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对云南西双版纳地区常见的半寄生植物澜沧江寄生(Scurrula chingii var. yunnanensis)、五蕊寄生(Dendrophthoe pentandra)和全寄生植物优势种金灯藤(Cuscuta japonica)的生态化学计量特征及其与寄主关系进行研究。结果表明,相较于普通高等陆生植物,两种半寄生植物叶片的C、N含量及N:P较低,P含量较高,全寄生植物金灯藤的N、P含量较高,N:P较低;两种半寄生植物C:N、C:P均显著高于全寄生植物金灯藤。两类寄生植物C、N、P生态化学计量特征季节差异不显著。相较于全寄生植物,半寄生植物与寄主间具有更强的相关性。全寄生植物金灯藤的化学计量内稳性指数显著高于两种半寄生植物,全寄生植物内稳性雨季显著高于旱季。  相似文献   

为深入探究半寄生植物与其寄主间的养分关系,在云南哀牢山徐家坝地区选取两种常见半寄生植物椆树桑寄生(Loranthus delavayi)和柳叶钝果寄生(Taxillus delavayi),研究其寄主枝条-吸器-寄生枝条-寄生叶片间的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)生态化学计量特征关系。结果表明:1)两种半寄生植物的寄主枝条-吸器-寄生枝条-寄生叶片这一连续体的C、N、P生态化学计量特征变化趋势并不完全相同,具有物种自身的特性。2)同一半寄生植物的寄主枝条具有相似的C、N、P生态化学计量特征,寄主物种对半寄生植物的生态化学计量特征没有显著影响。3)寄主枝条的C、N、P生态化学计量特征间具有紧密的相关关系,吸器弱于寄主枝条,寄生枝条弱于吸器,寄生叶片的N、P含量相关关系不显著。4)寄主枝条与寄生叶片间的C含量存在极显著负相关关系。5)吸器与寄主枝条间的C、N、P生态化学计量特征存在紧密的相关关系,但在生态化学计量特征的数值上吸器与寄生枝条更为接近。吸器作为连接寄主与寄生植物的关键部位,其与寄主枝条极为显著的相关关系体现了寄主枝条养分对寄生植物的重要性,而吸器在元素含量、计量比的数值以及相互关系上与寄生枝条更为相似,则体现了吸器作为寄生植物器官具有与寄生枝条相似的生理功能。通过对寄主枝条-吸器-寄生枝条-寄生叶片C、N、P生态化学计量特征的分析,为深入研究半寄生植物的养分利用策略与生态适应性提供了重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

寄生植物对寄主植物的化学识别   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
胡飞  孔垂华 《生态学报》2003,23(5):965-971
植物间寄生关系的研究近年来受到了广泛的重视。大量的研究表明,寄主释放的次生物质对植物间寄生关系的建立和维持起了重要的调节作用。寄主植物的次生物质对寄生植物的化学防御和昆虫授粉等生态功能起重要的作用,寄主植物次生物质对寄生植物生理与生态的调节作用是受寄生植物基因调节的。更为重要的是寄主植物释放的次生物质成为寄生植物的种子萌发和吸器发生的异源识别物质。能够刺激寄生植物种子萌发的次生物质主要是倍半萜和氢醌类物质,而诱导吸器发生的物质则是酚酸、醌和黄酮类化合物,诱导吸器发生的核心结构是对苯醌。这些异源识别物质大多是寄主植物释放的化感抑制物质,显示寄生植物在化学防御方面要比寄主植物高级。异源识别化合物的活性与其氧化潜力显著相关。由于寄生植物中存在一抑制异源识别物质诱导吸器发生的调节过程,因此吸器的产生与寄生植物根部接触异源识别物质的浓度与时间呈正相关关系,这一调节过程对寄生植物准确识别寄主并寄生其上是十分重要的。对寄生植物和寄主植物间的化学识别关系的揭示有助于人们防治有害寄生植物和开发利用有价值的寄生植物资源。  相似文献   

很多根寄生植物是重要的杂草,严重影响农业生产.吸器是寄生植物与寄主连接的特异性器官,是寄生植物与寄主间信号和物质交流的"桥梁",而吸器诱导因子在诱导吸器发育过程中扮演着重要角色.该文针对寄生植物吸器的发育过程,吸器诱导因子的种类、信号转导和基因调控,寄生植物如何避免寄主的防御这三方面的进展进行了综述,以期为进一步揭示寄...  相似文献   

不同海拔云南松林土壤养分及其生态化学计量特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以云南东北部不同海拔云南松天然次生林为研究对象,比较不同海拔土壤有机碳(C)、全氮(N)、全磷(P)、全钾(K)、碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)及其化学计量特征.结果 表明:海拔间土壤C、N、P、K、AN、AP、AK的值分别为7.85~31.61 g·kg-1、1.08~2.11 g·kg-1、0.19...  相似文献   

豆科植物是荒漠等干旱生态系统的重要先锋物种,也是生态系统中有效氮的主要来源。为了明确荒漠豆科植物与生境土壤因子之间的关系,该研究以古尔班通古特沙漠广泛分布的荒漠豆科植物弯花黄芪(Astragalus flexus)、镰荚黄芪(Astragalus arpilobus)为对象,测定不同土壤深度(0~5、5~10、10~15 cm)的理化性质,比较分析2种荒漠豆科植物化学计量特征与土壤因子的关系。结果表明:(1)弯花黄芪碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量分别为373.35、25.66、1.03 mg·g-1,高于镰荚黄芪的331.53、19.59、0.66 mg·g-1,且二者的N、P含量均差异显著(P<0.05);弯花黄芪的C∶P、N∶P分别为374.38、25.75,均极显著高于镰荚黄芪的166.09、10.12(P<0.01),而弯花黄芪的C∶N(14.62)低于镰荚黄芪(16.99),两种植物的C和C∶N均无显著差异。(2)豆科植物生境土壤在0~5 cm土层的有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)含量最高,且随土层的加深逐渐减少;土壤化学计量比SOC∶TN、SOC∶TP均随土层加深逐渐增大,而TN∶TP值随土层加深逐渐减少;较低的N含量及TN∶TP 显示该区域土壤属于N素缺乏类型。(3)2种荒漠豆科植物与各层次土壤化学计量特征的相关性无一致规律。其中,弯花黄芪立地0~10 cm土层的TN与N∶P间呈负相关关系,TP与P间呈极显著负相关关系,而TP与C∶N间呈正相关关系,SOC∶TN与N∶P间呈极显著正相关关系;在10~15 cm土层中,SOC∶TN与N∶P间呈正相关关系。镰荚黄芪中仅P含量与其立地0~5 cm土层的SOC∶TP具有极显著正相关关系,而大部分化学计量特征间未显示出相关性。(4)弯花黄芪的植物化学计量指标P含量与5~10 cm土层的电导率(EC)间呈极显著正相关关系,N含量与10~15 cm土层的速效钾(AK)间呈正相关关系;而镰荚黄芪N、AP与N∶P与0~5 cm土层的速效磷(AP)间均呈极显著负相关关系,与其他土层未出现相关关系。研究认为,古尔班通古特沙漠土壤N含量以及TN∶TP较低,土壤N元素贫瘠,且该区豆科植物立地土壤养分含量总体偏低;该区弯花黄芪生长的主要限制元素为P,而镰荚黄芪生长的主要限制元素为N和P;植物化学计量特征并非全部由土壤养分特征直接决定,其明显的种间差异显示植物自身遗传特性在土壤 植物计量特征耦合关系的重要性。  相似文献   

地形对植物生存策略的权衡具有重要影响.研究叶片生态化学计量特征沿海拔梯度的分异规律,有助于加深理解植物对环境变化的响应及其生态适应性.对青藏高原东北缘不同海拔(4400~4700、4701~5000和5001~5300 m)火绒草叶片C、N、P含量及其化学计量比进行研究.结果表明: 3个海拔火绒草叶片C、N、P含量分别为405.36、18.42和0.94 g·kg-1;C/N、C/P、N/P分别为22.67、467.61和20.3;火绒草叶片N、P含量表现出趋同的变化规律,随海拔升高而增加;火绒草叶片C、N、P含量及C/N、C/P、N/P的变异系数均≤30%,其大小依次为P(30%)>C/P(29%)>C/N(18%)>N(17%)>N/P(15%)>C(3%);火绒草植物生长主要受P的限制.  相似文献   

张婷婷  刘文耀  胡涛 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6265-6273
作为山地森林生态系统附生植物区系的重要组分,兼性附生植物是一类既能附生于树皮,又能根植于土壤的特殊植物类群,是同一物种在不同生长基质上的生态型。研究兼性附生植物在不同生境下的化学计量特征及其变化,有助于了解兼性附生植物对生境变化的响应与养分利用策略。以云南哀牢山亚热带山地湿性常绿阔叶林中常见的兼性附生植物长叶粗筒苣苔(Briggsia longifolia)为研究对象,通过对其地生、树干基部和1.3 m树高处不同生境的基质、植株叶片和根系中C、N、P含量及其化学计量比的测试与分析,探讨不同生境下兼性附生植物的化学计量特征及其养分利用策略。研究结果显示:长叶粗筒苣苔的生长基质以及各器官的化学计量特征在不同生境间存在差异。林地土壤C、N、P含量以及C∶N、C∶P和N∶P均低于树干附生基质,树干基部基质的C、N、P化学计量特征介于两者之间。与地生生境相比,在附生生境下长叶粗筒苣苔的N、P含量较高,而C∶N、C∶P和N∶P则较低,说明其养分利用效率较低。在3种生境下长叶粗筒苣苔叶片的N含量与N∶P均低于根系,而C∶N则高于根系。长叶粗筒苣苔叶片中N、P元素以及N∶P比的内稳性指数高于根系,叶片...  相似文献   

黄土高原不同人工林叶片-凋落叶-土壤生态化学计量特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为探究“退耕还林(牧)”工程对陕西省子午岭林区的影响,分析3种典型的人工林(刺槐林、油松林和侧柏林)叶片-凋落叶-土壤的C、N、P含量及其生态化学计量特征.结果表明: 3种人工林不同组分中C、N、P含量大小均为叶片>凋落叶>土壤,刺槐林叶片N、P含量显著高于油松林和侧柏林.刺槐林、油松林和侧柏林叶片N∶P分别为12.2、5.4和6.1,油松和侧柏较刺槐林存在N亏损,C∶N和C∶P大小均为凋落叶>叶片>土壤,N∶P为叶片>凋落叶>土壤.油松林叶片C∶N与凋落叶C∶N间存在显著正相关关系.刺槐叶片在生长周期内吸收利用的N和P存在比例关系,且其凋落叶在元素再吸收后N和P的残留量也存在比例关系.与油松和侧柏相比,刺槐是黄土高原南部森林带最适宜的造林树种.  相似文献   

了解我国黄土高原子午岭林区两种天然林下植物叶片-凋落叶-土壤生态化学计量特征,有助于人们更深入地认识黄土高原子午岭天然次生林生态系统养分循环规律和系统稳定机制。结果表明:(1)辽东栎和白桦两种植物叶片碳、氮、磷平均含量为468.6、17.1、2.1 g/kg;凋落叶碳、氮、磷平均含量为457.3、12.5、1.6 g/kg;土壤碳、氮、磷平均含量分别为17.6、1.4、0.5 g/kg。(2)白桦叶片N、P含量之间II类线性回归斜率大于1(P=0.07),表明白桦叶片建成过程中存在N、P元素按比例投入的依赖。白桦凋落叶N、P含量之间的II类线性回归斜率显著小于1(P0.05),两种天然次生林凋落叶整体N、P含量之间的II类线性回归斜率也显著小于1(P0.05),反映了凋落叶中单位P含量与单位N含量间不存在等速损耗关系。(3)黄土高原子午岭两种天然次生林凋落叶氮含量与土壤氮含量具有显著相关性(P0.01),表明凋落叶分解对土壤氮库有增加作用。相比于凋落叶,植物叶片磷含量与土壤磷含量具有较紧密的关系,表现为高的土壤P含量则植物叶片也具有较高的P含量。黄土高原子午岭林区两种天然次生林下土壤有机质具有较快的矿化作用。(4)辽东栎作为植被演替到顶极群落的优势物种,其凋落叶C∶N值为26.7远低于白桦凋落叶C∶N值44.9(P0.05),有利于微生物对凋落叶的分解。两种天然次生林的植物叶片N∶P均值为7.9714,低于全国和全球尺度的其他研究结果,表明这两种天然次生林主要受N限制。  相似文献   

Aims Leaf is the organ of plant photosynthesis, and it is important to understand the drivers for the variations of leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry along geographical and climatic gradients. Here we aimed to explore: 1) the changes in leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry of woody plants along an altitudinal gradient in Changbai Mountain, and 2) the relative contribution of climate, plant characteristics, and phylogeny to the changes in leaf N, P concentration and N:P.  相似文献   

分析植物叶片(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其比值的季节动态, 不仅有助于认识植物生长发育和养分吸收利用等生理生态过程, 也有利于认识植物化学计量的动态平衡关系。该文选择内蒙古典型温带草原18种常见植物, 在生长季的6-9月, 每半月一次进行连续采样, 在此基础上分析了叶片C、N、P含量及其比值在生长季内的变化。主要结果: 1)植物叶片C、N、P含量及其比值的季节性变化在不同功能类群间不同步, 其中叶片N、P含量的季节变化体现了明显的稀释作用。2)叶片C、N、P含量及其比值在不同功能类群间差异显著, 单子叶、多年生禾草类的叶片N、P含量显著低于双子叶和多年生杂类草植物, 而其叶片C:N、C:P则高于双子叶和多年生杂类草植物。3)叶片N、P含量显著正相关, 叶片C:N和C:P分别与N和P含量显著负相关, 可能体现了植物体内营养元素间的内在耦合机制。4)叶片N含量与C:N, 叶片P含量与C:P以及叶片N含量与P含量均呈现等速生长关系, 且等速生长关系在生长季保持稳定。  相似文献   

叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其化学计量特征为植物养分状况和元素限制性提供依据。为了解不同生活型植物叶片C、N、P化学计量特征的变化,该研究测定、分析了大兴安岭地区18个泥炭地常见的3种草本植物——白毛羊胡子草(Eriophorum vaginatum)、玉簪薹草(Carex globularis)、小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia), 5种落叶灌木——柴桦(Betula fruticosa)、越桔柳(Salix myrtilloides)、细叶沼柳(Salix rosmarinifolia)、笃斯越桔(Vaccinium uliginosum)、越桔(Vaccinium vitis-idaea)和3种常绿灌木——杜香(Ledum palustre)、地桂(Chamaedaphne calyculata)、头花杜鹃(Rhododendron capitatum)的叶片C、N、P含量。结果表明: (1)落叶和常绿灌木叶片C、N、P含量总体高于草本植物而C:N、C:P、N:P低于草本植物, 说明不同生活型植物具有不同的养分利用策略,灌木叶片C、N、P储存高于草本植物而N、P利用效率低于草本植物; (2)小叶章和头花杜鹃叶片N:P小于10, 同时其N含量小于全球植物叶片平均N含量, 相比其他植物来说更易受N限制; (3)采样地点解释了叶片C、N、P指标变异的12.8%-40.8%, 植物种类对叶片C、N、P指标变异的解释量占9.3%-25.5%; (4)草本植物C、N、P指标的地点间变异系数高于落叶和常绿灌木, 草本植物C、N、P指标对地点因素变化的响应较灌木敏感; (5)草本植物N含量种间变异系数高于落叶和常绿灌木, 落叶灌木P含量种间变异系数高于草本植物和常绿灌木, 草本植物和落叶灌木N、P吸收的种间生理分化较常绿灌木高。  相似文献   

Aims The micro-elemental stoichiometry as well as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) plays an important role in ecosystem process. However, the drivers of the variations in these stoichiometric ratios in plants are less explored in compared with N and P. Plant productivity and plant stoichiometry can response simultaneously to environmental changes, such as water and nutrient supply levels. However, the relationships between the changes in plant stoichiometry and biomass were unclear yet although both of them play important roles in ecosystem functioning. Our object was to investigate the changes in plant stoichiometry (including multiple macro- and micro-elements) and in biomass under different nutrient and water supply. Methods We collected seeds from six grass species in an arid-hot valley and performed a nutrient-water addition experiment in 2012 with a complete factorial design (nutrient × water). The concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn and Mn in different organs and plant biomass were measured. The effects of species, water and nutrient on element concentration and plant biomass were analyzed by three-way ANOVA. Linear regressions were used to test the relationships between changes in plant stoichiometry and changes in biomass after nutrient and water addition. Important findings Nutrient addition increased plant biomass by 32.55% compared with control. High-level water supply increased plant biomass by 31.35% and the combination of nutrient and high-level water addition increased plant biomass by 110.60%. Nutrient, water, species identity and their two-way interactions significantly affected plant biomass. Changes in total plant K:Ca, K:Mg, K:Mn, K:Zn and Mg:Mn were significantly and positively related to changes in plant biomass. The ratio between the concentrations of macro-elements and micro-elements tended to increase with biomass. Species identity and treatment had no effects in most of these relationships, suggesting that the changes in stoichiometry were mostly driven by the variations in biomass. The relationships between changes in stoichiometry and in biomass also occurred in leaves, stems and roots. The covariation between plant stoichiometry and biomass can have profound effects on ecosystem functioning under the global environmental changes.  相似文献   

Aims The stoichiometric characteristics of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in plant organism is vital to understand plant adaptation to environment. In particular, the correlations of elemental stoichiometric characteristics between leaf and fine root could provide insights into the interaction and balance among the plant elements, nutrient use strategies and plant response to global change.Methods We measured C, N, P contents and C:N, C:P, N:P in leaves and fine roots of 60 dominant plants in Horqin sandy land. The 60 plant species were classified into five life forms and two categories such as perennial forb, annual forb, perennial grass, annual grass, shrub, legume, and non-legume. We statistically analyzed the differences and correlations of C, N and P stoichiometry either between fine root and leaf or among five life forms.Important findings The average C, N and P concentrations in leaves of 60 plant species in Horqin sandy land are 424.20 mg·g-1, 25.60 mg·g-1 and 2.10 mg·g-1, respectively. In fine roots, the corresponding element concentrations are 434.03 mg·g-1, 13.54 mg·g-1, 1.13 mg·g-1. N and P concentrations in leaf are approximately twice as high as averages in fine root. Furthermore, similar N:P between leaf and fine root indicates conservative characteristic of elemental stoichiometry in plant organism, suggesting that nutrients distribution is proportional between aboveground and underground of plants. There are significant difference of C, N, P, C:N, C:P and N:P in leaf and root among five life forms. N and P in forb and C:N and C:P in grass are averagely higher than those in other life forms. N:P in annual forb and grass, however, are lower than those in other life forms. C, N in legume are higher than those in non-legume, while C:N in legume is lower than in non-legume. These results imply that nutrient use strategies are significantly different among plant life forms. Correlations analysis showed that N and P in leaf or fine root positively correlated, but C and N, C and P in fine root negatively correlated, suggesting coupling relationship among C, N and P in leaf and fine root. Subsequently, we detected positively significant correlations in C, N, P and their ratios between leaf and fine root, suggesting proportional distribution of photosynthate and nutrient between aboveground and underground during plant growth. Generally, these results supplied fundamental data to understand mass turnover and nutrients cycling of leaves and roots in sand land.  相似文献   

AimsStudying salt accumulation in vegetative organs and carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in halophytes contributes to understand the adaptive strategy to saline environment and the distribution mechanism of nutrients and salinity of the halophytes.MethodsFour typical dominant species, including three perennial shrubs (Halocnemum strobilaceum, Suaeda microphylla and Kalidium foliatum) and an annual herb (Salicornia europaea) were selected for analyzing the salt accumulation and C, N, P stoichiometry relationships.Important findings 1) The salt accumulation showed “salt island” effect at peak growing stage; Na+, Cl- and electrical conductivity all showed significant positive trends, when salt ions were transported from the root to the shoot of 4 halophytes. 2) P was the limiting growth element of perennial shrubs, while both N and P were limiting factors for the annual herb. 3) Different organs, species and their interactions affected C, N, P stoichiometry and salt icons except Mg2+. 4) C was negatively correlated with N and P, but there was a significant positive correlation between N and P. 5) Electrical conductivity, Na+and K+ were positively correlated with N, N:P ratio, and negatively correlated with C, C:N and C:P ratios, and yet K+, CO32- had significant positive correlation with P. These results implied that there were some kind of mutual promoting relationships between nutrients and salinity in halophytes in the saline environment, and fertilizing with N could promote sodium chloride desalination.  相似文献   

Aims Stoichiometric ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are important characteristics of the ecological processes and functions. Studies on population ecological stoichiometry can refine the content of flora chemometrics, determine the limited nutrient, and provide data for process-based modeling over large scale. Phyllostachys edulis is an important forest type, whose area accounts for 74% of total bamboo forest area in Southern China. However, little is known about the ecological stoichiometric in P. edulis. This study aimed to reveal C:N, C:P and N:P stoichiometry characteristics of the “plant-soil-litter” continuum and to provide a better understanding nutrient cycling and stability mechanisms in P. edulis forest in China. Methods The data were collected from the published literature containing C、N、P content in leaf or surface soil (0-20 cm) or littefall in P. edulis forests. Important findings 1) The leaf C, N, P content were estimated at 478.30 mg·g-1, 22.20 mg·g-1, 1.90 mg·g-1 in P. edulis, and the corresponding C: N, C: P and N: P were 26.80, 299.60 and 14.40, respectively. Soil C, N, and P content in 0-20 cm were 21.53 mg·g-1, 1.66 mg·g-1, 0.41 mg·g-1, with ratios of 14.20 for C:N, 66.74 for C:P and 4.28 for N:P. The C, N and P contents were 438.49 mg·g-1, 13.39 mg·g-1, 0.86 mg·g-1 for litterfall, with the litter C:N, C:P and N:P being 25.53, 665.67, 22.55, respectively. 2) In the plant-soil-litter system in P. edulis forest, leaf had higher C:N, litter had higher C:P and N:P, while soil were the lowest. The N, P resorption rate was 39.68% and 54.74%, indicating that P. edulis forest growth and development was constrained by P or by both of N and P in China. 3) N content and N:P in leaf showed a tendency to increase with latitude, while the C:N of leaf declined with latitude. N:P of leaf increased with longitude, but the P content and the C:N of leaf showed a opposite trend. C: N of soil increased with longitude, whereas the N content of soil declined longitude. The N content of litter declined with longitude. 4) The leaf N content was negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation, but being more sensitive to temperature than precipitation. The positive correlations between N content and latitude support “Temperature-Plant Physiological” hypothesis, reflecting an adaptive strategy to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

干旱是影响南方喀斯特地区植物生长的重要限制因子, 气候变化会影响该地区的降水量和分布格局。研究该地区土壤和植物化学计量特征及其水分响应格局, 具有重要意义。自2017年4月开始, 在云南建水喀斯特植物群落进行加水试验, 2018年4月(旱季)和8月(雨季)分别采集土壤和优势灌木鞍叶羊蹄甲(Bauhinia brachycarpa)和假虎刺(Carissa spinarum)叶片样品, 测定碳、氢、氮、磷、硫、钾、钙、镁、铝、钠、铁、锰、锌、铜14种元素含量。结果表明, 水分添加影响了表层土壤中碳、氮、钠的含量, 相比于旱季, 雨季土壤中钠和硫含量明显减少, 其余土壤元素在水分添加和季节变化下并未表现出明显差异。土壤水分含量的增加使得鞍叶羊蹄甲和假虎刺叶片中钾含量下降, 钙含量上升。在水分条件变化下, 两种植物叶元素含量的稳定性与植物中元素的含量有关, 含量越接近极大值(基本元素碳、氢、氮等)或极小值(微量元素铜、锌等)的元素其变异系数越小(越稳定), 两种植物中含量接近于1 mg·g-1的元素磷、硫、镁的变异系数最高。在土壤水分条件变化下, 假虎刺中碳、氮、磷等大量元素含量的稳定性显著高于鞍叶羊蹄甲。降水变化和水分添加导致的土壤水分变化, 对滇南喀斯特地区土壤和植物中不同元素含量的影响不同, 这些结果将为该地区的土壤、植被修复和管理提供科学参考。  相似文献   

N沉降对不同森林生态系统的影响是当今全球变化生态学研究的一个热点问题。山地湿性常绿阔叶林是我国西部高海拔地区重要的森林植被类型之一。该文以云南哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林为对象, 研究了其林下优势树种多花山矾(Symplocos ramosissima)和黄心树(Machilus gamblei)幼苗不同器官中C、N、P含量和生态化学计量特征及其对N沉降增加的响应。结果表明: 两种幼苗C、N、P含量的差异均达到了显著性水平(p < 0.05), 多花山矾的C含量较低, N和P含量较高。N处理对植物幼苗元素含量及其比值影响极显著(p < 0.01), 且与物种和器官之间存在显著的交互作用。N处理提高了幼苗体内N含量, 导致不同器官N:P值有不同程度的增加。随N处理水平的升高, 多花山矾幼苗P含量下降, 黄心树幼苗P含量整体升高, 幼苗间P含量差异减小。在一定范围内, 植物幼苗N含量与土壤无机N含量之间存在极显著的相关性(p < 0.01)。不同器官之间相比, 植物幼苗根和茎的N内稳性比叶片更高, 即植物叶片对N沉降的响应更为敏感。  相似文献   

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