory cells of ampullary organs of Sternopygus sp. and Apteronotus leptorhynchus. In Sternopygus sp., positive staining was only evident if the substance P antibody was used at low concentration. Immunoreactivity for substance P in the sensory cells suggests that it has a transmitter or modulator function in these electroreceptors; the presence of substance P in the accessory cells remains to be explained.  相似文献   

Summary The formaldehyde-induced fluorescence technique had shown 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing enteric neurons in the intestine of the teleost Platycephalus bassensis, but did not reveal such neurons in the intestine of Tetractenos glaber or Anguilla australis. Re-examination of these animals with 5-hydroxytryptamine immunohistochemistry showed immunoreactive enteric neurons in the intestine of all three teleost species. The 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing enteric neurons showed essentially the same morphology in all species examined: the somata were situated in the myenteric plexus, extending down into the circular muscle layer, but none were found in the submucosa; processes were found in the myenteric plexus, the circular muscle layer and the lamina propria. It was concluded that the neurons may innervate the muscle layers or the mucosal epithelium, but were unlikely to be interneurons. In a range of teleosts, enterochromaffin cells were found in the intestine of only those species in which the formaldehyde technique did not visualize neuronal 5-hydroxytryptamine. Available evidence suggests that, in vertebrates, 5-HT-containing enterochromaffin cells are lacking only where there is an innervation of the gut mucosa by nerve fibres containing high concentrations of 5-HT.  相似文献   

Although the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the avian paraventricular organ exhibit considerable amounts of catecholamines, they show no tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. In the quail embryo, the development of these neurons has been studied using the paraformaldeyde-glutaraldeyde method for the fluorescence-histochemical localization of catecholamines. The timing of the appearance of catecholamine fluorescence in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and that in catecholamine-containing neurons of the brainstem have been compared. The first neurons displaying catecholamine fluorescence are found within the locus coeruleus and the nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis on the 5.5th day of incubation. Catecholaminergic neuronal groups of the medulla and mesencephalon can be identified by embryonic day 7, and fluorescent cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular organ can be first recognized at the 8th day of incubation. If the catecholamine content of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons that lack tyrosine hydroxylase depends upon an uptake mechanism, it may be significant that, in fluorescence-histochemical preparations, these neurons can be identified 1–3 days later than those in which catecholamines are synthesized and from which catecholamines are released at an earlier developmental stage. Moreover, cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons that have previously been shown to be tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactive, and that lie at the spinal-medullary junction display a different developmental pattern. By fluorescence histochemistry, they can be detected only by embryonic day 10.5. The chemical, developmental and topographical differences suggest that the catecholamine-containing cerebrospinal fluid-contacting elements of the paraventricular organ and those of the spinal cord represent two different subsets of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons whose respective functional roles remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical evidence for multiple photosystems in box jellyfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cubomedusae (box jellyfish) possess a remarkable visual system with 24 eyes distributed in four sensory structures termed rhopalia. Each rhopalium is equipped with six eyes: two pairs of pigment cup eyes and two unpaired lens eyes. Each eye type probably captures specific features of the visual environment. To investigate whether multiple types of photoreceptor cells are present in the rhopalium, and whether the different eye types possess different types of photoreceptors, we have used immunohistochemistry with a range of vertebrate opsin antibodies to label the photoreceptors, and electroretinograms (ERG) to determine their spectral sensitivity. All photoreceptor cells of the two lens eyes of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora and Carybdea marsupialis displayed immunoreactivity for an antibody directed against the zebrafish ultraviolet (UV) opsin, but not against any of eight other rhodopsin or cone opsin antibodies tested. In neither of the two species were the pigment cup eyes immunoreactive for any of the opsin antibodies. ERG analysis of the Carybdea lower lens eyes demonstrated a single spectral sensitivity maximum at 485 nm suggesting the presence of a single opsin type. Our data demonstrate that the lens eyes of box jellyfish utilize a single opsin and are thus color-blind, and that there is probably a different photopigment in the pigment cup eyes. The results support our hypothesis that the lens eyes and the pigment cup eyes of box jellyfish are involved in different and specific visual tasks.  相似文献   

Summary By use of the immunofluorescence technique TSH-, LH- and ACTH-cells were localized in the hypophysis of tadpoles of Xenopus laevis. The first signs of the activity of these cells were observed in early stages of the development, i.e., stage 39 for ACTH, and stage 42 for TSH and LH.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the gut of several species of birds and reptiles, and of a prototherian mammal, the platypus, was studied using a monoclonal antibody. 5-Hydroxytryptamine-like immunoreactivity was found in enterochromaffin cells and, in birds, in thrombocytes. Immunoreactivity was not found in enteric neurons fixed immediately after dissection. A detailed study was made on one avian species, the budgerigar. Following incubation of intestine in physiological solution, immunore-activity was found in nerve fibres in the gut wall that was more marked after incubation with the monoamine oxidase inhibitor pargyline. These fibres took up exogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine. Similar fibres were found in the intestinal nerves and in perivascular plexuses on mesenteric arteries. Both the uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine and the appearance of neuronal immunoreactivity after incubation were inhibited by the amine uptake inhibitors desmethylimipramine or fluoxetine. Fibres taking up 5-hydroxytryptamine were damaged by pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine. It was concluded that the fibres showing immunoreactivity after incubation were adrenergic fibres that had taken up 5-hydroxytryptamine released in vitro from enterochromaffin cells or thrombocytes. These, and more limited observations made on the other species, suggest that birds, reptiles and prototherian mammals lack enteric neurons that use 5-hydroxytryptamine as a transmitter substance.  相似文献   

Grandry corpuscles in the oral mucosa of the upper bill of the duck were immunohistochemically studied using antisera against calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), galanin, methionine-enkephalin, neuropeptide Y (NPY), somatostatin, substance P (SP) and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). Grandry corpuscles in the lamina propria selectively showed only SP-like immunoreactivity. Herbst corpuscles distributed near Grandry corpuscles were negative to all antisera applied. Although immunoreactive products in the Grandry corpuscles were found as granules in the peripheral cytoplasm of the Grandry cell, the axon terminals and satellite cells exhibited no reactivity. In pre-embedding electron-microscopic sections, SP-like immunoreactive products visualized with 3,3-diaminobezidine were localized in the granules of Grandry cells, but no labeling was observed in the cytoplasmic matrix or cell organelles. Electron-immunocytochemical labeling with colloidal gold by the post-embedding method clearly demonstrated that the SP antigen was localized only in the granules. It is presumed that Grandry cells have a secretory function. However, the function and the method of release of the SP contained in the observed granules remains obscure. Some CGRP-, NPY-, SP- and VIP-like-immunoreactive nerve fibers with varicosities associated with blood vessels and nerve fiber bundles of various sizes were observed in the lamina propria, but no such fibers penetrated into the intraepitherial layer. Nerve fibers positive for SP and VIP were also found in the interlobular connective tissue of the palatine glands. Some SP-positive neurons were detected in the vicinity of the palatine glands.  相似文献   

Summary Histological and histochemical techniques have been employed to determine the structure and autonomic innervation of paraganglia located in the human pelvis. In foetal and early postnatal tissues, paraganglia formed rounded cellular masses which were frequently in company with the autonomic nerves and ganglia of the urinary bladder and other pelvic viscera. The constituent cells contained only small amounts of cholinesterase and were unrelated to enzyme positive autonomic nerves; acetylcholinesterase containing nerves were occasionally observed in the capsule and the fibrous septa of the pelvic paraganglia. In early postnatal specimens, pelvic paraganglia frequently contained single or multiple pacinian-like corpuscles, each possessing a central region which was rich in both acetyl and pseudocholinesterase. These structures were rarely observed within autonomic ganglia and were absent 4 1/2 years post partum. By means of a histochemical technique, pelvic paraganglia were found to contain catecholamine which was attributed to the presence of relatively large quantities of noradrenaline. These observations have been discussed with particular reference to the results of other studies on the autonomic innervation of paraganglia.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical localization of nine different neuropeptides was studied in the central nervous system of the amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri. In the brain, perikarya immunoreactive for urotensin I and FMRFamide were localized in the vicinity of the central canal. One of the processes of each of these perikarya was found to cross the dorso ventral slit-like lumen of the central canal. Oxytocin-immunoreactive short fibers, but not perikarya, were detected in the ventral part of the brain. Perikarya immunoreactive for arginine vasopressin/vasotocin, oxytocin and FMRFamide were widely distributed in the spinal cord. Arginine vasopressin/vasotocin-immunoreactive fibers often made contacts with Rohde cell axons. Angiotensin II-immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the posterior half of the spinal cord, and urotensin I-immunoreactive perikarya were found in the caudal region of the spinal cord. Cholecystokinin/gastrin-immunoreactive fibers, but not perikarya, were detected in the spinal cord; some extended as far as the ependymal layer of the cerebral ventricle. No colocalization of the peptides examined was observed. No immunoreactivity for atrial and brain natriuretic peptides nor for urotensin II was detected. The present study indicates that there are at least six separate neuronal systems that contain different peptides, respectively, in the central nervous system of the amphioxus. Their functions remain to be determined.Part of this investigation has previously been presented in abstract form (Uemura et al. 1989)  相似文献   

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