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The proline-rich Akt substrate of 40 kilodaltons (PRAS40) was identified as a raptor-binding protein that is phosphorylated directly by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) but not mTORC2 in vitro, predominantly at PRAS40 (Ser(183)). The binding of S6K1 and 4E-BP1 to raptor requires a TOR signaling (TOS) motif, which contains an essential Phe followed by four alternating acidic and small hydrophobic amino acids. PRAS40 binding to raptor was severely inhibited by mutation of PRAS40 (Phe(129) to Ala). Immediately carboxyl-terminal to Phe(129) are two small hydrophobic amino acid followed by two acidic residues. PRAS40 binding to raptor was also abolished by mutation of the major mTORC1 phosphorylation site, Ser(183), to Asp. PRAS40 (Ser(183)) was phosphorylated in intact cells; this phosphorylation was inhibited by rapamycin, by 2-deoxyglucose, and by overexpression of the tuberous sclerosis complex heterodimer. PRAS40 (Ser(183)) phosphorylation was also inhibited reversibly by withdrawal of all or of only the branched chain amino acids; this inhibition was reversed by overexpression of the Rheb GTPase. Overexpressed PRAS40 suppressed the phosphorylation of S6K1 and 4E-BP1 at their rapamycin-sensitive phosphorylation sites, and reciprocally, overexpression of S6K1 or 4E-BP1 suppressed phosphorylation of PRAS40 (Ser(183)) and its binding to raptor. RNA interference-induced depletion of PRAS40 enhanced the amino acid-stimulated phosphorylation of both S6K1 and 4E-BP1. These results establish PRAS40 as a physiological mTORC1 substrate that contains a variant TOS motif. Moreover, they indicate that the ability of raptor to bind endogenous substrates is limiting for the activity of mTORC1 in vivo and is therefore a potential locus of regulation.  相似文献   

The rapamycin-sensitive mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) contains mTOR, raptor, mLST8, and PRAS40 (proline-rich Akt substrate of 40 kDa). PRAS40 functions as a negative regulator when bound to mTORC1, and it dissociates from mTORC1 in response to insulin. PRAS40 has been demonstrated to be a substrate of mTORC1, and one phosphorylation site, Ser-183, has been identified. In this study, we used two-dimensional phosphopeptide mapping in conjunction with mutational analysis to show that in addition to Ser-183, mTORC1 also phosphorylates Ser-212 and Ser-221 in PRAS40 when assayed in vitro. Mutation of all three residues to Ala markedly reduces mTORC1-mediated phosphorylation of PRAS40 in vitro. All three sites were confirmed to be phosphorylated in vivo by [(32)P]orthophosphate labeling and peptide mapping. Phosphorylation of Ser-221 and Ser-183 but not Ser-212 is sensitive to rapamycin treatment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mutation of Ser-221 to Ala reduces the interaction with 14-3-3 to the same extent as mutation of Thr-246, the Akt/protein kinase B-phosphorylated site. We also find that mutation of Ser-221 to Ala increases the inhibitory activity of PRAS40 toward mTORC1. We propose that after mTORC1 kinase activation by upstream regulators, PRAS40 is phosphorylated directly by mTOR, thus contributing to the relief of PRAS40-mediated substrate competition.  相似文献   

Reducing the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity increases lifespan and health span in a variety of organisms. Alterations in protein homeostasis and mTOR activity and signaling have been reported in several neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer disease (AD); however, the causes of such deregulations remain elusive. Here, we show that mTOR activity and signaling are increased in cell lines stably transfected with mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP) and in brains of 3xTg-AD mice, an animal model of AD. In addition, we show that in the 3xTg-AD mice, mTOR activity can be reduced to wild type levels by genetically preventing Aβ accumulation. Similarly, intrahippocampal injections of an anti-Aβ antibody reduced Aβ levels and normalized mTOR activity, indicating that high Aβ levels are necessary for mTOR hyperactivity in 3xTg-AD mice. We also show that the intrahippocampal injection of naturally secreted Aβ is sufficient to increase mTOR signaling in the brains of wild type mice. The mechanism behind the Aβ-induced mTOR hyperactivity is mediated by the proline-rich Akt substrate 40 (PRAS40) as we show that the activation of PRAS40 plays a key role in the Aβ-induced mTOR hyperactivity. Taken together, our data show that Aβ accumulation, which has been suggested to be the culprit of AD pathogenesis, causes mTOR hyperactivity by regulating PRAS40 phosphorylation. These data further indicate that the mTOR pathway is one of the pathways by which Aβ exerts its toxicity and further support the idea that reducing mTOR signaling in AD may be a valid therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

Ribosome biogenesis is a key process for maintaining protein synthetic capacity in dividing or growing cells, and requires coordinated production of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), including the processing of the latter. Signalling through mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) activates all these processes. Here, we show that, in human cells, impaired rRNA processing, caused by expressing an interfering mutant of BOP1 or by knocking down components of the PeBoW complex elicits activation of mTORC1 signalling. This leads to enhanced phosphorylation of its substrates S6K1 and 4E-BP1, and stimulation of proteins involved in translation initiation and elongation. In particular, we observe both inactivation and downregulation of the eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase, which normally inhibits translation elongation. The latter effect involves decreased expression of the eEF2K mRNA. The mRNAs for ribosomal proteins, whose translation is positively regulated by mTORC1 signalling, also remain associated with ribosomes. Therefore, our data demonstrate that disrupting rRNA production activates mTORC1 signalling to enhance the efficiency of the translational machinery, likely to help compensate for impaired ribosome production.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Rheb is a positive upstream regulator of the target of rapamycin (TOR) complex 1 in mammalian cells and can bind directly to TOR complex 1. To identify the regions of the Rheb surface most critical for signaling to TOR complex 1, we created a set of 26 mutants wherein clusters of 1-5 putative solvent-exposed residues were changed to alanine, ultimately changing 65 residues distributed over the entire Rheb surface. The signaling function of these mutants was assessed by their ability, in comparison to wild type Rheb, to restore the phosphorylation of S6K1(Thr389) when expressed transiently in amino acid-deprived 293T cells. The major finding is that two mutants situated in the Rheb switch 2 segment, Y67A/I69A and I76A/D77A, exhibit a near total loss of function, whereas extensive replacement of the switch 1 segment and other surface residues with alanines causes relatively little disturbance of Rheb rescue of S6K1 from amino acid withdrawal. This is surprising in view of the minimal impact of guanyl nucleotide on Rheb switch 2 configuration. The loss of function Rheb switch 2 mutants are well expressed and exhibit partial agonist function in amino acid-replete cells. They are unimpaired in their ability to bind GTP or mammalian (m)TOR in vivo or in vitro, and the mTOR polypeptides retrieved with these inactive Rheb mutants exhibit kinase activity in vitro comparable with mTOR bound to wild type Rheb. We conclude that Rheb signaling to mTOR in vivo requires a Rheb switch 2-dependent interaction with an element other than the three known polypeptide components of TOR complex 1.  相似文献   

Modifications in signaling of the proline-rich Akt substrate of 40-kDa (PRAS40) pathway is implicated in type 2 diabetes and melanoma. PRAS40 is known for its ability to regulate the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) kinase activity, possessing a key regulatory role at the cross point of signal transduction pathways activated by growth factor receptors. Recently it has been found that PRAS40 is regulated by its upstream phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt (PI3K/Akt) which is activated by many tyrosine kinase receptors growth factors including insulin-like growth factor 1. Also, PRAS40 functions downstream of mTORC1 and upstream from its effectors ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) and eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding protein 1 (4E-BP1). Phosphorylation of PRAS40 by Akt and mTORC1 disrupts the binding between mTORC1 and PRAS40, and relieves the inhibitory constraint of PRAS40 on mTORC1 activity. This review summarizes the signaling regulating PRAS40 phosphorylation, as well as the dual function of PRAS40 as substrate and inhibitor of mTORC1 upon growth factor stimulation and under pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

Signaling through mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is stimulated by amino acids and insulin. Insulin inactivates TSC1/2, the GTPase-activator complex for Rheb, and Rheb.GTP activates mTORC1. It is not clear how amino acids regulate mTORC1. FKBP38 (immunophilin FK506-binding protein, 38 kDa), was recently reported to exert a negative effect on mTORC1 function that is relieved by its binding to Rheb.GTP. We confirm that Rheb binds wild type FKBP38, but inactive Rheb mutants showed contrasting abilities to bind FKBP38. We were unable to observe any regulation of FKBP38/mTOR binding by amino acids or insulin. Furthermore, FKBP38 did not inhibit mTORC1 signaling. The translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) in Drosophila was recently reported to act as the guanine nucleotide-exchange factor for Rheb. We have studied the role of TCTP in mammalian TORC1 signaling and its control by amino acids. Reducing TCTP levels did not reproducibly affect mTORC1 signaling in amino acid-replete/insulin-stimulated cells. Moreover, overexpressing TCTP did not rescue mTORC1 signaling in amino acid-starved cells. In addition, we were unable to see any stable interaction between TCTP and Rheb or mTORC1. Accumulation of uncharged tRNA has been previously proposed to be involved in the inhibition of mTORC1 signaling during amino acid starvation. To test this hypothesis, we used a Chinese hamster ovary cell line containing a temperature-sensitive mutation in leucyl-tRNA synthetase. Leucine deprivation markedly inhibited mTORC1 signaling in these cells, but shifting the cells to the nonpermissive temperature for the synthetase did not. These data indicate that uncharged tRNA(Leu) does not switch off mTORC1 signaling and suggest that mTORC1 is controlled by a distinct pathway that senses the availability of amino acids. Our data also indicate that, in the mammalian cell lines tested here, neither TCTP nor FKBP38 regulates mTORC1 signaling.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(3):461-467
The mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) in complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway integrates signals generated by hormones and nutrients to control cell growth and metabolism. The activation state of mTORC1 is regulated by a variety of GTPases including Rheb and Rags. Recently, Rho1, the yeast ortholog of RhoA, was shown to interact directly with TORC1 and repress its activation state in yeast. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that the RhoA GTPase modulates signaling through mTORC1 in mammalian cells. In support of this hypothesis, exogenous overexpression of either wild type or constitutively active (ca)RhoA repressed mTORC1 signaling as assessed by phosphorylation of p70S6K1 (Thr389), 4E-BP1 (Ser65) and ULK1 (Ser757). Additionally, RhoA·GTP repressed phosphorylation of mTORC1-associated mTOR (Ser2481). The RhoA·GTP mediated repression of mTORC1 signaling occurred independent of insulin or leucine induced stimulation. In contrast to the action of Rho1 in yeast, no evidence was found to support a direct interaction of RhoA·GTP with mTORC1. Instead, expression of caRheb, but not caRags, was able to rescue the RhoA·GTP mediated repression of mTORC1 suggesting RhoA functions upstream of Rheb to repress mTORC1 activity. Consistent with this suggestion, RhoA·GTP repressed phosphorylation of TSC2 (Ser939), PRAS40 (Thr246), Akt (Ser473), and mTORC2-associated mTOR (Ser2481). Overall, the results support a model in which RhoA·GTP represses mTORC1 signaling upstream of Akt and mTORC2.  相似文献   

Polarized cell migration results from the transduction of extra-cellular cues promoting the activation of Rho GTPases with the intervention of multidomain proteins, including guanine exchange factors. P-Rex1 and P-Rex2 are Rac GEFs connecting Gbetagamma and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling to Rac activation. Their complex architecture suggests their regulation by protein-protein interactions. Novel mechanisms of activation of Rho GTPases are associated with mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a serine/threonine kinase known as a central regulator of cell growth and proliferation. Recently, two independent multiprotein complexes containing mTOR have been described. mTORC1 links to the classical rapamycin-sensitive pathways relevant for protein synthesis; mTORC2 links to the activation of Rho GTPases and cytoskeletal events via undefined mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that P-Rex1 and P-Rex2 establish, through their tandem DEP domains, interactions with mTOR, suggesting their potential as effectors in the signaling of mTOR to Rac activation and cell migration. This possibility was consistent with the effect of dominant-negative constructs and short hairpin RNA-mediated knockdown of P-Rex1, which decreased mTOR-dependent leucine-induced activation of Rac and cell migration. Rapamycin, a widely used inhibitor of mTOR signaling, did not inhibit Rac activity and cell migration induced by leucine, indicating that P-Rex1, which we found associated to both mTOR complexes, is only active when in the mTORC2 complex. mTORC2 has been described as the catalytic complex that phosphorylates AKT/PKB at Ser-473 and elicits activation of Rho GTPases and cytoskeletal reorganization. Thus, P-Rex1 links mTOR signaling to Rac activation and cell migration.  相似文献   

Skeletal myogenesis is a well orchestrated cascade of events regulated by multiple signaling pathways, one of which is recently characterized by its sensitivity to the bacterial macrolide rapamycin. Previously we reported that the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates the initiation of the differentiation program in mouse C2C12 myoblasts by controlling the expression of insulin-like growth factor-II in a kinase-independent manner. Here we provide experimental evidence suggesting that a different mode of mTOR signaling regulates skeletal myogenesis at a later stage. In the absence of endogenous mTOR function in C2C12 cells treated with rapamycin, a kinase-inactive mTOR fully supports myogenin expression, but causes a delay in contractile protein expression. Myoblasts fuse to form nascent myotubes in the absence of kinase-active mTOR, whereas the formation of mature myotubes by further fusion requires the catalytic activity of mTOR. Therefore, the two stages of myocyte fusion are molecularly separable at the level of mTOR signaling. In addition, our data suggest that a factor secreted into the culture medium is responsible for mediating the function of mTOR in regulating the late-stage fusion leading to mature myotubes. Furthermore, taking advantage of the unique features of cells stably expressing a mutant mTOR, we have performed cDNA microarray analysis to compare global gene expression profiles between mature and nascent myotubes, the results of which have implicated classes of genes and revealed candidate regulators in myotube maturation or functions of mature myotubes.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates nutrient-dependent cell growth and proliferation through cytoplasmic targets, such as S6 kinase 1 (S6K1). Consistent with its main function in the cytoplasm, mTOR is predominantly cytoplasmic. However, previously we have found that mTOR shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm, and we have proposed that the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling of mTOR is required for the maximal activation of S6K1. The intrinsic signals directing mTOR nuclear transport and the underlying mechanisms are unknown. In this study we initially set out to identify nuclear export signals in mTOR. A systematic scan of the mTOR sequence revealed 16 peptides conforming to the canonical leucine-rich nuclear export signal, of which 3 were found by reporter assays to contain leptomycin B-sensitive and leucine-dependent nuclear export activity. Unexpectedly, mTOR proteins with those conserved leucines mutated to alanines were unable to enter the nucleus. Further investigation revealed that the L982A/L984A and L1287A/L1289A mutations likely induced a global structural change in mTOR, whereas the L545A/L547A mutation directly impaired the nuclear import of the protein, potentially regulated by a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling signal. The loss of nuclear import was accompanied by the significantly reduced ability of the L545A/L547A mutant to activate S6K1 in cells. Most importantly, when nuclear import was restored in the L545A/L547A mutant by the addition of an exogenous nuclear import signal, signaling to S6K1 was rescued. Taken together, our observations suggest the existence of a nuclear shuttling signal in mTOR and provide definitive evidence for the requirement of mTOR nuclear import in its cytoplasmic signaling to S6K1.  相似文献   

Mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling is frequently dysregulated in cancer. Inhibition of mTORC1 is thus regarded as a promising strategy in the treatment of tumors with elevated mTORC1 activity. We have recently identified niclosamide (a Food and Drug Administration-approved antihelminthic drug) as an inhibitor of mTORC1 signaling. In the present study, we explored possible mechanisms by which niclosamide may inhibit mTORC1 signaling. We tested whether niclosamide interferes with signaling cascades upstream of mTORC1, the catalytic activity of mTOR, or mTORC1 assembly. We found that niclosamide does not impair PI3K/Akt signaling, nor does it inhibit mTORC1 kinase activity. We also found that niclosamide does not interfere with mTORC1 assembly. Previous studies in helminths suggest that niclosamide disrupts pH homeostasis of the parasite. This prompted us to investigate whether niclosamide affects the pH balance of cancer cells. Experiments in both breast cancer cells and cell-free systems demonstrated that niclosamide possesses protonophoric activity in cells and in vitro. In cells, niclosamide dissipated protons (down their concentration gradient) from lysosomes to the cytosol, effectively lowering cytoplasmic pH. Notably, analysis of five niclosamide analogs revealed that the structural features of niclosamide required for protonophoric activity are also essential for mTORC1 inhibition. Furthermore, lowering cytoplasmic pH by means other than niclosamide treatment (e.g. incubation with propionic acid or bicarbonate withdrawal) recapitulated the inhibitory effects of niclosamide on mTORC1 signaling, lending support to a possible role for cytoplasmic pH in the control of mTORC1. Our data illustrate a potential mechanism for chemical inhibition of mTORC1 signaling involving modulation of cytoplasmic pH.  相似文献   

Insulin activation of mTOR complex 1 is accompanied by enhanced binding of substrates. We examined the mechanism and contribution of this enhancement to insulin activation of mTORC1 signaling in 293E and HeLa cells. In 293E, insulin increased the amount of mTORC1 retrieved by the transiently expressed nonphosphorylatable 4E-BP[5A] to an extent that varied inversely with the amount of PRAS40 bound to mTORC1. RNAi depletion of PRAS40 enhanced 4E-BP[5A] binding to ~70% the extent of maximal insulin, and PRAS40 RNAi and insulin together did not increase 4E-BP[5A] binding beyond insulin alone, suggesting that removal of PRAS40 from mTORC1 is the predominant mechanism of an insulin-induced increase in substrate access. As regards the role of increased substrate access in mTORC1 signaling, RNAi depletion of PRAS40, although increasing 4E-BP[5A] binding, did not stimulate phosphorylation of endogenous mTORC1 substrates S6K1(Thr(389)) or 4E-BP (Thr(37)/Thr(46)), the latter already ~70% of maximal in amino acid replete, serum-deprived 293E cells. In HeLa cells, insulin and PRAS40 RNAi also both enhanced the binding of 4E-BP[5A] to raptor but only insulin stimulated S6K1 and 4E-BP phosphorylation. Furthermore, Rheb overexpression in 293E activated mTORC1 signaling completely without causing PRAS40 release. In the presence of Rheb and insulin, PRAS40 release is abolished by Akt inhibition without diminishing mTORC1 signaling. In conclusion, dissociation of PRAS40 from mTORC1 and enhanced mTORC1 substrate binding results from Akt and mTORC1 activation and makes little or no contribution to mTORC1 signaling, which rather is determined by Rheb activation of mTOR catalytic activity, through mechanisms that remain to be fully elucidated.  相似文献   

During fertilization in mammals, a series of oscillations in the oocyte's intracellular free Ca(2+) concentration is responsible for oocyte activation and stimulation of embryonic development. The oscillations are associated with influx of Ca(2+) across the plasma membrane that is probably triggered by the depletion of the intracellular stores, a mechanism known as store-operated Ca(2+) entry. Recently, STIM1 has been identified in oocytes as a key component of the machinery that generates the Ca(2+) influx after store depletion. In this study, the involvement of STIM1 in the sperm-induced Ca(2+) oscillations and its significance in supporting subsequent embryo development were investigated. Downregulation of STIM1 levels in pig oocytes by siRNA completely inhibited the repetitive Ca(2+) signal triggered by the fertilizing sperm. In addition, a significantly lower percentage of oocytes cleaved or formed blastocysts when STIM1 was downregulated prior to fertilization compared to the control groups. Restoring STIM1 levels after fertilization in such oocytes by means of mRNA injection could not rescue embryonic development that in most cases was arrested at the 2-cell stage. On the other hand, STIM1 overexpression prior to fertilization did not alter the pattern of sperm-induced Ca(2+) oscillations and development of these fertilized oocytes up to the blastocyst stage was also similar to that registered in the control group. Finally, downregulation of STIM1 had no effect on oocyte activation when activation was stimulated artificially by inducing a single large elevation in the oocyte's intracellular free Ca(2+) concentration. These findings suggest that STIM1 is essential for normal fertilization as it is involved in the maintenance of the long-lasting repetitive Ca(2+) signal.  相似文献   

The Pmr1 Golgi Ca2+/Mn2+ ATPase negatively regulates target of rapamycin complex (TORC1) signaling, the rapamycin-sensitive TOR complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Since pmr1 causes resistance to rapamycin and tor1 causes hypersensitivity, we looked for genetic interactions of pmr1 with tor1. Deletion of TOR1 restored two wild-type phenotypes. Loss of TOR1 restored the ability of the pmr1 strain to grow on media containing 2 mm MnCl2 and conferred wild type as well as the wild-type sensitivity to rapamycin. Mn2+ additions to media partially suppressed rapamycin resistance of wild type and pmr1 tor1, suggesting that Tor1 and Tor2 are regulated by manganese. We parsed the roles of Ca2+ and Mn2+ transport and the compartments in rapamycin response using separation-of-function mutants available for Pmr1. A strain containing the D53A mutant (Mn2+ transporting) of Pmr1 is rapamycin sensitive, but the Q783A mutant (Ca2+ transporting) strain is rapamycin resistant. Mn2+ transport into the Golgi lumen appears to be required for rapamycin sensitivity. Overexpression of Ca2+ pump SERCA1, Ca2+/H+ antiporter Vcx1, or a Mn2+ transporting mutant of Vcx1 (Vcx1-M1) failed to restore rapamycin sensitivity, and loss of Pmr1 but not other transporters of Ca2+ or Mn2+ results in rapamycin resistance. Overexpression of Ccc1, a Fe2+ and Mn2+ transporter that has been localized to Golgi and the vacuole, does restore rapamycin sensitivity to pmr1Delta. We conclude that Mn2+ in the Golgi inhibits TORC1 signaling.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a critical sensor of nutritional sufficiency. Although much is known about the regulation of mTOR in response to growth factors, much less is known about the regulation of mTOR in response to nutrients. Amino acids have no impact on the signals that regulate Rheb, a GTPase required for the activation of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1). Phospholipase D (PLD) generates a metabolite, phosphatidic acid, that facilitates association between mTOR and the mTORC1 co-factor Raptor. We report here that elevated PLD activity in human cancer cells is dependent on both amino acids and glucose and that amino acid- and glucose-induced increases in mTORC1 activity are dependent on PLD. Amino acid- and glucose-induced PLD and mTORC1 activity were also dependent on the GTPases RalA and ARF6 and the type III phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase hVps34. Thus, a key stimulatory event for mTORC1 activation in response to nutrients is the generation of phosphatidic acid by PLD.  相似文献   

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