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The Pattern of Polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We resequenced 876 short fragments in a sample of 96 individuals of Arabidopsis thaliana that included stock center accessions as well as a hierarchical sample from natural populations. Although A. thaliana is a selfing weed, the pattern of polymorphism in general agrees with what is expected for a widely distributed, sexually reproducing species. Linkage disequilibrium decays rapidly, within 50 kb. Variation is shared worldwide, although population structure and isolation by distance are evident. The data fail to fit standard neutral models in several ways. There is a genome-wide excess of rare alleles, at least partially due to selection. There is too much variation between genomic regions in the level of polymorphism. The local level of polymorphism is negatively correlated with gene density and positively correlated with segmental duplications. Because the data do not fit theoretical null distributions, attempts to infer natural selection from polymorphism data will require genome-wide surveys of polymorphism in order to identify anomalous regions. Despite this, our data support the utility of A. thaliana as a model for evolutionary functional genomics.  相似文献   

Kawanabe T  Fujimoto R 《Plant science》2011,181(4):496-503
Arabidopsis thaliana is a quantitative long-day plant with the timing of the floral transition being regulated by both endogenous signals and multiple environmental factors. fwa is a late-flowering mutant, and this phenotype is due to ectopic FWA expression caused by hypomethylation at the FWA locus. The floral transition results in the activation of the floral development process, the key regulators being the floral meristem identity genes, AP1 (APETALA1) and LFY (LEAFY). In this study, we describe inflorescence abnormalities in plants overexpressing the Arabidopsis lyrata FT (AlFT) and A. thaliana FWA (AtFWA) genes simultaneously. The inflorescence abnormality phenotype was present in only a proportion of plants. All plants overexpressing both AlFT and AtFWA flowered earlier than fwa, suggesting that the inflorescence abnormality and earlier flowering time are caused independently. The inflorescence abnormality phenotype was similar to that of the double mutant of ap1 and lfy, and AP1 and LFY genes were down-regulated in the abnormal inflorescences. From these results, we suggest that not only does ectopic AtFWA expression inhibit AtFT/AlFT function to delay flowering but that overexpression of AtFWA and AlFT together inhibits AP1 and LFY function to produce abnormal inflorescences.  相似文献   

The functional state of the Photosystem (PS) II complex in Arabidopsis psbR T-DNA insertion mutant was studied. The ΔPsbR thylakoids showed about 34% less oxygen evolution than WT, which correlates with the amounts of PSII estimated from YDox radical EPR signal. The increased time constant of the slow phase of flash fluorescence (FF)-relaxation and upshift in the peak position of the main TL-bands, both in the presence and in the absence of DCMU, confirmed that the S2QA and S2QB charge recombinations were stabilized in ΔPsbR thylakoids. Furthermore, the higher amount of dark oxidized Cyt-b559 and the increased proportion of fluorescence, which did not decay during the 100s time span of the measurement thus indicating higher amount of YD+QA recombination, pointed to the donor side modifications in ΔPsbR. EPR measurements revealed that S1-to-S2-transition and S2-state multiline signal were not affected by mutation. The fast phase of the FF-relaxation in the absence of DCMU was significantly slowed down with concomitant decrease in the relative amplitude of this phase, indicating a modification in QA to QB electron transfer in ΔPsbR thylakoids. It is concluded that the lack of the PsbR protein modifies both the donor and the acceptor side of the PSII complex.  相似文献   

We present chemical images of Arabidopsis thaliana stem cross-sections acquired by confocal Raman microscopy. Using green light (532 nm) from a continuous wave laser, the spatial distributions of cell wall polymers in Arabidopsis are visualized for the first time with lateral resolution that is sub-μm. Our results facilitate the label-free in situ characterization and screening of cell wall composition in this plant biology and genetics model organism, contributing ultimately towards an understanding of the molecular biology of many plant traits.  相似文献   

李敏  王垠  牟晓飞  王洋  阎秀峰 《生态学报》2012,32(7):1987-1994
芥子酸酯(sinapate esters)是拟南芥和其他十字花科植物中大量存在的一类具有紫外吸收作用的羟基肉桂酸衍生物,有研究表明其紫外吸收能力甚至强于类黄酮。以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)为实验材料,通过施加低强度(40 μW/cm2)、相对长时间(7 d)的UV-B辐射,考察了拟南芥幼苗和成苗芥子酸酯组分(芥子酰葡萄糖、芥子酰苹果酸)和含量及合成途径关键酶编码基因表达水平对UV-B辐射的响应。经过7 d的UV-B辐射处理,拟南芥幼苗和成苗的芥子酰葡萄糖、芥子酰苹果酸含量均高于对照植株,芥子酸酯表现为响应UV-B辐射而积累。无论是幼苗还是成苗,叶片中芥子酰苹果酸的含量都要比芥子酰葡萄糖高出一个数量级,而且在UV-B处理过程中观察到芥子酰葡萄糖含量减少而芥子酰苹果酸含量增加,催化芥子酰葡萄糖生成芥子酰苹果酸的芥子酰葡萄糖苹果酸转移酶编码基因的表达水平也显著提高,说明芥子酰苹果酸在拟南芥叶片响应UV-B辐射过程中起重要作用并优先合成。另外,拟南芥幼苗中两种芥子酸酯的含量是成苗中的数十倍之多,芥子酸酯合成途径关键酶编码基因fah1sng1的相对表达量也显著高于成苗。同时,在响应UV-B辐射的过程中,幼苗中芥子酰葡萄糖、芥子酰苹果酸含量的变化幅度(分别是7.01%、6.05%)远远低于成苗叶片中芥子酰葡萄糖、芥子酰苹果酸含量的变化幅度(分别是21.88%、70.63%),这可能意味着拟南芥叶片中芥子酸酯对于UV-B辐射的防护作用,幼苗属于组成型防御(constitutive defense),而到成苗则转变为诱导型防御(inducible defense)。  相似文献   

The 11S globulins are the principal seed storage proteins in a variety of major crop species, including members of the legume and mustard families. They are targets for protein engineering studies attempting to alter the physicochemical properties of seed protein extracts (e.g. soybean) and to improve the nutritional quality of important agricultural crops. A key factor that has limited the success of this approach to date is insufficient accumulation of the engineered protein variants in vivo due to their improper folding and/or reduced stability, compared to the native protein. We have developed the Arabidopsis thaliana 11S proglobulins as a model system to enable studies exploring the factors underlying structural stability in this family of proteins. Yields of 1.5–4 mg/L were achieved for the three A. thaliana 11S proglobulins expressed in the Origami Escherichia coli cell line in super broth media at 20 °C for 16 h and purified via immobilized-metal affinity chromatography. We also demonstrate that differential scanning fluorimetry is an effective and accessible technique to facilitate the screening of variants to enable the successful engineering of 11S seed storage proteins. The relative in vitro stability of the A. thaliana 11S proglobulins (proAtCRU1 > proAtCRU3 > proAtCRU2) is consistent between chemical and thermal denaturation studies.  相似文献   

We measured picosecond time-resolved fluorescence of intact Photosystem I complexes from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Arabidopsis thaliana. The antenna system of C. reinhardtii contains about 30-60 chlorophylls more than that of A. thaliana, but lacks the so-called red chlorophylls, chlorophylls that absorb at longer wavelength than the primary electron donor. In C. reinhardtii, the main lifetimes of excitation trapping are about 27 and 68 ps. The overall lifetime of C. reinhardtii is considerably shorter than in A. thaliana. We conclude that the amount and energies of the red chlorophylls have a larger effect on excitation trapping time in Photosystem I than the antenna size.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c6A is a eukaryotic member of the Class I cytochrome c family possessing a high structural homology with photosynthetic cytochrome c6 from cyanobacteria, but structurally and functionally distinct through the presence of a disulfide bond and a heme mid-point redox potential of + 71 mV (vs normal hydrogen electrode). The disulfide bond is part of a loop insertion peptide that forms a cap-like structure on top of the core α-helical fold. We have investigated the contribution of the disulfide bond to thermodynamic stability and (un)folding kinetics in cytochrome c6A from Arabidopsis thaliana by making comparison with a photosynthetic cytochrome c6 from Phormidium laminosum and through a mutant in which the Cys residues have been replaced with Ser residues (C67/73S). We find that the disulfide bond makes a significant contribution to overall stability in both the ferric and ferrous heme states. Both cytochromes c6A and c6 fold rapidly at neutral pH through an on-pathway intermediate. The unfolding rate for the C67/73S variant is significantly increased indicating that the formation of this region occurs late in the folding pathway. We conclude that the disulfide bridge in cytochrome c6A acts as a conformational restraint in both the folding intermediate and native state of the protein and that it likely serves a structural rather than a previously proposed catalytic role.  相似文献   

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a role in root gravitropism and has led to an intense debate over whether ABA acts similar to auxin by translating the gravitational signal into directional root growth. While tremendous advances have been made in the past two decades in establishing the role of auxin in root gravitropism, little progress has been made in characterizing the role of ABA in this response. In fact, roots of plants that have undetectable levels of ABA and that display a normal gravitropic response have raised some serious doubts about whether ABA plays any role in root gravitropism. Here, we show strong evidence that ABA plays a role opposite to that of auxin and that it is a negative regulator of the gravitropic response of Arabidopsis roots.  相似文献   

Markus Peer 《FEBS letters》2010,584(18):4053-3010
Sphingolipids are important membrane components and also regulate cell proliferation and apoptosis. We detected a fast increase of the free sphingobase t18:0 (phytosphinganine) in Arabidopsis leaves after inoculation with an avirulent strain of the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato, characterized by host cell death reactions. The induction of phytosphinganine was more transient in virulent interactions lacking cell death reactions, suggesting a positive role of t18:0 in the plants’ response to pathogens, e.g. the hypersensitive response. In the mutant sphingobase hydroxylase 1 (sbh1-1), Pseudomonas induced elevated free d18:0 levels. As total t18:0 contents (after hydrolysis of ceramides) were not reduced in sbh1-1, the pathogen-triggered t18:0 increase most likely results from de novo synthesis from d18:0 which would require SBH1.  相似文献   

Tocopherol biosynthesis was investigated in ein3-1, etr1-1 and eto1-1 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, which show a defect in ethylene signaling, perception and over-produce ethylene, respectively. A mutation in the EIN3 gene delayed the water-stress related increase in α-tocopherol and caused a reduction in the levels of this antioxidant by ca. 30% compared to the wild type. In contrast to the wild type and ein3-1 mutants, both etr1-1 and eto1-1 mutants showed a sharp (up to 5-fold) increase in α-tocopherol levels during leaf aging. It is concluded that ethylene perception and signaling may be involved in the regulation of tocopherol biosynthesis during water stress and leaf aging.  相似文献   



Glutaredoxins (GRXs) are oxidoreductases involved in diverse cellular processes through their capacity to reduce glutathionylated proteins and/or to coordinate iron?sulfur (Fe-S) clusters. Among class II GRXs, the plant-specific GRXS16 is a bimodular protein formed by an N-terminal endonuclease domain fused to a GRX domain containing a 158CGFS signature.


The biochemical properties (redox activity, sensitivity to oxidation, pKa of cysteine residues, midpoint redox potential) of Arabidopsis thaliana GRXS16 were investigated by coupling oxidative treatments to alkylation shift assays, activity measurements and mass spectrometry analyses.


Activity measurements using redox-sensitive GFP2 (roGFP2) as target protein did not reveal any significant glutathione-dependent reductase activity of A. thaliana GRXS16 whereas it was able to catalyze the oxidation of roGFP2 in the presence of glutathione disulfide. Accordingly, Arabidopsis GRXS16 reacted efficiently with oxidized forms of glutathione, leading to the formation of an intramolecular disulfide between Cys158 and the semi-conserved Cys215, which has a midpoint redox potential of - 298?mV at pH?7.0 and is reduced by plastidial thioredoxins (TRXs) but not GSH. By promoting the formation of this disulfide, Cys215 modulates GRXS16 oxidoreductase activity.


The reduction of AtGRXS16, which is mandatory for its oxidoreductase activity and the binding of Fe-S clusters, depends on light through the plastidial FTR/TRX system. Hence, disulfide formation may constitute a redox switch mechanism controlling GRXS16 function in response to day/night transition or oxidizing conditions.

General significance

From the in vitro data obtained with roGFP2, one can postulate that GRXS16 would mediate protein glutathionylation/oxidation in plastids but not their deglutathionylation.  相似文献   

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