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Germline copy number variation (CNV) is considered to be an important form of human genetic polymorphisms. Previous studies have identified amounts of CNVs in human genome by advanced technologies, such as comparative genomic hybridization, single nucleotide genotyping, and high-throughput sequencing. CNV is speculated to be derived from multiple mechanisms, such as nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). CNVs cover a much larger genome scale than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and may alter gene expression levels by means of gene dosage, gene fusion, gene disruption, and long-range regulation effects, thus affecting individual phenotypes and playing crucial roles in human pathogenesis. The number of studies linking CNVs with common complex diseases has increased dramatically in recent years. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of the current understanding of germline CNVs, and summarize the association of germline CNVs with the susceptibility to a wide variety of human diseases that were identified in recent years. We also propose potential issues that should be addressed in future studies.  相似文献   

拷贝数变异是指基因组中发生大片段的DNA序列的拷贝数增加或者减少。根据现有的研究可知,拷贝数变异是多种人类疾病的成因,与其发生与发展机制密切相关。高通量测序技术的出现为拷贝数变异检测提供了技术支持,在人类疾病研究、临床诊疗等领域,高通量测序技术已经成为主流的拷贝数变异检测技术。虽然不断有新的基于高通量测序技术的算法和软件被人们开发出来,但是准确率仍然不理想。本文全面地综述基于高通量测序数据的拷贝数变异检测方法,包括基于reads深度的方法、基于双末端映射的方法、基于拆分read的方法、基于从头拼接的方法以及基于上述4种方法的组合方法,深入探讨了每类不同方法的原理,代表性的软件工具以及每类方法适用的数据以及优缺点等,并展望未来的发展方向。  相似文献   



Copy number variation (CNV) is important and widespread in the genome, and is a major cause of disease and phenotypic diversity. Herein, we performed a genome-wide CNV analysis in 12 diversified chicken genomes based on whole genome sequencing.


A total of 8,840 CNV regions (CNVRs) covering 98.2 Mb and representing 9.4% of the chicken genome were identified, ranging in size from 1.1 to 268.8 kb with an average of 11.1 kb. Sequencing-based predictions were confirmed at a high validation rate by two independent approaches, including array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and quantitative PCR (qPCR). The Pearson’s correlation coefficients between sequencing and aCGH results ranged from 0.435 to 0.755, and qPCR experiments revealed a positive validation rate of 91.71% and a false negative rate of 22.43%. In total, 2,214 (25.0%) predicted CNVRs span 2,216 (36.4%) RefSeq genes associated with specific biological functions. Besides two previously reported copy number variable genes EDN3 and PRLR, we also found some promising genes with potential in phenotypic variation. Two genes, FZD6 and LIMS1, related to disease susceptibility/resistance are covered by CNVRs. The highly duplicated SOCS2 may lead to higher bone mineral density. Entire or partial duplication of some genes like POPDC3 may have great economic importance in poultry breeding.


Our results based on extensive genetic diversity provide a more refined chicken CNV map and genome-wide gene copy number estimates, and warrant future CNV association studies for important traits in chickens.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-962) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Many studies have been conducted to identify either insertions-deletions (inDels) or copy number variations (CNVs) in humans, but few studies have been conducted to identify both of these forms coexisting in the same region.


To map the functionally significant sites within human genes that are likely to influence human traits and diseases.


In this report, we describe an inDel map in the 1051 Tibetan CNV regions obtained through CNV genotyping using Affymetrix Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism 6.0 chip. InDel polymorphisms in these copy number polymorphism regions were identified with a computational approach using the 2500 deoxyribonucleic acid sequences obtained from the 1000 Genome Project.


The study identified a total of 95935 inDels that range from 1 bp to several bps in length which were found scattered across regulatory regions, exons and in introns of genes underlying the CNVs. A study on the distribution of inDels revealed that the majority of inDels were found in coding regions of the genome than the noncoding, while within the genes, inDels in intron regions were more followed by exonic regions and finally the regulatory regions.


Study of inDels in CNV regions contribute to the enhanced understanding of the role played by the two variations and their collective influence on the genome. Further, a collection of these inDel genetic markers will aid in genetic mapping, further understanding of the phenotypic variability, identification of disease genes and in detecting novel CNVs.  相似文献   



Although numerous efforts have been made, the pathogenesis underlying lung squamous-cell carcinoma (SCC) remains unclear. This study aimed to identify the CNV-driven genes by an integrated analysis of both the gene differential expression and copy number variation (CNV).


A higher burden of the CNVs was found in 10–50 kb length. The 16 CNV-driven genes mainly located in chr 1 and chr 3 were enriched in immune response [e.g. complement factor H (CFH) and Fc fragment of IgG, low affinity IIIa, receptor (FCGR3A)], starch and sucrose metabolism [e.g. amylase alpha 2A (AMY2A)]. Furthermore, 38 TFs were screened for the 9 CNV-driven genes and then the regulatory network was constructed, in which the GATA-binding factor 1, 2, and 3 (GATA1, GATA2, GATA3) jointly regulated the expression of TP63.


The above CNV-driven genes might be potential contributors to the development of lung SCC.  相似文献   



Copy number variation is an important dimension of genetic diversity and has implications in development and disease. As an important model organism, the mouse is a prime candidate for copy number variant (CNV) characterization, but this has yet to be completed for a large sample size. Here we report CNV analysis of publicly available, high-density microarray data files for 351 mouse tail samples, including 290 mice that had not been characterized for CNVs previously.


We found 9634 putative autosomal CNVs across the samples affecting 6.87 % of the mouse reference genome. We find significant differences in the degree of CNV uniqueness (single sample occurrence) and the nature of CNV-gene overlap between wild-caught mice and classical laboratory strains. CNV-gene overlap was associated with lipid metabolism, pheromone response and olfaction compared to immunity, carbohydrate metabolism and amino-acid metabolism for wild-caught mice and classical laboratory strains, respectively. Using two subspecies of wild-caught Mus musculus, we identified putative CNVs unique to those subspecies and show this diversity is better captured by wild-derived laboratory strains than by the classical laboratory strains. A total of 9 genic copy number variable regions (CNVRs) were selected for experimental confirmation by droplet digital PCR (ddPCR).


The analysis we present is a comprehensive, genome-wide analysis of CNVs in Mus musculus, which increases the number of known variants in the species and will accelerate the identification of novel variants in future studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1713-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The discovery of copy number variations (CNV) in the human genome opened new perspectives in the study of the genetic causes of inherited disorders and the etiology of common diseases. Differently patterned instances of somatic mosaicism in CNV regions have been shown to be present in monozygotic twins and throughout different tissues within an individual. A single-cell-level investigation of CNV in different human cell types led us to uncover mitotically derived genomic mosaicism, which is stable in different cell types of one individual. A unique study of immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines obtained with 20 year interval from the same two subjects shows that mitotic changes in CNV regions may happen early during embryonic development and seem to occur only once, as levels of mosaicism remained stable. This finding has the potential to change our concept of dynamic human genome variation. We propose that further genomic studies should focus on the single-cell level, to understand better the etiology and physiology of aging and diseases mediated by somatic variations.  相似文献   



The ability to accurately detect DNA copy number variation in both a sensitive and quantitative manner is important in many research areas. However, genome-wide DNA copy number analyses are complicated by variations in detection signal.


While GC content has been used to correct for this, here we show that coverage biases are tissue-specific and independent of the detection method as demonstrated by next-generation sequencing and array CGH. Moreover, we show that DNA isolation stringency affects the degree of equimolar coverage and that the observed biases coincide with chromatin characteristics like gene expression, genomic isochores, and replication timing.


These results indicate that chromatin organization is a main determinant for differential DNA retrieval. These findings are highly relevant for germline and somatic DNA copy number variation analyses.  相似文献   



There is growing evidence for the prevalence of copy number variation (CNV) and its role in phenotypic variation in many eukaryotic species. Here we use array comparative genomic hybridization to explore the extent of this type of structural variation in domesticated barley cultivars and wild barleys.


A collection of 14 barley genotypes including eight cultivars and six wild barleys were used for comparative genomic hybridization. CNV affects 14.9% of all the sequences that were assessed. Higher levels of CNV diversity are present in the wild accessions relative to cultivated barley. CNVs are enriched near the ends of all chromosomes except 4H, which exhibits the lowest frequency of CNVs. CNV affects 9.5% of the coding sequences represented on the array and the genes affected by CNV are enriched for sequences annotated as disease-resistance proteins and protein kinases. Sequence-based comparisons of CNV between cultivars Barke and Morex provided evidence that DNA repair mechanisms of double-strand breaks via single-stranded annealing and synthesis-dependent strand annealing play an important role in the origin of CNV in barley.


We present the first catalog of CNVs in a diploid Triticeae species, which opens the door for future genome diversity research in a tribe that comprises the economically important cereal species wheat, barley, and rye. Our findings constitute a valuable resource for the identification of CNV affecting genes of agronomic importance. We also identify potential mechanisms that can generate variation in copy number in plant genomes.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks may reduce genetic variation and potentially increase the risk of extinction. Here, we present the first study to use historic samples to analyse loss of variation at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), which plays a central role in vertebrate disease resistance. Balancing selection acts on the MHC and could moderate the loss of variation expected from drift; however, in a Wisconsin population of greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido), the number of MHC class II B alleles per individual declined by 44% following a population bottleneck, compared to a loss of only 8% at microsatellites. Simulations indicate that drift likely reduced MHC variation at the population level, as well as within individuals by reducing the number of gene copies per individual or by fixing the same alleles across multiple loci. These multiple effects of genetic drift on MHC variation could have important implications for immunity and fitness.  相似文献   

The human tRNAome consists of more than 500 interspersed tRNA genes comprising 51 anticodon families of largely unequal copy number. We examined tRNA gene copy number variation (tgCNV) in six individuals; two kindreds of two parents and a child, using high coverage whole genome sequence data. Such differences may be important because translation of some mRNAs is sensitive to the relative amounts of tRNAs and because tRNA competition determines translational efficiency vs. fidelity and production of native vs. misfolded proteins. We identified several tRNA gene clusters with CNV, which in some cases were part of larger iterations. In addition there was an isolated tRNALysCUU gene that was absent as a homozygous deletion in one of the parents. When assessed by semiquantitative PCR in 98 DNA samples representing a wide variety of ethnicities, this allele was found deleted in hetero- or homozygosity in all groups at ~ 50% frequency. This is the first report of copy number variation of human tRNA genes. We conclude that tgCNV exists at significant levels among individual humans and discuss the results in terms of genetic diversity and prior genome wide association studies (GWAS) that suggest the importance of the ratio of tRNALys isoacceptors in Type-2 diabetes.  相似文献   



Unraveling the genetic mechanisms associated with reduced gene flow between genetically differentiated populations is key to understand speciation. Different types of structural variations (SVs) have been found as a source of genetic diversity in a wide range of species. Previous studies provided detailed knowledge on the potential evolutionary role of SVs, especially copy number variations (CNVs), between well diverged species of e.g. primates. However, our understanding of their significance during ongoing speciation processes is limited due to the lack of CNV data from closely related species. The genus Sus (pig and its close relatives) which started to diverge ~4 Mya presents an excellent model for studying the role of CNVs during ongoing speciation.


In this study, we identified 1408 CNV regions (CNVRs) across the genus Sus. These CNVRs encompass 624 genes and were found to evolve ~2.5 times faster than single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The majority of these copy number variable genes are olfactory receptors (ORs) known to play a prominent role in food foraging and mate recognition in Sus. Phylogenetic analyses, including novel Bayesian analysis, based on CNVRs that overlap ORs retain the well-accepted topology of the genus Sus whereas CNVRs overlapping genes other than ORs show evidence for random drift and/or admixture.


We hypothesize that inter-specific variation in copy number of ORs provided the means for rapid adaptation to different environments during the diversification of the genus Sus in the Pliocene. Furthermore, these regions might have acted as barriers preventing massive gene flow between these species during the multiple hybridization events that took place later in the Pleistocene suggesting a possible prominent role of ORs in the ongoing Sus speciation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1449-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The genetic correlates of extreme impulsive violence are poorly understood, and there have been no studies that have systematically characterized a large group of affected individuals both clinically and genetically. We performed a genome‐wide rare copy number variant (CNV) analysis in 281 males from four Czech prisons who met strict clinical criteria for extreme impulsive violence. Inclusion criteria included age ≥ 18 years, an ICD‐10 diagnosis of Dissocial Personality Disorder, and the absence of an organic brain disorder. Participants underwent a structured psychiatric assessment to diagnose extreme impulsive violence and then provided a blood sample for genetic analysis. DNA was genotyped and CNVs were identified using Illumina HumanOmni2.5 single‐nucleotide polymorphism array platform. Comparing with 10851 external population controls, we identified 828 rare CNVs (frequency ≤ 0.1% among control samples) in 264 participants. The CNVs impacted 754 genes, with 124 genes impacted more than once (2‐25 times). Many of these genes are associated with autosomal dominant or X‐linked disorders affecting adult behavior, cognition, learning, intelligence, specifically expressed in the brain and relevant to synapses, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, obesity and neuropsychiatric phenotypes. Specifically, we identified 31 CNVs of clinical relevance in 31 individuals, 59 likely clinically relevant CNVs in 49 individuals, and 17 recurrent CNVs in 65 individuals. Thus, 123 of 281 (44%) individuals had one to several rare CNVs that were indirectly or directly relevant to impulsive violence. Extreme impulsive violence is genetically heterogeneous and genomic analysis is likely required to identify, further research and specifically treat the causes in affected individuals.  相似文献   

A copy number mutant of the Rtsl replicon (copy number 1–2 copies/cell) was obtained. A one-base substitution in the repA region results in a single amino acid change from histidine to asparagine at position 159. This mutation increased the plasmid copy number by up to 120-fold depending upon the growth conditions. At 42.5° C the plasmid with the wild type replicon was unstable while the mutated replicon was relatively stable.  相似文献   

Genetic susceptibility to scrapie, a fatal disease of sheep and goats, is modulated by polymorphisms in the prion protein (PrP). Neither the frequency of the PrP genotypes nor their association with animal performance has been investigated in a large multibreed Irish sheep population. Scrapie genotypes were available on 16 416 animals; the breeds represented included purebred Belclare (733), Charollais (333), Suffolk (739), Texel (1 857), Vendeen (191), and crossbreds (12 563). Performance data on lambing, lamb and ewe performance as well as health traits were available. The association between alternative approaches of describing the PrP genotype (i.e. 15 individually called PrP genotypes, five genotype classes representing susceptibility to scrapie, or number of ARR haplotypes) and animal performance were quantified using animal linear mixed models. All 15 of the possible scrapie genotypes were detected, although the frequency differed by breed. The frequency of the five PrP haplotypes in the entire population were 0.70 (ARR), 0.15 (ARQ), 0.11 (ARH), 0.02 (AHQ) and 0.01 (VRQ); the most susceptible haplotype (VRQ) was only detected in purebred Texels and crossbreds. No association was detected between the PrP genotype of either the animal or dam and any of the lambing traits (i.e. lambing difficulty score, perinatal mortality and birth weight). With the exception of ultrasound muscle depth, no association between the PrP genotype and any of the lamb performance traits (i.e. lamb BW and carcass) was observed. Lambs carrying the category four PrP genotype (i.e. ARR/VRQ) had 1.20 (SE = 0.45) mm, 1.38 (SE = 0.12) mm, 1.47 (S = 0.25) mm shallower ultrasound muscle depth relative to lambs of the less susceptible scrapie categories of 1, 2, 3, respectively (P < 0.05). Nonetheless, no association between PrP genotype and lamb carcass conformation, the ultimate end goal of producers, was detected. Ewe litter size, body condition score or lameness did not differ by PrP genotype of the ewe (P > 0.05). For ewe mature BW, ARH/VRQ ewes differed from most other ewe PrP genotypes and were, on average, 3.79 (SE = 1.66) kg heavier than ARR/ARR genotype ewes. Lamb dag score differed by dam PrP genotype (P < 0.05), although the differences were small. Results from this study show that scrapie is segregating within the Irish sheep population, but the PrP genotype was not associated with most traits investigated and, where associations were detected, the biological significance was minimal. This suggests minimal impact of selection on PrP genotype on performance, at least for the traits investigated in the present study.  相似文献   



Intrachromosomal segmental duplications provide the substrate for non-allelic homologous recombination, facilitating extensive copy number variation in the human genome. Many multi-copy gene families are embedded within genomic regions with high levels of sequence identity (>95%) and therefore pose considerable analytical challenges. In some cases, the complexity involved in analyzing such regions is largely underestimated. Rapid, cost effective analysis of multi-copy gene regions have typically implemented quantitative approaches, however quantitative data are not an absolute means of certainty. Therefore any technique prone to degrees of measurement error can produce ambiguous results that may lead to spurious associations with complex disease.


In this study we have focused on testing the accuracy and reproducibility of quantitative analysis techniques. With reference to the C-C Chemokine Ligand-3-like-1 (CCL3L1) gene, we performed analysis using real-time Quantitative PCR (QPCR), Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) and Paralogue Ratio Test (PRT). After controlling for potential outside variables on assay performance, including DNA concentration, quality, preparation and storage conditions, we find that real-time QPCR produces data that does not cluster tightly around copy number integer values, with variation substantially greater than that of the MLPA or PRT systems. We find that the method of rounding real-time QPCR measurements can potentially lead to mis-scoring of copy number genotypes and suggest caution should be exercised in interpreting QPCR data.


We conclude that real-time QPCR is inherently prone to measurement error, even under conditions that would seem favorable for association studies. Our results indicate that potential variability in the physicochemical properties of the DNA samples cannot solely explain the poor performance exhibited by the real-time QPCR systems. We recommend that more robust approaches such as PRT or MLPA should be used to genotype multi-allelic copy number variation in disease association studies and suggest several approaches which can be implemented to ensure the quality of the copy number typing using quantitative methods.  相似文献   



Copy number variations (CNVs) confer significant effects on genetic innovation and phenotypic variation. Previous CNV studies in swine seldom focused on in-depth characterization of global CNVs.


Using whole-genome assembly comparison (WGAC) and whole-genome shotgun sequence detection (WSSD) approaches by next generation sequencing (NGS), we probed formation signatures of both segmental duplications (SDs) and individualized CNVs in an integrated fashion, building the finest resolution CNV and SD maps of pigs so far. We obtained copy number estimates of all protein-coding genes with copy number variation carried by individuals, and further confirmed two genes with high copy numbers in Meishan pigs through an enlarged population. We determined genome-wide CNV hotspots, which were significantly enriched in SD regions, suggesting evolution of CNV hotspots may be affected by ancestral SDs. Through systematically enrichment analyses based on simulations and bioinformatics analyses, we revealed CNV-related genes undergo a different selective constraint from those CNV-unrelated regions, and CNVs may be associated with or affect pig health and production performance under recent selection.


Our studies lay out one way for characterization of CNVs in the pig genome, provide insight into the pig genome variation and prompt CNV mechanisms studies when using pigs as biomedical models for human diseases.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-593) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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