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Mannose-6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) transport lysosomal hydrolases from the trans Golgi network (TGN) to endosomes. Recently, the multi-ligand receptor sortilin has also been implicated in this transport, but the transport carriers involved herein have not been identified. By quantitative immuno-electron microscopy, we localized endogenous sortilin of HepG2 cells predominantly to the TGN and endosomes. In the TGN, sortilin colocalized with MPRs in the same clathrin-coated vesicles. In endosomes, sortilin and MPRs concentrated in sorting nexin 1 (SNX1)-positive buds and vesicles. SNX1 depletion by small interfering RNA resulted in decreased pools of sortilin in the TGN and an increase in lysosomal degradation. These data indicate that sortilin and MPRs recycle to the TGN in SNX1-dependent carriers, which we named endosome-to-TGN transport carriers (ETCs). Notably, ETCs emerge from early endosomes (EE), lack recycling plasma membrane proteins and by three-dimensional electron tomography exhibit unique structural features. Hence, ETCs are distinct from hitherto described EE-derived membranes involved in recycling. Our data emphasize an important role of EEs in recycling to the TGN and indicate that different, specialized exit events occur on the same EE vacuole.  相似文献   

TIP47 (tail-interacting protein of 47 kDa) binds to the cytoplasmic domains of mannose 6-phosphate receptors and is required for their transport from endosomes to the trans- Golgi network in vitro and in living cells. TIP47 occurs in cytosol as an oligomer; it chromatographs with an apparent mass of ∼ 300 kDa and displays an S -value of ∼ 13. Recombinant TIP47 forms homo-oligomers that are likely to represent hexamers, as determined by chemical cross-linking. Removal of TIP47 residues 1–151 yields a protein that behaves as a monomer upon gel filtration, yet is fully capable of binding mannose 6-phosphate receptor cytoplasmic domains. The presence of an oligomerization domain in the N-terminus of TIP47 was confirmed by expression of N-terminal residues 1–133 or 1–257 in mammalian cells. Co-expression of full-length TIP47 with either of these fragments led to the formation of higher-order aggregates of wild-type TIP47. Furthermore, the N-terminal domains expressed alone also occurred as oligomers. These studies reveal an N-terminal oligomerization domain in TIP47, and show that oligomerization is not required for TIP47 recognition of mannose 6-phosphate receptors. However, oligomerization is required for TIP47 stimulation of mannose 6-phosphate receptor transport from endosomes to the trans- Golgi in vivo .  相似文献   

Sun G  Zhao H  Kalyanaraman B  Dahms NM 《Glycobiology》2005,15(11):1136-1149
The 46 kDa cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CD-MPR) plays an essential role in the biogenesis of lysosomes by diverting newly synthesized mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P)-containing lysosomal enzymes from the secretory pathway to acidified endosomes. Previous crystallographic studies of the CD-MPR have identified 11 amino acids within its carbohydrate binding pocket. These residues were evaluated quantitatively by assaying the binding affinity of mutant receptors containing a single amino acid substitution toward a lysosomal enzyme. The results show that substitution of Gln-66, Arg-111, Glu-133, or Tyr-143 results in a >800-fold decrease in affinity, demonstrating these four amino acids are essential for carbohydrate recognition by the CD-MPR. Solution binding and surface plasmon resonance analyses demonstrated that the presence of Mn2+ enhanced the affinity of the CD-MPR for a lysosomal enzyme by 2- to 4-fold and increased the stoichiometry of the interaction between a heterogeneous population of a lysosomal enzyme and the receptor by approximately 3-fold. In contrast, substitution of Asp-103 results in a protein that no longer exhibits enhanced binding affinities or altered stoichiometry in the presence of cations, and electron spin resonance demonstrated that the D103S mutant exhibits a 6-fold lower affinity for Mn2+ than the wild-type receptor (Kd = 3.7 6 1.4 mM versus 0.6 6 0.1 mM). Chemical cross-linking revealed that Mn2+ influences the stoichiometry of interaction between the CD-MPR and lysosomal enzymes by increasing the oligomeric state of the receptor from dimer to higher order oligomers. Taken together, these studies provide the molecular basis for high affinity carbohydrate recognition by the CD-MPR. Furthermore, Asp-103 has been identified as the key residue which mediates the effects of divalent cations on the binding properties of the CD-MPR.  相似文献   

Mannose 6-phosphate receptor deficient mice were generated by crossing mice carrying null alleles for Igf2 and the 300 kDa and 46 kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptors, Mpr300 and Mpr46. Pre- and perinatal lethality of mice nullizygous for Igf2, Mpr300 and Mpr46 was increased. Triple deficient mice surviving the first postnatal day had normal viability and developed a phenotype resembling human I-cell disease. The triple deficient mice were characterized by dwarfism, facial dysplasia, waddling gait, dysostosis multiplex, elevated lysosomal enzymes in serum and histological signs of lysosomal storage predominantly in fibroblasts, but also in parenchymal cells of brain and liver. A paternally inherited Mpr300 wild type allele that is normally inactive in mice due to imprinting was reactivated in some tissues of mice lacking IGF II and MPR 46 and carrying a maternal Mpr300 null allele. Inspite of the partial reactivation the phenotype of these mice was similar to that of triple deficient mice.  相似文献   

3-Methyladenine (3-MA), a well-known inhibitor of autophagic sequestration, can also prevent class III phosphatidylinositide (PI) 3-kinase activity, which is required for many processes in endosomal membrane trafficking. Although much is known about the effects of other PI 3-kinase inhibitors, such as wortmannin and LY294002, on endosomal membrane trafficking, little is known about those of 3-MA. Here we show that the treatment of cells with 3-MA results in a specific redistribution of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate/insulin-like growth factor II receptor (MPR300) from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to early/recycling endosomal compartments containing internalized transferrin. Importantly, in contrast to wortmannin and LY294002, 3-MA did not cause the enlargement of late endosomal/lysosomal compartments. The results suggest that the effect of 3-MA is restricted to the retrieval of MPR300 from early/recycling endosomes.  相似文献   

Acid sphingomyelinase (ASM), a member of the saposin-like protein (SAPLIP) family, is a lysosomal hydrolase that converts sphingomyelin to ceramide. Deficiency of ASM causes a variant form of Niemann-Pick disease. The mechanism of lysosomal targeting of ASM is poorly known. Previous studies suggest that ASM could use in part the mannose 6-phosphate receptor (M6P-Rc). Sortilin, a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that belongs to a novel family of receptor proteins, presents structural features of receptors involved in lysosomal targeting. In this study we examined the hypothesis that sortilin may be implicated in the trafficking of ASM to the lysosomes. Using a dominant-negative sortilin construct lacking the cytoplasmic tail, which is essential to recruit adaptor proteins and clathrin, we demonstrated that sortilin is also involved in the lysosomal targeting of ASM. Confocal microscopy revealed that truncated sortilin partially inhibited the lysosomal trafficking of ASM in COS-7 cells and abolished the lysosomal targeting of ASM in I-cells. Pulse-chase experiments corroborated that sortilin is involved in normal sorting of newly synthesized ASM. Furthermore, over-expression of truncated sortilin accelerated and enhanced the secretion of ASM from COS-7 cells and I-cells. Co-immunoprecipitation assays confirmed the interaction between sortilin and ASM. In conclusion, ASM uses sortilin as an alternative receptor to be targeted to the lysosomes.  相似文献   

The uncovering enzyme (UCE) removes N-acetylglucosamine from lysosomal enzymes to uncover the mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P) determinant necessary for targeting these enzymes to lysosomes. Failure to create the Man-6-P determinant is one cause of lysosomal storage diseases. Despite its medical importance, little structural information about UCE is available. In this report we have developed a model for the membrane proximal portion of the lumenal domain of UCE based on the structure of the EFG-3 and -4 domains of the extracellular segment of the beta chain of integrin V 3. In this model the EGF-like domains of UCE (residues 285–345) are predicted to form a rod-shaped stalk region, similar to the stem region in Golgi glycosyltransferases. This stalk causes the proposed catalytic domain (residues 1–277) to be extended away from the Golgi membrane. A portion of the proposed catalytic domain (residues 85-256) resides in Cluster of Orthologous Group (COG) 4632 with four bacterial proteins but is not homologous to any known eukaryotic proteins. Thus, UCE may have evolved from the fusion of a unique catalytic domain with a common EGF-like stalk domain. We have determined by mass spectrometry that the four disulfide bonds of the proposed catalytic domain are located between Cys2–Cys172, Cys66–Cys99, Cys83–Cys274, and Cys258–Cys265. Finally, we determined that four of the six potential N-linked glycosylation sites are glycosylated (Asn 159, Asn 165, Asn 247, and Asn 317) in COS cells. Published in 2005.  相似文献   

Chemotactic locomotion of fibroblasts requires extensive degradation of extracellular matrix components. The degradation is provided by a variety of proteases, including lysosomal enzymes. The process is regulated by cytokines. The present study shows that mannose 6-phosphate and insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) enhance fibroblast chemotaxis toward platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). It is suggested that lysosomal enzymes (bearing mannose 6-phosphate molecules) are involved in chemotactic activity of the cells. The suggestion is supported by the observation that a-mannosidase and cathepsin D inhibitor - pepstatin are very potent inhibitors of fibroblast chemotaxis. Simultaneously, mannose 6-phosphate stimulates extracellular collagen degradation. The final step in collagen degradation is catalyzed by the cytosolic enzyme - prolidase. It has been found that mannose 6-phosphate stimulates also fibroblast prolidase activity with a concomitant increase in lysosomal enzymes activity. The present study demonstrates that the prolidase activity in fibroblasts may reflect the chemotactic activity of the cells and suggests that the mechanism of cell locomotion may involve lysosomal enzyme targeting, probably through IGF-II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from molecular cloning, biochemical and immunological experiments has established that the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate (Man-6-P) receptor and insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) receptor are the same protein. Although the role of the IGF-II/Man-6-P receptor as a transporter of hydrolytic enzymes in the biogenesis of lysosomes is certain, elucidation of the receptor's structure has not yet provided major insights into the function of IGF-II binding. Mutually exclusive binding of IGF-II and naturally occurring phosphomannosyl ligands to distinct but proximal sites on the receptor suggests that the IGF-II/Man-6-P receptor cannot simultaneously fulfill the functional requirements of both IGF-II and lysosomal enzymes. Does the receptor transduce on intracellular signal in order to mediate the biological effects of IGF-II? If so, then the receptor must interact with an effector molecule, perhaps a G protein, in the mechanism of IGF-II action. Further information from ligand binding and especially mutagenesis experiments will be needed to elucidate the potentially multiple functions of the IGF-II/Man-6-P receptor.  相似文献   

Cationic amphiphilic drugs (CADs) cause massive intracellular accumulation of phospholipids, thereby resulting in phospholipidosis (PLD); however, the molecular mechanism underlying CAD-induced PLD remains to be resolved. Here, we found that treatment of normal rat kidney cells with CADs known to induce PLD caused redistribution of a mannose 6-phosphate/IGF-II receptor (MPR300) from the TGN to endosomes and concomitantly increased the secretion of lysosomal enzymes, resulting in a decline of intracellular lysosomal enzyme levels. These results enable the interpretation of why CADs cause excessive accumulation of undegraded substrates, including phospholipids in lysosomes, and led to the conclusion that the impaired MPR300-mediated sorting system of lysosomal enzymes reflects the general mechanism of CAD-induced PLD. In addition, our findings suggest that the measurement of lysosomal enzyme activity secreted into culture medium is useful as a rapid and convenient in vitro early screening system to predict drugs that can induce PLD.  相似文献   

The first indication that the insulin-like growth factor-II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor (IGF-II/M6PR) is developmentally regulated came from studies of the serum form of the receptor in the rat. By immunoblotting, the circulating form of the receptor, which was 10 kDa smaller than the tissue receptor, was high in 19 day fetal and 3, 10, and 20 day postnatal sera and then declined sharply. We next used quantitative immunoblotting to measure the total tissue IGF-II/M6PR in the rat. The receptor levels were high in fetal tissues and in most tissues declined dramatically in late gestation and/or in the early postnatal period. The rank order of receptor expression was heart > placenta > lung = intestine > muscle = kidney > liver > brain. In heart, the receptor was 1.7% of total protein in the extract. More recently, we have examined the expression of IGF-II/M6PR mRNA using Northern blotting and a solution hybridization/RNase protection assay. The rank order of receptor mRNA concentration among fetal tissues agreed with the rank order of receptor protein. The concentration of receptor mRNA was significantly lower in postnatal tissue than in fetal tissue. Thus IGF-II/M6PR mRNA concentration is an important determinant of receptor protein in most tissues. What is the function of the IGF-II/M6PR in embryonic and fetal tissues? The M6PR in birds and frogs does not bind IGF-II. It is intriguing that the rat IGF-II/M6PR is prominent during the embryonic and fetal periods, times at which the differences between mammals, on the one hand, and frogs and birds, on the other, are most striking. Tissue remodeling is an important feature of embryonic and fetal development. Therefore, the well-established lysosomal enzyme targeting function of the receptor may be of particular importance. Since IGF-II can inhibit the cellular uptake of lysosomal enzymes via the IGF-II/M6PR, IGF-II may modulate this lysosomal enzyme targeting function. In addition, the receptor can provide a degradative pathway for IGF-II by receptor-mediated internalization. Thus the receptor could provide a check on the high levels of IGF-II known to be present in the fetus. Finally, the IGF-II/M6PR could directly signal certain biologic responses to IGF-II. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The endocytic trafficking of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) involves multiple sorting steps. A cluster of acidic amino acids followed by a dileucine motif in the cytoplasmic tail has been proposed to mediate receptor sorting from the trans Golgi network (TGN) to late endosomes. Mutations in this motif impair lysosomal enzyme sorting by preventing association of CI-MPR with coat proteins. The role of the acidic cluster/dileucine motif in the post-endocytic transport of the receptor was examined using the CI-MPR mutants, AC01 and D160E (Chen HJ, Yuan J, Lobel P. J Biol Chem 1997;272:7003-7012). Following internalization, wild type (WT) CI-MPR is transported through sorting endosomes into the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC), after which it traffics to the TGN and other organelles. However, the mutants localize mostly to the ERC and only a small portion reaches the TGN, suggesting that the sorting of the CI-MPR mutants from the ERC into the TGN is severely impaired. We observed no defect in receptor internalization or in the rate of tail mutant recycling to the cell surface compared to the WT. These results demonstrate that the acidic cluster/dileucine motif of CI-MPR is critical for receptor sorting at early stages of intracellular transport following endocytosis.  相似文献   

The Mannose 6-phosphate receptor (MPR’s) proteins are important for transporting lysosomal enzymes from trans-golgi to the pre-lysosomal compartment. These are conserved in the vertebrates from fish to mammals. We have cloned the full length cDNA for the goat MPR 46 protein and compared its sequences to the other known vertebrate MPR 46 proteins. In the present study the full-length cDNA for the goat MPR 46 protein was expressed in MPR deficient cells. The expressed protein was purified on the multivalent phosphomannan gel in the presence of divalent metal ions. The apparent molecular mass of the expressed protein was found to be ∼46 kDa and also exhibits oligomeric nature as observed in the other species, by using an MSC1 antibody (that recognizes the MPR 46 from molluscs to mammals) as well as with a peptide specific antibody corresponding to amino acid residues (218–237) of the cytoplasmic tail of human MPR 46 protein. Furthermore the distribution of the expressed protein was visualized by immunofluorescence using MSC1 and LAMP1 antibody. Additionally in the goat MPR 46 expressing cells, the sorting function of the expressed protein to sort cathepsin D to lysosomes was studied by confocal microscopy using cathepsin D antiserum and LAMP1 antibody. The binding of goat MPR 46 to cathepsin D was shown in far Western blotting and the mannose 6-phosphate dependent binding was shown by co-immunoprecipitation.  相似文献   

Lysosomal membrane glycoprotein termed LGP85 or LIMP II extends a COOH-terminal cytoplasmic tail of R459GQGSMDEGTADERAPLIRT478, in which an L475 I476 sequence lies as a di-leucine-based motif for lysosomal targeting. In the present study, we explored the role of the I476 residue in the localization of LGP85 to the endocytic organelles using two substitution mutants called I476A and I476L in which alanine and leucine are replaced at I476, respectively, and I476R477T478-deleted LGP85 called Delta 476-478. Immunofluorescence analyses showed that I476A and I476L are largely colocalized in intracellular organelles with an endogenous late endosomal and lysosomal marker, LAMP-1, but there were some granules in which staining for the LGP85 mutants was prominent, while Delta 476-478 is detected in LAMP-1-positive and LAMP-1-negative intracellular organelles, and on the cell surface. The subcellular fractionation studies revealed that I476A, I476L, and Delta 476-478 are different from wild-type LGP85 in the distribution of early endosomes, late endosomes, and lysosomes. I476A and I476L are present more in late endosomes than in the densest lysosomes, whereas wild-type LGP85 is mainly lysosomal. Substitution of I476 for A and L differentially modified the ratios of late endosomal to lysosomal LGP85. A major portion of Delta 476-478 resided in the light buoyant density fraction containing plasma membrane and early endosomes. Taken together, these results indicate that the existence of the 476th amino acid residue is essential for localization of LGP85 to late endocytic compartments. The fact that isoleucine but not leucine is in the 476th position is especially of importance in the proper distribution of LGP85 in late endosomes and lysosomes.  相似文献   

Ligands of the IGF-II/mannose 6-phosphate receptor (IGF2R) include IGF-II and mannose 6-phosphate modified proteins. Disruption of the negative regulatory effects of IGF2R on IGF-II-induced growth can lead to embryonic lethality and cancer promotion. Of the 15 IGF2R extracellular domains, domains 1-3 and 11 are known to have a conserved beta-barrel structure similar to that of avidin and the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor, yet only domain 11 binds IGF-II with high specificity and affinity. In order to define the functional basis of this critical biological interaction, we performed alanine mutagenesis of structurally determined solvent-exposed loop residues of the IGF-II-binding site of human domain 11, expressed these mutant forms in Pichia pastoris, and determined binding kinetics with human IGF-II using isothermal calorimetry and surface plasmon resonance with transition state thermodynamics. Two hydrophobic residues in the CD loop (F1567 and I1572) were essential for binding, with a further non-hydrophobic residue (T1570) that slows the dissociation rate. Aside from alanine mutations of AB loop residues that decrease affinity by modifying dissociation rates (e.g. Y1542), a novel mutation (E1544A) of the AB loop enhanced affinity by threefold compared to wild-type. Conversion from an acidic to a basic residue at this site (E1544K) results in a sixfold enhancement of affinity via modification principally of the association rate, with enhanced salt-dependence, decreased entropic barrier and retained specificity. These data suggest that a functional hydrophobic binding site core is formed by I1572 and F1567 located in the CD loop, which initially anchors IGF-II. Within the AB loop, residues normally act to either stabilise or function as negative regulators of the interaction. These findings have implications for the molecular architecture and evolution of the domain 11 IGF-II-binding site, and the potential interactions with other domains of IGF2R.  相似文献   

The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs, Batten disease) are a group of inherited childhood-onset neurodegenerative disorders characterized by the lysosomal accumulation of undigested material within cells. To understand this dysfunction, we analysed trafficking of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR), which delivers the digestive enzymes to lysosomes. A common form of NCL is caused by mutations in CLN3, a multipass transmembrane protein of unknown function. We report that ablation of CLN3 causes accumulation of CI-MPR in the trans Golgi network, reflecting a 50% reduction in exit. This CI-MPR trafficking defect is accompanied by a fall in maturation and cellular activity of lysosomal cathepsins. CLN3 is therefore essential for trafficking along the route needed for delivery of lysosomal enzymes, and its loss thereby contributes to and may explain the lysosomal dysfunction underlying Batten disease.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin proteasome system is central to the regulation of a number of intracellular sorting pathways in mammalian cells including quality control at the endoplasmic reticulum and the internalization and endosomal sorting of cell surface receptors. Here we describe that RNF126, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, is involved in the sorting of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR). In cells transiently depleted of RNF126, the CI-MPR is dispersed into Rab4 positive endosomes and the efficiency of retrograde sorting is delayed. Furthermore, the stable knockdown of RNF126 leads to the lysosomal degradation of CI-MPR and missorting of cathepsin D. RNF126 specifically regulates the sorting of the CI-MPR as other cargo that follow the retrograde sorting route including the cholera toxin, furin and TGN38 are unaffected in the absence of RNF126. Lastly we show that the RING finger domain of RNF126 is required to rescue the decrease in CI-MPR levels, suggesting that the ubiquitin ligase activity of RNF126 is required for CI-MPR sorting. Together, our data indicate that the ubiquitin ligase RNF126 has a role in the retrograde sorting of the CI-MPR  相似文献   

The mechanism of transport of membrane proteins from the trans-Golgi to the cell surface is still poorly understood. Previous studies suggested that basolateral membrane proteins, such as the transferrin receptor and the asialoglycoprotein receptor H1, take an indirect route to the plasma membrane via an intracellular, most likely endosomal intermediate. To define this compartment we developed a biochemical assay based on the very definition of endosomes. The assay is based on internalizing anti-H1 antibodies via the endocytic cycle of the receptor itself. Internalized antibody formed immune complexes with newly synthesized H1, which had been pulse-labeled with [(35)S]sulfate and chased out of the trans-Golgi for a period of time that was insufficient for H1 to reach the surface. Hence, antibody capture occurred intracellularly. Double-immunofluorescence labeling demonstrated that antibody-containing compartments also contained transferrin and thus corresponded to early and recycling endosomes. The results therefore demonstrate an intracellular intersection of the exocytic and endocytic pathways with implications for basolateral sorting.  相似文献   

Suzanne R. Pfeffer 《FEBS letters》2009,583(23):3811-913
Proteins use multiple routes for transport from endosomes to the Golgi complex. Shiga and cholera toxins and TGN38/46 are routed from early and recycling endosomes, while mannose 6-phosphate receptors are routed from late endosomes. The identification of distinct molecular requirements for each of these pathways makes it clear that mammalian cells have evolved more complex targeting mechanisms and routes than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

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